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Naked Defeat SE

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Naked Defeat SE

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A fast and immersive Defeat Mod (NPC defeats Player centered) focussing on continuation and immersion.

Full Customization Options from "kinky gameplay interuptions" to "fucked and bound nonstop" 



Please consider supporting me if you like my mods.

While in the past I thought I can literally make this full time, the end of the corona lockdowns tought me otherwise.

If you become a patreon you support my work and guarantee I can continue development of this.

(current workload - 2024 - roughly 2-4 hours a day). 


Patreon features already implemented (and also constantly beeing worked at):

- Outcame: "Wake up at an Inn"

- better follower handling 


The next new feature will get a vote soon on my patreon

❤️ https://www.patreon.com/nymra ❤️


Future Plans:

- local slavery (somewhere between Peril and SD+) with mini games and actual slave stuff to do.

- fucked to death outcome & executions (with Pamas Deadly furnitures, FunnyBiz Death animations and my own stuff)

- post death scenarios that bring you into short afterlife quests where you have to escape from and get back to life

- voiced comments

- interaction with the aggressors via a new "Interaction hotkey" (insult them, plead for mercy or tease them)

- elaborate equipment and outfit save and load system to make beeing stripped naked more fun without beeing totally unable to play the game

- and many more...


For Special Edition (SE) Users:

The mod has now a dedicated Special Edition Download (internal LL link) to have its own Support Section and better overview for me and for users.


| ----Installation --- |

- Install as any other mod.

- Mod Organizer 2 HIGHLY recommended. Everything else is crap IMO :P

- Let it overwrite Zap Animation Pack (it comes with some Animation Replacements for the hogtie places)

- Activate Mod in MCM / System / Mod Enabled [x]

- save & reload your game


- Install EXTRA downloads as you please (they are independent of the mod version)

--> 2k or 4k versions of textures (1k versions are included)
--> Bodyslide files for FuckingBelts (UNP standard included) only required if you do NOT have "The Amazing World of Bikini Armor" installed

--> DDe Outfits if you want DD support via DDequip mod
--> Golden Showers Mini SLAL if you like ... golden showers ^^


| ---- Updating --- |

I try to make Naked Defeat new versions as update friendly as possible. That means that they should not require a new game AND not require a clean save either.

If a new game or clean save is required I will give that info in big red lines in the changelog.


Updating from Full Version to new Full Version:

- remove all patches and old version
- install new version 

- load your savegame

- go into Naked Defeat MCM / System ---> untick: Mod Enabled [ ] 

- save and reload

- enable the mod: System: Mod Enabled [x]

- save and reload

- get fucked



I usually give a hint in the changelog if running FNIS is required or not.


Updating with Patches:

Patches require a previous full version usually (they will not work on their own)

- just overwrite the matching full version with the patch 

- remove older patches (if not told otherwise in the changelog)


Not recommended:

It is usually NOT required to make a clean save for any update (full or patch)

It is also NOT necessary to: uninstall mod in Mod Organizer, load game, save, exit, install new version. 


Why Patches? 
Because that allows me to release updates faster. Full versions just take more time.


| ---- Uninstalling --- |

For LE: disable Mod in MCM/System. Save & Reload & Save.

Uninstall in your Mod Manager.

Reload -> play 
Can Clean Script but afaik it should not be necessary.


This mod uses Form 43. Removing it from a save can lead to corrupted Saves.

I recommend testing Naked Defeat on a new game or a copied profile. 

OR  just untick the mod in the MCM, save & reload. Naked Defeat will do NOTHING then but reserve an ESP slot.
On SE/AE you should have plenty


| ---- Hard Requirements --- |



Zaz Animation Pack 8+ (older versions will not show some of the furnitures. I cannot advise to use ANY old version of ZAP with this mod at the moment)

Sexlab Aroused (any version will do, including SLAX) 

Dragonborn DLC

Dawnguard DLC


| ---- Soft Requirements --- |


Crosshair-Reference Script Hang Fix --------- highly recommended for SE users. For LE users try MCM / System / LagFix [x]

Simple Slavery --------- for Simple Slavery outcome of Defeat obviously

Devious Devices Equip --------- required for "Captivity DDe Chance" to equip Devious Devices

My DDe Custom Outfits from the Download Section

The Amazing World of Bikini Armor (must overwrite Naked Defeat) -> for Fuckbelts) -> if you dont want this mod you can use Naked Defeats internal version, bodyslide for UUNP is in downloads)


For whip marks and slow fading out of the same:

Slave Tattoos

Rape Tattoos 

Fade Tattoos 

Rape Tattoos Tweak by Monoman 

My Rape Hands from the Download Section

My Whipmarks from the Download Section

Important note for Rapehands (and possibly also WhipMarks?

to make them work you need to go into RapeTats MCM, search RapeHands and WhipMarks entries and check if they are (Excluded)

If they are excluded (and only then), change it to (Unassigned) instead.


| ---- Recommended Mods & Guides ---- |


Spank that Ass --------- by the inglorious monoman1 perfect for getting slapped while in the furniture (you can set the "furniture spank chance" in the MCM) -> small problem with followers tho

ZAP - No Collision Furnitures --------- really improves the furniture experience by alot, can't recommend it enough

ZAP - Faster in and out of furnitures --------- really improves the furniture experience by alot, can't recommend it enough



Sexlab Defeat - does the same thing (I m working on a compatibility bridge mod tho)

Sexlab Submit - does the same thing
Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life - does the same thing -> might work if you play around with the settings - will add a guide later (a user had some ideas!)
Peril -  does the same thing

Dragonborn in Distress - does the same thing


Possible fixes for compatibiltiy: 
- tick "Remove Player Essential Flag" in MCM

- Set "Defeat Chance (Bleedout) to 0% in MCM
Customize your Combat Options in MCM. Now Naked Defeat can only start via critical hits or surrender. On Bleedout other mods can trigger.
If possible, disable other mods that trigger on Hits (Estrus Spider and Chaurus Spit attacks for example) since they can lead to double starts and broken animations.



