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Posted Today, 08:04 AM


'Any help that you can offer to Xenoramos, psword, or myself on our problems - see prior posts - with NPC animations, pls?  :s




'It would seem that NPC's intermittently use a set of animations that we are not able to replace via the alternate animation system - hence the issue you are encountering. This will require fixing on our end, it is not something you can address yourselves. We will need to use the old offset animation on NPC's to avoid this issue. Will be fixed next release. Thank you all for the reports.'




Thanks very much for the heads up.   


Can't speak for the others, but I'll just try to change my gameplay a bit to compensate - eg change mod settings for NPC's to avoid these scenarios as much as poss - and see what it looks like  :)


On that score, and appreciating RL can be busy, any idea when we might see a fix?  ie are we talking sort of soonish, or longer term?  It's not that it's life changing or anything, but might save looking every couple of hours :P


Again, tyvm for the response and, of course, all the effort that you and others put into making this such a great mod

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Are you using the latest DDI 3.0? Because like you I have had this problem in the past with 2.9.2  unfortunately I don't know much about the subject and the people who make this mod aren't really looking to answer any question or acknowledge them for the most part.

/me rolls his eyes. Alternatively, we're not "refusing to acknowledge or answer questions". We are busy people, and repeatedly asking people who did not bother to read the troubleshooting section of the opening post to "Post your papyrus.0.log" is tiresome.


I am just telling them my experience with this as I countlessly reported that TK Dodge doesn't work as the FNIS patch was basically created for it but idk just acknowledging it is a start.


I understand your frustration I don't want to rag on you guys in fear you will hate me but being ignored so often has made me grown frustrated as I love this mod and what you've done with it, it makes skyrim worth playing.


I know it sounds like I am obsessed with TK Dodge compatibility lol but i love that mod just as much .




1.) Talking to Cedec0 on Armbinder Combat mod No reply

2.) Talking to the DD Integration/assets developmental thread No reply

3.) Talking on this forum No reply





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No worries.


TK dodge is implemented in a manner which is incompatible with fnis'es alternate animation system. This was discovered during development, and cannot be fixed (from our end) so long as we are utilizing the new set of alternate animations. If you are dead-set on using TK dodge, I would advise that you disable Bound Combat via the MCM.

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Hey can someone help me with a problem?

I'm using Devious Regulations & the rest of the required masters.

So I equip a vaginal and anal plug, then the chastity belt from Devious Regulations.

But when I save and reload, the vaginal plug disappears from my player's appearance. It's still in the inventory with all the effects, but the visual appearance is gone???

It's not a huge deal, but it breaks immersion. Can someone help? I set all device hiders to none, and left the device hider as the default slot.

please help? I'm stuck in my playthrough without this =/

There are no known problems that would cause your issue. Post a copy of your Papyrus.0.log in which you duplicate the problem, as per the "troubleshooting" section in the OP.





I'm out of tests to run now. :s




Yeah, me too, although I did fix my later PC problems.  Edited the post above again - see EDIT EDIT - with what was wrong.  You had any issues like that?


Otherwise, we really need some help from one of the mod maintainers, I fear



EDIT:  One other thing comes to mind,  On the front page it says:


'PCEA2 and FNIS Sexy Move: When bound combat is activated, it will not revert back to the selected alternate animations. You have to do this manually.'


I originally activated that, but switched it off later, and did the 'save & reload' thing.  Is that sufficient, or are we supposed to be doing something else as well?  If so, and we are just being a bit thick :blush:, anyone any idea what that is?



Glad to hear you sorted it out at least for the PC. :)


I think that FNIS "knows" what files are missing and need to be processed comparing the current mod configuration to the last one. It happened to me too, but even if the FNIS files output was smaller I didn't notice any issue.


Regarding PCEA2, the only small issue is that after unequipping a device the PC switches to the standard NPC animations instead of the PCEA2 ones, so you need to refresh PCEA2 animations through its menu. Not a big deal.




ah, OK.  Ever hopeful, I guess   :-/  


@ Min

@ Princessity

@ Kimy


Any help that you can offer to Xenoramos, psword, or myself on our problems - see prior posts - with NPC animations, pls?  :s



It would seem that NPC's intermittently use a set of animations that we are not able to replace via the alternate animation system - hence the issue you are encountering. This will require fixing on our end, it is not something you can address yourselves. We will need to use the old offset animation on NPC's to avoid this issue. Will be fixed next release. Thank you all for the reports.



