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LoversRaperS - Dukky Edition

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LoversRaperS - Dukky Edition

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This is an updated combat rape mod that grants actors (NPCs and Creatures) the ability to perform sexual assault on others. Such assaults include gang rapes, stealing of equipment, items or gold, cause physical harm during rape,  and so much more.




Rapes are started by combat hits from NPCs against either the player or other NPCs, or the player using the granted 'Rape' Lesser Ability or custom Hotkey (defined in the ini files). Calculations determining the success of each attempt are defined within the .ini files and can be adjusted by the player using the Rape Settings Menu spell.


Default animation strings assume you are using the LAPF pack. If you are using the v3 Resource pack with the 11-200 BBB Revised or v2 Resource pack edit LoversRaperS_Motion.ini and un-comment the appropriate section.


As before, LoversRaperS should be placed after LoversVoiceSSPplus in the load order, or directly above/before the Lovers with PK.esp file.



* ==== * ==== * ==== *




  • Creates a feature allowing the player to rape targets, or optionally have the chosen target rape the player.  This by way of spells or a custom hotkey.
  • Four actual spells within the system:
  1. Rape:                         Touch Spell: Cast on a target to rape
  2. Rape Me:                   Touch Spell: Cast on a target to let it rape you
  3. Rape Orientation:      Touch Spell: Cast on a target to set its preferences
  4. Rape Settings Menu:  Self Spell:  Allows the player to set in-game settings
  • Takes advantage of the Oblivion Magic Extender for custom icons (.dlls included).
  • Sets up a gang-rape system which can be triggered by certain witnesses seeing an already existing rape and wishing to join in. Player may join in if asked.
  • Reverse-Rape is possible.  Female rapists may be set to force their victim to act the masculine against his will. This now possible with Female creatures.  Lovers Creatures 2.5+ required for creature reverse rape.
  • Creature submissive pose fix. If attempting to rape a creature that has no submissive pose, three settings to deal with this now exists:  forfeit rape, NPC becomes the submissive, use wonky animations as normal. Available only when LoversCreatures 2.5+ is installed.
  • Equipment, items and gold may be stolen  from the victim after enacting rape.
  • Rape may end in death if damage is incurred. Or other bad-end conditions such as perpeturape may occur. Requires other mods for additional bad-endings.
  • Includes an expansive settings menu which defines the conditions that permit rape to occur; victim fatigue,  gender differences or subject's orientations, whether rape is a hostile act, item theft and more.
  • Cross-Mod support exists for  LoversCreatures up to version 2.5+, TamagoClub, Player Slave Encounters, Lovers Slave Trader, FuroTrap Improved, LoversBitch, Lovers CrowningIsles and LoversGGBlackmail.
  • System disabled when dealing with Hiyoko under the notion of said character age. Also prevented if hiyoko is said player's offspring.




  • While the RaperS system has many features, these features are not triggered by other outside rape mods.
  1. Equipment theft, victim health damage, and reverse rape will not function.
  2. Creature submissive pose fix will not be detected.
  • May interfere with, or trigger excessive rape events, if LoversImmoralGuards is installed. Said mod includes its own gangrape system.
  • The Oblivion Magi Extender .dlls which allows the use of custom icons may interfere with some of the older OBSE commands.
  1. The .dlls rewrite some of the older OBSE v 18 commands and other older commands won't work.
  2. Of the OBSE v 18 commands, many were handled better and substituted by OBSE v 19 while others were depreciated.
  3. If issues still arise, the OBME .dll files can be removed without harming this mod. Only the loss of the custom spell icons will result,  the default Script Effect icons taking their place.



* ==== * ==== * ==== *




  • Copy the LoversRaperS.esp and LoversRaperS.bsa files into the Data folder. Then copy the four LoversRaperS_xxx.Ini files into the Data\Ini folder. Then after that, copy the two OBME .dll files into the OBSE\Plugins folder.
  • The LoversRaperS.esp should be placed  right above (before) Lovers with PK.esp, and below (after) LoversVoiceSSPplus.esp if it is present in the load order.
  • If you are using the v2 or v3+ Revised BBB Lovers Resource pack, you'll need to edit LoversRaperS_Motion.ini and uncomment the appropriate sections.


  • Simply disable LoversRaperS.esp from your load order.  After that,  then remove LoversRaperS.esp and bsa files from the Data folder  and the LoversRapers_*.ini files from the from the Data\Ini folder.  Follow this by removing the two OBME .dll files from the OBSE\Plugins folder.



