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5 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

I get stalked by a "NULL" actor for a while now.

I just cant't think of any mod that adds this "NULL" actor

Maybe someone saw it too and has a clue?

(no, I'm sure it's not the "Beistelltisch" that's haunting me lol... or does it o.O)


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Known bug of no consequence.


It means one of your followers should be attempting to approach you.


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So after many hours of playing sd+ i always was annoyed that after every scene master remove hand restrains which is kinda stupid basically easy way to escape/remove restrains, seems that DeepBlueFrog wont change/fix it anytime soon, maybe you could do something like that basically same as Sex Events -> Chance for DD but only for sd events/scenes. 


Or just add some kind of re-equip restrain script after every scene.  

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46 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

So after many hours of playing sd+ i always was annoyed that after every scene master remove hand restrains which is kinda stupid basically easy way to escape/remove restrains, seems that DeepBlueFrog wont change/fix it anytime soon, maybe you could do something like that basically same as Sex Events -> Chance for DD but only for sd events/scenes. 


Or just add some kind of re-equip restrain script after every scene.  

but that works already with DEC, or at least that's what I use DEC for:



just choose:

"Bypass DEC only requirement"

"Require Victim Requirement"


and modify the chances:

"Chance of DD(s)"

"Rape Events"


careful after you set up DEC like that you will be happy that SD+ removes armbinders all the time ^^





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1 hour ago, Jappa123 said:

So after many hours of playing sd+ i always was annoyed that after every scene master remove hand restrains which is kinda stupid basically easy way to escape/remove restrains, seems that DeepBlueFrog wont change/fix it anytime soon, maybe you could do something like that basically same as Sex Events -> Chance for DD but only for sd events/scenes. 


Or just add some kind of re-equip restrain script after every scene.  

I don't think this is a good idea. This is a problem with SD+ behavior and not something DEC's post sex should handle, first because its unexpected behavior that might confuse users and @DeepBlueFrog later, as its not part of SD but part of DEC, second because SD+ is the only enslavement mod of the lot where I feel this is safe enough to attempt, so its a bit too specific, and when you add in that it will need an MCM option its too messy and annoying to add and maintain in the future.


Instead you should fix SD+ directly. SD+ is an open source mod, the scripts used to make the mod are included in the download, and can be found in Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source (or if you have MO, in the sub folder for that installed mod). The change you want is pretty easy to make, where once you get over the hurdle of getting the mod compiling on your machine its not too difficult.


Sexlab calls an event at the end of sex called "AnimationEnd" or "HookAnimationEnd". If we search through all of _sd*psc files we find SD catches this event in _sdras_player.psc and _sdras_stplayer.psc.

$ grep -i AnimationEnd _sd*.psc
_sdras_player.psc:	RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd",   "OnSexLabEnd")
_sdras_stplayer.psc:	RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd",   "OnSexLabEnd")

Where the event gets re-directed to two functions called OnSexLabEnd() found in both files. The one in sdras_st_player seems to either be unfinished or exists solely to catch the actors involved and doesn't do any logic, and doesn't handle items being re-added. The one in _sdras_player.psc has most of the code so lets use that.


Event OnSexLabEnd(String _eventName, String _args, Float _argc, Form _sender)
  ObjectReference PlayerREF= kPlayer
  Actor PlayerActor= PlayerREF as Actor
  ActorBase pActorBase = PlayerActor.GetActorBase()
    sslBaseAnimation animation = SexLab.HookAnimation(_args)

  if !Self || !SexLab || (animation == None)
    debugTrace(": Critical error on SexLab End")

  Actor[] actors  = SexLab.HookActors(_args)
  Actor   victim  = SexLab.HookVictim(_args)
  Actor[] victims = new Actor[1]
  victims[0] = victim

  If (funct._hasPlayer(actors))
    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SL_iPlayerSexAnim", 1)
    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SL_iPlayerSexAnim", 0)

  If (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SD_iEnslaved") == 1) && (funct._hasPlayer(actors))
    Actor kCurrentMaster = StorageUtil.GetFormValue(PlayerActor, "_SD_CurrentOwner") as Actor

    If (kCurrentMaster != None)

      If (funct._hasActor(actors,kCurrentMaster))
        debugTrace(": Sex with your master")
        fctOutfit.setMasterGearByRace ( kCurrentMaster, PlayerActor  )

        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iSexCountToday", modValue = 1)
        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iSexCountTotal", modValue = 1)
        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iGoalSex", modValue = 1)
        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iSlaveryExposure", modValue = 1)

        ; If master is trusting slave, increased chance of hands free after sex
  >>>   If (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(kCurrentMaster, "_SD_iTrust")>0) && (Utility.RandomInt(0,100) > 70) && (actors.Length > 1) ; Exclude masturbation
        ; Chance player will keep armbinders after sex
          Debug.Notification("Your hands remain free.. lucky you.")

