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I can't believe I need to use google, duckduckgo, and yandex just to do a google search these days. Never would've expected this back in 2014. Other websites are bad too. Youtube is somehow worse than its google overlord, and will recommend the same five videos for whatever keyword you've entered (try to search for a language learning video without seeing "White guy speaks to a Martian in Perfect Molkovarian" and some guy called Language Simp). You try to shop for stuff and half the results are stuff they want to push on you rather than what you actually searched for.

Edited by Splendor Solis
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1 hour ago, Canaris said:

Oh look how weird, my posts get deleted without reason.. How strange...

Only time I've had that happen is when someone inadvertently baited me into sharing my honest opinion on physically attractive trans women. More specifically I used a specific, but accurate, term without thinking about it that I guess is offensive to them in particular. Normally I would take issue with this, but given what I know about that particular group and how suicidal they tend to be, I'm willing to make an exception.


Speaking of which, I swear to God if I had not been raised in such a way that forced me to REALLY consider what may come after, if there IS an after, I probably would have offed myself a long time ago.

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Or it could be a leftist, socialist, commie, woke conspiracy. :classic_ph34r: Not that he's playing the victim you understand.

Oh I do love conspiracy theories~ Especially the ones involving aliens, big foot and lizard people in influential positions. It's absolutely crazy but that would explain a lot. Reality being stranger than fiction and all that:classic_ph34r:

32 minutes ago, Canaris said:

Yeah internet problems mysteriously deleting already commited and displayed posts after few minutes.

Makes sense.

You would be surprised given how slow the internet is in the US of A. One webpage could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to load on any given day unless you call internet support like an emotionally needy mother dealing with empty nest syndrome. 

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1 hour ago, Darkpig said:

You would be surprised given how slow the internet is in the US of A. One webpage could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to load on any given day unless you call internet support like an emotionally needy mother dealing with empty nest syndrome. 

Yea, like when I was trying to load a page and my firewall was putting so much smoke in the air from the top of my computer.  I called my ISP and asked them if they had a fire in the lines, and they said "yup, it will slow down service, btw, you better put your computer outside."     Still waiting on that page to load.

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High speed internet causes climate change and we should really go back to dialup. It will pressure companies to make more energy efficient software and gaming. With slower speeds people won't be cruising around checking out conspiracy theories or white nationalist organizations. 

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5 hours ago, Kabal460 said:

High speed internet causes climate change and we should really go back to dialup. It will pressure companies to make more energy efficient software and gaming. With slower speeds people won't be cruising around checking out conspiracy theories or white nationalist organizations. 

While I would be okay with less conspiracy theories and less KKK get togethers. At the same time the internet is a universal library of information much of which is much more grounded than the typical conspiracy theory and there are links to professional therapists so we don’t all end up as hateful racists. Also video appointments save on gas but I don’t know if it is environmentally the lesser evil.


Edit: And porn. I almost forgot about one of best things on the internet.

Edited by Darkpig
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Buzzword Bingo.


This started out as a minor observation a few days ago but now I can't stop hearing them wherever I go on YouTube.


I can get behind that.

Pearl clutching.

Clutching at their pearls.



Let's dive right in.

Let's get into it.

Push back.

Clap back.

Double down.


No there there.

Circle back.

Sketchy. [The word means lacking in detail, as in a pencil sketch. The word you are looking for is 'dodgy' or 'iffy']

One hundred percent.



Doggo. ['Doggo' means hiding as in lying low, keeping a low profile - "I'm lying doggo for a while].


Reach out.

Hyper-ventilating. [I'd go with 'flapping like a leper's eyelid']


On the nose.

Set the table. [Set my stall out]

Fascist/Fascism. [Often used incorrectly because what is being described is authoritarianism]

And yeh.

Salty. [The word you are looking for is 'sarky' which is a contraction of 'sarcastic']

With that being said.

I get that.

I watched it so you don't have to.


A question for any Americans. The word 'bonkers' has always been used over here but I can't recall hearing it from Americans prior to the last year or so. Is its usage a newish thing?

It's driving me crackers. ?



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