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32 minutes ago, Clockwinding said:

Oh, about the surrender mechanics!

Is it possible to get an overview of what makes up the "complex surrender mechanix" beyond the checkbox? It has always bothered me to not know what's happening, especially considering your usual habit of evergrowing configurability ?

That's the one thing that prevents me from replacing Defeat with DCL combat surrender tbh.

This setting controls several advanced surrender conditions, such as getting knocked down when hit from behind, or when not blocking a power attack, or tripping over your leg restraints, if any are worn.

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On 3/12/2019 at 10:39 AM, schtrik said:

Many thanks to Kimy for this great mod!

I am already having a great time in the new prison. I love the concept with all the different restraints being used.


I encountered a bug. In the cooking quest, collecting a potato doesn't work for me (all other ingredients do), and therefore I am stuck there.

Hi Kimy,


Thanks for the new version of the Mod. 
Just to echo schtrik (as I haven't seen many posts about this), I have the same problem with the ingredients. For me it is the potato and the cabbage. I had actually picked up the cabbages from the barrel during the wine quest, they were taken off my inventory at some point and they didn't respawn. The potatoes were simply never detected as taken and they would disappear from my inventory as soon as I picked them up. Also, I can additem the cabbages and that will count as getting the ingredient (albeit they disappear from my inventory), but additeming the potatoes will do nothing to progress the quest. 

Also, all the quest markers inside the prison are misleading for me (pointing outside of the main office). 

Thanks again!


Doc Fate

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14 minutes ago, restrict said:

A little glitch with Simply Knock

Knock door has chance trigger cursed loot event.

The code reacts to the player opening doors. If Simply Knock makes the engine think the player has opened a door, there is not much I can do about it other than saying the code does what its meant to do.

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5 minutes ago, Kimy said:
23 minutes ago, restrict said:

A little glitch with Simply Knock

Knock door has chance trigger cursed loot event.

The code reacts to the player opening doors. If Simply Knock makes the engine think the player has opened a door, there is not much I can do about it other than saying the code does what its meant to do.

Just think about it like this: *knock* *knock* "bring your restraints out"

"Sure! here you go!"


*click* *click*


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Problem with Combat Surrender, yes!  Bug?  Maybe ....


I cannot get some NPCs to progress to a SexLab scene after a successful PC Combat Defeat. 


Basically, PC surrenders, victor(s) walk away, return, walk away again, do their somewhat out of character 'cowering animation' (any chance of fixing that in a future update, pls? - did mention it a while ago and you said you would ?), PC strips, adopts the unarmed fighting stand (like a boxer) and game stalls, nothing happens for a few secs, and then, with a bang, it CTDs


Below are extracts from a log where there are   


A - load from last prior save in which valid enemies (wolfies, I'm afraid ? - I didn't put them there!)

to 1412 - assault in cave - last save in which valid enemies


B - reload of latest enemy encounter

1412 - 2962 - fight with bandits from Nexus 'M<ore Bandit Camps


First proceeds to 'successful' encounter.  Second always crashes at same point - and I have played variants of this one so often that I could do it in my sleep


End of log is always the same


Only thing I could see that made me think twice was  


    Line nnnn: [03/21/2019 - 06:51:46PM] [DCUR] - List has: 3 actors
    Line nnnn: [03/21/2019 - 06:51:46PM] [DCUR] - Trying to select: 4 actors for rape scene.


which lines occur in all the logs I still have of the Camp encounters.  My


MCM is set for Range of assaulting NPCs to be Min 1; Max 4

MCM is set for there to be 'Matching Mobs'


I thought you wrote some time ago that the FIRST assault in any series would ALWAYS have just one assailant, and multiple assailants would only appear in subsequent assaults


Have you by any chance changed that at all, particularly in a way that it could be trying to get 4 baddies from only 3 available, of which only two are matching mobsters?