* ==== * ==== * ==== *



Oblivion latest patch
OBSE v19 or higher
Lovers v91 or higher



Lovers Creature                          - Needed for creature rape
Lovers Creature v 2.5+               - Needed for creature rape and with submissive animations

Pluggy v125 or higher                - Needed to export settings to .ini
Furo Trap Improved: Tentacles!   - Needed to furo trap victims by daedric rape
Lovers Slave Trade                      - Needed to enslave rape victims near death
Player Slave Encounters              - Needed for enslavement Bad End
Break Armor                              - Needed for clothing bonuses by condition
LoversBitch                                - Needed for adaptive RaperS messages
TamagoClub                              - Needed for adaptive RaperS messages



* ==== * ==== * ==== *



The Dukky Edition of this mod is a continuation of WappyOne's work which can be  found at: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15117-lovers-rapers-wappyones-edition/

Likewise,  the WappyOne edition was a continuation of ShadowRunner's work found  at:  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/4597-xloversrapers-shadowrunner-132b/

Stories included (if you can find them?



  • "A Walk on the Moors" by by Shady Lady Julie (2018)
  • "Morning Rape" (2016)
  • "Dar-Ma and her Mom" (was Megan and her Mom) by by Mario Caliente (2014)


Edited by LongDukDong
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A few things not explained, even in the earlier Wappy  v1.8 version.


First, the INI files (Chaos, Custom and Default) have an entry at the top for a hotkey code.  Currently, you can use the [N] key to perform rape, or see your chance of being raped if your cross-hairs are not on a potential victim.  This is a key you may change within the INI files if this conflicts with the hotkeys of any other mod.


Second is Orientation mode.  This mode is generally disabled or turned off, and after checking your chance of rape (rapist strength, disposition, fatigue, etc.), you must pass a gender percentage/chance test. These percentages are set within the Gender submenu of the Rape Settings Menu.  However, when Orientation mode is turned on, then rapists merely need to pass the chance of rape and then execute rape if their preferred orientation is set.  Rapers have orientations such as Interested in Raping (Men/Women/Men and Women).  For this, you also have a spell called Rape Orientation which lets you determine an NPC's preferred orientation.


Third, the Hotkey mentioned earlier ignored the above-mentioned tests.  This was likely an oversight as this would negate the need for the Rape Settings Menu.  This new version fixes this issue and the hotkey recognizes the settings.  NO CHEATING!!!


I have other thoughts for expanding RaperS, in particular the randomization of some fun messages. But also some incidents involving participation in guild houses of some sort. and other custom touches.  And the new version has more scripts, quite a bit organized and with more instructive and informative comments than ever (IN ENGLISH) so others can read and decipher how the system functions.  This should help with updates.

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While old exported settings will work, the old settings will not include the new settings.  However, the basis of the Ini Read/Write system built into RaperS includes  predefined defaults for missing settings. :blush:  These new settings will be saved into later exports.


The only ini-based setting that is not updated in this fashion is the new  xLoversRaperSQuest.iAltRapeMessages setting in the Chaos/Custom/Default Ini files, that being a new setting which turns on/off the end-of-rape messages for those using other means of rape.

Explanation:  At the end of rape, RaperS brings up messages like "He pulled out of me and orgasmed".  I spent some time and expanded that greatly.  Woohoo.  However, these messages would not appear with the original RaperS system if raped by other means.   Because of that limitation, I put in a system which detects if sex performed is a rape triggered by another mod.  The three INI files have this turned on, but it can be turned off so only RaperS presents these messages.


Oh, and since CrowningIsles and GGBlackmail offers their own 'end-of-rape' messages, RaperS end-rape messages are disabled when the respective mods come into question.  As an example, you can be raped with CrowningIsles enabled, but only will CIsles-based rape will disable RaperS 's in favor of their own. 


Neither LoversHorseRider, LoversBitch, PlayerSlaveEncounters nor DarkBloodline has this issue.  Now you can see why it took a little while after I said I was nearly done.

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Yes. But nothing that affects NON-LC2.5+ users.


