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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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10 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

Okay, comedy that lazy might actually piss me off (it could just be a hairball. Who knows anymore?) so I'm tempted to just re-post that link as a demonstration of what really pisses me off, putting exactly as much effort into it that the writer of that 'joke' did.

Then again, thanks to the magic of reply quotes, I already did that automatically.

By virtue of making a reference, any replying commenter on any site is qualified to write on a Fox animated sitcom. It could be the way that their animated sitcoms are written these days, considering how disjointed their plotting is.

I get ya. I'm like hahaha! This is so stupid. Hahaha!

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9 hours ago, endgameaddic†ion said:


This is truly disgusting and sets me on fire.

Again, these kinds of videos make me question a great many things.   The follow up video to this (posted 22 hours ago) does feature a judge ordering the records sealed and all videos to be taken down to preserve a jury pool.   Again, using zoom for confidential court proceedings is not smart at all, so the fact that the second video is now on YT increases the number of questions.   If the YT poster is arrested for violating the court order, that would be something, but there is so little information available to the general public (for very good reasons), I don't think people should grab the torches and pitchforks just yet.    Just have them handy.

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On 9/1/2020 at 6:17 PM, gregathit said:

Notice we have never had a shut down for HIV (or any STD's).  We never had a national panic.  STD's kill more people every year than covid.  Did we have a sex ban?  LOL!  Instead, we tried to educate people so they could make good decisions and hopefully avoid getting or passing it on.


Only 9k actually died only from covid alone.

All others had an average of 2.6 comorbidities and the vast majority were elderly.  Most of these comorbitdities were pre-existing before getting covid.  So the getting covid and then "getting something else that kills you narrative" is just not true for the vast majority of people.  The data is pretty hard to argue with.

Based on that, for everyone under 50, and zero comorbidities, we should be allowed to get back to work and play as normal.  We identify and protect those who are vulnerable and go on with life.


In the end, this all comes down to getting the correct data to folks in a way they can understand it and do a risk assessment.  Then they can decide how they want to act.  There is a chance every day that you get killed if you get out of bed.  For most folks, that risk is so low that they do not fear to get out of bed.  This is what I have been campaigning for.  Give us the honest truth and let the people decide if they want to go to church, school, work, the gym, concerts, sporting events and so on.

STDs are, by their very definition, not airborne threats. If they were, they wouldn't be called S(exually)T(ransmitted)D(iseases). However, this wasn't my point. It's just very peculiar when people suddenly get really technical about very specific things, like how COVID-19 isn't so dangerous because of all the people who died, only 6% died just because of the virus and nothing else. And that's what I take issue with and where my comparison with HIV came from because exactly 0% die from HIV alone yet nobody would dare call HIV harmless. One should also note that obesity is very common in the US and obesity is one of the big risk factors.


Whether a lockdown was a good idea or not is something only time will tell, however most countries issued some sort of lockdown all across the globe to slow the spread. Appealing to common sense almost seems like a joke when people completely sperg out over wearing a mask while people in Japan for example have been doing that for ages just to be considerate of the people around them.

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8 minutes ago, HUNK RE2 said:

mask it or casket it

I guess that Chris Cuomo and Nancy Pelosi are casket escapees then. Well, okay, a case could be made for the later. Wait. Were you relaying one of Cuomo's wanna-be Mafioso threats? Why worry about a respiratory illness when he could just choke you to death if you bring up his flouting the rules that he expects the servant class to follow to his face?

If not, it might be more accurate to add conditionals to that statement such as "If you are over the age of 70, are Diabetic, afflicted with Cancer or have a severely compromised immune system, there is a decent chance that, if you do not mask it, you will end up in a casket sooner rather than later."


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11 minutes ago, Tyrant99 said:

Left and right is a too simplistic way to look at politics.

Not only is it too simplistic, it is a bit disheartening to see those who call out hypocrisy on one side of the so-called political spectrum completely turn a blind eye to the same from their tribe.

All of this nonsense with the Blue Team not wearing masks in public after trying to push for a mask mandate for the small folks is like a much worse version of Christian Ministers condemning homosexuality while having gay trysts on the side yet it is not being called out with the same vigor as those loud mouths with idle hands. At least they didn't carry any real legal authority.

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16 hours ago, RitualClarity said:

What's the difference.... I am not trying to be cute or start an argument but I have heard both interchanged often.

Liberals are the "live and let live" people.

Leftist are the "live like i want you too or you will be made to live like i want you to do by the big government" people.