Otherwise, if I am clutching at straws there, I hope that's a useful form of report in some way








Search "dcur" (82 hits in 1 file)
  C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\Papyrus.0.log (82 hits)
    Line 992: [03/21/2019 - 06:54:48PM] [DCUR] Sex attacks are out of cooldown. Checking conditions!
    Line 1127: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:06PM] [DCUR] Scanning for followers
    Line 1129: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:06PM] [DCUR] - Follower found: Nives
    Line 1131: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:07PM] [DCUR] Periodical update starts
    Line 1155: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:11PM] [DCUR] Sex attacks are out of cooldown. Checking conditions!
    Line 1187: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:17PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1188: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:17PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1202: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:19PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1204: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:19PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1209: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:22PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1210: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:22PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1215: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:24PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1216: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:24PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1227: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:26PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1228: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:26PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1235: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:29PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1236: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:29PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1254: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:33PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1255: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:33PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1264: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:35PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1265: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:35PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1276: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:39PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1278: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:39PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1284: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:42PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1286: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:42PM] [DCUR] - Character is bleeding out. Healing up.
    Line 1287: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:42PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 1288: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:42PM] [DCUR] - Health low, trying to trigger surrender
    Line 1291: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:43PM] [DCUR] - Surrender not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 1304: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:49PM] [DCUR] - Processing Surrender.
    Line 1305: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - List has: 4 actors
    Line 1306: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Trying to select: 1 actors for rape scene.
    Line 1307: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Found: Ice Wolf
    Line 1308: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Processing: Ice Wolf. Is Animal.
    Line 1310: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Added: Ice Wolf
    Line 1311: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Found: Ice Wolf
    Line 1312: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Found: Ice Wolf
    Line 1313: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Found: Ice Wolf
    Line 1315: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:50PM] [DCUR] - Rape event triggered.
    Line 1316: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:51PM] [DCUR] - Pacified: Ice Wolf
    Line 1317: [03/21/2019 - 06:55:51PM] [DCUR] - Rape scene started.
    Line 1345: [03/21/2019 - 06:56:01PM] [DCUR] Calling SL Scene with animation array length: 125
    Line 1389:     [alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (D10E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
    Line 1389:     [alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (D10E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
    Line 1389:     [alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (D10E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
    Line 1392:     [alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (D10E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
    Line 1392:     [alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (D10E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
    Line 1392:     [alias Player on quest dcur_dominantfollower (D10E9B75)].dcur_df_rule_nosex.OnSexStart() - "dcur_df_rule_nosex.psc" Line 22
    Line 1412: [03/21/2019 - 06:56:06PM] [DCUR] Public Indecency not allowed to trigger. Reason: DCL Suspended.
    Line 2518: [03/21/2019 - 06:57:39PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 2521: [03/21/2019 - 06:57:39PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 2749: [03/21/2019 - 06:57:56PM] [DCUR] Scanning for followers
    Line 2866: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:26PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 2867: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:26PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 2872: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:28PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 2874: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:29PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 2891: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:33PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 2892: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:33PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 2906: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:36PM] [DCUR] - OnHit not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 2908: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:36PM] [DCUR] - OnHit: Processing Conditions.
    Line 2909: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:36PM] [DCUR] - Health low, trying to trigger surrender
    Line 2918: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:37PM] [DCUR] - Surrender not in cooldown, proceed
    Line 2933: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:43PM] [DCUR] - Processing Surrender.
    Line 2934: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:43PM] [DCUR] - Defeated by NPCs, proceed with rape scene.
    Line 2935: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:45PM] [DCUR] - Resist not attempted.
    Line 2936: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:45PM] [DCUR] - List has: 4 actors
    Line 2937: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:45PM] [DCUR] - Trying to select: 4 actors for rape scene.
    Line 2938: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:45PM] [DCUR] - Found: Bounty Bandit Shano
    Line 2940: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:45PM] [DCUR] - Processing: Bounty Bandit Shano. Is NPC.
    Line 2942: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:46PM] [DCUR] - Added: Bounty Bandit Shano
    Line 2944: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:46PM] [DCUR] - Found: Bandit Vermin Vile Skeever
    Line 2945: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:46PM] [DCUR] - Processing: Bandit Vermin Vile Skeever. Is Animal.
    Line 2946: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:46PM] [DCUR] - Rejected: Bandit Vermin Vile Skeever. Reason: Actor is not matching current selection.
    Line 2948: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:46PM] [DCUR] - Found: Bandit Chief
    Line 2949: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:46PM] [DCUR] - Processing: Bandit Chief. Is NPC.
    Line 2951: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:47PM] [DCUR] - Added: Bandit Chief
    Line 2953: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:47PM] [DCUR] - Found: Bandit Chief
    Line 2954: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:47PM] [DCUR] - Processing: Bandit Chief. Is NPC.
    Line 2956: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:48PM] [DCUR] - Added: Bandit Chief
    Line 2958: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:48PM] [DCUR] - Rape event triggered.
    Line 2959: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:49PM] [DCUR] - Pacified: Bounty Bandit Shano
    Line 2960: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:49PM] [DCUR] - Pacified: Bandit Chief
    Line 2962: [03/21/2019 - 06:59:49PM] [DCUR] - Rape scene started.

