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1. I finally got my system fixed, ( am once again able to play Skyrim ), but I have and inflatable Plug that just does not want to come out.


To clarify, does the dialogue not offer removal of this item at all, or does the removal fail when you trigger it via the item menu?


If you have a log of that session, I'd also appreciate it.

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1. I finally got my system fixed, ( am once again able to play Skyrim ), but I have and inflatable Plug that just does not want to come out.


To clarify, does the dialogue not offer removal of this item at all, or does the removal fail when you trigger it via the item menu?


If you have a log of that session, I'd also appreciate it.



   The dialogue


1. When try to remove I get the Menu box with all options ( Use Key, remove it, Force, deflate the Plug, let it be ) what ever( not exact wording ).


2. I pick the use key Option, which I have.


3. It tells me the Plug can not be removed because of inflation Pressure


4. If I try the Deflate plug, I get cannot be deflated at this time, or something like that.


4-1. If I just try to remove it, is same thing plug will not come out as it is inflated.


5. It seems no matter how long I wait or how many times I try, it just does Not want to be removed.


6. Extra tight fit I guess..LOL


7. This seem to be the case every time I get the Anal plug installed..It gets stuck...



 8. As I said I have found that using "Unequipall" seems to free it up, and then i can just pull it out ( Don't seem to need a key then ), but this leaves it in the inventory. { "Unequipall" Does not remove it } it just makes it removable.


9. If I try to just drop it after using "Unequipall" I get the menu to>>> put it back in or never Mind


10.  So to get rid of it, I have been finding a container, and I am able to put it in a container, I just am unable to drop it.


   I hope that all makes sense


EDIT >> I would not mind, but if as Veladarius say's, the effects remain, That may be a problem further down the road..

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First: UnequipAll is basically guaranteed to mess up your game. It's not a proper way to fix DD issues.


The mechanics for the plug include a timer component. You have to wait until the plug is completely deflated. The "Deflate" button will never work. It's just...fluff. You won't be able to remove the device unless it has deflated.

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  Yeppers ! as to the Unequipall, I agree!!  :exclamation:   That is why I said I hated to use it.


  But sense I used it that one time I have not had a repeat instance yet of a stuck anal plug.


I will try to keep a better account, if it happens again.

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I have a very weird bug concerning blindfolds. I use Immersive First Person View, with XenoDrakes config file and Vivid Weathers ENB


Normally it works all fine, but whenever there is a blindfold, everything goes black under certain conditions except for some lights/reflections.

I've made a video to show the effect live: Blinfold Bug video


Does anyone have an idea what this could be? I think it's some problem between DD and the ENB settings, but other visual effects like Nighteye work fine ...


I have the same problem, but I only use vivid weather (with ENB) from his 3 mods. Is there any solution to get DD compatible with vivid weather?



I have no reasonable way to test this particular ENB and never used it before, but most DD developers use some ENB and DD is generally compatible with them. If this particular ENB causes issues, there is probably not too much we could even do on our end.


Did you guys try an alternative blindfold mode?




The black screen onlz appears in Leeches mode. But with the other modes I cant walk, also if i am in first person view.


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hi im searching for a solution for a problem : my idle animations make my devices clip into my character or its just floating in the air i have the cbbe body curvey mesh


DD no longer supports the CBBE Curvy body mod. You need to use Bodyslide these days and build the outfits in there. You can -still- use the Curvy preset in Bodyslide if you want to look the same.

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Scroll to bottom for TLDR


A majority of devious devices are invisible to me or restrict me from being able to have sex with NPCs in certain situations. I have SL Kidnapped Redux which has a "Use Devious Devices" setting checked on and most of the devices used don't work properly. The Devious mods I have are Integration, Assets, Expansion, Framework, & Framework Suppor. After some screwing around, I managed to get the devices causing the problems below off me & out of my inventory onto the ground & the console shows me they originated from Integration so that's why I made the post here. This is what's been happening to me:


1. While I have a number of sex mods installed (Kidnapped, Defeat, Simple Slavery, SD+, Maria Eden), Kidnapped is the only one using the devices that are broken for me right now. Once I'm kidnapped & taken to the ambusher's home, they're supposed to rape my character for a few rounds & in between them, place a few devices on me which they do but some will break the kidnapping & sex in general. For example, Black Restrictive Gloves are invisible & make my hands invisible too. Black Restrictive Corset, Chastity Bra, Soulgem Nipple Piercings, & a few other items are just invisible & do nothing, even though in my inventory screen I can see they're all equipped & what they look like. Not all the devices are invisible though, the Black Blindfold is fine & while the Yoke behaves strangely on me & prevents a few animations from looking right, both devices are perfectly visible & conform to the shape of my CBBE-HDT body made in BodySlide.


