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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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2 minutes ago, GimmeBACON said:

I don't think you're wrong, but it seems like a deflection of my response to your point.


"Since nobody actually cares what happens to other people and are actually more interested in their own confirmation bias"


Implying that people don't care about damage done and lives lost, and that this is all about political clout... not saying that there's no bad-faith actors out there, but one shouldn't ignore reality because there's people like that out there. It could be as simple as saying "We believe the police need to be better trained in de-escalation and non-lethal force, but we also believe riots, arson, assault, and killing are morally reprehensible." It should be a healthy debate of ideas, not character assassination and vilification.

Deflection? So you are deflecting my deflection so now I deflect your deflection that you deflected from me.


As you said it should be a healthy debate of ideas but that is not what we are getting in politics. The thing is we are always in danger and people forget that. There are wars, crime, disease and tragic accidents that threatens people's existence everyday. One of the biggest problems as of late are other people. For example you often hear about kidnapped kids and such. Parents get ready to suck on your kid's pacifier because It is actually less than 350 kids per year. Compare it to the suicide rate of veterans and you'll be donating that pacifier to the nervous wrecks that are U.S. Military Veterans because the suicide rate was roughly 22 per day according to one study or to calculate 7,700 a year. Kind of puts things into perspective. No amber alerts for my phone thanks.


Talking about an issue logically is trickier than one might expect. The speed at which news comes and goes is astronomical. Take too long to respond and it has already come and gone so to speak. The speed and utility of the internet doesn't exactly help slow down the spread of news either. Not criticizing the internet just stating an observation. The speed which news we'll call them rumors for the sake of argument is something most people with 9-5 shifts don't want to deal with due to things like time restraints so what is left is simple statements with little to no evidence even assuming they take interest with the world's problems. Do I make it sound like everybody is a stone cold sociopath? Certainly. But the truth is most people are so tired of the news that they might as well be stone cold sociopaths. So take what I say with a grain of salt.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_veteran_suicide#:~:text=An analysis done in 2013,rate of 14 per 100%2C000.


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20 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

The condemnation of objectification in our societies. They're just mad that no one or the "wrong" people are objectifying them. Perfectly okay and no complaints registered when the "right" ones are. :classic_dry:


Use me like a cheap whore at a frat party - Perverted White Woman -  quickmeme

Ya what he said.


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14 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

The condemnation of objectification in our societies. They're just mad that no one or the "wrong" people are objectifying them. Perfectly okay and no complaints registered when the "right" ones are. :classic_dry:


Use me like a cheap whore at a frat party - Perverted White Woman -  quickmeme

The claim that this so-called 'Objectification' has anything to do with this phantom Patriarchy irritates me since I can actually remember a time when there were restrictions against such 'objectifying' media material, a time when such things were still seen as liberal degeneracy rather than a symbol of oppression.

During that time, 'Feminists' such as Andrea Dworkin were seen as the fringe as they agreed with the people who were part of old world patriarchal religions who wanted to keep female bodies under wraps yet curiously turned a blind eye towards the male form.

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3 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

The claim that this so-called 'Objectification' has anything to do with this phantom Patriarchy irritates me since I can actually remember a time when there were restrictions against such 'objectifying' media material, a time when such things were still seen as liberal degeneracy rather than a symbol of oppression.

During that time, 'Feminists' such as Andrea Dworkin were seen as the fringe as they agreed with the people who were part of old world patriarchal religions who wanted to keep female bodies under wraps yet curiously turned a blind eye towards the male form.

That's because feminism, like any other ideology, only appears to be a monolithic structure when seen from the outside. If observed from within it's a never ending rabbithole of opposing viewpoints and madness. Quite a lot of madness I might add.

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On 9/17/2020 at 11:28 PM, Darkpig said:

Deflection? So you are deflecting my deflection so now I deflect your deflection that you deflected from me.


Sorry, had to smile with that  comment... :D


To be inline with the thread.


Why do people have to drive like shit? Weave in and out of traffic only to end up right beside the car you passed blocks back?  Why do people have to ride their bikes (peddle) in the middle of the street and look pissed when a car has the gaul to want to pass their slow asses?  Why the fuck would a parent have their younger than 6 year old riding bike in the street ... major street at that? The little rug rat can't even go straight! This is the age where kids went holding the hands of the adult when crossing streets when I was young.