The script recognizes LoversCreatures 2.5+, and considers a feature called the Submission Fix which is only available to users of LoversCreatures 2.5+


Within the Submission Fix, you have three options if the creature has no submissive sex pose. It can either (1) Run as Normal with screwed up animations, (2) perform a ReverseRape, or (3) Block Rape itself.  Within this particular script, it will perform the Block Rape option if  it is using LC2.5+, the code detects no submissive pose for the creature and if it's set to block.


And that singular feature is at the start of the script.  Don't want to proceed if there isn't any valid rape.  ;) 




Oh, and I renamed the script.... naming conventions.   Commands and Subroutines that do not return a value have CMD in the script name (ie xLoversRaperSCmd.....)   Functions are routines that return a value, this following a calculation or a test, much like this script, and have a FUNCTION in the script name (ie xLoversRaperSFunctionInitRape).  Quest scripts have Quest in the name (obviously the Quest script need not be renamed).  Magic Effects have Magic... and so on.


STILL, you can refer to the script by the HexCode FormID as none of these have changed. :D  So yes, you can still access xx080000.




What you may like is the xLoversRaperSCmdsPosOverride command (form ID xx06AB2F.  It lets you set the pose for the next 'immediate' rape.


The xLoversRaperSFunctionRandomPosition script (formerly xLoversRaperSRandomPosition) chooses a random pose that will be performed during rape.  What was built into it was an override value.  If this value is set to 0, then the random pose generated will be used.  But if this value is something else, then the value indicates the new pose.  And once used, the value resets to 0.


I didn't create this, it was already existing in the script.  But the hook that let you take advantage of this feature did not exist in the mod until now.


So if you wish to set a random pose, grab the command and use something like   call RefPoseOverride 188  if you want a very specific blowjob.



And you can now use  xLoversRaperSFunctionVersion (formID xx06823A) to get the current version number (2000 for 2.000)



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5 hours ago, sunhawken said:

I assume the plugin xLCR.esp  is no longer need except for debugging the LC2.5+ , which in return will free up a .esp slot!

The xLCR.esp mod's intended use was always LoversCreatures 2.5+ debugging and never meant for full in-game use.  I mean, if you wanted to rape creatures without THIS mod, you had access to the TachiCat mod. But that didn't give any extra features, error checks, or whatnot.


If you use the TachiCat mod together with LoversRaperS, the bulk of the rape features of RaperS will not appear.  Only the end-of-rape messages where the rapist finally finishes with the victim 'can' appear as RaperS can detect if another mod performed rape, though that is up to certain conditions. But I discussed that just a few days earlier in post #4.

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to version 2.10


First, I had to address an issue I encountered when checking out Lovers Horse Rider.  The end-of-rape creampie messages for horses accidentally used that belonging to Hungers and Daedroths, the creature ID between hungers and horses off by just one number.  This issue was an easy fix, but annoying nonetheless.


Second, I had already removed the phrase "(Contact)" from most of the spells as it is pretty much understood. However, I forgot to remove it from the Rape Me spell until now.


Third, the mod now has custom icons for the four spells used within the mod.  Said functionality comes from two .dll files from the Oblivion Magic Extender... which is pretty much the entire extender itself.  It isn't friendly with OBSE version 18, but RaperS prefers v 19 or higher... and I'm using V 20.  Thanks goes to @NaamForst  for pointing me towards JRoush's OBME system.

Oh, and what do they look like????


ldd_rapers_menu.png  Gotta have fun with the Rape Settings Menu and a Molag Bal-like skull graphic.


ldd_rapers_rape.pngldd_rapers_rapeme.png  Rape and Rape Me look the same... almost. Differences in the eyes, and the Rape Me has some lines indicating a command.


ldd_rapers_orientation.png And this is the Rape Orientation icon (if you use Orientation instead of Gender Percent chances).

(I said I couldn't make models.  I didn't say I couldn't frankenpixel or draw.)



Some graphics may look familiar, the use of the 'Damage' effect icon's circular border with 'Command' and 'Frenzy' icons being the most recognizable. I took some time to craft the Rape Settings icon, modifying a Shock Damage skull ... removing the lightning bold effect, recoloring it and adding massive daedric horns.


And if you don't like the icons, or have issues with the OBME.dll files conflicting with older OBSE v18 commands, the OBME files can be removed without harming the mod's functionality.


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Hey, awesome work!


I wanted to let you know that I came across an error in one of the menus. In Attributes Settings Pg. 2, the Raper Disposition and Responsibility numbers are swapped in the (Help) text. So far I haven't noticed any other issues. Scratch that, just noticed another error in the same menus. When adjusting some of the numbers here, an extra popup that says "strmenu" will appear. It doesn't happen on Responsibility, but does on Disposition.


