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Paid mods and Bethesda announcement on the E3


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Yet until some indie company with magical amounts of money and other resources makes a game that will blow Beth's monopoly in the open world gaming market we will have to make do with TESV, FO4 and maybe TE6 et al. 


As I am seeing it right now, CC is just something that Beth made just so the filthy console players (just kidding...I own a console too...a gameboy...lmao) can experience the wonderful, magical world of modding... a privilege PC gamers have since I started playing Command and Conquer way back in '95-96...or maybe way back...


Something Beth is trying to besmirch with said "not-paid-mods"

Honestly, I can't even play FO4 anymore because it just makes me feel dirty. Old-rim is my focus now. Just got my shit stable and fun- one more time. Which reminds me that rebuilding is sometimes rewarding as it helps to discover things you might miss otherwise. ;)  

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If you really pay attention to how they go from game to game, morrowind to oblivion, oblivion to skyrim ect, the games are already going downhill. I mean I love them but Daggerfall and Morrowind were something amazing and its only gotten worse down the line.


Of course this is my opinion and for another thread all together but it fits in with how they are going downhill and there mindset towards making games and how they manage them with other BS stuff.


At least with New vegas obsidian tried to do fallout right and bring it back to what it was supposed to be, but of course bethesda has to go and ruin that. The creation club is just the tip of the ice burg, I gotta feeling its only gonna get worse from here on out. 


That being said though, its nice to know games are forever. So even if Bethesda pretty much kills themselves(reputation wise) at least we there good games still, still doesn't make it ok, but what evs i guess.


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Why are you young men so eager to give way to Bethesda w/o a good fight, huh? I really miss the old days mommy told me of when men still had some spine, balls larger than marbles and didn't always scream 'Run! Run away! Really... this is embarrassing. I for one like guys with at least some battle scars, no matter if they have won their fight or not. You will never accomplish anything in this world without courage...

And do what that isn't already being done? Threaten them physically? Hire a team of fuckin lawyers? No. The only thing we have to fight with is our voices- and that is already being done LOUDLY!! And why the shot at men? Are women suddenly meek, silent little homemakers again? :lol:


Nothing is done to defend our position, the status quo in modding that results from the hard and free work of three gamer generations starting in 2002. Nothing! This ain't perhaps a physical clash, don't get confused by my metaphors. And we don't have to hire anybody to strengthen our position. All we have to do is to separate those who seek a future for themselves in collaborating with Beth from ourselves, cut them off from the mod development, their roots, wish them good luck and hasta la vista. Is that really so difficult to understand? We must remove our sole weak spot from the equation or Beth replays the Indian Wars with us. And we all know the fuckin' end of that highway, don't we?


A challenging voice makes sense only when the other has open ears to hear, friend. They don't hear us, they just hear the demands of their shareholders, that's all.


My call was directed to men not just b/c I like men (bi do dat) but because the vast majority of our players are men, as is the majority of player chars female. Please don't expect the female minority to do the bleeding whilst you guys are happily making the sandwiches in a safe distance... ;)


A word on Beth's already mentioned lack of knowledge of modding which includes fixing and optimizing.

That's what Rhedd told us when he shared his low-poly heads for Morrowind with us like Saint Martin allegedly had shared his coat with the beggar sitting naked in the fuckin' cold, opening the gates of modding for us... w/o asking for micro transactions first. Maybe we didn't understand what Rhedd actually had meant with that knowledge thing back then, at least I didn't. Today we do understand, don't we? They haven't learnt anything new in the past fifteen years. We should use it to our advantage in the confrontation, and it is a confrontation 'cause the coms are at stake, our entertainment, everything.