Cursed Loot -> disable combat defeat feature - most likely it is not compatible with mine. 
Ultimate Combat -> breaks Whipping for all mods. I suggest using Active Combat or other mods instead - no workaround or solution possible 

Interactive BDSM -> locks the PC in furniture on its own way. I did not test it but it seems to lead to some... problems. I can only advise for now not to use the mod alongside Naked Defeat. 


Problematic MCM Settings (should be no more issue in NADE 3.2 and later)

Zap Animation Pack (any version) -> disable "Overwrite Bound Animations" in its MCM (Sexlab or PlayerControl Center) -> might lead to problems with Shout like a Virgin

Sexlab with Sexlab Utility Plus -> disable Zaz Animation filter 

Sexlab with Sexlab Utility Plus-> if you have strange trouble with furnitures, look here and in doubt tweak or disable SLU+ furniture options (might be 100% compatible tho, please share your experiences)


Guides worth looking at

Conglomerate 01 - by donttouchmethere -> how to install your stuff

Conglomerate 02 - by donttouchmethere -> how to install your kinky stuff

Conglomerate 03 - by donttouchmethere -> how to merge your stuff

Skyrim LE Stability Guide - by mrsrt -> how to not blow your stuff up


| ---- Walkthrough ---- |


This is meant to give you an overview of the mod content and primary features.


Chapter 1: 3 Ways (?) to Defeat

1. Bleedout Defeat:

Triggers on 0 HP.

You can set in "MCM > Naked Defeat > Defeat > Kill Player on Bleedout to basically disable this (but well,... you will die instead (and be forced to reload).


2. Critical Defeat:

This can be set in

MCM > Naked Defeat > Extras > Combat Strip

Basically it adds a chance to every hit you receive to knock you down and start the Defeat Scenario, no matter how much HP you have left.


3. Surrender:

This stops combat and makes you willingly start the Defeat Scenario via Hotkey ("K").


Chapter 2: Defeat Rape

This is a classical rape scenario.

Your PC and Followers will be raped 1-3 times by humans and creatures with all available anims (support for 2P, 3P, 4P and 5P for all races).

There are also scenarios which can trigger which change the course of the Defeat Rape to center around a certain topic like a piece of bondage (yoke, cuffs) or some special action (rodeo -> PC is whipped while playing cowgirl and standing animations).


Chapter 3: Aftermath

After the rape alot of things can happen, based on your settings.

Most will lead to other mods (Slavery Chance ->SD+ or SS++), to a nearby Inn (Rescue Chance), leave you robbed of your possesions (with a chance to get them back from your captor).

Or they will simply let you go, soaked in cum and broken.

But the central part of Naked Defeat is the Local Captivity Event that will add another outcome after the rape which is currently unique among loverslab:


Chapter 4: Escape Game ?

This is basically an Aftermath, but a special one so I call it chapter 4.

For the Escape game your PC is tied to a ZAP furnture or with a chain (based on the scenario types from the Defeat Rape).

There is a chance to be whipped into submission (just because they like to see you struggle) and then you get the chance to escape.

All you have to do for this is pressing the escape hotkey (space by default) to start the "struggle mini game".

This has some random outcomes based on your difficulty settings (escape chance) and on the punishment types you want (see MCM -> Library)

It can lead to more whipping, to another round of Rape, equipping of devices, a unique fucking belt and I will continously add more punishments too.


There is a random difficulty to the escape game. I recommend setting the base difficulty to as low as 1%. 
If your captors not suck you can raise this chance up to 15-20%.

In addition to that, each time you struggle it becomes easier to escape, so when you struggled 5 times in painfully tight restraints you have a 6% chance to escape on the next try.


If you break free, your captors will turn aggressive again and try to chase you, so be quick to run away.

Hint: when you broke loose you can wait "in furniture" pretending to still be bound. Your captors will not see that and you can wait for a good moment to make your escape.


| ---- Hotkeys and Shortcuts ---- |


This is the main hotkey of Naked Defeat and offers different functionality based on the situation, queststage and other things.

I want to keep the number of required hotkeys as low as possible, hence this "workaround".

K is the Action Key by default and if you change it, ofc the shortcuts here are also meant to be the changed key....


While Defeated (always, no matter if bound, fucked, whipped etc.)

Abort everything (CHEAT) -------> CTRL + ALT + K
Should abort all SexScenes and the Defeat Scenario and set the player free.
Careful, enemies might become hostile immediatly.
This is a cheat meant for debugging or unwanted situations.


While Defeated & told to "Find a good spot"

Stop Crawling -------> K
This is meant to allow the player to find a good place for the scene to start. 
Other Defeat mods usually just start where the player was defeated or where the attackers stand. 
That leads to bad clipping with the floor or even floating animations, half buried in furniture etc. 
Keep in mind that your followers need room too, they will always be placed roughly 2 metres in front and left and right of the player at 45°.


Spawn flat ground -------> Shift+K
Sometimes the ground nearby is just ugly or steep or whatnot. With this you can spawn generic grey flat ground for the sexscenes to look better.

Works only for a short period of time after "Prepare for your fate" message.


While Defeated & captured (in furniture/yoke/cuffs etc.) "Try to wiggle free"
Remove Punishment Gear -------> K
Removes all gear equiped for fun. Gags, Fuckbelts, Ropes, blindfolds. 
Meant for debugging or when ppl do not like this. 


Wiggle Free -------> SPACE

DONT SPAM. does not help...
This will also restore the furniture animation if your character broke it somehow.

