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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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2 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

I think military service should be mandatory for all able bodied young adults. 6-13 weeks of boot camp will straighten a lot of them out to begin with. The prospect of (possibly) going to war in a short time will sober anybody up.

The problem with mandatory conscription is you will also drag various individuals that have no intention to participate. Yes, there are many techniques that can be implemented for those individuals however, I would be concerned that, at least for the individualistic American youths, would cause a great distraction from those that would desire to use that time to improve themselves.


I specifically mention Americans as there are countries that have mandatory conscription for males. The difference is, culturally this is expected and has been in place for number of years...


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59 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

No, they're simply fighting for apartheid 2.0 but I'm pretty sure they aren't quite aware of that.

Are you sure that their founders and many of their wealthy supporters are not perfectly aware of this?

Trevor Noah probably wanted his turn to be Frederik De Klerk in a more technologically advanced country rather than move back to his home country where there only people that he could lord over are farmers.

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3 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

I think military service should be mandatory for all able bodied young adults.

I used to agree with this as I was Navy in the early 80's.


I say 'used to' for several reasons, and will explain a few to be brief.


1) During my time in bootcamp we lost 2 because they decided they were 'done' with it, so ate some kind of toilet cleaning tablets to get thrown out. Others whom stayed wouldn't conform and pushed the boundaries: One guy while marching was called out by the Company Commander - "You're supposed to be marching, not doing the New York shuffle". The idea behind bootcamp is to be able to demonstrate the ability to perform objectives in the way you are taught while under a certain amount of stress. If someone can't do that, I wouldn't want them next to me when it counted.


2) Later in life I met an ex-Army drill Sgt. whom left because the military was going 'soft'. An example he gave was these 'chits' (paper with information to be carried on person) which allowed a recruit whom felt over-stressed to hand to an instructor, forcing the instructor to cease berating or otherwise interacting with the recruit for a set amount of time. WTF????  Yeah, that's gonna help! When the enemy firing at you gets to be too much, just pull out your 'stress chit' so the enemy stops shooting at you.


Still, You may be right, even if only a few learn to man up, any help is good help.

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Errands.  "I just put X on layaway at a store known very well for its high occurrences of THE BUG.  Since you're in that town every afternoon for the time being, would you mind going and picking it up for me?"  YES.  YES, I would mind very much.  Why'd you send it there when there's a much closer store that's NOT known for occurrences of THE BUG???  Argh! The lunacy.

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1 hour ago, landess said:

During my time in bootcamp we lost 2 because they decided they were 'done' with it, so ate some kind of toilet cleaning tablets to get thrown out.

Yeah, we had one kid that tried to run away in boot camp. They found him in the woods with nothing on but his underwear and boots with mud all over him. They marched him like that in front of the whole company that morning. Poor kid lost his damn mind and then any shred of dignity. Not sure what happened to him because they didn't just throw people out like that then I think.

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4 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

No, they're simply fighting for apartheid 2.0 but I'm pretty sure they aren't quite aware of that.

i only see them as a hate group until they stop causing problems for everybody then my stance on the blm will change

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Most European nations gave up mandatory military service as being too costly for very little benefit. Wars aren't wars anymore - they're never declared but there's always one on - and armies require quite specialized training nowadays too. What good is it to the country to spend on training, housing, feeding and kitting out people only to see them leave as soon as their time is up. Meanwhile, for most of them, it's one or two years of their lives that are utterly wasted, and could've been spent on education or joining the workforce, which harms the economy. Since none of them will ever be required to suit up when war breaks out, it'd just be an expensive social experiment now.


My dad and uncles had to do it, back in the day, because they didn't luck out on getting an exemption (ofc, systems like these, there are always exemptions, depends on who you know and how rich your folks are). From what they told me they spent a lot of time drinking, and doing pointless crap. Like driving some trucks around for a couple of days so that the army could report sufficient mileage to government in order to get those trucks replaced the next year. Scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush, because that's an important life skill for anyone. Either way, none of them have picked up a rifle since, so the waste goes both ways.