Are you using the latest DDI 3.0? Because like you I have had this problem in the past with 2.9.2  unfortunately I don't know much about the subject and the people who make this mod aren't really looking to answer any question or acknowledge them for the most part.

/me rolls his eyes. Alternatively, we're not "refusing to acknowledge or answer questions". We are busy people, and repeatedly asking people who did not bother to read the troubleshooting section of the opening post to "Post your papyrus.0.log" is tiresome.



Hello Min and thank you for your reply. :)


I'm posting my papyrus log starting from character creation to when the NPC issue starts, hope it helps.


It's a very short run from alternate start cave (own property in one of the holds), to recruiting Jenassa in Whiterun and equipping an armbinder on her, so it won't take long to check it out.


I have no idea why I get all those "RaceMenuPluginXPMSE" errors since I use ECE and I don't recall I ever installed anything related to racemenu, if you think this can cause problems please let me know.




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Hello Min and thank you for your reply. :)


I'm posting my papyrus log starting from character creation to when the NPC issue starts, hope it helps.


It's a very short run from alternate start cave (own property in one of the holds), to recruiting Jenassa in Whiterun and equipping an armbinder on her, so it won't take long to check it out.


I have no idea why I get all those "RaceMenuPluginXPMSE" errors since I use ECE and I don't recall I ever installed anything related to racemenu, if you think this can cause problems please let me know.


Hello! It seems that you misunderstood my post. Thanks to the information you guys provided while troubleshooting it, we figured out the problem:


It would seem that NPC's intermittently use a set of animations that we are not able to replace via the alternate animation system - hence the issue you are encountering. This will require fixing on our end, it is not something you can address yourselves. We will need to use the old offset animation on NPC's to avoid this issue. Will be fixed next release. Thank you all for the reports.



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I have a question about the bound combat: How are the kicks damage calculated? If it's simply the basic punch damages, I may go for a new playthrough, for a monk (using mods to improve unarmed damages) and a few spells using bound which.

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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).


I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

But I would say a 'generic' set of animations would be definitely be better to not take from the immersion any more than a fixed set of animations already does.


I've attached a set of animations I put together should a generic set be needed for making an alternate set of bound anims. Included are (Idle, Walk and Run (No Sprint)) that I think are fairly generic whilst still being of a higher quality than Vanilla. Fairly Unisex too.

We agree, the development team is not content with the current state of the animations (Which is the primary reason that we released this version as a beta). The walk/run idles are over the top, and have a few issues:

  • Missing skirt bones.
  • Over the top arm swinging/swaying while walking.
  • Leaning while under the effect of a slow-down effect (Skyrim combines Walk + Run animations to 'jog', which due to the over-exaggerated motions causes a lean).

We are hoping that our animator will return soon and finish polishing the new set of alternate animations. If not, we may end up rolling back to an offset-animation based approach.



If the animations are ever going to be redone, would it be too much to ask for them to not have any "360" movement added, so it looks more like the vanilla walk/run animations?

360 animations severely interferes with various mods I have installed, and one of them being Enhanced Camera, if I remember correctly.

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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).


I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

But I would say a 'generic' set of animations would be definitely be better to not take from the immersion any more than a fixed set of animations already does.


I've attached a set of animations I put together should a generic set be needed for making an alternate set of bound anims. Included are (Idle, Walk and Run (No Sprint)) that I think are fairly generic whilst still being of a higher quality than Vanilla. Fairly Unisex too.

We agree, the development team is not content with the current state of the animations (Which is the primary reason that we released this version as a beta). The walk/run idles are over the top, and have a few issues:

  • Missing skirt bones.
  • Over the top arm swinging/swaying while walking.
  • Leaning while under the effect of a slow-down effect (Skyrim combines Walk + Run animations to 'jog', which due to the over-exaggerated motions causes a lean).

We are hoping that our animator will return soon and finish polishing the new set of alternate animations. If not, we may end up rolling back to an offset-animation based approach.








i noticed that my character's jogging animation is changed and since it happened when i installed the beta update, i assume this mod adds new animations other than the bound fighting animations which are in the change log. I've tried reinstalling the xp32 package which has the jog i prefer but this didn't fix it. The only DD device my character is currently wearing is a collar from Maria Eden. Is there a way to prevent integration from changing running animations? 