Just use common sense, take a moment and drive reasonably and you will get there in about the same time with much less chances of having an accident.  Bike riders, use common sense.. just because you have the right of way if someone hit you.... is it worth being permanently harmed or disabled? Dreams of getting a $$$ pay day? Fuck if that will happen. Those without money have insurance... they will fight tooth and nail against that. Those with the money that you desire, have both insurance and personal lawyers... anything you managed to squeeze out beyond medical cost... will be eaten up by the lawyers... if you are lucky and don't end up in the hole during the process.


Parents... grow up.. children aren't fucking adults.. don't treat them as such. Use common sense and keep them off the street if they can't even be seen over a bumper of a very small low car... Don't give a fuck how responsible they are or how mature they are... they are too small to be on the street. They can't be seen well and don't have the experience to be there. (unlike  those that are Little People.)

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Welp, apparently I have officially reached "cranky old person" stage. 


Our road ends in our field.  A few years back, it was a white jeep from the newest "neighbors".  Floored it down the (paved) road, right into the field.  Pulled the truck and trailer across the end of the road (in the field itself) to put a stop to that shit.  "AWWWW, we're just having fun!"  Have fun on your own damn property!

Today, it was the next set of newest neighbors (more to come, I promise you that!).  But kids.  On a golf cart.  Two golf carts, actually.  Having discovered that there's a slight swale (mini-ditch) at the end of the road that resulted in them getting a little air when going into our field.  Screaming and carrying on.  All I'm seeing is them rolling this damned thing, getting hurt or killed, and, of course, since it's on our property, guess who's fault it would be?  Yep.  Nope.  NOT having it!  What's the term?  Oh, yes: I put a stop to that shit. 



Oh, and the bonus cherry on top: As I was backing my car out of my driveway (to park across the end of the road, in the field), one the kids on the golf cart (that I knew full well was there, I wasn't going to run them over) had the audacity to honk at me!  Grumble.

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1 hour ago, AKM said:

Welp, apparently I have officially reached "cranky old person" stage. 


Our road ends in our field.  A few years back, it was a white jeep from the newest "neighbors".  Floored it down the (paved) road, right into the field.  Pulled the truck and trailer across the end of the road (in the field itself) to put a stop to that shit.  "AWWWW, we're just having fun!"  Have fun on your own damn property!

Today, it was the next set of newest neighbors (more to come, I promise you that!).  But kids.  On a golf cart.  Two golf carts, actually.  Having discovered that there's a slight swale (mini-ditch) at the end of the road that resulted in them getting a little air when going into our field.  Screaming and carrying on.  All I'm seeing is them rolling this damned thing, getting hurt or killed, and, of course, since it's on our property, guess who's fault it would be?  Yep.  Nope.  NOT having it!  What's the term?  Oh, yes: I put a stop to that shit. 



Oh, and the bonus cherry on top: As I was backing my car out of my driveway, one the kids on the golf cart (that I knew full well was there, I wasn't going to run them over) had the audacity to honk at me!  Grumble.

Lawsuits are expensive. There has got to be an exception for dumbass kids riding a golf cart. They want to play jackass. They should pay their own medical bill.

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On 9/18/2020 at 2:28 AM, Darkpig said:

As you said it should be a healthy debate of ideas but that is not what we are getting in politics. The thing is we are always in danger and people forget that. There are wars, crime, disease and tragic accidents that threatens people's existence everyday. One of the biggest problems as of late are other people. For example you often hear about kidnapped kids and such. Parents get ready to suck on your kid's pacifier because It is actually less than 350 kids per year. Compare it to the suicide rate of veterans and you'll be donating that pacifier to the nervous wrecks that are U.S. Military Veterans because the suicide rate was roughly 22 per day according to one study or to calculate 7,700 a year. Kind of puts things into perspective. No amber alerts for my phone thanks.

Ok, thank you for providing your sources, as they reference the source that I went to and while it does offer a different number of deaths per day ( 16.8 per day), it doesn't change your point (I think) but...................................  that number, like every number ever used in the history of debates is nuanced.   The number of vets dying by suicide is affected first and foremost by the number of veterans there are.   Since WWII, Korea and even Vietnam are pretty big deals in terms of manpower, there are many more old veterans who (in general) pass a certain point in life where they are not likely to commit suicide.    That leads to another source that states:

"While we hold ourselves to a higher standard than the civilian population, we are often asked how we compare," Van Winkle said. "This year's report indicates that suicide rates for active-component and reserve members are comparable to U.S. population rates after accounting for age and sex. But rates for the National Guard are higher than the U.S. population after similar adjustments."


