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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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51 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

A game without politics is just pong unless you question the ethics of smacking a white pixel around in slow motion. Creative freedom is here to stay. If you are saying that games are over saturated with meme culture I would agree but if you are saying politics make a bad game then I would have to disagree with you. People take inspiration from real world things and down the road there will be another political movement and the creative teams will be on that shit like moths to a flame.

By the same token games can be used for political propaganda purposes. You get dished up a distinct ideology under the guise of what attracts you. In the 40-year Cold War that came before this one it was rock music and political propaganda in-between. Today it is Facebook. In a game I'd look at the main plot, the favored presentation of certain characters (gender policy etc.) and the level of violence for example, to figure out who is behind...

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34 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

A game without politics is just pong unless you question the ethics of smacking a white pixel around in slow motion. Creative freedom is here to stay. If you are saying that games are over saturated with meme culture I would agree but if you are saying politics make a bad game then I would have to disagree with you. People take inspiration from real world things and down the road there will be another political movement and the creative teams will be on that shit like moths to a flame.

No. I'm not trying to say that entertainment media should never, ever approach topics such as racism, sexism, et al. FFS, Skyrim confronts racism between Men and Mer (and "beast" races) on the regular. But it's a corollary.


The day that TES attempts to tackle oh, let's say, "Whiteness," for example, is the day I close the book on it and toss it into the trash.


That's what I'm trying to get at.


INB4 someone calls me "alt-right"

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26 minutes ago, Jazzman said:

By the same token games can be used for political propaganda purposes. You get dished up a distinct ideology under the guise of what attracts you. In the 40-year Cold War that came before this one it was rock music and political propaganda in-between. In a game I'd look at the main plot, the favored presentation of certain characters (gender policy etc.) and the level of violence for example, to figure out whose behind...

Correct as always. Have a cookie?


I swear it's not poisoned.

26 minutes ago, Pork Type said:

No. I'm not trying to say that entertainment media should never, ever approach topics such as racism, sexism, et al. FFS, Skyrim confronts racism between Men and Mer (and "beast" races) on the regular. But it's a corollary.


The day that TES attempts to tackle oh, let's say, "Whiteness," for example, is the day I close the book on it and toss it into the trash.


That's what I'm trying to get at.


INB4 someone calls me "alt-right"

Nobody should call you alt anything. All parties suck, all are funded by mega corporations, all have flawed shitty people in power, blah, blah, blah.


As for me I'm not interested in the political aspect so much as the story e.g. I think there are some points in the FarCry series where it needs a better writer as some of your actions in the game don't make a lick of sense and everybody else's actions don't make sense either. Before people get into politics read Captain Underpants. It highlights the stupidity of adults better than any form of literature I ever read.


I guess my point is that people are too fucking serious about these issues and it makes them stupid. Irony is one weird bi7*#.

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Getting 504 Bad Gateway errors whenever I try to log into LL. :classic_rolleyes: Just when things were getting back to normal...


I can't delete my Rotten Tomatoes account. Every time I try it just gives me an error page. First they take down 50,000+ negative reviews of Captain Marvel in a vain attempt to raise its user review score and now they won't let us delete our free accounts? Then again, this is a site that has demonstrated a willingness to lie to and cheat its members. I shouldn't be surprised they'd stoop to blocking people from deleting their memberships.

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3 hours ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

Getting 504 Bad Gateway errors whenever I try to log into LL. :classic_rolleyes: Just when things were getting back to normal...


I can't delete my Rotten Tomatoes account. Every time I try it just gives me an error page. First they take down 50,000+ negative reviews of Captain Marvel in a vain attempt to raise its user review score and now they won't let us delete our free accounts? Then again, this is a site that has demonstrated a willingness to lie to and cheat its members. I shouldn't be surprised they'd stoop to blocking people from deleting their memberships.

Reminds me of that time I tried deleted my facebook account (Mostly).

The conversation kind of went like this


Facebook: You don't want to do this

Me: Yes, yes I absolutely fucking do.

Facebook: Are you sure?

Me: Yes!

Facebook: Are you absolutely sure?

Me: Yes!!

Facebook: You may choose to delete your account in 3 days. In another 30 days your account will be deleted.

Me: Go fuck yourself.


It didn't completely wipe my account lazy bums but I finally left that place. I left due to my introverted nature and also ugh! Farmville. Yes I played it. Don't judge me.


As for the gateway errors I've been subject to those. I wonder if it is another DDoS attack? Did we somehow piss off some paranoid parent whose brat got on this site? Maybe I'm being too unfair to parents by assuming so. Either way I hope this person or persons gets a computer virus.





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17 hours ago, Deso561PL said:

Blind fan boys, who defend EA, Activision etc and have no arguments to do so.

Worse still are those who think they do but have no rebuttals when people who know what they're talking about tear their arguments apart. Or they respond by insisting everyone else doesn't know what we're talking about and then rage quit. Actually, that doesn't piss me off so much as it makes me laugh. ?


