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6 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

I wouldn't try putting the knowledge into action if you ever visit Scotland. It may cause a diplomatic incident involving hospital treatment. ?

Thinking about that... Yeah no, I like my Teeth where they are right now.. ?

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4 hours ago, Gukahn said:

No just larvae. Believe the most exotic they would try are grasshoppers. Always wanted to know how they taste since I saw someone grilling them ? 

I think to remember a Co Worker of mine once said Frogs taste a little bit like Chicken. Don't believe him tho. "Everything exotic  tastes like Chicken"


Maybe that coworker is a really big chicken fan, who knows. Probably even plays Skyrim on the down low too, you never know lol.


4 hours ago, Gukahn said:

See? When I have a Co Worker i can't stand anymore, I can just go to the other Side of the Field and Work there. Or "forget" them and drive to the next Garden ?

Sitting all Day can't be good for your Back either, so I believe most things I do a at least a little bit better for my physical Health . Having Stress at work is normal for me depending on the Season, but most Customers can wait a while till we have Time. Some of the more demanding Ones can be talked to pretty easy when you tell them "Something Something, Latin Word, not the Season for that" ?

And Since i am not in customer Service, I can be a little bit harsher when talking to the worst kind and get away with it.

Something someone working a Desk Job and has to have a good relationship with the People can't do.


Oh dude customer care work is so exhausting, thank goodness i never had to deal with that shit since customers aren't supposed to talk to the accounting guy but i know someone from college who went to work in customer care and she would tell me all kinds of shit about how weird and creepy a lot of the calls can get. And you have to do that for hours every day, that has to be rough on the mind. You ever call into a customer care line and you can just hear the jadedness from whoever is receiving your calls? Yeah they were probably dealing with some dipshit just a few calls before, it really sucks the joy out of you.


I can personally deal with coworkers just fine but like i said before, a few wrong people bunched up in a department is all it takes to sour the dynamic. There's also no shortage of people that get weirdly competitive even if they have no reason to be, you know the ones who are obsessed with getting ahead everywhere and think everything in life is a friggin race? Those people are just painful to deal with. I once had to confront a guy straight up like "tf are you getting so hyped up for? We're all here to make money calm you fucking dick dude get outta my face" because he wouldn't stop giving me attitude and act hyper competitive lol.

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12 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Maybe that coworker is a really big chicken fan, who knows. Probably even plays Skyrim on the down low too, you never know lol.

The thought is funny, but i doubt it. As far as I know he never cared much about Computer and Internet unless it was Youtube and Streaming Sites ?

But maybe he just trying to hide it :classic_ph34r: And he secretly made a Mod... I Hope if tho he is the one who made this Ulfric Ballsackshild 've seen a while back.


13 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Yeah they were probably dealing with some dipshit just a few calls before, it really sucks the joy out of you.

I believe that. There are a very few cases were I saw what my supervisor had to deal with when talking with one of the more demanding Customers. Note that he is the definition of a Nice Guy, and sometimes seems to be not really fit for his position but he try's . 10 Minutes and I saw the anger he had to suppress. I had a few confrontations with him when we were renovated a Kindergartens Playground, I know how he is before he explodes (it's rather mild and he don't put up much of a verbal fight if confronted, but still, when this Guy explodes, it tells you how hard to deal the other person is..) So I'm glad i don't have to do those things. I lack the patients he has.


19 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I can personally deal with coworkers just fine but like i said before, a few wrong people bunched up in a department is all it takes to sour the dynamic. There's also no shortage of people that get weirdly competitive even if they have no reason to be, you know the ones who are obsessed with getting ahead everywhere and think everything in life is a friggin race? Those people are just painful to deal with. I once had to confront a guy straight up like "tf are you getting so hyped up for? We're all here to make money calm you fucking dick dude get outta my face" because he wouldn't stop giving me attitude and act hyper competitive lol.