I also made an ini for Custom Spell Icons. If you're using CSI Updated, you can just merge this with your data folder and add a line referencing "CSI_LoversRaperS" to CustomSpellIcons.ini. If you're using old CSI, you've gotta merge the inis manually (sucks to use objectively worse versions, ya know).


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Just out of curiosity, have you considered adding random conversations during the act like in the Galgat version of this mod from 2013 ?


I'm setting up a new game, and will probably use your version as it's newer and I think his version is not fully compliant with LAPF or Creatures anymore, but the conversations may be a nice addition.


I'm not sure if I could copy them from one .esp to another in xEdit, especially if they're tied into a quest or script.


Anyway, just a thought for the future.  I don't know if that's in your vision for the mod or not.


Thank you

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On 5/13/2021 at 3:33 AM, Goawaynow said:

Hey, awesome work!


I wanted to let you know that I came across an error in one of the menus. In Attributes Settings Pg. 2, the Raper Disposition and Responsibility numbers are swapped in the (Help) text. So far I haven't noticed any other issues. Scratch that, just noticed another error in the same menus. When adjusting some of the numbers here, an extra popup that says "strmenu" will appear. It doesn't happen on Responsibility, but does on Disposition.


I also made an ini for Custom Spell Icons. If you're using CSI Updated, you can just merge this with your data folder and add a line referencing "CSI_LoversRaperS" to CustomSpellIcons.ini. If you're using old CSI, you've gotta merge the inis manually (sucks to use objectively worse versions, ya know).

RaperS-CSI.zip 803 B · 4 downloads

Textures.rar   Here are the images converted and auto arranged for the ini for CSI you can drag and drop and plug and play just set your CSI main ini and your good to go.11420526_Oblivion5_18_20214_27_04AM.png.207b6618cadd662424dc13d661c7e0fe.png

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... are a good thing.  Thanks for letting me know, @Goawaynow .  I'll look at it when I can...

* In Attributes Settings Pg. 2, the Raper Disposition and Responsibility numbers are swapped in the (Help) text

* an extra popup that says "strmenu" will appear (happens in Disposition


To @travelmedic:  You have NO idea what I was planning for LST at the onset, having custom dialog based on slave status...  Different sex dialog if the participants are involved in "Flowergirl Sex", "Disguised as Guard", "Training" "Slave is owned by NPC", and so much more.  But I had to squash that for now.  A separate plugin - addon for LoversVoice might be an idea for later.  And thus the same for THIS?


And to both @Goawaynow and @sunhawken ... Thanks.   I may eventually put that in DOWNLOADS as a separate zipped up package for those interested. :D


And yep, I just got CSE working again!  But that's off-topic.

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to Dukky Version 2.20



Said bugs noted by @Goawaynow involved the Attributes menu, and were fixed.  :cool:  Yes, the values of Disposition and Responsibility were indeed swapped, and I haven't a clue how I swapped the variables.  DOH! :P  And the second bug involving the text pop of strmenu showing was due to a simple missing '$' to the string variable's name, rendering it rather than the text it was to display... a warning that the player was setting a Disposition Value below 75.


At the same time, I neglected until now to update the opening of the Rape Settings Menu to reflect it is now the Dukky version of RaperS.  Well... that was a breeze. :blush:


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I have not added/included the add-ons provided by @Goawaynow and @sunhawken (where's your avatar!!!), as I need to ask a question.


Hey, Sun.  In your package, you have two folders, a CSI folder and my Magic\LDD folder.  Within LDD, you have .dds and .png versions of my Icons, but the CSI folder has no content at all.  Is this correct or in error?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


to Dukky Version 2.21



As of now, the mod now recognizes LoversHiyokoShooter and LoversImmoralGuards.


One of the options of LoversHiyokoShooter is (by default) having the characters undergoing labor issue vocals as if being raped.  It is painful afterall.  But as such, the upgrade to RaperS now blocks the chance of the mother and child from entering any prospective gangrape.  And it prevents any after-rape text from being displayed.


Insofar as LoversImmoralGuards, this mod now detects four different flags which trigger sex.  This was added to likewise prevent any gang-rape from occurring with Immoral Guards as Immoral Guards has its own variation.


