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2 hours ago, Kaitol said:

Alright, got a papyrus log of the problem. Took a quick peek to see if I could figure out what the problem was myself, but "CurrentF doesn't exist at Surrender Function" doesn't mean much to me. Full log attached. Papyrus.0.log

As usual in this case, Violate is sending the actors to AAF but AAF is not responding with any events -- which means AAF is crashing when trying to play an animation.


This is usually caused by animation packs or patches with badly formatted XML files.  One common culprit is the old "AAF Overlay Patches" mod which is out of date, but there are other patch mods out there that cause the same issue.  If you are running anything like that, I suggest removing them.


FWIW, the "CurrentF doesn't exist at Surrender Function" message is not an error.  It just means Violate looped through the possible follower slots and didn't find any.

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10 hours ago, Kaitol said:

Alright, got a papyrus log of the problem. Took a quick peek to see if I could figure out what the problem was myself, but "CurrentF doesn't exist at Surrender Function" doesn't mean much to me. Full log attached. Papyrus.0.log


8 hours ago, EgoBallistic said:

As usual in this case, Violate is sending the actors to AAF but AAF is not responding with any events -- which means AAF is crashing when trying to play an animation.


This is usually caused by animation packs or patches with badly formatted XML files.  One common culprit is the old "AAF Overlay Patches" mod which is out of date, but there are other patch mods out there that cause the same issue.  If you are running anything like that, I suggest removing them.


FWIW, the "CurrentF doesn't exist at Surrender Function" message is not an error.  It just means Violate looped through the possible follower slots and didn't find any.

Correct me if I'm wrong Ego, but that log doesn't have any AAF version report in it, nor anything from AAF [that I can see] at all.
Wouldn't that imply it's not active at all? Thought it threw in a version message regardless of the debug/troubleshooting settings.

Otherwise yes, I guess it would have 'died' somewhere, as you mentioned.

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2 hours ago, Nebuchadnezzer2 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong Ego, but that log doesn't have any AAF version report in it, nor anything from AAF [that I can see] at all.
Wouldn't that imply it's not active at all? Thought it threw in a version message regardless of the debug/troubleshooting settings.

You're right, Violate will log the API version if AAF is found, and it would log an error if AAF is not found.  But neither line is there.  Actually, looking at it more closely, that log is really strange.  There are a lot of debug lines from Violate missing - there should be 43 lines from MCM options and I only see 27.  But the output from the violation scene looks pretty much normal, other than the missing AAF event notifications.

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On 9/7/2019 at 7:45 AM, EgoBallistic said:

New Version 1.03 Uploaded


This version adds support for abductions from RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions.  There is a new MCM option, Chance of RSE CSA Abduction, that determines the odds of being abducted at the end of a violation by Raiders, Gunners, and Super Mutants.  Note that the check for the Raider Pet outcome takes precedence over the Abduction one.  If you set the Raider Pet chance to 50% and the CSA Abduction chance to 100%, you have a 50% chance of going into Raider Pet instead of being abducted.


20190907083642_1.thumb.jpg.3c3a3d83678b6ab7a91157178b3147a2.jpg 20190907081347_1.thumb.jpg.eb78281175f91a447309be0db2ec8b21.jpg 20190907080604_1.thumb.jpg.e5a461c2cd9f5740584e74d9d2d2ca04.jpg


As always, there is no need to do a clean save to update.  Simply uninstall the old version, install the new version, and load your game.

Just had a chance to test out this update today and I would like also confirm that it appears to be working exactly as intended:


>Character drops to damage threshold

>Violate handles the rape phase

>Violate then seamlessly passes things off to CSA for abductions


Happened to my character twice today, once to supermutants and then again to raiders (thank God for the introduction of Silent Takedowns to CSA)


The only thing I'm unsure of is if companion abductions are still possible with this set up or if it is only possible to have player abductions. Not a big deal if they aren't possible, should be able to set companions to auto dismiss or to also be sent to your abduction site from with in CSA's MCM.


Edit: for clarity

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3 hours ago, executaball said:

What exactly are the bad ends scenes and how to trigger them?

There is a slider in the MCM for the triggers, the bad ends are at the end of the violate secuences, as it name says, the character dies or not, depending on the played sequence


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@EgoBallistic concept : Factions Violating Factions (Now I have not done enough testing to know if this is already in there as it is labeled as 'enemy surrender' not 'NPC surrender')

Your walking through the commonwealth and hear gun fire.  As you get closer the fighting stops.  Going for a nearby rooftop you peer through your scoop.  Too your astonishment and horror it's a violation.  Some raiders defeated one of your caravans and are taking turns with her.  There are too many raiders... and you're almost out of ammo.  You take a deep breath and squeeze the trigger. 

