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So I have a request. I am not much for slen since it has way to much for me and I like keeping things as simple as possible I was over here and Source: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/66240-sextalk-gay/page-9

Was talking to the mod author:

Quote:I'm not a big fan of slen and was wondering if you'd make a sister/brother mod to this one that enables a female player to have conversation with male players as well. Hetrosexual. Quoting you: (It always annoyed me that NPCs would just walk away, like nothing happened at all. Feels very jarring to me, so that was the main reason I decided to write this mod.) I like your concept! 


I would love you forever  :) kudos!


answer: If I were to attempt straight sex dialog, I would be laughed out of this site.  :D So no, not soemthing I want to tackle. But, the mod has full source, and the license on the d/l page makes it available for any other modder who might wish to make changes. Personally, I would be happy to see it done.

I was wondering if anyone would take this request. Build on his already great concept and make a hetro version. F player on male npc or vise versa
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I want something like this, for a long time. In FNW there is something similar, but ... 




I want a mod that allows NPCs and - very important - followers to sexually abuse the PC in various circumstances.


I mean Skyrim is a medieval world, and from what I remember from history, rape was kinda legal in that time (see jus prima noctis).  Not to mention the poor law enforcement, and lack of human rights.


Also, your followers are just ... following you around and risk their lives... for what? They get no loot, no money. They just stare at your ass all day long, carry your things and (thanks to sexlab) are available to your desires whenever you feel like it. Not fair.


I know about Dangerous Nights, Sexlab Defeat, Submit, Rape, Deviously Naked, SLEN, etc. I tried them. I tried to combine them. I failed.


Basically, if the arousal of a NPC / follower exceeds a limit (MCM configurable) will walk to you and ask for sex (like in Sexlab Approach) but in case of a refuse will rape you. Of course, intimidation / persuasion / bribe should also be options in dialog.


If others (followers or NPCs) witness you being raped, and their morality is low enough (configurable) they wll join the "party".


If you sleep and a follower is horny enough, will take advantage of you. If more or them are, they will do it together, or will take turns. (Dangerous Nights have something similar, but only one follower does it).


Also it should be something like a progression. Say you are sleeping, a follower wakes you and asks for sex, you accept. 1st time will only kisses or masturbate - something light. Then asks a bit more, then even more - real sex, then oral or anal sex, then treesome, etc. And because of arousal mechanics, if you have too many followers you would end up being a sex toy 24/7.


If your health is low (also configurable - like in Sexlab Submit - autosubmit option) a follower might want to "comfort" you. If you refuse... will abuse you.


And there should be consequences for rape / extended sex. Like stats lowered, slow movement, increased chance of extra assaults, etc. Not permanent, but bad and long enough to make the player think twice before submitting to a potential abuser.


I'd also want to add that PC is the worst of the worst from all the Syrim. Steals, kills, rapes, search treasures in graves, wipes out entire species, meddles in politics, sleeps with vampires and werewolves... 


I know is a lot to ask but I'm ready to help if necessary.

I don't know much about Skyrim modding, but I modded FNV a bit (not scripting or texturing, mostly locations - including navmeshing, or altering NPCs stats)




English is my 3rd language, sorry for bad spelling / grammar / poor wording.


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<Obligatory apology for lack of update/mods>

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way:

  • Secret project almost done on my side, like, one or two days left of work to do on my end, but then the whole project has to wait on a few more models/textures. Also, I've horribly underestimated how long it would take me to do things on this project before, but don't really expect another update from me on the Secret project unless I become the limiting factor (I.E. The models are delivered before my esp/scripts)
  • Mentalites (I don't remember how I referred to this one before) is goin to be a neat little framework that keeps track of a few stats for modders to do with as they please (Do not worry, little to no overlap with Devious Framework (go check that out) but hopefully cross-support. if you're the author of Dfw and reading this, hit me up by the way, otherwise I'm gonna wait till I get a beta out). Anyways Mentalities is about to roll into a public Beta thing, after I finish a few tweaks to the code (numbers to change/input. That's literally almost all I have left rn) and I'm going to need a LOT of feedback on balancing/stats and things. plus suggestions
  • One last resource/mod that a lot of y'all are gonna like (and will hopefully be big) is also almost done. down to almost exclusively number tweaking right now. @Grine if you're reading this A) thanks for not giving up on me entirely yet and B) I swear to god it's almost done, I'm unhappy with the balancing a bit but there's some kind of beta/alpha thing coming very soon. I'll send you a message with more details about what's changed soon.

So my plan is to roll these three things out in varying stages of release, and then slow it down on large projects for a little bit (Insert joke about me not being able t go slower) and do three things:

1: Support/update those projects based on feedback in early releases

2: Add a few features to CANS + Compatibility patches because it's mostly being ignored. Note to self: reexamine the inflation framework mod to see if I should even bother competing

3: Make/Look into several (if not many) smaller/simpler mods from this thread. No big quests, just simple things to do. Like a couple of the requests in this post.


You know the drill, replies below the spoiler.





There is a mod which imparts a chance to remove your armor on being hit in combat.


Sexlab Combat Arousal v2.12 + Armor Break


And there is this mod plus submod, which breaks armor down into 10 or so pieces, and distributes them randomly onto NPCs, respectively.


UNP or UNPetite - Hmm What To Wear

TNT90s - HWtW Applicifier by TNT90


It would be brilliant if a submod allowed the first one to work not just on the player but on NPCs, and specifically on all the slots provided by the below mods so that combat could involve shredding opponents armors off of bodies piece by piece.


I'll be honest, that sounds like way more work (and therefore a much larger project) than I'm willing to add to my schedule for now. Plus, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm 90% sure there's already a mod to break armor somewhere around here. I never played with it (or followed it) because it seemed like a hassle to set up, and the version in FONV never seemed to work for me, so i dont know if it works or is complete but...


I have many mod ideas and suggestions, far too many to simply outline in any short amount of time, but what I feel could significantly enhance and improve enjoyment in a large number of mods would be the concepts of "Escalation" and "De-escalation", where different features, triggers, events, or even entire mods themselves, could be enabled by level or skill advancement triggers which a player can define in settings. The idea is not entirely limited to simply turning things on or off, but more precisely, things such as Devious Devices' percentile chance to find a device could be scaled by player level. In MCM, the player could ideally set a starting level for Devious Devices to begin appearing (mod activation at level "X",  and then set a "per level chance increase". If a person wanted to level up high and fast before really suffering restrictive devices, they could use a very low per level chance such as 0.3% per level, in which they would only have a 0.9% chance of stumbling onto a trap by level 3, 1.8% chance at level 6, 2.7% at level 9, and so forth, or a moderate default would be 1% per level, so by level 10, they would still only have a 10% chance of a Devious Device event at level 10. 


De-escalation works similarly, except that the percentile chances reduce as the player grows, much like if they were to learn better trap avoidance with experience. 


Skill-related escalation/de-escalation would be something like increasing "Soulgem Oven" chances with higher Enchanting skill (learning to better cultivate gems, through gem pregnancy), or suffering longer "Skooma Whore" effects in exchange for quicker addiction recovery based on Alchemy skill. 


I know that most of these concepts may be better suited in updates of the specific example mods themselves, but the concept of level and skill having more bearing on mod chances effects and triggers is sorely missing in most mods currently. I may not be in any way a majority or representative of any number of players, but I like to start a playthrough with not as many hindrances (or bondage device and restrictions) while small and gaining skill), and then have them increase as I grow. To do so the way things are currently, would require hours or more of adjusting and tweaking anywhere from 15-40 MCM configuration windows, every one or few levels. 


