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Paid mods and Bethesda announcement on the E3


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But still, I prefer to judge them by what they actually do and not by what I think they are. The CC hasn't started yet. All we have is a video trailer and a page with promo info. And a total distrust in Bethesda to the point where everything they say is automatically considered a lie.  



Well, past experiences say more than a press release.

Sure they might surprise everybody and delivery something awesome for the community, but due to past experiences - I for one will not hold my breath in anticipation.


yes... they are getting the reaction that is true and accurate to what their customers experience from them. If they don't like it, investigate what is causing it and work to fix it. It is that simple. I am confident that if they truly worked on their rep and worked hard on their new Creators etc.. they will gain positive feedback and positive feel. In some cases they might not. For those that are truly angry and have deep hatrid of the company which I cannot blame anyone for that, they might never forgive them for what they have done. They should focus on what they can do to correct what they can and move from there. Admitting their failures and owning up to them would help greatly...


Until then I am like you, I don't trust them one bit.






Lets set up an example... if you have someone that abuses you, hits you or calls you names and generally treats you very badly... and then they say they are going to do something great that you will love... do you trust them? Do you get excited? Do you wait in anticipation? Especially when in the past when they stated they would do something great, they ended up shitting on you? I know I wouldn't. I would hope and wish for the best but expect the absolute worse. This is the case here as I see it. .The hatred and distrust hasn't been created in a vacuum it is based on personal experiences of all those posting. Pure and simple


That was my point. This discussion is not about the CC because nobody has any idea what it is. I guess in a month or two we can have a discussion about it. 


This discussion is about distrusting anything Bethesda says and disliking anything it does. This is happening not only here, it's all over the internet. I'm just surprised at how strong the disillusionment is growing in the past week.


P.S. It's not that I don't enjoy it - I hate what they are doing right now more than anybody here. 


I thought I was portraying this in the post that you quoted/snipped.


I hope they change and start doing right for their customers. There is loads of $$$ in that. Take a look at Witcher's creators CD Project Red. They are looking closely at what was wrong about about their games and work hard to improve the next one. They take ownership of the issues and work to try to fix it. I can forgive mistakes and errors and shortcomings like that.

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btw this thing could get nasty think about it this way all mods now rely completely on dlc's so what is stopping modders to make their mods dependent on the mods released on creation club forcing users to buy that that shit or else the mod will not work.


i know many will say why do you even want to play it..  well why not ?? since it is released why release something no one can even play without those dlc anyway, since mods release on creation club are no longer mods but dlc's.


Pirate that mod and distribute it on torrents. That is how I'd solve that problem.. I am all for giving a mod author rights and respecting their works but if they get "nasty" and do crap that is totally uncalled for... Then I won't care. I will watch pirated content till the cows come home and not give a dam.


Now... if it is a major framework and needed ... lets say Sexout was there or something like it, and all the other mods created were free from that author or others as well. One could say that they are releasing the dependent mods free as they don't want to nickle and dime you. That some of the group that created the framework wanted it there for this reason or that. Then, perhaps depending on the person I'd accept it.


Further clarification.. it could be a major source mod.. say one with 1000 weapons or armors or something akin to SKSE... The author could have needed many peoples help and have to work with others which might demand that it be there... It might not even be the authors decision at least not directly.


Another example would be authors taking a mod from the site and using it as a source for their free mods as it has excellent resources that they wish to use. perhaps it is a scriptor, quest mod author and they don't have mesh or textures experience or need animations that happen to be there. If it is a popular mod then they might use it.


I do see many situations where people will be hooked into getting those mods from the Creator Club to get their mods to work. legatimate reasons. Not much different from mod authors like Halstrom using Nexus made mods for his SCR ;) The only difference is you'd have to pay for those sources.


Disclaimer.. I really don't like what is happening and hope things turn out alright but doubt they will.




... why spend months of your life learning the sort of esoterica it takes to balance mechanics or any of that sort of invisible under-the-hood stuff...  


