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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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5 hours ago, gregathit said:

Ah the irony.  It is thick with this one.........who has the suicide hotline in his signature.  ?

Oh, after that rant, please avoid the news about Japan intending to dump their irradiated water from their nuclear plants in the ocean.  At least until you have some blood pressure medicine handy!

Probably cause they didn't want it.


Now if only we knew where to store our shit. Maybe this time avoid storing organic kitty litter.?


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7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Your reading comprehension is SHIT.  Go back and reread my post.  The Chinese in no way outcompeted my company; I cut them off, not the other way around.

Perhaps if your writing skills improved? Where in that post does it say that it was your decision? And as for reading skills, I didn't say 'outcompeted'.


I would be interested in any sort of rational argument as to why the Chinese, or anyone else, would intentionally sabotage the planet.

I'm old enough to remember when it was the US which was the major source of pollution. Was that intentional or just an unfortunate side effect of greed and short-termism?

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

why the Chinese, or anyone else, would intentionally sabotage the planet.

If this is about covid, then we know that the chinese government tried very hard to suppress any information about the virus from spreading out for at least the first three months. They silenced whistleblowers and shut down any leaks. This was happening right when the whole decoupling thing was picking up some serious heat and they were losing foreign investors left and right, most notably Samsung. News of a virus outbreak inside of china had the potential to speed up the process by a great degree as companies would've panicked and moved their bases away. But if the virus is spread everywhere, that incentive would dry up as there's no point in making any movement. This is why they waited until many other places were infected before coming out and officially admitting their actions.











All this assuming that they didn't just accidentally leak a bioweapon prototype, or on purpose to see how it reacts on a mass scale. This has no concrete proof behind it but a nation with the longest history of stealing military tech, consumer tech and data from all around the world, is subject to such legitimate suspicions.


1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

I'm old enough to remember when it was the US which was the major source of pollution. Was that intentional or just an unfortunate side effect of greed and short-termism?

Any country with a significant presence on earth creates tons of pollution. This isn't news, and it certainly isn't country-specific. There is no place on earth that doesn't suffer from short-termism and greed, only the degree varies a bit from time to time. To point at the US and call out it's problems in an attempt to deflect blame from china of all places is the most disingenuous thing you could do.

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16 minutes ago, Mr.Otaku said:

If this is about covid,

It isn't.


17 minutes ago, Mr.Otaku said:

Any country with a significant presence on earth creates tons of pollution.

No one is saying otherwise. I wrote:

17 minutes ago, Mr.Otaku said:

the US which was the major source

This implies that there were other sources. There are other sources now, it's not just China, dirty commies though they are.

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1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

I would be interested in any sort of rational argument as to why the Chinese, or anyone else, would intentionally sabotage the planet.

Was that intentional or just an unfortunate side effect of greed and short-termism?

You answered your own question.  China burns more coal than the rest of the world combined and has since 2011.  The chinese are well aware of how to reduce this, but instead just shut down society when they want clear skies.  Of course the weather doesn't always cooperate:  https://phys.org/news/2017-10-smog-defies-china-communist-party.html

It would be interesting to know the actual facts of how many covid deaths they actually had, versus the number of deaths that coal causes:  https://www.healtheffects.org/system/files/GBDMAPS-ReportEnglishFinal1.pdf, and this report which caps out at 1.6 million deaths per year due to pollution, but hey, there are plenty of chinese, so why would their government care?  Report:  http://berkeleyearth.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/China-Air-Quality-Paper-July-2015.pdf


Now to be fair, the chinese are by no means the worst polluters and their cities/country, while in the top 20, are not in the top 10:  https://www.iqair.com/us/world-most-polluted-countries.  It is definitely a tragedy for the folks that live in these countries.  We in the west are blessed in ways we don't even understand.  We bitterly argue about whether masks will or won't protect us for covid, whilst the poor bastards in the counties at the top of this list are wearing them because they KNOW that they will suffer due to their air quality if they don't.  Little to no access to clean water?  It should put our petty bickering into perspective. 