I have to rush off for work, but remind me to return to this for some of my other ideas, including:

"hidden side-effects" that can be used to come up with drugs (skooma Whore style), on alchemy ingredients,

"Drugged darts, traps, bandit weapons" having varying effects on arousal, blacking out, producing milk, etc.

An on-screen, in-game menu (such as either by SkyUI or UFO menu style) to trigger Zaz animations or sexlab effects, for sex, to be easier, quicker and more convenient than memorizing dozens of hotkeys and still needing Zaz's MCM menu to start most similar interactions, especially "solo".

"The Essence Thief Cult" (Requires a story to explain, which I haven't time to type just yet, but involves a cult that believes in stealing the Dragonborn power through breast milk/sperm, depending on PC gender)


... and many more.


The issue is, like you said, doing this through one mod to modify the others is just... unfeasible. Even if you managed to dig through every script/effect/quest/dialogue condition/package rule/what have you to find EVERY variable you'd need to be able to modify (and how to do so) you'd have to set up each one as a soft dependency (or else essentially double the load order, or even worse: release dozens of variations) and then you'd wind up with some awful MCM that would just go on and on and on for pages and pages to encompass all of those variables. Not to mention levelling up would then trigger one of the single largest script updates your Skyrim has probably ever had to deal with.


I am interested in hearing more about those other ideas though.


I skimmed over all 39 pages of this mod and then did the somewhat smart thing of looking at the Mod Schedule of Dooooom, hehe.  Several caught my eye, but as someone who loves DD mods and mods like animal mansion, I got to thinking about  #50 "Skyrim Breeder".  So, a few thoughts on that mod that I would like to share.


1)  If it is referring to FONV style mod line, a captured version of this mod  would work great with DD and slavery mods.  The fact that you could be bound and locked, then forced to be a breed seems to fit with DD.  Some examples of my thoughts for how this could come about:

-You simply get sold to a Breeder by your current master for reason A, B or C.

-An extension through simple slavery where are sold at auction for a breeder.

-You go on what seems like a quest to do something else but it really you get tricked and get forced into being broodmare.

-You willing try it, but then you get locked up and forced to stay when you try to leave


2) Now thoughts on quests once you are forced to captured and forced to breed.

-The obvious idea of trying to escape from the breeder by various means (quests, both violent and simple runaway/escape)

-Get converted and like the situation, help spread the breeding program by forcing others into the life.

-Decide to not escape or aid the breeder, but take over the business and sell the animals/creatures being bred (as inventory items) to merchants and such in skyrim for profit


Possible side quests like:  

-Another breeding slave pretends to want to help you escape but turns you in getting you  punished and then your revenge against that npc via quest. 

-Turn some of the creature/animals breeding you against the captors, but failing to escape (again resulting in punishment)

-be a salesman for the breeder (go around to merchants selling animal/creature items from inventory)


Again, just a few thoughts that popped into my head about #50 on the list.


First off, thanks for skimming the thread and reading the (ridiculously out of date) itinerary. I really should update that thing.

Second, it's also nice to see some new things about older ideas

Third, I'm liking every idea for that. Breeder recently got bumped up a bit on my personal priority but I don't recall why...



Some interesting ideas, but along the same lines, a quest where you are "hired" to lure a victim into a slaver's trap, but one of four things each have a chance of happening: 


1. Your victim vanishes or escapes along the way and the slavers come looking for you to take her place.

2. It was a planned double-cross, and the victim convinces the slavers that she brought you to them.

3. The slaver decides "Why pass up the chance to keep both?"

4. The quest goes as planned, but with a catch. The slaver feels greedy and you have to negotiate or give good reason why they should not take you as well. An outcome of this could be that they let you go if you agree to bring them another to take your place, which could simply restart the entire cycle all over again.


If at any time along the quest, the intended victim gets killed or lost, the quest continues along the lines of option 1, or you must find a suitable replacement among followers, before the slaver sends bandits out to capture you.


To a lighter or lesser extent, these ideas could also be made for forced milking, and enslaving for milk production, instead of, or in addition to breeding.



So, I'm definitely gonna run with this idea, and something along these lines is definitely gonna turn up in at least one of my mods, maybe not the breeder one, but one of them. Probably more though.


Hello, I'm really not good at modding and scripting and everything in fact. I'd like to know if it would be possible to make a (new) Necrophilia mod. I know there's already one existing (hence the "new") but the (magic) way it's working is not my favorite.


Title : Something about Necrophilia (I'm really sorry but I'm not good at finding titles), "Necrophilia : How to crack open a cold one" (that's nasty...) ? Your call if you have a better idea


Ideas :

  • This mod wouldn't include spells, just a toggle key that would work only on dead NPCs.
  • The animations used would be by default the ones tagged "NECRO" (which would be easy to add via SLATE mod) registered in the SEXLAB framework. But there would be the possibility to choose anoter tag (or multiple tags ?)
  • The triggered animations would be with the dead NPCs only, no ghost or zombie replacement.
  • There would be an option to make the dead NPCs silent during the animations.
  • And maybe an option to make it law forbidden so guards will arrest you if you try something funny(Biz :D) even with this dead vampire that's been rotting ont the streets for one week
  • Define the position of the PC : active, passive or random
  • The basis are decided via the Sexlab framework of course : state of undressing, sounds, voices of the PC/NPCs, etc.

Possibilities :

  • Should it work with creatures framework ?
  • Option for gendered animations based on the TAGS ? (again, with the possibility of choosing altered by SLATE tags so you can use gay, lesbian, straight tags)
  • To be able to actually see a list of the animations concerned by the mod ? (more like a check list, to be sure about the "NECRO" tagged animations)
  • "Deadly sexy" option : PC is litterally excited by the vision of corpses (but maybe it should be linked with other mods like "aroused redux" or even "squirt" or "squirt reborn" ?)

I first wrote "no need to PM me"... But now I'm not that sure. The thing is, I only have a basis idea for this mod, I'm not even sure there will be someone interested in using it (apart from me). But I'm craving for a simple approach for Necrophilia, that doesn't imply magic and spells.


I think that's all and that's probably a lot already :angel:


At least I hope it'll give ideas to someone ? (please ?)


(and sorry for the mistakes, english is not my mother tongue)


So, thinking about it as I write this reply this probably wouldn't be too hard. A power to toggle some effect (or failing that some kind of ring for simplicity) that brings up a message box when you activate corpses (a la Namira's Ring) with either search or fuck. Then just start an animation with the Necro tag. Some of the other parts might be harder. I'd need to look into silencing actors, and a script checking for corpses might be difficult (probably possible though). The rest can be handled by Sexlab itself. Adding this to the list of simple things to bang out whenever I get a chance.


Requesting Horse renewal schlong and sex animations :)


Not sure what Horse renewal schlong means but I, and this is very clearly stated, CANNOT make animations.


If you can dream.. why not dream ^^ What Mod would I like?


The base idea of Captured Dreams is nice. Mine, Smithing, house maid.. but it would be nice to have the whole idea extended and interacting.. more than one Mansion.. fighting each other for supremacy.

So to the bondage theme of Captured Dreams I would make subdivisions. 