For the same reasons as now, to know how stuff works and to be able to do stuff.

Creating content ist not only developing a mod, its a very personal achievment, its developing yourself.



And... because of it... if the shit hits the fan...

You can make your own mods ;)


Give a man a mod, he will game for a day, Teach a man to mod... and he will mod for a lifetime..

Or at least until he gets burned out :P LOL


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Of course everything now is speculation, so in my opinion...


No framework will ever go to creation club, because console players don't know the nasty things we have here and will never know.


I think that what will come in creation club is weapons, armors, houses that kind of stuff, stuff that don't put more bugs on the game.

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People will probably trow stones at me but... I think the creation club is actually a good idea.

First, It doesnt mean the end of free modding, like before ost modders will still put their shit on nexus, pcusers are safe.

Second, it allows ps4 users to get decent mods with external resources.

third and most important... FUCKING UNNOFICIAL DLCS! Things like faalskar, wyrmstooth and beyond skyrim take lots of time and coukld benefit from actually hiring a team!

The dcreation club isnt the end of free modding its a oportunity for Bigger mods, also you dont need to buy if you dont want,just download a pirated mod, theyll appear sooner or later.


And you have forgotten a very important point.

All mods are created on the computer, You do not seriously believe that Modder is buying a console to develop and test the mods for console.

I also say it is the end of free modding, Bethesda will no longer on additional revenue renounce!


I am pretty sure that Bethesda said they would handle all of the testing and QA, hence they probably have the consoles to test the mod on themselves, remember this doesn't seem to be a case of: Modder creates mod then has it uploaded to the creation club, instead it seems to be: Modder pitches mod, gets accepted into club, and works with bethesda to create said mod through different development cycles, including testing. 


Only time will tell if this is the case.

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... why spend months of your life learning the sort of esoterica it takes to balance mechanics or any of that sort of invisible under-the-hood stuff...  


For the same reasons as now, to know how stuff works and to be able to do stuff.

Creating content ist not only developing a mod, its a very personal achievment, its developing yourself.


It was a rhetorical question in support of the quote I posted later in the comment,  I even said "many will doubtless still be motivated to just do it because it needs doing" later on.


I'm prepared to accept that I didn't get the thrust of my point across very well, but if all you felt motivated to say in response is "this is why modders do hard things", completely sidestepping what I thought was the main point of interest which was what Enai had to say...well I can see this whole discussion is going to be a bit of a slog. I'm off to talk about more fun things. 

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Gopher is trying to explain why the CK is not "paid mods" and he's basically saying that people will create *content* (ahem, we once called them mods) *for* Bethesda and will be paid by them and what they create will be owned and then will be marketed by Bethesda, instead of the modders themselves. In other words you will be *paying* Bethesda for the *content* the club people create and this is NOT "paid mods" because they are NOT *mods*, but *content* like DLCs. Well, basically mods turn into DLCs so you shouldn't call it *paid mods*! HAHAHAHA! :D *facepalm*  :dodgy:

From a software development point of view, there is indeed not a sliver of difference between a "mod" and a "DLC". Both are pieces of software adding to and/or altering functionality of a base product they are fully dependent on. Size doesn't matter. There are super large mods and super tiny DLCs.


The only difference lies in the business model. Mods are traditionally not affiliated with the game developer, while DLCs are officially sanctioned. Insofar, not calling the CC "paid mods" is even correct. ;)


Yep, exactly, but from Bethesda Softworks (BethSoft for short) point of view Mods and "DLC" are two different beasts. BethSoft do not want to involve itself with the modding community at any level, they just don't. They don't want to support the community in any way, however they can recruit people to create content for them to sell wherever they want. Thus they make a distinction between a mod author and a developer: corporate and capitalist mentality as fuck.