Look. Beth is already a sinking ship. And apparently all they know how to do is make it sink faster! Their greed will be their downfall. Elder Scrolls VI? It will be nothing like the games they used to make. They will churn out something worse than they did with FO4. They have sold their soul to make an extra pittance off the very people that have supported them all these years. Bioware is dead and buried. Beth is dying and we just don't want to admit it. If they were in their prime still setting the bar for games like yesteryear then things would be different. But the mantle of excellence has been passed on to CDPR for now. Only time will tell who might climb up to join them. Also, free mods aren't going ANYWHERE!


Well, I can vision the difference between a sinking and a sunken frigate with 50 canons on each side. So, it's no good idea just to stand idle by in a fuckin skiff, smoking trees and sipping rum, hoping for the best and watching the show within range of the canons... :lol:


I mean, we all know (or think to know) the shape Beth is in - decline. However, the company ain't dead yet which, in turn, leads to the fundamental question - do we really want to see 'em dead? May I remind you guys that modding and/or playing Beth games means living in a kind of symbiosis with the motherfuckers that provide us with the required shell, the game platform to create new things and to make our individual game experience. So what to do?


My position is clear - forcing Beth to retreat back into the ivory tower with the pants down by defending the status quo and thus the Codex of Free Modding (even if it might cost some heads among us) with everything and everybody we can muster. We can't fortify our position as long as we give shelter to a minority that is (or intends to become) owned by the opponent in the matter who presses all the known 'imperial' support buttons to make them look more important out there than they actually are in the good hope that they'd control the majority in the pc coms (that are essential for the CC) at the end of the day. Are we third world people that are perhaps still somewhat slow on the uptake? Guess not.


Ya see, ya see? They're just pissing on us without even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain.



Don't you know the implication of an internal purge for the one or the other or are you perhaps a potential target of such a purge? If the latter is true I've already said that every good man is free to do what he likes most... as long as I don't have to suffer from it.

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You can't make Bethesda think twice about what they're doing by making your community a safe space. They don't care, nobody does. The cancerous ambition to make more and more money with less and less effort has infected the whole gaming industry, the latest victim being Shadow of War. Ubisoft, EA, Activision Blizzard and now Bethesda and WB Interactive are all doing that. Companies nowadays have a hunger for infinite financial growth because the shareholders want to see their invested money back and then some. You can either try to reduce your costs while still being able to make the same money each year, you can try to make more money each year but then what? You will reach the end of the line of what is possible sooner or later so microtransactions are a good option to keep that away. You make tons of money by selling a few bits and bytes that cost almost nothing to make, it's a wet dream come true and nobody is going to stop that. The only thing that can make things somewhat okay again would be a crash of the industry, 1983-style. Let all the bloated companies die off so new and fresh ones will take their place eventually.


tl;dr: You're nothing but a wallet for those companies. You don't have a position, you don't have any power - except the power of not buying, of course, but then you'd be a bad wallet, wouldn't you.

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If you really pay attention to how they go from game to game, morrowind to oblivion, oblivion to skyrim ect, the games are already going downhill. I mean I love them but Daggerfall and Morrowind were something amazing and its only gotten worse down the line.


The crucial moment was when they released Morrowind on Xbox, probably on a complete whim and struck a big fat vein of CONSOLEMONEY.


But even before that they were always experimenting with The Elder Scrolls brand, trying to find anything that would be a huge hit but shitting the bed instead due to really poor gameplay decisions (Battlespire, Redguard.)

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Dear Jazzman,


I see where you are coming from but its a war out their there have been posting from gopher, and a few others condemning or outright screaming that beth is wrong. One such video that is posted in this forum log itself talks about Bethesda backlash from Pete Hines who in turn tried to defend it stubbornly as people have outright claiming its paid mods. The thing is most people dont know protests are going because media does not always cover it since its not something that brings in rating or money. a lot like the war in the Middle east many did not even know it was going on because they had no clue it was due to virtually no information be screamed at them like currently with trump. its hard to start a protest when most people are not anywhere near your soap box to hear it. lastly I am not saying this makes this right, but understand you want to get people to support then making it news for them is the best way many will defend many will not, the issue is knowing that the problem exists, if we want more people to know about what is going on we need information and we need to spread it throughout all the channels. Pete Hines is getting frustrated with the consumers about this topic, and honestly we just need more people to hear. I am not attacking you I hope you know I didnt really know about the paid mods fiasco until I saw the topic on here before Creation club.