Oh we had 2 of those last Year and i worked with them.. I got the Team leader position for them and it was.. Not really funny to deal with those Characters. To make matters even harder was, that they couldn't get the results you would think they would after hearing them talking. One of them even thought he were the best thing since sliced bread and couldn't build a single Sidewalk without fucking it up, still thought the best of himself. was a nightmare, the only time I ever stood nose to nose with someone from work since starting to work for that company. I mean, I had my fair share of hard arguments and even a drunken brawl in the past but never directly at work hours. At least not this bad ? Guy only settled down after he saw i would not flinch. I think he really had something going wrong with his ego. the other one was similar, only that he really couldn't get anything done without me standing near. Lazy fuck thought he would work for 2, didn't even worked half as much as the Rest we had..

And then there was the nicest Guy in the world who just was.. Slow. So slow that you could cry but still too nice to say harsh words of motivation to him.  I am not the best of the world and don't think too highly of myself but damn.. Some people are just impossible   to be real ? Were the F did they get that kind of ego with nothing to show off..



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37 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

The thought is funny, but i doubt it. As far as I know he never cared much about Computer and Internet unless it was Youtube and Streaming Sites ?

But maybe he just trying to hide it :classic_ph34r: And he secretly made a Mod... I Hope if tho he is the one who made this Ulfric Ballsackshild 've seen a while back.


That's a very... interesting name for a mod. I mean that would explain the chicken comment earlier but hey, all kinds of people are hiding their power levels.


42 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

I know how he is before he explodes (it's rather mild and he don't put up much of a verbal fight if confronted, but still, when this Guy explodes, it tells you how hard to deal the other person is..) So I'm glad i don't have to do those things. I lack the patients he has.


Yeah that kind of stuff can break even the nicest of people. Everybody has a limit and call center work pushes your limit every single day. It's ruthless out there, even if the customer is a complete dumbass you still have to talk to them nicely if you work at a call center. I can't imagine what it would be like if i had to do that for years, i've lost my temper during financial consultancy work a fair amount of times and i felt thankful every time that i could just do that and not worry about losing my job or whatever.


50 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Oh we had 2 of those last Year and i worked with them.. I got the Team leader position for them and it was.. Not really funny to deal with those Characters. To make matters even harder was, that they couldn't get the results you would think they would after hearing them talking. One of them even thought he were the best thing since sliced bread and couldn't build a single Sidewalk without fucking it up, still thought the best of himself. was a nightmare, the only time I ever stood nose to nose with someone from work since starting to work for that company. I mean, I had my fair share of hard arguments and even a drunken brawl in the past but never directly at work hours. At least not this bad ? Guy only settled down after he saw i would not flinch. I think he really had something going wrong with his ego. the other one was similar, only that he really couldn't get anything done without me standing near. Lazy fuck thought he would work for 2, didn't even worked half as much as the Rest we had..

And then there was the nicest Guy in the world who just was.. Slow. So slow that you could cry but still too nice to say harsh words of motivation to him.  I am not the best of the world and don't think too highly of myself but damn.. Some people are just impossible   to be real ? Were the F did they get that kind of ego with nothing to show off..


Holy shit those types are simply the worst. They severely overestimate their own capabilities and do nothing but incessantly ramble about how everyone else needs to improve things. I had to deal with a person like that who would literally take credit for things he had someone else do for him. In the beginning i was much more amicable so i used to help out people with their work, even give them hints here and there but when people try to make you do most of their work for them and then act like they did it on their own it's really infuriating. And it's always those stuck up job hoppers who have no real commitment to learning anything, just looking for the next gig for easy money.


I also have no clue where they get so much ego. Is it because they weren't told no enough times in life? Pure narcissism? A mix of both? Who knows, they're all annoying just the same lol. Now i can just do most of my work from the comfort of my home while blasting Avenged Sevenfold in the background so i feel extra thankful that i don't have to deal with that shit every day.

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On 8/22/2022 at 2:21 PM, Gukahn said:

Thanks ?  Learned a lot after changing most things I enjoy watching and reading to it. Learned to appreciate the original dialogues way more then most translated ones.

About the Words yeah, think of the Word Gay for example. It never was meant to describe homosexuality. The way i read it was a Word for being Happy first until it became the short definition of a sexuality.

This is what happened:

Gay man: I'm feeling quite gay today.

Gay man's friend: How so?

Gay man: My wife left me.

Gay man's friend: That is terrible news. Why did she leave you?

Gay man: She saw me sleeping with a man.

Gay man's friend: Why were you sleeping with a man?

