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Paid mods and Bethesda announcement on the E3


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This is going to sound ugly but this sounds like some fancy name for DLC. I don't know how I feel about more Bethesda DLC. I already bought the Skyrim Legendary Edition. What more do you want? Since this is a new DLC with original assets then no doubt some new mods will have these assets set to masters. More money in Beth's pocket I say. One example is all gun and crossbow mods requiring Dawnguard. Now some of this may come for free with me having the Legendary Edition (I hope), there are people who would rather not get Hearthfire (What a stupid add on). Now if Bethesda changes the base game then we're all screwed.


Or maybe it'll be rainbows and unicorns.


Could be worse.


You are talking about old skyrim, the skyrim sh** edition already have all DLC's, and the paid mods will come just to this.

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Another thought, if Bethesda wants to benefit from mods in a way that doesn't hurt the current modding system and community, they should flat out hire or contract experienced mod teams of, say, Nehrim, Enderal, Falskaar, and have them make DLC packs instead with official support.


Saying "we want to super-impose a profit scheme onto the current modding system, because we care soooooo much about pooooor modders 'working for free' (but we want the community to pay for it, and we want to make money off this too)" is a shitty move that I can't despise enough, both for its greed and its condescending duplicity.


The math is simple, people are playing the same game for 7 years for free, they cannot make a new game for them to play, so they have to pay to play that same game.


Fact is, there will be no enough mods in the paid section to make the game crazy fun and keep people for another 7 years, people who will buy this mods will be mostly console users, so the solution is simple, just not release any mods on betheda.net and them yes you boycott the system.


Soon they will show the DRM that will come with all this.


And until them, they will be re-releasing skyrim and fallout4 too. Is like that actor that everyone love until we see their face in every place and start to hate it.

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Another thought, if Bethesda wants to benefit from mods in a way that doesn't hurt the current modding system and community, they should flat out hire or contract experienced mod teams of, say, Nehrim, Enderal, Falskaar, and have them make DLC packs instead with official support.


Saying "we want to super-impose a profit scheme onto the current modding system, because we care soooooo much about pooooor modders 'working for free' (but we want the community to pay for it, and we want to make money off this too)" is a shitty move that I can't despise enough, both for its greed and its condescending duplicity.


The math is simple, people are playing the same game for 7 years for free, they cannot make a new game for them to play, so they have to pay to play that same game.


Fact is, there will be no enough mods in the paid section to make the game crazy fun and keep people for another 7 years, people who will buy this mods will be mostly console users, so the solution is simple, just not release any mods on betheda.net and them yes you boycott the system.


Soon they will show the DRM that will come with all this.


And until them, they will be re-releasing skyrim and fallout4 too. Is like that actor that everyone love until we see their face in every place and start to hate it.



I am beginning to think Beth is sinking. They released a sub-par Fallout that had almost no creative spark to it at all. Sky has run its course for most of us. Now they want to milk those two some more with this nonsense. From most of the responses I have read people want Beth to leave the fucking modding community alone. If they want to offer a job to some of the more talented authors then I see no problem. But this sham of "its not paid mods" is just going to piss many people off- to the point where they will stop wanting to make anything. Indeed two well known authors have already said as much on other forums. Beth needs to stop meddling with this shit and concentrate on making a great game - something they need (and should want) more than anything else.


Gotta complement you on you avatar! That is one sweet ass!


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Well if that is what consolers are going to get then I feel sorry for them. The thing is that I ran into a couple of old friends today and after I told them a year ago about all these great mods they are still playing on fucking console! They both have decent PCs. They would just rather play vanilla games for some fucked up reason. I give up on them. How can anyone look at all the utube vids and see fucking excellent mod content and not fuckin want some of that shit!!?? Probably because they think it is hard to do. Sexout for NV is my fave right now. The animations are simpler than Sexlab but damn they are HOTT!!!  Better than most porn IMO. :P

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I dunno, it seems to me like a lot of people have just assumed the worst-case scenario for the Creation Club and then just ran with it. 

On paper, it seems like a good idea, yeah there may be some issues that need ironing out, but the plan (again at least on paper) seems solid enough that it may actually work out. 