They couldn't push for mods to go on console, because console manufacturers don't like the idea. And that is a great problem for them, because whenever you hear "bethesda game", you think "mod!" or "additional content cut for my needs". If the majority of their customer base can't benefit from what their product is (base game + mod), then they are losing sale potential. By finding a scheme to provide additional content to console people (Sony Money Machine, more likely), they can advertise the full product and not a cut down version.


Another point of view corporate has is in term of product and not game. Their newest product is Skyrim Special Edition, it's brand new, and it has mods for consoles and everything. So you get a new corporate "lifespan", even if it is an old game (sorry there, I couldn't think of a proper word to explain this). There is nothing really new on PC though, but PC people aren't the main target of BethSoft and never were. They know full well that the money will come from the console plebs, because they've been educate that way. Why do you think "Playstation Plus" and the like is a thing?


So yeah, BethSoft do not see CC as "paid mods" because there are no modders involved: only developers. And they are going to publish those content as official.


There is no mod here, move along :P


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Remember kids don't mess with modders!


Look at GTAV for example. :D


GTA users are making a huge storm on reviews in steam and metacritic, they are really getting attention, bethesda are just getting dislikes on youtube, and i think we should not make the show, these are different situations.


What GTA do with mods was something that bethesda could not even think to make, for now... after CC i don't know, and i am almost sure they not sustain that decision.


Its PC Community after all, we also made headlines last time with paid mods 1.0 and got the results we wanted in just 2 days. This time its different, now that filthy peasants are involved its only our community voicing against it but peasants are absolutely fine with this paid mods 2.0 and we are not making headlines like GTA V.

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It is likely that Bathesda will make it themselves and make them exclusively available only for mods behind the paywall - and starting with current games, not just future ones.  As it stands right now, if any mod behind the paywall uses/requires mods/resources from outside it, whether it be Nio overide, JContainers, Realistic Ragdoll or Fuz-Ro-D-oh or whatever, then by rights Zenimax must pay-out royalties to those authors. This they obviously will not do, so they will have to make whatever they think they need to make to get more paywall content and ergo more money - be it  script extenders, FileAccess Interface or a silent voice utility for non-voiced paywall quest modders etc.





I don't think the creation club will be that intrusive to the Skyrim or Fallout 4 modding scenes. They will offer some tidbits and get people used to it by selling a few simple mods here and there but they will market them as micro-DLCs or whatever. As it is now, they don't really have the high ground when it comes to modding, they could easily introduce new weapon classes for Skyrim because that's something the community hasn't really figured out since the creation club will probably have access to some nice dev tools but it will really take off once a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout game gets announced. People tend to figure out Bethesda's coding and what does what eventually, but imagine what a headstart the freelancers working for Bethesda will have because they'll get their hands on some nice tools from the very start. At least that's what I'd do if I wanted to make the most money for the least effort, give a sense of false security when the project launches for the old games because not much will change and then use the advantage you have when the opportunity is right.


Suddenly all these mods that you need to make all the other mods actually function in the first place are paid-only content.

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It is likely that Bathesda will make it themselves and make them exclusively available only for mods behind the paywall - and starting with current games, not just future ones.  As it stands right now, if any mod behind the paywall uses/requires mods/resources from outside it, whether it be Nio overide, JContainers, Realistic Ragdoll or Fuz-Ro-D-oh or whatever, then by rights Zenimax must pay-out royalties to those authors. This they obviously will not do, so they will have to make whatever they think they need to make to get more paywall content and ergo more money - be it  script extenders, FileAccess Interface or a silent voice utility for non-voiced paywall quest modders etc.





I don't think the creation club will be that intrusive to the Skyrim or Fallout 4 modding scenes. They will offer some tidbits and get people used to it by selling a few simple mods here and there but they will market them as micro-DLCs or whatever. As it is now, they don't really have the high ground when it comes to modding, they could easily introduce new weapon classes for Skyrim because that's something the community hasn't really figured out since the creation club will probably have access to some nice dev tools but it will really take off once a new Elder Scrolls or Fallout game gets announced. People tend to figure out Bethesda's coding and what does what eventually, but imagine what a headstart the freelancers working for Bethesda will have because they'll get their hands on some nice tools from the very start. At least that's what I'd do if I wanted to make the most money for the least effort, give a sense of false security when the project launches for the old games because not much will change and then use the advantage you have when the opportunity is right.