Gay man: He gives good cuddles.

Gay man's friend: What about your wife.

Gay man: She is a bitch and a liar! She claims to be sleeping at her friend's house but I've seen how those women look at each other.

Gay man's friend: You two need counseling bad.

Gay man: Why? I am perfectly gay as is.


Fun fact: The cohabitation of two wealthy women, independent of financial support from a man was historically in the late 19th/early 20th century known as a Boston marriage and as you can imagine some of them get super gay.

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17 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

That's a very... interesting name for a mod. I mean that would explain the chicken comment earlier but hey, all kinds of people are hiding their power levels.





17 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Yeah that kind of stuff can break even the nicest of people. Everybody has a limit and call center work pushes your limit every single day. It's ruthless out there, even if the customer is a complete dumbass you still have to talk to them nicely if you work at a call center. I can't imagine what it would be like if i had to do that for years, i've lost my temper during financial consultancy work a fair amount of times and i felt thankful every time that i could just do that and not worry about losing my job or whatever.

Same. I would've to have a really bad mistake to get fired over talking roughly with a customer. My boss would probably even understand why. I mean I work for him for 5 Years now, we understand each other to some degree and he knows I wouldn't rude to someone If they don't deserve it. Of course with exceptions.. We do have some pretty important Customers for us. So I still have to stay in Line when it comes to those. But that's normal


17 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Holy shit those types are simply the worst. They severely overestimate their own capabilities and do nothing but incessantly ramble about how everyone else needs to improve things. I had to deal with a person like that who would literally take credit for things he had someone else do for him. In the beginning i was much more amicable so i used to help out people with their work, even give them hints here and there but when people try to make you do most of their work for them and then act like they did it on their own it's really infuriating. And it's always those stuck up job hoppers who have no real commitment to learning anything, just looking for the next gig for easy money.

God yes. Best is when they are confronted with something they can't do no matter how hard they try and you have to come to the rescue. They will never admit they wouldn't be able to solve their Problem without you. Or the best line "We did great today." Eheh.. Dumbass you did nothing but wasting my Time ?

Can't count the number of Things I had to do because they were either too lazy and said something like "Uhh I am so tired, I am not strong enough to carry that" and stuff.. Dude, he literally dragged an empty sack all the way to the car while I and another one carried our Tools.. I don't call someone a Sissy normally but damn he was the King of them.


17 hours ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I also have no clue where they get so much ego. Is it because they weren't told no enough times in life? Pure narcissism? A mix of both?

Probably. Never got told they should start putting effort into something or they worked a while pretty decent and good, got complimented for it and then started to slack off. There are People like that you should never compliment or they will start thinking the world of themselves and won't put any kind of effort into things anymore.


9 hours ago, Darkpig said:

Gay man: Why? I am perfectly gay as is.


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2 hours ago, Gukahn said:


I can't tell if that's cursed or blessed XDDDDD

It does have insane tactical advantage in a fight i think, the enemies will be too stunned from seeing you wield a big ass shield with a giant ballsack painted on it and a penis sword lmao.


2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Same. I would've to have a really bad mistake to get fired over talking roughly with a customer. My boss would probably even understand why. I mean I work for him for 5 Years now, we understand each other to some degree and he knows I wouldn't rude to someone If they don't deserve it. Of course with exceptions.. We do have some pretty important Customers for us. So I still have to stay in Line when it comes to those. But that's normal


Yeah that's understandable. It's good that you and your boss get along the way i get along with my employer, that kind connection is infinitely harder to make in a corporate office environment, everybody's too busy and everything is too hectic there. If you screw up there you don't even get to explain yourself properly, it goes straight to "you're fired" and that's it, unless you have some really good friends over at HR who can back you up a little.


2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

God yes. Best is when they are confronted with something they can't do no matter how hard they try and you have to come to the rescue. They will never admit they wouldn't be able to solve their Problem without you. Or the best line "We did great today." Eheh.. Dumbass you did nothing but wasting my Time ?

Can't count the number of Things I had to do because they were either too lazy and said something like "Uhh I am so tired, I am not strong enough to carry that" and stuff.. Dude, he literally dragged an empty sack all the way to the car while I and another one carried our Tools.. I don't call someone a Sissy normally but damn he was the King of them.