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  • 2 weeks later...


to version 2.22


Have you ever wondered why there's some message like "Mai'q had started cumming and pulled away." or "T'savi had pulled away and began to orgasm." appeared, but never when the player was the actual rapist?  Did you ever notice that the player was never permitted to generate those messages?   :confused:  Well, that time has passed.


 :cool:  A new option in the "Advanced" menu settings allows you to determine if the player generates these after-sex texts, this setting just below the Verbosity setting already available.


Meanwhile, a real treat is here.  :wacko:  The end-of-sex messages that appear when any rape had finished (apart from a completed gangbang session) have been expanded.  Apart from instances where the original, default messages are shown, Oral Sex messages, creature content sex and sex where sperm is transferred (requiring Futa settings, LoversCreatures and/or TamagoClub) have been greatly expanded.  Additional scripts have been added to randomly generate words and phrases shown in the rendered text.  And this gives a greater variety of results.


Assuming that there are merely five (5) phrases used to describe a woman's love channel, ten (10) descriptive penetration actions, and merely three (3) names for semen, a single message may have 150 combinations.  Couple that with 14 different programmed syntax using these words and phrases, and you have over 1000 possible text outcums!


It isn't complete.  ;)   There's not so much added for Oral sex, and I do have thoughts of introducing the 'different flavors' suggested in Galgat's  LoversCrowningIsles for a type of LoversLab canon continuity.  And I don't really have any girl-on-girl scissoring messages, though that's understandable right now.


Hope you like.

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When you have the verbosity setting within the "Advanced Menu" options set to 2(Default) or higher, there is some text that is rendered when rape is coming to an end. This text is not part of the "Gangrape" big text that describes how many participants there were.  By default standards, this text would be akin to like "Mai'q had started cumming and pulled away." or "T'savi had pulled away and began to orgasm."   Nothing much more than the action of the rapist (other than the player) on the victim.  This would be the 'after-sex' message.


The "Advanced Menu" now includes a new switch that lets the 'after-sex' text appear if the player performs rape.  This was not available before within LoversRaperS. The default styled text recognizes this, so the message for the player being the rapist may appear as "I started cumming and pulled away." or "I had pulled away and began to orgasm." . I could have taken the easier way out and let it show the 'name' of the player, but a more personal touch of saying I had... works better and shows it being the player's own actions being reflected.


That is all well and good for normal default options, especially when a character in Oblivion is not expected to get knocked up or so on.


IF... you are using LoversCreatures and/or using the Tamago/Hiyoko set that I have been maintaining, you have OTHER options...


Certain creatures in LoversCreatures have poses that suggest Oral Sex is being performed.  So a separate branch of these messages were created for Oral Sex.  Likewise, if the rape act performed between NPCs, it too will go to the Oral sex branch. 


Assuming rape sex is performed between two female NPCs and the option for the female to grow a penis during sex (in the LAPF system itself) is not turned on, then the system will instead execute a Scissoring branch of messages.


And if the Tamago/Hiyoko system is engaged and the sex actions are not Oral, then it executes the Creampie branch of messages.


Yes, I have quite a few message blocks....   Separating them into individual scripts works to TRY to keep it organized.


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The OBSE MessageEx command is nice in that it lets you refer to an actor, and it can generate a pronoun for the actor (He/She,  Him/Her,  His/Hers).  But that was as far as the OBSE system went.  It only had three options.  So I made up a script of my own to generate... more:


    ; Tenses: (1-8) and outside range
    ; 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         (other)
    ; --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
    ; I         Me        My        Mine      Myself    I         Me        My        Mine
    ; He        Him       His       His       Himself   Martin    Martin    Martin's  Martin's
    ; She       Her       Her       Hers      Herself   Claudia   Claudia   Claudia's Claudia's


I had to be very thorough.  Pity I can't edit the OBSE to do this for me and make my life easier. :P

A message may now be able to refer to "I hit the bitch up and..."   or it may say "Elysian hit the bitch up and...", by my use of option #6 in Tense selection settings.  With Tense #6, it returns the name of the participant instead of a pronoun, or it returns 'I' if the actor is the player itself.


Other scripts were made to hold a variety of words and phrases, this to keep messages random.  I only have four names of Ejaculations (cum, sperm, essence, seed), and either five names for the vagina (muff, pussy, cunt, box, snatch) and five for the vaginal openings (gash, slit, cunt, snatch, twat). But a mix of Ejaculations and Vagina alone is 4x5 giving 20 different combinations.  And there are other generators as well.  That, and some randomized mix of syntax.


