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1 hour ago, Code Serpent said:

Because SexLab Aroused already takes care of that. Your time rate increases with every sex act, so time rate acts like an addiction. So, why should I reprogram a system that's already been implemented for me?

Not really. It's always been a highly unsatisfactory mechanic. Yes, SLD uses time-rate directly as addiction in its SLA(R) integration, but it was a stopgap. It has its own addiction mechanics now too, which I believe are better.


Telling me how arousal works is a bit unnecessary, as I've spent quite some time rewriting SLAR to completely reproduce the existing behaviours and APIs, but add more functionality, configurability, and fix the annoyances.



When SLAX releases, you will see a possibility for new addiction mechanics for sex at the base level, along with new arousal and exposure models.

I could put up a nicely working mod right now, but I want to deliver more added value in the release.


I intend to provide some (more) interesting gameplay in terms of sex-addiction, slave training and breaking of slaves. This functionality isn't done yet.


It won't require any special integrations with any specific mod, but if you choose to take advantage of the provided stats - which will work for the PC and NPCs - you'll have better modelling and MCM support for these mechanics almost for free.


There will also be faction support for just about anything you might want to represent about an actor's sex-life or tastes, which may or not be useful for you.

There won't be MCM support for all of that in SLAX though (or even much of it, as it is extensive); most of it will be in some other mod, either SLD, or a companion mod for SLAX. There will be enough to say whether the PC is a sub/dom, masochist/sadist base personality type though. That can change through play, or you can add an additional stat on top, but I think the former is better, as the state is then shared with multiple mods.




Returning to your theory:

1 hour ago, Code Serpent said:

Either you were wearing a chastity belt, a gag, or had low arousal.

I wasn't. The only device I was wearing was the Sanguine Device, which is a piercing. It does not block sex. My character got lots of sex - which as you remark above, increases time-rate, which plays into arousal, but because I used SexLab Shrines, and SLSO (which means sex doesn't always result in orgasms) the character didn't get a huge orgasm count or silly-time rate - time-rate was around 50 or so, max. A time rate of 30 or more is going to lead to high arousals anyway, but with a stimulating device, you end up at high arousal pretty much all the time.


I'm not clear whether you're saying DiD uses time-rate, or actual arousal as the addiction measure, but I think previously you indicated it was arousal, and not time-rate. That's probably not the best choice: time-rate is the best addiction measure that SLA(R) can offer you, which is why SLD integrated it (though it also integrates arousal, so you can take your pick).


Now maybe arousal is what you want to trigger off in terms of intent for DiD, but it's not a great measure for addiction from an immersive perspective. A character can have low time rate, and still be pinned at 100 arousal if they have some over-active piercings or other exposure sources. As I've remarked previously, most of the DD devices that add exposure are totally out of balance in terms of how much they add and how often. Just one will probably pin you at 100 arousal fast, and keep you there. Two or three just mean you're never really not at 100, and within a minute after sex, you'll be back there again. This is partly a consequence of a very simple model in SLA/R for how arousal works, and partly DD.


If, once you remove the piercings, the "addiction" is gone, that's not an addiction, it's just a momentary urge induced by a device - they are quite different things.

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1 hour ago, Code Serpent said:

I'm not going to make it so random plants out in the wilderness start tentacle attacks. I hate that feature in Cursed Loot, and always have that disabled, and I'm not going to implement it here. If you want, I could add a sort of 'chaurus egg spa' location that you could search out without fear of fighting through falmer.

This is the sort of area where options are a good thing. Some people like that feature. I don't like how DCL delivers it, so I use FMEA to do it.


But options apart...


Something basic, like strategically adding Furo Tubs on the roadside near some dungeons would give the player who just escaped imprisonment a convenient chance to dump some trauma (without going back to town) at the cost of voluntarily picking up some tentacle addiction. They wouldn't be "random plants." If you click on a Furo Tub you expect some tentacle sex, it's what they do. Possibly the tubs could offer bonus trauma recovery compared to random tentacle sex, because they are quite ... gentle - in their intrusions compared to some animations.


This might be better as a mod all its own though. If I wasn't so busy, I would probably make it myself right now. I still might get around to it.

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If you want to do masochism, why not cross-integrate it with Spank that Ass? There's plenty of room for great synergies between DiD and SLS/StA.

Sure, make it work standalone, but at least consider adding the options so that StA users aren't getting double masochism modifiers, and avoid the case where StA says the PC is a masochist and DiD says they're a sadist, or whatever.

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14 hours ago, Code Serpent said:

Milk-pump addiction is supposed to be determined by how many times you've orgasmed during the milking, and how many bottles you produce. So, it can be hard to get addicted to it in the early game. I'll make some adjustments.

I managed to do it by taking a bunch of lactacid and milking every 6 hours or so. Thanks!

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I do have a strange problem. I'm not getting any sex scenes on being defeated. I just surrender and then fade to black, every single time I try.

Now since this apparently works for others, I assume it must be something on my end that I just don't see.


I'm using v1.11 of DiD and the latest version of every requirement and soft requirement. Are there any conflicts aside from the missing soft requirement one, that I am not aware of? My game is pretty loaded with mods - especially from LL.

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I'm currently planning on doing a large back-end rewrite of the mod for version 2.0, which will add the framework for a lot of features I'm planning on adding. I'm writing down here what I'm hoping to implement in either 2.0 or subsequent updates, to let you all know where I intend to go with the mod, to get some feedback on the features before I spend the dozens upon dozens of man-hours implementing them, and to also just write them down somewhere so I don't forget my ideas. I'm not going to get started on this immediately, as I want to spend a bit of time working on Devious Lore as well, and I think much of this will be added months down the line, bu this is what I want this mod to become.



I'm going to be keeping the current Addiction and Withdrawal system mostly the same in this next version. However, I am going to change how the system interacts with Trauma. Currently, Trauma is relieved by performing a single addictive action, like drinking a bottle of ale, or being ravaged by tentacles, with different actions being strong enough to treat different levels of Trauma. In this update, I'll change this so any Addictive Behavior can treat any level of Trauma; if you have an Addiction that is higher than your Trauma, and Withdrawal that is lower than your Trauma, then your Trauma will be relieved. Trauma Severity will be rebalanced, to be on a 1-100 scale like Addiction.


I'm also looking into adding several new Addictive Behaviors, including Sadism, Masochism, Exhibitionism, Feederism, potentially Latex Addiction/Objectification, and possibly Hypnosis Addiction through illusion magic. (I have a lot of kinks, pls no shame).

