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Paid mods and Bethesda announcement on the E3


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New modding and authors are slowly starting to grow for other games. I am looking at a couple right now from different devs to see what can be done with them. I have asked the question of "can any game be modded(modified)?" and the response was "yes"- from ppl who should know. No ck would mean it would be much harder, but definitely doable.


You don't have to stop playing your favorite modded Beth games, just play something else once in awhile and think about what you could do with it. The more ppl who share your interest means more ppl trying to make things work. Collective Knowledge(and passion) is Power.  :)

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New modding and authors are slowly starting to grow for other games. I am looking at a couple right now from different devs to see what can be done with them. I have asked the question of "can any game be modded(modified)?" and the response was "yes"- from ppl who should know. No ck would mean it would be much harder, but definitely doable.


You don't have to stop playing your favorite modded Beth games, just play something else once in awhile and think about what you could do with it. The more ppl who share your interest means more ppl trying to make things work. Collective Knowledge(and passion) is Power.  :)


To add on this, XCOM: Enemy Unknown was a game that wasn't intended to be moddable and people said it couldn't be [significantly] modded but some enthusiasts went ahead and created an exhaustive gameplay overhaul for it called "Long War" which extended the life of the game enormously and brought a lot of attention (and probably sales) to it. 



The devs (Firaxis) were so impressed they completely embraced modding in the sequel and have been closely involved with the community, even hiring the creators of Long War for contract work.


There's a lot of games out there I wish would draw the attention of serious modders (always takes a few geniuses to really kick off a scene) like Dragon's Dogma which has quite a lot in common with TES, while having probably the best combat system of any RPG ever.

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To add on this, XCOM: Enemy Unknown was a game that wasn't intended to be moddable and people said it couldn't be [significantly] modded but some enthusiasts went ahead and created an exhaustive gameplay overhaul for it called "Long War" which extended the life of the game enormously and brought a lot of attention (and probably sales) to it. 



The devs (Firaxis) were so impressed they completely embraced modding in the sequel and have been closely involved with the community, even hiring the creators of Long War for contract work.


There's a lot of games out there I wish would draw the attention of serious modders (always takes a few geniuses to really kick off a scene) like Dragon's Dogma which has quite a lot in common with TES, while having probably the best combat system of any RPG ever.


Yeah. I played DDogma for a looong time. The combat really shines in that game- ie. dragons are actually very, very dangerous! Its a bit long in the tooth just like Sky, but has decent graphics and replayablility. Would love to see another, but not sure if they will or not.

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I don't wanna be the harbinger of doom and gloom, (come to think of it judging by my previous comments I really am) but so far the games that are moddable are mostly relegated to nude patches and not something gamebreaking like done in (here we go again...) Oldrim, Oblivion, and other Fallout games...yes there are people who are dedicated enough to make a hitherto unmoddable game into a veritable canvas of creativity but they are still testing the waters and not yet taking the full plunge either because they are not 100% familiar with said game's engine, not much support from other people, or not enough talented individuals to make a significant contribution to make a AAA type mod or jut any mod that is useful...


unless of course you have shitloads of money and just donate the fuck to those few talented individuals...


or just remember Bethesda for what they once where...a good memory...


Mount and Blade Bannerlord is coming out...hopefully this year or this century...

there are some games originally slated to be console only to have a release for PC...if you pray to Lord Gaben hard enough...


now back to playing Diablo2 with MeridianXL...

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Yeah. a widespread collapse of the industry it seems. Hopefully these are just "growing pains". :D NeiR Automata is what I am downloading right now. Reviews are mostly positive. First order of business will be to "make them nude hawties"!!!


You're in for a treat. N:A is one of those games I wish I could erase my memories for and play it fresh all over again. Yoko Taro is seriously the best personality in the whole damn industry and Squenix needs to treat him like royalty.


Hopefully it's sufficiently patched at this point, the PC launch was something of an embarrassment (what else is new.)