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Not sure if I should be asking this here or on one of the DD threads. There are a number of items - bodysuits/catsuits, straightjackets, corsets, and certain gloves, boots, and collars - that either just don't show up visually on my character at all when they're equipped, or else make her hands or feet invisible as though she were an amputee with levitation skills. It's not too big a deal for me - just a little disappointment about the ones who don't show up and making all haste to get the amputating ones off - but I wonder if anyone else has had this issue and might know how to resolve it? Thanks!

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7 hours ago, Zaflis said:

Ones that i can see:

1. Cursed Loot LAL addon must be loaded after the Alternate Start. Actually all mods that add scenarios to LAL follow this rule, such as CCAS mod. All the LAL mods should also be last in the load order, except for Bashed Patch if you had one. You can install a tool called LOOT that will organize the load order with a single click, but you will need to start it from MO when using. From Windows shortcut it won't even find all the mods because of MO virtualization, and that is same for FNIS and Bodyslide.


2. You don't have any body textures installed. Bodyslide doesn't include all the needed files. Install CBBE or UUNP i recommend.


3. You have unmanaged mods in the left side list. This means they are placed in the Skyrim\Data\ directly instead of installed as mods to MO. They should still work though but it's not a recommended practise. If those mods included anything other than .esp files, you might have a mess when it comes to what replaces what.


4. NiOverride is already included in RaceMenu, so you don't need to have it second time.

So in order;

1. Thanks I've got that in mind and I'll rearrange, hopefully that'll stop any conflicts.

2. I thought I had these but it seems not, any recommendations from anyone because I seem to be really struggling with what are body textures and what are armour stuff. (if wasn't clear I'm dumb) would be appreciated

3. I'm going to replace those with installed through MO, thankfully it's just the 3 of them at most I believe.

4. I shall uninstall NiOverride then

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I'm not triggering traps. I've been playing for several hours, have base chance set to 100%, and have let my arousal climb up (so the actual percent chance of triggering is between 70% and 90%). I'd upload my exported settings, but I'm not sure where the file is (other than data/skse/somewhere).


The only thing I can think of (other than I screwed up some setting), is that its not low enough in my load list.


Active Mod Files:


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp  [Version 3.0.13a]
06  hdtHighHeel.esm
07  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.62]
08  SexLabAroused.esm  [Version 2.8]
09  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
0A  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
0B  ApachiiHair.esm
0C  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
0D  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0E  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
0F  HighResTexturePack01.esp
10  HighResTexturePack02.esp
11  HighResTexturePack03.esp
12  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
13  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
14  UUNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
15  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
16  FNIS.esp
17  FNISSexyMove.esp
18  RaceMenu.esp
19  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
1A  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
1B  SkyUI.esp
1C  UIExtensions.esp
1D  SOSRaceMenu.esp
1E  XPMSE.esp
1F  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
20  NibblesAnimObjects.esp
21  SLAnimLoader.esp
22  KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
23  DW.esp
24  SlaveTats.esp
25  J42_ArmorRatingRedux.esp
26  MagicResistanceRescaled.esp
27  PetCollar.esp
28  mcgSpeedChange.esp
29  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
2A  ACE Archery.esp
2B  Immersive Wenches.esp
2C  Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
2D  DeviousFollowers.esp  [Version 1.710]
2E  Hateful Wenches.esp
2F  ACE Melee.esp
30  Deviously Enslaved.esp
31  ACE Armor.esp
32  nwsFollowerFramework.esp
33  FNISspells.esp
34  ACE Speech.esp
35  HDTSextoys.esp
36  Smithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.esp
37  betterwards.esp
38  LeazerBoundArmorRedux.esp
39  Bound Shield.esp  [Version 1.0.0]
3A  BoundWeaponEnchantment_40.esp
3B  Bound Armory Extravaganza.esp
3C  PathOfSorcery.esp
++  dragonhideCustom.esp
3D  Forgotten Wenches.esp
3E  Judgment Wenches.esp
3F  SexLab_SOS-Stapon.esp
40  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.1.7]
41  Deviously Cursed Loot LAL AddOn.esp
++  Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
42  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
43  Botox.esp
44  Botox_CharGen.esp
45  S_L_U_T_S.esp
46  Increased Magelight Duration (3min).esp
47  Increased MageFlesh Duration (10min).esp


Other parts of this mod are working. I'm getting Lucky Charms (which I've unequipped), but not devious device drops. I've gotten rape scenes when sleeping outside and run into Jack the Belter.


Going through my logs, I found "[03/21/2019 - 08:29:23PM] [DCUR] Mutex is active (update running): Trap event aborted."

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6 minutes ago, TomTheCline said:

I'm not triggering traps. I've been playing for several hours, have base chance set to 100%, and have let my arousal climb up (so the actual percent chance of triggering is between 70% and 90%). I'd upload my exported settings, but I'm not sure where the file is (other than data/skse/somewhere).


The only thing I can think of (other than I screwed up some setting), is that its not low enough in my load list.


Active Mod Files:

  Reveal hidden contents


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  HearthFires.esm
04  Dragonborn.esm
05  Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp  [Version 3.0.13a]
06  hdtHighHeel.esm
07  SexLab.esm  [Version 1.62]
08  SexLabAroused.esm  [Version 2.8]
09  ZaZAnimationPack.esm
0A  Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
0B  ApachiiHair.esm
0C  Devious Devices - Assets.esm  [Version 2.8.3]
0D  Devious Devices - Integration.esm
0E  Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
0F  HighResTexturePack01.esp
10  HighResTexturePack02.esp
11  HighResTexturePack03.esp
12  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
13  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
14  UUNP Vanilla Outfits.esp
15  SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
16  FNIS.esp
17  FNISSexyMove.esp
18  RaceMenu.esp
19  RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp
1A  RaceMenuPlugin.esp
1B  SkyUI.esp
1C  UIExtensions.esp
1D  SOSRaceMenu.esp
1E  XPMSE.esp
1F  Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
20  NibblesAnimObjects.esp
21  SLAnimLoader.esp
22  KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
23  DW.esp
24  SlaveTats.esp
25  J42_ArmorRatingRedux.esp
26  MagicResistanceRescaled.esp
27  PetCollar.esp
28  mcgSpeedChange.esp
29  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
2A  ACE Archery.esp
2B  Immersive Wenches.esp
2C  Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
2D  DeviousFollowers.esp  [Version 1.710]
2E  Hateful Wenches.esp
2F  ACE Melee.esp
30  Deviously Enslaved.esp
31  ACE Armor.esp
32  nwsFollowerFramework.esp
33  FNISspells.esp
34  ACE Speech.esp
35  HDTSextoys.esp
36  Smithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.esp
37  betterwards.esp
38  LeazerBoundArmorRedux.esp
39  Bound Shield.esp  [Version 1.0.0]
3A  BoundWeaponEnchantment_40.esp
3B  Bound Armory Extravaganza.esp
3C  PathOfSorcery.esp
++  dragonhideCustom.esp
3D  Forgotten Wenches.esp
3E  Judgment Wenches.esp
3F  SexLab_SOS-Stapon.esp
40  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 3.1.7]
41  Deviously Cursed Loot LAL AddOn.esp
++  Complete Crafting_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
42  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
43  Botox.esp
44  Botox_CharGen.esp
45  S_L_U_T_S.esp
46  Increased Magelight Duration (3min).esp
47  Increased MageFlesh Duration (10min).esp




Other parts of this mod are working. I'm getting Lucky Charms (which I've unequipped), but not devious device drops. I've gotten rape scenes when sleeping outside and run into Jack the Belter.