Twitch and its cadre of thots. I have more respect for camgirls; at least they're honest about using sexuality to get donations. Twitch is just a Christian version of Chaturbate. "It's not porn so it doesn't count!" - Billy Reee Williams, Gundam's twisted little Muppet :classic_tongue:

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Hit and Run drivers...


Now I am yet again having to rent a car while mine is in the shop being repaired.


This is now the third time my car has been hit by one of these asswipes while parked, no note. If I ever manage to find out who you people are you're gonna be beggin' for the cops to come arrest you by the time I'm done with you.

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On 3/8/2019 at 6:33 PM, Darkpig said:

Reminds me of that time I tried deleted my facebook account (Mostly).

The conversation kind of went like this


Facebook: You don't want to do this

Me: Yes, yes I absolutely fucking do.

Facebook: Are you sure?

Me: Yes!

Facebook: Are you absolutely sure?

Me: Yes!!

Facebook: You may choose to delete your account in 3 days. In another 30 days your account will be deleted.

Me: Go fuck yourself.


It didn't completely wipe my account lazy bums but I finally left that place. I left due to my introverted nature and also ugh! Farmville. Yes I played it. Don't judge me.


As for the gateway errors I've been subject to those. I wonder if it is another DDoS attack? Did we somehow piss off some paranoid parent whose brat got on this site? Maybe I'm being too unfair to parents by assuming so. Either way I hope this person or persons gets a computer virus.





I had the same issue a few years ago. I don't know if you can still do it, at the time the only thing you couldn't change was your e-mail but I just left the account up and changed everything from me including my name to a former boss that screwed me over,  so with what I wrote, and uploaded afterword he was getting likes and friend requests from the scatology, bestiality, submissive bondage, and cross-dressing sub-groups. His church group that finally found it was not amused.

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On 3/8/2019 at 2:32 AM, Jazzman said:

By the same token games can be used for political propaganda purposes. You get dished up a distinct ideology under the guise of what attracts you. In the 40-year Cold War that came before this one it was rock music and political propaganda in-between. Today it is Facebook. In a game I'd look at the main plot, the favored presentation of certain characters (gender policy etc.) and the level of violence for example, to figure out who is behind...

I still find it humorous that I can eviscerate someone with a chainsaw and a claw hammer topped off with a little blow-torch work in a variety of games but if a nipple happens to show it gets slapped with an adult rating. I seriously believe kids today are being de-sensitized to the wrong things...  

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40 minutes ago, nikoli grimm said:

I still find it humorous that I can eviscerate someone with a chainsaw and a claw hammer topped off with a little blow-torch work in a variety of games but if a nipple happens to show it gets slapped with an adult rating. I seriously believe kids today are being de-sensitized to the wrong things...  

Desensitized? I thought it was always that way. Maybe adults just hate people and don't want their kids to make more of them ?. That would explain alot.

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Seriously thinking that before I get old and confined to a wheel chair or something, I should just leave this shitty world in a fucking blaze of glory! Not that I care about being remembered or anything. I just don't want to look at my tired old ass in the mirror many years from now and think about all my regrets.

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5 hours ago, nikoli grimm said:

I still find it humorous that I can eviscerate someone with a chainsaw and a claw hammer topped off with a little blow-torch work in a variety of games but if a nipple happens to show it gets slapped with an adult rating. I seriously believe kids today are being de-sensitized to the wrong things...  

Well, the chickens are coming home to roost. Permanent violence exercised out there inevitably leads to permanent violence at home, sooner or later. What's the actual ethical difference b/t a horrible public school shooting and a public school bombing, hmm? There is none. It's the adaptation of the means to the end. If we justify the one with 'yes we can', the other gets automatically justified by the very same reason as well. It's the law of the jungle, like it or not. And there's no 'but'. It's simply that violence has become the new normal, the unspoken ideal in a modern society on its way back to the aristocratic Medieval Age, when sexuality was clearly with the Devil, who else?

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There's no scientific proof that exposure to violence in movies, TV, or video games desensitizes people to real violence. There's a huge difference between seeing a bundle of sprites on a screen die horribly and seeing someone IRL do the same. Unless a person is already severely mentally unstable or sociopathic/psychopathic, in which case they should be monitored at all times.


Otherwise I agree that 'Muricans have their priorities completely ass backwards. The only reason violence is more tolerated than sex is that parents are more comfortable explaining the former rather than the latter. Despite countless mountains of evidence that show how not talking to kids simply and plainly about sex and sex education leads to serious consequences. We have the highest rate of teen pregnancies and STDs of any First World country because of that attitude. We can't stop them from doing it; better that they know what (not) to do when they finally do it.

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24 minutes ago, Ernest Lemmingway said:

There's no scientific proof that exposure to violence in movies, TV, or video games desensitizes people to real violence. There's a huge difference between seeing a bundle of sprites on a screen die horribly and seeing someone IRL do the same. Unless a person is already severely mentally unstable or sociopathic/psychopathic, in which case they should be monitored at all times.