  • Sadism will be increased and tracked through your Game Statistics: Assaults, Murders, Intimidations, Brawls Won, etc. Sadism may also increase if you attack fleeing enemies, and equip devious devices on other people, if I manage to figure out how to implement this. Becoming Sadistic may cause you to become 'Violent', which can cause people to attack you if you simply look at them, as you will seem incredibly hostile all the time.
  • Masochism will be triggered through rape and taking repeated damage. Your Masochism will increase not based on the damage, but based on how many times you are damaged. Whipping, beating, and the concentration destruction spells like Flames, Frost, and Sparks, will increase your Masochistic tendencies the fastest. Rape will not increase Masochism initially, it will only be considered a Masochistic event if you already have sufficient Masochism withdrawal. I'm not sure what the temporary behavior of Masochism will be, current ideas include prompting brawls, asking mages to shock you, and being unable to fight unless your health is below a certain percentage.
  • Exhibitionism will be triggered by either being groped, wearing skimpy clothing (detected through SexLab Aroused), no body clothing at all, or certain devious devices like cuffs, collars, harnesses, and dresses. Becoming Addicted to Exhibitionism will lead to you being 'Flaunting', which will, of course, lead to you stripping, but will also lead to you asking others to view and judge your body, and potentially grope you.
  • Feederism will of course be triggered by eating substantial amounts of food, and will lead to you becoming a 'Binge-Eater', which behaves similarly to the 'Alcoholic' and 'Narcotic' behaviors.
  • Objectification will be triggered by wearing the latex catsuit items from devious devices, and potentially other equipment that causes you to become faceless and featureless, Dragon Priest Masks for example. This addiction will lead you to try to become 'Anonymous', which will lead you to wearing masks and outfits that make you featureless, and being unable to interact with people without an ally to talk through.
  • Hypnosis Addiction (still working on the name) will likely be triggered through added Illusion mages, psychedelic drugs, and self-cast illusions. I'm currently unsure how this will be fully implemented, and likely won't be in the 2.0 update. Though I'd love to hear ideas for it.
  • Sex will also be worked in to act as a form of relief. However, it will only offer relief if the last sex act was consensual.


Defeat and Capture will have a lot of back-end changes to make it easier to change and customize, and will get some major changes with captor behavior. I will also be manually adding markers to dungeons for events during capture, so I don't have to rely on the vanilla marker system that doesn't always work properly.


You will be able to interact with your captors, begging them for food and water, begging them to let you go, threatening them, or offering yourself to please them. If you are addicted to something, you can also beg them for whatever you yearning for as well. How you interact with them, in addition to how often you try to steal, escape, or fight, will determine how your captors will view you.


Your captors will behave differently based on how much of a threat you are, and how valuable you seem. Your perceived threat starts based on your level, is increased every time you misbehave, and is decreased every time you are punished. If you are perceived as a threat, you will be searched often, and more extreme punishments will be used to try to break you. If you aren't perceived as a threat, your restraints might be unlocked; your watcher may decide to doze off, giving you a chance to escape; and some captors may act kinder to you. Your perceived value will start based on your addictions, and will decrease over time. Your value will increase every time you are punished in a way that pleasures or amuses your captors. If you bore your captors, they will start using more creative and more severe punishments on you.

Every time you are caught trying to steal or escape from, talk back to, or attack your captors, or whenever your captors get bored, they will have an array of punishments to choose from, depending on what you did, and what your addictions are, with at least one punishment for each addiction. These will include: force feeding alcohol, skooma, or just food (likely followed by a gang-rape); binding you in restraints based on what you did (wrist binds for stealing, gag for mouthing off, blindfold and boots for trying to escape, so on); sticking you in a milk pump overnight (if you are a milk maid already and the dungeon has been marked with a suitable pump location); having the mage blast you with some weak destruction spells; forcing you to a brawl with your hands tied; a lot of rape, of course; and potentially anything else that is suggested.

The goal of this system is to influence your perceived threat and perceived value to either escape on your own, or force them to throw you out. You can try to balance your threat and value so that they don't destroy you out of boredom, but don't care enough about you to worry about you slinking towards the exit. You can try to please your captors to the point where you can convince one to turn on the rest. You can try to be as threatening as possible, until your captors decide your not worth the trouble, and dump you in a ditch with as many things locked on you as possible. Or you can wait for them to get bored enough to dump you in a ditch, after getting your holes filled more times than you can count.



The current gear-theft system will be changed slightly. I'm going to be adding a lot more locations for stolen gear to be hidden, and will add a sort of treasure-map system to find them. Every time your gear is stolen, the mod will select a hiding spot in the hold you were defeated. You will be able to retrieve your gear directly from the people that stole from you, but if you fail to do that in time, then you might stumble across 'treasure maps' in the boss chests of certain dungeons. These will lead you to one of the stashes. Like the current stashes, items, except weapons and armor, will be slowly shifted around to different stashes in the hold.



Crime will also have back-end changes, and some significant additions, mainly guard interaction, a torture room, and potentially cell-mates.


Guard interaction won't be as extensive as Captor interaction. You will be able to threaten the guards, beg them for help, and attempt to bribe them. The first two likely won't do anything, but you may be able to bribe the guard to bring you something from your confiscated gear, or to slip a lockpick into your next meal. Threatening them won't make them more hostile outright, but may lead to your food being traced with certain drugs, and more time in the torture room.


The torture room is where you will be brought for punishment and other events. Usually, you are only brought there if you have a high enough bounty, or have been causing trouble. These events include being forced to test some of the court wizard's new potions; being locked in devices and left to try to escape them; being left in a milk pump for a few hours (if you are already a milk maid); being roughed up by a guard while shackled to the wall; and rape of course. Several of these scenarios will give you time alone in the torture room, which will give you a chance to escape if you're clever enough.


A cellmate may be added to your cell after a day or two, mostly to keep the cell a bit more interesting. They will have a random personality and skill set, which will determine what kinds of interactions you can have with them. They will also usually have something to offer you: drugs, lockpicks, shivs, or themselves, depending on their skill set. Their personality will determine how you can get something from them. They might be violent, and will force you to a brawl over something; they might ask you to retrieve something from the torture room for them; or they might want to have sex. Though, they might want something from you without you asking them anything.


Breaking Point

A new feature I'm going to be adding is a 'Broken' state, a sort of permanent and extreme state of addiction, with both positive and negative effects. Your character will have a chance to become completely 'Broken' every time their Trauma is increased past the 'Broken' Trauma threshold, and your character is sufficiently addicted to something. Once your character has become 'Broken' they will act as if they have the temporary addiction behavior constantly, will have some debuffs to some of their abilities, but may have some new abilities, and will be completely immune to Trauma and Withdrawal debuffs. Essentially, your character will reach a point where they will depend on something so violently, that nothing else will bother them. These states will be almost permanent, requiring significant therapy or divine intervention to overcome them. Here is a list of potential 'Broken' states I have brainstormed:

  • Mute-Triggered by sufficient Gag Reliance. Your character will not be able to interact with anyone without wearing a gag, but she will be completely silent while wearing one, making stealth easier.
  • Brood Mother-Triggered by sufficient Tentacle Addiction. Your character will become slower and weaker, with physical weapons doing less damage, and tentacle attacks will occur almost everywhere underground, and occasionally even above ground at night, but you will be able to trigger tentacle attacks on your enemies, summon chaurus warriors to your side, and you will become an ally to the falmer, allowing you to enter their nests without fear.
  • Larcenist-Triggered by sufficient Theft Addiction. Your character is guaranteed to steal every item she sees, if she has the space to carry it. However, her pickpocket, stealth, and lockpicking skills will increase much more quickly. Also, depending on her pickpocket skill, she may be able to steal items in plain sight without being noticed.
  • Cow-Triggered by sufficient Milk Addiction. Your character is guaranteed to use any milk pump she sees when she approaches a farm or a mill, and she will find it difficult to leave the area, as she will be constantly pulled back to be milked. Speech will be difficult, armor, weapons, and magic will become confusing, and you may drop things in confusion often, though this can be counteracted with a companion to aid you and care for you. However, your Health, Magicka, and Stamina will be increased substantially, and can be restored quickly through eating any food you carry. Also, you might be able to convince a farmhand to act as your care-taker to aid you with your equipment.
  • Bimbo-Triggered by sufficient Sex Addiction. Your character will learn skills much more slowly, spells will require much more magicka to cast, weapons will cost much more stamina to swing, speech will be decreased significantly, and you will be begging everyone for sex every few hours. However, you will get a large discount from all male vendors, and you will be able to stop combat with anything by having sex with it.


I'm going to look into adding some establishments throughout Skyrim for each of the addictions. Either to help introduce your character to addiction and start their downward spiral, or as merely a place to get their fix. I'll also likely add a few re-rehabilitation establishments to help you lower your addiction and withdrawal. These establishments will include fighting rings, brothels, chaurus-worshiping cults, skooma dens, slaver hideouts, black-market shops, and potentially any other locations that are suggested.



Non-unique and respawning NPCs will be added to most major towns and cities, and will also act as the main occupants of dens. They will be immoral, drunk, violent, and generally unpleasant people you can use to get your fix of anything with reduced risk. You can brawl with them or pickpocket them for drugs or alcohol, or because you want to steal and fight, and the guards won't bat an eye until you kill them. They will be willing to have sex in open daylight, and might be carrying some devices if you feel the need to be bound up.


Escape Rooms

One final feature I'm hoping to add is escape rooms. These are additional scenarios that can be triggered by defeat, and by interacting with dens and lowlifes. You will be dumped into an area without any gear, and will have to use the environment to get out before your time is up, your captors return, and your progress is reset. These scenarios will also likely be linked into Simple Slavery, so that they can lead to slavery events if you can't escape in time. A few scenarios I've thought up: locked up in the basement of a cabin, dumped into a deep chaurus pit, sealed inside a dwarven vault, forced into one of the rooms of a brothel. Let me know if you have any other ideas.




These are all the ideas I'm planning on adding at the moment.  Let me know what you think.

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23 minutes ago, Code Serpent said:

I'm currently planning on doing a large back-end rewrite of the mod for version 2.0, which will add the framework for a lot of features I'm planning on adding. I'm writing down here what I'm hoping to implement in either 2.0 or subsequent updates, to let you all know where I intend to go with the mod, to get some feedback on the features before I spend the dozens upon dozens of man-hours implementing them, and to also just write them down somewhere so I don't forget my ideas. I'm not going to get started on this immediately, as I want to spend a bit of time working on Devious Lore as well, and I think much of this will be added months down the line, bu this is what I want this mod to become.



I'm going to be keeping the current Addiction and Withdrawal system mostly the same in this next version. However, I am going to change how the system interacts with Trauma. Currently, Trauma is relieved by performing a single addictive action, like drinking a bottle of ale, or being ravaged by tentacles, with different actions being strong enough to treat different levels of Trauma. In this update, I'll change this so any Addictive Behavior can treat any level of Trauma; if you have an Addiction that is higher than your Trauma, and Withdrawal that is lower than your Trauma, then your Trauma will be relieved. Trauma Severity will be rebalanced, to be on a 1-100 scale like Addiction.


I'm also looking into adding several new Addictive Behaviors, including Sadism, Masochism, Exhibitionism, Feederism, potentially Latex Addiction/Objectification, and possibly Hypnosis Addiction through illusion magic. (I have a lot of kinks, pls no shame).

  • Sadism will be increased and tracked through your Game Statistics: Assaults, Murders, Intimidations, Brawls Won, etc. Sadism may also increase if you attack fleeing enemies, and equip devious devices on other people, if I manage to figure out how to implement this. Becoming Sadistic may cause you to become 'Violent', which can cause people to attack you if you simply look at them, as you will seem incredibly hostile all the time.
  • Masochism will be triggered through rape and taking repeated damage. Your Masochism will increase not based on the damage, but based on how many times you are damaged. Whipping, beating, and the concentration destruction spells like Flames, Frost, and Sparks, will increase your Masochistic tendencies the fastest. Rape will not increase Masochism initially, it will only be considered a Masochistic event if you already have sufficient Masochism withdrawal. I'm not sure what the temporary behavior of Masochism will be, current ideas include prompting brawls, asking mages to shock you, and being unable to fight unless your health is below a certain percentage.
  • Exhibitionism will be triggered by either being groped, wearing skimpy clothing (detected through SexLab Aroused), no body clothing at all, or certain devious devices like cuffs, collars, harnesses, and dresses. Becoming Addicted to Exhibitionism will lead to you being 'Flaunting', which will, of course, lead to you stripping, but will also lead to you asking others to view and judge your body, and potentially grope you.
  • Feederism will of course be triggered by eating substantial amounts of food, and will lead to you becoming a 'Binge-Eater', which behaves similarly to the 'Alcoholic' and 'Narcotic' behaviors.
  • Objectification will be triggered by wearing the latex catsuit items from devious devices, and potentially other equipment that causes you to become faceless and featureless, Dragon Priest Masks for example. This addiction will lead you to try to become 'Anonymous', which will lead you to wearing masks and outfits that make you featureless, and being unable to interact with people without an ally to talk through.
  • Hypnosis Addiction (still working on the name) will likely be triggered through added Illusion mages, psychedelic drugs, and self-cast illusions. I'm currently unsure how this will be fully implemented, and likely won't be in the 2.0 update. Though I'd love to hear ideas for it.
  • Sex will also be worked in to act as a form of relief. However, it will only offer relief if the last sex act was consensual.


Defeat and Capture will have a lot of back-end changes to make it easier to change and customize, and will get some major changes with captor behavior. I will also be manually adding markers to dungeons for events during capture, so I don't have to rely on the vanilla marker system that doesn't always work properly.


You will be able to interact with your captors, begging them for food and water, begging them to let you go, threatening them, or offering yourself to please them. If you are addicted to something, you can also beg them for whatever you yearning for as well. How you interact with them, in addition to how often you try to steal, escape, or fight, will determine how your captors will view you.