Starts the small "wiggle free" game. When you press space your PC will try to wiggle free. This can lead to certain scenarios and punishments.

Each time you wiggle, the chance to break free is increased by some %. 
Worst case (bound tight) you have a 1% escape chance and each time you wiggle increases it by 1%. 
Just press SPACE again when you read "Your bindings are still too tight" or when your punishment or break is over...


Accept slavery -------> SHIFT + K

You give up on escaping and accept your fate. 
Starts the Simple Slavery Auction. 
Meant for Roleplay and also for hopeless situations, where your enemies are too strong and always down you when you try to escape.


Break Free (CHEAT) -------> ALT + K

Stops the capture scenario and releases the player.
If you get bored or stuff breaks or is broken.


After Defeat & when escaping "Crawl away now cunt"

Stop Crawling/Stand up -------> K
Releases the PC, enables Controls but also turns enemies hostile again.

Use this when you think you are far enough away and save...


While FREE

Change Hairstyle -------> K
Changes the saved hairstyle to another one at random.

Also has some debugging hidden inside, so if you think something from Naked Defeat did not "clean up" correctly, try this hotkey.


Wash yourself -------> SHIFT+K
Starts a set of washing animations and sends a ModEvent to Bathing in Skyrim to clean the PC.

Does not require water (its for roleplaying). 

Wash regularly or Naked Defeat will punish you for it!         


Teleportation Ritual (enable Fast Travel) -------> ALT+K
When you ticked "Naked Travel" in the MCM Extras, you can use this shortcut to start the "Teleportation Scenario".

Expect Mishaps... also try to be in a nice open and flat area...


Public Punishment ON/OFF (CHEAT) -------> CTRL+ALT+K
Fast Enable/Disable of Public Punishment Feature. Sometimes necessary for Quests or debugging.


While in Combat

Surrender -------> K
You surrender to your enemies. Your followers too. 

Recommended for Roleplay or playtesting. Will get more features in the future. 


| ---- FAQ ---- |


My Screen gets all blurry!
This is intentional and meant as a fade between scenes and to cover up ugly gaps like from sexlab etc. 
The blur is meant for ENB users. Will add a blackfade too later.

MCM/System/Disable Blur [x] if you dont like it.
If the blur does not go away, press CTRL+ALT+K and report to the support thread.


I get CTD from X or Y
Most likely not from this mod. Check your installation. CTD is usually caused by bad meshes or heavy scriptload from too many mods.
If you come to the support thread, please upload a papyrus.log too... I will at least TRY to help.


Sex does not start
Try to increase search radius (I recommend 5000 min.)
See if you disabled something somewhere.
See if you have suitable SLAL packs installed.

When reporting to support, upload papyrus log please.


My PC is invulnerable

open console, type TGM


My PC is invulnerable

open console, type TGM


Integration into Acheron Framework?

I will not rewrite Naked Defeat for that, but I will still try to work with Scrab to make this happen...


SL Defeat/Babo Defeat/Bane Defeat

See "Recommended Mods & Guides" further above.


SD+ Integration?

Already there. Check the MCM "Aftermath" Options.
No further integration will happen. Ever.


Corrupted Save?

See "Uninstalling" further above.


Corrupted Save?

See "Uninstalling"


The scenario does not progress!

- See "Hotkeys & Shortcuts"

- See "Recommended Mods"
- try ticking "LagFix" in MCM System (before Naked Defeat starts!)
- Try open the console for some seconds


My follower...

yeah, there are bugs... I m working on followers again soon.


My quest items have been robbed!

Working on it. no promises


My XYZ item has been robbed!

Try setting it to "do not remove" in Sexlab MCM "Strip Options".
If that does not work, report to support thread.


Mod XYZ starts when I am defeated

Nothing I can do :(
Just remove the mod in question. 

I could make patches, but new mod versions of the said mod would require me to update my patches too. 


Furniture does not show up
Wrong Version of ZAZ animation pack (you should use ZAP 8+)


Compatible with ZAP 9.X?
Should... check if Zap 9 says its backwards compatible or ask in the support thread.
Feel free to report your findings, I had no time to work with Zap 9 yet...


| ---- Debugging / Repairing Stuff ---- |



Helpful mods for Debugging:


Sexlab Disparity
Go to "debug" and look for a thing called "mutex". The mutex should be Locked (1) when Naked Defeat starts and OK (0) when it stops.

The mutex tracks dhlp suspend/resume events and "protects" scenes from other mods that start sex. 

So if you are bound to a furniture, civilian rape mods like Sexlab Adventures should NOT trigger. 


Skyrim Utility Mod (SUM) by inte
Go to MCM "Factions" tab. When Naked Defeat starts you should become member of the "Harmless Faction" (True) - appears at the bottom for me of the MCM page.

If Naked Defeat is over, you should no longer be in that faction.

Harmless Faction is friends with all and everything (except for the typical skyrim oddities and mods that I did not track yet) and prevents NPC from attacking you.

So if you are attacked while in Naked Defeat -> check SUM MCM for harmless faction

Also if Enemies dont attack you afterwards -> check SUM MCM for harmless faction


DEBUG: When you enter bleedout and the quest does not start (you just stand up again), I m sorry but you need to do this:
- load an earlier save (if its not too long ago) and check if its working there (best method. In modded Skyrim you are advised to save often in all cases).


OR follow these exact steps: 
1 - deactivate Naked Defeat in MCM/System
2 - save game A and exit
3 - uninstall Naked Defeat
4 - load the game A
5 - save game A and exit
6 - use save cleaner (ReSaver, Fallrim Tools, whatever) to clean the saved game A
7 - save the cleaned save A as a new save B
8 - reinstall Naked Defeat
9 - load save B 
10 - enable Defeat
11 - for me the first defeat was broken again, but then the quest started


some ppl suggest waiting for 48 hours or longer after uninstalling a mod (in step 4, before step 5), but I skipped it and it worked for me.