Suddenly all these mods that you need to make all the other mods actually function in the first place are paid-only content.



More likely is that Creation Club will lead to a great shallowing of future mod scenes.  Resistance or repulsion, whether ideological or financial, will be extremely high of mods that dependent on non-canon paid contents.  The same also applies to community tool makers or framework modders who don't want to see their works used for financial gains (even if they implicitly have always been doing that by contributing to the longevity of Bethesda games).  Bethesda may or may not provide better tools but they said Creation Club contents won't alter game mechanics so don't expect them to provide the kind of tools the community has been asking.  Lack of tools and lack of motivation = less innovative mods.


The biggest risk is whether future games will extend DRM to Creation Club.  In that case even free modding may have to go through Bethesda which will be the end of script extenders even assuming in the future that someone will bother, and likely no adult mods.


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Or maybe this Creation Club is tailored mainly for the console players....from those with the Sony Money Machine®, XbonedX® and Nintendo's Bitch® (Switch)...after all, console gaming is the hip thing these days what with console exclusives and what not...downgraded PC ports coming a year or two later...


I think Beth knows it will be a larger shitstorm when it translates to PC mods what with the apparent opposition and negative reception these past week since the CC was announced...of course they would want to focus more on a market with less opposition and more hungry baby mouths to feed who are "hungry" for mods only seen on PC versions of their 5+ year old Edit: BUGLADEN games...


high speed, low drag it seems...



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Somehow I can't take the left half of the com seriously that would happily buy mod tips and tokens in bundles from Bethesda instead of freebies from the com cos these happy people didn't sufficiently prove their alleged willingness to donate modders in need in the past, far from it. Unlike modders of all time that gave and took for free to keep the modding scene up and running, users just took what they could and gave nothing back, often not even a thumbs up. And now they intend to pay? Did I miss an economic boom of galactic proportions or are they just kidding us? Most likely, but why? Pride. It's all about personal pride. Proud modders in need don't ask for a compensation of the tremendous amount of time spent into their mods and pride users would never admit that they can't afford to buy into bundles of tips and tokens, gosh, both all too often can't even found their own household and must stay at mama's pizza place for much, much longer than originally thought, sometimes even twice eighteen years. In the Orwellian loan world of today only voluntary donations by those who really can afford it work for the benefit of both sides of the modding scene. Mark my words.

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People will probably trow stones at me but... I think the creation club is actually a good idea.

First, It doesnt mean the end of free modding, like before ost modders will still put their shit on nexus, pcusers are safe.

Second, it allows ps4 users to get decent mods with external resources.

third and most important... FUCKING UNNOFICIAL DLCS! Things like faalskar, wyrmstooth and beyond skyrim take lots of time and coukld benefit from actually hiring a team!

The dcreation club isnt the end of free modding its a oportunity for Bigger mods, also you dont need to buy if you dont want,just download a pirated mod, theyll appear sooner or later.


"Good Idea" is entirely relative and contextual. It's certainly a good idea for Bethesda because it's unilaterally shown preeteen and teen console players will purchase anything, quite literally anything for and from a franchise they like, and if your counter is "Skyrim is rated M" i"ll simply point the credit card they're using to buy all this shit in droves isn't supposed accessible to "kids" either, and perhaps also go take a gander at all the requests at Beth.net and tell me with a straight face a grown ass human being uses language like that in a public venue.


Because they don't.


It *->could<-* be a good idea for modders, if beth backs off and allows them the latitude on content type and the bulk and lion's share of profits directly derived from said MTAs, but neither of those things is likely to happen unless someone whom actually understands the community is DIRECTLY involved, and so far that has not even kind of been the case, and in point of fact all the usual suspects that were ready to dive their face directly into Zenimax's pants sight unseen are back again, ready to do the same, which does not set a precedent for either professionalism nor understanding for the greater mod community.