She suffers no more...

This has been idea I've been pondering for a while and I think it is a better fit for AAF Violate especially now that CSA Abductions is now 
integrated.  Maybe one day CSA Abductions will include all NPC's 

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11 hours ago, GoldenRain said:

Your walking through the commonwealth and hear gun fire.  As you get closer the fighting stops.  Going for a nearby rooftop you peer through your scoop.  Too your astonishment and horror it's a violation.  Some raiders defeated one of your caravans and are taking turns with her.

That is an idea I've messed around with, but it really would be a completely different mod.

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Is it possible to add in an essential player feature? Sometimes big hits kill the player directly despite the threshold setting.


I tried setting player as essential via the console, but that alone isn't enough since if the player goes into the bleedout animation (for essential actors), the scene may trigger after the player gets back up, but enemy NPCs also go hostile again on the player. So I'm guessing some additional script work needs to be done to make it work with an essential player feature (e.g. applying some command on the nearby actors to remove aggro, etc).

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1 hour ago, nanashi50 said:

Is it possible to add in an essential player feature? Sometimes big hits kill the player directly despite the threshold setting.


I tried setting player as essential via the console, but that alone isn't enough since if the player goes into the bleedout animation (for essential actors), the scene may trigger after the player gets back up, but enemy NPCs also go hostile again on the player. So I'm guessing some additional script work needs to be done to make it work with an essential player feature (e.g. applying some command on the nearby actors to remove aggro, etc).

Nope.  Perma non deaths breaks these mods see Knockout framework. 'sniffle' I miss you Knockout framework.  Your best bet is too save often and/or raise the health threshold + better armor + HP perks.  Fore if they can't one shot you then they can't one shot you.

Edit: "Fuck it!  I'm putting you back in Knockout Framework!!"

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9 hours ago, nanashi50 said:

Is it possible to add in an essential player feature? Sometimes big hits kill the player directly despite the threshold setting.


I tried setting player as essential via the console, but that alone isn't enough since if the player goes into the bleedout animation (for essential actors), the scene may trigger after the player gets back up, but enemy NPCs also go hostile again on the player. So I'm guessing some additional script work needs to be done to make it work with an essential player feature (e.g. applying some command on the nearby actors to remove aggro, etc).

I made a couple custom weapons that at base damage will 1 shot a Deathclaw. Then used a leveled list to randomly give them to Raiders, Gunners, Scavengers/Settlers at level 1. So the Commonwealth is a VERY deadly place.

If ego does add God Mode, like Knockout Framework or the Deviously Cursed Slave Collar, I'd "personally" like it to be an toggled option. I find it fun to never know when you might be suddenly rag dolling across the ground.

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Mmm Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

**Did it.  Knockout Framework AND AAF Violate(video) + CSA Abductions(pic 1) are all working together with the settings in the pics displayed below.(Pics 2 & 3) 
  Turning Knockout Framework's  'defer player death' system off in the McM was not enough for a AAF Violate to become a CSA Abduction so I added in __No__ to humans and SM's in the type of actors that can KO. 











-Maybe just maybe these settings will be compatible with MCG since the guide states that Knockout Framework's  'defer player death' system is what breaks it.

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19 hours ago, GoldenRain said:

Nope.  Perma non deaths breaks these mods see Knockout framework. 'sniffle' I miss you Knockout framework.

Not sure I understand what you mean. What will break exactly? From the Knockout Framework description page, it says it works on essential NPCs as well.



10 hours ago, izzyknows said:

If ego does add God Mode, like Knockout Framework or the Deviously Cursed Slave Collar, I'd "personally" like it to be an toggled option. I find it fun to never know when you might be suddenly rag dolling across the ground.

I think Skyrim's Death Alternative handles it very well. It has a setting that if the player takes a large hit that's more than x% of the max health, it will kill instead of going into a downed essential state.

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On 9/11/2019 at 5:46 PM, GoldenRain said:

Maybe just maybe these settings will be compatible with MCG since the guide states that Knockout Framework's  'defer player death' system is what breaks it.