The function looks more daunting than it is, but most of this logic is just making sure it's okay for SD to function. Because Sex from Sexlab can happen between two NPCs there's logic to make sure the player is in this sex session, otherwise there's nothing for SD to do. Then we check if the player is enslaved, if they aren't enslaved again, nothing for SD to do.


Finally at the bottom where there are three arrows I added, you see a check to see if the Master should add armbinders back after sex. Here we see the logic is simple: We check the Master's trust of the player, if trust isn't above 0 then arms are always retied, and if the player was masturbating, nothing to re-add because nothing was removed (no master present), arms aren't retied, and finally

(Utility.RandomInt(0,100) > 70) 

This is a random dice roll. Imagine rolling a single dice that had 100 sides, if you get a number higher than 70, so 71-100, then the armbinder/cuffs are not re-added.


There are two basic options here. You can change the minimum trust needed by the master (if you change it to 2 or 3 you'll be bound longer before he trusts you) or change the roll (maybe it should be 15% instead of 30% chance?5%?), or both, or add in any new logic you want here.


Once you make a change you just save the file and re-compile the script. You can compile the script from creation kit, under script compiling at the top of the menu, or if you like pain you can take the longer path setting up a script compile bat to compile scripts outside of creation kit like here:https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Notepad%2B%2B_Setup

 or you can tell me which of the two you want changed and I can quickly compile the script for you later tonight when I have access to my machine with compiling set up.

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7 minutes ago, Verstort said:

I don't think this is a good idea. This is a problem with SD+ behavior and not something DEC's post sex should handle, first because its unexpected behavior that might confuse users and DBF later, as its not part of SD but part of DEC, second because SD+ is the only enslavement mod of the lot where I feel this is safe enough to attempt, so its a bit too specific, and when you add in that it will need an MCM option its too messy and annoying to add and maintain in the future.


Instead you should fix SD+ directly. SD+ is an open source mod, the scripts used to make the mod are included in the download, and can be found in Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Source (or if you have MO, in the sub folder for that installed mod). The change you want is pretty easy to make, where once you get over the hurdle of getting the mod compiling on your machine its not too difficult.


Sexlab calls an event at the end of sex called "AnimationEnd" or "HookAnimationEnd". If we search through all of _sd*psc files we find SD catches this event in _sdras_player.psc and _sdras_stplayer.psc.

$ grep -i AnimationEnd _sd*.psc
_sdras_player.psc:	RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd",   "OnSexLabEnd")
_sdras_stplayer.psc:	RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd",   "OnSexLabEnd")

Where the event gets re-directed to two functions called OnSexLabEnd() found in both files. The one in sdras_st_player seems to either be unfinished or exists solely to catch the actors involved and doesn't do any logic, and doesn't handle items being re-added. The one in _sdras_player.psc has most of the code so lets use that.


Event OnSexLabEnd(String _eventName, String _args, Float _argc, Form _sender)
  ObjectReference PlayerREF= kPlayer
  Actor PlayerActor= PlayerREF as Actor
  ActorBase pActorBase = PlayerActor.GetActorBase()
    sslBaseAnimation animation = SexLab.HookAnimation(_args)

  if !Self || !SexLab || (animation == None)
    debugTrace(": Critical error on SexLab End")

  Actor[] actors  = SexLab.HookActors(_args)
  Actor   victim  = SexLab.HookVictim(_args)
  Actor[] victims = new Actor[1]
  victims[0] = victim

  If (funct._hasPlayer(actors))
    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SL_iPlayerSexAnim", 1)
    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SL_iPlayerSexAnim", 0)

  If (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(PlayerActor, "_SD_iEnslaved") == 1) && (funct._hasPlayer(actors))
    Actor kCurrentMaster = StorageUtil.GetFormValue(PlayerActor, "_SD_CurrentOwner") as Actor

    If (kCurrentMaster != None)

      If (funct._hasActor(actors,kCurrentMaster))
        debugTrace(": Sex with your master")
        fctOutfit.setMasterGearByRace ( kCurrentMaster, PlayerActor  )