Agree with you 100% although (sarcasm)- in our country monkey does what monkey sees; just go into the politics and you will be rotten, corrupted, powerful, rich and untouchable. ;):) No wonder why we have more politicians than workers in our country. Everyone has perfect theories and solutions for better life and prosperity, but the reality is totally opposite.  You are right when you said such people are:  severely mentally unstable or sociopathic/psychopathic, in which case they should be monitored at all times.

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Jim Sterling is now fellating a shady megacorp for the singular reason he hates steam more than anything, I think he still hasn't forgotten about that one time he visited valve and they did fuck all with his feedback. It's clear that Jim isn't pro-consumer, he just likes to pretend when it suits him. In the end, his social media points are vastly more important to him than anything else. 'Gaming journalists' like to shit on steam because valve refuses to regulate the market how the journalists think it should be regulated and that's why it's bad. In the past he called said journalists essentially inofficial advertisers for the big publishers but I guess this didn't fly so well, because this puts him dangerously close to the gamergate boogeyman said journalists still like to conjure up to deflect any criticisms whatsoever.


And he has the audacity to complain about being called 'censorship man'. Yes, Jim, because previously you criticized games for the LACK of content and not for the type of content. Quality Assurance has nothing to do with moral standards. A game missing an executable file isn't the same thing as a game having content you deem offensive or edgy, you fuckwit.

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24 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

Jim Sterling is now fellating a shady megacorp for the singular reason he hates steam more than anything, I think he still hasn't forgotten about that one time he visited valve and they did fuck all with his feedback. It's clear that Jim isn't pro-consumer, he just likes to pretend when it suits him. In the end, his social media points are vastly more important to him than anything else. 'Gaming journalists' like to shit on steam because valve refuses to regulate the market how the journalists think it should be regulated and that's why it's bad. In the past he called said journalists essentially inofficial advertisers for the big publishers but I guess this didn't fly so well, because this puts him dangerously close to the gamergate boogeyman said journalists still like to conjure up to deflect any criticisms whatsoever.


And he has the audacity to complain about being called 'censorship man'. Yes, Jim, because previously you criticized games for the LACK of content and not for the type of content. Quality Assurance has nothing to do with moral standards. A game missing an executable file isn't the same thing as a game having content you deem offensive or edgy, you fuckwit.

Unfortunately, Jim has gotten a bit too big for his britches (no, that isn't a fat joke) so he wouldn't listen to any of your observations where he seemed the thrive on reader feedback whether it was positive or negative back before he moved over to the Escapist from Destructoid. Seeing him become what I've personally claimed that he wasn't to some of his detractors doesn't piss me off so much as I consider it more than a little saddening.

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On 3/10/2019 at 1:33 AM, KoolHndLuke said:

Seriously thinking that before I get old and confined to a wheel chair or something, I should just leave this shitty world in a fucking blaze of glory! Not that I care about being remembered or anything. I just don't want to look at my tired old ass in the mirror many years from now and think about all my regrets.

Funny; I just watched a video about this,



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34 minutes ago, FauxFurry said:

Unfortunately, Jim has gotten a bit too big for his britches (no, that isn't a fat joke) so he wouldn't listen to any of your observations where he seemed the thrive on reader feedback whether it was positive or negative back before he moved over to the Escapist from Destructoid. Seeing him become what I've personally claimed that he wasn't to some of his detractors doesn't piss me off so much as I consider it more than a little saddening.

:classic_dodgy:well the guy does have a God complex


Thank God for me~ LOL

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1 hour ago, Darkpig said:

:classic_dodgy:well the guy does have a God complex


Thank God for me~ LOL

It's his shtick to be obnoxiously over the top egocentric, it's a comedy routine. It's the entertainment part of his videos, nothing more. At least it was like that in the past, him now endorsing Epic Store on virtue of being not steam makes me think otherwise. Yeah, controversial games on steam are surely the reason devs and publishers take Epic's deal, right. Not because they're greedy and can't get enough, even if it means fucking over their customers, no.


2 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

Unfortunately, Jim has gotten a bit too big for his britches (no, that isn't a fat joke) so he wouldn't listen to any of your observations where he seemed the thrive on reader feedback whether it was positive or negative back before he moved over to the Escapist from Destructoid. Seeing him become what I've personally claimed that he wasn't to some of his detractors doesn't piss me off so much as I consider it more than a little saddening.

I doubt he would've listened anyway. He's not one to face criticism, he seems to prefer his communication one-sided.



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5 hours ago, Pork Type said:

Funny; I just watched a video about this,



Jesus, if my fucking life was that bad I'd end it today! Probably by taking a piece of corporate america down with me if I could. :classic_biggrin: 


 What he talks about and the movie are prime examples of why I will NEVER work that kind of shitty job again. I'm either going to make it in this life with my private "ventures" from now on or I will end up a fucking fifty year old bum working at McDonalds. Would you like some fries with that, Sir? :burger:


Oh, and politicizing your mod(s) might be a great way to influence peep's thinking! Like LL mods tell me to fuck and enjoy it instead of desensitizing me to violence. Honestly that's all my character wants to do in Skyrim anymore; Party and fuck. No such luck with Fallout though, since shooting people I don't like is still very satisfying.

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