It sounds like you might have an active DCL quest as that blocks events and device drops.

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2 minutes ago, Tenri said:

It sounds like you might have an active DCL quest as that blocks events and device drops.

I need to talk to that one guy who is part of Cloe's quest, but I'm not locked in any gear.


If I simply deselect it will that work, or do I need to finish the quest?

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You will need to finish the quest then everything should work fine.


If after the quest is done it still isn't working, make sure you have no active DCL quests or any quests from other mods that have DD's on you then click "Free Me!!!" in the debug tab of the MCM, that should clear any active even invisible DCL quests and remove all equipped DD'd, if events still don't happen then something else is wrong.

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59 minutes ago, Tenri said:

You will need to finish the quest then everything should work fine.


If after the quest is done it still isn't working, make sure you have no active DCL quests or any quests from other mods that have DD's on you then click "Free Me!!!" in the debug tab of the MCM, that should clear any active even invisible DCL quests and remove all equipped DD'd, if events still don't happen then something else is wrong.

Thanks, I'll try that. This whole "running around free" is really a drag :D


That was exactly the problem. Thanks!

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12 hours ago, Kimy said:

This setting controls several advanced surrender conditions, such as getting knocked down when hit from behind, or when not blocking a power attack, or tripping over your leg restraints, if any are worn.

I noticed this feature for the first time on a recent play through.  In the past I have used defeat, as it was the more expansive option but it is becoming increasingly unreliable as defeat really needs devious capture and capture need zaz.  Is this a new/newish feature or did I just miss it the first time around?


While I like the sound of some of it, other parts (like the power attack stuff) can be pretty intrusive to game play.  Is there any chance we will see more granular control over these combat surrender mechanics? (ex. behind/on power attack/off leg restraint/on ect.)  I would like to start using these features more but as it can be a little too heavy handed for me, so I'm forced to just turn everything off.


There are a few of these 'super toggles' in the mod, I believe there is a npc surrender mechanic as well, I remember having a heck of a time trying to figure out which mod was making enemies surrender too me (I didn't want it) It too me many trips through all the menus to find the button.  Sometimes these options can be a little unclear as to what they actually do.  DCL is a pretty wide mod at this point and some of the content can be obscure/rare/situational, so learning by experimentation is rough.

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10 hours ago, restrict said:

A little glitch with Simply Knock

Knock door has chance trigger cursed loot event.


9 hours ago, Kimy said:

The code reacts to the player opening doors. If Simply Knock makes the engine think the player has opened a door, there is not much I can do about it other than saying the code does what its meant to do.

Any interacting with a door can set off a trap, not just opening it.  Attempting to pick a lock then canceling can set off a trap.  So can attempting to open a door that requires a key that you don't have.  In both cases, the door doesn't actually open.  Either way, I think it's pretty funny.


*knock knock* "can I come in"

"sure, but only if you ware this chastity belt.  I don't want you making a mess on the carpet."

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15 hours ago, Kimy said:

In addition of clearly marking my statement as a PERSONAL opinion, I also said I considered it boring even -before- you took it over. I guess you conveniently overlooked that before falling back into your usual "Kimy is so evil to me!" victim roleplay?

"Personal opinion" as supposed to what exactly? A legal opinion? A citation? All posts here are personal opinions. Besides, prefacing a slander with "in my personal opinion" does not justify nor does it make it any less of a slander. 

Victim? No, just disappointed.  


15 hours ago, Kimy said:

The main difference between your prison and mine is not the absence of tedium btw (prison life IS tedious, you cannot model prison content without it), it's the circumstance that my take doesn't take away player control 95% of the time it's running and thus isn't like watching TV.

