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  1. MCM shows no problems, all option appears functional. Within the extra tab it shows version 2.0.3. Other than that nothing unusual within the mcm itself.
  2. ok so I'm no modder myself so I'm not sure if this info is relevant. I loaded up the editor with all of the plugins active and looked at a section called "DB03JailNode" where i believe your mod edits? i see [00] skyrim.esm as active there and [11] PamaPrisonAlternative.esm no other plugin is active there.
  3. none of the mods I have have any events or anything that affects the prison system of the game (that I know of). The only mod that could possibly do that would be BaboDialogue but the mod has no prison based events. I had my mod manager load PA's esm last but it only loads as the last esm type file and I'm not sure if PA's esm needs to go further down. Still nothing happens in game.
  4. nope, nothing happens just vanilla skyrim. I'm playing on skyrim SE and of course I selected the SE files, not sure if that helps.
  5. Basically the mod is not working and nothing is triggering. When I am sent to jail I am teleported there like vanilla skyrim and let out similarly like vanilla skyrim and nothing else happens. I do get no clothes though when I'm sent to jail.
  6. Hello, was wondering if anyone could help figure out why none of this mod's events are working. i load up the mod and adjust the options in the mcm but only vanilla jail events occur. am i missing something? checked the mod's page to make sure everything is installed correctly but nothing.
  7. It seems none of the mod's events seem to work. Most of the mod's functionality seem to work fine but none of the events work. Any suggestions on how to fix this or is it a bug?
  8. Question, how bad would it be if i didn't have the unofficial skyrim special edition patch? would certain quests stop working? or would they just be buggy? Also, how far are you from the 1.0 release?
  9. Yeah, i'm fine with just the hotkey invite idea since i don't really use AC much during my male character playthroughs.
  10. Hello there, really nice mod you got going here. would like to make 2 requests, if possible? Your mod supports multiple creature animations with PC but queued creatures do not seem engage in multiple creature animations with PC, would it be possible to add support for this? or perhaps i misconfigured something here? regular auto engagements works just fine. Also, i play as a male PC who is a werewolf and would like to be able to engage my female followers while transformed, would this be possible?
  11. hmm, does this mod have radiant quests or is it just story relevant quests?
  12. hello folks. got a quick question for those who have playing the se version of this mod for while. what happen to that tag selection menu you get when feeding off of a target? i remember when playing LE version in oldrim that I could select the tags for the animation and it would play out but now i only get to select whether to be in male or female position thats it. do you have to unlock that through succubus rank now?
  13. Hmmm here are my thoughts on combat defeat: 1) The defeat mod basically has everything perfected when it comes down to combat rape. Other mods that implemented this feature is simply a variation of the same mechanics with different twist as to what happens after defeated. My suggestion would be that if you must implement a combat defeat system in the mod would be to add your own twist to it. Here are two possible scenarios: - Escape mini game: as others suggested, you can implement a scenario where PC is tied down and must make periodic attempts at escape. The scenario would have it that the PC “finds” a sharp object (sharp rock?) on the ground or something have the player tap the activate key (A button on a controller) to escape. The captors would immediately turn hostile and the scenario would repeat itself. Of course immediately after being defeated the PC would be gangraped. The problem with this scenario though is that there would have to be a designated location in which the PC is taken in a dungeon or current location which would get complicated. Followers either get auto defeated or must fight until defeated. A trauma state could be implemented here but should not be something permanent and should last some 8 hours or the whole day (game time). The trauma state would obviously reduce combat abilities and accumulate with repeated defeats to a maximum value. - Game over rape: a more simpler scenario (as you suggested) in that all those in combat with the PC would perform a gangrape on the PC (and followers if any) followed by a game over. Additional NPCs or so could be spawned in to add to the duration or complexity of the gangrape. This scenario would also work best with multi actor animations of which the defeat mod does quite well. Alternatively, you can make it so that PC and followers are simply transported to the start of the dungeon. You can also make the game over part be chanced based with a simple message saying that the PC was enslaved and some other interesting bit of story explaining what happened to PC. - Rescued: some legendary hero or powerful warrior could just come in and save PC of which the PC can offer sex or gold as a reward. Of course the hero could just be a mercenary there plundering the dungeon and just sells off the PC as a slave which of course would lead to enslavement scenarios. This of course could tie in with the escape mini game 2) As for the gangrape scenario, when encountering enemies simply scan the area for hostiles and either add them to the gangrape if they are not hostile to the rapist(s)’ faction or if they engage in combat with the PC or rapist the scenario is simply interrupted with the PC having a chance to escape. Once again the defeat mod does this well. 3 and 4) While my previous suggestion would indicate immediate consequences of what would happen after a gangrape, for long term consequences that would go more into enslavement scenarios. Anything too simple for long term consequences would just not be as entertaining. Final thoughts: I don’t see a point in adding combat defeat since the defeat mod does that feature quite well unless of course you plan on elaborating more on that mod’s idea. Enslavement scenarios could be a feature added to the mod but may be best in a separate mod, ultimately its up to you.
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