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Yeah. a widespread collapse of the industry it seems. Hopefully these are just "growing pains". :D NeiR Automata is what I am downloading right now. Reviews are mostly positive. First order of business will be to "make them nude hawties"!!!


You're in for a treat. N:A is one of those games I wish I could erase my memories for and play it fresh all over again. Yoko Taro is seriously the best personality in the whole damn industry and Squenix needs to treat him like royalty.


Hopefully it's sufficiently patched at this point, the PC launch was something of an embarrassment (what else is new.)


Did you happen to find any decent mods for it? I have found a few so far. I am kinda dumb about the specifics of different game engines and how they might be modded. But I want to try and mod this game some before I "know" it too well.

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So, judging by this, there should unofficial DLCs to buy.



Not sure what you mean. There is nothing unofficial about the CC.

I have been quite consistent in calling the CC microtransactions. The situation today has nothing to do with the paid mods setup 2 years ago and this is part of the problem.


As I said in my previous post here - Bethesda has been responding to feedback in a way that makes arguing against CC harder and harder. We need to concentrate on what CC actually is if we want to prove it is wrong.



Two years ago:

Beth: Give us more money!

We: You are selling things you can't ever support or guarantee will work. Also people are stealing other people's work and selling it for profit. 



Beth: We fixed those things. Give us more money!

We: Why are you eating-up our HDD/SDD space with your updates?


Beth: We fixed that. Give us more money!

We: Why are you breaking mods with your updates?


Beth: We fixed that. Give us more money!

We: ...


What they are trying to do is remove all "legitimate" complaint about the CC and direct the discussion towards the question is it OK for them too make more money out of their own game. Instead of arguing about paid mods or microtransactions or mini-DLC we need to say clearly why we think CC is a bad idea. 





Those are the reasons I think CC is a bad idea:


1. It is a full priced (premium priced) game. I don't know how this works in the US, but in Europe if, for example, you pay for HBO (or similar) you get access to all content and no advertising. You don't pay premium price and then be charged on top of that for specific content. If the game was free to play it would have been different. 


2. The total abdication from any lore authority. Imagine Mickey Mouse piloting a space ship in the next Star Wars movie. CC is a total humiliation for Bethesda and basically a suicide.


3. If successful CC will only encourage the trend towards "low effort - high profit" products that is already strong enough in the gaming industry. 


4. It is simply inhumane - for me the microstransactions are like drugs and those companies are drug dealers. 


Any of those points is enough by itself for me to oppose CC, regardless if we call it paid mods, microtransactions or whatever.

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So, judging by this, there should unofficial DLCs to buy.



Not sure what you mean. There is nothing unofficial about the CC.

I have been quite consistent in calling the CC microtransactions. The situation today has nothing to do with the paid mods setup 2 years ago and this is part of the problem.


As I said in my previous post here - Bethesda has been responding to feedback in a way that makes arguing against CC harder and harder. We need to concentrate on what CC actually is if we want to prove it is wrong.



Two years ago:

Beth: Give us money!

We: You are selling things you can't ever support or guarantee will work. Also people are stealing other people's work and selling it for profit. 



Beth: We fixed those things. Give us money!

We: Why are you eating-up our HDD/SDD space with your updates?


Beth: We fixed that, give us money!

We: Why are you breaking mods with your updates?


Beth: We fixed that, give us money!

We: ...


What they are trying to do is remove all "legitimate" complaint about the CC and direct the discussion towards the question is it OK for them too make more money out of their own game. Instead of arguing about paid mods or microtransactions or mini-DLC we need to say clearly why we think CC is a bad idea. 


We: Why should we pay for "they're not mods" when we can get better quality "these ARE mods" for free on pc, xbox?

We: If they're not mods and they're not mini-dlcs, then what the hell are they?

We: How much of your next shitty game(s) will only be available through CC?

We: You said only new content would be available. So where is it and why does some of it look so familiar?

We: Why is Pete such a lying kunt?

We: Fuck it. Just why? :D

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