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Ough...thanks. wish it could be dissabled. Also that blue pink grip isnt authentic in the mediveal settings.


About disabling. When DD is skipped it uses Zaz?


and if mod is basicaly skipped and skyrim enslaved, are all things like the arena visitable and will skipping the quests reduce script pressure on the game?

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Hello, if the author ever reads this i would like to make a few suggestions, for starters i would like, as a slaver, to have more dialogue options for enslavement, when you talk to female NPCs in Whiterun about slavery(which i love BTW, probably my favorite quest, i wish there was one in every city) some will express thoughts which could be construed as secret excitement at the prospect, and some will even express eagerness to become a slave, i would like to see that reflected in actual enslavement, what i propose are 3 additional dialogue options leading to enslavement: Submissive, reluctant and eager. Submissive option would become available if the girl responds submissively to you reminding her of the laws, it would take shape similar to that of female PC enslavement, with the player saying they changed their mind and decided to enslave the NPC. Other two options would be accessed trough dialogue where you would ask a female NPC how they feel about being enslaved, they could respond negatively(i would hate it), reluctantly(i would love, um, i mean hate to be enslaved, all those men having their way with me, putting devices on me... sorry what were we talking about), or eagerly(oh master i would love to be a sex slave, i can't stop thinking about it). If you got either a reluctant or eager response you could then proceed to enslave the NPC.


Other then that i would like to have an option to keep non companion NPCs i enslave, i am currently using Display Model mod for that but would love to have those options within Slaverun, i would also love to be able to make my slaves wear devices of my choice and have an option(with amputator) to amputate slave limbs via dialogue with Farengar.

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On 8/4/2019 at 3:39 AM, hththt666777 said:

Is this tried and tesetd? 

Would this by chance work with hydra SG too? 

Would totoaly enjoy expanding ot to new land mods like bruma or hammerfell borders


about the mod itselfi think about just activating slavery everywhere and skip as i get stuck movements and bugged npc AI.

also dont care so much about the run here run there but then again might be missing goddies later on.

It seems to be rather script intensive




edit i checked the json config and not sure what to add and where. Like adding nothing to the given locations but adding only new ones underneath with the same [ ] symbol structure?


Yes, you add the additional locations under the existing ones following the same formatting. here's an example of what I have done with Windhelm:


        "windhelmlocations" : 
            "Eastmarch Imperial Camp",

            "Hlaalu Farm",
            "Braidwood Inn",
            "Hollyfrost Farm",
            "Windhelm Docks",
            "Darkwater Crossing",
            "Brandy-Mug Farm"


What this does is it triggers the enforcer to run in the listed areas after Windhelm has enacted slavery, but not before. You can add any location and time it to trigger when you want it to be triggered by where you place it on this location tree.

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So say my character just bolts and runs away from major cities. If my character can just run away without any repercussions, doesn't that kinda defeat the whole point of slavery? Sanguines Debauchery gets around this with shock collars, old Oblivion mods got around this with invisible leashes. What's this mod enforcing to keep your player from just running away? Also why add slave tats on being enslaved instead of just letting Branding Device of doom do it as a first quest/preparation?

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I have a question, hope you can help me.


I'm with playing a free PC, whiterun has been enslaved and just got a message saying riverwood has also been enlaved and to go to eslavemaster pike for more info. but when I talk to him he just gives me 2 dialogs, one to do 3 jobs and the other to complain about enslavement, mungus have already appeared but there is no new dialog option


so far I have about 12 jobs done in total from the 3 options pike gives me, serve the guards, feed the vampire and serve a random npc, I thing it has to do whit the number of jobs but I can't find nothing in the topic, sorry if I missed something.


thanks in advance

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On 8/10/2019 at 5:13 PM, Chroom22 said:

So say my character just bolts and runs away from major cities. If my character can just run away without any repercussions, doesn't that kinda defeat the whole point of slavery? Sanguines Debauchery gets around this with shock collars, old Oblivion mods got around this with invisible leashes. What's this mod enforcing to keep your player from just running away? Also why add slave tats on being enslaved instead of just letting Branding Device of doom do it as a first quest/preparation?

If you are a slave and don't check-in (if enabled in the MCM) with BabyBel within the time set in the MCM, a bounty-slaver will be sent to retrieve you.

At the Whiterun gate when first being enslaved, BabyBel (or is it Murphy?) will put tats on you.  I understand that later in the story, the branding device will be used by Pike.  I don't use the branding device, but this is what I've read elsewhere.

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18 hours ago, rare5678 said:

I have a question, hope you can help me.


I'm with playing a free PC, whiterun has been enslaved and just got a message saying riverwood has also been enlaved and to go to eslavemaster pike for more info. but when I talk to him he just gives me 2 dialogs, one to do 3 jobs and the other to complain about enslavement, mungus have already appeared but there is no new dialog option


so far I have about 12 jobs done in total from the 3 options pike gives me, serve the guards, feed the vampire and serve a random npc, I thing it has to do whit the number of jobs but I can't find nothing in the topic, sorry if I missed something.


thanks in advance

Every time I've played I've run across new stuff, however, this is one area that seems consistent for me.  As a free PC, you will later be offered other types of work to do for Pike.  The one I most remember is building the Colosseum.  There isn't any reason (of which I'm aware) to do the crap jobs for Pike and Mundus ... unless, of course, you like that sort of thing.  :)    I don't, but the world would be really, really dull if we all did things my way.