So true lol. Especially the "we did great today" thing, they were the type of kids in school that did nothing during group projects but then bragged about how good they are at the subject. Like, it's one thing to not know something but how you gonna go on and claim credit for things you didn't do? That's just downright disrespectful. The lazy ones also fall under the ego umbrella i think, they expect to not do as much work while also complain about the little work they do put in. And if it's a strength problem i'd just tell them to pick a field that doesn't require physical labor that much, because otherwise they'd just waste everybody's time with the lack of productivity.


2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Probably. Never got told they should start putting effort into something or they worked a while pretty decent and good, got complimented for it and then started to slack off. There are People like that you should never compliment or they will start thinking the world of themselves and won't put any kind of effort into things anymore.


Oh yeah totally. Without the right emotional balance people's successes can easily get to their heads. This happens to some old people or the "smart kid" types that were always among the best in their immediate circle and thought they're actually good, until they stepped into a new environment where everyone is much better. The tricky part of compliments is that it can really help people with low confidence in themselves but also inflate someone's ego, a lot of times you have to rely on gut feeling about who you should and shouldn't compliment.

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11 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

I'd have gone for the Americanism 'gross' rather than the German 'grosse'. ?

I'm not that good at word play ?

. We would rather say "Gigantische Hoden" or "vollumniöser Sack" to make it a bit more silly. Roughly translates to "Gigantic testicles" and voluminous Sack


Ulfrics Ballsack tho... just thinking about someone actually wearing that in Battle, Enemys would either flee in fear or die of laughter ?

(or get jealous..)

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1 minute ago, Mr. Otaku said:

I can't tell if that's cursed or blessed XDDDDD

It does have insane tactical advantage in a fight i think, the enemies will be too stunned from seeing you wield a big ass shield with a giant ballsack painted on it and a penis sword lmao.

It's blessed with the power of Ulfrics Balls ? Man didn't need Shouts to start and no army to win this war. He just could've dropped his Pants and everyone would acknowledge his Claim. 


3 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Yeah that's understandable. It's good that you and your boss get along the way i get along with my employer, that kind connection is infinitely harder to make in a corporate office environment, everybody's too busy and everything is too hectic there. If you screw up there you don't even get to explain yourself properly, it goes straight to "you're fired" and that's it, unless you have some really good friends over at HR who can back you up a little.

Sounds more like punishment then work to me. But people are getting worse and worse in many Fields, even in Mine I notice they are getting more and more distant. We got bigger a few Years ago and got a second CEO (Do you call it that if it's not an office you're managing?) Who sees us more as Numbers then People. He and the Other one who started his Carrier as a Plumber and worked himself up to this Position don't get along very well because of that. The one who knows what it feels like working outside and appreciates physical labor because he did it in the past, and the one who only knows the office. Not hard to imagine that some of us often got to an argument with him, especially when it comes to work Hours. Idiot even started to use some of those tracking Apps and put our Workplan in it. He thought it would make us work more efficent, only thing it did was taking away our flexibility. When I've got one Hour left to do some work in the past, I would drive to a smaller Property finish the Work there and do the big one I normally had for the day on the Next, now we have to drive to exactly the one they put in our plan and either do an Extra Hour or only half the Work we would do normally. In german we call that Fachidiot. "Professional Idiot"  ?


13 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

So true lol. Especially the "we did great today" thing, they were the type of kids in school that did nothing during group projects but then bragged about how good they are at the subject. Like, it's one thing to not know something but how you gonna go on and claim credit for things you didn't do? That's just downright disrespectful. The lazy ones also fall under the ego umbrella i think, they expect to not do as much work while also complain about the little work they do put in. And if it's a strength problem i'd just tell them to pick a field that doesn't require physical labor that much, because otherwise they'd just waste everybody's time with the lack of productivity.



Yeah. Better claiming they did the hardest Part and still keep saying it even when confronted. Good thing we could rough them up in my youth. Helped keeping their Ego in Check ?

And it's not even a matter of Strength or physical fitness. Dude did plenty of sports, proudly presented his athletic Figure to everyone who didn't asked for it ? 