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Dear Jazzman,


...Pete Hines is getting frustrated with the consumers about this topic...


I don't see this... By the contrary, i see a kid that don't want to admit the fail and ignore everyone that don't agreed with him, the guy who have a ego so large that cannot see his place in the market.


To be honest, i think that the best thing to do is to bring the hate, look the no man sky guy, he got the hate of the world and he manage to fix the game (from what i read), i could show more examples, but from what i see, this kind of stuff works.

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Well, the ball is now at the Bethesda's court after the first wave of backlash on Steam, Youtube and their forums. I think by now they have processed the feedback and we'll need to see what they will do next. With the CC for FO4 they are only dipping their toes in the water before the CC hits Skyrim this month. However the backlash with Skyrim will be probably smaller because there is an opt-out option - Oldrim.


Here is what Pete Hines has to say about all of this:


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You can't make Bethesda think twice about what they're doing by making your community a safe space. They don't care, nobody does. The cancerous ambition to make more and more money with less and less effort has infected the whole gaming industry, the latest victim being Shadow of War. Ubisoft, EA, Activision Blizzard and now Bethesda and WB Interactive are all doing that. Companies nowadays have a hunger for infinite financial growth because the shareholders want to see their invested money back and then some. You can either try to reduce your costs while still being able to make the same money each year, you can try to make more money each year but then what? You will reach the end of the line of what is possible sooner or later so microtransactions are a good option to keep that away. You make tons of money by selling a few bits and bytes that cost almost nothing to make, it's a wet dream come true and nobody is going to stop that. The only thing that can make things somewhat okay again would be a crash of the industry, 1983-style. Let all the bloated companies die off so new and fresh ones will take their place eventually.


tl;dr: You're nothing but a wallet for those companies. You don't have a position, you don't have any power - except the power of not buying, of course, but then you'd be a bad wallet, wouldn't you.

Nonsense. It is up to us and only us in the PC com to cut them off from collaboration by modders. Where do CC modders come from, huh? If you don't understand that, well, not even God could help ya.

That fuckin 'oh, we're all doomed and can't do anything against it' dogma of the somehow chained I've already heard, it overshadows the history of man. However, it doesn't impress me much. I'm a free woman and keep it that way. Fear for the sake of fear mere accidentally leads to a victory, more likely into a permanent submission, just saying.

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Dear Jazzman,


Pete Hines is getting frustrated with the consumers about this topic, and honestly we just need more people to hear. 


Im sorry i missed the part where you explain why im suppose to care ... 

Is Bethesda some precious little flower ? Some poor sick kid that doesn't deserve the criticism because life is hard enough for them as it is ? Some small two people indie team that one has to forgive some "rough around the edges" things in their games ? 


NO, its a fucking multimilion company. 

Company that is famous for releasing outright broken games, riddled with glitches, bugs, missing content, company that killed TWO great RPG franchise with this dumbing down bullshit, making them with less and less features but with more samey content, kill-loot-return fetch quests, retarded plot, basic writing errors etc. 

Games that are on top only thanks to unreasonable hypemachine and most of all MODDING. 

Modding in which people outright restore cut stuff and fix basic issues with their game per se.

And now the same company wants to kill independent modding and milk its fans for every penny they can ( again - with CC rates we have now, any serious modding of all Creation Club F5/NuSkyrim would cost as much as 300-500$, possibly even more - all that on top of paying 60 $ for the game plus more for eventual DLC's ).

Hines gets frustrated ?

I dont give a single solitary fuck if Hines gets ulcer, cancer and carpal tunnel syndrome from all that well deserved backlash he has to deflect and downplay on Twitter/other social media.