How to avoid such things:

if Naked Defeat shows unexpected behaviour, immediatly load an earlier save.

Things like this:

- no rape starts while clearly there are enemies in the area.

- mod starts twice (messages doubled, can happen when you surrender and THEN get into bleedout (working on it...)

- sex scenes start but look broken (actors missing etc.)


EDIT: I also wanted to experiment with removing Essentiality from PC while NADE is disabled and then see, but I had not time to test that. 


Special Thanks to

- galahad_69 for making Naked Dungeons (without this mod I would ve quit Skyrim by now I think) on which this mod is based on
- donttouchmethere for naked testing and feedback 

- orgs1n for helping out with scripting and basically kickstarting all this by making me look into the scripts for the first time

- Hawk for refining and improving my code (sad to see you go) 

- tenri for helping with my annoying coding questions

- Nazzzgul666 for testing and feedback

- GunSlicer for his awesome pose mod (you see 3 of his idles as human surrender poses)

- the various creators of SLAL packs, all this would not be possible without you (Billyy, Anubs, Proxy, Milky, NCK30, Leito, etc. etc.)

- zaz for creating zap framework which is one of the key resources for me in skyrim because of the awesome and plenty furniture, struggle and bound animations

- BakaFactory for his Animations and for allowing me to use them

- Proxy for ther animations and for allowing me to use them


Old Changelogs



Naked Defeat - 4.41 - patch FIXED



Sorry, I messed ONE line of code up accidently which prevented the MCM from loading.

Redownload Naked Defeat 4-41 - Patch FIXED (LE+SE)

Should fix it.



- install version 4.40 - FULL

- install this patch and let it overwrite everything (ESP and scripts)

- FNIS re-run NOT required

- IMPORTANT: disable the mod after the update in MCM/Naked Defeat/System/Enable Mod [ ], save, reload and then reenable the mod!



- hopefully fixed a bug where the PC could remain at negative health after defeat ends 

- fixed a bug where soft dependencies were not recognized (this was a change to speed up the scripts, but I forgot a small detail, duh) --> hence the enable/disable mod requirement


New Feature: "Nymras Spawn Service":

- toggle in MCM - System: "Nymras Spawn Service". 

---> this toggles ghosts and other creatures on or off. They spawn when no actors are found on bleedout or when there are ONLY human actors found


Manual Follower Detection:

- when the Follower Detection does not work for you, you can now add individual NPC as followers via Naked Defeat.

- 1 - draw weapon

- 2 - aim at the NPC/follower
- 3 - press "K" (by default)

---> should read "Name" ADDED as Naked Follower
- 4 - repeat for all NPC/Followers you want
- 5 - aim at the sky or ground (do not have a NPC in crosshair)

- 6 - press "K" (by default)

---> should now list all followers by name that you wanted

---> you can double check in MCM - System - lower left


All recognized actors will have sexy times and play idles.

This can be used to also add temporary NPC that are not regular followers.

To remove an actor repeat step 1-3 (will say "Name REMOVED as Naked Follower)


Note: this is no substitute for a follower framework. Naked Defeat will do NOTHING with Followers outside of a Defeat Scenario.



Naked Defeat - 4.40 - FULL 



- remove all previous versions and patches

- run FNIS!!!


NEW: Improved Follower Support (thx to the patreon supporters!)

Important: How to start!

1. make sure your followers are close to you (same room/cell)

2. draw a weapon 
3. press "K" (debug key by default)
4. see how your followers are getting registered
5. you can check in the upper left corner for the names or in the MCM

- tested only with Vanilla Follower and with Nethers Follower Framework

- please report how this works with EFF and other frameworks

- some custom followers (with bad programming) will not work (missing factions)

- I will add a custom follower detection later (via spell or whatnot, I will see what will work best)


- Supports 2 Follower Sex Scenes now (might add more) with full creature and 5P support on each

- player will now wait for all Follower Scenes to finish before starting the next rape round or aftermath instead of terminating all sex scenes

- fixed a bug that showed pee pose on Followers while bound

- followers now have surrender and idle scenes

- 2 followers will have furniture idles (only crux and "on a stick" right now)

- 5 followers supported. 3 of those will only get unbound idles


---> this feature is WIP, I will add a ton of updates for this but it will take time. In the end I want 5 fuck scenes and full 5 Follower Furniture and even whipping support.

---> support me on patreon to speed this up and add even more features


NEW: Last Hit Detection and no more funny sex party mixes

restricted actor selection for sex (No more funny sex party events (frape))
----> mod will now check for actors who last hit you 
----> mod will only allow certain creature types based on the actors that hit you last
----> for example if falmer hit you last, only falmers and all kinds of chaurus creatures are allowed
----> humans hit you last will allow dogs, goats, horses and armored trolls
----> Giants hit you last will allow mammoth and giants#

etc. etc. 
----> will be more refined in the future when I have more feedabck


NEW: Scenario added "Forced Masturbation"

- forced masturbation scenario (with whipping like in rodeo)

- will play masturbation scene while an enemy is whipping


General Fixes & Improvements

- improved the way the mod locks the Player in place (pushing arround should be alot less now if any)
- improved restoration of the original spot you chose. meaning less chance that the scene looks fucked up
----> this will also fix situations where you fall through the floor after sex. naked defeat will rescue you!
- improved transition from sex to the post sex idle

- improved group detection (added the stupid mirror tags FMMMM MMMMF...)
- fixed: replaced "free camera toggle" for the fucking belt with a ninode update that does the job better

- fixed forced bathing scene sometimes fucking up the first rape round because of a bug with the tags beeing reset

- bathing now removes decals too

- fixed a bug with the MCM not loading some settings correctly

- improved over all start up timing and follow ups

- fixed: Robbery should no longer breaks furniture game

- Robbery can now be toggled to only rob gold not items

- Plus a TON of stuff I forgot to write down... mostly cosmetic stuff and things probably nobody will notice


New KEY function: Fast toggle of public punishment

-  when you sneak and press debug key you can now toggle public punishemnt on and off (only outside of combat and when not already fucked)


New KEY function: Spawn Floor
- press DefeatKey when "look for a good spot" to spawn a random flat piece of land beneath you


New MCM Option: Spawn Creatures
- enable Creatures and "NymStripping" in the MCM

----> when defeated by humans and there are NO Creatures around, the mod will spawn horses, goats, dogs or goats at random to join the fuck fest.