Farm hand cleaning animal boxes, planting stuff, feeding and caring for the animals, Milkmaid.. quests like house delivery (breastfeeding), daily milking, competitions and other quests all subdivisions can share

Bondage Slut:

Mine, Smithy and House maid (CD like)

Highclass Escort:

Errand girl, cook helper, Slave trainer 


Hunter assistant, Kennel worker, Pet trainer


Negative behavior results in Breeding bitches for all races.. Falmer to Horses.. bring in kids.. you as mom or father have to train them till they get takes away for duty.. :P but with black screen is fine, no kiddy sex animation needed anywhere.. just tasks.. you give what you think they should become.


Mansions have usual rooms plus party area for raised stage wipping scenes, animal sex crowd entertaining, milk bars, "get your wife/husband trained" BDSM section.. and not just clapping.. when the chick gets fucked by a bear or whipped the shit out.. people start to fuck each other.. more fun ^^ and how fun is the Orc Mission in Radiant Prostitution.. if you invite 8 orcs and 8 times you get a 3,4 or 5 way bang, not one on one.. makes more sense... same for the mansion.. more group sex when there are groups ^^


Needs a mansion per big City and side quests of spying at others, assassinate with poison pussy/dick, exchange of slaves, competitions (loved the Beast Mansion Companion version and parties), "convince" other faction pets (steal stuff), BDSM catwalk parties, endurance milking competitions, hucow market,... "steal the price cow" sounds more fun to do suddenly


If you fail a task.. doesn't only mean your stats go down.. no, your random chance to get sold goes up.. you get sold.. you start in the new house from scratch. Menu to adapt the difficulty devo needed ^^ Depending on quests you choose to accept and do.. you can get sold too.. if you fuck the other side over bad.. they might just offer enough to buy you and make you the boss toilet slave.. or you had friends.. if you had.. and might rescue u? ^^ If you had no friends.. escapes fail at random.. and results in worse treatment.. if possible ;)


The result should be the possibility to take over from your boss and make him\her your bitch. or build at a location.. like Beast Mansion does.. a new mansion at the side and open with your own staff a new faction.. fight the rest till you are the only one or are a limbless toilet slave strapped fro the rest of your life and thats it.. game over dude ^^


Simple Slavery trigger to start and get sold at random to a house.. you can't choose where you end. Assignemt to what subdivision you go.. is random, selectable or changeable depending what house you got sold too. No start over direct visit.. mansion shop is only to buy slaves or objects and potions. Rest not accessible.. you must get sold to start.



Uni ^^


I'll be honest on a couple accounts here.

1) Despite following Captured Dreams from release and being super excited for the 4.0 update, I have yet to play more than 1 quest in the slavery quest lines. (Just done the one where you go to Falkreath, but that was on version 3.somthing.) Just done the radiant job quests.

2) And I'm realizing this more and more, I'm absolute shit at level design.

3) The scope of this idea is... pretty huge, you know? Like, a lot bigger than I'm comfortable even kind of committing to right now.


mod which through dialogue allows play anims with kissing tag to any npc

sorry its google translation :c


One of those things that I feel is real simple, but I'll be honest, as soon as we step away from Sexlab I have little to no understanding of how animations work in Skyrim. I'm starting to realize that I've got pretty weird and kind of obtuse knowledge gaps when it comes to modding.


Request: Rape protection addon if your followers are around in eye shot or a certain distance they will come in and protect you come to your aid and beat the shit out of or kill depending on the npc. Maybe a detection or shout help call. 


Some mods already do this, and that's probably the best way, is to have it handled by mod. At some point (and I mean a ways down the road) I can look into triggering this on certain mods, but handling the detection and not interrupting things for quests and the like is pretty difficult.


On that note though, does anyone know which mod pops the little red notification when a guard or someone sees you getting raped and intervenes? Cause I haven't triggered that on my latest game and I'm trying to get my settings back to about where they were on my last one.


First of all, thank you for your dedication & hard work.


I also have a few requests: is it possible to have male npcs start to masturbate when one off the ladies does a solo masturbation scene, second: is it possible to add scenes like this to  inns so you can walk into a scene where 5-6 guys are masturbating while a female npc is doing her little show (or if possible a show with a male/males, female npc or an animal).


Thanks in advance.




You know, I'm like 90% sure a mod already exists to make people masturbate to sex scenes. I cannot tell you what it is (My gut says spectator crowds but I'm 90% its not that) but maybe someone else can? As for the scenes... probably. Space is weird in inns. There also probably aren't that many people in most the inns in Skyrim.


Okay here is my idea:


A mod that will make the PC stumble if wearing high heels. Wearing heels can be rewarding or punishing. Example, when you're wearing heels you get better prices, scaling heels height with better prices percentage, or you get random gifts for looking sexy. The punishment could be tripping, stumbling and falling. Also the chance for falling scales with heels height. When you stumble your weapon drops, you lose a bit of stamina. If you fall, your current helpless position may attract some aroused NPCs, you lose some health and the whole stamina bar, and you need to press "a" and "d" to get up faster to avoid getting raped.


This is the general idea, of course, anyone who has a good idea can contribute, I hope you at least read my idea. Thanks in advance.  :D


So I'm pretty sure there's some mod that added a whole progression thing to high heels, but I also remember thinking it was mostly downsides and then a permanent effect (plus all HdtHighHells... ew) so I never touched it. Tell you what, after I finish up work on the 3 big projects I got right now, I'm burn through (or at least look into) a lot of smaller, faster mods like this idea to rip out real quick. So stay tuned for updates, because if getting the height of NiO high heels is as easy as I hope it is this shouldn't be too hard.


I just had an idea earlier today while playing a playthrough that includes Soulgem Oven III, and Aradia Devious Devices, although the idea may be best suited as an added option in Sexlab, or simply a sexlab compatible stand-alone item. 
How about a dildo and/or vibrator, and a strap-on that triggers insemination in scripts which make use of insemination? It would be good for a devious and dominant Female to use to force or trick followers or other victims into producing gems, eggs, or whatever the assorted mods are giving birth to. They could even have a crafting menu that requires soulgems and/or semen bottles.


So I have no idea where this would best work as a mod for, whether it's Sexlab or SGO but it seems like it should be a simple script. Granted, the more I think about it the more complicated it seems.


i was wondering if you would willing to make a house mod similar to these two in concepts. basically merging of the two.


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79191/? and  http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70200/?  but if its easier could the display room from the palace be used instead with the citadel version with a room leading off for followers to guard said room. like 2 beds, a bath, and a small kitchen used for guard rotations.


I use ALOT of follower mods and armor mods with my CBBE body as i have a mannequin mod that uses http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39549/? for my displays for the mannequins. there is a neck issue that happens with this mod but i think its something to do with the head nif not being in the right place to connect with the body using a CBBE Curvy body.  so with all these mods i need a house that can hold my followers and armors with ease.


The basic set up of the the main entrance to the place would be a very small door like in the citadel one near whiterun, with a world space of its own for the MAIN home so dragons don't constantly attack. it could be a stone castle or even a wooden one if need be or it could an an ayleid version like the citadel or palace remastered.  the sections of each castle part would be its own room. like a display room with 50 mannequins in the main display room, a faction room display leading off from the main room with a door of its own cell, and 1 room with 20 mannequins for random armor displays. the main display room would have the unique quest items from the DLC's, and some items for necklaces and rings if possible for display.


i really like the display are of the palace version but its not in the citadel one in total. i am having to use both mods to house ALL the followers i have AND armors i have downloaded for said followers to use.  or if its possible a merged ESP version for my armor mods and house mods?


i would greatly appreciate the help in this. i have tried to used the CK and only ended up failing and screwing up somewhere. i have spent hours trying to understand the CK and such and i just can't get my head wrapped around it. =(   if you can help with this i would be ecstatic with joy. I bow down to your superior skills.