It just breaks the save not MCG, knockout framework defer kill method is a permanent change in the savegame, once started it cannot be undone reliably without a true death of the player, this means you cannot unistall KO midgame if that method is started. There were many discussions and reports about this in the previous MCG versions, especially the 4-play oldest one . I know Anghelos decided to fully drop any kind of support and to signal knockout framework as completely incompatible as any other mod that use deferred kill method on player because he was tired of those reports that were not directly an MCG bug, but actually, technically, KO framework is not incompatible. You just can't use the MCG respawn system, which btw I think you already disabled because you have to if you have AAF Violate and/or CSA installed. Just an advice though: if you will encounter bugs with MCG and KO framework don't report to Anghelos attaching the load order with Knock Out framework in the list, he will get Mad xD, last guy that did that were reported to moderators LoL!

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8 hours ago, Martin56 said:

It just breaks the save not MCG, knockout framework defer kill method is a permanent change in the savegame, once started it cannot be undone reliably without a true death of the player, this means you cannot unistall KO midgame if that method is started. There were many discussions and reports about this in the previous MCG versions, especially the 4-play oldest one . I know Anghelos decided to fully drop any kind of support and to signal knockout framework as completely incompatible as any other mod that use deferred kill method on player because he was tired of those reports that were not directly an MCG bug, but actually, technically, KO framework is not incompatible. You just can't use the MCG respawn system, which btw I think you already disabled because you have to if you have AAF Violate and/or CSA installed. Just an advice though: if you will encounter bugs with MCG and KO framework don't report to Anghelos attaching the load order with Knock Out framework in the list, he will get Mad xD, last guy that did that were reported to moderators LoL!


Yes so for KO + MCG + CSA + Violate then with the settings above plus disabling MCG's respawn system + Having a least one true death before MCG install then they all should work fine... .. Is that correct?

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Trying out AAF Violate again after not having used it in a while, I decided to test some of the integrations which have been added. I've noticed that any time I surrender to a group of super mutants which includes at least one mutant hound (which is... almost always?), the first violator in that group is invariably a hound. When this happens, whether or not the super mutants present take their turns, it seems there is no handoff to Bad End or RSE2:CSA even if I crank their probabilities to 100% in the MCM. Is this a known issue? Any good workarounds for it?

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2 hours ago, vaultbait said:

Trying out AAF Violate again after not having used it in a while, I decided to test some of the integrations which have been added. I've noticed that any time I surrender to a group of super mutants which includes at least one mutant hound (which is... almost always?), the first violator in that group is invariably a hound. When this happens, whether or not the super mutants present take their turns, it seems there is no handoff to Bad End or RSE2:CSA even if I crank their probabilities to 100% in the MCM. Is this a known issue? Any good workarounds for it?

I recently tried to save my companion failing miserabily and got stuck on power armor a few times but it always ended wit devious devices, bad ends and csa abductions, working as intended, not having any problem at all with it.

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15 hours ago, GoldenRain said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Yes so for KO + MCG + CSA + Violate then with the settings above plus disabling MCG's respawn system + Having a least one true death before MCG install then they all should work fine... .. Is that correct?

Yes except the part about the true death before installing MCG, you din't need any of that if you keep the KO deferred kill always disabled.

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3 hours ago, vaultbait said:

Trying out AAF Violate again after not having used it in a while, I decided to test some of the integrations which have been added. I've noticed that any time I surrender to a group of super mutants which includes at least one mutant hound (which is... almost always?), the first violator in that group is invariably a hound. When this happens, whether or not the super mutants present take their turns, it seems there is no handoff to Bad End or RSE2:CSA even if I crank their probabilities to 100% in the MCM. Is this a known issue? Any good workarounds for it?

I can offer some insight here having done a fair amount of testing with CSA. When testing CSA Abductions (using CSA by itself) I noticed that in groups consisting of both supermutants and FEV Hounds the last actor to have a turn would be what determined if an abduction took place. If it was a supermutant, the abduction would happen, but if it was the FEV Hound no abduction would happen. I can only guess here but I’d wager that the supermutant abduction chance is triggered by the RaceID of the actor rather than by the FactionID, the end result being that FEV Hounds won’t ever trigger an abduction even though logically they should if accompanied by supermutants.


TLDR: This is most likely a quirk of how CSA is written than anything to do with Violate.



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1 hour ago, Number24 said:

TLDR: This is most likely a quirk of how CSA is written than anything to do with Violate.

This would not at all explain why when i set the RSE2:CSA abduction support in Violate to 0% chance and Bad Ending support to 100% chance I only get bad endings from super mutant groups which lack mutant hounds.

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47 minutes ago, Celedhring said:

Any chance that this mod could link to RSE II: Abductions?

Yes, it already does. Just use Violate's surrender and turn off RSE2:CSA surrenders in its MCM, then set the RSE2:CSA abduction chance in Violate's MCM to whatever % you prefer.

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