New MCM Option: Idle Time between sex
Allows to increase or decrease the time it takes for the PC to be idle between sex scenes.


- POP Prison Overhaul suspend -> Naked Defeat will not start or do any of its scans or scripts during POP quest (this time it should work...)

----> untested. I just had no time sorry. Might require a clean save install to work.

- Submissive Lola suspend: Naked Defeat will now stop SubLola from doing anything during the Scenario

- Devious Followers: Naked Defeat will now stop Devious Followers from doing anything during the Scenario


Naked Defeat - 4.33 - Patch




- Update to 4.31 Full (in case you have older version)

- Install this patch (4.33) overwriting 4.31

- 4.32 is not required, this patch replaces it

- no FNIS rerun required



- fixed a number of bugs with the AllegianceQuest:

-----> fixed quest would be turned of immediatly after defeat, turning actors hostile again too early

-----> fixed quest would be spammed repeatedly without having effect

-----> fixed quest would not uncalm all actors after Defeat, some remained calm

-----> when you meet calm actors that should be hostile, turn on "Show Debug Messages" in MCM and hit "


- added a small time window with godmode after beeing hit, hopefully preventing multiple downs from critical hits or from other mods defeat effects (battle fuck and similar)

- added a "IsWeaponDrawn" Check for EscapeTimer -> when EscapeTime runs (for example you set it to 20 or 30 seconds) and you draw a weapon, your enemies will immediatly become hostile


Known Bugs:
- Currently the Debug Key is not working on Whipping Scenes (cannot interrupt them by pressing "K").



Naked Defeat - 4.32 - Patch



- Install 4.30 Full or 4.31 Full

- Install this patch (4.32)

- no FNIS required when updating from 4.30 or 4.31



 Fixed my Critical Stupidity of repeating an old error in the Actor Selection... This prevented the Quest from finding enough actors (and sometimes even NONE) even when they were quite close.

-> this lead to the quest thinking you are alone and then spawned the ghosts to "help" :)


- fixed a bug where there was never a whipping scene when only 1 aggressor was around

- fixed a bug that prevented humanoid creatures from whipping (draugr, trolls... they all can whip lol). Will further filter that list, I think trolls and spriggans "whip" with their claws... killing the bound PC

- improved calming of enemies (for example when enemies appear during the rape and get hostile this will now be detected and calmed)

- fixed a bug that left enemies calm when the quest was done (they thought they were your allies). 


Known Bug:

- somehow after whipping the furniture idle is broken. I could not find the reason for this and it drives me crazy. But the above bug was serious enough to skill bring this patch.

-> fixing it when it happens to you: when you notice this, please remove "whip" from the Punishment List in the library and replace it with "Pain" or "Rape" for now :( 


Naked Defeat - 4.31 - Full


For those who installed 4.30: Sorry, there was a critical oversight from my side breaking the rape start (lets just say the ghosts went wild) 

This is fixed in 4.31, just install this instead, its the same version just with this bug fixed.



This is a full version.

all hotfixes, patches and previous versions can be deleted, they are all included





1. General improvement & fixes

- further restructurization of quests and general improvements. I could not test all the possibilities and circumstances so expect bugs as always :(
- added 2 additional surrender poses (thx to gunslicer for his awesome stuff)

- hopefully fixed some bugs that prevented capturequest from starting

- added new Scenario (Rodeo - whipping during sex, using vanilla all kinds of scenes with cowgirl, standing and holding tags)

- added a check for zbfslavefaction to prevent beeing enslaved/robbed/rescued during SD+/Submissie Lola enslavement. (I hope those mods use the slave faction...)

- golden showers will now finally remove blood splatters (decals) correctly

- improved the transition from surrender/bleedout to the start of the quest ("find a good spot") with suitable idles (will be further improved in the future).

- added animation for "hair change" (press "K" when not in combat to change your hair style to one of your 10 selected ones)

2. Sex
- added an option to choose if female actors should be treated as males by the animation filter

- improved animation filter in general (as always a massive WIP since tags on SLAL packs are all wrong...)

3. New Feature "Rescued" (via Patreon vote)

- see in MCM - Defeat - Aftermath - Rescue Chance -> careful if you set this to 100% you will never see any other outcome

- teleporting followers (up to 4) is untested and some followers might be unrecognized. I m working on it


4. Escape game & whipping

- increased the chance to escape from poorly made knots in escape game (when it says your captors knot suck and similar)
- improved selection of whippers, hopefully increasing the chance to be whipped drastically (before it could be that even at 100% whipping did not always start)
- added a "invisible scene protector" during whipping in rodeo scenario and while in furniture. this can cause some minor issues with camera movement. I suggest to just use free camera in that case.
- added the invisible scene protector also to furniture whipping scenes for the same effect (more distance from whipper to PC).
-----> will add a toggle that allows use of the protectors for normal rape scenes too if you have NPC standing on the sex scene too often (especially in cities)

- added a whipping timer (for furniture punishment whipping "whip")

