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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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1 hour ago, ToJKa said:

It's less about loyalty to Steam, and more about not wanting my credit card info to leak to Russian hackers ?

Too late for that.

And you would be happy if "russian hackers" would be the worst ones to get their hands on that.

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The delusional like these spouting nonsense:



I actively prefer censored JAV. Every time ive seen uncensored vids of my javfus they have these dark brown tinted, greasy kebab looking vagina.


LOUDER, you motherfucker.

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A very reputable wheelchair company that charged close to 500 for my chair a couple years ago, made it light and relatively sturdy, and sort of stopped there.

The leggings can  be removed, but if they *are* removed, sharp edges remain to cut you getting in and out of the chair.

I mean, if I were 15 I might not worry about septicemia and stuff.

If I die from a cut, I hope someone sues their ass.


But unless you sue for very specific stuff using lawyers who only sue for one thing day-after-day, you're bound to lose.

I read today that some people who do evil stuff, paid their time, then years later get jailed again (for the same thing they did years ago) with no hope of bail

until someone (possibly) dismisses the case, is quite legal.

A court overruled that, but along came better lawyers.

"All men are created equal" isn't exactly constitutional, it's only a vague intro to the declaration of Independence.

I don't know what the 14th amendment says, they have lawyers for that.

All Lawyers are created to win cases, some do that better than others.

"That that is, is. That that is not, is not" and other meaningless pearls of wisdom.

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26 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:

That looks like a nice setup all for Price:$35.72 USD. I may just pull the trigger. 

fyi: most Chinese based Rotary Tools use 8MM threading (not Dremel compatible) so keep that in mind if you want to get a Keyless Chuck or other tip attachments like dust blowers (8mm versions are available but make sure they say 8mm before you buy them)

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People asking me to troubleshoot a printer. Not just any printer, but one they got so mad at they threw it out of a fifth story window. They really expect me to help them rebuild a piece of machinery that could be replaced with a better, more intuitive model for under $20 just because I work in IT? Especially one that's broken beyond repair and they know it? Just go buy a new one! It's not like their Pointy-Haired Boss will know the difference. The guy can't even remember his own user name and password for the network (sadly, that's true)!


Oh, and having to sign in a Pointy-Haired Boss who can't even remember his own user name and password every day. I got stuck with it because I'm the FNG at work. No, it's not just the gaming industry that has extremely low standards for their execs. ?

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I hate that we haven't colonized Mars yet. So many video games and stories innovate and tell us a whole lot we could do and the adventures humanity could have but we still aren't there yet. WTF?!


Oh and why hasn't humanity united under one banner yet? We need to go to space but we keep having these stupid, pointless wars over religion and ideals when we could all go out in the Universe and probably have our own planet each. Knock it off, politicians and zealotous religious nutjobs!

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4 hours ago, Oburael said:

I hate that we haven't colonized Mars yet. So many video games and stories innovate and tell us a whole lot we could do and the adventures humanity could have but we still aren't there yet. WTF?!


Oh and why hasn't humanity united under one banner yet? We need to go to space but we keep having these stupid, pointless wars over religion and ideals when we could all go out in the Universe and probably have our own planet each. Knock it off, politicians and zealotous religious nutjobs!

das humans

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Well, NASA plans to send people to Mars by 2030. Keep dreaming on United Earth Federation, globalism is the great conspiracy desinged to rob the common man from... something? The riches jews mine from beyond the ice wall surrounding flat earth? :trollface:


13 hours ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

Oh, and having to sign in a Pointy-Haired Boss who can't even remember his own user name and password every day. I got stuck with it because I'm the FNG at work. No, it's not just the gaming industry that has extremely low standards for their execs. ?

I feel your pain, my job too is a non-stop episode of the hit reality show "old people trying to figure out computers" ?

Even worse than your case, since he thinks he knows what he's doing ?


 I would like to shoot this forum's message editor. The old one was perfect, or close enough. This one is like Windows 10: makes basic things easy, and fancy things impossible.