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9 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

STDs are, by their very definition, not airborne threats. If they were, they wouldn't be called S(exually)T(ransmitted)D(iseases). However, this wasn't my point. It's just very peculiar when people suddenly get really technical about very specific things, like how COVID-19 isn't so dangerous because of all the people who died, only 6% died just because of the virus and nothing else. And that's what I take issue with and where my comparison with HIV came from because exactly 0% die from HIV alone yet nobody would dare call HIV harmless. One should also note that obesity is very common in the US and obesity is one of the big risk factors.


Whether a lockdown was a good idea or not is something only time will tell, however most countries issued some sort of lockdown all across the globe to slow the spread. Appealing to common sense almost seems like a joke when people completely sperg out over wearing a mask while people in Japan for example have been doing that for ages just to be considerate of the people around them.

Common sense is exactly the point I was trying to make.  If we don't take ANY action about things that directly lead to death then how in the world can anyone justify the reaction to wuflue?  Now I get it, we were in the dark at the beginning, but there is no excuse for that now.  Nor is there any excuse for cooking the data, as it appears that many have done.  We know exactly who it affects and we can protect those individuals and let the rest of us go back to our lives.  Yet parts of the US are still closed if you can believe it.  Where is the science to back up the closure?  There isn't any and they ban you from social platforms if you question it.  Ridiculous.


I have no problem with masks (and I'd venture to say most of the US population is in agreement) IF there is science to back it up.  Go back to the 70's and you'll find studies that clearly state masks do not serve as protection from things that small.  More studies are being done and they are not coming out with data any different.  Most are saying that masks "may help" prevent mass spreading of the wuflue from those who are sick but do nothing for preventing you from getting sick.  "May" is not a scientific measurement.  May is an opinion.  So where is the common sense?  As for Japan doing shit.......you don't want to go there.  I can ask all sorts of questions about why the Japanese do crazy shit that the rest of the world just shakes their head at.  Many others (china and India) wear masks for environmental reasons.  If I came into contact with the elderly or sick, I would be happy to wear a mask just to error on the side of caution.  However, I'm not going to wear a mask riding my bike or motorcycle because some politician wants power over me (especially when they won't follow their own direction).  Not going to happen.  Deal with it.

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20 hours ago, RitualClarity said:

What's the difference.... I am not trying to be cute or start an argument but I have heard both interchanged often.

I think the best way I've heard it described is they are capitalists and are moderates.  Here is a vid breaking things down:




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Some member of this family has absconded with my car, asking me for it while I was in bed, and before I realized I needed the thing, she was off with it and I was back asleep.

Of course, I had plans. Like doing that thing I was gonna do today because I couldn't do it yesterday due to not having my car then either.

It's my fucking car. How is this even happening to me.

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On 8/27/2020 at 9:37 PM, Mr.Otaku said:

instinctively i feel the need to at least inform them that they're walking a very slippery path and unless they're built for it they'll spiral out of control.

Appreciate it.  I really do.  Unfortunately, for me, it's been a long path, based on years of bad experiences, failures, and generally finding out that much of what I was taught was "the way things are" and "the right way to do things" was a flat out lie.  Not just in the 'interaction with the opposite sex' area, either. I'm talking all-around, the whole damn thing seems to be built on a rotten foundation. 

Don't get me totally wrong, I still believe that watching out for others is a worthwhile endeavor, but I've finally figured out that "watching out for others" does not mean putting others' first to the point where they run me the fuck over.  Nope.  I'm done with that shit.  No more Mr. Doormat.  I'll make sure I'm good first, then I'll help others; assuming that they're halfway decent to me, of course.  If they're not?  Fuck 'em.  Basic courtesy and "respect" (that's not the word I'm looking for, but it's as close as I can get) goes a LONG way in this world, and that has been forgotten by a vast number of people today, regardless of viewpoint on - pick a topic, any topic.



New people.  Not just any new people, mind you, but new people who absolutely REFUSE to ask questions of those who DO know what they're doing when said new people don't know what they're doing.  Not only does it piss me off, but it can, and has, caused damage in the past.  Fuck your fragile little pathetic excuse for an ego. If you don't know, ASK!

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8 hours ago, DoctaSax said:

It's my fucking car. How is this even happening to me.

One of the things that gets me is the customers who ask to borrow tools.  No, you may not borrow tools!  That's my livelihood you have there.  You want tools, I'll give you a list of hardware stores.  Your experience illustrates the why.  It's not about being an ass, it's about the fact that they're my fucking tools!


Even worse is when they finally finish farting around attempting something they aren't even remotely capable of and then take the job to someone else instead of having us do the work.  AFTER asking to borrow my tools!  They better not ever ask me what I think they should do with that, because they're going to get a very rude response.