So I'll be honest... Making a giant castle/player home really isn't something I want to do. Sorry.


If u have the time i would like to request something for solstheim .... bcoz solstheim kind of got left out and i cannot seem to locate anything for solstheim .... something similar to amorous adventures would be awesome but it would require a lot of work..... so if u are interested in that and pick it up that would be great.


Edit: It doesnt need to be voiced quiet dialogues will do as well


Hey I joked in one of the lower replies that no one here cares about Sosltheim, so I guess now I'm kind of obligated to do something here.

*Psst* I have good news though, I've been writing a couple variants of a Dragon Cult based mod for an oooold project (If you're reading this, and you know who you are, yes that one. If one of you writes a story I swear to god I will make the mod as fast as humanly possible) and realized that the version I'm working with works best if instead of Alduin's cult I make it Miraak's cult, so...


how about a marriageable ivy valentine follower? perhaps the mod could also use dialogue taken from the games.


I do not know who Ivy Valentine is.


I would like to see a mod that gives you a "detect life" effect for wearing a blindfold. That, and a complimentary MCM menu to set a distance, Detect life/dead/both.

Maybe it's already included in an existing mod. In that case, anyone knows which one it is?


I don't know if that already exists but I'll look into it when I get a chance. (Read: As soon as I publish the 3 or so projects I am almost done with)



So I have a request. I am not much for slen since it has way to much for me and I like keeping things as simple as possible I was over here and Source: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/66240-sextalk-gay/page-9

Was talking to the mod author:

Quote:I'm not a big fan of slen and was wondering if you'd make a sister/brother mod to this one that enables a female player to have conversation with male players as well. Hetrosexual. Quoting you: (It always annoyed me that NPCs would just walk away, like nothing happened at all. Feels very jarring to me, so that was the main reason I decided to write this mod.) I like your concept! 


I would love you forever  :) kudos!


answer: If I were to attempt straight sex dialog, I would be laughed out of this site.  :D So no, not soemthing I want to tackle. But, the mod has full source, and the license on the d/l page makes it available for any other modder who might wish to make changes. Personally, I would be happy to see it done.

I was wondering if anyone would take this request. Build on his already great concept and make a hetro version. F player on male npc or vise versa



So wait, what are you requesting here? A modified SLEN?


A mod that allows you to control you player character while in TCL. TFC


If you mean move the character and camera at the same time I'm sorry but that just isn't doable, that would require some serious engine tweaking. Well, I'm sure someone much more familiar with the engine than I could probably do it with an SKSE plugin but that is, by definition, not me.

If you want to reposition the camera, I know ther's a mod for that somewhere. I used to play with. Improved or Immersive Camera or something like that.




I want something like this, for a long time. In FNW there is something similar, but ... 




I want a mod that allows NPCs and - very important - followers to sexually abuse the PC in various circumstances.


I mean Skyrim is a medieval world, and from what I remember from history, rape was kinda legal in that time (see jus prima noctis).  Not to mention the poor law enforcement, and lack of human rights.


Also, your followers are just ... following you around and risk their lives... for what? They get no loot, no money. They just stare at your ass all day long, carry your things and (thanks to sexlab) are available to your desires whenever you feel like it. Not fair.


I know about Dangerous Nights, Sexlab Defeat, Submit, Rape, Deviously Naked, SLEN, etc. I tried them. I tried to combine them. I failed.


Basically, if the arousal of a NPC / follower exceeds a limit (MCM configurable) will walk to you and ask for sex (like in Sexlab Approach) but in case of a refuse will rape you. Of course, intimidation / persuasion / bribe should also be options in dialog.


If others (followers or NPCs) witness you being raped, and their morality is low enough (configurable) they wll join the "party".


If you sleep and a follower is horny enough, will take advantage of you. If more or them are, they will do it together, or will take turns. (Dangerous Nights have something similar, but only one follower does it).


Also it should be something like a progression. Say you are sleeping, a follower wakes you and asks for sex, you accept. 1st time will only kisses or masturbate - something light. Then asks a bit more, then even more - real sex, then oral or anal sex, then treesome, etc. And because of arousal mechanics, if you have too many followers you would end up being a sex toy 24/7.


If your health is low (also configurable - like in Sexlab Submit - autosubmit option) a follower might want to "comfort" you. If you refuse... will abuse you.


And there should be consequences for rape / extended sex. Like stats lowered, slow movement, increased chance of extra assaults, etc. Not permanent, but bad and long enough to make the player think twice before submitting to a potential abuser.


I'd also want to add that PC is the worst of the worst from all the Syrim. Steals, kills, rapes, search treasures in graves, wipes out entire species, meddles in politics, sleeps with vampires and werewolves... 


I know is a lot to ask but I'm ready to help if necessary.

I don't know much about Skyrim modding, but I modded FNV a bit (not scripting or texturing, mostly locations - including navmeshing, or altering NPCs stats)




English is my 3rd language, sorry for bad spelling / grammar / poor wording.


Interesting note, I stopped to research Jus Primae Noctis and have discovered that, while an... interesting and believable idea, there is no actual historical evidence that it was ever practiced in Medieval Europe. Not a complaint, just thought you'd find that interesting.


So the first part (People walk up when aroused, ask for sex and rape on refusal) is 100% doable in Scent of Sex, I have something similar running in my game actually. If you're having trouble setting it up, try the Scent of Sex support thread or I think there's a whole thread for sharing rules.


As far as the follower part, I actually intend on doing something along those lines very soon. Well, soon for me, meaning you'll see it before the heat death of the universe.


And you have phenomenal English, even for a first language, let alone a third. 


Nobody make something about rieklings ?


Is this a request for something about Reiklings (please be more specific) or a general complaint?

Either way, most people here seem to just kind of ignore Solstheim/Dragonborn We got one animation for every creature (and then a surge in Rieklings briefly) and then just kinda nothing.


So I guess if an animator is reading this, please make more animations for the Ash Hoppers, and Seekers. And Netches if you're doing wish fulfillment, but if I had to choose that list is in order of my priority.


a catfight arena like one in oblivion ??


So.... as someone who hasn't played Oblivion in a really REALLY long time, and someone who has only just recently installed an LL mod for Oblivion for the first time, I'll need some context and a link for explanation.

Firstly: Is this in the game, or some mod you want mimicked?

Second: Can I get a wiki-link or mod-link to check it out?




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CarmelPop12, on 30 Dec 2016 - 5:27 PM, said:snapback.png


So I have a request. I am not much for slen since it has way to much for me and I like keeping things as simple as possible I was over here and Source: http://www.loverslab...talk-gay/page-9

Was talking to the mod author:

Quote:I'm not a big fan of slen and was wondering if you'd make a sister/brother mod to this one that enables a female player to have conversation with male players as well. Hetrosexual. Quoting you: (It always annoyed me that NPCs would just walk away, like nothing happened at all. Feels very jarring to me, so that was the main reason I decided to write this mod.) I like your concept! 


I would love you forever   :) kudos!


answer: If I were to attempt straight sex dialog, I would be laughed out of this site.   :D So no, not soemthing I want to tackle. But, the mod has full source, and the license on the d/l page makes it available for any other modder who might wish to make changes. Personally, I would be happy to see it done.