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1 hour ago, DoctaSax said:

Most European nations gave up mandatory military service as being too costly for very little benefit. Wars aren't wars anymore - they're never declared but there's always one on - and armies require quite specialized training nowadays too. What good is it to the country to spend on training, housing, feeding and kitting out people only to see them leave as soon as their time is up. Meanwhile, for most of them, it's one or two years of their lives that are utterly wasted, and could've been spent on education or joining the workforce, which harms the economy. Since none of them will ever be required to suit up when war breaks out, it'd just be an expensive social experiment now.


My dad and uncles had to do it, back in the day, because they didn't luck out on getting an exemption (ofc, systems like these, there are always exemptions, depends on who you know and how rich your folks are). From what they told me they spent a lot of time drinking, and doing pointless crap. Like driving some trucks around for a couple of days so that the army could report sufficient mileage to government in order to get those trucks replaced the next year. Scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush, because that's an important life skill for anyone. Either way, none of them have picked up a rifle since, so the waste goes both ways.

True. I hadn't looked at it from that perspective. Still it would be nice to find a way to get everyone sort of on the same page. Since you were a teacher, I would be pretty interested on your take concerning public schools. Is it just impossible to reach (or teach) some kids?


Another idea I had would be to marry some subjects into video games. Like make them want to learn history and mathematics through a game that they like to play. I mean I really don't see a limit to what games could cover. Can't learning be fun? If you disguise it well enough, they may not even realize they're being taught anything. Then they take a test and ace it and they're like "How the fuck did I know this stuff?". 

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On 7/7/2020 at 11:55 AM, Reginald_001 said:

Whoever thought that adding channels into Gimp and then NOT making them functional.. whoever thought that GIMP, or it's MORONIC interface was a good idea, and whoever designed the GUI for GIMP... Should be forbidden from ever touching any kind of technology, ever again.


If you come looking for a job in my IT team.. and I'm interviewing you. And you were part of the design team behind GIMP. You will be escorted out of the building by our security.


That is all.

Having to export to save an image as a png or jpg. WTf is with that?

22 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

I think military service should be mandatory for all able bodied young adults. 6-13 weeks of boot camp will straighten a lot of them out to begin with. The prospect of (possibly) going to war in a short time will sober anybody up.

When I was in, we were dreading the draft being brought back. We didn't want a bunch of people around who didn't want to be there.

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On 7/8/2020 at 11:31 PM, KoolHndLuke said:

I think military service should be mandatory for all able bodied young adults. 6-13 weeks of boot camp will straighten a lot of them out to begin with. The prospect of (possibly) going to war in a short time will sober anybody up.

Biggest pile of bullshit ever. 
Slackers will slack off, 6-13 weeks of boot camp wont change that.

Its a function of the family and a father to "straighten" young men, whatever the fuck that means.

Trying to suplant fathers with the state will end up with disaster, just like it did for blacks due to socialist bullshit started in the 70's.


And mandatory service people are useless on the modern battlefield.

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"Tearing down statues has nothing to do with politics". Un-huh...Ready to be gas lighted?  This cunt has it right; destroying statues is A-okay.  Listening to this stupid fuck go on about 'its muh racism' is actually hilarious.  Has-a-sad...this puss claims to be a 'historical' reinactor.


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On 7/10/2020 at 3:48 PM, Kendo 2 said:

"Tearing down statues has nothing to do with politics". Un-huh...Ready to be gas lighted?  This cunt has it right; destroying statues is A-okay.  Listening to this stupid fuck go on about 'its muh racism' is actually hilarious.  Has-a-sad...this puss claims to be a 'historical' reinactor.

The funniest part is the first argument he makes is to refute that Washington and Jefferson will be next because they owned slaves.  He claims that won't happen.

Oops:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8413185/CNN-analyst-calls-remove-George-Washington-Thomas-Jefferson-statues-owned-slaves.html

Fuck me they even tore down Fredick Douglas's statue (FYI, he was black):  https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/06/887618102/frederick-douglass-statue-vandalized-on-anniversary-of-famous-speech

So much for it being about racism.  They fucked up on that score.


Yep.  The youtuber is a gas lighting fucknut with shit for brains.  I bet he wishes he wouldn't have made that video.