This is "be or not to be" of independent modding for both current and future games ( because we all know that if Bethesda gets away with charging for mods, other cancerous assholes like EA and Ubi will follow ). 


P.s. i also dont give a fuck if anyone says im a doomsayer - gaming industry proved time and time again that it will do the most vile, unfair and outright evil shit to get more money without any actual work - its not a doomsaying when its been done before. 

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tl;dr: You're nothing but a wallet for those companies. You don't have a position, you don't have any power - except the power of not buying, of course, but then you'd be a bad wallet, wouldn't you.

Exactly. We are the resources. The product is profit, and the customers are the stockholders. Game development is merely the process trough which the resource is refined to the product.


And for every one that actually follows trough on their totally believable boycott threath, 50 more will buy anything they put out. This is a fight that us resources can't win.


And come on! Show some sympathy to Bethesda. They so hard want to be EA, but people just keep loving them :(

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this wrote a friend.  ;)


Bethesda's such a pipe dreamer! lol af, i'm sorry, Akivir IS awesome! I would LOVE to be a samurai!
<--------See? *points frantically with extreme haste at pic*

but tbh, beth's gotta first build up the gaming industry's trust and moral in them, before others will even consider sponsoring them.
HBO is awesome, (i don't watch game of thrones) but HBO are not game developers...And with lawsuits such as the 1 million one against their use of "The Wanderer" in their ads for Fallout 4. AND the scandal with this Creation Club, Bethesda is starting to look just like Enron inc.

1. The fact that the mods from creation club download automatically (and are useless unless you give them money) is ransomware:
Ransomware is a type of malicious software from cryptovirology that threatens to publish the victim's data or perpetually block access to it unless a ransom is paid.

This is illegal, whether it's 'their product' or not, if we didn't ask for it, and we can't remove it, and they won't remove it until they are paid; a virus. They are black hats, and this is illegal, whether they agree or not (dis high elf samurai went to college for this ya'll)
Now that's hurting TWO OTHER waaay larger companies product: Sony, and Microsoft (sony gat dat Playstation, and Microsoft got dat dern Xbox, ya'll) ^_^
and will sue if they see a loss in their product sales due to Creation Club, and they can prove it. Youtubers are ALREADY able to prove that it can negatively impact consoles AND pc's. So Beth will be slaughtered, if they don't fix.

2. I'm not paying them a dime until they get this right, and stop acting like turkeys. Life ain't no turkey shoot, feels me?


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If you really pay attention to how they go from game to game, morrowind to oblivion, oblivion to skyrim ect, the games are already going downhill. I mean I love them but Daggerfall and Morrowind were something amazing and its only gotten worse down the line.


Of course this is my opinion and for another thread all together but it fits in with how they are going downhill and there mindset towards making games and how they manage them with other BS stuff.


At least with New vegas obsidian tried to do fallout right and bring it back to what it was supposed to be, but of course bethesda has to go and ruin that. The creation club is just the tip of the ice burg, I gotta feeling its only gonna get worse from here on out. 



Amen! Zenimax/Bethesda doesn't care about quality, they've quite clearly proven they care more about quantity. Who cares about making a good game if they can make a massive profit on cheaper, mass-produced, mediocre-to-lousy games held afloat by mods? It's made worse by the fact that no other company is producing games that can be modded as easily as theirs. There's no real competition to force them to shape up.


To be brutally honest, I'm surprised it's taken them this long to come up with a scam to make money on modders' work. But it's predicated on people choosing to let them host their work on their platform. That's the key: nobody is forced (yet) to do so. If nobody chooses to host their mods on it, they can't make a dime. If (when) Bethesda does force modders to host their mods on their platform...well, others have commented on that so I won't bother.

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Dear Jazzman,


Pete Hines is getting frustrated with the consumers about this topic, and honestly we just need more people to hear.


Im sorry i missed the part where you explain why im suppose to care ... 