2. If the Black Armbinder is equipped to me, I can no longer view my inventory, interact with anything, move while in my kidnappers hideout, & none of them will have sex with me & if it is equipped in the downed state, my arms appear as invisible. No one will approach me for sex for the Chastity Belt too. If the gag is equipped I can no longer speak & none of the items are removed from me after the kidnapping is over so I'm stuck with the devices on me because the gag prevents me from speaking to a mage or smith who could normally remove them (I realize the gag problem is due to Maria Eden, its just something I needed to mention).


3. The only way for me to get any sex for me while gagged & bound by the Black Armbinder or Chastity Belt is through a button one of my mods uses to get sex out of any NPC in any scenario no matter what but the animations are limited to a single ZAP animation chosen at random if I have certain devices equipped like the Black Armbinder or gags or Chastity Belt. After the animation ends, I can move around freely but I still can't speak normally with the gag & no one will approach me for sex on their own so I'm forced to use the Safe Word from Devious Framework.


4. The Safe Word removes all devices off of me & allows me to speak, interact with objects, & move freely again but some of these devices remain listed as equipped in my inventory screen like the Black Armbinder or corset or bra. I'm not sure what to do about that or any of these problems. I already tried changing certain settings like disabling the device hider, turning off the devices ability to change my body's shape but its not solved these issues.


I have CBBE & BodySlide installed manually because they would not work for me as an Nexus Manager install, however HDT Physics Extension & all the other sex mods I've listed in this post are Nexus Manager installs. Some people I asked said I'm missing the meshes or something that the Devious Devices mods add to Bodyslide but when I go to this tutorial: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/71481-tutorial-building-dd-items-in-bodyslide-nmmmo/?p=1780842 ,It says to batch build them into my selected body type & preset. I installed all my mods in June so I don't remember if I skipped this step because BodySlide didn't receive any Devious Devices files to build or I did do the step but it just didn't work because Devious Devices didn't add anything after the batch build so I did this step again earlier today but it changed nothing. All the devices I listed being invisible to my character's model are still invisible.


TLDR: I really need help building Devious Devices outfits like the Corset, Chastity Bra, & everything else they add into BodySlide but I don't know how & as a result, most of the devices are invisible. How do I fix this because the author on Assets hasn't responded yet & there are no video tutorials out there to show me how to do it myself. I'd appreciate any reply, whether you're able to help or not.

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heya, I just got back into modding skyrim, I've downloaded all the same mods and yet, whenever i wear a catsuit it will no longer hide anything like it use to, chastity bra, belt, piercings, corsets, harnesses, anything really and its causing some really bad clashing bugs. does anyone know what to do?

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hi im searching for a solution for a problem : my idle animations make my devices clip into my character or its just floating in the air i have the cbbe body curvey mesh


DD no longer supports the CBBE Curvy body mod. You need to use Bodyslide these days and build the outfits in there. You can -still- use the Curvy preset in Bodyslide if you want to look the same.



i did use bodyslide with cbbe curvy i also tried cbbe slim now its the same problem i tried it with the nipple clamps and those were just stuck in the air not moving with the character either the chastity belt and bra also dont fit onto the body. although the slim body doesnt move as much while idle so it wasnt as bad still annoying.

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TLDR: I really need help building Devious Devices outfits like the Corset, Chastity Bra, & everything else they add into BodySlide but I don't know how & as a result, most of the devices are invisible. How do I fix this because the author on Assets hasn't responded yet & there are no video tutorials out there to show me how to do it myself. I'd appreciate any reply, whether you're able to help or not.


LL modding for Dummies -> Beauty and nudity has a section that explains basic BS usage and links to an in-depth video tutorial.

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hi im searching for a solution for a problem : my idle animations make my devices clip into my character or its just floating in the air i have the cbbe body curvey mesh


DD no longer supports the CBBE Curvy body mod. You need to use Bodyslide these days and build the outfits in there. You can -still- use the Curvy preset in Bodyslide if you want to look the same.



i did use bodyslide with cbbe curvy i also tried cbbe slim now its the same problem i tried it with the nipple clamps and those were just stuck in the air not moving with the character either the chastity belt and bra also dont fit onto the body. although the slim body doesnt move as much while idle so it wasnt as bad still annoying.