I was wondering if anyone would take this request. Build on his already great concept and make a hetro version. F player on male npc or vise versa



So wait, what are you requesting here? A modified SLEN?


A conversion of http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/3171-sextalk-gay/ is a simpler version of slen but the one he's made only has gay talk in it I'm just asking to make a hetro sex talk version. The mods already made it just needs to be adjusted/talk replaced for hetro encounters. He's even stated above he'd like to see it done.


btw thanks for the fast response! Thanks for your time as well.

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I'll be honest, that sounds like way more work (and therefore a much larger project) than I'm willing to add to my schedule for now. Plus, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm 90% sure there's already a mod to break armor somewhere around here. I never played with it (or followed it) because it seemed like a hassle to set up, and the version in FONV never seemed to work for me, so i dont know if it works or is complete but...


What? Yeah, literally the first thing in my post was that I said there's already a mod to break armor, that's the point: On the one hand you already have a working system to break armor (but limited to the entire armor at once, or only custom armors for the player)... and on the other hand you already have a working system to put all NPCs in modular armor that you could just point the first mod at to break piece by piece... just reverse the process that the second mod uses to put the pieces on in the first place.

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An idea : the imaginary sister/brother... Sheogorath themed mod.


The quest occur in an Asylum, some orniric worlds, and Skyrim


Player is hired as a guardian by Solitude Asylum (there is an asylum in Skyrim ?). Have to find an escaped patient, etc... one of the patients (disciple of Sheogorath) will trigger the main quest.


Player awake a day, and find a letter from his/her sister/brother...

They travel, make quests, and more...

Finnaly, the travels became to be very strange... (let's visit the oniric worlds !).

Player finally awake... as a patient of the asylum, cured from his madness. All the story was just an hallucination.




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<Obligatory apology for lack of update/mods>

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way:

  • Secret project almost done on my side, like, one or two days left of work to do on my end, but then the whole project has to wait on a few more models/textures. Also, I've horribly underestimated how long it would take me to do things on this project before, but don't really expect another update from me on the Secret project unless I become the limiting factor (I.E. The models are delivered before my esp/scripts)
  • Mentalites (I don't remember how I referred to this one before) is goin to be a neat little framework that keeps track of a few stats for modders to do with as they please (Do not worry, little to no overlap with Devious Framework (go check that out) but hopefully cross-support. if you're the author of Dfw and reading this, hit me up by the way, otherwise I'm gonna wait till I get a beta out). Anyways Mentalities is about to roll into a public Beta thing, after I finish a few tweaks to the code (numbers to change/input. That's literally almost all I have left rn) and I'm going to need a LOT of feedback on balancing/stats and things. plus suggestions
  • One last resource/mod that a lot of y'all are gonna like (and will hopefully be big) is also almost done. down to almost exclusively number tweaking right now. @Grine if you're reading this A) thanks for not giving up on me entirely yet and B) I swear to god it's almost done, I'm unhappy with the balancing a bit but there's some kind of beta/alpha thing coming very soon. I'll send you a message with more details about what's changed soon.

So my plan is to roll these three things out in varying stages of release, and then slow it down on large projects for a little bit (Insert joke about me not being able t go slower) and do three things:

1: Support/update those projects based on feedback in early releases

2: Add a few features to CANS + Compatibility patches because it's mostly being ignored. Note to self: reexamine the inflation framework mod to see if I should even bother competing

3: Make/Look into several (if not many) smaller/simpler mods from this thread. No big quests, just simple things to do. Like a couple of the requests in this post.


You know the drill, replies below the spoiler.







Suggestion #1: Try to use unique names for your mod and it's scripts. (I'm not saying that it isn't, and haven't checked to see if any others may be out there using the same name that you plan to use, so I really do not know. This is just a suggestion or advice, in general, for all modders.)


Suggestion #2: Do not over-simplify file names. I have a few very cryptic mods in my load order that I often forget what they do and need to view the code just to remember if or when they are needed. Believe it or not, one mod creator named his entire mod archive just "V3.0". Let it be somewhat descriptive, so that when people are selecting what mods they wish to use, they know your mod, without having to dig into it to remind themselves.


Suggestion #3: When given the choice to either make content an add-on, or a replacer, strongly consider choosing to make it add-on. Replacers are one of the biggest headaches when a person wishes to try different mods or revert to "vanilla" for a fresh start. It should be understood that there will be occasions where the only option may be replacers, but the fewer, the better.


Suggestion #4: I am not in any way a real modder just yet, since I haven't even officially made my first (excluding Bodyslide conversions and creating a bunch of console batch files for my own personal use, so disregard anything I say unless you feel they may be good advice.  ;)




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Interesting note, I stopped to research Jus Primae Noctis and have discovered that, while an... interesting and believable idea, there is no actual historical evidence that it was ever practiced in Medieval Europe. Not a complaint, just thought you'd find that interesting.


So the first part (People walk up when aroused, ask for sex and rape on refusal) is 100% doable in Scent of Sex, I have something similar running in my game actually. If you're having trouble setting it up, try the Scent of Sex support thread or I think there's a whole thread for sharing rules.


As far as the follower part, I actually intend on doing something along those lines very soon. Well, soon for me, meaning you'll see it before the heat death of the universe.


And you have phenomenal English, even for a first language, let alone a third. 





Thank you for the reply.


When I had Approach installed, I ended up being annoyed by followers begging for sex in the most inappropriate moments. Not to mention was *sort of* performance unfriendly. So I uninstalled it, but in the moment I was pushing "delete", it hit me: "If they piss me off just because they ask for sex, how would someone feel being rejected all the time?"


From there it just... grown by itself.

Follower part + sexual favors progression are kind of a big deal for me, especially because there is nothing similar at this moment.


The consequences too. The mods regarding rape / sex consequences are either too light, or made for pure fun. (I mean... you suck 1000 dicks, you gain perk "cooksucker" and you can't be staggered in combat... umm... because you spent a lot of time on your knees and now you have strong legs. Seriously?)


Anyway, please let me know if you want any of my help at all regarding this project.

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I'll be honest, that sounds like way more work (and therefore a much larger project) than I'm willing to add to my schedule for now. Plus, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm 90% sure there's already a mod to break armor somewhere around here. I never played with it (or followed it) because it seemed like a hassle to set up, and the version in FONV never seemed to work for me, so i dont know if it works or is complete but...


What? Yeah, literally the first thing in my post was that I said there's already a mod to break armor, that's the point: On the one hand you already have a working system to break armor (but limited to the entire armor at once, or only custom armors for the player)... and on the other hand you already have a working system to put all NPCs in modular armor that you could just point the first mod at to break piece by piece... just reverse the process that the second mod uses to put the pieces on in the first place.



No I don't mean just sudden destruction I mean like degradation, last I checked it broke it in kind of layers so you were wearing less and less armor; which is wildly different from the mod you linked to. 'Course, like I said I haven't really checked it out in like... two years or so. Secondly, the distribution of armor is done almost certainly through levelled lists which are incredibly convenient for distributing armor/weapons but not for literally anything else so "reversing the process" is not nearly as simple as you make it sound there. A mod to simply remove a random piece of armor on a hit seems like (emphasis on SEEMS LIKE because I have done literally zero research into figuring out what is worn and what's not as of now) it could be done through a simple script, although if it tracks damage to the armor, or there's more than like... four people in a fight you're gonna get some serious lag.


An idea : the imaginary sister/brother... Sheogorath themed mod.