As for customers being charged for content that has been traditionally free apparently doesn't sit well with most people, but again console owner whom see a pc as a giant cel phone are just fine with it, and that is obviously beth's targeted audience, and they're the targeted audience because they're the largest and most willing to buy sight unseen.


Another equally obvious thing that is not a positive is Beth is obviously playing favorites with the community, and with platforms that will earn them pure profit without a single voice of contention or reasoning that doesn't involve vacuous cheerleading, complete with Pete "voice of reason" Hines telling concerned twitter followers to stop "reading dumbasses on messageboards". Mhm, collected and rational response.


FO4 has some gigantically glaring issues as both a platform and as a game, and the only person able to openly criticize this game has been Todd Howard of all people because as long as his babies make Bethesda money hand over fist he is basically untouchable.


The entire point of modding a game is to provide a differing and meaningful experience on an existing platform. The CC directly impinges on that not only thematically by making all produced content "kosher and canon" but also logistically by openly declaring that only Beth is qualified to declare a mod "of sufficient quality", and if you think that's going to fly in a community with egos as fragile and large as the Beth modding community, we have seen nothing yet in terms of drama, and the like of GTX will seem like the good old days compared to what's coming when marketing starts dictating what ideas are good and what ideas are not.


If the CK for TESVI is left standalone and unconnected to CC, none of this will matter and choice will remain, but if you seriously think Zenimax is going to let BGS trot out the CK unlinked by the four to five years time TESVI is a thing, you have been willfully ignorant of how they see both consumers and the community, and the lawsuits powered by seven-figure lawyers paid thereof.


It might be possible, it is highly improbable, and we haven't touched on how the CC immediately segregates the community by acting like 32 doesn't exist. BTW you can't even hit 32 on the steam store anymore without using the actual direct web page address, which probably only exists because Valve and Beth are legally obligated to keep it up.


If you think people are overreacting, it might be because they have reason to based on prior history.


It's also no accident Dark0ne is rather rapidly and uncharacteristically transforming the Nexus to a "mod agnostic"  and "social media mobile" format and venue pretty much as fast as he is economically able to, because the writing is on the wall as far as Bethesda content is concerned.

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The only case when the creation club would be a "problem" is if frameworks or the sripts extenders went to it and believe me it wont happen (at least for the script extenders).

First the modding comunity is one of the most united on the internet, most computer modders will kep doing it for free or "half free" (put the mod on the nexus and CC, the nexus for free on pc and CC for peasants).

Second, you can just pirate the mods, its a personal internet rule of mine, if its n internet can be pirated, thats actually a brasilian cultural thing about Pc gaming, we first pirate the game and if we think the developers did a good job we buy it,if not we just delete abd never buy. I have over 170 mods on my skyrim and Fallout 4 each so I wouldnt buy all those mods because well... It would be a shitload of money, but I would gladly pay for something like faalskar,wyrmstooth, the grey cowl, beyong skyrim (BTW bruma releases next month) and sim settlements (best FO4 mod).

third, script extenders are another  program not a simple .ESP mod they couldnt put it on CC.

fourth, those people are being paid to mod and willhave beth support forcompatibility, wich mean faster realeases and updates with higher quality since will be a full time job! Its something I really approve, Im betting after people calm their tits about CC therell be a huge influx  of High quality mods to buy and pirate.

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Second, you can just pirate the mods, its a personal internet rule of mine, if its n internet can be pirated, thats actually a brasilian cultural thing about Pc gaming, we first pirate the game...

I'm pretty sure that over the last fifteen years a gazillion of pirates walked the plank on Her Majesty's Nexus for careless statements like this, just to go down to Davy Jones, becoming banned crew members of the Flying Dutchman. Never shall they die, eh? Well, when we sit on our veranda we have a panoramic view of the ruins of Port Royal, the former pirate stronghold where 'Bootstrap Bill' Turner's son William once fell in love with Elizabeth Swann, the beautiful daughter of the local governor, Hollywood has it. So, don't hoist the colors high mi 'earties, yow ho!