Make sure you also build the body itself and make sure you select the CBBE HDT body as there are differences between the HDT body and TBBP bodies due to the difference in the skeleton rigging especially with the breasts.

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Scroll to bottom for TLDR


A majority of devious devices are invisible to me or restrict me from being able to have sex with NPCs in certain situations. I have SL Kidnapped Redux which has a "Use Devious Devices" setting checked on and most of the devices used don't work properly. The Devious mods I have are Integration, Assets, Expansion, Framework, & Framework Suppor. After some screwing around, I managed to get the devices causing the problems below off me & out of my inventory onto the ground & the console shows me they originated from Integration so that's why I made the post here. This is what's been happening to me:


1. While I have a number of sex mods installed (Kidnapped, Defeat, Simple Slavery, SD+, Maria Eden), Kidnapped is the only one using the devices that are broken for me right now. Once I'm kidnapped & taken to the ambusher's home, they're supposed to rape my character for a few rounds & in between them, place a few devices on me which they do but some will break the kidnapping & sex in general. For example, Black Restrictive Gloves are invisible & make my hands invisible too. Black Restrictive Corset, Chastity Bra, Soulgem Nipple Piercings, & a few other items are just invisible & do nothing, even though in my inventory screen I can see they're all equipped & what they look like. Not all the devices are invisible though, the Black Blindfold is fine & while the Yoke behaves strangely on me & prevents a few animations from looking right, both devices are perfectly visible & conform to the shape of my CBBE-HDT body made in BodySlide.


2. If the Black Armbinder is equipped to me, I can no longer view my inventory, interact with anything, move while in my kidnappers hideout, & none of them will have sex with me & if it is equipped in the downed state, my arms appear as invisible. No one will approach me for sex for the Chastity Belt too. If the gag is equipped I can no longer speak & none of the items are removed from me after the kidnapping is over so I'm stuck with the devices on me because the gag prevents me from speaking to a mage or smith who could normally remove them (I realize the gag problem is due to Maria Eden, its just something I needed to mention).


3. The only way for me to get any sex for me while gagged & bound by the Black Armbinder or Chastity Belt is through a button one of my mods uses to get sex out of any NPC in any scenario no matter what but the animations are limited to a single ZAP animation chosen at random if I have certain devices equipped like the Black Armbinder or gags or Chastity Belt. After the animation ends, I can move around freely but I still can't speak normally with the gag & no one will approach me for sex on their own so I'm forced to use the Safe Word from Devious Framework.


4. The Safe Word removes all devices off of me & allows me to speak, interact with objects, & move freely again but some of these devices remain listed as equipped in my inventory screen like the Black Armbinder or corset or bra. I'm not sure what to do about that or any of these problems. I already tried changing certain settings like disabling the device hider, turning off the devices ability to change my body's shape but its not solved these issues.


I have CBBE & BodySlide installed manually because they would not work for me as an Nexus Manager install, however HDT Physics Extension & all the other sex mods I've listed in this post are Nexus Manager installs. Some people I asked said I'm missing the meshes or something that the Devious Devices mods add to Bodyslide but when I go to this tutorial: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/71481-tutorial-building-dd-items-in-bodyslide-nmmmo/?p=1780842 ,It says to batch build them into my selected body type & preset. I installed all my mods in June so I don't remember if I skipped this step because BodySlide didn't receive any Devious Devices files to build or I did do the step but it just didn't work because Devious Devices didn't add anything after the batch build so I did this step again earlier today but it changed nothing. All the devices I listed being invisible to my character's model are still invisible.


TLDR: I really need help building Devious Devices outfits like the Corset, Chastity Bra, & everything else they add into BodySlide but I don't know how & as a result, most of the devices are invisible. How do I fix this because the author on Assets hasn't responded yet & there are no video tutorials out there to show me how to do it myself. I'd appreciate any reply, whether you're able to help or not.


First select the body preset you wish to use and make sure to create a matching body as well (button in bottom center of bodyslide window) I suggest that you use an HDT body as that is what the devices were built on and TBBP bodies come out different due to skeleton rigging and weighting differences.


Second, in the Outfit Filter enter DDA - this will show only DDA items when you hit the 'batch build' button. You will likely have some choices between HDT and non HDT items to make. Select the version you want and continue and it will make the devices.


Third, repeat the second step with DDX this time. There will be some items that show as CBBE/UUNP but you will need to use these as well (as I remember). Again you may have some choices between HDT and non HDT items or other things.



I suggest going to the DD GitHub site and downloading the Development versions of DDA, DDI and DDX (change it from Master to Development on the left side on the same line as the download zip file button which is on the right). Use the bodyslide files from those as they have fixed the ctd issue with the corset/belt combination there.