        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iSexCountToday", modValue = 1)
        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iSexCountTotal", modValue = 1)
        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iGoalSex", modValue = 1)
        fctSlavery.UpdateSlaveStatus( PlayerActor, "_SD_iSlaveryExposure", modValue = 1)

        ; If master is trusting slave, increased chance of hands free after sex
  >>>   If (StorageUtil.GetIntValue(kCurrentMaster, "_SD_iTrust")>0) && (Utility.RandomInt(0,100) > 70) && (actors.Length > 1) ; Exclude masturbation
        ; Chance player will keep armbinders after sex
          Debug.Notification("Your hands remain free.. lucky you.")

The function looks more daunting than it is, but most of this logic is just making sure it's okay for SD to function. Because Sex from Sexlab can happen between two NPCs there's logic to make sure the player is in this sex session, otherwise there's nothing for SD to do. Then we check if the player is enslaved, if they aren't enslaved again, nothing for SD to do.


Finally at the bottom where there are three arrows I added, you see a check to see if the Master should add armbinders back after sex. Here we see the logic is simple: We check the Master's trust of the player, if trust isn't above 0 then arms are always retied, and if the player was masturbating, no master to re-add because nothing was removed, arms aren't retied, and finally

(Utility.RandomInt(0,100) > 70) 

This is a random dice roll. Imagine rolling a single dice that had 100 sides, if you get a number higher than 70, so 71-100, then the armbinder/cuffs are not re-added.


There are two basic options here. You can change the minimum trust needed by the master or change the roll, or both, or add in any new logic you want here.


Once you make a change you just save the file and re-compile the script. You can compile the script from creation kit, under script compiling at the top of the menu, or if you like pain you can take the longer path setting up a script compile bat to compile scripts outside of creation kit like here:https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Notepad%2B%2B_Setup

 or you can wait until tonight tell me which of the two you want changed and I can quickly compile the script for you.

Wow.. ok i mean i tried to compile some scripts once with CK but i failed, anyway would be great if you change it and compile it for me, dice rolling sound better than trust "system" lets say 91-100(above 91 not re-equiped) and completely ignore trust, is it possible? Also after you upload script i need to replace old one right? Thank you so much!

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22 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Wow.. ok i mean i tried to compile some scripts once with CK but i failed, anyway would be great if you change it and compile it for me, dice rolling sound better than trust "system" lets say 91-100(above 91 not re-equiped) and completely ignore trust, is it possible? Also after you upload script i need to replace old one right? Thank you so much!

My guess is the scripts wouldn't compile because the resource dependency wasn't met, meaning a mod SD uses, like sexlab aroused, the source scripts are needed and the compiler couldn't find them (some of those mods have a separate version in the download section called "loose" that has the scripts, or they are locked in a BSA and need to be extracted)


Yes you need to replace the pex you have with the pex that gets compiled. If SD+ gets an update you'll lose the changes and will need another recompile, so you might want to try CK compiling again. Feel free to post errors here I might be able to point out whats wrong.

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5 minutes ago, Verstort said:

My guess is the scripts wouldn't compile because the resource dependency wasn't met, meaning a mod SD uses, like sexlab aroused, the source scripts are needed and the compiler couldn't find them (some of those mods have a separate version in the download section called "loose" that has the scripts, or they are locked in a BSA and need to be extracted)


Yes you need to replace the pex you have with the pex that gets compiled. If SD+ gets an update you'll lose the changes and will need another recompile, so you might want to try CK compiling again. Feel free to post errors here I might be able to point out whats wrong.

Don't bother for now, i feel like there is so many things that need to be done before start modding that alwasy scared me off and i give up first of all i use MO i've read that there are some compile problems with CK used through MO then like you said i need to unpack scripts, also these ck errors at start i know thats normal but still kinda scary i manage to add 1 dialogue to npc and that's basically it nothing more.  ?

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5 hours ago, Jappa123 said:

Don't bother for now, i feel like there is so many things that need to be done before start modding that alwasy scared me off and i give up first of all i use MO i've read that there are some compile problems with CK used through MO then like you said i need to unpack scripts, also these ck errors at start i know thats normal but still kinda scary i manage to add 1 dialogue to npc and that's basically it nothing more.  ?

Alright well, here is a version with a 10% chance and no trust requirement.



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11 hours ago, Verstort said:

Alright well, here is a version with a 10% chance and no trust requirement.



