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What really pisses you off? please no posts about nexus lol

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8 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Don't know where you got the 19 to 21 micron number. Sounds dubious (see end of this post). Also surgical masks usually have 3 layers.




Guess there are also smaller droplets or 'aerosols' released when breathing though.

Here's a study that also covers that:



I know from personal experience that surgical masks get a little damp on the inside from wearing them, even if I didn't say a single word. So they obviously block some fluid.

Is it enough to limit the virus spread?

I don't know, Wikipedia says yes.


Also on Wikipedia:

Dunno if the single use ones you can buy all conform to that. If not then the gubbernmint or other authorities fucked up. If it looks like a surgical mask it should be one or you should not be allowed to sell it.



Nope to any of that.


The masks issued are food service grade stop-masks and nothing else. There are no outlets handing out surgical grade anything, and the notion that some magical pipeline appeared to cover 365 million people with a per-day masks of surgical grade or better is a literal pipe dream, and will be still unfeasible logistically if this pandemic lasts another year. Dispo masks also have three layers, and none of them are adequate to the task. Point of fact, the boxes of masks given out here by the state health department en mass say in big ass red letters NOT FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS OR USE on the side, and it's the same everywhere else.


The largest use in the US is dispo food service grade masks, then paint ablation/accretion masks, then paintball/triathlon masks, and none of them are rated anywhere near tight or dense enough in mesh work for your theoretical coverage. 400 million surgical/triage masks per day is never going to be a thing, and I don't know why you think it could or would, and that goes for the EU as well.

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2 hours ago, gregathit said:

No, you originally wrote surgical mask.  So who is trolling who?  ROFL!!!

And yes, change that mask when it becomes damp.   Or not, I don't give a shit.


This is a surgical mask.

I see them everywhere and I buy this shit myself.

You are expected to use them once and then discard them.

The main problem might be that people rarely do that.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

SOMEONE in this thread is CCP.




1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

  This share-holder decision lost my company close to 1 million dollars and my personal gross is in the negative.  YES I'm pissed, especially when some genocide-loving racist shill comes waddling in here to try and correct people about China's intentional involvement in sabotaging the whole planet.

I am so sorry for what happened to you.  I fucking sucks that shit like that goes on.



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29 minutes ago, Bazinga said:


This is a surgical mask.

I see them everywhere and I buy this shit myself.

You are expected to use them once and then discard them.

The main problem might be that people rarely do that.

They also don't dispose of them properly, remove them properly and in some cases store them properly (like hanging from your fucking rear view mirror waiting for the next time it is needed). They also don't wear them properly.. magically thinking that just covering there mouths leaving their noses out. If you are going to wear something to protect you... at least wear it properly.


On that note.. one of the best ways to prevent any disease transmission is washing your hands. Still today you can go to the washroom with someone all protected (mask gloves... yes, while they take a piss etc) and walk out without cleaning up.  Constant fighting with the surgical mask touching it then their face, nose, eyes.


If there was any protective use of the above ... gloves, mask, it is fuck all useful with actions like that.  Protective gear.. in order for it to work properly .. you have to use it properly. When you don't.. YOU ACTUALLY CAN INCREASE YOUR RISK.  


And NO I am not going to give resources on the above.  Google it yourself.  Want to argue with me about my above statement... I don't give a fuck and you are wasting your time. Feel free.

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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Then evidently you don't need food or electricity.  Oil and natural gas makes EVERYTHING you do possible; including posting ignorant shit on the internet.

You don't like what I have to say? TOUGH SHIT.


Its an easily replaceable industry and everybody knows it.

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12 minutes ago, Darkpig said:

Its an easily replaceable industry and everybody knows it.

This is blind ignorance.  You clearly don't realize how many products are made with oil.  And replaceable?  With what?  Magical fairy dust?  Until battery technology makes MASSIVE improvements on storage capacity and lifetime there is no other option.  But hey, wouldn't want to let a little thing like science, common sense or facts get in the way.

There is no viable alternative with today's technology.


Here is some night reading for you:  https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/oil-isnt-dead-just-look-at-the-data

A partial list of 144 products made from oil:  https://www.innovativewealth.com/inflation-monitor/what-products-made-from-petroleum-outside-of-gasoline/

The oil industries opinion:  https://www.shell.com/energy-and-innovation/the-energy-future/scenarios/shell-scenario-sky/could-society-reach-the-goals-of-the-paris-agreement/can-renewables-replace-fossil-fuels.html

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7 minutes ago, gregathit said:

The problem with both is that what the heck do we do with the wastes?

i would say reuse it for something else, but i'm to stupid to know what or how.


the waste is "waste" because it's still radioactive.....but if it's still radioactive then that means there is still a reaction going on within it.

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6 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

i would say reuse it for something else, but i'm to stupid to know what or how.

the waste is "waste" because it's still radioactive.....but if it's still radioactive then that means there is still a reaction going on within it.

The US only uses the fuel for 5 years.  France however uses it for longer:  https://www.nei.org/fundamentals/nuclear-waste

Now if we could figure out how to get that teleporter to work, we could just "fax" it to the sun and "problem solved".  ?

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24 minutes ago, gregathit said:

The US only uses the fuel for 5 years.  France however uses it for longer:  https://www.nei.org/fundamentals/nuclear-waste

Now if we could figure out how to get that teleporter to work, we could just "fax" it to the sun and "problem solved".  ?

If the Earth's molten core can destroy some of it, then the nuclear waste might have a much shorter trip to oblivion.