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hi im searching for a solution for a problem : my idle animations make my devices clip into my character or its just floating in the air i have the cbbe body curvey mesh


DD no longer supports the CBBE Curvy body mod. You need to use Bodyslide these days and build the outfits in there. You can -still- use the Curvy preset in Bodyslide if you want to look the same.



i did use bodyslide with cbbe curvy i also tried cbbe slim now its the same problem i tried it with the nipple clamps and those were just stuck in the air not moving with the character either the chastity belt and bra also dont fit onto the body. although the slim body doesnt move as much while idle so it wasnt as bad still annoying.



Make sure you also build the body itself and make sure you select the CBBE HDT body as there are differences between the HDT body and TBBP bodies due to the difference in the skeleton rigging especially with the breasts.

i used the normal cbbe body so i tried using the hdt body and thats the funniest one that came out :D



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First select the body preset you wish to use and make sure to create a matching body as well (button in bottom center of bodyslide window) I suggest that you use an HDT body as that is what the devices were built on and TBBP bodies come out different due to skeleton rigging and weighting differences.


Second, in the Outfit Filter enter DDA - this will show only DDA items when you hit the 'batch build' button. You will likely have some choices between HDT and non HDT items to make. Select the version you want and continue and it will make the devices.


Third, repeat the second step with DDX this time. There will be some items that show as CBBE/UUNP but you will need to use these as well (as I remember). Again you may have some choices between HDT and non HDT items or other things.



I suggest going to the DD GitHub site and downloading the Development versions of DDA, DDI and DDX (change it from Master to Development on the left side on the same line as the download zip file button which is on the right). Use the bodyslide files from those as they have fixed the ctd issue with the corset/belt combination there.


Thanks for your reply & it looks like it will help later but unfortunately my problem may be more deep rooted than I thought as revealed by another person. I'm missing a Devious Devices file that he mentioned is supposed to be in BodySlide's file after he recreated my exact problem. So now I have to find which DD mod has the file & get another copy from there or delete, clean save, & reinstall all the DD mods affected & BodySlide as well.

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First select the body preset you wish to use and make sure to create a matching body as well (button in bottom center of bodyslide window) I suggest that you use an HDT body as that is what the devices were built on and TBBP bodies come out different due to skeleton rigging and weighting differences.


Second, in the Outfit Filter enter DDA - this will show only DDA items when you hit the 'batch build' button. You will likely have some choices between HDT and non HDT items to make. Select the version you want and continue and it will make the devices.


Third, repeat the second step with DDX this time. There will be some items that show as CBBE/UUNP but you will need to use these as well (as I remember). Again you may have some choices between HDT and non HDT items or other things.



I suggest going to the DD GitHub site and downloading the Development versions of DDA, DDI and DDX (change it from Master to Development on the left side on the same line as the download zip file button which is on the right). Use the bodyslide files from those as they have fixed the ctd issue with the corset/belt combination there.


Thanks for your reply & it looks like it will help later but unfortunately my problem may be more deep rooted than I thought as revealed by another person. I'm missing a Devious Devices file that he mentioned is supposed to be in BodySlide's file after he recreated my exact problem. So now I have to find which DD mod has the file & get another copy from there or delete, clean save, & reinstall all the DD mods affected & BodySlide as well.



The item having issues in the image is the Transparent Zip Suit. Either the mod itself will have the bodyslide files with it or they will be separate, look for the HDT body versions of the bodyslide files though.

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Thanks for your reply & it looks like it will help later but unfortunately my problem may be more deep rooted than I thought as revealed by another person. I'm missing a Devious Devices file that he mentioned is supposed to be in BodySlide's file after he recreated my exact problem. So now I have to find which DD mod has the file & get another copy from there or delete, clean save, & reinstall all the DD mods affected & BodySlide as well.



The item having issues in the image is the Transparent Zip Suit. Either the mod itself will have the bodyslide files with it or they will be separate, look for the HDT body versions of the bodyslide files though.


No idea what image you're talking about or the "Transparent Zip Suit", i think you meant that for someone else. As for that DDA/DDX step you mentioned for the Outfit Filter, nothing shows up or even happens when I do that. Like I said, it seems its because I'm missing DD files from BodySlide's directory so I'm waiting on the guy who brought that to my attention to tell me the best way to fix that.