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26 minutes ago, tinkerbelle said:

If you are a slave and don't check-in (if enabled in the MCM) with BabyBel within the time set in the MCM, a bounty-slaver will be sent to retrieve you.

Yea that's the thing. I haven't come across one. Do they actively look for you? I'm staying at a camp near no cities to see if this is the case and it's been a few days now and I set the days you need to report to daily.

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On 8/13/2019 at 10:10 AM, Chroom22 said:

Yea that's the thing. I haven't come across one. Do they actively look for you? I'm staying at a camp near no cities to see if this is the case and it's been a few days now and I set the days you need to report to daily.

Welllll, unfortunately Skyrim can handle only so much and Slaverun is fairly computer challenging, So it could be lag or similar.  But just to be certain, check in the Slaverun MCM that the bounty hunters are enabled.  Check in the MCM how many days are allowed for reporting.

The one time bounty hunters came after me (oddly it was after I had freed Skyrim and I had reporting to baby-bel set to off), Frick and Frack (maybe it was Bobo and Baba?  Something like that, the two wolf skin hat guys who stay at the far end of the Slaverun dungeon.) came after me.  I fast moved with the map once and they just veered in my direction.  I could watch them getting closer with time.  I took them out as Slaverun was a dead issue because I had freed everyone (I think I had to clear their essential status), but that didn't clear the bounty.  I had the reporting time set to maximum (I think that was 28 days).  I can't recall the exact number, but I think I had -35 days to report.  LOL  I was obviously past due for reporting which wasn't even valid.


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1 hour ago, Thornagar said:

anyone know if slaverun is still getting developed?



The developer has been online semi-regularly but hasn't posted in about a year. The mod has not been updated since and there was no warning of inactivity. If anyone who knows him personally is here and withholding information, they haven't said anything. Public consensus is that Slaverun is on an unofficial indefinite hiatus, unless it turns out that he's been secretly working on a super amazing updated godversion and has sworn radio silence until it's ready for release. Here's hoping.

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8 minutes ago, Sam0016 said:


The developer has been online semi-regularly but hasn't posted in about a year. The mod has not been updated since and there was no warning of inactivity. If anyone who knows him personally is here and withholding information, they haven't said anything. Public consensus is that Slaverun is on an unofficial indefinite hiatus, unless it turns out that he's been secretly working on a super amazing updated godversion and has sworn radio silence until it's ready for release. Here's hoping.

While I don't claim to know Kenjoku personally this has been his style since he's put Slaverun up. He normally will not be heard from until he does have an update. There will be no warnings or teasers. He will simply upload a new version, stay on the thread long enough to assure himself that there are no major glitches that he's overlooked and then "go offline" until he's ready to load again. That being said, I can certainly give no guarantee that he has not abandoned the mod although he was last on LL on July 14.

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1 hour ago, Psalam said:

While I don't claim to know Kenjoku personally this has been his style since he's put Slaverun up. He normally will not be heard from until he does have an update. There will be no warnings or teasers. He will simply upload a new version, stay on the thread long enough to assure himself that there are no major glitches that he's overlooked and then "go offline" until he's ready to load again. That being said, I can certainly give no guarantee that he has not abandoned the mod although he was last on LL on July 14.

I think he is waiting for the new ZAZ Animations Pack to be released so he can add some fresh stuff

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On 8/13/2019 at 9:48 AM, tinkerbelle said:

Every time I've played I've run across new stuff, however, this is one area that seems consistent for me.  As a free PC, you will later be offered other types of work to do for Pike.  The one I most remember is building the Colosseum.  There isn't any reason (of which I'm aware) to do the crap jobs for Pike and Mundus ... unless, of course, you like that sort of thing.  :)    I don't, but the world would be really, really dull if we all did things my way.


You can build the colosseum as a free woman? How different is that from being a slaver and building it? Do you know about when it starts?

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18 hours ago, Gels said:

You can build the colosseum as a free woman? How different is that from being a slaver and building it? Do you know about when it starts?

I don't recall the exact time it started.   Because I had to ask pike for jobs in order to see the quest, it might have been available before I saw it.  I think about 50% to 67% of Skyrim had been enslaved at that point.  It's possible that instead of counting enslaved cities, it was dependent on a free person's defiance-subservient level.  I had been playing around with the defiance-subservient level.


However, since I believe it is tied to the number of enslaved cities for a slave player character, I would imagine it's the same for slavers or free-women.


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12 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

I don't recall the exact time it started.   Because I had to ask pike for jobs in order to see the quest, it might have been available before I saw it.  I think about 50% to 67% of Skyrim had been enslaved at that point.  It's possible that instead of counting enslaved cities, it was dependent on a free person's defiance-subservient level.  I had been playing around with the defiance-subservient level.


However, since I believe it is tied to the number of enslaved cities for a slave player character, I would imagine it's the same for slavers or free-women.


I ran it. It plays out the exact same as a female slaver.

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1 hour ago, calsimp said:

When I use this mod, I’m playing as a male, I get treated like a female by enforcers and made to follow slave rules, is this normal?

Check your settings in Sexlab, you may have set Sexlab to treat you as female and Slaverun is honoring that setting.  If that is the case then what does "player.getissex male" typed into the console return?

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