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1 hour ago, gregathit said:

So much for it being about racism

it was never about racism, it's a Marxist/Communist terrorist group trying to erase western society.

they just use "racism" and "LGBTQ Oppression" as a shield to justify there horrific actions (Eg: BLM members in Provo shooting and killing a 8 year old girl), that's why things that are not at all racist or sexist are now being called as such, it's so they can have a excuse to inflict more damage.

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5 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

it was never about racism, it's a Marxist/Communist terrorist group trying to erase western society.

they just use "racism" and "LGBTQ Oppression" as a shield to justify there horrific actions (Eg: BLM members shooting and killing a 8 year girl), that's why things that are not at all racist or sexist are now being called as such, it's so they can have a excuse to inflict more damage.

Yep.  I'm well aware of who they are and what they stand for.  Fucking sick minded individuals the lot of them.  I think we make up a name for them.  Haterists. Purveyors of hate.

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The only thing the video was accurate was the local government is the one that should make decisions on any removal, addition or alteration of statues or the like (names of streets etc). The people then can propose what they want, vote on it etc, and make the needed changes after EVERYONE has had a chance to act.  This unilateral decision making from mob mentality is nothing more than vandalism and should be prosecuted as such. I don't care what x statue represents to you, or anyone for that matter. YOU don't get the choice to make decisions ON MY BEHALF.


In general for the most part I don't give a shit what statue is up where or the like. I do however, have an issue with people making these decisions on their own without output from the rest of the community.


To anybody that thinks differently... think again, Look at the actions that are occurring.  At first there was a clear agenda.. remove confederate slave owners statues.... noble enough concept (have no opinion personally one way or another.. there are pro and cons to this)  Now they are doing all sorts of other shit outside of this. Above stated they removed Fredrick Douglas for christ sakes. What sort of fucked up reason for that? This is the reason for discussion and decision making being about the community involved.  If after serious discussion it is decided that something needs to be changed.. then it needs to be changed. It is time. It will reflect the community, for good or bad. After all there was a reason those statues were put up in the first place... ;)  (Note: this has to do with public statues on public lands and such, not private ones. That is a different matter all together)



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1 hour ago, RitualClarity said:

To anybody that thinks differently... think again, Look at the actions that are occurring.  At first there was a clear agenda.. remove confederate slave owners statues.... noble enough concept (have no opinion personally one way or another.. there are pro and cons to this)  Now they are doing all sorts of other shit outside of this. Above stated they removed Fredrick Douglas for christ sakes. What sort of fucked up reason for that? This is the reason for discussion and decision making being about the community involved.  If after serious discussion it is decided that something needs to be changed.. then it needs to be changed. It is time. It will reflect the community, for good or bad. After all there was a reason those statues were put up in the first place... ;)  (Note: this has to do with public statues on public lands and such, not private ones. That is a different matter all together)

Peace through appeasement never works. The more the govt concedes to these people, the worse they will get. My guess is they are giving ground because they fear how a hard crackdown would be viewed- especially in an election year. I'm all for equality and saying "fuck you" to the man, but this shit is going to far. Guess I'll have to buy that gun after all.

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2 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Peace through appeasement never works. The more the govt concedes to these people, the worse they will get. My guess is they are giving ground because they fear how a hard crackdown would be viewed- especially in an election year. I'm all for equality and saying "fuck you" to the man, but this shit is going to far. Guess I'll have to buy that gun after all.

I believe they are of the mind that this shit will burn itself out in due time.  Mostly, but a degree of their worrying about their jobs if they are due for election is likely another factor. However, that is a slippery slope for them to understand as there are very likely many out there that are fed up with that shit and will vote alternate in due to their lack of addressing this (the negative aspects of protest, looting and general tomfoolery. Not the proper protest etc .. just to be clear)

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17 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

it was never about racism, it's a Marxist/Communist terrorist group trying to erase western society.

they just use "racism" and "LGBTQ Oppression" as a shield to justify there horrific actions (Eg: BLM members in Provo shooting and killing a 8 year old girl), that's why things that are not at all racist or sexist are now being called as such, it's so they can have a excuse to inflict more damage.

Imo there's nothing marxist about idpol. Why do you think all the billionaires and the entire establishment in general support that nonsense? There was a leaked diversity document from Amazon a while back that basically said diversity is good because it prevents unionization. Which makes sense if you think about it, because instead of the workers understanding themselves as one group, you split that group into potentially infinite, smaller groups. Sexual orientation, sexual identity, ethnicity, skin color - all these are tools to seperate people from each other.