I always remember the first thing that Asshole asked me Every Day, I mean it Every single fucking day, was when we go off work.. After the work is done or 8 Hours work, maybe 9 if you're slow. you stupid fucking Idiot. Same answer I gave you Yesterday and if you ask me one more time, we do 12.

(I loved being in command sometimes.. Mostly i hated it tho.)


18 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Oh yeah totally. Without the right emotional balance people's successes can easily get to their heads. This happens to some old people or the "smart kid" types that were always among the best in their immediate circle and thought they're actually good, until they stepped into a new environment where everyone is much better. The tricky part of compliments is that it can really help people with low confidence in themselves but also inflate someone's ego, a lot of times you have to rely on gut feeling about who you should and shouldn't compliment.


Yeah I stopped giving people compliments rather early because of that. Only ever did or do it nowadays when I wanna get laid or really cheering up somebody who needs it. Good thing is most of my co workers have a healthy attitude and don't really need to be cheered up that often and their private lives are no concern of mine expect maybe one or two of them



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8 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Let's just say we are both talking bollocks and leave it at that. ?

agreed :)


9 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Worst job in Skyrim: Ulfric's shield-bearer. ?


I'm fairly certain the worst Job is done by the poor Lad who has to "polish" it :classic_angel:


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38 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

It's blessed with the power of Ulfrics Balls ? Man didn't need Shouts to start and no army to win this war. He just could've dropped his Pants and everyone would acknowledge his Claim.


Ulfric didn't even think of the practical applications. If he had done that Elisif wouldn't give a single shit about what happened to her husband lmao.


38 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Sounds more like punishment then work to me. But people are getting worse and worse in many Fields, even in Mine I notice they are getting more and more distant. We got bigger a few Years ago and got a second CEO (Do you call it that if it's not an office you're managing?) Who sees us more as Numbers then People. He and the Other one who started his Carrier as a Plumber and worked himself up to this Position don't get along very well because of that. The one who knows what it feels like working outside and appreciates physical labor because he did it in the past, and the one who only knows the office. Not hard to imagine that some of us often got to an argument with him, especially when it comes to work Hours. Idiot even started to use some of those tracking Apps and put our Workplan in it. He thought it would make us work more efficent, only thing it did was taking away our flexibility. When I've got one Hour left to do some work in the past, I would drive to a smaller Property finish the Work there and do the big one I normally had for the day on the Next, now we have to drive to exactly the one they put in our plan and either do an Extra Hour or only half the Work we would do normally. In german we call that Fachidiot. "Professional Idiot"  ?


Oh dude that is so stupid lmao. (It is a CEO if the they're registered as a company with a board of directors) But man that's exactly the type of corporate rigidity that ruins so many businesses. My employer refers to them as "educated fools" and that's 100% right. People often ask why big billion dollar companies with tons of "experts" make such out of touch terrible decisions so frequently but when you get some experience with that kind of environment you realize, most of them are just fools who look at everything like it's a graph. When you try to min/max literally everything you get a giant bucket of horseshit.


38 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Yeah. Better claiming they did the hardest Part and still keep saying it even when confronted. Good thing we could rough them up in my youth. Helped keeping their Ego in Check ?

And it's not even a matter of Strength or physical fitness. Dude did plenty of sports, proudly presented his athletic Figure to everyone who didn't asked for it ? 

I always remember the first thing that Asshole asked me Every Day, I mean it Every single fucking day, was when we go off work.. After the work is done or 8 Hours work, maybe 9 if you're slow. you stupid fucking Idiot. Same answer I gave you Yesterday and if you ask me one more time, we do 12.

(I loved being in command sometimes.. Mostly i hated it tho.)


Ah well, roughing up someone in a corporate situation just translates to instant career death, always been that way in white collar environments. But still, the urge to wreck somebody up can get ignited. At my old job there were some guys like that who not only weren't good at what they were doing but also had super smug attitudes, luckily they were in a different department. They would constantly act passive aggressive and belittle to people and do it especially hard against someone who clearly didn't take shit from them which means i was a big target.


They'd constantly brag about their degrees and say shit like "well for now i have to stick to this job even though my talents are being underutilized here, among you guys" in the most snarky tone while looking at me, and the whole time i'm just gritting my teeth thinking "i could literally break the two of you with my bare hands for even looking at me funny but this office protects you" lol. The effort i had to put into restraining myself physically exhausted me, it was awful.