Is Bethesda some precious little flower ? Some poor sick kid that doesn't deserve the criticism because life is hard enough for them as it is ? Some small two people indie team that one has to forgive some "rough around the edges" things in their games ? 


NO, its a fucking multimilion company. 

Company that is famous for releasing outright broken games, riddled with glitches, bugs, missing content, company that killed TWO great RPG franchise with this dumbing down bullshit, making them with less and less features but with more samey content, kill-loot-return fetch quests, retarded plot, basic writing errors etc. 

Games that are on top only thanks to unreasonable hypemachine and most of all MODDING. 

Modding in which people outright restore cut stuff and fix basic issues with their game per se.

And now the same company wants to kill independent modding and milk its fans for every penny they can ( again - with CC rates we have now, any serious modding of all Creation Club F5/NuSkyrim would cost as much as 300-500$, possibly even more - all that on top of paying 60 $ for the game plus more for eventual DLC's ).

Hines gets frustrated ?

I dont give a single solitary fuck if Hines gets ulcer, cancer and carpal tunnel syndrome from all that well deserved backlash he has to deflect and downplay on Twitter/other social media.

This is "be or not to be" of independent modding for both current and future games ( because we all know that if Bethesda gets away with charging for mods, other cancerous assholes like EA and Ubi will follow ). 


P.s. i also dont give a fuck if anyone says im a doomsayer - gaming industry proved time and time again that it will do the most vile, unfair and outright evil shit to get more money without any actual work - its not a doomsaying when its been done before.


If you don't like the vanilla shell they provide and call for an exodus from Bethesda Ruins on the fly like a certain Moses earlier you have to tell some ten million players where to go tomorrow and why. You don't want to leave them behind, do you? You won't gather enough folks to fill a Volkswagen bus tho'. People simply dislike total uncertainty, starting from scratch elsewhere only to end up in fifteen years where we are today, at crossroads again. That is the reason why I prefer the hard fought for status quo in Beth modding for the time being, ready to fight to the end for what we all have accomplished over all these long years, knowing pretty well what kind of asshole sits on the other side of the table. Yes, we sit on that fuckin table because we control modding, something they have no fuckin idea of. The proof is in the CC pudding...

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I was not defending them I was pointing out that not a lot of people hear about this stuff, And pete getting frustrated was stated as a good thing meaning that there seems to be enough of a voice that its irritating them. I was not attacking anyone on here what so ever, I was agreeing in part with jazzman, I guess I could have wrote that better, my apologies for that. Ill go get those vids on the recent stuff I was saying.


1.) here was the video I was watching when poorly trying to comment about. hope this clears up my blunder there.

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Nonsense. It is up to us and only us in the PC com to cut them off from collaboration by modders. Where do CC modders come from, huh? If you don't understand that, well, not even God could help ya.

That fuckin 'oh, we're all doomed and can't do anything against it' dogma of the somehow chained I've already heard, it overshadows the history of man. However, it doesn't impress me much. I'm a free woman and keep it that way. Fear for the sake of fear mere accidentally leads to a victory, more likely into a permanent submission, just saying.



Don't get me wrong, I'm doing my part and voting with my wallet. Companies that push that agenda won't get a cent from me, not one. However, I'm also sane enough that I realize that me doing my thing won't affect anything at a larger scale. Your idea has a few problems, however. You can't lock the modding community away behind closed doors. Modding thrives on being open and welcome, sharing information and assets alike. Second, people working for Bethesda and their little Creation Club aren't forced to announce their allegiance as far as I know, making it impossible to tell who's who. So unless you want to turn the modding community in a community that's ruled by paranoia and mistrust for little to no gain your idea won't work.