On the Nexus a few category 'A' modders have already announced to abandon their work b/c of the schism in the com...

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Somehow I can't take the left half of the com seriously that would happily buy mod tips and tokens in bundles from Bethesda instead of freebies from the com cos these happy people didn't sufficiently prove their alleged willingness to donate modders in need in the past, far from it. Unlike modders of all time that gave and took for free to keep the modding scene up and running, users just took what they could and gave nothing back, often not even a thumbs up. And now they intend to pay? Did I miss an economic boom of galactic proportions or are they just kidding us? Most likely, but why? Pride. It's all about personal pride. Proud modders in need don't ask for a compensation of the tremendous amount of time spent into their mods and pride users would never admit that they can't afford to buy into bundles of tips and tokens, gosh, both all too often can't even found their own household and must stay at mama's pizza place for much, much longer than originally thought, sometimes even twice eighteen years. In the Orwellian loan world of today only voluntary donations by those who really can afford it work for the benefit of both sides of the modding scene. Mark my words.


There have been requests/offers to pay for a mod on the LL forums since i joined, generally because the requestor knows that what they are asking for has no mass appeal


At the moment if you go into any mod thread and say "hey author, add this feature" the replies you will get are either...


1. Okay good idea

2. No bad idea

3. No i have no interest in this, make it yourself


All of which we consider perfectly acceptable as the author is under no obligation, creating a fourth option that happens to cost as alternative to options 2 and 3 doesn't sound so bad to me


Personally i find it hard to imagine a situation where someone has a PC capable of running modded skyrim at an acceptable performance (yes our definitions of that will vary) but can't afford the lunch money mods will be offered for (and is old enough to be on this site)




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Personally i find it hard to imagine a situation where someone has a PC capable of running modded skyrim at an acceptable performance (yes our definitions of that will vary) but can't afford the lunch money mods will be offered for (and is old enough to be on this site)

Are you still living with the parents for free or are you standing on your own two? Are you indebted? Is your pc bought cash or on credit (and if so who's the debtor)? A gift by the family perhaps? Are you working in your learned profession or in the unrelated low-pay sector, full- or part-time, or perhaps in mini jobs? Working at all? These are burning questions in 2017 everyone for themselves has to answer honestly first before one jumps on Bethesda's casino mod slot machine or the like...

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Just some points to people know.

Modder will not get a share of the sells, they will get a payment for work, like a freelancer.



thats actually a brasilian cultural thing about Pc gaming, we first pirate the game and if we think the developers did a good job we buy

Não generalize, sou brasileiro e não tenho essa mentalidade, mas eu sempre espero pelos reviews ou alguma promoção. Alias, acho que essa mentalidade só ajuda as empresas a criarem mais e mais barreiras que afetam negativamente a todos.




Personally i find it hard to imagine a situation where someone has a PC capable of running modded skyrim at an acceptable performance (yes our definitions of that will vary) but can't afford the lunch money mods will be offered for (and is old enough to be on this site)



For me, is not about the money, i wrote this before, but when you are young you want money to get stuff, you don't care much how you got the money, them life happens and money is not just something to buy stuff, money is a symbol of your work, you know how many hours (or seconds) of your life you have to give to get that money, and sometimes you just don't wanna share this with some greedy company.

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Personally i find it hard to imagine a situation where someone has a PC capable of running modded skyrim at an acceptable performance (yes our definitions of that will vary) but can't afford the lunch money mods will be offered for (and is old enough to be on this site)

Are you still living with the parents for free or are you standing on your own two? Are you indebted? Is your pc bought cash or on credit (and if so who's the debtor)? A gift by the family perhaps? Are you working in your learned profession or in the unrelated low-pay sector, full- or part-time, or perhaps in mini jobs? Working at all? These are burning questions of 2017 everyone for themselves has to answer honestly first before one jumps on Bethesda's casino mod slot machine or the like...



