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Paid Modding is gone... or is it?


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Looks like Valve has heard enough of complaints.


Though can anyone else confirm this?



EDIT: Yep it's moved off steam



AND kudos to Valve for keeping their word, although they brought this on them.


Victory for us all! Well majority of us that is. Somewhere, someplace SkyUI team are facepalming themselves...


I just wonder though, like teams like SkyUI, what will they do now? Are they going stop working on SkyUI now?


Shame some of the modders who supported this got all of the hate and will now forever be remembered for supporting a failed project. 



posted by Alden @ 06:04PM on April 27, 2015
We're going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop. For anyone who spent money on a mod, we'll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.


We've done this because it's clear we didn't understand exactly what we were doing. We've been shipping many features over the years aimed at allowing community creators to receive a share of the rewards, and in the past, they've been received well. It's obvious now that this case is different.


To help you understand why we thought this was a good idea, our main goals were to allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to, and to encourage developers to provide better support to their mod communities. We thought this would result in better mods for everyone, both free & paid. We wanted more great mods becoming great products, like Dota, Counter-strike, DayZ, and Killing Floor, and we wanted that to happen organically for any mod maker who wanted to take a shot at it.


But we underestimated the differences between our previously successful revenue sharing models, and the addition of paid mods to Skyrim's workshop. We understand our own game's communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating. We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here.


Now that you've backed a dump truck of feedback onto our inboxes, we'll be chewing through that, but if you have any further thoughts let us know.

LOL.. That is what market research is for.. ;)



Valve: "Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating."

Bethesda: "More games are coming to Paid Mods on Steam soon"


Just keep in mind that paid modding will return.


For Fallout 4.. :dodgy:


Then they will believe that modding community won't be "mature" so it won't be as much of a problem..


Well they would have had me prepay for the game when it was announced now.. I can't. I will have to wait until I see what disasters they create and the dust to settle to decide if indeed it is worth my hard earned cash. If it is a paid for mod game system.. That will take more money from their purchases if I even decide to buy it.


Valve: "Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating."

Bethesda: "More games are coming to Paid Mods on Steam soon"


Just keep in mind that paid modding will return.


I bet that they will ship it with new game, and they will be like "It can't be removed now" like simcity couldn't work offline.


I just wonder though, like teams like SkyUI, what will they do now? Are they going stop working on SkyUI now?


Shame some of the modders who supported this got all of the hate and will now forever be remembered for supporting a failed project. 


Most of the community seems to want their heads on a pike. I doubt many will have the motivation to continue their work, and we can't really blame them for that.




Looks like Valve has heard enough of complaints.


Though can anyone else confirm this?


EDIT: Yep it's moved off steam


You can close this topic now I suppose since I was unaware people were posting this on the other thread.


AND kudos to Valve for keeping their word, although they brought this on them.


Victory for us all! Well majority of us that is. Somewhere, someplace SkyUI team are facepalming themselves...

Your username serves as a premonition to things to come, maybenexttime mods will be paid xD


It'll come in the next Bethesda game, or the one after. So either TES VI or FO4. As someone else correctly noted, when you read between the lines they were like "oops, this mod community is establised, we'll get you all in the wallets with the next game."


For Fallout 4.. :dodgy:


Then they will believe that modding community won't be "mature" so it won't be as much of a problem..


Well they would have had me prepay for the game when it was announced now.. I can't. I will have to wait until I see what disasters they create and the dust to settle to decide if indeed it is worth my hard earned cash. If it is a paid for mod game system.. That will take more money from their purchases if I even decide to buy it.


If Fallout 4 isn't on Steam. They plan to use a paid modding model and/or are butt hurt and wont release modding tools.


If Fallout 4 is on Steam. We're in the clear. And won't have to worry about that since Valve isn't going to lose sales since the IP has the same fan base as Skyrim and would boycott the game if a paid modding model was used. They might still be butt hurt and not release modding tools.


I just wonder though, like teams like SkyUI, what will they do now? Are they going stop working on SkyUI now?


They were only working on it again because they were going to make money from it.  Now that they can't make money from it I expect development to stop.


I want to know exactly how many people actually **paid** for a mod and how many were actually sock puppet/fake accounts trying to make it actually look like it was working and people were buying the mods. Guess I no longer need adblocker for the workshop since I used it to block all paid mod showcases paid mod tabs most popular tab.


If Bethesda comes out with a new game I'll wait till it's in the bargain bin price range and people have had enough time to beat burn spray nuke ECT all the bugs that come with their games so it will be playable.

Guest endgameaddiction


For Fallout 4.. :dodgy:


Then they will believe that modding community won't be "mature" so it won't be as much of a problem..


Well they would have had me prepay for the game when it was announced now.. I can't. I will have to wait until I see what disasters they create and the dust to settle to decide if indeed it is worth my hard earned cash. If it is a paid for mod game system.. That will take more money from their purchases if I even decide to buy it.


If Fallout 4 isn't on Steam. They plan to use a paid modding model and/or are butt hurt and wont release modding tools.


If Fallout 4 is on Steam. We're in the clear. And won't have to worry about that since Valve isn't going to lose sales since the IP has the same fan base as Skyrim and would boycott the game if a paid modding model was used. They might still be butt hurt and not release modding tools.



Probably so, but it's not going to stop programmers making one. Or if the source code is needed then nvm. We'll only have mesh and texture replacers. And that is sucky thing because your character chick wears a bikini so do all the rest of the females that wear that same armor . Man, I hated modding MMO for that reason.



I want to know exactly how many people actually **paid** for a mod and how many were actually sock puppet/fake accounts trying to make it actually look like it was working and people were buying the mods. Guess I no longer need adblocker for the workshop since I used it to block all paid mod showcases paid mod tabs most popular tab.


If Bethesda comes out with a new game I'll wait till it's in the bargain bin price range and people have had enough time to beat burn spray nuke ECT all the bugs that come with their games so it will be playable.


Don't be paranoid, as if there was no "thinking in different way" people in the world.


"Our main goals were to allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to". Yet the company takes 75% of the revenue. Famous last words I'm sure Valve.


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