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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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9 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if people would stab themselves to death just to be contrarian if BLM said 'don't stab yourself'. You can say that the police needs a reform because police brutality is a problem, you can say that the killing of Floyd was wrong without magically agreeing to everything BLM stands for. Disagreeing with something solely because someone you don't like said it is the pinnacle of stupid. Did you know that communists and nazis also ate bread? Better stop doing that.

You need to stop.  Seriously.  You want to know what REAL problems are: CRIME.  MURDER.  LOOTING.  THEFT.  POVERTY.  DRUGS.  These are real problems.  More are effected EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY by each of these things than police brutality occurs in a whole year.  Get some fucking statics or STFU.  I'm sick to death of people parroting some fuckwit who farted in a elevator, had an epiphany and said, police brutality!  Yea, that is what we need to complain about.  Go back and message doughnut operator and ask him if police brutality is an actual thing.  Ask him how many times it occurs in a year.  You won't like the answer because your entire fucking narrative will disappear.  You are more likely to be struck and killed by lightning than to suffer police brutality.  FACT.  So what the fuck are you bitching about?  Lightning?  Farts in elevators?  Oh, and take your own advice lest you end up being a resident at that pinnacle of stupid.

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3 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

Contributing factors  ≠ cause of death

How does that work? Are you selectively trimming out the severity of his drug usage? Why? Yes the cop conducted himself very poorly and it was a cruel display but that's not what killed him, and we know it from the simple fact that he died due to cardiac arrest caused by the high amount of drugs in his system already. This is reinforced by the fact that he was saying "i can't breathe" well before he was even laid down. he was practically wrestling with the police when they tried to detain him which only made his treatment more harsh as a result, that's an escalation he caused. On top of that he was about to drive in that condition had the police not shown up, what if he had killed a someone? 


These things cannot be ignored and dismissed like that, so i don't know why you're so hellbent on doing exactly that.

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6 hours ago, DoctaSax said:

If the coroner rules it a homicide by asphyxiation, it usually is.

Yep.  Except coroners have been wrong a number of times:  http://www.louisianaweekly.com/coroner’s-office-has-been-‘dead-wrong’-in-series-of-critical-autopsies/  and  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/04/25/coronavirus-death-toll-hard-track-1-3-death-certificates-wrong/3020778001/


And let's not go down the covid trail:  https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/data-analytics/florida-covid-19-fatalities-data-included-man-who-died-in-motorcycle-accident.html


Cause of death is not as easy to determine as you might think.  Folks have been watching too much TV and think that is somehow reality.  It isn't even close.

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6 hours ago, Tyrant99 said:

Let's put aside individuals for a second and talk strictly in terms of conduct and precedent.


Is it a good idea for a police officer to put their knee on someone's neck where their body weight will cause compression the person's trachea for an extended period of time? Such a thing is virtually guaranteed to make it difficult or impossible for the person to breath. Would you agree that eight straight minutes of this treatment could be pretty fucking dangerous, no matter who is on the receiving end of getting their throat compressed?


Is this a good precedent to have? Should police get away scott-free for such conduct? Should other Americans be treated this way? Do you want to try it out yourself on your next traffic stop?


But then again, judging from your pic, maybe you're used to a low oxygen environment.

Wow.  Just Wow.  So rather than actually read what I wrote (I guess reading is so very hard for you....maybe asking you to do it is even racist?) over the course of 4 or 5 different posts that the police actions were not ideal and that I was hopeful that they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, you just had to jump in and blather nonsense that has ZERO to do with anything I've said.  ZERO.  Congratulations for being on that path to the pinnacle of stupid that someone mentioned.  Keep those little arms pumping, you are almost there.  


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9 hours ago, GrimReaper said:

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if people would stab themselves to death just to be contrarian if BLM said 'don't stab yourself'. You can say that the police needs a reform because police brutality is a problem, you can say that the killing of Floyd was wrong without magically agreeing to everything BLM stands for. Disagreeing with something solely because someone you don't like said it is the pinnacle of stupid. Did you know that communists and nazis also ate bread? Better stop doing that.