What fucking statements is this ? what does having living with parents or freelaoder have anything to do with this thread. Even if you have money people will still think twice before even buying stuff from creation club.


I find you statement quite offensive generalizing towards another forum user.

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Personally i find it hard to imagine a situation where someone has a PC capable of running modded skyrim at an acceptable performance (yes our definitions of that will vary) but can't afford the lunch money mods will be offered for (and is old enough to be on this site)

Are you still living with the parents for free or are you standing on your own two? Are you indebted? Is your pc bought cash or on credit (and if so who's the debtor)? A gift by the family perhaps? Are you working in your learned profession or in the unrelated low-pay sector, full- or part-time, or perhaps in mini jobs? Working at all? These are burning questions in 2017 everyone for themselves has to answer honestly first before one jumps on Bethesda's casino mod slot machine or the like...



What fucking statements is this ? what does having living with parents or freelaoder have anything to do with this thread. Even if you have money people will still think twice before even buying stuff from creation club.


I find you statement quite offensive generalizing towards another forum user.


It has everything to do with this thread. Quite obviously you didn't yet come down to reality. You might ask your parents if this call to check the own financial situation before taking actions is 'offensive', that should help. Keep in mind that the use of mods is addictive, it always was. In absence of free mods (that's Bethesda's end game) this has consequences in a commercialized system. And please, don't claim to speak for others, you can only speak for yourself. And I'm really sorry if you've found yourself in my post...

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Just some points to people know.

Modder will not get a share of the sells, they will get a payment for work, like a freelancer.



thats actually a brasilian cultural thing about Pc gaming, we first pirate the game and if we think the developers did a good job we buy

Não generalize, sou brasileiro e não tenho essa mentalidade, mas eu sempre espero pelos reviews ou alguma promoção. Alias, acho que essa mentalidade só ajuda as empresas a criarem mais e mais barreiras que afetam negativamente a todos.




Personally i find it hard to imagine a situation where someone has a PC capable of running modded skyrim at an acceptable performance (yes our definitions of that will vary) but can't afford the lunch money mods will be offered for (and is old enough to be on this site)



For me, is not about the money, i wrote this before, but when you are young you want money to get stuff, you don't care much how you got the money, them life happens and money is not just something to buy stuff, money is a symbol of your work, you know how many hours (or seconds) of your life you have to give to get that money, and sometimes you just don't wanna share this with some greedy company.

Não estou generalizando,não e todo brasileiro,masnãose podenegar que e uma coisa cultural. Pirataria e super comum no brasil e as pessoas geralmente ignoram.

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What do you lot think about the reasoning put forward by the unusually squeaky PartialBiscuit in this video?



Not sure what exactly you mean by "squeaky" and I believe you did not write it with mean intentions, but I really wish you would edit it out because it is inappropriate (to say the least).

TB has cancer  and explained at the start at the video that he sounds different because of the treatment he is undergoing. 

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Mods are unofficial modification of the product, nothing else. If Bethesda sell content for their products, those are "DLC" or whatever the hell they want to call them, but they are not "mods" as in from the community.


It's really just all there is to it, sadly, due to the low level of quality content Bethesda is advertising for sale. They did produce some little expansions for their games, which is great, but everybody still remember the "horse armor" DLC and we will remember it for quite a long time since they were the firsts to try to pull bullshit for sale.


From my point of view, paid mod is a scheme to allow modders to be remunerated for their work by selling those modifications directly to the consumer base. What they put in place isn't quite that, they simply want to hire content creators to make stuff for them to sell. You can continue to call this "paid mod", but you'd be lying to yourself and do a disservice to everybody. I mean, if we want to have a proper answer to whatever bullshit they pull on us we'd better be accurate and relevant and not sound like a bunch of raving lunatics.

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