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1 hour ago, AKM said:

I still believe that watching out for others is a worthwhile endeavor, but I've finally figured out that "watching out for others" does not mean putting others' first to the point where they run me the fuck over.  Nope.  I'm done with that shit.  No more Mr. Doormat.  I'll make sure I'm good first, then I'll help others; assuming that they're halfway decent to me, of course.  If they're not?  Fuck 'em.  Basic courtesy and "respect" (that's not the word I'm looking for, but it's as close as I can get) goes a LONG way in this world, and that has been forgotten by a vast number of people today, regardless of viewpoint on - pick a topic, any topic.

Yes absolutely. How can you even begin to help others if you're not good yourself first? Like you said, society doesn't always tell/teach us practical things and in many cases they turn out to be lies. Being kind and being naive are far apart. Never be a doormat, you'll only become a giant target to malicious people. That's never an ideal place to be at. Don't respect people that directly disrespect you, and respect those that directly respect you. If someone's judging you then judge them, if they're not then don't. This is what i came to accept as my "moral principle" and it works so very well.


I guess i should be thankful that i have such wonderful and understanding parents who helped me grow and learn the best way and get a head start in life early on.

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Another shipping rant. ?


Shipping company's tracking shows my package will arrive in my country on a certain day, arrives sooner and I have to scramble to clear customs on time.

Customs responds as slow as possible in every step.

Finally pay import tax and get package cleared. Same day delivery, yay! WRONG!

Call delivery service number next morning, get told no idea when it will get loaded onto the truck. 5 minutes later almost missed the call where they magically know exactly when it will arrive same day. Almost as if my call made a difference...


Waiting for next package to rinse & repeat.

P.S. Paid for express delivery, 5 work days later not shipped yet. ?

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1 hour ago, Mr.Otaku said:

I guess i should be thankful that i have such wonderful and understanding parents who helped me grow and learn the best way and get a head start in life early on.

Everyone that has that should deeply appreciate it because there are a lot of people that don't/didn't. It may seem easy for people to point to absent or bad parents for their disadvantages in life, but unfortunately it is also a painful truth. I grew up seeing examples of "good" families or one's that worked anyway and felt very envious because I inevitably always had to return to my personal hell. Me, I sit in a corner in my room trying desperately to shut out another argument in the next room while completely ignoring the imaginary monster in the closet because my monsters are real. Probably why nothing in life surprises me either- at least no measure of human cruelty/depravity.

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1 hour ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Everyone that has that should deeply appreciate it because there are a lot of people that don't/didn't. It may seem easy for people to point to absent or bad parents for their disadvantages in life, but unfortunately it is also a painful truth. I grew up seeing examples of "good" families or one's that worked anyway and felt very envious because I inevitably always had to return to my personal hell. You're excepted for awhile as a guest among the more sympathetic, but you are always kept at arms length and told to leave as soon as you become a "problem" no matter how well intentioned or behaved you may be. They want to keep that shit as far from them and theirs as possible. Sissy goes slummin for a few, she doesn't bring them back home to contaminate anything because that is dangerous. Me, I sit in a corner in my room trying desperately to shut out another argument in the other room while completely ignoring the imaginary monster in the closet because my monster is real.

It truly is unfortunate how so many people live through such hardships for no reason other than being in the wrong place and time. I wish things were different, wish i could so something. But in a way i'm glad that i don't take life and love for granted when it was so easy for me to go down that path (i actually did 2 years ago, had a nasty mental crash). But since my parents had to deal with a lot of bullshit growing up they knew the value of being well off and happiness, which is what they hammered into my brain from early on.

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37 minutes ago, Mr.Otaku said:

It truly is unfortunate how so many people live through such hardships for no reason other than being in the wrong place and time. I wish things were different, wish i could so something. But in a way i'm glad that i don't take life and love for granted when it was so easy for me to go down that path (i actually did 2 years ago, had a nasty mental crash). But since my parents had to deal with a lot of bullshit growing up they knew the value of being well off and happiness, which is why they hammered into my brain from early on.

You know......this reminds me of what one of the real problems in our societies is- and that's class discrimination. As I have said, I really think race discrimination was starting to disappear, but I don't think class discrimination was ever addressed beyond a certain point. For instance, you can have distinct classes even among people of the same race in modern societies. I've been ostracized many more times in life because of my background (what's your family name kind of thing) than I ever was because of my race. And it was a painful realization that really no matter how hard I might try- I could never change that about myself in their eyes. Sure you can work to improve your standing in society, but there will always be those parts that are barred to you simply because you never belonged. Never experienced that from anyone but whites btw- which is strange now that I think about it.