Yes, we're using new offset animations when you are wearing wrist restraints (armbinder, yoke, shackles). They should get used only when you are bound, though.



How is that intended to work if you are using a mod like FNIS sexy move http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54521/? that changes the default walk/run animation?


When i first saw my pc walking differently i assumed that my sexy move setting had been amended (didnt see this change when i glimpsed through the change log) and when i went back and re-selected the walk/run i like in the sexy move MCM it seems to have overriden whatever ddi is now trying as my pc is still wearing the same restraints but is using the fnis sexy move walk again


If it is going to be like when two mods scaling a character body fights (one wants scaled belly and one wants unscaled so you flick between the two constantly) a mcm toggle might be a good idea



When work resumes on the animations could you please look at compatibility with other mods that change walk/run animations (i.e. like Fores FNIS Sexy move mod)

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Found a bug, don't know if you know about it: I was on the Forbidden Tomes quest and found Zed for the first time. As he tried to change my bindings he .... failed to remove the 'Spideregg cluster' I wasn't able to get rid of, thanks to limited knowledge on my part, and refused to finish his questconversation with me after the pop-up window (soulgem plug also failed to equip, naturally). Afterwards troubleshooting proved to be futile, because the belt blocked everything, even console commands.


I have no idea what mod that "spideregg cluster" comes from and I'm no expert, but I suspect that if both you and Zed couldn't remove it, then it may have been a "devious" spider egg and maybe the new DDi and the mod the egg comes from are not compatible anymore...

Maybe try to first remove the egg and then talk to Zed.

Also, ask about this issue and compatibility in the thread created by the author of the mod from which the egg cluster comes from.



Those eggclusters are mostlikely from SD+ or EC+, less likely from DDx. But yeah, I already did what you suggested and it works that way, although I had to reverse to a save prior to being chastised by Urag.

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I believe I've found a bug with bound combat. If you are using Dibellan Defender tats set, the Manifested weapon(a bow in my case) will be able to manifest and be used even if you are in an armbinder. If you Set armbinder as inappripriate(so that it shuts down DDef) almost nothing changes. When you sheath the bow it gets stuck it the protagonists body instead of disappearing. If you disable bound combat it works fine.

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I believe I've found a bug with bound combat. If you are using Dibellan Defender tats set, the Manifested weapon(a bow in my case) will be able to manifest and be used even if you are in an armbinder. If you Set armbinder as inappripriate(so that it shuts down DDef) almost nothing changes. When you sheath the bow it gets stuck it the protagonists body instead of disappearing. If you disable bound combat it works fine.


It is inevitable that the bound combat would have some conflicting mods.

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If the animations are ever going to be redone, would it be too much to ask for them to not have any "360" movement added, so it looks more like the vanilla walk/run animations?

360 animations severely interferes with various mods I have installed, and one of them being Enhanced Camera, if I remember correctly.


What do you mean by 'severely interferes' I have both those installed and haven't had any issues related to 360 animations and the camera.


I have had a few oddities in regards to a few furniture based animations that try to force 3rd person, but their usually not immersion breaking.


I personally liked the new walking/running animations, it was nice change from the boring robotic vanilla animations.  Even the leaning seemed appropriate when doing Kimy's shopping quest, if you imagine the yoke being weight down by overly full shopping bags of... restraints... :lol: 

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If the animations are ever going to be redone, would it be too much to ask for them to not have any "360" movement added, so it looks more like the vanilla walk/run animations?

360 animations severely interferes with various mods I have installed, and one of them being Enhanced Camera, if I remember correctly.


What do you mean by 'severely interferes' I have both those installed and haven't had any issues related to 360 animations and the camera.


I have had a few oddities in regards to a few furniture based animations that try to force 3rd person, but their usually not immersion breaking.


I personally liked the new walking/running animations, it was nice change from the boring robotic vanilla animations.  Even the leaning seemed appropriate when doing Kimy's shopping quest, if you imagine the yoke being weight down by overly full shopping bags of... restraints... :lol:



I believe 360 animation mods causes your body in first person to turn the other way around when running backwards. I actually haven't tested it as of late, because I've had Enhanced Camera uninstalled for a couple of testing sessions.