The quest occur in an Asylum, some orniric worlds, and Skyrim


Player is hired as a guardian by Solitude Asylum (there is an asylum in Skyrim ?). Have to find an escaped patient, etc... one of the patients (disciple of Sheogorath) will trigger the main quest.


Player awake a day, and find a letter from his/her sister/brother...

They travel, make quests, and more...

Finnaly, the travels became to be very strange... (let's visit the oniric worlds !).

Player finally awake... as a patient of the asylum, cured from his madness. All the story was just an hallucination.






<Obligatory apology for lack of update/mods>

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way:

  • Secret project almost done on my side, like, one or two days left of work to do on my end, but then the whole project has to wait on a few more models/textures. Also, I've horribly underestimated how long it would take me to do things on this project before, but don't really expect another update from me on the Secret project unless I become the limiting factor (I.E. The models are delivered before my esp/scripts)
  • Mentalites (I don't remember how I referred to this one before) is goin to be a neat little framework that keeps track of a few stats for modders to do with as they please (Do not worry, little to no overlap with Devious Framework (go check that out) but hopefully cross-support. if you're the author of Dfw and reading this, hit me up by the way, otherwise I'm gonna wait till I get a beta out). Anyways Mentalities is about to roll into a public Beta thing, after I finish a few tweaks to the code (numbers to change/input. That's literally almost all I have left rn) and I'm going to need a LOT of feedback on balancing/stats and things. plus suggestions
  • One last resource/mod that a lot of y'all are gonna like (and will hopefully be big) is also almost done. down to almost exclusively number tweaking right now. @Grine if you're reading this A) thanks for not giving up on me entirely yet and B) I swear to god it's almost done, I'm unhappy with the balancing a bit but there's some kind of beta/alpha thing coming very soon. I'll send you a message with more details about what's changed soon.

So my plan is to roll these three things out in varying stages of release, and then slow it down on large projects for a little bit (Insert joke about me not being able t go slower) and do three things:

1: Support/update those projects based on feedback in early releases

2: Add a few features to CANS + Compatibility patches because it's mostly being ignored. Note to self: reexamine the inflation framework mod to see if I should even bother competing

3: Make/Look into several (if not many) smaller/simpler mods from this thread. No big quests, just simple things to do. Like a couple of the requests in this post.


You know the drill, replies below the spoiler.







Suggestion #1: Try to use unique names for your mod and it's scripts. (I'm not saying that it isn't, and haven't checked to see if any others may be out there using the same name that you plan to use, so I really do not know. This is just a suggestion or advice, in general, for all modders.)


Suggestion #2: Do not over-simplify file names. I have a few very cryptic mods in my load order that I often forget what they do and need to view the code just to remember if or when they are needed. Believe it or not, one mod creator named his entire mod archive just "V3.0". Let it be somewhat descriptive, so that when people are selecting what mods they wish to use, they know your mod, without having to dig into it to remind themselves.


Suggestion #3: When given the choice to either make content an add-on, or a replacer, strongly consider choosing to make it add-on. Replacers are one of the biggest headaches when a person wishes to try different mods or revert to "vanilla" for a fresh start. It should be understood that there will be occasions where the only option may be replacers, but the fewer, the better.


Suggestion #4: I am not in any way a real modder just yet, since I haven't even officially made my first (excluding Bodyslide conversions and creating a bunch of console batch files for my own personal use, so disregard anything I say unless you feel they may be good advice.  ;)



Full Disclosure: If this is in response to that message I'm not quite seeing the direct connection but these are all valid points. Personally all of my scripts (Even the fragments, make sure you rename those or you're a garbage person begging for conflicts) start with a 3 or 4 letter identifier, as do the ID's for everything else in the mod (You can look through CANS in the CK or TES5Edit if you want to double check) and the archive is the Name (or abbreviation/Acronym/Initialism) and then the version for simple, quick sorting. Also I don't think anything I'll be doing any time soon would work as a replacer.






Interesting note, I stopped to research Jus Primae Noctis and have discovered that, while an... interesting and believable idea, there is no actual historical evidence that it was ever practiced in Medieval Europe. Not a complaint, just thought you'd find that interesting.


So the first part (People walk up when aroused, ask for sex and rape on refusal) is 100% doable in Scent of Sex, I have something similar running in my game actually. If you're having trouble setting it up, try the Scent of Sex support thread or I think there's a whole thread for sharing rules.


As far as the follower part, I actually intend on doing something along those lines very soon. Well, soon for me, meaning you'll see it before the heat death of the universe.


And you have phenomenal English, even for a first language, let alone a third. 





Thank you for the reply.


When I had Approach installed, I ended up being annoyed by followers begging for sex in the most inappropriate moments. Not to mention was *sort of* performance unfriendly. So I uninstalled it, but in the moment I was pushing "delete", it hit me: "If they piss me off just because they ask for sex, how would someone feel being rejected all the time?"


From there it just... grown by itself.


Follower part + sexual favors progression are kind of a big deal for me, especially because there is nothing similar at this moment.


The consequences too. The mods regarding rape / sex consequences are either too light, or made for pure fun. (I mean... you suck 1000 dicks, you gain perk "cooksucker" and you can't be staggered in combat... umm... because you spent a lot of time on your knees and now you have strong legs. Seriously?)


Anyway, please let me know if you want any of my help at all regarding this project.


As soon as I start working on it I'll be sure to tell you so i can feedback or more suggestions.

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Hi! I imagine you're swamped with requests but I figured there's no harm in adding another whether or not you're able to do it c: I've been absolutely dying for a femboy type mod since I found loverslab because honestly I just want to be a femboy. Anyways there are a couple of people working on a mod a bit but it's slow going and they could probably use some help coding. Which isn't to be rude to them I just know it's not easy! Hope you're managing well and don't hesitate to put everything on hold to take time for yourself!! You rock!! c:

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Full Disclosure: If this is in response to that message I'm not quite seeing the direct connection but these are all valid points. Personally all of my scripts (Even the fragments, make sure you rename those or you're a garbage person begging for conflicts) start with a 3 or 4 letter identifier, as do the ID's for everything else in the mod (You can look through CANS in the CK or TES5Edit if you want to double check) and the archive is the Name (or abbreviation/Acronym/Initialism) and then the version for simple, quick sorting. Also I don't think anything I'll be doing any time soon would work as a replacer.



Sorry about that. When I tried to quote, there was an error in selecting text and all of the nested quotes within became a big mess. While trying to edit to fix, it lost the actual text I was referring to, which was another reply where you had mentioned (rough paraphrase) that "despite being busy and quiet for a while, that you were still accepting requests and suggestions". So I offered a few fairly random suggestions. (Admittedly, also to remind myself when I clean up some space to try working on my first mod.)



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Hi! I imagine you're swamped with requests but I figured there's no harm in adding another whether or not you're able to do it c: I've been absolutely dying for a femboy type mod since I found loverslab because honestly I just want to be a femboy. Anyways there are a couple of people working on a mod a bit but it's slow going and they could probably use some help coding. Which isn't to be rude to them I just know it's not easy! Hope you're managing well and don't hesitate to put everything on hold to take time for yourself!! You rock!! c:


There does seem to be a large demand for this kind of thing, I could have sworn I saw a release for one already though... I'm pretty sure at this point though with a creative combination of SoS and SexLab built in features (and some RaceMenu magic) you could pull it off without a new mod. Well, at least as far as appearances go, actual gameplay would need something new.