Of course, if it doesn't, then the core of the Earth will become increasingly radioactive and it might eventually seep into the water table.

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2 hours ago, gregathit said:

Until battery technology makes MASSIVE improvements on storage capacity and lifetime there is no other option.  But hey, wouldn't want to let a little thing like science, common sense or facts get in the way.  There is no viable alternative with today's technology.

Current tech for long-life batteries means cobalt13 or lithium.  Both of those KILL the people mining it and processing it.  Luckily it's child slaves in the Congo doing all the work so woke douches can bloviate about how morally superior they are.  'A few black kids dying of cancer is okay as long as I can drive a Prius and virtue signal on Twitter.'


1 hour ago, MadMansGun said:

the waste is "waste" because it's still radioactive.....but if it's still radioactive then that means there is still a reaction going on within it.

The decay rates advance over time.  It gets to the point where no amount of water can cool the reaction because of the silicon, zircon and other trash that starts to accumulate.  There are much better ways to boil water to drive steam turbines.

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about crude oil:

8 hours ago, Darkpig said:

You don't like what I have to say? TOUGH SHIT.


Its an easily replaceable industry and everybody knows it.

I work in the plastics industry. It's not, don't be ridiculous. We are trying to get there but it will be a long way and we might accidentially make things worse instead (like using palm oil or sugarcane based materials which means helping to burn down the rain forest and then being rewarded with some label that says eco friendly for the lolz).

Wanna ban plastics immediately? Welcome back to the stone age... or the 19th century, but only if we relearn all the manufacturing technologies we forgot because using plastic instead is easy peasy.

I don't wanna go back to the 19th century though and I'm pretty sure that this would not reduce the ecological damage we're doing, quite the opposite. That's where I disagree with our resident tree huggers btw, on everything else I'm open for any change as long as it's sustainable.

But we have to find a science based solution, not just go back to live off the earth.

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5 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

Wanna ban plastics immediately? Welcome back to the stone age.

More like the 1920's.  Tube technology, cellulose, canned food with a 1 month shelf life, etc.  We'd have to turn the whole U.S. into one continent-sized farm just to feed everyone, but good luck getting a harvest since there won't be any pesticides, ground sealers or powered farm equipment.  And say goodbye to microchips and advanced medicine.

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12 hours ago, gregathit said:

This is blind ignorance.  You clearly don't realize how many products are made with oil.  And replaceable?  With what?  Magical fairy dust?  Until battery technology makes MASSIVE improvements on storage capacity and lifetime there is no other option.  But hey, wouldn't want to let a little thing like science, common sense or facts get in the way.

There is no viable alternative with today's technology.


Here is some night reading for you:  https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/oil-isnt-dead-just-look-at-the-data

A partial list of 144 products made from oil:  https://www.innovativewealth.com/inflation-monitor/what-products-made-from-petroleum-outside-of-gasoline/

The oil industries opinion:  https://www.shell.com/energy-and-innovation/the-energy-future/scenarios/shell-scenario-sky/could-society-reach-the-goals-of-the-paris-agreement/can-renewables-replace-fossil-fuels.html

Even with alternatives such as Wind and solar .. if it was fully able to replace the energy requirements (transportation, heat, etc. ) So many of our modern items we interact with on a daily basis is based on oil and oil products.  Roads to the buttons on your shirt.  Such a massive shift would be needed that major social upheaval would occur. You think it is bad you have to wear a mask, stand 6feet from one another and can't go have a beer with friends at the local pub....  Imagine if roads weren't able to be repaired, that your favorite beer wasn't able to be obtained due to transportation issues (no trucks etc)  Your pub would only be able to function during the day or you would see jack shit or by candle/lamp light. Music machines wouldn't function unless you decided to take turns on a bike connected to a generator! It would be worse than it was back in the early 1800's when it took months to travel from coast to coast. Fresh food not available  (no refrigerators)  You do realize even if you were able to build one. (simple process) you'd die as you'd not have the modern rubber seals to prevent the toxic gasses from being released  (due to moving parts. )

3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

More like the 1920's.  Tube technology, cellulose, canned food with a 1 month shelf life, etc.  We'd have to turn the whole U.S. into one continent-sized farm just to feed everyone, but good luck getting a harvest since there won't be any pesticides, ground sealers or powered farm equipment.  And say goodbye to microchips and advanced medicine.

Cell phones,  ambulances, medical devices (like EKG etc) to monitor your life.  Then also consider all the power used to create these amazing medicines.. advancement would stop and what we had previously would revert back to  pre-industrial period.


I do see @Darkpig rational for the comment of not caring if they were gone as they are extremely evil but... a necessary evil .. sadly even if we had alternate power sources, we'd still need Oil industry to a degree for other materials used by oil.  We aren't getting rid of them any time soon.


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The largest and more aggressive dogs will (even pugs), but the small sneeze mutts that do nothing all day but yip and yap at anything and everything will become food for other animals. (Good riddance.) 


On top of that you figure the number of plants that we've genetically altered over the centuries, everything from bananas to wheat to carrots. The main type of wheat grown in North America was engineered because one guy wanted better sandwich bread. (It has the long chain gluten that many people who have gluten issues react to; much of the wheat (#notall) grown in Europe has short chain gluten. The things you learn from your friends with food allergies. ) And because so many of these plants are created specially, the seeds cost a crap load and the plants are all mono-cultures (they don't produce seeds), so farmers have to buy more seeds every year because the plants won't just come back the following year.

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