Anyway, I suppose the animations should be an installation option instead, so players can pick between vanilla, or the feminine walk.

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Can't say I've ever noticed that behavior while using Enhanced Camera.  Just to clarify its the body and not the head your seeing?  As I remember the head & hair node gets disabled in first person, although I re-enabled hair since I'm using a Physics enable hairdo.  Maybe I just don't back peddle much in first person, since its still slower then turning around and running, to noticed any oddities.

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The belts do not block animations with the pussy tag, so you can still masturbate while wearing one. This should be fixed.

THANK YOU GOD! Finally another one with the same problem as me. Dude I feel your pain. It's like everyone here has it going for them with the denial and shit, but here we are. Fully able to masturbate. It must be fixed!!!


Are you experiencing that problem with the new version? It is known to be broken in 2.9.2.


Good sir/lady I could lick your feet atm, thank you so friggen much for solving the chastity belt masturbation problem for me. Thank you so much. All I had to do was download the V3.0 Beta and it fixed it. Thank You!!!!!

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Very Interesting update, I'm wondering if there are any alternate.. alternate animations or a way to use the new Integration while toggling between previous offsets? for the walking/running/idle when bound? The overly sexualized animations are pretty demeaning to certain non-sexual character persona's.


Perhaps someone knows an easy way to smash an animation and an offset together to make a single animation? I suck with animating (tried many times in both max and maya).


I feel the same.

The standing idle looks really nice, but the walking and running are too much for my taste.


+1 from me on the bound walk and run idles as well. I always avoided those type of animations like the plague to be honest.


Having had a look at the folder structure I imagine it would be fairly simple to copy my usual walk and run idles, rename them to match the DD ones, and then drop them in to replace them. They always worked well with armbinders, yokes and wristbinders before, so I'd assume they would still be fine.


Other than that though, great update. Thanks!



That would be fine yeah but would defeat the purpose of this mod as the animations would no longer be bound animations. If my understanding of the new system is correct, then most if not all movement related animations have been directly replaced with bound ones when your character is bound.

As opposed to the previous version where an offset was applied to whatever animations you had (better for gameplay immersion imo, but obviously not functionally better).


I guess that means there are bound animation sets for restraints, armbinder and yoke meaning quite a bit of work to make a full set with a better walk/run/idle.

But I would say a 'generic' set of animations would be definitely be better to not take from the immersion any more than a fixed set of animations already does.


I've attached a set of animations I put together should a generic set be needed for making an alternate set of bound anims. Included are (Idle, Walk and Run (No Sprint)) that I think are fairly generic whilst still being of a higher quality than Vanilla. Fairly Unisex too.

We agree, the development team is not content with the current state of the animations (Which is the primary reason that we released this version as a beta). The walk/run idles are over the top, and have a few issues:

  • Missing skirt bones.
  • Over the top arm swinging/swaying while walking.
  • Leaning while under the effect of a slow-down effect (Skyrim combines Walk + Run animations to 'jog', which due to the over-exaggerated motions causes a lean).

We are hoping that our animator will return soon and finish polishing the new set of alternate animations. If not, we may end up rolling back to an offset-animation based approach.








i noticed that my character's jogging animation is changed and since it happened when i installed the beta update, i assume this mod adds new animations other than the bound fighting animations which are in the change log. I've tried reinstalling the xp32 package which has the jog i prefer but this didn't fix it. The only DD device my character is currently wearing is a collar from Maria Eden. Is there a way to prevent integration from changing running animations? 


Yes, we're using new offset animations when you are wearing wrist restraints (armbinder, yoke, shackles). They should get used only when you are bound, though.



How is that intended to work if you are using a mod like FNIS sexy move http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54521/? that changes the default walk/run animation?


When i first saw my pc walking differently i assumed that my sexy move setting had been amended (didnt see this change when i glimpsed through the change log) and when i went back and re-selected the walk/run i like in the sexy move MCM it seems to have overriden whatever ddi is now trying as my pc is still wearing the same restraints but is using the fnis sexy move walk again


If it is going to be like when two mods scaling a character body fights (one wants scaled belly and one wants unscaled so you flick between the two constantly) a mcm toggle might be a good idea




When work resumes on the animations could you please look at compatibility with other mods that change walk/run animations (i.e. like Fores FNIS Sexy move mod)


The FNIS API for applying alternate animations is not very "multi-mod friendly". We might be able to figure out a clever / hacky way to work-around this, however.