Your captors will behave differently based on how much of a threat you are, and how valuable you seem. Your perceived threat starts based on your level, is increased every time you misbehave, and is decreased every time you are punished. If you are perceived as a threat, you will be searched often, and more extreme punishments will be used to try to break you. If you aren't perceived as a threat, your restraints might be unlocked; your watcher may decide to doze off, giving you a chance to escape; and some captors may act kinder to you. Your perceived value will start based on your addictions, and will decrease over time. Your value will increase every time you are punished in a way that pleasures or amuses your captors. If you bore your captors, they will start using more creative and more severe punishments on you.

Every time you are caught trying to steal or escape from, talk back to, or attack your captors, or whenever your captors get bored, they will have an array of punishments to choose from, depending on what you did, and what your addictions are, with at least one punishment for each addiction. These will include: force feeding alcohol, skooma, or just food (likely followed by a gang-rape); binding you in restraints based on what you did (wrist binds for stealing, gag for mouthing off, blindfold and boots for trying to escape, so on); sticking you in a milk pump overnight (if you are a milk maid already and the dungeon has been marked with a suitable pump location); having the mage blast you with some weak destruction spells; forcing you to a brawl with your hands tied; a lot of rape, of course; and potentially anything else that is suggested.

The goal of this system is to influence your perceived threat and perceived value to either escape on your own, or force them to throw you out. You can try to balance your threat and value so that they don't destroy you out of boredom, but don't care enough about you to worry about you slinking towards the exit. You can try to please your captors to the point where you can convince one to turn on the rest. You can try to be as threatening as possible, until your captors decide your not worth the trouble, and dump you in a ditch with as many things locked on you as possible. Or you can wait for them to get bored enough to dump you in a ditch, after getting your holes filled more times than you can count.



The current gear-theft system will be changed slightly. I'm going to be adding a lot more locations for stolen gear to be hidden, and will add a sort of treasure-map system to find them. Every time your gear is stolen, the mod will select a hiding spot in the hold you were defeated. You will be able to retrieve your gear directly from the people that stole from you, but if you fail to do that in time, then you might stumble across 'treasure maps' in the boss chests of certain dungeons. These will lead you to one of the stashes. Like the current stashes, items, except weapons and armor, will be slowly shifted around to different stashes in the hold.



Crime will also have back-end changes, and some significant additions, mainly guard interaction, a torture room, and potentially cell-mates.


Guard interaction won't be as extensive as Captor interaction. You will be able to threaten the guards, beg them for help, and attempt to bribe them. The first two likely won't do anything, but you may be able to bribe the guard to bring you something from your confiscated gear, or to slip a lockpick into your next meal. Threatening them won't make them more hostile outright, but may lead to your food being traced with certain drugs, and more time in the torture room.


The torture room is where you will be brought for punishment and other events. Usually, you are only brought there if you have a high enough bounty, or have been causing trouble. These events include being forced to test some of the court wizard's new potions; being locked in devices and left to try to escape them; being left in a milk pump for a few hours (if you are already a milk maid); being roughed up by a guard while shackled to the wall; and rape of course. Several of these scenarios will give you time alone in the torture room, which will give you a chance to escape if you're clever enough.


A cellmate may be added to your cell after a day or two, mostly to keep the cell a bit more interesting. They will have a random personality and skill set, which will determine what kinds of interactions you can have with them. They will also usually have something to offer you: drugs, lockpicks, shivs, or themselves, depending on their skill set. Their personality will determine how you can get something from them. They might be violent, and will force you to a brawl over something; they might ask you to retrieve something from the torture room for them; or they might want to have sex. Though, they might want something from you without you asking them anything.


Breaking Point

A new feature I'm going to be adding is a 'Broken' state, a sort of permanent and extreme state of addiction, with both positive and negative effects. Your character will have a chance to become completely 'Broken' every time their Trauma is increased past the 'Broken' Trauma threshold, and your character is sufficiently addicted to something. Once your character has become 'Broken' they will act as if they have the temporary addiction behavior constantly, will have some debuffs to some of their abilities, but may have some new abilities, and will be completely immune to Trauma and Withdrawal debuffs. Essentially, your character will reach a point where they will depend on something so violently, that nothing else will bother them. These states will be almost permanent, requiring significant therapy or divine intervention to overcome them. Here is a list of potential 'Broken' states I have brainstormed:

  • Mute-Triggered by sufficient Gag Reliance. Your character will not be able to interact with anyone without wearing a gag, but she will be completely silent while wearing one, making stealth easier.
  • Brood Mother-Triggered by sufficient Tentacle Addiction. Your character will become slower and weaker, with physical weapons doing less damage, and tentacle attacks will occur almost everywhere underground, and occasionally even above ground at night, but you will be able to trigger tentacle attacks on your enemies, summon chaurus warriors to your side, and you will become an ally to the falmer, allowing you to enter their nests without fear.
  • Larcenist-Triggered by sufficient Theft Addiction. Your character is guaranteed to steal every item she sees, if she has the space to carry it. However, her pickpocket, stealth, and lockpicking skills will increase much more quickly. Also, depending on her pickpocket skill, she may be able to steal items in plain sight without being noticed.
  • Cow-Triggered by sufficient Milk Addiction. Your character is guaranteed to use any milk pump she sees when she approaches a farm or a mill, and she will find it difficult to leave the area, as she will be constantly pulled back to be milked. Speech will be difficult, armor, weapons, and magic will become confusing, and you may drop things in confusion often, though this can be counteracted with a companion to aid you and care for you. However, your Health, Magicka, and Stamina will be increased substantially, and can be restored quickly through eating any food you carry. Also, you might be able to convince a farmhand to act as your care-taker to aid you with your equipment.
  • Bimbo-Triggered by either Sex Addiction. Your character will learn skills much more slowly, spells will require much more magicka to cast, weapons will cost much more stamina to swing, speech will be decreased significantly, and you will be begging everyone for sex every few hours. However, you will get a large discount from all male vendors, and you will be able to stop combat with anything by having sex with it.


I'm going to look into adding some establishments throughout Skyrim for each of the addictions. Either to help introduce your character to addiction and start their downward spiral, or as merely a place to get their fix. I'll also likely add a few re-rehabilitation establishments to help you lower your addiction and withdrawal. These establishments will include fighting rings, brothels, chaurus-worshiping cults, skooma dens, slaver hideouts, black-market shops, and potentially any other locations that are suggested.



Non-unique and respawning NPCs will be added to most major towns and cities, and will also act as the main occupants of dens. They will be immoral, drunk, violent, and generally unpleasant people you can use to get your fix of anything with reduced risk. You can brawl with them or pickpocket them for drugs or alcohol, or because you want to steal and fight, and the guards won't bat an eye until you kill them. They will be willing to have sex in open daylight, and might be carrying some devices if you feel the need to be bound up.