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1 hour ago, ToJKa said:

Well, NASA plans to send people to Mars by 2030. Keep dreaming on United Earth Federation, globalism is the great conspiracy desinged to rob the common man from... something? The riches jews mine from beyond the ice wall surrounding flat earth? :trollface:


I fell your pain, my job too is a non-stop episode of the hit reality show "old people trying to figure out computers" ?

Even worse than your case, since he thinks he knows what he's doing ?


 I would like to shoot this forum's message editor. The old one was perfect, or close enough. This one is like Windows 10: makes basic things easy, and fancy things impossible.


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On 12/23/2018 at 10:52 AM, Resdayn said:

I never understood the hole movement for the legalisation.


It is already used for medical issues right now, but that doesn't mean everyone should some that.


Its like taking painkiller when you don't have any.


On 12/23/2018 at 11:03 AM, Alkpaz said:

They advertise marijuana on public radio, stating you can become a millionaire by becoming a grower/distributor (SiriusXM): https://medmen.com/press-release-archive/medmen-launches-first-of-its-kind-cannabis-radio-ad So, what happened to the whole: "Think of the children?!"

They realized it could help medically and started acceptance... something doctors knew about for years and herbalist knew for like forever.

Once acceptance set in as it isn't the "boogy drug" then the polititicians saw $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and so now they want a cut of it and not happy with just medical use. They have tabacco and booze and taxed the living shit out of it, tried to tax soda (where I am at... and failed not because it was wrong but it was a double taxation which isn't allowed here)  they want more and more money to fund more and more bullshit and give themselves  more and more money.

Corruption. Greed

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Fucking buggy ass BUGTHESDA GAME FAILout 4 crashing AFTER not before but AFTER I clear a whole interior cell like boston prep school for that dam bunker hill mission crashing just after I get back into my PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Now I have to do that dam mission AGAIN!!!!!  FUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FUCK bugthesda dammit!!!!!


Why does this game seem to drain my computer? I even reverted my overclock a month ago just for stability sake in general. MY system is all 3rd party expensive parts although old as dirt now from 2011. I know when the game is about to crash my computer since UI notifications no longer show up in the upper left hand corner and turning left or right is slow and choppy stuttering. Looking in certain directions slows the fps down to 5 or 10 until I look another direction. I can usually get time to save quit and restart me computer but noooooo!! this time it has to be when I get back into my PA FUUUUKKKK!!!!!!


I wish we could make toad howeird and his buddy penis heiny play fallout 4 all the way through and put up with all the crashes and shit every day for a month. Maybe that would be worse for them than just not buying their games anymore.

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toggle the command console...

enter "killall"

collect what you need to, repeat if needed (for example another interior cell)

complete in 5 minutes...

Move on to next mission.


after all, you did the work already, ;) It isn't cheating.. it is just getting you back to where you were before. ;)


Sometimes I think the developers left that code in the engine just because they know the developers (their bosses) allowed that fucked up shit to be released and wanted to give something to the players to help solve this very situation. That and likely they got fucking tired when the game crashed on them several times when testing it and wanted to just move on to the next mission area etc. lol

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Oh yes you know they had to sit through that CTD shit for some time while making the dam thing but toad howeird doesn't have to sit through anything he was probably on a vacation somewhere or in some board meeting doing slimy things as usual. For once I would like to see one of their horrible super bad sjw E3 reveals pull a microsoft and throw up a big ol blue screen of death for everyone to laugh at.

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Jim Sterling again. His most recent video is a luke-warm response to him being criticized by his viewers - who he conveniently describes as troll, haters and harassers - as a limp-dicked 'CAPITALISM BAD BUT VALVE EVEN MORE BAD'. Nothing he says is any criticism that's tailored directly towards Epic's behavior, it's mostly him saying over and over again that it's no wonder Epic is causing anger because the things they do make them look bad, not that they're actually doing bad things. Fuck this guy, consumer only when it's convenient, anti-capitalism only when it's convenient. I would hope he receives a wake-up call in the form of patreons leaving him, but I don't think this will be happening.

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