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About This File

This has been ported privatly for a long time now. T.ara allowed me to load the ZAZ Packs up officially, so here we go.


This will also be a base for all people that already ported the packs, where they can share their expieriences and problems to make ZAZ even better than it has been before in Oldrim. 


With tears in my eyes I'm thinking back at the time when Ashal released SL 1.63Beta1, and a lot of people shared their stuff, helped each other and tested the hell out of things what finally leaded to a release of a working version of Creature Framework. And that all without participation of the original authors.


I really wish we can do this again.


About ZAZ 7 :


I tryed to keep this as close to the original as possible and added just edits that seemed neccesarry to me.


Skyrim SE edits, that I have made so far:

1. Added the fix for the doggy animation.


Thanks to Cedec0 at this point.



2. Removed/edited textures that were not SE compatible. (I have checked if they were in use someway and haven't found them so far, but you never know.)
Reports on that are welcome.


Thanks to Osnious for SSE Nifoptimizer at this point


With out this a lot of stuff would not have been possible.


3. Brought the .esm into a SE compatible shape.

Thanks to the Wyre Bash Team at this point


4. Checked and corrected errors in Tesedit.
There is a copy of the original .esm in the 'Docs' folder.. I keeped it as emergency back up. I have not cleaned the new .ESM with SEEedit, but i have checked it for errors and so far there are none.


Thanks to ElminsterAU and SSEEdit team at this point



To cut it short:
Thanks to all people that have been involved in creating this pack (especially the original authors), the tools for converting mods to SE and all the people who helped me with getting this going. I hope noone gets dissapointed because he/she/it gets not mentioned by name. for now the list would be too long.


The main point in starting with Version 7 is, that it is needed as dependency for a lot of other mods and I see not much progress on further official SE releases as long as this one is not officially. I called the file Beta, because I don't know into which issues I might run into in the future.


The packs of ZAP 8 can be found here:


ZAZ 8.0 CBBE Rev2 : https://mega.nz/#!rJghkKBZ!Orm3SQ4_W7Icpbnjs--FzvX2cJQlZg82WlywEct_Jfw
ZAZ 8.0 UNP Rev2  : https://mega.nz/#!7B5RFTIS!M5PL4MZvVPSTM6UfoVkXbJcBzN0GQxH52IszrKvylaM



The packs of ZAP 8+ can be found here:


ZAZ 8.0+ CBBE HDT 2023 : https://mega.nz/file/7IhyFKrQ#IfUw7ex6vg6h0to4x5fQ7IoEJpUqUmW130p7aazDNmg
ZAZ 8.0+ UUNP HDT 2023 : https://mega.nz/file/3FxmUQwB#fN7DSeTkL_yVssza0Hbxv1a7XdF9xul3gZyuEjVTp3A



Added pamatronic's alingment patch to all furnitures, that can deal with it: It makes allingment much better and more relyable.

Pathch can be found here: 

Look there for updated versions and send him some Flowers.


Edited the wrong BS file, should no longer throw errors.



Thanks to:

 @tasairis for the Patch for the Doggy anim is now also included in the 8+ version. Send her some Flowers!

 @Yinklefor fixing some of the furniture markers

 @CliftonJD for pointing me into the right direction with the errors in the .esm's




If someone has fitting slidersets for CBBE SE, please share.


Todo list:


New Bodyslide files for 3BA if I ever get to make them....

Edited by Pfiffy

What's New in Version 2023


Added pamatronic's alingment patch to all furnitures, that can deal with it: It makes allingment much better and more relyable.

Edited the wrong BS file, should no longer throw errors.

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