Escape Rooms

One final feature I'm hoping to add is escape rooms. These are additional scenarios that can be triggered by defeat, and by interacting with dens and lowlifes. You will be dumped into an area without any gear, and will have to use the environment to get out before your time is up, your captors return, and your progress is reset. These scenarios will also likely be linked into Simple Slavery, so that they can lead to slavery events if you can't escape in time. A few scenarios I've thought up: locked up in the basement of a cabin, dumped into a deep chaurus pit, sealed inside a dwarven vault, forced into one of the rooms of a brothel. Let me know if you have any other ideas.




These are all the ideas I'm planning on adding at the moment.  Let me know what you think.

Most of this sounds really great, and I really liked most of your mod when I first tried it.  And sorting out those game crippling addictions issues was a great move. 


I'd really like to move on to this in future, on the sort of bases you have listed


Two queries


1  I know that you don't want to add hard dependencies to the other DLCs, but is there any way of adding the hominids and creatures added by them, and included in many of the SLAL pack animation add ons, to the range of available 'vanquishing enemies'?  


I am not a techie, but if there is any simple way of doing this, an MCM option, whatever, it would probably make this an even more attractive 'combat defeat' option.  Presently I can get 'Defeat' to work pretty well with all of those, and it would seem a shame to have to lose that.  I'm clearly not a lone voice, as others have said the same thing in their first responses further up thread   


2  Can you please ensure that there is some way of setting a 'chance' or option' to crime and punishment outcomes, in addition to those you add?  I LIKE inte's Prison Overhaul Patched, as it provides for a short interlude to frustrate and divert the main game if my PC makes a mistake - like being too quick and jumping on the wrong horse ? - and I also want some chance of ending up in Kimy's piece de resistance at Dragonar.  I really don't want a mod that forces you to only have its outcome, and it clearly doesn't have to be sacrosanct to do that, as Kimy proved by very kindly making provision for ppl to end up in Inte's mod too once they were compatible


As I said, I'm not a techie, so don't really know how feasible these notions are, but there seems to be no shortage of experts who can offer ways of making almost anything happen ?


Whatever, best wishes for good progress

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6 hours ago, Code Serpent said:

I'm currently planning on doing a large back-end rewrite of the mod for version 2.0, which will add the framework for a lot of features I'm planning on adding. I'm writing down here what I'm hoping to implement in either 2.0 or subsequent updates, to let you all know where I intend to go with the mod, to get some feedback on the features before I spend the dozens upon dozens of man-hours implementing them, and to also just write them down somewhere so I don't forget my ideas. I'm not going to get started on this immediately, as I want to spend a bit of time working on Devious Lore as well, and I think much of this will be added months down the line, bu this is what I want this mod to become.



I'm going to be keeping the current Addiction and Withdrawal system mostly the same in this next version. However, I am going to change how the system interacts with Trauma. Currently, Trauma is relieved by performing a single addictive action, like drinking a bottle of ale, or being ravaged by tentacles, with different actions being strong enough to treat different levels of Trauma. In this update, I'll change this so any Addictive Behavior can treat any level of Trauma; if you have an Addiction that is higher than your Trauma, and Withdrawal that is lower than your Trauma, then your Trauma will be relieved. Trauma Severity will be rebalanced, to be on a 1-100 scale like Addiction.


I'm also looking into adding several new Addictive Behaviors, including Sadism, Masochism, Exhibitionism, Feederism, potentially Latex Addiction/Objectification, and possibly Hypnosis Addiction through illusion magic. (I have a lot of kinks, pls no shame).

  • Sadism will be increased and tracked through your Game Statistics: Assaults, Murders, Intimidations, Brawls Won, etc. Sadism may also increase if you attack fleeing enemies, and equip devious devices on other people, if I manage to figure out how to implement this. Becoming Sadistic may cause you to become 'Violent', which can cause people to attack you if you simply look at them, as you will seem incredibly hostile all the time.
  • Masochism will be triggered through rape and taking repeated damage. Your Masochism will increase not based on the damage, but based on how many times you are damaged. Whipping, beating, and the concentration destruction spells like Flames, Frost, and Sparks, will increase your Masochistic tendencies the fastest. Rape will not increase Masochism initially, it will only be considered a Masochistic event if you already have sufficient Masochism withdrawal. I'm not sure what the temporary behavior of Masochism will be, current ideas include prompting brawls, asking mages to shock you, and being unable to fight unless your health is below a certain percentage.
  • Exhibitionism will be triggered by either being groped, wearing skimpy clothing (detected through SexLab Aroused), no body clothing at all, or certain devious devices like cuffs, collars, harnesses, and dresses. Becoming Addicted to Exhibitionism will lead to you being 'Flaunting', which will, of course, lead to you stripping, but will also lead to you asking others to view and judge your body, and potentially grope you.
  • Feederism will of course be triggered by eating substantial amounts of food, and will lead to you becoming a 'Binge-Eater', which behaves similarly to the 'Alcoholic' and 'Narcotic' behaviors.
  • Objectification will be triggered by wearing the latex catsuit items from devious devices, and potentially other equipment that causes you to become faceless and featureless, Dragon Priest Masks for example. This addiction will lead you to try to become 'Anonymous', which will lead you to wearing masks and outfits that make you featureless, and being unable to interact with people without an ally to talk through.
  • Hypnosis Addiction (still working on the name) will likely be triggered through added Illusion mages, psychedelic drugs, and self-cast illusions. I'm currently unsure how this will be fully implemented, and likely won't be in the 2.0 update. Though I'd love to hear ideas for it.
  • Sex will also be worked in to act as a form of relief. However, it will only offer relief if the last sex act was consensual.


Defeat and Capture will have a lot of back-end changes to make it easier to change and customize, and will get some major changes with captor behavior. I will also be manually adding markers to dungeons for events during capture, so I don't have to rely on the vanilla marker system that doesn't always work properly.


You will be able to interact with your captors, begging them for food and water, begging them to let you go, threatening them, or offering yourself to please them. If you are addicted to something, you can also beg them for whatever you yearning for as well. How you interact with them, in addition to how often you try to steal, escape, or fight, will determine how your captors will view you.


Your captors will behave differently based on how much of a threat you are, and how valuable you seem. Your perceived threat starts based on your level, is increased every time you misbehave, and is decreased every time you are punished. If you are perceived as a threat, you will be searched often, and more extreme punishments will be used to try to break you. If you aren't perceived as a threat, your restraints might be unlocked; your watcher may decide to doze off, giving you a chance to escape; and some captors may act kinder to you. Your perceived value will start based on your addictions, and will decrease over time. Your value will increase every time you are punished in a way that pleasures or amuses your captors. If you bore your captors, they will start using more creative and more severe punishments on you.

Every time you are caught trying to steal or escape from, talk back to, or attack your captors, or whenever your captors get bored, they will have an array of punishments to choose from, depending on what you did, and what your addictions are, with at least one punishment for each addiction. These will include: force feeding alcohol, skooma, or just food (likely followed by a gang-rape); binding you in restraints based on what you did (wrist binds for stealing, gag for mouthing off, blindfold and boots for trying to escape, so on); sticking you in a milk pump overnight (if you are a milk maid already and the dungeon has been marked with a suitable pump location); having the mage blast you with some weak destruction spells; forcing you to a brawl with your hands tied; a lot of rape, of course; and potentially anything else that is suggested.