See if you can get BLM to take said stance, if even a single person kills them self, you get a cookie, until then your comments just asinine. The problem with BLM isn't that they want police reform, hell, if all they wanted was accountability and reform they'd come to the table and try to find common ground people actually agree with reform, and (real) peaceful protests do work; no the problem comes from BLM spewing lies, using the slogan to push socialism, and the very fact that despite the movement being called 'Black Lives Matter' they don't work to protect black lives, and in fact even end them. Guess who suffers when the police are gone... Only the rich and privileged who can pay for private security will be okay, a truly despotic society.


By the way, communists and nazis also removed free speech... guess who else is advocating for that.

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19 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:


"Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for 100 years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New York City."



Our new bible soon:



And for Canadians as well:


Of course the media (ie CBC News) blames the US for the BLM activists inside Canada, which as you can see, it was already there. 


So apparently police departments the world over are just wiping out POC, for no reason. There were BLM protests in the UK as well, riots in Beruit (not by BLM) protests in Germany against the lockdown. Looting in Italy. It is literally all over the world. Why? It isn't because of BLM, it is because people are finding themselves homeless or without a job and they are pissed.

1.) https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_16,_Repeal_Proposition_209_Affirmative_Action_Amendment_(2020)


2.) I'd say to burn the book... but leftists can't read anyway. Though considering history, I'd say it'd probably be smarter to throw the communist on the fire then there book. Just a dark joke.


Here's a book I'd recommend 


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34 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

People here seem to love bragging about being smart and literate but these same people send youtube videos and news sites. Not scholarly articles and peer reviewed journals? Well this is disappointing.

Considering I'm the one doing it atm, I'm sure that's directed at me, so I'll respond. I've never bragged about being smart, I was just mocking people who don't do ANY research but think they know better (perhaps a bit hypocritical, but you don't know what information I take in to begin with) Implying youtube and opinion pieces are inherently false because they're not "accredited" is an argument from authority, and dumb. Either my ideas good or it's bad, challenge what I say, not my PhD.


Ben Shapiro: "I don't need a 7-year degree in sociology to know bullshit when I hear it"


Edit: By the way, "scholarly articles and peer reviewed journals" mean dick, seeing that schools have been taken over by radical authoritarians, and most teachers either fall in line, are to afraid to speak up, or are removed. 

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With seven and a half plus billion people on a planet that most 'experts' consider two billion optimal, we can afford to thin the herd.


The main problem, as I see it, is the networks 'all lives matter' and 'oh, we might offend someone' propaganda we're constantly being fed... No lives matter, individuals matter. Race shouldn't come into it. Some people, regardless of race, are worth saving. Others, not so much. I'm not justifying anyone's actions. There are good cops and bad ones, just like any other profession. The US legal systems revolving door policy is a joke, as are the punishments.



If we made the penalties so draconian (screw enlightened society) only an imbecile would think of committing the crime (both white and blue collar), we'd have fewer. If you KNEW with a 100% certainty if you were convicted of committing the same crime, any crime, three times you'd be executed, most people would try to avoid committing that crime again. If you KNEW with a 100% certainty if you were convicted of committing a violent crime (regardless who you are) the death penalty you're given was going to be so humiliating, so brutal, and so prolonged that even a mentally deranged individual would have second thoughts before acting on the impulse, we'd have fewer. You intentionally accuse someone of a crime that you know is false, you have the exact same thing done to you. As a bonus, the amount of repeat offenders would drop considerably.


Publicize and/or air a couple of dozen executions and we'd have a much politer (scared straight) society.


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26 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

I've been handled rough by police (dislocated shoulder by a cop with history of abuse) and been choked (though not by cops) and can tell you that someone holding the knee on the back of your neck may be damn uncomfortable, but it will NOT kill you. The back of the neck is the rigid spine which helps protect the trachea. I'd even let a 250 lb person do it to me to demonstrate. I will say that he had a serious condition and needed medical attention, but the knee on the back of the neck did not kill him- it contributed to his death like the drugs and other factors, but was not the "smoking gun" you make it out to be. Police tactics are designed to apprehend and subdue suspects, not put them or the officers in mortal danger. It can look really bad sometimes to the average citizen- like that video.

I wrestled in high school, and at 180 at the time, driving my forearm into the back of your neck to mount to roll you could break your neck. Now imagine a heavier set cop 250 as you said, with his knee on the most exposed part of your neck, applying what he thinks is just enough pressure, and any movement you make he applies more... broken neck, not dead, but surgery required to fix it.