It seems to me like free mods are here to stay, I think it is completely unreasonable to think that Bethesda is just going to have mods be Creation Club only for their future games only because from a business standpoint, they will have to pay a shit ton of mod authors to work for them to create mods numbering nexus levels. So I don't think they will do that if only because from a business standpoint, it is not financially feasible. 

Honestly, this seems to be a wait and see scenario, nobody knows how this is going to go down, period. It can go down exactly like paid mods steam fiasco, or it will just be a different way to get mods alongside the nexus, loverslab, bethesda.net, etc.  We aren't going to know until it happens, and honestly it seems like they are going to go through with it, regardless of the negative reactions they are going to get from it.


This can have the potential of introducing new and improved quests, armors, weapons, followers, etc, that should be more polished than the average mod, or it can turn out to be one of the biggest cash grabs of modding history. However, let's not end up like that guy at the end of The Myst let's wait and see before we start shooting.

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 Well if they keep offering mods like the one above, everyone will be too busy laughing at Beth to care much. But later on who knows? But something tells me that even if this takes off and goes somewhere- it might just convince them to do more that no one will be laughing about.

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 Well if they keep offering mods like the one above, everyone will be too busy laughing at Beth to care much. But later on who knows?

Well hopefully the mods they showed in the video are not what they are providing at launch. I am going to make the stupid assumption that they won't and that they are cognitive of the fact that those are literal joke mods and should not be available for sale. 

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This is going to sound ugly but this sounds like some fancy name for DLC. I don't know how I feel about more Bethesda DLC. I already bought the Skyrim Legendary Edition. What more do you want? Since this is a new DLC with original assets then no doubt some new mods will have these assets set to masters. More money in Beth's pocket I say. One example is all gun and crossbow mods requiring Dawnguard. Now some of this may come for free with me having the Legendary Edition (I hope), there are people who would rather not get Hearthfire (What a stupid add on). Now if Bethesda changes the base game then we're all screwed.


Or maybe it'll be rainbows and unicorns.


Could be worse.


You are talking about old skyrim, the skyrim sh** edition already have all DLC's, and the paid mods will come just to this.


When did I? Nice catch! I guess Special Edition Skyrim is the one getting new DLC. Slap a sticker on it and call it a new product. This is what many game and media companies are doing nowadays. Bethesda must think they're mad scientists with the way they're experimenting with the modding community.

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I dunno, it seems to me like a lot of people have just assumed the worst-case scenario for the Creation Club and then just ran with it.



Well, usually when companies introduce things like this it is simply to get users to pay more ...... I mean what is the chance a gaming company does something for the good of the community over profit.


People basically said the same regarding DLCs when they started making their appearance and now you cannot throw a rock without hitting a DLC.

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Gopher is trying to explain why the CK is not "paid mods" and he's basically saying that people will create *content* (ahem, we once called them mods) *for* Bethesda and will be paid by them and what they create will be owned and then will be marketed by Bethesda, instead of the modders themselves. In other words you will be *paying* Bethesda for the *content* the club people create and this is NOT "paid mods" because they are NOT *mods*, but *content* like DLCs. Well, basically mods turn into DLCs so you shouldn't call it *paid mods*! HAHAHAHA! :D *facepalm*  :dodgy: 



Creation Club is literally "Paid Mods Version 2.0". They think they've found a way to iron out the issues with v1.0 but nothing changes the fact that they still want you to spend more of your money on the shitty games they make. Bet they'll soon release Skyrim on Android and sell mods for it. :D

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Bethesda are liars, I found this extract in a renowned German computer magazine.


Bethesda's second try with payment mods


However, Bethesda has not had a good experience with the issue of payment mods. Already in April 2015, the studio teamed up with Valve to sell user-created content for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim via Steam. The project failed however, and actually Bethesda own testimony according to no further attempt in this area.