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 starting from scratch elsewhere only to end up in fifteen years where we are today


Where you getting that bs from? The strongest are not the ones that survive. It is the most adaptable that do. More choices is a GOOD THING!! Diversity is the key to longevity- not some dogmatic preservation of the "old ways". If- and I do mean "if" they ever try to end free modding, then I will be first in line to take the fight to them. The struggle between an immovable object (or inflexible position) and an unstoppable force will see the latter win every time. Think water and rock. Where they are the water and you are the stubborn rock. What happens to an anchored vessel in the middle of a storm?  :D




What? No argument? Well ok I win. Good game! :)

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Nonsense. It is up to us and only us in the PC com to cut them off from collaboration by modders. Where do CC modders come from, huh? If you don't understand that, well, not even God could help ya.

That fuckin 'oh, we're all doomed and can't do anything against it' dogma of the somehow chained I've already heard, it overshadows the history of man. However, it doesn't impress me much. I'm a free woman and keep it that way. Fear for the sake of fear mere accidentally leads to a victory, more likely into a permanent submission, just saying.


Don't get me wrong, I'm doing my part and voting with my wallet. Companies that push that agenda won't get a cent from me, not one. However, I'm also sane enough that I realize that me doing my thing won't affect anything at a larger scale. Your idea has a few problems, however. You can't lock the modding community away behind closed doors. Modding thrives on being open and welcome, sharing information and assets alike. Second, people working for Bethesda and their little Creation Club aren't forced to announce their allegiance as far as I know, making it impossible to tell who's who. So unless you want to turn the modding community in a community that's ruled by paranoia and mistrust for little to no gain your idea won't work.


Well, if you were a modder once, a successful one, you'd know where the modder's weak spot lies since the beginning - the abysmal vanity, the lifted up pride. They will tell us that they are among the Chosen Ones (uh-huh!) and they can't even do anything against it. I wasn't always just a silly image maker, you know. There is thus absolutely no need for a paranoia whatsoever. And an open society isn't to be confused with fair game for 'regime change', if you get my meaning.


So, gotta play with my little son. One day, however, I will tell a young man my modding tale, I simply can't resist... :lol:


What has to be said is said. Have a nice day in the fucked up Wasteland or the Ninth World of Lore where they wield the Hammer of War :)

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You know sometimes it is almost tempting to think to blame the mod creators (not the new breed over at CC wilth Eli and her house mods etc.) for making such a damn fine job of making a UNsalvageable and forgettable game made through sloppy coding and QA and breathing new life into it...so much that the game companies who made the game and own it originally became lax and rested on their laurels and letting the said mod creators who are most likely are gamers themselves put nice jewelries on their pigs and then call it a night...


we have a saying in Tagalog "Tubong Lugaw" translated literally means "Rice Porridge Profit" meaning anything done so quickly and sloppy yet sells like freaking hotcakes...because there are people that are willing to buy it...


why develop a new and better original IP when we can show our Skyrim and Fallout to the whole class 10 times in a row Jimmy? people still get a kick when they hear Fuz Ro Dah or see the V.A.T.S. in action...


and besides, the mod makers will fix our sloppy games...they always do...we can just monetize them later eh Jimmy boy?




but I'm just thinking (or typing) aloud here... without said Mod creators, life would be very, very dull indeed and Beth and maybe other gaming companies with shoddy content creation practices wouldn't be still afloat in this "competitive" gaming market...


the least these companies would do to the modding community and the gamers is the decency of  a reach-around jerk while fucking them right in the ass...but no...they go in dry...and you are supposed to like it...


"don't turn this rape into a murder" Beth whispers...


just thinking aloud...

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Dear Jazzman,


Pete Hines is getting frustrated with the consumers about this topic, and honestly we just need more people to hear.



If you don't like the vanilla shell they provide and call for an exodus from Bethesda Ruins on the fly like a certain Moses earlier you have to tell some ten million players where to go tomorrow and why. You don't want to leave them behind, do you? You won't gather enough folks to fill a Volkswagen bus tho'. People simply dislike total uncertainty, starting from scratch elsewhere only to end up in fifteen years where we are today, at crossroads again. That is the reason why I prefer the hard fought for status quo in Beth modding for the time being, ready to fight to the end for what we all have accomplished over all these long years, knowing pretty well what kind of asshole sits on the other side of the table. Yes, we sit on that fuckin table because we control modding, something they have no fuckin idea of. The proof is in the CC pudding...