The goal of this system is to influence your perceived threat and perceived value to either escape on your own, or force them to throw you out. You can try to balance your threat and value so that they don't destroy you out of boredom, but don't care enough about you to worry about you slinking towards the exit. You can try to please your captors to the point where you can convince one to turn on the rest. You can try to be as threatening as possible, until your captors decide your not worth the trouble, and dump you in a ditch with as many things locked on you as possible. Or you can wait for them to get bored enough to dump you in a ditch, after getting your holes filled more times than you can count.



The current gear-theft system will be changed slightly. I'm going to be adding a lot more locations for stolen gear to be hidden, and will add a sort of treasure-map system to find them. Every time your gear is stolen, the mod will select a hiding spot in the hold you were defeated. You will be able to retrieve your gear directly from the people that stole from you, but if you fail to do that in time, then you might stumble across 'treasure maps' in the boss chests of certain dungeons. These will lead you to one of the stashes. Like the current stashes, items, except weapons and armor, will be slowly shifted around to different stashes in the hold.



Crime will also have back-end changes, and some significant additions, mainly guard interaction, a torture room, and potentially cell-mates.


Guard interaction won't be as extensive as Captor interaction. You will be able to threaten the guards, beg them for help, and attempt to bribe them. The first two likely won't do anything, but you may be able to bribe the guard to bring you something from your confiscated gear, or to slip a lockpick into your next meal. Threatening them won't make them more hostile outright, but may lead to your food being traced with certain drugs, and more time in the torture room.


The torture room is where you will be brought for punishment and other events. Usually, you are only brought there if you have a high enough bounty, or have been causing trouble. These events include being forced to test some of the court wizard's new potions; being locked in devices and left to try to escape them; being left in a milk pump for a few hours (if you are already a milk maid); being roughed up by a guard while shackled to the wall; and rape of course. Several of these scenarios will give you time alone in the torture room, which will give you a chance to escape if you're clever enough.


A cellmate may be added to your cell after a day or two, mostly to keep the cell a bit more interesting. They will have a random personality and skill set, which will determine what kinds of interactions you can have with them. They will also usually have something to offer you: drugs, lockpicks, shivs, or themselves, depending on their skill set. Their personality will determine how you can get something from them. They might be violent, and will force you to a brawl over something; they might ask you to retrieve something from the torture room for them; or they might want to have sex. Though, they might want something from you without you asking them anything.


Breaking Point

A new feature I'm going to be adding is a 'Broken' state, a sort of permanent and extreme state of addiction, with both positive and negative effects. Your character will have a chance to become completely 'Broken' every time their Trauma is increased past the 'Broken' Trauma threshold, and your character is sufficiently addicted to something. Once your character has become 'Broken' they will act as if they have the temporary addiction behavior constantly, will have some debuffs to some of their abilities, but may have some new abilities, and will be completely immune to Trauma and Withdrawal debuffs. Essentially, your character will reach a point where they will depend on something so violently, that nothing else will bother them. These states will be almost permanent, requiring significant therapy or divine intervention to overcome them. Here is a list of potential 'Broken' states I have brainstormed:

  • Mute-Triggered by sufficient Gag Reliance. Your character will not be able to interact with anyone without wearing a gag, but she will be completely silent while wearing one, making stealth easier.
  • Brood Mother-Triggered by sufficient Tentacle Addiction. Your character will become slower and weaker, with physical weapons doing less damage, and tentacle attacks will occur almost everywhere underground, and occasionally even above ground at night, but you will be able to trigger tentacle attacks on your enemies, summon chaurus warriors to your side, and you will become an ally to the falmer, allowing you to enter their nests without fear.
  • Larcenist-Triggered by sufficient Theft Addiction. Your character is guaranteed to steal every item she sees, if she has the space to carry it. However, her pickpocket, stealth, and lockpicking skills will increase much more quickly. Also, depending on her pickpocket skill, she may be able to steal items in plain sight without being noticed.
  • Cow-Triggered by sufficient Milk Addiction. Your character is guaranteed to use any milk pump she sees when she approaches a farm or a mill, and she will find it difficult to leave the area, as she will be constantly pulled back to be milked. Speech will be difficult, armor, weapons, and magic will become confusing, and you may drop things in confusion often, though this can be counteracted with a companion to aid you and care for you. However, your Health, Magicka, and Stamina will be increased substantially, and can be restored quickly through eating any food you carry. Also, you might be able to convince a farmhand to act as your care-taker to aid you with your equipment.
  • Bimbo-Triggered by either Sex Addiction. Your character will learn skills much more slowly, spells will require much more magicka to cast, weapons will cost much more stamina to swing, speech will be decreased significantly, and you will be begging everyone for sex every few hours. However, you will get a large discount from all male vendors, and you will be able to stop combat with anything by having sex with it.


I'm going to look into adding some establishments throughout Skyrim for each of the addictions. Either to help introduce your character to addiction and start their downward spiral, or as merely a place to get their fix. I'll also likely add a few re-rehabilitation establishments to help you lower your addiction and withdrawal. These establishments will include fighting rings, brothels, chaurus-worshiping cults, skooma dens, slaver hideouts, black-market shops, and potentially any other locations that are suggested.



Non-unique and respawning NPCs will be added to most major towns and cities, and will also act as the main occupants of dens. They will be immoral, drunk, violent, and generally unpleasant people you can use to get your fix of anything with reduced risk. You can brawl with them or pickpocket them for drugs or alcohol, or because you want to steal and fight, and the guards won't bat an eye until you kill them. They will be willing to have sex in open daylight, and might be carrying some devices if you feel the need to be bound up.


Escape Rooms

One final feature I'm hoping to add is escape rooms. These are additional scenarios that can be triggered by defeat, and by interacting with dens and lowlifes. You will be dumped into an area without any gear, and will have to use the environment to get out before your time is up, your captors return, and your progress is reset. These scenarios will also likely be linked into Simple Slavery, so that they can lead to slavery events if you can't escape in time. A few scenarios I've thought up: locked up in the basement of a cabin, dumped into a deep chaurus pit, sealed inside a dwarven vault, forced into one of the rooms of a brothel. Let me know if you have any other ideas.




These are all the ideas I'm planning on adding at the moment.  Let me know what you think.


To be honest is what I feel is how many people handle trauma they get mad an or very touchy and aggressive was wondering if it would be possible to link it to using aggressive comments or intimidating NPCs would help with some trauma or starting a fight or bawl maybe just doing aggressive things like shouting in the middle of town , walking around with your weapon drawn when a np c or guard comments on your behavior with go (be careful with that magic or is that magic ) it would help also killing others like bandits or creature would make a traumatize dragonborn fell better. 

Just my 2 cents : What ever you do can ,t wait and thanks again. Great mod.