38 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Yeah I stopped giving people compliments rather early because of that. Only ever did or do it nowadays when I wanna get laid or really cheering up somebody who needs it. Good thing is most of my co workers have a healthy attitude and don't really need to be cheered up that often and their private lives are no concern of mine expect maybe one or two of them


That's fair. I guess i just like to observe people and see if they could really use a positive push to help them get in track. So if i know someone's a good person i'll just casually say some nice things about them and make them feel appreciated but i don't push it any further. It's all a balancing act, you wanna be nice but not Nice™ you know?


Side note, i also read a fair bit of your Skyrim comics, they're really good.

Edited by Mr. Otaku
Ninja Edit
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18 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Ulfric didn't even think of the practical applications. If he had done that Elisif wouldn't give a single shit about what happened to her husband lmao.

The funny thing is. Elisif the fairly stupid would be the first Person to bend her knee if the Empire wouldn't simp for her (or better, wanting to use that stupid piece of shit to control the Country) and happily suck his Ulfdick to life another Day ?

Note to myself, make Elisif suck ulfrics Dick someday


21 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Oh dude that is so stupid lmao. (It is a CEO if the they're registered as a company with a board of directors) But man that's exactly the type of corporate rigidity that ruins so many businesses. My employer refers to them as "educated fools" and that's 100% right. People often ask why big billion dollar companies with tons of "experts" make such out of touch terrible decisions so frequently but when you get some experience with that kind of environment you realize, most of them are just fools who look at everything like it's a graph. When you try to min/max literally everything you get a giant bucket of horseshit.


Thanks for the Info ?

Yep exactly that. Out of touch, not able to work with people anymore and sticking to numbers that don't mean anything. If i were to tell him I need 3 Hours for a specific  Garden, he thinks I will always need 3 Hours for that. No matter the Season we are in. Dude, really. Same Garden doesn't even need an Hour once the Fall comes. Only Time he recognizes a difference in our Work is during the Winter.  ? And we already have many Things in this stupid App that don't make any fucking sense. "You have 3 Hours here." Great, I only need One during Summer.  "You have one Hour here." Super.. But I need 3 ? " then you hear "You don't have to keep the Time." one Week and get questions why you don't keep it in the next ? 

Swear to you, If i wouldn't get along so well with the Other Guy,  I would've stopped working with this Idiot. and everyone knows if i don't get the Numbers I want next Month, I will look for another job for the next year ? Which I highly doubt he can afford.. Idiot isn't able to find new and good personal since he started to work here but got this Position soon after he got hired.. Failing upwards. Thought only Politicians could do that Trick


29 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Ah well, roughing up someone in a corporate situation just translates to instant career death, always been that way in white collar environments. But still, the urge to wreck somebody up can get ignited. At my old job there were some guys like that who not only weren't good at what they were doing but also had super smug attitudes, luckily they were in a different department. They would constantly act passive aggressive and belittle to people and do it especially hard against someone who clearly didn't take shit from them which means i was a big target.

Meant during our Schooldays, not now.. Getting into a physical fight at Work is stupid, even if you would just looove to punch someones Face. Gods know I wish I could do that sometimes..

Especially since everybody started to become so extreme sensitive about everything. I can't take a grown man or women serious if they tell me I can't speak to them like how I do.. Come on, we're working physical. Every freaking construction worker in this Country talks rougher then me. That's just how it is. Be a pussy somewhere else ?

Folks wouldn't had survived my mandatory Military service nor the company I did my apprenticeship


34 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

They'd constantly brag about their degrees and say shit like "well for now i have to stick to this job even though my talents are being underutilized here, among you guys" in the most snarky tone while looking at me, and the whole time i'm just gritting my teeth thinking "i could literally break the two of you with my bare hands for even looking at me funny but this office protects you" lol. The effort i had to put into restraining myself physically exhausted me, it was awful.

