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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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Youtube algorithms are pissing me off...AGAIN.  Several months ago my recommended/suggested videos section was bombarded with CNN, MSNBC, TYT, Vice, DavidPakman and other 'progressive' stupidity.  Less than a week after that I get bombarded with 'LGBTQ-XYZ' lifestyle bullshit.  I blocked ALL of those channels and in less than a day they were back.  It got to the point where I downloaded 3rd party software to block them.  That worked, until yesterday.  Now a new batch of LGBTQ nonsense is filling up my recommended ALONG WITH 'fashion try-ons' and 'bikini hauls' from 12 yr little girls.  LITTLE. GIRLS.  Seriously, WTF Youtube?  None of the recommended reflect anything I watch, and seeing the thumbnail of two transvestites kissing next a one of a kid in a bathing suit is all kinds of fucked up and WRONG.  No wonder advertisers are pulling their adds.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

Youtube algorithms are pissing me off...AGAIN.  Several months ago my recommended/suggested videos section was bombarded with CNN, MSNBC, TYT, Vice, DavidPakman and other 'progressive' stupidity.  Less than a week after that I get bombarded with 'LGBTQ-XYZ' lifestyle bullshit.  I blocked ALL of those channels and in less than a day they were back.  It got to the point where I downloaded 3rd party software to block them.  That worked, until yesterday.  Now a new batch of LGBTQ nonsense is filling up my recommended ALONG WITH 'fashion try-ons' and 'bikini hauls' from 12 yr little girls.  LITTLE. GIRLS.  Seriously, WTF Youtube?  None of the recommended reflect anything I watch, and seeing the thumbnail of two transvestites kissing next a one of a kid in a bathing suit is all kinds of fucked up and WRONG.  No wonder advertisers are pulling their adds.

The best way around that is to subscribe to a bunch of channels then tick the notification bells on at least 1/4 of them. Of course, that will lead to the other extreme of notifications preventing anything new from making its way in, robbing you of any chance of being given a pleasant surprise. 

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12 hours ago, Alkpaz said:


Yups.. ++ 


If I was unable to use pictures or movies of porn, I could still "get my jollies" off of literary erotica (I did that for a few years) So can reading pornographic material be "addictive"? I find this can apply to Facebook, Twitter, Imgur, Pinterest. etc

Beware of laypeople quoting "scientific" data. Mouthy Buddha is not a reliable source of anything, anyway. He claims up and down to not be alt-right, but he wants young straight white men to quit fapping to porn




Hi. Women still like me. I still like them, too. I simply don't introduce them to my kinks/toy collection, unless I feel comfortable. 35+ year Porn watcher. Hello!


This is Bullshit.

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Modern day porn is kinda gross,  Anyway, men only need to cum once a week to keep our prostates flushed.  Anything more than that is...well fapping.  I'm right of center and I don't care what people get off to.  Take a fist full of Xanax and pound one out to traps on Chatterbait.  A hobby is a hobby.

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11 minutes ago, Pork Type said:

Beware of laypeople quoting "scientific" data. Mouthy Buddha is not a reliable source of anything, anyway. He claims up and down to not be alt-right, but he wants young straight white men to quit fapping to porn

I watched the video earlier and just looking at the title it seemed ludicrous "Why is Porn Poison for Men", as if you watch porn at all your insides will start rotting and your brain will turn into a dry meatball. I also found it really annoying how he'd constantly throw long buzzwords and phrases like "High-Speed Internet Porn" just to inflate his word count. But what got to me (aside from the title) the most was the mediums that he did NOT specify; which would include Conjured Fantasies, (Wet) Dreams (this I stated earlier), Photos, Gifs, Literature, Games (and mods), Drawings, Animation and perhaps a few others I may not yet know about that could be "detrimental" to your mental health. Lastly he doesn't specify that you can moderate how often you watch porn and I do believe most people would.


Just be careful of people who use unnecessarily long phrases to grab your attention.

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6 hours ago, NitroHamlin said:

Just be careful of people who use unnecessarily long phrases to grab your attention.

That's a sign of someone trying to make themselves sound smarter than they are. Which Mouthy Buddha does so often he just comes off as pretentious. He's trying to compensate for an extremely small...IQ.

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1 hour ago, Alkpaz said:

Be careful using the terms "Main Stream Media" or "SJW" in the near future.

I've come to prefer using the Chinese term for SJW: 白左 or "Baizou".




Speaking of SJWs, Rotten Tomatoes has removed their poll to determine what percentage of people want to see any given movie and given a truly pathetic excuse. Right on the heels of Captain Marvel getting a record low of 26% wanting to see it according to folks who voted on their site. What few comments have been approved by moderators are all extremely critical regarding this change, and the emoji poll about is overwhelmingly "Angry." This is already blowing up in their faces and it's been less than twenty-four hours since the change.

Funny thing is I wasn't even mad when I found this out. I just laughed at the shameless, pathetically desperate state they've been reduced to. At this point a crack whore has more dignity.

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So, Basically.


There are two types of people in the world.


There are the "liberals", fierce individualists, who believe that the most vulnerable minority IS the individual; ie: the Self.


Western Civilization is (mostly) predicated upon this idea.


And then, there are the Collectivists. You do not belong to your own self; you belong to an idea. Whether it's a culture, a religion, or a state, or a combination of the three, you belong to it, and that's that.