So what is my point, (beside that I tend to get pissed off when I hear non veterans talk about veterans affairs (and I get a little miffed when I hear someone say "Thank you for your service" as I wish I could reply "Yea, because you are too coward to step up!" but........it is an all volunteer force and should I hold it against them that they did homework in high school, getting really good grades and focused on more acceptable pursuits than chasing skirts, which led me into enlisting because I could not get into the Engineering program.......hmm   went a bit off track there, saying what pisses me off....... back to the issue at hand) ....my point, yes, that is what I was talking about.   My point is that the worse use of data is to generate alarm and panic where there isn't really any significant increase in danger.


I guess that is your point, so I could have saved a lot of time and said "ditto", but it is easier to hit submit than to delete all that above, since I have a shitty iBUYPOWER crappy mouse that is slowly breaking.

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13 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Lawsuits are expensive. There has got to be an exception for dumbass kids riding a golf cart. They want to play jackass. They should pay their own medical bill.

Based on anecdotal experience, courts have ruled (locally) that reckless behavior that leads to death or serious injuries have a very significant burden of proof to show negligence on another s part.    Referencing the first three truths of life (Death, taxes and lawyers get paid), any lawsuit would cost those seeking restitution a considerable amount because if it isn't an easy case, the lawyer is gonna get paid first.  

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22 minutes ago, steelpanther24 said:

Based on anecdotal experience, courts have ruled (locally) that reckless behavior that leads to death or serious injuries have a very significant burden of proof to show negligence on another s part.    Referencing the first three truths of life (Death, taxes and lawyers get paid), any lawsuit would cost those seeking restitution a considerable amount because if it isn't an easy case, the lawyer is gonna get paid first.  

I was thinking more along the lines of skipping the court proceedings altogether. Here is your medical bill. Have a nice day. But it is never as simple as that.


Have you considered getting a fence?

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1 hour ago, Darkpig said:

Have you considered getting a fence?

Well, see, now we're on for rant #2 for the day:


I thought about it, but I like my little corner of the world how it is.  I don't want a fence on our land (at least not there).  Now.  There's something else you're not aware of:

This area has long been considered a vacation/retirement haven for those living in states that surround us for various reasons.  First, they vacationed here.  Then, they retired here.  THEN they asked "Hey!  Where are all of the big city amenities we're used to?"  And then guess what they did?  Yup, they slowly but surely transformed our nice, country area into their big city.  First, it was the stores.  Then it was the amenities.  Somewhere in there, the riff-raff found the place.  Yup, gang signs on our "country" fences.  The worst part of all that - until very recently - was listening to the jackasses who moved here from elsewhere talk and act like they're "locals".  I've lived here my whole life, bitch.  Don't give me that "You're a local." bullshit when you've only been here for two, three, five years.

The bad part:  We had a woman build a house get a house built right across the street.  After her having been there for, oh, a month, we get a missive from the postal service.  "As one person (of five, including her) has made a statement that they want to move their mailbox in front of their house, EVERYONE on that road will now be required to move their mailboxes (which used to be all in a row at the end of the road, nice and easy for EVERYONE involved (including the postal service)."  Now, I know everyone else on this road, and I can guarantee you exactly who it was who put that demand in to the postal service.  Hint: It was the noob.  As one in my household said: "If I wanted to live in suburbia, I'd have moved to suburbia!"  But suburbia slowly, insidiously, moved in.  We did get the last laugh in how we followed the letter of the law per the requirement for mailboxes and mailbox posts.  Let's just say, it is what it is, and there's not a damn thing she can do about our "unconventional" mailbox post.  Fuck her.

So now, the final straw.  The determination that finally and at long last, we aren't just in suburbia, but the big city has moved in to retire, and brought their big city with them.  This comes from on high, the BIG city that controls everything the entire state does.  Sometime past, there was a decree that "ALL in the state shall be BIG CITY when it comes to roadways.  Even in the small towns, we demand BIG CITY infrastructure design.  The small town I work in put it off as long as they possibly could, but has had to cave.  The entire look of the place has changed, almost overnight.  Gone is "small town", in its place: BIG CITY, simply by the design of the sidewalks, streets, crosswalks, etc..  The "funny" part was watching them last year as they put BIG CITY curbs and sidewalks into THE MIDDLE OF A FRIGGIN' FIELD.  I shit you not.  I couldn't believe what I saw after they were done with their six month long construction project.  An old four way intersection, fields all around, and they place their bullshit right smack in the middle.