- setting "whip chance" to 0% disables all whipping content except punishment types (you have to remove "whip" from there manually in the library)


5. Combat Strip

- added Combat Strip Feature "StripAttack" with this on Dogs, Wolves, Trolls, Skeevers, Spriggans and PowerAttacks in general will increase the strip chance


Mod Fixes and Patches: 
- added a patch for "Specator Crowds Ultra" to work with new Rodeo Scenario (Patch is only tested on LE. Test on SE with caution) 
- added mod event to suspend Submissive Lola during the Defeat Scenario
- added checks to scan for zbfslavefaction to prevent naked defeat from enslaving slaves or run its outcomes (enslavement, robbery, resuce) during SD+, Lola and other enslavement mods

---> Submissive Lola MCM -> Do not use ZazSlaveControl has to be OFF for both mods to be compatible (otherwise it can lead to double enslavement with SD+ and other mods)
- when you use bathing in skyrim, naked defeat will now register that and remove blood splatters(decals)


Known Bugs:
- still some rare occasions where the whipper is not working, I see if I can fix this too at some point

- I noticed sometimes enemies will not be uncalmed when the quest ends. this seems to be related to some unknown behaviour of the "Allegiance Faction" I removed that faction now and hope for the best, sorry. 

----> this is one of my main construction sites atm anyway



Please consider supporting me if you like my mods. each patreon will increase the development speed.
Plus I will work on features I personally do not need in Naked Defeat based on the level of support.


First patreon feature that is implemented:

- Outcame: "Wake up at an Inn"

The next new feature will get a vote soon on my patreon

❤️ https://www.patreon.com/nymra ❤️




  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requirements
    SexLab 1.62, SL Anim Loader, FNIS, Zaz Animation Pack 8+, Dawnguard DLC
  • Regular Edition Compatible


1 hour ago, powergame214 said:

Other then not stripping you naked at the dungeon entrance, what is the difference between this mod and the defeat options in Naked Dungeons, if any?


this mod has nothing to do with naked dungeons anymore. I only use its architecture. 


It is meant to replace and vastly expand the Immortality Feature (which was basically Naked Dungeons Defeat).


I added so many things that writing the list here would be too time consuming. You can browse the changelogs to get an idea.

Most importantly:

- 5P support for humans

- creature animations groups up to 5P (NDUN only had Creature 2P) 

- better randomness 

- better in between rape scene idles

- completly improved the furniture game, added whipping, made escape a thing, added sounds and effects

- more features in general (whip and rape tattoos integrated, punishment outcomes while in furniture, rape can happen again when you not escape etc.)

etc. etc. 


Its fully compatible with NDUN tho, just disable NDUNs immortaility feature. 

and of course this mod is in active development and will continue to receive new features. 


1 hour ago, Geckoprime said:

This looks good, i do a question thouhg, does this mod comes with a animation selector like Sexlab Defeat?


"kind of". you can add your own sex tags that will then randomly be selected (4 different sets of tags right now, will add more) and also exclude tags.

This system will become more elaborate over time, including actor detection (vampire etc.) 

1 hour ago, Sirgod said:

Very nice. I hate to be the one to ask, but any chance we can get a 3BA file for fuckbelts?


hmm. 1. I dont know what 3BA is? a certain bodytype I suppose?

2. I cannot do any of this. somebody made BHUNP files, maybe someone can also make 3BA. Or maybe they exist for The AMazing World of Bikini Armor mod. YOu could just copy the required files from there?




SSEEdit found 20 errors.



[00:00] Start: Checking for Errors
[00:00] Checking for Errors in [4B] Naked Defeat.esp
[00:00] nade_MetabolismEffect "Accelerated Metabolism" [MGEF:4B167ABA]
[00:00]     MGEF \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [0C16AB41] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_Stick "Wooden Stick" [WEAP:4B0E70C7]
[00:00]     WEAP \ CRDT - Critical Data \ Effect -> Expected 4 bytes of data, found 0
[00:00] nade_BoneMace "Bone Cudgel" [WEAP:4B0EAC09]
[00:00]     WEAP \ CRDT - Critical Data \ Effect -> Expected 4 bytes of data, found 0
[00:00] nade_PlayerFXTopic "On second thought... never mind." [DIAL:4B11A8D1]
[00:00]     DIAL \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_PlayMXTopic "On second thought... forget it." [DIAL:4B11A8D3]
[00:00]     DIAL \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ConfigQuest "Naked Defeat" [QUST:4B0012C5]
[00:00]     QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [4B189A98] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [0C0D17E9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [4B0D17E7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [0C0D17E8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_EatQuest "Naked Defeat Eating" [QUST:4B156D34]
[00:00]     QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [4B156D39] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_RapeForceGreet [PACK:4B0E2AAF]
[00:00]     PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ Topic \ PDTO - Topic Data \ Data -> [0C0E2545] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnPole [FLST:4B00081B]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B500] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B4FE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08535E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085363] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMix [FLST:4B00081D]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085E56] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMonster_Indoor [FLST:4B00081E]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMonster_Outdoor [FLST:4B00081F]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08692D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C0863C1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazWhipDevs [FLST:4B172C77]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B500] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B4FE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085E57] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08535E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085363] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_EQDV0 [DLVW:4B02021E]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B02021F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D5B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D5E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D65] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B032A7C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0390C5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B06522E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07AAC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07AAD1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07B04A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07B04D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_RQDV0 [DLVW:4B0E2543]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0E2544] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_TQ_DV0 [DLVW:4B0F52F4]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_PQ_DV0 [DLVW:4B128B24]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B128B28] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B128B2B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_GreybeardScene [SCEN:4B11D408]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C11D409] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C11D40C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C126573] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13276D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C133CF7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134261] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134263] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134265] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134267] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134269] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C1357FD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C135801] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13934A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13A8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_WizardScene [SCEN:4B15BE20]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15BE22] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15BE25] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15F960] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C160988] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C1619B4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_CaptureQuest_WhipScene [SCEN:4B1864BD]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C188A6E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] Done: Checking for Errors, Processed Records: 251, Errors found: 20, Elapsed Time: 00:00