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Gopher is trying to explain why the CK is not "paid mods" and he's basically saying that people will create *content* (ahem, we once called them mods) *for* Bethesda and will be paid by them and what they create will be owned and then will be marketed by Bethesda, instead of the modders themselves. In other words you will be *paying* Bethesda for the *content* the club people create and this is NOT "paid mods" because they are NOT *mods*, but *content* like DLCs. Well, basically mods turn into DLCs so you shouldn't call it *paid mods*! HAHAHAHA! :D *facepalm*  :dodgy: 





Creation Club is literally "Paid Mods Version 2.0". They think they've found a way to iron out the issues with v1.0 but nothing changes the fact that they still want you to spend more of your money on the shitty games they make. Bet they'll soon release Skyrim on Android and sell mods for it. :D


Well that is some good news at least. but if it fails it is not content creator taking the heat but Bethesda itself. Since they own the creations created by creator team/teams.


But why would you want that it will be better to start a patreon page and keep the content you created for yourself.

The creation club will mean modders that go this route will lose all rights of the content they created, and give this directly to Bethesda so in the end modders will lose allrights completely. So why even start building stuff from scratch and lose full rights to what you build ??


It looks to me that the only once who will benefit from this is Bethesda and not the content creator they will pay you lets say 200 dollars but earn 20 times that much back. So to them it is only a win/win situation.


What will be funny if a content creator created a mod that would ultimatly break the game and then not the content creator but bethesda forums will be riddles with angry users who paid for content that broke there save game. :D Bethesda DLC where riddled with dirty edits they never even fixed. how are they fully curating this if they cant even plain fix there own DLC. we need unofficial patch to be able to play with there dlc's and use external tool to clean there DLc's.


Also it seem that more advanced mods will not be able to be created since the content needs to be compatible with the base game. also with consoles so script extenders is huge no no. since consoles are not allowed to be used with these tools right ??


So we pc users will not really benefit from this content club but it was more aimed at consoles rather then pc.

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Another thought, if Bethesda wants to benefit from mods in a way that doesn't hurt the current modding system and community, they should flat out hire or contract experienced mod teams of, say, Nehrim, Enderal, Falskaar, and have them make DLC packs instead with official support.


Saying "we want to super-impose a profit scheme onto the current modding system, because we care soooooo much about pooooor modders 'working for free' (but we want the community to pay for it, and we want to make money off this too)" is a shitty move that I can't despise enough, both for its greed and its condescending duplicity.


The math is simple, people are playing the same game for 7 years for free, they cannot make a new game for them to play, so they have to pay to play that same game.


Fact is, there will be no enough mods in the paid section to make the game crazy fun and keep people for another 7 years, people who will buy this mods will be mostly console users, so the solution is simple, just not release any mods on betheda.net and them yes you boycott the system.


Soon they will show the DRM that will come with all this.


And until them, they will be re-releasing skyrim and fallout4 too. Is like that actor that everyone love until we see their face in every place and start to hate it.




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Bethesda's second try with payment mods

... and already the fourth by some modders to get a payment.

So, when a company offers tip-me super mini jobs, desperate 'creators' might cluster to their CC like loan moths around a bank flame. When their wings burn due to a lack of compliant content or sales volume, we know we ain't to blame. Don't let the door hit them on their way out, or in your language, 'reisende man soll nicht aufhalten', am I right or am I right?

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I dunno, it seems to me like a lot of people have just assumed the worst-case scenario for the Creation Club and then just ran with it.



Well, usually when companies introduce things like this it is simply to get users to pay more ...... I mean what is the chance a gaming company does something for the good of the community over profit.


People basically said the same regarding DLCs when they started making their appearance and now you cannot throw a rock without hitting a DLC.


While I do agree with what you are saying, it seems to me that most of the modding community would have you believe that Bethesda wants to do away with how we have been doing modding for good! I don't believe that at all, in fact it seems to me that they made it quite clear that it isn't their intention to do away with free modding at all.


Honestly, it is just annoying to see people jump on the hate bandwagon without so much as just waiting to see how it works, especially when they spin information provided either way out of context, or ignore the writing on the wall. From what I gather, not many mod authors will be able to even have their mod placed in the club, as it is going to require a different type of work ethic that many won't be used to.