As part of this "ingenious" design, they put wheelchair ramps on the sidewalks.  Okay, no problem, right?  Well, they wouldn't be, IF THEY DIDN'T STICK OUT INTO THE FUCKING ROAD!  Yes, that's right.  You know how buses sometimes drive on the shoulder as the shoulder is now a "designated bus travel lane"?  Well what happens when you stick a concrete ramp out into the shoulder?  Right, the bus has nowhere to go.  Guess who damn near got hit by a bus on the way to work a few weeks back?  Yup. Those drivers have absolutely no regard for anyone else on the road and will do as they please, and then blame YOU for being on the road at all!

And then, they came for us.  The intersection for the farm is being turned into a BIG CITY intersection as I write this.  On top of that: high density housing going in on the road into the farm.  We already have the aforementioned kids terrorizing the neighborhood.  Now they're going to be playing in the streets on the only road in and out of this place. 

I'm finally understanding why some people with age are so utterly bitter.  Watching the nice area they've been part of for years transform and disappear before their eyes.  And you could leave, I suppose; but where will you go?  Answer: Somewhere where you will be the unwanted newcomer, that's where!

And let's not get started on the wildlife who are rapidly running out of places to live and feed.  "Oh the wildlife is invading suburbia!" Um, no. You've got that backwards.

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3 hours ago, AKM said:

Well, see, now we're on for rant #2 for the day:


I thought about it, but I like my little corner of the world how it is.  I don't want a fence on our land (at least not there).  Now.  There's something else you're not aware of:

This area has long been considered a vacation/retirement haven for those living in states that surround us for various reasons.  First, they vacationed here.  Then, they retired here.  THEN they asked "Hey!  Where are all of the big city amenities we're used to?"  And then guess what they did?  Yup, they slowly but surely transformed our nice, country area into their big city.  First, it was the stores.  Then it was the amenities.  Somewhere in there, the riff-raff found the place.  Yup, gang signs on our "country" fences.  The worst part of all that - until very recently - was listening to the jackasses who moved here from elsewhere talk and act like they're "locals".  I've lived here my whole life, bitch.  Don't give me that "You're a local." bullshit when you've only been here for two, three, five years.

The bad part:  We had a woman build a house get a house built right across the street.  After her having been there for, oh, a month, we get a missive from the postal service.  "As one person (of five, including her) has made a statement that they want to move their mailbox in front of their house, EVERYONE on that road will now be required to move their mailboxes (which used to be all in a row at the end of the road, nice and easy for EVERYONE involved (including the postal service)."  Now, I know everyone else on this road, and I can guarantee you exactly who it was who put that demand in to the postal service.  Hint: It was the noob.  As one in my household said: "If I wanted to live in suburbia, I'd have moved to suburbia!"  But suburbia slowly, insidiously, moved in.  We did get the last laugh in how we followed the letter of the law per the requirement for mailboxes and mailbox posts.  Let's just say, it is what it is, and there's not a damn thing she can do about our "unconventional" mailbox post.  Fuck her.

So now, the final straw.  The determination that finally and at long last, we aren't just in suburbia, but the big city has moved in to retire, and brought their big city with them.  This comes from on high, the BIG city that controls everything the entire state does.  Sometime past, there was a decree that "ALL in the state shall be BIG CITY when it comes to roadways.  Even in the small towns, we demand BIG CITY infrastructure design.  The small town I work in put it off as long as they possibly could, but has had to cave.  The entire look of the place has changed, almost overnight.  Gone is "small town", in its place: BIG CITY, simply by the design of the sidewalks, streets, crosswalks, etc..  The "funny" part was watching them last year as they put BIG CITY curbs and sidewalks into THE MIDDLE OF A FRIGGIN' FIELD.  I shit you not.  I couldn't believe what I saw after they were done with their six month long construction project.  An old four way intersection, fields all around, and they place their bullshit right smack in the middle.

As part of this "ingenious" design, they put wheelchair ramps on the sidewalks.  Okay, no problem, right?  Well, they wouldn't be, IF THEY DIDN'T STICK OUT INTO THE FUCKING ROAD!  Yes, that's right.  You know how buses sometimes drive on the shoulder as the shoulder is now a "designated bus travel lane"?  Well what happens when you stick a concrete ramp out into the shoulder?  Right, the bus has nowhere to go.  Guess who damn near got hit by a bus on the way to work a few weeks back?  Yup. Those drivers have absolutely no regard for anyone else on the road and will do as they please, and then blame YOU for being on the road at all!