There is a shitload of developers and game on PC that people can go to.

Good games, with honest developers that you can back up. 


Just because i dont have any clear alternative doesnt mean i have to tolerate being ripped off and treated like crap. 

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There is a shitload of developers and game on PC that people can go to.

Good games, with honest developers that you can back up. 


Just because i dont have any clear alternative doesnt mean i have to tolerate being ripped off and treated like crap. 




Look at their progress from Witcher 2 to Witcher 3.

The evolution is remarkable.


I can't wait to see their next game Cyberpunk 2077. I am certain it will blow away any Bethesda game they manage to crank out of Creation Kit assuming there are still using that garbage.

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There is a shitload of developers and game on PC that people can go to.

Good games, with honest developers that you can back up. 


Just because i dont have any clear alternative doesnt mean i have to tolerate being ripped off and treated like crap. 




Look at their progress from Witcher 2 to Witcher 3.

The evolution is remarkable.


I can't wait to see their next game Cyberpunk 2077. I am certain it will blow away any Bethesda game they manage to crank out of Creation Kit assuming there are still using that garbage.


They make a clear and public display that they are trying to improve themselves and their art each and every time. they don't release the game until it is ready (something EA/Mass Effect should have learned from) they treat their customers very well. Are they perfect, no, they make mistakes and have shortcomings, however, the important thing is they try to improve themselves constantly. That is a game company I want to support.

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I was not defending them I was pointing out that not a lot of people hear about this stuff, And pete getting frustrated was stated as a good thing meaning that there seems to be enough of a voice that its irritating them. I was not attacking anyone on here what so ever, I was agreeing in part with jazzman, I guess I could have wrote that better, my apologies for that. Ill go get those vids on the recent stuff I was saying.


1.) here was the video I was watching when poorly trying to comment about. hope this clears up my blunder there.




It gets better! 



A lot of false information and people are still sucking his dick. He could do at least a bit more research about how light esp works. Light esp supports up to 4k records. These were made to avoid plugin numbers with armor/skin etc mods.


If above 4k of records they are just simply .esm's.


Quest mods are are fully possible.

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Dear Jazzman,


Pete Hines is getting frustrated with the consumers about this topic, and honestly we just need more people to hear.


If you don't like the vanilla shell they provide and call for an exodus from Bethesda Ruins on the fly like a certain Moses earlier you have to tell some ten million players where to go tomorrow and why. You don't want to leave them behind, do you? You won't gather enough folks to fill a Volkswagen bus tho'. People simply dislike total uncertainty, starting from scratch elsewhere only to end up in fifteen years where we are today, at crossroads again. That is the reason why I prefer the hard fought for status quo in Beth modding for the time being, ready to fight to the end for what we all have accomplished over all these long years, knowing pretty well what kind of asshole sits on the other side of the table. Yes, we sit on that fuckin table because we control modding, something they have no fuckin idea of. The proof is in the CC pudding...



There is a shitload of developers and game on PC that people can go to.

Good games, with honest developers that you can back up. 


Just because i dont have any clear alternative doesnt mean i have to tolerate being ripped off and treated like crap.


You are here not because there is no clear alternative elsewhere but because there is no alternative at all, no caravan of modders leaving as of now and no willingness on your part to fight for those that came before and those that are still working on mods as we speak. One might lose the fight, getting a bloody nose or worse, huh? So, you are a professional user that doesn't give a fuck and is just entertaining us with already known and commonly agreed to complaints. Is that your purpose? Great! But hey, we ain't senile yet, we remember the fuck we receive from Beth. What else do you have in your pockets, if any? Lo, everybody here puts his pants on the same way as you... ;)

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