I just hate the fact that we as a community seem so hellbent on seeing new ideas fail, only because it doesn't conform to the way that we think stuff should work, even when the new idea isn't going to have such a huge impact on our way of doing things.......sorry for the rant!

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Bethesda's second try with payment mods

... and already the fourth by some modders to get a payment.

So, when a company offers tip-me super mini jobs, desperate 'creators' might cluster to their CC like loan moths around a bank flame. When their wings burn due to a lack of compliant content, we know we ain't to blame. Don't let the door hit them on their way out, or in your language, 'reisende man soll nicht aufhalten', am I right or am I right?



My guess is why Bethesda does this, them stands the shit until to the neck.  :lol:



On the Gif is written *Whom the shit until to the neck stands, He should not let his head hang*  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


1.) They want more money!

2.) Bethesda has become incapable you are looking for in this way, capable employees (programmer)!

3.) Voices after one The Elder Scroll 6 are getting louder in Germany, but since Bethesda is incapable, they are afraid that it will be a flop!  :P

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A company releases a "Special Edition" of their game which contains the same bugs of its "Legendary Edition"... They sell *Legendary* and *Special* editions of the same damn game and none of them is bug free, despite the fact that all the bugs in the game listed on several fan sites, some people have even discovered and offered fixes for them, there's even been several big unofficial patches which fix countless bugs in their game. Not to mention that a significant amount of mods people use for the game are used to fix things in the game or are stuff that should have been in the game in the first place... Now, if this isn't an incompetent developer who doesn't give a shit, I don't know who is... Perhaps what they really meant is "Legendary Amount of Bugs" and "Special Amount of Bugs"...:D And this company promises quality assurance for mods - ahem - *content* created by 3rd parties and some people probably believe what they say. :D

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That's why I think that laying down the foundations for LL's own studio is the only logical way out of this. Even getting a fairly vanilla 3D RPG with """standard""" sex would be a major leap, and the more... adventurous of us here... could then benefit from having access to an open SDK and, most importantly for the animators, the behavior files (which we are not allowed to modify right now).

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Another thought, if Bethesda wants to benefit from mods in a way that doesn't hurt the current modding system and community, they should flat out hire or contract experienced mod teams of, say, Nehrim, Enderal, Falskaar, and have them make DLC packs instead with official support.


Saying "we want to super-impose a profit scheme onto the current modding system, because we care soooooo much about pooooor modders 'working for free' (but we want the community to pay for it, and we want to make money off this too)" is a shitty move that I can't despise enough, both for its greed and its condescending duplicity.


The math is simple, people are playing the same game for 7 years for free, they cannot make a new game for them to play, so they have to pay to play that same game.


Fact is, there will be no enough mods in the paid section to make the game crazy fun and keep people for another 7 years, people who will buy this mods will be mostly console users, so the solution is simple, just not release any mods on betheda.net and them yes you boycott the system.


Soon they will show the DRM that will come with all this.


And until them, they will be re-releasing skyrim and fallout4 too. Is like that actor that everyone love until we see their face in every place and start to hate it.



I am beginning to think Beth is sinking. They released a sub-par Fallout that had almost no creative spark to it at all. Sky has run its course for most of us. Now they want to milk those two some more with this nonsense. From most of the responses I have read people want Beth to leave the fucking modding community alone. If they want to offer a job to some of the more talented authors then I see no problem. But this sham of "its not paid mods" is just going to piss many people off- to the point where they will stop wanting to make anything. Indeed two well known authors have already said as much on other forums. Beth needs to stop meddling with this shit and concentrate on making a great game - something they need (and should want) more than anything else.


Gotta complement you on you avatar! That is one sweet ass!




When bethesda.net arrive with that sh** show many modders just leave the community too, when skyrim se arrive, skyrim community was divided too, i am impressed that there are still modders around hahahahahah.


I don't think bethesda is sinking in the way of company, but we used to love Todd Howard and people from beth, even like Pete Hines, the guy was going to be a legend like Kojima, but with this moves, messing with the community that made their games great, i think they are going to be just another company, the guys who game skyrim and nothing more.

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