And then, they came for us.  The intersection for the farm is being turned into a BIG CITY intersection as I write this.  On top of that: high density housing going in on the road into the farm.  We already have the aforementioned kids terrorizing the neighborhood.  Now they're going to be playing in the streets on the only road in and out of this place. 

I'm finally understanding why some people with age are so utterly bitter.  Watching the nice area they've been part of for years transform and disappear before their eyes.  And you could leave, I suppose; but where will you go?  Answer: Somewhere where you will be the unwanted newcomer, that's where!

And let's not get started on the wildlife who are rapidly running out of places to live and feed.  "Oh the wildlife is invading suburbia!" Um, no. You've got that backwards.

You'll need something to protect your land from idiots but it isn't my place to say. As for your second rant Colonies ran out of West a long time ago and this is the result like it or hate it. Don't get me wrong I'm not for or against civilization but food for thought there is a carrying capacity and people will eventually hit it. What will happen then? I don't know.


Come to think of it keep doing what you are currently doing. If it pisses off politicians and businessmen then you are probably doing my bidding something right.

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9 hours ago, Darkpig said:

You'll need something to protect your land from idiots but it isn't my place to say.

Yeah, there's little question about that.  Went out later and found go-cart tracks behind my car.  Even if we put a fence up, they'd just drive down the tree line (90 degrees to the road end) on our yard, and go that way.  I've little doubt of that.

I'm seriously thinking of putting up something I hate even more than fences: no trespassing signs.

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2 hours ago, AKM said:

Yeah, there's little question about that.  Went out later and found go-cart tracks behind my car.  Even if we put a fence up, they'd just drive down the tree line (90 degrees to the road end) on our yard, and go that way.  I've little doubt of that.

I'm seriously thinking of putting up something I hate even more than fences: no trespassing signs.

Got one better I think. I did put up a fence between myself and my neighbors years ago (actually a funny story in that too) to clearly mark (right along the surveyed property line) what was on our property and what wasn't, Along comes a thunderstorm with some winds about six or eight months ago and blows over a tree on their side of the fence that just happens to fall directly on top of their uninsured vehicle they park on their lawn since they're lazy and crushes it. Well, somehow this becomes my fault because it's my tree they say. I told them to take me to court if they wanted because I know they can't prove that lame shit. So, now I ignore them (we used to talk, get along) and they just glare at me.


Neighbor on my other side owes me money and thinks he doesn't have to pay me. Again, we used to get along. The neighbors on another side, I used to fight with every so often for years. Now we're sorta friends. Crazy fuckin world, lol. :lol:


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Mending Wall

Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing:
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbor know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go.
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
‘Stay where you are until our backs are turned!’
We wear our fingers rough with handling them.
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
‘Why do they make good neighbors? Isn't it
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That wants it down.’ I could say ‘Elves’ to him,
But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed.
He moves in darkness as it seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father's saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, ‘Good fences make good neighbors.’

Emphasis mine.

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16 hours ago, AKM said:

Yeah, there's little question about that.  Went out later and found go-cart tracks behind my car.  Even if we put a fence up, they'd just drive down the tree line (90 degrees to the road end) on our yard, and go that way.  I've little doubt of that.

I'm seriously thinking of putting up something I hate even more than fences: no trespassing signs.

That is by far the worst thing to put up on your property. You think those dumbasses can read? Even if they could read do you think they would care? Better idea. Wall of no trespassing signs. No wait that's stupid like something a politician would think up.


What could help? Boiling oil? Murder holes? Boulders?


How about a hedge? There is no such thing as a perfect barrier but this one at least looks natural.

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24 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

What could help? Boiling oil? Murder holes? Boulders?

Trained attack helicopters. Oh, better yet, trained pigeons to shit on them! A moat with piranha in it? Just spitballin here... :classic_tongue:


Unfortunately the best way I know how to stop a problem with neighbors kids is- yep, you guessed it, having a town prayer meeting. :lol:

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18 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Trained attack helicopters. Oh, better yet, trained pigeons to shit on them! A moat with piranha in it? Just spitballin here... :classic_tongue:


Unfortunately the best way I know how to stop a problem with neighbors kids is- yep, you guessed it, having a town prayer meeting. :lol:

What if you don't pray? Or worse. Are allergic to prayers.

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