This is why Mouthy's video rankled me so much. He's a collectivist. He wants to preserve "Western Civilization" yet he hasn't even the first fucking clue as to how it's special in the first place.



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Society hates individualism, doens't matter wich ideology or political party is, they hate it.


If you are different you can experience that in the first place. 


Last time I saw the "collectivism" it was the USSR and its iron curtail, wich is better to be the past, wasn't even a lifetime we last saw them.



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I think I am over this whole fix the internet thing. Either people love it or they hate it. I'm of the opinion that if you want change bash somebody's head in but nah we gotta use the internet to start an information war.

I got just one thing to say to that:


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On 2/25/2019 at 5:26 AM, Reginald_001 said:

That's a really interesting subject you touch upon. I never ask money for my mods. I have a job, that's where I make my money to live. Yet I've been modding for 20 years now, first in the Doom and Quake communities, then in the Doom3 communities and then here. I've release many mods, many of them were reviewed and hosted on sites that make a lot of revenue and income through bannering. Indirectly my mods made those sites a lot of money. It was (FAR) worse in the past.


People would take (my) mods, put them on disc, then sell the discs..

I once bought a 'mod' disc and found my own mod on it!!!!!


Yet the other side of that is that without those sites and reviews no one would have found my mods, so it's a two-way relationship you enter.

Look at Ivy, because everybody REFUSES to review her (youtubers are very scared of mature content), she has been downloaded and used far less than for instance Heather was.


I still don't care to release it on Nexus of fear of a political shitstorm, or banning by Nexus personnel.

It's busted up enough already, just trying to get SexLab and DD playing nice together.


Scenario: I arrive at Breezehome; Lydia wants to tie me up (DDHelpers.) I let her. I then give her the "wait" command.


I solicit Adrienne (confirmed lover via Amorous Adventures, same as Lydia). I instruct her to follow me (back to Breezehome.)


I initiate a threesome. SexLab doesn't seem to understand that my character is tied up. It becomes VERY confused.


Don't even ask me what happens if I attempt to Schlongify my character within a 3 way sex scene, if the 3 way sex scene is already underway...


(I'm pretty sure I'm not responding the correct post, here, but I'm pretty sure I'm responding to the correct poster) :)


But what you're saying about "platforms"... Amen

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1 hour ago, FauxFurry said:

All politics are terrible.

Guess you mean 'politicians'. Now that's true cos their so-called program has little up to nothing to do with their performance in office which usually follows the bidding of the highest bidder, and that's not the people. We're living in a donated <insert sth.>-cracy 'led' by remote-controlled politicians that are easily to be blackmailed by the main donors and career sponsors, their masters, for being totally corrupt, bought up. Democracy as it is still taught in school spells different tho.


Just my 2cts. I wasn't here and I haven't said anything (to quote a navigator in Dune, the desert planet).

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3 hours ago, zexari said:

y'all have terrible politics 

Well this is the shit thread or I guess it would be more appropriate to call it the piss thread. At least nobody is talking about a wall... SHITE! The Wall meant The Wall:



Whew! Dodged a bullet there.

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Speaking of politicians, there's a movement here in the US of A to place term limits on all political positions as a way of motivating them to actually do their jobs. Lawmakers don't really do anything right now until someone or something forces them to act because they're more than likely to be reelected no matter what simply because they're the incumbent. That often leads to newer appointees facing a brick wall in getting established laws changed or repealed because the same mummies who first got them put into place are still in office. As well as getting new laws enacted because said artifacts have no idea--or interest--what the laws are supposed to handle.


I kind of lean towards putting term limits in place just to get the government to make necessary changes, but I don't know enough to make a decision. I do know I'm sick and tired of others trying to get me to take a side on this and other issues I have no knowledge about and/or interest in. Yeah, I care about possible term limits but I'm not going to make a snap decision. I don't care about sports, celebrities, or what passes as "entertainment" from soulless Hollowood. Especially what's going on with Captain Marvel and Boor Larson.

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12 minutes ago, dipshit239 said:

Well, just replying to the thread topic, not much irritates me. But, something that does get to me is when people drive right behind my car. All it does is almost guarantee that, if I need to suddenly stop for some reason, they'll hit me. And people do it all the time.

You'll really hate how my mother drives then, as she follows way too close behind others on the road. I've always had the 3 or 2 second rule in mind when she is following behind cars, and she breaks that rule by a long shot. I'm suprised she hasn't been in a rear-ender yet...


Along with people who follow too close; people who go over the speed limit, they have no consideration for others (or in some cases the passengers).

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5 hours ago, Jazzman said:

Guess you mean 'politicians'. Now that's true cos their so-called program has little up to nothing to do with their performance in office which usually follows the bidding of the highest bidder, and that's not the people. We're living in a donated <insert sth.>-cracy 'led' by remote-controlled politicians that are easily to be blackmailed by the main donors and career sponsors, their masters, for being totally corrupt, bought up. Democracy as it is still taught in school spells different tho.


Just my 2cts. I wasn't here and I haven't said anything (to quote a navigator in Dune, the desert planet).

No matter what it is, follow the money to find the real reasons why .


Bonus points for Dune reference. Frank Herbert was so right about many things. 

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