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6 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

And as for reading skills, I didn't say 'outcompeted'.

YEAH, ya did.  "...the Chinese are just being better capitalists than you and the rest of America."  You can't follow what was said from one post to the next, including this shit YOU'VE POSTED. :classic_laugh:

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41 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

YEAH, ya did.  "...the Chinese are just being better capitalists than you and the rest of America."  You can't follow what was said from one post to the next, including this shit YOU'VE POSTED. :classic_laugh:

There's more to capitalism than competition and competition per se is not unique to capitalism. So who can follow what is being written? I can also write without recourse to the Caps Lock in an attempt to make it look like I'm right.

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17 hours ago, AKM said:

Meh.  Humans.  Another evolutionary cul de sac.  A dead end.  A failure, to be swept under the rug of time.

Well, in short term our intelligence has proven to be very good at improving survival rates.

Long term... results are still pending. But considering it took the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine to stop world wars (for now), i'm not so hopeful.


However, in my way of figuring out the universe, this is what is supposed ot happen. Universe seeks balance, which ultimately means the "heat death". Therefore it has many mechnism to increase it's entropy. Life is one of them. And what better way to spend incredible amount of energy than to build up an elaborate ecosystem, bring to a disastrous halt, and have it recover over millions of years. Like i said, this is the sixth time.

After all, how much energy has it taken for single-cell organism to evolve into humans? Can't even begin to imagine.


And yes, i am aware i'm full of shit :classic_happy:


Speaking of the universe, this years Nobel winner of physics said that they have found "dead" black holes that may be remnants of the previous universe. Would make sense the universe too is an eternal cycle of birth, life and death. Perhaps as a part of some far larger system we have no hope of ever understanding.



This is me sober, BTW ?

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21 hours ago, gregathit said:

Ah the irony.  It is thick with this one.........who has the suicide hotline in his signature.  ?

Oh, after that rant, please avoid the news about Japan intending to dump their irradiated water from their nuclear plants in the ocean.  At least until you have some blood pressure medicine handy! 


There is still hope.  We have not yet stepped of the edge off the proverbial cliff.   True that we are doing a drunken spinning crazy dance right on the edge.....but hey.

Never said I wished to speed the process, only that the process will happen, sooner or later.  I rather disagree about cliffs.  Far too many humans seem to not give two hoots about anything beyond their immediate living space, or lifespan, or anything but themselves.  We as a species have almost no concept of time, nor do we really understand that the cliff really is there, just so far in the rear-view mirror that we can't even see it anymore.  Thing is, we've already gone off the cliff, we've just not yet started to fall fast enough to notice.  (At least that's what I believe.)

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On 10/20/2020 at 1:46 PM, gregathit said:

You answered your own question.  China burns more coal than the rest of the world combined and has since 2011.  The chinese are well aware of how to reduce this, but instead just shut down society when they want clear skies.  Of course the weather doesn't always cooperate:  https://phys.org/news/2017-10-smog-defies-china-communist-party.html

It would be interesting to know the actual facts of how many covid deaths they actually had, versus the number of deaths that coal causes:  https://www.healtheffects.org/system/files/GBDMAPS-ReportEnglishFinal1.pdf, and this report which caps out at 1.6 million deaths per year due to pollution, but hey, there are plenty of chinese, so why would their government care?  Report:  http://berkeleyearth.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/China-Air-Quality-Paper-July-2015.pdf


Now to be fair, the chinese are by no means the worst polluters and their cities/country, while in the top 20, are not in the top 10:  https://www.iqair.com/us/world-most-polluted-countries.  It is definitely a tragedy for the folks that live in these countries.  We in the west are blessed in ways we don't even understand.  We bitterly argue about whether masks will or won't protect us for covid, whilst the poor bastards in the counties at the top of this list are wearing them because they KNOW that they will suffer due to their air quality if they don't.  Little to no access to clean water?  It should put our petty bickering into perspective. 

