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On 10/22/2020 at 4:45 AM, Darkpig said:

You said what was on my mind. All news is fake news therefore it is all conspiracy theories. Kendo 2 posted his conspiracy so I posted mine.

I do think the term fake news gets thrown around a tad bit too lightly, but there's some merit to that statement, I think. I wouldn't call it fake but rather biased. You can make a solid factual statement that is 100% correct and still distort reality and influence how others think about the issues you report on. Let's say, for example, you're a teacher and are responsible for two kids. Both of them are little shits that annoy you to no end, but in your reports and grading you ONLY mention how kid 1 is a lost cause. You don't explicitly state that kid 2 is any better, you simply don't mention kid 2 because for whatever reason, you favor kid 2 and dislike kid 1. Technically, you're speaking the truth and not lying, however your selection of facts distorts the reality of the situation, that both kids are more or less equally bad.


CNN and FOX for example are not the fake news central, your opinion most of the time being decided on which side of the partisan playground you find yourself in. They do occasionally fail fact checks and FOX does so more often than CNN but not by a huge amount. The Post Millenial is a right-wing news outlet but more accurate than both FOX and CNN, while the World Socialist Web Site, as the name implies, is a far-left outlet that is also more accurate than the mainstream ones. You're better off looking for the sources that are mentioned in the news and read for yourself nowadays. It doesn't matter where it comes from, blind trust is as dangerous as blind mistrust i.e. regarding anything as trust- or untrustworthy based on your personal preconceived notions. Because that way you're building a bubble and companies love nothing more than serving said bubbles to milk the customers.

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5 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

I do think the term fake news gets thrown around a tad bit too lightly, but there's some merit to that statement, I think. I wouldn't call it fake but rather biased. You can make a solid factual statement that is 100% correct and still distort reality and influence how others think about the issues you report on. Let's say, for example, you're a teacher and are responsible for two kids. Both of them are little shits that annoy you to no end, but in your reports and grading you ONLY mention how kid 1 is a lost cause. You don't explicitly state that kid 2 is any better, you simply don't mention kid 2 because for whatever reason, you favor kid 2 and dislike kid 1. Technically, you're speaking the truth and not lying, however your selection of facts distorts the reality of the situation, that both kids are more or less equally bad.


CNN and FOX for example are not the fake news central, your opinion most of the time being decided on which side of the partisan playground you find yourself in. They do occasionally fail fact checks and FOX does so more often than CNN but not by a huge amount. The Post Millenial is a right-wing news outlet but more accurate than both FOX and CNN, while the World Socialist Web Site, as the name implies, is a far-left outlet that is also more accurate than the mainstream ones. You're better off looking for the sources that are mentioned in the news and read for yourself nowadays. It doesn't matter where it comes from, blind trust is as dangerous as blind mistrust i.e. regarding anything as trust- or untrustworthy based on your personal pre-conceived notions. Because that way you're building a bubble and companies love nothing more than serving said bubbles to milk the customers.

Hmm... there is truth to what you say. There is a lot of cherry picking and errors in that order when it comes to news.


One bad person makes everybody of a certain group bad. That is the environment and has been for the last 6 million years. Basically there are two or more sides to the same story but I did call it fake news didn't I? Then again saying two sides of the same story doesn't really slip off the tongue as easily. Then again is it real news? *que evil laugh*


P.S. I wanted to do a bad cheery on a plate of ice cream metaphor but people hate that so I didn't but I did.

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3 hours ago, Alkpaz said:


I'm not well versed in economics... but I heard that Netflix lost like 2 million subscribers. I understand they need to increase earnings for this quarter, but doesn't raising costs (even by a little) just increase the hemorrhaging of viewership? Seems like a desperate move, and it could seriously end Netflix.

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The Fed protection on gray wolves has been lifted.  'Environmentalist' are outraged.


Not-so-fun fact: Environmentalist are the ones who prompted the importation of Mackenzie wolves from Canada.  Instead of using native wolf populations they replaced them with a wolf almost twice the size that eats everything, including foxes, coyotes and (wait for it) smaller wolf species.  The Mackenzie wolves placed in Yellowstone became such a problem that the U.S Parks Service shot them all so native animals could rebound from the over-predation from these giant wolves.


I've seen plenty of wolves in my day and they don't get much bigger than a male German Shepard.  They eat varmints, weak deer and elk, etc,  Mackenzie wolves are the size of Great Danes and not only do they eat varmints and so on, they can also bring down a full grown bison bull.  They aren't native animals and the environments they were introduced to can't support them.  Nothing wrong with wolves; everything wrong with bureaucrats and hack environmentalists.  They could have taken timber wolves from Wisconsin and Minnesota and introduced them to the Northwest...but they didn't.