Any police training course that taught that should be closed, it's dumb and reckless, sadly cops are ill-trained. 

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1 hour ago, GimmeBACON said:

Considering I'm the one doing it atm, I'm sure that's directed at me, so I'll respond. I've never bragged about being smart, I was just mocking people who don't do ANY research but think they know better (perhaps a bit hypocritical, but you don't know what information I take in to begin with) Implying youtube and opinion pieces are inherently false because they're not "accredited" is an argument from authority, and dumb. Either my ideas good or it's bad, challenge what I say, not my PhD.


Ben Shapiro: "I don't need a 7-year degree in sociology to know bullshit when I hear it"


Edit: By the way, "scholarly articles and peer reviewed journals" mean dick, seeing that schools have been taken over by radical authoritarians, and most teachers either fall in line, are to afraid to speak up, or are removed. 

I didn't exactly call out to you.


If schools have been taken over by radicals then that is the future of the country. Sux 2 B U. Actually they are quite neutral about the whole thing. Whatever. People have to jump through hoops in order to get to where they are and they make it their career to find actual facts. In other words I trust them a hell of alot more than some random clown on youtube. Actual research is better than Fox 13, CNN, and whoever that guy is combined. Considering most news are made up of entertainers it is no surprise people are in a tizzy over nothing. If you cannot get proper sources then your word is good as fiction.


Edit: Oh yeah I almost forgot. If you think a degree means nothing I think those flat earthers and you have something in common.

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11 minutes ago, GimmeBACON said:

I wrestled in high school, and at 180 at the time, driving my forearm into the back of your neck to mount to roll you could break your neck. Now imagine a heavier set cop 250 as you said, with his knee on the most exposed part of your neck, applying what he thinks is just enough pressure, and any movement you make he applies more... broken neck, not dead, but surgery required to fix it.


Any police training course that taught that should be closed, it's dumb and reckless, sadly cops are ill-trained. 

I spoke before doing more research and did hide that statement- too late. I was wrong.

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31 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

I didn't exactly call out to you.


If schools have been taken over by radicals then that is the future of the country. Sux 2 B U. Actually they are quite neutral about the whole thing. Whatever. People have to jump through hoops in order to get to where they are and they make it their career to find actual facts. In other words I trust them a hell of alot more than some random clown on youtube. Actual research is better than Fox 13, CNN, and whoever that guy is combined. Considering most news are made up of entertainers it is no surprise people are in a tizzy over nothing. If you cannot get proper sources then your word is good as fiction.





The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, something of an expert, has been wrong numerous times, and award winning journalists can be total frauds... but go ahead and not trust anybody but "accredited experts" totally reasonable, but, not everybody has that level of trust. Perhaps the key is to do your own research and make an informed decision... though I suspect if your journalistic standards are to limited, you may not get a full and accurate picture.


Edit: By the way, I never said a degree means nothing, I'm saying that a degree doesn't decree your right or ability to have or voice an informed decision. As well that people with them can still be wrong.

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4 minutes ago, GimmeBACON said:





The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, something of an expert, has been wrong numerous times, and award winning journalists can be total frauds... but go ahead and not trust anybody but "accredited experts" totally reasonable, but, not everybody has that level of trust. Perhaps the key is to do your own research and make an informed decision... though I suspect if your journalistic standards are to limited, you may not get a full and accurate picture.

And make your own opinions? *gasp*


Haha. Just kidding. With the population as it is I should have clarified. Experts are I don't want to say less prone to accidents but more likely to look over their work before publishing. There is just too many people out there posting false narratives and there needs to be some measuring stick or else we're stuck arguing movie stars that think the earth is flat. Did I say that already? If everyone were an expert we wouldn't need experts. Yeah there will be flukes among professionals but you will get an even less accurate picture if you interview local preschoolers. Might get an accurate story if you interview enough of them but nobody has time for that unless you pay them of course. You say do your research. Well the internet is filled with information from all over the world. There is no way to sort through everything on the internet period. But hey do your research.