And before anyone asks: This is not meant as a defense for marxism or communism. These ideologies historically have always devolved into the killing of millions and authoritarian regimes. It's just that I don't think what the corporate elite is doing can be called communism. I'm also well aware that a lot of idpol larpers call themselves marxist but I just don't see it.

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17 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

it was never about racism, it's a Marxist/Communist terrorist group trying to erase western society.

they just use "racism" and "LGBTQ Oppression" as a shield to justify there horrific actions (Eg: BLM members in Provo shooting and killing a 8 year old girl), that's why things that are not at all racist or sexist are now being called as such, it's so they can have a excuse to inflict more damage.

It doesn't even have anything to do with one's country's history since this particular co-founder of BLM in Toronto just seems to hold anyone with insufficient melanin levels in their skin in deepest contempt simply for existing so that excuse can be crossed off even before it is considered. 

Sadly, this may all be born from a sense of insecurity based around the fact that their ancestors did not win back their own freedom from their oppressors on their own where other people groups or nations who were oppressed (including Spain who was dominated by the Moors for far longer than 200-400 or so years, depending upon how one massages the numbers)did and as such do not even have any grand heroic narratives to look back upon for inspiration.

For example, Nigerians have great statues in their plazas in Lagos commemorating their victory over the British while Jamaica has their tributes in musical form as well as the likes of Marcus Garvey and Haille Selassie to fill them with pride. What do black Canadians even have...some comedians, maybe a pop star or two?

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9 minutes ago, GrimReaper said:

Imo there's nothing marxist about idpol. Why do you think all the billionaires and the entire establishment in general support that nonsense? There was a leaked diversity document from Amazon a while back that basically said diversity is good because it prevents unionization. Which makes sense if you think about it, because instead of the workers understanding themselves as one group, you split that group into potentially infinite, smaller groups. Sexual orientation, sexual identity, ethnicity, skin color - all these are tools to seperate people from each other.


And before anyone asks: This is not meant as a defense for marxism or communism. These ideologies historically have always devolved into the killing of millions and authoritarian regimes. It's just that I don't think what the corporate elite is doing can be called communism. I'm also well aware that a lot of idpol larpers call themselves marxist but I just don't see it.

Both Martin Luther King Junior and Malik Shabaz (formerly Malcolm X)came to the conclusion that dividing people up by racial groups distracted people from larger class issues shortly before they were killed...for whatever reason which could or could not be entirely coincidental.

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5 hours ago, RitualClarity said:

Above stated they removed Fredrick Douglas for christ sakes. What sort of fucked up reason for that?

Since no one claimed that for BLM, I think it's perfectly sensible to see that one more as a tit-for-that thing.

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On 7/8/2020 at 8:04 AM, gregathit said:

Thomas Sowell is indeed a very smart man.  I enjoy the crap out of his youtube talks.  Too bad many more people do not give him a listen.


One thing you are missing here is that a charter school has ZERO obligation to retain students if they demonstrate that they are not there to learn.  I'm not blaming kids, what the fuck do they know?  Kids and their attitudes about learning come from the parents.  I blame parents for the failures in education today.  As for kids being individuals......yea whatever.  That is not so much as a blip in all of this.  Charter schools are not some magic wand you can wave.  They depend on good teachers (as you mentioned) and YES, students that are willing to learn.  Why are those students willing to learn, because they have a parent standing behind them that is letting them know that back to public school you go if you get kicked out.  I remember being a kid and NO, I did not want to go to school or do school work (at school or home).  Most kids don't.  But I had parents that would whoop my ass if I didn't.  It all comes down to parents in the end.

That is why you should check out the book. Their retention rate is high and a teacher at a charter school is motivated to actually teach because their pay can go up or down based on performance unlike in public schools. This is why teaching methods are different in charter schools, allowing teachers to teach the way they actually need to based on their students and give them time to give more attention to those that need it...none of the silly sometimes insane rules youll find in public schools that literally force teachers to focus on those that they believe will increase the classes over-all grade rating.

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