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Microsoft bought Zenimax/Bethesda

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30 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Fake news, surely? :classic_smile:

MS operating systems have always been security gaps separated by chunks of code.

no fake, Tagesschau.de is a state news channel, their reports are based on facts and are subject to a state examination board!


When Microsoft keeps buying game developers, then I believe that game users are also being spied on.
rape mods on pc, the future is not going to be rosy! ?




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3 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

Well, I guess we will get the CK earlier, but we have to buy it.

And it will cause a lot of trouble......  

We have no clue what will happen. I believe chances are Bethesda studio will be allowed to do their projects with some minor policy changes by Microsoft. So far I haven't seen much change with other game studio/companies that MS bought... doubt that will change for this. They are likely making sure that they have XBOX options .... .

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This does suck, but at least Sony didn't buy them given the contrast between PS4 mods, and Xbox One Mods. 


The problem with SJWs are the anti-sex ones, the sex liberation movement ones however in my opinion as a progressive who votes for (insert progressive leader) are in the minority. Simply put there are more anti-sex progressives then sex liberation ones. 


I doubt Microsoft will be okay with sex mods let alone defeat, BDSM, etc. They may be okay with skimpy clothing, but if some random activist groups argues it demeans women or whatever bullshit excuse, and kotuku runs an article on it, it's goodnight for us. 


It's actually weird that anti sex progressives are like this. We at Loverslab support all sexual orientations, and are pretty inclusive, and diverse even in opinion. I look up a reddit post where hey were against expansive customization, their logic was basically if we do that horny guys will make women with big boobs, and skimpy armor, and that creates a bad environment for girl gamers. The problem with that logic is that Skyrim and likely ES6 are SINGLE PLAYER. As a progressive I don't tell women what to do with their bodies(abortion), and they don't tell me what to do with my SINGLE PLAYER games.


You always hear from conservatives that LGBTQ+ rights are bad because morality, and here progressives/SJWs/Social liberals are doing the exact same thing.


End Rant. 

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1 hour ago, Gergar12 said:

This does suck, but at least Sony didn't buy them given the contrast between PS4 mods, and Xbox One Mods. 




You always hear from conservatives that LGBTQ+ rights are bad because morality, and here progressives/SJWs/Social liberals are doing the exact same thing.


End Rant. 

MS likely won't give a shit as long as it stays as it is.  Out of sight, and out of mind.  On the other side, if they do? People will simply mod old games and eventually a new platform will be the launching point into new and glorious things.  


Conservatives in general complain about the alphabet soup rights because they're usually forced on everyone.  You can't go anywhere without seeing it everywhere on every product, tv show, movie, even video game loading screen, or work for a company without being forced to participate in something tied to it.  And have screechy people demand you fall in line with them an "give support"  with a veiled threat tied to it in some way these days.  With some Karen threatening your life, livelihood or family, because you insulted the holy trinity of letters.  In public they'll follow you around to the point it becomes harassment, and people won't even step up to help you.


On LL, I don't give a shit if someone enjoys a 30" dick flopping about on a 4" waist on GG cups in quintuplet rows.  I don't like it, I don't mod it.  You try forcing me to have that in my  game, and demand I adhere to your bullshit though, and I'll get angry.  


The irony of course is the same people who screech about xyz rights, pro-sex work, pro-pro-pro whatever else.  Screech about video games, and at this point after years and years of life, they're either projecting or unable to tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction.  I'm going with unable to tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction.


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1 hour ago, Mashi said:

MS likely won't give a shit as long as it stays as it is.  Out of sight, and out of mind.  On the other side, if they do? People will simply mod old games and eventually a new platform will be the launching point into new and glorious things.  


Conservatives in general complain about the alphabet soup rights because they're usually forced on everyone.  You can't go anywhere without seeing it everywhere on every product, tv show, movie, even video game loading screen, or work for a company without being forced to participate in something tied to it.  And have screechy people demand you fall in line with them an "give support"  with a veiled threat tied to it in some way these days.  With some Karen threatening your life, livelihood or family, because you insulted the holy trinity of letters.  In public they'll follow you around to the point it becomes harassment, and people won't even step up to help you.


On LL, I don't give a shit if someone enjoys a 30" dick flopping about on a 4" waist on GG cups in quintuplet rows.  I don't like it, I don't mod it.  You try forcing me to have that in my  game, and demand I adhere to your bullshit though, and I'll get angry.  