A different take on the prison system is great. But why do they have to be mutually exclusive? 

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21 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

I know I'm just a Kimy lackey, but she did prefix this as being entirely her personal opinion, and by no means a reasoned argument.

I’ve corrected your misspelling above. 


21 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Anything in Skyrim is going to be repetitive if you play it enough. I don't find PoP particularly repetitive, but it isn't very interactive.

POP is trying to accomplish the simulation of punishment by taking control away from the player by keeping the PC bound at all times. Now I am not sure how Kimy does this, but if a demigod is allowed to ‘interact’ with the environment as in cooking, mining etc., what is to stop her from killing everyone and walking out? And no, I don’t like the kryptonite collars, now those are boring. 


21 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Same kind of thing with the whipping in the cage. Sometimes you can avoid getting hit entirely, but so what?

Depends on your POV.

POP was designed from your PC’s POV. As such, the whole point is to avoid being hit. Think what you would do if you were actually your PC. Each hit would hurt tremendously. Therefore, you would try to avoid being hit as much as you can, no? The whole point of that is to try so simulate the helplessness of your situation. Being completely dominated or under someone else’s control.
But in the other hand, if you imagine yourself as the one holding the whip, then POP won’t do much for you. 


21 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

It's good to have a choice, right?

Yes, I am all about choices. 
Unfortunately, Kimy removed those choices by placing POP in DCL’s conflicts list.   

21 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

PoP could easily be modified to hook into DCL's arrests, if the will to do so existed, and then (as I suggested earlier) PoP could let you configure a chance for each prison outcome, just like DAMOYL can let you have Defeat scenarios. Then we could have the best of both worlds. Clearly, that wasn't quite Kimy's intent, but it's the best outcome for players.

POPBH taking the player to DCL’s prison, based on a random chance selected in the MCM? It’s something I’d vote for, and it would be a better outcome for players as well to be sure.  
Unfortunately, Kimy wants a monopoly. Everybody should only play Kimy mods, and only the way Kimy allows them to be played. 
Now, Kimy can take DCL in whatever direction desired and I would agree with that 100%. However, the same should not hold true for frameworks like DDi, where a whim can break hundreds of hours of 'work' for the mods already depending on DDi. 

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15 hours ago, DoctorFateMX said:

Hi Kimy,


Thanks for the new version of the Mod. 
Just to echo schtrik (as I haven't seen many posts about this), I have the same problem with the ingredients. For me it is the potato and the cabbage. I had actually picked up the cabbages from the barrel during the wine quest, they were taken off my inventory at some point and they didn't respawn. The potatoes were simply never detected as taken and they would disappear from my inventory as soon as I picked them up. Also, I can additem the cabbages and that will count as getting the ingredient (albeit they disappear from my inventory), but additeming the potatoes will do nothing to progress the quest. 

Also, all the quest markers inside the prison are misleading for me (pointing outside of the main office). 

Thanks again!


Doc Fate

I replayed the whole prison scene, and knowing that the issue is picking up the potato from the container, I was very meticulous about it and I didn't find any containers with potatoes in them in the kitchen. Is the container where the trigger potato located in another room?

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I don't know the base reason for the hostility nor do I really want to know, but I have an idea for a potential solution to the compatibility issues (at least with POP) that doesn't require being able to disable DCL's crime system. I have no idea how difficult it would be to implement, or if it is even possible but here it is:


Add an optional mod support toggle like you have for Skooma Whore, Estrus+, etc.; that allows the DCL crime system to have POP arrest as a possible outcome. With that DCL could still have full control over arrest dialogues and allow the use of POP.

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3 hours ago, Inte said:

POPBH taking the player to DCL’s prison, based on a random chance selected in the MCM? It’s something I’d vote for, and it would be a better outcome for players as well to be sure.  
Unfortunately, Kimy wants a monopoly. Everybody should only play Kimy mods, and only the way Kimy allows them to be played. 
Now, Kimy can take DCL in whatever direction desired and I would agree with that 100%. However, the same should not hold true for frameworks like DDi, where a whim can break hundreds of hours of 'work' for the mods already depending on DDi. 