I have a question about the bound combat: How are the kicks damage calculated? If it's simply the basic punch damages, I may go for a new playthrough, for a monk (using mods to improve unarmed damages) and a few spells using bound which.


There's no special calculation done: It is the normal unarmed combat system, just with different animations.

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Can't say I've ever noticed that behavior while using Enhanced Camera.  Just to clarify its the body and not the head your seeing?  As I remember the head & hair node gets disabled in first person, although I re-enabled hair since I'm using a Physics enable hairdo.  Maybe I just don't back peddle much in first person, since its still slower then turning around and running, to noticed any oddities.


It's the body, yeah. Still, I can't confirm if this is still an issue in the current version of the mod as I haven't had it activated as of late.

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Well, TK Dodge will also change your vanilla unarmed movement behaviours path to onehanded animations for some reason (which is the source of our problem). But in the context of DDi, disabling bound combat in MCM will prevent you from seeing the glitch. It only occurs when in unarmed combat mode.

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Hey can someone help me with a problem?

I'm using Devious Regulations & the rest of the required masters.

So I equip a vaginal and anal plug, then the chastity belt from Devious Regulations.

But when I save and reload, the vaginal plug disappears from my player's appearance. It's still in the inventory with all the effects, but the visual appearance is gone???

It's not a huge deal, but it breaks immersion. Can someone help? I set all device hiders to none, and left the device hider as the default slot.

please help? I'm stuck in my playthrough without this =/

There are no known problems that would cause your issue. Post a copy of your Papyrus.0.log in which you duplicate the problem, as per the "troubleshooting" section in the OP.



Here are my logs. Log 1 is this: start new game -> load game -> equip plugs, equip chastity best -> end game

Log 2 is this: start new game -> load game -> observe vaginal plug missing -> end game


It seems to only be visually missing which is weird... the effects of the plug are still in use.



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Well, TK Dodge will also change your vanilla unarmed movement behaviours path to onehanded animations for some reason (which is the source of our problem). But in the context of DDi, disabling bound combat in MCM will prevent you from seeing the glitch. It only occurs when in unarmed combat mode.


Its really weird I wish I knew of a way to fix it the only one i think would probably know is fore but I doubt he would want to help with this even though hes a nice guy.

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Well, TK Dodge will also change your vanilla unarmed movement behaviours path to onehanded animations for some reason (which is the source of our problem). But in the context of DDi, disabling bound combat in MCM will prevent you from seeing the glitch. It only occurs when in unarmed combat mode.


Ok I see. if it's just the bound unarmed combat... I will do without it. 


My principale issue where I search a solution is the bound with iron shackle. When my character runs, the iron shackle stop to restrain the character's arm. I always could see the escape menu when I push the "tab" key to try to free my character's arms from the iron bounding shackle (and I cannot access to the inventory), but the animation is break. The character's arms is in normal position. 
I begin to be fool. I don't know if it's coming from zazAnimation Pack or DDe or Maria Eden...
Somebody has had this problem (and has resolve it) ?
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im not sure if my problem is based on the new DDi beta. But since i updated, creature animations are behaving odd. Before it wasn't perfect, but it kind of worked: if gaged/belted it would change to vaginal from oral and vice versa, given there were other animations available, if not DD items were ignored.

Now, if my pc is wearing a gag and an oral animation is selected (lets say horse groping) it changes to a complete random (non creature) animation (like pillory bound sex)


I reinstalled sexlab, cleared all animations, re-registered animations, turned off the DDi/ZaZ setting for bound animations, ran loot & fnis and started a new game.


Beta looks nice, although im not sure what use bound combat will be. And first person view while wearing a yoke almost makes me puke, although that might be a problem with enhanced camera or the settings of it.




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I'm having a problem with the Forbidden Tomes quest, I've found two of the three dwemer devices but I'm stuck on the third.


The quest map marker seems to be bugged out, it points to Stony Creek Cave and once I'm inside the map markers change to it being in Kagranzel, once I'm in Kagranzel it points back to Stony Creek Cave. I can gurantee that the device is in neither. I


What other areas are on the list for this quest and what are the quest stages/quest id so I can skip it if needs be.


Ta for the help.

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