I think I can certainly see the need, however, in that people feel they should insulate themselves to protect their way of life. Just doesn't feel good (or fair) being on the outside of the fence. If I was filthy rich, let's say, I like to think I wouldn't do that. Reality is that I might put up the biggest fences of them all. Hard to know.

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23 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

You know......this reminds me of what one of the real problems in our societies is- and that's class discrimination. As I have said, I really think race discrimination was starting to disappear, but I don't think class discrimination was ever addressed beyond a certain point. For instance, you can have distinct classes even among people of the same race in modern societies. I've been ostracized many more times in life because of my background (what's your family name kind of thing) than I ever was because of my race. And it was a painful realization that really no matter how hard I might try- I could never change that about myself in their eyes. Sure you can work to improve your standing in society, but there will always be those parts that are barred to you simply because you never belonged. Never experienced that from anyone but whites btw.

I think a form of class distinction/discrimination will always be part of any society because it stems from human's inherent tendency for tribalism. And it sucks in many ways, it sucks far more in some countries the more east you go. Oh i have plenty of experience with people trying to pick on me for various reasons that i won't bore you with, so i had to "persuade" them to stop if you catch my meaning. It's best to always learn, grow and leave shitty people be. They don't need to change their mind, and it's clear they won't. Stand your ground and tell them fuck off.

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22 minutes ago, Mr.Otaku said:

I think a form of class distinction/discrimination will always be part of any society because it stems from human's inherent tendency for tribalism. And it sucks in many ways, it sucks far more in some countries the more east you go. Oh i have plenty of experience with people trying to pick on me for various reasons that i won't bore you with, so i had to "persuade" them to stop if you catch my meaning. It's best to always learn, grow and leave shitty people be. They don't need to change their mind, and it's clear they won't. Stand your ground and tell them fuck off.

You're right of course. You want hear something really funny? I have never had to worry about that as long as my race was an issue. Like the first thing you have in common with people of a different race is that you don't have that in common. In other words, because of our lack of understanding about each other, then they're not looking beyond that to see anything else. That's comforting to me because it puts us on equal footing and actually gives me the advantage if I accept them and can take a closer look! 


BTW people don't like you taking a closer look when they've got something to hide.

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7 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

You know......this reminds me of what one of the real problems in our societies is- and that's class discrimination. As I have said, I really think race discrimination was starting to disappear, but I don't think class discrimination was ever addressed beyond a certain point. For instance, you can have distinct classes even among people of the same race in modern societies. I've been ostracized many more times in life because of my background (what's your family name kind of thing) than I ever was because of my race. And it was a painful realization that really no matter how hard I might try- I could never change that about myself in their eyes. Sure you can work to improve your standing in society, but there will always be those parts that are barred to you simply because you never belonged. Never experienced that from anyone but whites btw- which is strange now that I think about it.


I think I can certainly see the need, however, in that people feel they should insulate themselves to protect their way of life. Just doesn't feel good (or fair) being on the outside of the fence. If I was filthy rich, let's say, I like to think I wouldn't do that. Reality is that I might put up the biggest fences of them all. Hard to know.

Classism is a weird subject that nobody wants to talk about. I am not surprised by this as much of it comes from pride. For example some rich fuck will claim that they worked hard to gain all the money in the world and maybe they believe it too. They do this to justify why they are above the common rabble. The truth is they wouldn't be the business they are without the contacts, initial money to invest in their business and their influence in the government. I'd say the biggest one is contacts as one cannot run a business without people to run it. Minority groups are obviously going to be at a disadvantage here but overall it is more of a club that only a lucky few may join.


I would avoid such companies if possible.

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47 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

For example some rich fuck will claim that they worked hard to gain all the money in the world and maybe they believe it too.


I have worked for one of the most successful companies in my country. He started his business in a barn, and worked to the day he died. When i saw him on the floor walking around and speaking with us still wanting to improve. He was more like a dad, trying to help his 1000 kids. I always wonder to day wy he didn't sold the company and left. This is still today a family own company. His work has improved millions of lives, and he did not get a penny.

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1 hour ago, Darkpig said:

For example some rich fuck will claim that they worked hard to gain all the money in the world and maybe they believe it too.

Except most of them did and nothing screeching commies say will change that. 

Dont get butthurt just because you spent your life smoking weed and jacking off to hentai while others work and now they have brands, franchises and fortunes while you have porn induced erectile dysfunction and weed driven neruological conditions. 

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