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Thanks for your reply & it looks like it will help later but unfortunately my problem may be more deep rooted than I thought as revealed by another person. I'm missing a Devious Devices file that he mentioned is supposed to be in BodySlide's file after he recreated my exact problem. So now I have to find which DD mod has the file & get another copy from there or delete, clean save, & reinstall all the DD mods affected & BodySlide as well.



The item having issues in the image is the Transparent Zip Suit. Either the mod itself will have the bodyslide files with it or they will be separate, look for the HDT body versions of the bodyslide files though.


No idea what image you're talking about or the "Transparent Zip Suit", i think you meant that for someone else. As for that DDA/DDX step you mentioned for the Outfit Filter, nothing shows up or even happens when I do that. Like I said, it seems its because I'm missing DD files from BodySlide's directory so I'm waiting on the guy who brought that to my attention to tell me the best way to fix that.



If nothing shows up if you enter those in the filter then the official bodyslide files from DD have not been installed correctly as they all start with either DDi or DDx.

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No idea what image you're talking about or the "Transparent Zip Suit", i think you meant that for someone else. As for that DDA/DDX step you mentioned for the Outfit Filter, nothing shows up or even happens when I do that. Like I said, it seems its because I'm missing DD files from BodySlide's directory so I'm waiting on the guy who brought that to my attention to tell me the best way to fix that.


If nothing shows up if you enter those in the filter then the official bodyslide files from DD have not been installed correctly as they all start with either DDi or DDx.


I actually just realized the Devious files are in a separate location from BodySlide's outfit, slider & preset file locations thanks to the other guy who's helping me. Am about to move them over & see what happens.

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Needed to make a new post as an update to my last problem & a new question.


I have solved my issue of invisible devices thanks to another guy here on LL helping me out on another thread. He helped me realize that BodySlide was being separated from the Devious Devices files needed for outfits & gear by NMM so after fiddling around with it, now the gear appears properly.


My new question is: How do I find gear that isn't craftable but was added by these mods (DDi, Assets, Expansion)? The files I looked over contain Ebonite outfits that are not craftable in forges for me, even though they are visible in BodySlide both for editing & preview, & even though I read the books in Urag's bookshelf & have max level smithing skills. However Ebonite Solution is craftable & SD+ has used a Red Ebonite Collar to enslave me in the past so I know even before the devices were visible, they were in the game. So are other Ebonite gear & other outfits like the formal dress & so on. I need to know how to find ALL the outfits & gear added by these 3 mods! And I need to find them without the use of console commands or other mods like AddItemMenu because I refuse to download any more mods until I've made sure all the ones I have currently work fine & because if I rely on cheap tricks from functions not part of the native mod, it could break parts of my game in the future.

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@ bicobus 


 "I need to find them without the use of console commands or other mods like AddItemMenu" 


I think he just wants to craft them




but there may not be any recipes for them, I do believe deviously cursed loot had a rubber shop you can buy things from as well as Captured Dreams but I do believe not everything is craftable by the player. If you want to make them craftable you can it is relatively easy as far as modding goes.

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Sorry, I quickly read the post to get a grasp of what he wanted. But yeah there is no recipe to make them, or to be more accurate, no workbench assigned. It is a WIP on the side of the DD mods. The current and only way to craft base devious item is to go through the different quests introduced by the mod and available in the college.


Another way would be to open the console and type "help nameofitem". Doing this will list everything that had nameofitem in its name. Each item has an unique baseid that are indexed on your load order. Basically the two first alphanumeric character are related to the mod.


Finally if you want to troubleshoot your game state and verify that all devices are properly installed, you have to get the proper tools. AddItemMenu is a good tool for that purpose. Not using it will just make your life harder.

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hi im searching for a solution for a problem : my idle animations make my devices clip into my character or its just floating in the air i have the cbbe body curvey mesh


DD no longer supports the CBBE Curvy body mod. You need to use Bodyslide these days and build the outfits in there. You can -still- use the Curvy preset in Bodyslide if you want to look the same.



i did use bodyslide with cbbe curvy i also tried cbbe slim now its the same problem i tried it with the nipple clamps and those were just stuck in the air not moving with the character either the chastity belt and bra also dont fit onto the body. although the slim body doesnt move as much while idle so it wasnt as bad still annoying.



Make sure you also build the body itself and make sure you select the CBBE HDT body as there are differences between the HDT body and TBBP bodies due to the difference in the skeleton rigging especially with the breasts.

i used the normal cbbe body so i tried using the hdt body and thats the funniest one that came out :D


I have had that issue before the only way I was able to fix it was to reinstall XPMS, rerun FNIS and then run bodyslide

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