I'm not convinced the part in yellow is correct.

Kimy has added integrations between DCL and other mods, which is evidence to the contrary, and there's no strong evidence to support your assertion.


Some might even see it as a cheap shot.


It may be fair to say that Kimy didn't go out of her way to be compatible with PoP when she made her prison content, but given the Inte-Kimy history, this hardly comes as a surprise to anyone. However, you can't read any more into it than that.


As for PoV - personally, I perceive Skyrim, modded or otherwise, as some kind of game, and I like the things that happen in it to have some kind of game-like-play aspect to them. Not everyone feels that way, but I believe there is already ample content that is purely passive entertainment, such as movies, and books, and what sets games apart is that you get to control things and there can be a sense of success, or failure as you make different choices and they lead to outcomes.


Largely, the successful products in the game-industry bear this out. Most consumers prefer games that are fun to play, rather than simply nice to watch. Even "spectacle" fighters, like God of War and Bayonetta have gameplay, with success and failure.


All the things to do with identification, and relating to the PC that make PoP enjoyable for players who enjoy passive content, with less interaction, could also be present in combination with more gameplay and interaction. Adding something without taking something away seems like an improvement to me.


Now I understand it may not be of interest to be the one implementing that, but that's a different reason not to do it than because it's better the way it is.



It's perfectly reasonable not to want to do that work, just as Kimy didn't want to do any work whatsoever to support PoP. Modders are perfectly entitled not to do things, and the things they don't do are not necessarily part of an evil plot.


Oh, BTW, putting quotes around a word is not a spelling mistake, so removing them is not a correction. You might argue it's gratuitous use of punctuation, but it is still a recognised pattern of usage. I used the quotes, because when you first asserted I was a "lackey", you either didn't fully understand the meaning of the word or purposefully chose to use it incorrectly. If I was an actual lackey, I could have managed a far better job of spearing you and defending Kimy. I happen to think your position on PoP content is valid, but as its subjective, I can still disagree with it.

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3 hours ago, Inte said:

POP is trying to accomplish the simulation of punishment by taking control away from the player by keeping the PC bound at all times. Now I am not sure how Kimy does this, but if a demigod is allowed to ‘interact’ with the environment as in cooking, mining etc., what is to stop her from killing everyone and walking out? And no, I don’t like the kryptonite collars, now those are boring. 

That is taken care of in the prison, but don't read if you want to try it first:


1. The doors are locked and nobody carries keys. Even the out going door is propably not actually a door as you know it, it just activates some script i think that both completes quest and teleport you back to where you were when imprisoned, even if that is inside a draugr crypt.


2. There is a moment your hands are free, but when you attack someone with a spell you get a message where guards swarm you and you're back in your cell, more days left than before.


And get along people. Less fighting, more finding a peaceful middleground.

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FWIW, I rather like POP


I like to add mods that 'interfere' with my planning, and can take the game in directions which were unintended.  That's why Kimy's traps etc are such fun, in that you have to find ways to beat the consequences, and then get yourself back on track. 


It's similar to the reasons for not using fast travel or other 'cheat' mods


POP adds another type of, almost, random risk, generated by your making silly decisions or mistakes, that can take the game somewhere else, and also builds in a level of 'frustration' that might be akin to what you would feel if actually stuck in a medieval jail, as a plaything for others, before you can get out and get on with what you were trying to do in the first place


Somewhat similar experiences can be obtained through SD and CD, Simple Slavery outcomes etc


All are a bit different, and will appeal to different people


All of these could live together quite happily if they ran to common standards, and when some standards move on, and others choose not to, well, that's tough.  And a great pity, as some of us, somewhere, somehow, are always going to lose out


If mod authors can't/won't/don't want to change their stuff, so be it.   People just have to choose to use what they like most, 


But going on and on and on about that is an utter waste of time  ?


Now, about that bugged Combat Surrender issue, anyone got any ideas? ..... ?

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