Full Disclosure: If this is in response to that message I'm not quite seeing the direct connection but these are all valid points. Personally all of my scripts (Even the fragments, make sure you rename those or you're a garbage person begging for conflicts) start with a 3 or 4 letter identifier, as do the ID's for everything else in the mod (You can look through CANS in the CK or TES5Edit if you want to double check) and the archive is the Name (or abbreviation/Acronym/Initialism) and then the version for simple, quick sorting. Also I don't think anything I'll be doing any time soon would work as a replacer.



Sorry about that. When I tried to quote, there was an error in selecting text and all of the nested quotes within became a big mess. While trying to edit to fix, it lost the actual text I was referring to, which was another reply where you had mentioned (rough paraphrase) that "despite being busy and quiet for a while, that you were still accepting requests and suggestions". So I offered a few fairly random suggestions. (Admittedly, also to remind myself when I clean up some space to try working on my first mod.)





Ah, I got you. Those were wonderful suggestions though.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have an idea for a mod that would be called "Fully Animated Skyrim" (or something along these lines).

The mod would involve animation (BUT HOLD ON! Don't go away) but the animations that already exist in the game.

Ok, so straight to the point:

- I bet that most of you have noticed, that when you use some items (chairs etc.) your character teleports to the desired position to make a sitting animation. So this mod would get rid of that and instead of that weird teleport, your character would actually walk to desired position and then execute the animation. That would look much better imo.

- Another feature I was thinking about is adding animations for EVERY (or almost every) action your character does: Opening door, using lever, using bed, opening containers, looting bodies, lockpicking etc. These animations are already in the game, but the player character doesn't execute them.


All of the above options could be changed via MCM (for exemple someone will be tired of looting bodies animations, so he could turn that animation off).




Well, this is simple in concept, but probably harder to do.

So I wish there was a mod like PSQ with an option to level up like in Succubus Heart.

The second mod has amazing option to level up, but unfortunately I don't like most of other options it has.

Some fine mix of those two would be best succubus mod there is.






By the way... Any chance to see it in forseeable future? :)



I have a mod in mind, but it would be quite a lot of work. The idea consists of 2 parts - one is the item itself, the second one is a playerhome tied to the item. Even if you just finish part 1, that would be awesome. Ok, here goes the idea:




Bound Devious Sword of Magicka - B.D.S.M.









PART I: The Blade


So I hope everyone remember the Bloodskal Blade? You know, the one with badass looks and cool and unique power of sending a "laser" beam into enemies? Yeah, the one that was crap.

So here comes my idea: I want a spell that gives me a bound weapon that looks like the Bloodskal Blade (best if it had a red bound weapon effect on it, or at least half-transparent to show that it's a bound weapon). Normal attacks would just send those red beams, dealing high damage (damage would depend on our max magicka?). Killing enemies with a beam would change them into ashes.

The cool (And most important) stuff would begin with power attack: a power attack would have few effects put together into one:

- It would send a powerful beam that would use all of your remaining magicka and changing it into damage (for example 40 magicka=40 damage. It could be changed in MCM?).

- The beam would do a powerful push, maybe even more powerful than fus-ro-dah

- And finally, most important one: if the beam hits some obstacle, it would open a portal right infront of said obstacle. It would look just like a portal in diablo, but in red color.






PART II: Playerhome


So the portal would lead to your playerhome, which would be a succubus themed "realm". It would be based in something like Apocrypha, but instead of knowledge-themed it would be BDSM-themed. The realm would be a two-leveled cell:

Lower level would be on platforms near that black water where the entrance and important stuff (containers and crafting stuff) would be. Higher level would be on a floating rock, above the first level, where there would be a proper house (small, Solitude-themed mansion).


There would be quite a few NPC's around the realm, hanging on various torture devices (crosses, hanging on chains from that floating rock etc.)





As I said, it would already be cool if you considered of doing only the first part, with a teleport to one of the major cities or something.

Ofcourse I have no idea what is and what is not possible to make, so some of my ideas for this mod may have to be changed.




Very interesting idea. I would like to do this eventually (or soon provided I figure out the few issues) but there are a few caveats:

1) I think the bound effect is tied to another model, if I can get the effect to apply right I will.

2) The force effect may not be as impressive as you're imagining

3) The portal visual will probably be a bit half-assed

4) I'm kind of shit at player homes so it would probably be a few releases before it was good

5) Water is weird in the CK so I am afraid of it. I guess I could give it a shot though

6) Sword seems overpowered, would probably add some kind of drawback or devious requirement/bonus/penalty. Probably optional via mcm

Bonus post: I'm proud of myself for not breaking anything on the mobile interface. I still hate this.



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I have an idea for a mod that would be called "Fully Animated Skyrim" (or something along these lines).

The mod would involve animation (BUT HOLD ON! Don't go away) but the animations that already exist in the game.

Ok, so straight to the point:

- I bet that most of you have noticed, that when you use some items (chairs etc.) your character teleports to the desired position to make a sitting animation. So this mod would get rid of that and instead of that weird teleport, your character would actually walk to desired position and then execute the animation. That would look much better imo.

- Another feature I was thinking about is adding animations for EVERY (or almost every) action your character does: Opening door, using lever, using bed, opening containers, looting bodies, lockpicking etc. These animations are already in the game, but the player character doesn't execute them.


All of the above options could be changed via MCM (for exemple someone will be tired of looting bodies animations, so he could turn that animation off).




Well, this is simple in concept, but probably harder to do.

So I wish there was a mod like PSQ with an option to level up like in Succubus Heart.

The second mod has amazing option to level up, but unfortunately I don't like most of other options it has.

Some fine mix of those two would be best succubus mod there is.






By the way... Any chance to see it in forseeable future? :)

No chance at all, what you want would require a change to the underlying game mechanics and would require Bethesda to fix the game, that simply isn't going to happen no matter how much we wish it would.

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I have an idea for a mod that would be called "Fully Animated Skyrim" (or something along these lines).

The mod would involve animation (BUT HOLD ON! Don't go away) but the animations that already exist in the game.

Ok, so straight to the point:

- I bet that most of you have noticed, that when you use some items (chairs etc.) your character teleports to the desired position to make a sitting animation. So this mod would get rid of that and instead of that weird teleport, your character would actually walk to desired position and then execute the animation. That would look much better imo.

- Another feature I was thinking about is adding animations for EVERY (or almost every) action your character does: Opening door, using lever, using bed, opening containers, looting bodies, lockpicking etc. These animations are already in the game, but the player character doesn't execute them.


All of the above options could be changed via MCM (for exemple someone will be tired of looting bodies animations, so he could turn that animation off).




Well, this is simple in concept, but probably harder to do.

So I wish there was a mod like PSQ with an option to level up like in Succubus Heart.

The second mod has amazing option to level up, but unfortunately I don't like most of other options it has.

Some fine mix of those two would be best succubus mod there is.






By the way... Any chance to see it in forseeable future? :)


No chance at all, what you want would require a change to the underlying game mechanics and would require Bethesda to fix the game, that simply isn't going to happen no matter how much we wish it would.



You probably mean the character walking to execute animation? Well, still it would be cool to see the other part of my idea.