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9 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

And make your own opinions? *gasp*


Haha. Just kidding. With the population as it is I should have clarified. Experts are I don't want to say less prone to accidents but more likely to look over their work before publishing. There is just too many people out there posting false narratives and there needs to be some measuring stick or else we're stuck arguing movie stars that think the earth is flat. Did I say that already? If everyone were an expert we wouldn't need experts. Yeah there will be flukes among professionals but you will get an even less accurate picture if you interview local preschoolers. Might get an accurate story if you interview enough of them but nobody has time for that unless you pay them of course. You say do your research. Well the internet is filled with information from all over the world. There is no way to sort through everything on the internet period. But hey do your research.

Hey, we live in a world where 2+2=/=4 anymore ? Until we live in a world where the whole, unbiased truth is readily available to everybody, the best thing we can do is that everybody can speak, and we can have a healthy debate.


... wait, the earth ISN'T flat?! ?

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1 hour ago, GimmeBACON said:

Any police training course that taught that should be closed, it's dumb and reckless, sadly cops are ill-trained. 

This right here is the crux of the issue.  They do need more training.  They need to be trained in hand to hand combat.  Street cops should be held to a fairly high physical standard that there are NO EXCEPTIONS FOR.  Those that don't cut the mustard will need to do other things than walk the beat.  Unless society suddenly is ok with cops just shooting people, you have to come up with ways to apprehend and subdue folks that don't want to be caught.  Especially with the rash of fighting cops bullshit that folks are doing.  If you want less than lethal to be an option, you have to provide the equipment and training for them to do it.  If a big person who is wired up on drugs decides to fight to ordinary cops with little to no hand to hand training and nothing more than a taser and a gun, guess what they are going to do if the taser fails.  How is ok for us to sit back and judge them when they defend themselves and shoot someone?  Cops have an extraordinarily tough job and folks expect WAY too much from them.  Their training is shit.  Their pay is shit.  They fuck up and folks are all butt hurt?  Instead of dog piling, let's stop and take a look at what it is like to walk a mile in their shoes.

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fuck Creature Framework, i am so fucking fed up with this fucking mod and it's fucking scripts, why can sexlab just erect the fucking creatures instead?


all i would like to do is set the aroused meshes as the default skins and then have the non-aroused meshes setup as a worn outfit, then just get sexlab to remove the outfits like it does for the human races.


i don't want 10000 lines of unreliable scripts that randomly stop working when it's just doing the same fucking job that "actor().UnequipAll()" and "additem" is used for, it's so fucking stupid.

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49 minutes ago, GimmeBACON said:

Hey, we live in a world where 2+2=/=4 anymore ? Until we live in a world where the whole, unbiased truth is readily available to everybody, the best thing we can do is that everybody can speak, and we can have a healthy debate.


... wait, the earth ISN'T flat?! ?

What does free speech have to do with anything? I'm advocating using experts to back up your data. Nothing more nothing less. If you're saying one should feel free to say what they want with little to no evidence that is fair. Now I hope greg isn't too mad at the chaos that is free speech. If it was me that would be different but I don't think it is me.


Also Flat earth would certainly explain the series that is Paper Mario.?

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26 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Now I hope greg isn't too mad at the chaos that is free speech. If it was me that would be different but I don't think it is me.

Why would I be mad about folks speaking their mind?  As long as it fits in forum rules, go for it.  I'm all for robust debate.  I've had my mind changed by some debates.  If they have good points that are backed up, that benefits everyone.  The only thing that I don't care for is folks who just post literal crap that is without any logic or statics.

Besides, everyone loves bacon........even cats:


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26 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

What does free speech have to do with anything? I'm advocating using experts to back up your data. Nothing more nothing less. If you're saying one should feel free to say what they want with little to no evidence that is fair. Now I hope greg isn't too mad at the chaos that is free speech. If it was me that would be different but I don't think it is me.


Also Flat earth would certainly explain the series that is Paper Mario.?

What makes an expert? What if I see something with my own eyes? Would it not count because I'm under educated? I'd say an on the scene journalist, for example, would be an expert about what he's talking about... but if he doesn't have some degree from some lazy and outdated university should his report be invalid? What if said expert is wrong? Should we just accept his falsehood because he's an "expert"? Again, it's an argument from authority "I know what I'm talking about, you don't". These experts spent +7 years reading the same +30 year old books are perpetually playing catch-up. 


Some scenarios we should probably trust experts, e.g trust your doctor; but to imply that on a macro level, we should inherently trust and use only "accredited" sources is unrealistic.

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