One should also point out that many western companies loved to use China for cheap manufacturing. We outsourced our pollution, so to speak. Not that the CCP cared that much about its own citizens so from a pure economical standpoint, it was a win-win for everyone except the poor sods on the bottom of the ladder. And while China was used as the world's workbench, the CCP was busy making Africa China's workbench.

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7 hours ago, landess said:

I must live an isolated life - I can't believe this stuff happens everyday. SMH




Maybe you should have posted this in the 'What Makes You Happy?' thread along with a message along the lines of: "I am glad that I don't have to deal with this kind of aggravation everyday at my workplace." Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be LEOs. Someone has to do it but can it not be somebody else?


I'm practically an alleycat so this kind of thing is fairly commonplace for me. I suppose that having developed tolerance for a certain level of foolishness can be seen as a helpful survival mechanism in itself.

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2 hours ago, FauxFurry said:

I'm practically an alleycat so this kind of thing is fairly commonplace for me. I suppose that having developed tolerance for a certain level of foolishness can be seen as a helpful survival mechanism in itself.

Maybe segregation isn't such a bad idea after all? Not based on race, but on competency. Your skin color does not oblige anyone to give you special consideration. But lap up that public/media attention while you get it, lol. Because when the next "thing" comes along, you'll be quickly forgotten.


Apologies FauxFurry, I hope you know I was referring to the video.

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1 hour ago, FauxFurry said:

I suppose that having developed tolerance for a certain level of foolishness can be seen as a helpful survival mechanism in itself.

I agree. While watching this I could feel my blood pressure rising and kept getting thoughts that if acted upon would have me spending a considerable time behind bars. My defense would have been insanity though - these kind of people make me crazy.

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20 minutes ago, landess said:

While watching this I could feel my blood pressure rising and kept getting thoughts that if acted upon would have me spending a considerable time behind bars.

Oh, man! If we all had a moment of temporary insanity, we'd all be behind bars for life- but the world might be a little bit better place. The patience shown for this wanton childishness is legendary. Don't think that those memories are not registered in a special place in the heart that you definitely do not want to awaken. George F incident was a fed up cop who finally lost control. There's only so much a sane person can deal with.

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17 minutes ago, landess said:

I agree. While watching this I could feel my blood pressure rising and kept getting thoughts that if acted upon would have me spending a considerable time behind bars. My defense would have been insanity though - these kind of people make me crazy.

If that somehow got through the Model Penal Code Test I would be surprised.

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15 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

I wouldn't plead insanity. I would argue the merits of my actions- provided I thought it was worthy of defense. Otherwise I'd take my punishment.

In an actual court of law it would be better to let your lawyer talk. In the Darkpig court of law the whole process would be skipped and your sentence would be ten spankings by some American female movie star. I wonder if Miss Piggy is up for the job?


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3 minutes ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Depends on the lawyer. I've seen some lame ducks that don't know how to represent a client- or don't care.

No I really suggest you let the lawyer talk or... request a new lawyer? I don't know when or where you can change lawyers so there is that. Point is judges hate when you act as your own lawyer even if you are in fact a lawyer. It just messes with the court room.

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Found an old scratch ticket. I got a winning ticket that stated the icons I got were valued at the second highest prize tier. Called it in to verify if it was a winning ticket. They told me they would send someone over to verify the ticket. Immediately I raised an eyebrow of suspicion since all tickets have serial numbers and can be scanned to be told if it is a winner or not and the value of said prize if a winner. Turns out the gentleman came over to do a sales pitch on water filtration system. Wanted me to spend money to test out the purity of the city water in my home only to get a savings card valued between $1.75 - $500.00.


The conversation went south from there. I'll let you use your imagination how it turned out. All in all a huge waste of me and my family's time during a pandemic and economic crisis. People wonder why I am a cynic.

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