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14 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

The Fed protection on gray wolves has been lifted.  'Environmentalist' are outraged.


Not-so-fun fact: Environmentalist are the ones who prompted the importation of Mackenzie wolves from Canada.  Instead of using native wolf populations they replaced them with a wolf almost twice the size that eats everything, including foxes, coyotes and (wait for it) smaller wolf species.  The Mackenzie wolves placed in Yellowstone became such a problem that the U.S Parks Service shot them all so native animals could rebound from the over-predation from these giant wolves.


I've seen plenty of wolves in my day and they don't get much bigger than a male German Shepard.  They eat varmints, weak deer and elk, etc,  Mackenzie wolves are the size of Great Danes and not only do they eat varmints and so on, they can also bring down a full grown bison bull.  They aren't native animals and the environments they were introduced to can't support them.  Nothing wrong with wolves; everything wrong with bureaucrats and hack environmentalists.  They could have taken timber wolves from Wisconsin and Minnesota and introduced them to the Northwest...but they didn't.

Surprisingly, many so called "wildlife environmentalists" are woefully ignorant of actual wildlife.  I've seen this in the numerous states I've lived in throughout the US.  Your story is just one of many unfortunately.  Sadly the very wildlife that they claim to want to save end up suffering.  There is nothing you can do to head it off.  Reason and logic go right past them.  Which leaves you to say "I told you so" after catastrophic loss of life happens.  The worst part is no one seems to be able to stop themselves from repeating the same exact behavior in short order.  I guess that saying that you "hurt those most that you love" is pretty damn accurate.  ?

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Same thing happened on the East Coast back in the 70's with white-tailed deer.  People cried about hunting being 'mean' so a few states stopped issuing  deer tags.  Shooting them became a crime.  10 yrs later the deer population had exploded to the point where inbred pattern-morph piebald deer started showing up along with chronic wasting disease (zombie deer).  The piebald deer were localized to East Coast but because of human meddling the recessive gene occurrence jumped from 2% to 10%.  Normal deer are stupid; piebald deer are downright retarded.  Chronic wasting disease spread from the East Coast and now every deer population from Texas to North Dakota has infected animals.



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Yea, they severely restricted deer hunting about 20 years ago in Wisconsin.  They didn't realize that the deer didn't have any real natural predators left and the end result after 3 years was population explosion so bad that deer were actually starving due to death in the winter as all the food was gone.  Lots of "I told you so's" were handed out and bing, bang, boom, hunting was allowed to thin the herd back to normal levels.  While their hearts were in the right place I'm sure, they needed to listen to a little bit of logic and facts.  There needs to be balance in everything.  Too much of anything is bad.  Except strippers.  You can never haven enough of them.  ?

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50 minutes ago, gregathit said:

Yea, they severely restricted deer hunting about 20 years ago in Wisconsin.  They didn't realize that the deer didn't have any real natural predators left and the end result after 3 years was population explosion so bad that deer were actually starving due to death in the winter as all the food was gone.  Lots of "I told you so's" were handed out and bing, bang, boom, hunting was allowed to thin the herd back to normal levels.  While their hearts were in the right place I'm sure, they needed to listen to a little bit of logic and facts.  There needs to be balance in everything.  Too much of anything is bad.  Except strippers.  You can never haven enough of them.  ?

Yeah my brother is an avid hunter and even he tells me, "its not just me and Roy doing it for kicks; every buck/doe we bag gets tagged and categorized by the Department of Game & Fish eventually and seeing a lot of the wolf packs have all but been eliminated WE have to fill in that roll because we were to stupid back in the 60s through the 80s to know that the wolves kept the pop in check.  Without them, those animals starve to death.  Not to say we don't look forward to deer hunting every season; venison is actually better for making jerky than domestic cows anyways." ?


As a result I always look forward to hunting season with my brothers in mind.  Yummy ?

As for strippers; YES..you can never have enough of those  ?

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5 hours ago, legendarytoyou said:

Yeah my brother is an avid hunter and even he tells me, "its not just me and Roy doing it for kicks; every buck/doe we bag gets tagged and categorized by the Department of Game & Fish eventually and seeing a lot of the wolf packs have all but been eliminated WE have to fill in that roll because we were to stupid back in the 60s through the 80s to know that the wolves kept the pop in check.  Without them, those animals starve to death.  Not to say we don't look forward to deer hunting every season; venison is actually better for making jerky than domestic cows anyways." ?


Not to mention the diseases deer carry, and the fact that they are vicous little shits. 

Edit: Didn't read above people mentioning diseases ?

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