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Hi, is it possible to create the mod regarding to human traffic and underground forced prostitution? It could involve corruption of high official staff within both side of the civil war. Skyrim is in chao it might be an perfect opportunity for these kind of things happen in Skyrim. Officially, forced prostitution (or sex slave) is illegal, but unofficially, there is huge demand for these kind of service. For the imperial side, it never lack those full of greed, power and ambitious like Eric in Solitude or Maven Blackmair in Riften; for Stormclock side, Jarl needs money to fund its war against empire, and possible the elf after. And judging by the treatment to dark elf  and other outsider in Windhalm, I don't think Jarl of Windhalm would care too much to human traffic and forced prostitution to those people as long as there is no nord being a victim. 


Player can either be kidnapped, or tricked into enslavement, (similar to how player got involved in Wolfclub Mod), or being hired by city official to investigate the missing in girl around the area and try to get the button of it. 


Anyway, it is just my simple idea and thanks in advance for taking your time to look into it. I know your time is very previous.

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I would like to see a mod that turns the victims of cages , x chains or pillory's into places where npc's perform idles like standing round a fire together rubing there hands but round a tied bandit and rubbing other things , maybe as an activate option for player . would like to see my character have all of whiterun finger her pussy and grope her body and not be able to do anything about it.

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Guess who is here and about to release something (like, tomorrow probably. maybe tonight, we'll see how much I get done)





I have an idea for a mod that would be called "Fully Animated Skyrim" (or something along these lines).

The mod would involve animation (BUT HOLD ON! Don't go away) but the animations that already exist in the game.

Ok, so straight to the point:

- I bet that most of you have noticed, that when you use some items (chairs etc.) your character teleports to the desired position to make a sitting animation. So this mod would get rid of that and instead of that weird teleport, your character would actually walk to desired position and then execute the animation. That would look much better imo.

- Another feature I was thinking about is adding animations for EVERY (or almost every) action your character does: Opening door, using lever, using bed, opening containers, looting bodies, lockpicking etc. These animations are already in the game, but the player character doesn't execute them.


All of the above options could be changed via MCM (for exemple someone will be tired of looting bodies animations, so he could turn that animation off).




Well, this is simple in concept, but probably harder to do.

So I wish there was a mod like PSQ with an option to level up like in Succubus Heart.

The second mod has amazing option to level up, but unfortunately I don't like most of other options it has.

Some fine mix of those two would be best succubus mod there is.






By the way... Any chance to see it in forseeable future? :)



I have a mod in mind, but it would be quite a lot of work. The idea consists of 2 parts - one is the item itself, the second one is a playerhome tied to the item. Even if you just finish part 1, that would be awesome. Ok, here goes the idea:




Bound Devious Sword of Magicka - B.D.S.M.









PART I: The Blade


So I hope everyone remember the Bloodskal Blade? You know, the one with badass looks and cool and unique power of sending a "laser" beam into enemies? Yeah, the one that was crap.

So here comes my idea: I want a spell that gives me a bound weapon that looks like the Bloodskal Blade (best if it had a red bound weapon effect on it, or at least half-transparent to show that it's a bound weapon). Normal attacks would just send those red beams, dealing high damage (damage would depend on our max magicka?). Killing enemies with a beam would change them into ashes.

The cool (And most important) stuff would begin with power attack: a power attack would have few effects put together into one:

- It would send a powerful beam that would use all of your remaining magicka and changing it into damage (for example 40 magicka=40 damage. It could be changed in MCM?).

- The beam would do a powerful push, maybe even more powerful than fus-ro-dah

- And finally, most important one: if the beam hits some obstacle, it would open a portal right infront of said obstacle. It would look just like a portal in diablo, but in red color.






PART II: Playerhome


So the portal would lead to your playerhome, which would be a succubus themed "realm". It would be based in something like Apocrypha, but instead of knowledge-themed it would be BDSM-themed. The realm would be a two-leveled cell:

Lower level would be on platforms near that black water where the entrance and important stuff (containers and crafting stuff) would be. Higher level would be on a floating rock, above the first level, where there would be a proper house (small, Solitude-themed mansion).


There would be quite a few NPC's around the realm, hanging on various torture devices (crosses, hanging on chains from that floating rock etc.)





As I said, it would already be cool if you considered of doing only the first part, with a teleport to one of the major cities or something.

Ofcourse I have no idea what is and what is not possible to make, so some of my ideas for this mod may have to be changed.




Very interesting idea. I would like to do this eventually (or soon provided I figure out the few issues) but there are a few caveats:

1) I think the bound effect is tied to another model, if I can get the effect to apply right I will.

2) The force effect may not be as impressive as you're imagining

3) The portal visual will probably be a bit half-assed

4) I'm kind of shit at player homes so it would probably be a few releases before it was good

5) Water is weird in the CK so I am afraid of it. I guess I could give it a shot though

6) Sword seems overpowered, would probably add some kind of drawback or devious requirement/bonus/penalty. Probably optional via mcm

Bonus post: I'm proud of myself for not breaking anything on the mobile interface. I still hate this.




So like WaxenFigure  said, the first part is not a thing that a modder can do unfortunately. For the second one let me hash out my plans here real quick: I'm about to pass off development on one project to the rest of them as my part will be done for now (got to wait on some finished models/textures from another guy) and roll out beta builds for two framwork/resources things that will hopefully fit well into a lot of things. One of them for instance will synergize very well with Devious Framework. After that I'm gonna work on a few small updates to fix bugs and turn out some smaller mods while I figure out what to do next. I've got a couple of plans here and there, but I definitely want to do something with Succubus's in the near-ish future (not top of the list but high up there) so I'll take this into heavy consideration.


Edit: I actually spent a little while looking into the mechanics behind that sword a little while back out of curiosity. Maybe not the near future, but forseeable yes.


do you  work with jcontainer ?


I can, anything specific?


Hi, is it possible to create the mod regarding to human traffic and underground forced prostitution? It could involve corruption of high official staff within both side of the civil war. Skyrim is in chao it might be an perfect opportunity for these kind of things happen in Skyrim. Officially, forced prostitution (or sex slave) is illegal, but unofficially, there is huge demand for these kind of service. For the imperial side, it never lack those full of greed, power and ambitious like Eric in Solitude or Maven Blackmair in Riften; for Stormclock side, Jarl needs money to fund its war against empire, and possible the elf after. And judging by the treatment to dark elf  and other outsider in Windhalm, I don't think Jarl of Windhalm would care too much to human traffic and forced prostitution to those people as long as there is no nord being a victim. 


Player can either be kidnapped, or tricked into enslavement, (similar to how player got involved in Wolfclub Mod), or being hired by city official to investigate the missing in girl around the area and try to get the button of it. 


Anyway, it is just my simple idea and thanks in advance for taking your time to look into it. I know your time is very previous.


This is definitely something I want to look into, once I cool-off/recharge on a few smaller mods this is gonna be kinda high up there.


I would like to see a mod that turns the victims of cages , x chains or pillory's into places where npc's perform idles like standing round a fire together rubing there hands but round a tied bandit and rubbing other things , maybe as an activate option for player . would like to see my character have all of whiterun finger her pussy and grope her body and not be able to do anything about it.


So the big issue here is (as per usual) animations. If you can find (or make) animations for those things (whether they're specially made for that or an animation that would line up very well from somewhere else, like warming your hands on the fire) I can take a crack at it. In the mean time, Devious Framework offers not quite this but somrthing I'm sure you'd get a kick out of.

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How about a simple spell that makes the player/npc leave puddles of cum after sex? You can use the cum effect in Cum on Anything for example, but have it drip out similar to Egg Factory. You can then easily add the spell to a ini, and utilize it with Sexlabutil1. It would help make sex more immersive.





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