The one for SSE, version 3.0 looks like this from SSE Edit quick clean:


[00:04] Background Loader: [Naked Defeat.esp] Processing completed
[00:04] Start: Applying Filter
[00:04] Done: Applying Filter, [Pass 1] Processed Records: 311, [Pass 2] Processed Records: 300, Remaining unfiltered nodes: 300, Elapsed Time: 00:00
[Undeleting and Disabling References done]  Processed Records: 299, Undeleted Records: 0, Elapsed Time: 00:00
[Removing "Identical to Master" records done]  Processed Records: 299, Removed Records: 0, Elapsed Time: 00:00

LOOT Masterlist Entries

  - name: 'Naked Defeat.esp'
      - crc: 0xBD695883
        util: 'SSEEdit v4.0.3'
[00:00] Quick Clean mode finished.
[00:04] Background Loader: finished

39 minutes ago, Herowynne said:

SSEEdit found 20 errors.


  Hide contents

[00:00] Start: Checking for Errors
[00:00] Checking for Errors in [4B] Naked Defeat.esp
[00:00] nade_MetabolismEffect "Accelerated Metabolism" [MGEF:4B167ABA]
[00:00]     MGEF \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [0C16AB41] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_Stick "Wooden Stick" [WEAP:4B0E70C7]
[00:00]     WEAP \ CRDT - Critical Data \ Effect -> Expected 4 bytes of data, found 0
[00:00] nade_BoneMace "Bone Cudgel" [WEAP:4B0EAC09]
[00:00]     WEAP \ CRDT - Critical Data \ Effect -> Expected 4 bytes of data, found 0
[00:00] nade_PlayerFXTopic "On second thought... never mind." [DIAL:4B11A8D1]
[00:00]     DIAL \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_PlayMXTopic "On second thought... forget it." [DIAL:4B11A8D3]
[00:00]     DIAL \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ConfigQuest "Naked Defeat" [QUST:4B0012C5]
[00:00]     QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [4B189A98] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [0C0D17E9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [4B0D17E7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [0C0D17E8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_EatQuest "Naked Defeat Eating" [QUST:4B156D34]
[00:00]     QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [4B156D39] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_RapeForceGreet [PACK:4B0E2AAF]
[00:00]     PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ Topic \ PDTO - Topic Data \ Data -> [0C0E2545] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnPole [FLST:4B00081B]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B500] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B4FE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08535E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085363] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMix [FLST:4B00081D]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085E56] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMonster_Indoor [FLST:4B00081E]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMonster_Outdoor [FLST:4B00081F]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08692D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C0863C1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazWhipDevs [FLST:4B172C77]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B500] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B4FE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085E57] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08535E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085363] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_EQDV0 [DLVW:4B02021E]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B02021F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D5B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D5E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D65] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B032A7C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0390C5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B06522E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07AAC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07AAD1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07B04A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07B04D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_RQDV0 [DLVW:4B0E2543]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0E2544] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_TQ_DV0 [DLVW:4B0F52F4]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_PQ_DV0 [DLVW:4B128B24]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B128B28] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B128B2B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_GreybeardScene [SCEN:4B11D408]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C11D409] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C11D40C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C126573] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13276D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C133CF7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134261] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134263] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134265] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134267] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134269] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C1357FD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C135801] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13934A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13A8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_WizardScene [SCEN:4B15BE20]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15BE22] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15BE25] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15F960] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C160988] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C1619B4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_CaptureQuest_WhipScene [SCEN:4B1864BD]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C188A6E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] Done: Checking for Errors, Processed Records: 251, Errors found: 20, Elapsed Time: 00:00



hmm, do you have Zap 8+ installed or an older version?


I dunno how important all these are, most of them seem to come from the fact that I still use the Naked Dungeons architecture and some ESP entries are left that have no use anymore.

Since they are never called I dont think these can do any harm.


As for these:


[00:00] nade_ZazFurnPole [FLST:4B00081B]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B500] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08B4FE] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08535E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085363] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMix [FLST:4B00081D]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C085E56] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMonster_Indoor [FLST:4B00081E]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C07DC23] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazFurnMonster_Outdoor [FLST:4B00081F]
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C08692D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     FLST \ FormIDs \ LNAM - FormID -> [0C0863C1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ZazWhipDevs [FLST:4B172C77]


those are the furnitures I applied. Since this only lists SOME of them as errors I thought maybe wrong ZAP version?

I dont have a SE test environment so I cannot check if there are any problems involing the furnitures. 

1 hour ago, Nymra said:

do you have Zap 8+ installed or an older version?


That set of 20 errors above occurs when using this LE version of ZAP 8 converted to SE:

Zaz Animation Pack V 8.0 [2017-11-15] 8.0
By t.ara


I also tested with Pfiffy's ZAZ 8.0+ conversion for SE.