The irony of course is the same people who screech about xyz rights, pro-sex work, pro-pro-pro whatever else.  Screech about video games, and at this point after years and years of life, they're either projecting or unable to tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction.  I'm going with unable to tell the difference between fiction and non-fiction.


I'm forced to agree.  Take the BBWVR mod for FF14, even Squeenix has made it common knowledge that you can use said 3rd party software to augment your game, just don't be vocal about it in game.  Same applies to DPS meters or, "parser's," as the community calls them.  I get the impression Microsoft will largely think of mods like the same as Fight Club.

First Rule about Fight Club:  You do NOT talk about Fight Club.  That and I think they know full well the modding community is what made Bethesda popular in the first place, right back to ES3: Morrowind.  Banning mods would not only hurt their bottom line but they risk alienating a HHHHUUUUGGGGEEEE demographic of paying customers.


Then again, we've seen companies basically tell stalwart fans to fuck themselves before (Yes I'm looking you Disney! ?).

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Maybe if they look too close at women in sex mods we can tell them they were all screened and are paid for their work? They might buy it. :classic_tongue:


Jarl-"Did you at least give the wench something?"

"Yes, my Jarl. I gave her 10 gold and a fox pelt"

Jarl-"Fine, we have more important matters with these dragons and rumors of dragons anyway."

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6 hours ago, Mashi said:

Conservatives in general complain about the alphabet soup rights because they're usually forced on everyone.  You can't go anywhere without seeing it everywhere on every product, tv show, movie, even video game loading screen, or work for a company without being forced to participate in something tied to it.  And have screechy people demand you fall in line with them an "give support"  with a veiled threat tied to it in some way these days.  With some Karen threatening your life, livelihood or family, because you insulted the holy trinity of letters.  In public they'll follow you around to the point it becomes harassment, and people won't even step up to help you.


On LL, I don't give a shit if someone enjoys a 30" dick flopping about on a 4" waist on GG cups in quintuplet rows.  I don't like it, I don't mod it.  You try forcing me to have that in my  game, and demand I adhere to your bullshit though, and I'll get angry.  



The trend that I see, that scares me from time to time, is people are trying to change the world and they do not care who they piss off or hurt to do it.  These are the deep pocketed, loud mouths who control our media.  

Look at Clear Channel infringing on free speech.  Freedom of speech is an illusion anyway, especially in today's politically correct society. 


Look how Hollywood is shoving this gay rights thing down our throats.  I don't care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes.  I don't care that nearly 1 in ten men I meet are gay.  Marriage is more a legal contract than anything having to with religion, so what does it matter if two men get married?  What ever happened with the separation of church and state.  OOps, they blurred the line when it came to marriage.   But, I don't want to see two men kissing every time I watch a movie, or Star Trek.  I don't want to see a man and a woman kissing either.  This only takes away from the story.   Sex in cinema used to be a thing (before the days of free porn).  Now just get rid of it.  


Look at Obama Care.  Did the Dems care that half or more of the country was stoutly against it?  In a time when America was in an economic crisis, free health care was all they were concerned about.


Oh, and what about letting in all those illegal aliens?  People all for it are saying how even the poorest Americans have it better than they so we should help them.  I doubt any of these people ever lived in the poor part of any town.  Ok, I never met anyone having 20 family's living in one house, but that's against health and zoning laws in America.  The thing is I don't think these people care who they hurt as long as they make themselves look good amongst their like minded peers and to make themselves feel good about themselves.  You should make sure your own family is fed before you feed the neighbors.  Generosity starts at home.  If it doesn't, then it's something else.


De-genderizing out language?  Really?  I'd like to see them do that to Spanish, or nearly any other language in the world (oh, but we're special).


The thing is, is doesn't matter any more what we want.  There are too many of us now.  Companies used to bend over backwards to satisfy every customer.  Each customer could affect up to 20 others to stop shopping at their store.  Now they don't care if they loose 20 customers, 100 customers or more since the market is so large, they will never be missed.  It's pretty much the same in the political arena.  And when one person no longer matters, then the contempt grows from there until our illusionary freedoms are just taken away.  I say illusionary freedoms because we so many laws micromanaging our "freedoms" that what it comes down to is, you have freedom and the right to do ANYTHING you want,  You will have to deal with the consequences of your actions. 