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Was just thinking there are lot of people in skyrim already to brawl with what if having a brawl with the one in the bar in.whiterun (cannot remember how to spell her name at the moment) but just being involved in a brawl would help with trauma also being drunk would have a extra effect.

Get drunk an start a fight that never happens LOL

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Dropped the mod, because I am not able to configure the robbery of items.  Will not try it again, until that is included. Makes it unplayable and annoying for me. I can accept to loose all my gold, but I have problems to loose high level items, with no chance to get them back. It makes no sense, for you mod to even exist in my mod order, if I have to save scum just to get my items back.

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If you are going to do dens having pimps should be a must. Maybe require character to work a certain point so many hours or a specific amount of money per day from sexual acts. Pimp can feed drugs and alcohol to further downward spiral. Set appointments with citizens or officials that would further other addictions. Addictive parties. Character eventually buying available home to further pimps enterprise (Den upgrade). Once home is acquired kicking character to the street.

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16 hours ago, Code Serpent said:

I'm currently planning on doing a large back-end rewrite of the mod for version 2.0, which will add the framework for a lot of features I'm planning on adding. I'm writing down here what I'm hoping to implement in either 2.0 or subsequent updates, to let you all know where I intend to go with the mod, to get some feedback on the features before I spend the dozens upon dozens of man-hours implementing them, and to also just write them down somewhere so I don't forget my ideas. I'm not going to get started on this immediately, as I want to spend a bit of time working on Devious Lore as well, and I think much of this will be added months down the line, bu this is what I want this mod to become.

In principal it sounds great, but it's probably going to take an age to deliver all that.


So maybe break it up into stages somehow, so we have an idea how things will arrive as playable features?



Brawling... For me, I think "brawling" is a different addiction to sadism or masochism. They're great addictions to add, but brawling is different.


Depending on the character it might be a way to affirm that losing a fight doesn't always result in awful consequences, or it might simply be a way to connect with somebody when you're lonely and alienated, or something else ... but not so much just because you are dishing out pain or receiving it.



Murder is different too, and it is a final resort of some people who have been pushed too far. As we can kill NPCs in Skyrim (and often do) why not call it what it is?



The dens sound great, but you could get some of the results simply by adding some NPCs to existing locations. I know a bit about making dens :) As my entire Skooma Whore replacement is backed up behind that tedious task. It's even harder to link them into the world anywhere remotely convenient without clashing with ... something.




Escape rooms? Please do this sooner rather than later!


I'm still wishing for DBF to finish Red Wave (which was one kind of game like this), and Devious Cidhna has the Dainty Sload, which is a finished and functioning example. I'm fond of both and the ideas sound like something I would use. Repeatedly.



Changing trauma mechanic... Sounds good. It would be great if you could drink a lot of alcohol over a couple of days (the classic bender) to relieve a lot of trauma, rather than alcohol simply being useful for high trauma as it is now. And the same for other addictions. That way you could really build up some hardcore addictions, or focus on your favourite. Prefer playing a skooma addict, but don't want to touch other things? Then you could.



Build in options from the start, and take some time to polish up the central "captured, imprisoned and traumatised" experience.

That is the heart of the mod. It's workable now, with rescues, but more polish, more options, more variety in NPC behaviour, more dialog, etc. would lift it beyond workable. If you aren't better than the existing prison mods, then you could do more there - just a matter of how far you want to go.


Some odd naming in DiD...


A narcotic is a drug, not a drug addict. No ifs, no buts. The correct name for a drug addict is "drug addict" :) Or in Skyrim, Skooma Whore is the standard nomenclature! (Even if Greenmote is better, if you can get it, according to Sheogorrath).


A feeder is a person who gets a thrill out of feeding others, not binge eating. The latter is more ... a bulemic, though it's not really a fetish or addiction so much as a neurosis. Also, don't forget starving yourself. Automatically comes with severe effects if you use a needs mod.



Another (real) addiction is body modification. For people who just need to make their body different - bigger boobs, bigger butt, narrower waist, different face, longer hair, etc.

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13 hours ago, Code Serpent said:

I'm currently planning on doing a large back-end rewrite of the mod for version 2.0, which will add the framework for a lot of features I'm planning on adding. I'm writing down here what I'm hoping to implement in either 2.0 or subsequent updates, to let you all know where I intend to go with the mod, to get some feedback on the features before I spend the dozens upon dozens of man-hours implementing them, and to also just write them down somewhere so I don't forget my ideas. I'm not going to get started on this immediately, as I want to spend a bit of time working on Devious Lore as well, and I think much of this will be added months down the line, bu this is what I want this mod to become.


just a quick feedback. More will come after I installed and tested your latest version.


I suggest you completly seperate the whole Trauma and Addiction stuff into a seperate mod. I dont see what it should have to do with a combat defeat mod at all. It just makes it all messed up and overly complicated. There are already so many mods that changes stuff on the run. I only made bad experiences with those and decided to let them compute as little as possible. 

The whole addiction and Trauma thing should/could be a seperate mod or a plugin for the DiD mod. I will never use any features of this, especially because the only feature I am interested in, the tentacle stuff is not covering anything that is not already there from other mods (that handle it the same way or better even). 
I also dont want the rape to interfere too much with the playthrough. 
Apropos2 offers everything that I deem necessary ?

Just a small suggestion on the side.


On a more general feedback:

I am currently using the "Player Essential Mod" to prevent ALL combat defeat mods from triggering automatically, because I learned over time, that this is a bad idea (be it Defeat, Naked Dungeons or any other).

If the player is defeated, it will go on its knees and receive a wound. I choose the defeat mod I want with different surrender hotkeys then. So I can choose which defeat mod will suit best and will have the best chance of make a good experience. 

Because no mod out there works everywhere in a good way.

I will now test DiD if it can be merged well into that system, it has a surrender hotkey, so I hope it works :D


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15 hours ago, mkess said:

configure the robbery of items..

I have to agree with him, at least here. If there's going to be another update some time, it would be nice to configure what's stolen from you if you're captured...at least by anything that's not guards. They'll give your stuff back when you've been let out of jail. @mkess You can still get your stuff back though, it's from the npc that's following you closely when you're captured...but still, an option to configure what's stolen would be nice.

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2 hours ago, Taven said:

I have to agree with him, at least here. If there's going to be another update some time, it would be nice to configure what's stolen from you if you're captured...at least by anything that's not guards. They'll give your stuff back when you've been let out of jail. @mkess You can still get your stuff back though, it's from the npc that's following you closely when you're captured...but still, an option to configure what's stolen would be nice.


First I do understand the frustration of having a important item stolen that sayed , With mods like add item menu that let you add any item in the game to your inventory be quest or mod , I would prefer to have scripts that enhanced the experience of the mod than scripts to make the mod play more convenient.