 Thanks! Unfortunately something is wrong basically scenes wont start, master remove restrains and after that there should be sexlab scene but it wont start no matter what :/ 


There is one more thing in SD that is really annoying and i miss a lot of sd "content" because of it, what im talking about is "master is too far to punish/reward you" is there any way to change that distance to much bigger? Thanks!

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2 hours ago, Ardir said:

I cant open the slavers hideout door. It keeps crashing.

Sounds more like an DCL (devious cursed loot) issue?

No hideout doors in DEC, unless verstort is hiding something from us ?


If it's the DCL LAL addon:

> make sure DCL LAL addon is below LAL in load order

> maybe a conflict with some other mod that changes bandits, armor replacer, clutter replacer

> maybe a conflict with some other mod that changes light in dungeons => the lights in DCL dungeons/rooms are all a bit messed up, try moving you light mods below DCL main esp

> as Grey Cloud keeps saying: CTD is a memory issue, try using ENBoost and/or SKSE memory patch

> too high script count on game start already, use Crash fixes

> because it's the first thing you will do after loading into skyrim after LAL, make sure you have reloaded you game in LAL already, at least once, so all mods got updated and loaded before entering skyrim

> make sure your game works even without DCL LAL addon (just deactivate the DCL LAL addon esp for testing)

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33 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Sounds more like an DCL (devious cursed loot) issue?

No hideout doors in DEC, unless verstort is hiding something from us ?

I begin the quest with DCL LAL.
1. They put my charakter in this cage.

2. Loading Screen

3. Message that the transport has been robbed or somthing along the lines

4. Quest is to find the key from the slavers and enter the hideout or am I wrong?

Isnt that DEC content?

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35 minutes ago, Ardir said:

I begin the quest with DCL LAL.
1. They put my charakter in this cage.

2. Loading Screen

3. Message that the transport has been robbed or somthing along the lines

4. Quest is to find the key from the slavers and enter the hideout or am I wrong?

Isnt that DEC content?


(I don't want to spoiler, but that DCL LAL quest goes on for a while longer, thx to the hobble skirt^^)

you even posted it yourself:  "I begin the quest with DCL LAL."

You could post your issue in DCL support topic, maybe someone else had that issue already.


DEC triggers approaches and force greets by NPCs and followers and provides links to most player enslavement mods, like SS+, DCL, DF, SD+, et al.

It can add devious devices too from various mods like DCL, DDa, DDx, Captured Dreams, et al.

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6 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:


(I don't want to spoiler, but that DCL LAL quest goes on for a while longer, thx to the hobble skirt^^)

you even posted it yourself:  "I begin the quest with DCL LAL."

You could post your issue in DCL support topic, maybe someone else had that issue already.


DEC triggers approaches and force greets by NPCs and followers and provides links to most player enslavement mods, like SS+, DCL, DF, SD+, et al.

It can add devious devices too from various mods like DCL, DDa, DDx, Captured Dreams, et al.

I figured the problem was due to the static mesh improvement mod

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I have a question about the progression in this mod, so i've got my follower to 30 dom and player to 35 sub according to the MCM but now after i submit using the "mmmph <3" option when gagged if i remove the gag after sex and then refresh the dialog options when speaking to the follower it shows the "mistress?" option from SD+ in addition to all the normal options, none of the SD+ notifications occur so i assume my character hasn't been made a slave but the follower now refers to the character using SD+ slave terms, playing through the option a couple of times lead to the follower deciding to follow me again as the mistress, however subsequent uses just got the generic 'be quite' response. what i would like to ask is that is this an intentional feature or have i potentially broken something? I'd rather find out now than a couple of hours in.


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58 minutes ago, poplerv2 said:

I have a question about the progression in this mod, so i've got my follower to 30 dom and player to 35 sub according to the MCM but now after i submit using the "mmmph <3" option when gagged if i remove the gag after sex and then refresh the dialog options when speaking to the follower it shows the "mistress?" option from SD+ in addition to all the normal options, none of the SD+ notifications occur so i assume my character hasn't been made a slave but the follower now refers to the character using SD+ slave terms, playing through the option a couple of times lead to the follower deciding to follow me again as the mistress, however subsequent uses just got the generic 'be quite' response. what i would like to ask is that is this an intentional feature or have i potentially broken something? I'd rather find out now than a couple of hours in.


I have no idea why SD+ dialogue suddenly shows up with some followers, but I think it's an SD+ bug, not a DEC bug.