Sounds like the kind of people who really need a reality Check.. And at the end of the day, they are the ones slaving away in this Job till retirement

Once had a Guy who worked with us while having something like a small Casting Agency for Actors. You know, the Kind who does all the Minor Roles in TV. Thought the world of himself, never heard anything about the People he "managed" if he even did that and not just robbed them of the little Money they had. I Couldn't stand that Guy, even exploded really bad once because of him. (I was roughly... 23? He over 40. I think it was the first Time in my Life I screamed a Guy double my Age to the ground.. Worst part? Stupid shit just kept smiling.)

Next Day I found out he was friends with my Boss at that Time. At least I knew then why he was smiling ?


39 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

That's fair. I guess i just like to observe people and see if they could really use a positive push to help them get in track. So if i know someone's a good person i'll just casually say some nice things about them and make them feel appreciated but i don't push it any further. It's all a balancing act, you wanna be nice but not Nice™ you know?

Sure and that's really Nice of you to do.  ^^ I am not the best talker nor am I really empathetic. The few People I try to cheer up at rare Times appreciated it at least. Most of all one of our Collage, who's almost 30 ? Girl needs some nice Words from Time to Time. Bad thing is only that every freaking Collage of ours ship us since is started working here ?


46 minutes ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Side note, i also read a fair bit of your Skyrim comics, they're really good.

Thank you ? very much appreciated. I like doing them. Helps me blowing off some stress and keeps myself entertained ^^



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3 hours ago, Gukahn said:

I'm not that good at word play ?

. We would rather say "Gigantische Hoden" or "vollumniöser Sack" to make it a bit more silly. Roughly translates to "Gigantic testicles" and voluminous Sack


Ulfrics Ballsack tho... just thinking about someone actually wearing that in Battle, Enemys would either flee in fear or die of laughter ?

(or get jealous..)


3 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

I'd have gone for the Americanism 'gross' rather than the German 'grosse'. ?



I thought the German word was:



Edited by steelpanther24
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15 hours ago, Gukahn said:

The funny thing is. Elisif the fairly stupid would be the first Person to bend her knee if the Empire wouldn't simp for her (or better, wanting to use that stupid piece of shit to control the Country) and happily suck his Ulfdick to life another Day ?

Note to myself, make Elisif suck ulfrics Dick someday


The story generally implies that Elisif is really not prepared for ruling positions and it makes sense too, she was the wife of a ruler (who was also allegedly not very competent) so she's probably just a royalty that married into the queen position so all of a sudden trying to rule Skyrim as the High Queen would be a really daunting task, i doubt many other people would do much better anyway.

But yeah i'd love to see a Ulfric x Elisif comic from you someday. That would be hot XD


15 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Thanks for the Info ?

Yep exactly that. Out of touch, not able to work with people anymore and sticking to numbers that don't mean anything. If i were to tell him I need 3 Hours for a specific  Garden, he thinks I will always need 3 Hours for that. No matter the Season we are in. Dude, really. Same Garden doesn't even need an Hour once the Fall comes. Only Time he recognizes a difference in our Work is during the Winter.  ? And we already have many Things in this stupid App that don't make any fucking sense. "You have 3 Hours here." Great, I only need One during Summer.  "You have one Hour here." Super.. But I need 3 ? " then you hear "You don't have to keep the Time." one Week and get questions why you don't keep it in the next ? 

Swear to you, If i wouldn't get along so well with the Other Guy,  I would've stopped working with this Idiot. and everyone knows if i don't get the Numbers I want next Month, I will look for another job for the next year ? Which I highly doubt he can afford.. Idiot isn't able to find new and good personal since he started to work here but got this Position soon after he got hired.. Failing upwards. Thought only Politicians could do that Trick


There's another problem with the approach methods of idiots like that which is more visible in purely office settings with no physical labor positions. It's incredibly stupid yet funny that i have to explain this lol, here's how it goes:


-Guy A works in Dept. X and Guy B works at Dept Y. Both departments require different scheduling and different tasksets.

-Guy A can finish Dept. X task in 1 hour and Guy B needs 3 hours to finish Dept. Y task.

-Guy A finishes his task and has 2 hours free while Guy B is still doing his task at the other department. This is to be excepted because the tasks and scheduling are different.

-But the new Bossman over here thinks Guy B is not as productive as Guy A because on paper Guy A finished his tasks earlier.