ZAZ Animation Packs for SE 1.0.0
By Pfiffy

ZAZ 8.0+ UUNP HDT Rev3 : https://mega.nz/#!7ZQjmABY!5slFVs_5YB7DphHCrd2m1nzDTiIwpFoLyRKq6WUt6ek


SSEEdit reports 15 errors with Pfiffy's conversion:



[00:00] Checking for Errors in [4B] Naked Defeat.esp
[00:00] nade_MetabolismEffect "Accelerated Metabolism" [MGEF:4B167ABA]
[00:00]     MGEF \ KWDA - Keywords \ Keyword -> [0C16AB41] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_Stick "Wooden Stick" [WEAP:4B0E70C7]
[00:00]     WEAP \ CRDT - Critical Data \ Effect -> Expected 4 bytes of data, found 0
[00:00] nade_BoneMace "Bone Cudgel" [WEAP:4B0EAC09]
[00:00]     WEAP \ CRDT - Critical Data \ Effect -> Expected 4 bytes of data, found 0
[00:00] nade_PlayerFXTopic "On second thought... never mind." [DIAL:4B11A8D1]
[00:00]     DIAL \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_PlayMXTopic "On second thought... forget it." [DIAL:4B11A8D3]
[00:00]     DIAL \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_ConfigQuest "Naked Defeat" [QUST:4B0012C5]
[00:00]     QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [4B189A98] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [0C0D17E9] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [4B0D17E7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Create Reference to Object \ ALCO - Object -> [0C0D17E8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_EatQuest "Naked Defeat Eating" [QUST:4B156D34]
[00:00]     QUST \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [4B156D39] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_RapeForceGreet [PACK:4B0E2AAF]
[00:00]     PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ Topic \ PDTO - Topic Data \ Data -> [0C0E2545] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_EQDV0 [DLVW:4B02021E]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B02021F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D5B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D5E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B022D65] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B032A7C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0390C5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B06522E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07AAC4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07AAD1] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07B04A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B07B04D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_RQDV0 [DLVW:4B0E2543]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0E2544] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_TQ_DV0 [DLVW:4B0F52F4]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B0F52F5] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_PQ_DV0 [DLVW:4B128B24]
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B128B28] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     DLVW \ Branches \ BNAM - Branch -> [4B128B2B] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_GreybeardScene [SCEN:4B11D408]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C11D409] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C11D40C] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C126573] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13276D] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C133CF7] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134261] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134263] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134265] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134267] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C134269] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C1357FD] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C135801] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13934A] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C13A8D8] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_WizardScene [SCEN:4B15BE20]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15BE22] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15BE25] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C15F960] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C160988] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C1619B4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] nade_CaptureQuest_WhipScene [SCEN:4B1864BD]
[00:00]     SCEN \ Actions \ Action \ DATA - Topic -> [0C188A6E] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] Done: Checking for Errors, Processed Records: 251, Errors found: 15, Elapsed Time: 00:00



yeah, as I thought, with 8+ the only errors that I see as a problem are gone.

it was listing missing furniture references that are only in 8+ but not in 8.


I m slowly trying to clean up the rest, bit by bit, but I cannot remove too much because I need parts of the quests to insert future content.

But as I said in the previous post: the errors listed now (the 15 ones) will never be a problem since the scripts or quests involving them are never started anymore, they are dead relicts from Naked Dungeons.

so should be save to use.



Question re: DefeatPee/ Golden Showers


requires Bathing in Skyrim (soft requirement) with the LATEST version of Monomans Bathing in Skyrim Tweak (IMPORTANT)


As far as I can tell, Monoman's Bathing in Skyrim Tweaks doesn't have an SE specific version. Can someone confirm that it indeed works with the SE version of Bathing in Skyrim (or that it doesn't)? Also, is the current unofficial version of BiS for SE on Nexus the right file?


I don't normally use BiS, but am thinking of switching over due to Naked Defeat.

4 hours ago, Megumin. said:

Half of the links to the requirements and recommendations aren't classified as Skyrim Special Edition. Do they still work with SE? 


oh, knew I forgot something. Yeah, I should relink to the respective SE versions , thx for the reminder

5 hours ago, Anunya said:

Question re: DefeatPee/ Golden Showers





As far as I can tell, Monoman's Bathing in Skyrim Tweaks doesn't have an SE specific version. Can someone confirm that it indeed works with the SE version of Bathing in Skyrim (or that it doesn't)? Also, is the current unofficial version of BiS for SE on Nexus the right file?


I don't normally use BiS, but am thinking of switching over due to Naked Defeat.


monomans mod tweaks is the only working version of BiS. If you cna use the Nexus version as basis I dont know, but Naked Defeat uses a mod event that is only available in monomans version.


WITHOUT that you will still get the golden showers, but you will not be cleaned in the process. 

Just now, Bullfye said:


Des this as any conflict with Yamete Mod ??



But since both mods do the same I would say yes.
I dont know if you can disable for example player defeat in yamete to still have the mods other options, but not sure. (I think yamete also has PC rapes NPC feature). 



When whipping occurs or any furniture action. I get stuck with my camera inside the character. Used sl free camera etc. Is it a known bug or issue? Cant seem to find the fix myself. Zaz is not overriding animations.

7 minutes ago, Aarsman said:

When whipping occurs or any furniture action. I get stuck with my camera inside the character. Used sl free camera etc. Is it a known bug or issue? Cant seem to find the fix myself. Zaz is not overriding animations.


ah, that is a Zap problem, yeah... in LE i fixed it with my "no collision furnitures" mod (link is in the description), I dont recall if somebody made an SE version for that. 

19 minutes ago, Aarsman said:

When whipping occurs or any furniture action. I get stuck with my camera inside the character. Used sl free camera etc. Is it a known bug or issue? Cant seem to find the fix myself. Zaz is not overriding animations.


just checked. ofc the SE crowd is always reliable :D

SE converted donwload here in the thread


7 minutes ago, Nepro said:


Probably conflicting mod could be added to the list.


Not sure if kidnapped would conflict too.


SL kidnapped should not be used anyway. that mod is broken so hard I wonder why ppl still download it o_O


Yamete  I will put on the list, but also wait for reports regarding possible ways to make them compatible. 
USers for example achieved compatibility with SL defeat via settings (still using Defeats NPC vs NPC and PC rapes NPC functionality that way)

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