DEC doesn't use any of the SD+ running code or variables, and does not change any of them at all during the follower item dialogue, and follower sex dialogue. The only one SD+ specific variable that DEC changes is setting the personality of the Master, if the player is sent to a distant SD master, to sex fiend, so they want to have more sex with you, because the other personalities aren't as interesting for me. This is only set at the very start of a SD distant master start, and that variable shouldn't affect anything else.


I asked DeepBlueFrog once if he knew about the bug but he did not know what was happening, and it's still there in SD+ I guess. I think the fact that it shows up at about the same time as DEC's reaching max sub/dom ratio for that follower is coincidence to the fact that they need to be a follower for awhile to get that far, and the bug seems to take a long amount of playtime to show up. If you take a fresh follower and manually set the variables in the MCM the SD dialogue doesn't show up instantly.


Edit: actually, probably not a bug with SD+ proper, but rather with Sexlab Dialogues, which is a requirement for SD+. Again, DEC doesn't view or modify any variable/code from Sexlab Dialogues, and don't know why it would show up randomly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, TomTheCline said:

The requirement "Zaz Animation Framework", is that the same as ZAP? If so, which version should I use?

I'm using 8.0 but I don't think there's any reason for 7.0 to not work with DEC. Maybe even 6.0, haven't tested in a long time

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I having been getting CTD's and when i look in the log the only error i see is 

Error: Cannot call GetRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.tryEnslaveEvent() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 293
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.OnUpdate() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 76

Error: Cannot call IsPlayable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.tryEnslaveEvent() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 293
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.OnUpdate() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 76


Can anyone help?

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12 hours ago, xLastLoneWolfx said:

I having been getting CTD's and when i look in the log the only error i see is 

Error: Cannot call GetRace() on a None object, aborting function callstack:
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.tryEnslaveEvent() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 293
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.OnUpdate() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 76

Error: Cannot call IsPlayable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.tryEnslaveEvent() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 293
    [crdePlayerMonitor (9B001827)].crdeplayermonitorscript.OnUpdate() - "crdePlayerMonitorScript.psc" Line 76


Can anyone help?

How old is the version you are running? The current code doesn't even use tryEnslaveEvent() anymore. Unless you are using a really old version for language compatibility, can you please update?


Those error messages won't cause a CTD, or any kind of crash. In the process of working on the mod I've seen a log where DEC throws megabytes of errors without a crash, so that error wouldn't cause a crash anyway. Somewhere I'm sure there's a whole list of reasons for a crash, but off my head the reasons I know of are: 1) bad navmeshes (if you keep getting crashes in one region/area) 2) too many scripts existing in memory will lead to a stack overflow, but before you get there the game will fill your papyrus log with a stack dump, which you should be able to see in your logs. I think I recall bad clothing meshes can cause crashes too.


DEC has no clothing or building assets, nor does it modify any of them, so it cannot cause crashes from those. You can search for stack dumps in your logs by searching for "Dumping stack" or download this python script to check if you have stack dumps in any of your logs.

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DEC 13.20.0 not showing in MCM


Active Mod Files:

00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp  [Version 3.0.13a]
06  hdtHighHeel.esm
07  ApachiiHair.esm
08  ApachiiHairFemales.esm
09  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
0A  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.62]
0B  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
0C  SexLabAroused.esm  [Version 2.8]
0D  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0E  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
0F  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
10  HighResTexturePack01.esp
11  HighResTexturePack02.esp
12  HighResTexturePack03.esp
13  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
14  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
15  SkyUI.esp
16  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
17  XPMSE.esp
18  SOSRaceMenu.esp
19  RaceMenu.esp
1A  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
1B  Botox.esp
1C  Botox_CharGen.esp
1D  FNISSexyMove.esp
1E  FNIS.esp
1F  mcgSpeedChange.esp
20  KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
21  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
22  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
23  UUNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
24  Immersive Wenches.esp
25  Forgotten Wenches.esp
26  Judgment Wenches.esp
27  SLAnimLoader.esp
28  NibblesAnimObjects.esp
29  FNISspells.esp
2A  Hateful Wenches.esp
2B  Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
2C  Deviously Enslaved.esp
2D  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.1.7]


13.19.4 and 13.18.4 both do however. 13.20.0 was working yesterday (with a different load list that failed in different ways) so I'm guessing there is some incompatibility somewhere. I tested this with new games, by the way, not just reloading games in progress.

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