  Remember this not a gaming company it's one person who can only focus on so much i going back to change simple things that can be address once the mod is complete . I use this with milk mod an it makes being turned into a milk maid a challenge. At the same time providing a source of income when escaping with my characters life is all that matters. Plus some do not realize the less item you have the less memory is used on your character which means scripts run better and faster. Hopefully if you do decide on this please make it optional.


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On 7/29/2019 at 1:07 PM, Nymra said:

The whole addiction and Trauma thing should/could be a seperate mod or a plugin for the DiD mod. I will never use any features of this, especially because the only feature I am interested in, the tentacle stuff is not covering anything that is not already there from other mods (that handle it the same way or better even). 
I also dont want the rape to interfere too much with the playthrough.

Defeat/Surrender from this mod can be completely disabled, and then you won't get any trauma at all. Seems that is no longer mandatory either for addictions to evolve. Also there is currently only 1 way to get "approach" type of rape events that is during defeat, but ofc if you disable that then both are off.


I already have tentacle events from cursed loot (gathering plants sometimes does that), there is very little that this mod can currently add to that. I don't see why i should open chaurus eggs when in dungeons, rather if they randomly (and long cooldown) triggered while i walk near them would be more effective. And you have full control over how frequently cursed loot triggers its tentacle traps specifically.


Edit: More tentacle brainstorming... It wouldn't be an addiction, more like a temporary contagion/disease that time would fully cure in about 3-4 days of being away from them. Basically tentacles would live deep underground and could surface almost anywhere in Skyrim.

- Outdoors attacks from just walking/standing on grass. Is this detection possible even? We don't want them to happen through stone or within some ruins.

- You would have a value of how diseased you are and second value of current feromone level.

- - Disease value is increased each tentacle rape up to 1.0, and it would take the 3 days to slowly reduce that max to 0. Maybe each increment is about 0.25? Because of timed decay it would take propably 6 or more rapes or so to reach the full scale 1.0.

- - Disease as an actual debuff/active effect disables fast travel?

- - Feromone level changes faster than disease value and tries to settle to same as disease value. Each tentacle rape reduces feromone to 0, so this is the cooldown function. If disease is 1.0 and feromone 0, the catch up speed might be about 6 hours to reach 1.0 too. You could have a separate MCM multiplier that multiplies with feromone to get actual chance for player being attacked. I would imagine at highest possible rate we should be looking at 1 attack every 3 hours rate or so (more or less is MCM customizable with the multiplier).

- These values together make player more susceptible to those attacks, and it should encourage staying indoors or out from open fields for a while. Otherwise... well, it's going to get a little worse.

- Tentacle restraints? Yes please! Residue from attacks, they could be left on player to keep her from seeking indoors too quickly. Tentacle harness already exists, i'm not suggesting using the exact Cursed Loot item, maybe a copy of it though. It was a true pain to remove, i think they should be just timed or something. Swimming in certain secret pool would dissolve them maybe, but on the otherhand make the disease go 1.0.


Or is this in possible scope for Estrus Chaurus+? https://www.loverslab.com/topic/30871-estrus-chaurus/

@Bane Master


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i keep getting the notifications stuck in the middle of my screen, popping up nonstop. is there any way to fix this other than reloading to an earlier save? so far that's the only way i've been able to fix it

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After hours of trying various things ; new game, load order, etc. I found that this mod does not play nice with  'Wear and Tear'. This mod works and I like what has been done here to replace 'Defeat'.  I like DiS a lot!  I look forward to DiS v2.0
One request would be tears after rape. That would be cool.

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On 7/30/2019 at 4:45 AM, Zaflis said:

Defeat/Surrender from this mod can be completely disabled, and then you won't get any trauma at all. Seems that is no longer mandatory either for addictions to evolve. Also there is currently only 1 way to get "approach" type of rape events that is during defeat, but ofc if you disable that then both are off.


I already have tentacle events from cursed loot (gathering plants sometimes does that), there is very little that this mod can currently add to that. I don't see why i should open chaurus eggs when in dungeons, rather if they randomly (and long cooldown) triggered while i walk near them would be more effective. And you have full control over how frequently cursed loot triggers its tentacle traps specifically.


Edit: More tentacle brainstorming... It wouldn't be an addiction, more like a temporary contagion/disease that time would fully cure in about 3-4 days of being away from them. Basically tentacles would live deep underground and could surface almost anywhere in Skyrim.

- Outdoors attacks from just walking/standing on grass. Is this detection possible even? We don't want them to happen through stone or within some ruins.

- You would have a value of how diseased you are and second value of current feromone level.

- - Disease value is increased each tentacle rape up to 1.0, and it would take the 3 days to slowly reduce that max to 0. Maybe each increment is about 0.25? Because of timed decay it would take propably 6 or more rapes or so to reach the full scale 1.0.

- - Disease as an actual debuff/active effect disables fast travel?

- - Feromone level changes faster than disease value and tries to settle to same as disease value. Each tentacle rape reduces feromone to 0, so this is the cooldown function. If disease is 1.0 and feromone 0, the catch up speed might be about 6 hours to reach 1.0 too. You could have a separate MCM multiplier that multiplies with feromone to get actual chance for player being attacked. I would imagine at highest possible rate we should be looking at 1 attack every 3 hours rate or so (more or less is MCM customizable with the multiplier).

- These values together make player more susceptible to those attacks, and it should encourage staying indoors or out from open fields for a while. Otherwise... well, it's going to get a little worse.

- Tentacle restraints? Yes please! Residue from attacks, they could be left on player to keep her from seeking indoors too quickly. Tentacle harness already exists, i'm not suggesting using the exact Cursed Loot item, maybe a copy of it though. It was a true pain to remove, i think they should be just timed or something. Swimming in certain secret pool would dissolve them maybe, but on the otherhand make the disease go 1.0.


Or is this in possible scope for Estrus Chaurus+? https://www.loverslab.com/topic/30871-estrus-chaurus/

@Bane Master


Adds after effects after sex with estrus tentacles and chaiurus adds , worms , parasites .etc This is a add-on for estrus chaiurus.


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On the unearthly lover discussion:

if you could make this mod aware of the estrus for skyrim mod (estrus chaurus+ only uses its animations not the esp) that mod gives powers/shout/spell to call the tentacles,

so like the moment you are addicted to the milkpumps you steer to the nearest one

the moment you are addicted to the unearthly lover, one of those powers could trigger, and they activate anywhere



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On 8/1/2019 at 2:42 PM, sshar22 said:

On the unearthly lover discussion:

if you could make this mod aware of the estrus for skyrim mod

That's an interesting point.


Most people probably avoid Estrus for Skyrim, because its code and ESP have a bad reputation for breaking your game.

It was improved a bit, a while back. I haven't tried it since, so I can't say, but the reputation lingers, and people often advise not to run it.


If you're running it and it's working great for you, then it would definitely be an option, but I'm not sure if @Code Serpent likes that sort of approach or hates it.

Seems to me, letting players choose is best - but - if the effort is a lot, and nobody is really asking for it, he might not think it is worth the trouble.

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