(if this is too political, I will harbor no hard feelings if it gets removed)



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14 minutes ago, cailic said:

Sex in cinema used to be a thing (before the days of free porn).  Now just get rid of it.


I'm quite partial to sex in cinema myself. It has to be done right, of course, but I definitely feel it still has its place. If the film is well made, if the acting and writing are good, it means you care about the characters. That means when they get it on, however tame the action might be, it has a greater impact. To me, at least.


I've watched my fair share of lesbian porn over the years. Ok. I've watched considerably more than my fair share. But I can't think of any scene, no matter how intense, hardcore, lengthy or explicit, that had quite the same impact as the short, vague and not very revealing scenes of Naomi Watts and Laura Harring shagging each other in Mulholland Drive.


In porn sex is the norm, and it can get boring quickly. In traditional or mainstream cinema, if handled correctly, I feel sex can be a rare added bonus with added meaning. It's as much about the build-up and anticipation as it is about the act itself.


Not sure how much I'm going to savour the build-up and anticipation to whether or not Microsoft is going to allow sex mods to continue to be a thing though...

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2 minutes ago, merManc said:


I'm quite partial to sex in cinema myself. It has to be done right, of course, but I definitely feel it still has its place. If the film is well made, if the acting and writing are good, it means you care about the characters. That means when they get it on, however tame the action might be, it has a greater impact. To me, at least.


I've watched my fair share of lesbian porn over the years. Ok. I've watched considerably more than my fair share. But I can't think of any scene, no matter how intense, hardcore, lengthy or explicit, that had quite the same impact as the short, vague and not very revealing scenes of Naomi Watts and Laura Harring shagging each other in Mulholland Drive.


In porn sex is the norm, and it can get boring quickly. In traditional or mainstream cinema, if handled correctly, I feel sex can be a rare added bonus with added meaning. It's as much about the build-up and anticipation as it is about the act itself.


Not sure how much I'm going to savour the build-up and anticipation to whether or not Microsoft is going to allow sex mods to continue to be a thing though...

I guess I'm kinda of odd.  I like Law and Order because it sticks to the story without all the interpersonal, soap operish, feeling crap... err stuff.  I don't watch it anymore, but I liked it for that and good story content.  I guess it depends on the type of movie.  I don't care to see any kissing in action films or sci-fi.  In a romance movie, sure.  For those disposed to watch that type of thing.  I've never seen Mulholland Drive.  My point is that it's in nearly every movie.  The Avengers series was pretty good.  When Iron man was making out with what's her name, I was like, "let's move on".

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25 minutes ago, merManc said:


Not sure how much I'm going to savour the build-up and anticipation to whether or not Microsoft is going to allow sex mods to continue to be a thing though...

One should remain objective and not suffer from anticipation.  My fears pop up from time to time.  I may express them, then I tuck them away to wait and see what happens.  In the end, what happens will happen and we typically have no power to affect the outcome.  In most instances, I've found my fears to have been unfounded.  Thus to overly indulge in them is to cause yourself to suffer needlessly.

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Microsoft already said they will let Bethesda do their thing, so I doubt there will be major changes mod-wise.
If anything, it might be a good thing if Microsoft tells Zenimax to get their act together and organize their subsidiaries in a way that makes sense -  i.e. have ZOM take care of multiplayer and make Bethesda Game Studios focus on single player. That uses the existing expertise efficiently and is better for fulfilling the expectations of the customer base of both. Not the least, Microsoft learned the hard way that just because people have experience with single player games within a certain original IP, that doesn't mean they are motivated or even competent to do a multiplayer game within the same universe.  

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11 minutes ago, spoonsinger said:

Could be worse they could have brought Bethesda, Gwynedd into it and then there would be tangent-ale conversations about rissoles, sheep, shame, songs on Sunday and Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

Could be entertaining.

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53 minutes ago, cailic said:

Oh, now you're bringing religion into it.

We could, instead, talk about that other great source of Western literary civilization, Greco-Roman literature. Look at how many industries have reached into the heart of Homer. There's Troy-bilt tractors and Trojan condoms for instance. 

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6 minutes ago, Psalam said:

We could, instead, talk about that other great source of Western literary civilization, Greco-Roman literature. Look at how many industries have reached into the heart of Homer. There's Troy-bilt tractors and Trojan condoms for instance. 

I love Trojan condoms.  Not much thought was put into that name.


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