-He sends Guy A to work on Dept Y and use his 2 remaining free hours on the task Guy B was doing because he thinks Guy A can do it faster even though he can't.

-He sends Guy B to work on something else which he isn't super experienced with so ends up taking more time there anyway while Guy A is struggling with Dept Y task because he also doesn't have extensive experience there.

-This means both Guy A and Guy B are being underutilized over the span of a month and all of a sudden they're both losing "office points", Guy B especially.

-At the end Bossman uses that excuse to not allow either of them to advance their careers in that immediate workplace so they either end up leaving or stay there making the same wages for years.


You see what's going on here? Systematically cultivating an environment of unproductivity and career stagnations. This is a very real scenario that many private office jobs suffer from. It's absolutely horrible, and with the bloated economy it means people have to run 3 gigs at the same time to afford a small rented apartment here in the big cities so nobody has time or opportunity to save up and make incremental upgrades to their lives.


This is what "Rich getting richer and poor getting poorer" looks like in practice. Politicians are to blame for sure but the whole system is geared towards maximizing profits at the expense of long term productivity and socioeconomic welfare.


15 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Meant during our Schooldays, not now.. Getting into a physical fight at Work is stupid, even if you would just looove to punch someones Face. Gods know I wish I could do that sometimes..

Especially since everybody started to become so extreme sensitive about everything. I can't take a grown man or women serious if they tell me I can't speak to them like how I do.. Come on, we're working physical. Every freaking construction worker in this Country talks rougher then me. That's just how it is. Be a pussy somewhere else ?

Folks wouldn't had survived my mandatory Military service nor the company I did my apprenticeship


Yep. I think a lot of people mistake rough talk with disrespect. It's a common problem that upper class people have had since the start of civilization itself. I can alternate between talking very bourgeoisie and talking very "street" depending on the situation but i still maintain a bit of firmness to my speech at any given time which means i've been called crass several times. My dad was in the military until i was 4 years old so i guess i picked up some of his mannerisms, definitely stand out like a thumb sometimes next to the typical rich kids here XD


15 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Sounds like the kind of people who really need a reality Check.. And at the end of the day, they are the ones slaving away in this Job till retirement

Once had a Guy who worked with us while having something like a small Casting Agency for Actors. You know, the Kind who does all the Minor Roles in TV. Thought the world of himself, never heard anything about the People he "managed" if he even did that and not just robbed them of the little Money they had. I Couldn't stand that Guy, even exploded really bad once because of him. (I was roughly... 23? He over 40. I think it was the first Time in my Life I screamed a Guy double my Age to the ground.. Worst part? Stupid shit just kept smiling.)

Next Day I found out he was friends with my Boss at that Time. At least I knew then why he was smiling ?


That guy was probably a little unhinged then lmao. Like bruh how you gonna smile when someone's screaming at you and laying you ass to the ground? Had a few screws loose up there for sure.


15 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Sure and that's really Nice of you to do.  ^^ I am not the best talker nor am I really empathetic. The few People I try to cheer up at rare Times appreciated it at least. Most of all one of our Collage, who's almost 30 ? Girl needs some nice Words from Time to Time. Bad thing is only that every freaking Collage of ours ship us since is started working here ?


Lmao people start shipping very quickly, it's a common thing. But yeah i get what you mean, i'm good with words and know how to talk well in person so i like to put that to use. (I used to be in debate class so i also sharpened my quick comeback and rhetorical skills over time). But funny enough i wasn't actually very good with girls when i was in my mid-teens, i was kinda awkward and bumbled around a lot XD it wasn't until my late teens that i started getting better.

15 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Thank you ? very much appreciated. I like doing them. Helps me blowing off some stress and keeps myself entertained ^^


Yep i get it, i also do that stuff on the side so i get what you mean (Not Skyrim though, i don't know how to do any of the things you do to get those shots so just resort to drawing my porn instead and it pays kinda well too XD)

I'll be a greedy bastard and use this chance to ask if you can teach me how to do that lol. I wanna be able to pose my NPCs and create scenes like you do :') No pressure though, you're not required to accept.

Edited by Mr. Otaku
"Do you know the definition of a typo?" -Crazy Man With A Mohawk
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