The Creampie section is the most extensive of the branches and holds the most number of randomly chosen syntax strings where these phrases are randomly chosen (ie 15 syntaxes mixed with just the 20 vagina/ejaculation combinations would suggest 300 by themselves).  Oral Sex and Scissoring are sparce in comparison. But the phrase system kinda makes up for that.


Of Creatures....  Creature Sex messages are more extensive in the Creampie section than the others.  For Oral Sex, you merely have a handful of creatures defined to grant or receive oral gratification.  In fact, you can count them on one hand.  For Scissoring, there is more.  However, each creature has its own unique syntax.


Dogs/Canines have a custom syntax that suggests that they have a knot.  It even recognizes the use of LoversBitch, and would mention getting that knot rammed in if the situation does exist.


Hungers have 'tongues' and not dicks.  Flame Atronachs are definite fire-ctotches, and the crustaceans or hard-shelled denizens like the mudcrab, Spider-Daedra and Land Dreughs have separate branches for females implanting eggs into the victim or the male releasing its seed/sperm/essense (you get the idea). 


So there's a CRAP load of different phrases built in, though only one basic syntax for creature type.  I have not made randomized combinations per creature as yet.


All of this is a bonus extension of what was originally part of LoversRaperS, just now greatly extending and building upon the original End-Message feature.


Future thoughts?  Well, I like to keep semi-canon with other mods.  I won't go into details, but there's a touch I want to add based on a lecture given by Ms Dumasy Slate in LoversCrowningIsles. :P  Seriously, Galgat!  Helluva name you came up with for her!  :tounge_xd:  But that is a separate topic.


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1 hour ago, Elysian97m said:

What are all the possible rape ends?


So if you were asking what is defined as a rape ending text, you got it there.


And if you were asking for a 'list' of the texts that would appear....?  HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  Not a CHANCE!  I made it way too hilariously random and extensive to even proceed! :wacko:






Edited by LongDukDong
final thoughts
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  • 4 months later...


to version 2.3


There was an unseen bug in the system.  To be more exact, a feature to rape sleeping victims was accidentally removed.  Earlier versions of LoversRaperS allowed one to rape victims in their sleep without worry of failure chances... as if a sleeping victim isn't being caught unaware.  Now, this has been repaired and you can have a REAL Slumber Party.


In keeping with an update I performed with the Dukky version of LoversSlaveTrader, an option to restrict Hiyoko from mod actions has been added.  The option appears in the newly supplied INI files and is able to be toggled within Cross Mod support in the Settings spell. Likewise, the settings can be saved in custom INI saves.  With this new update, you can leave Hiyoko as they normally are, ban/block actions where Hiyoko are concerned, or rely upon HiyokoClub's newly created 'Adult' flag, where the system determines if a Hiyoko is now fully grown.


The new Hiyoko system does rely upon HiyokoClub v 1.10 revision 5.1 or higher, otherwise the system is disabled and again has Hiyoko treated normally.  But by default and within the INI files, Hiyoko are banned from actions... though this is up to the end user to change.


Lastly, a minor correction was performed to the version display system. While the version number could be retrieved from other mods, the in-game variable storing the version only set on the first initialization of RaperS.  Updating to a newer version would not show the newer version.  This simple blunder just annoyed me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Change the LoversRaperS_Motion.ini


In this version only 3 animations are used. ani "126,127,128" for male-female, female-male and male-male, female-female. All 3 animations are missionary.


In the Wappy version the LAPF animations was



! ! old Wappy ini ! !


set xLoversRaperSQuest.mfn to sv_construct "3,4,5,9,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,117,119,120,121,122,123,124,126,127,128,130,143,144,145,146,165,169,174,176" ;Male --> Female Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mfb to sv_construct "2,8,10,50,51,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65,66,67,69,70,71,72,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,88,89,92,94,95,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,106,107,125,129,191" ;Male --> Female From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.fmn to sv_construct "1,7,26,31,32,33,34,37,38,159" ;Female --> Male Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.fmb to sv_construct "27,29,30,35,36,39,40" ;Female --> Male From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.mmn to sv_construct "3,4,5,109,115,117,119,121,122,124,126,127,128,130,145,146,174" ;Male --> Male Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mmb to sv_construct "2,8,10,50,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65,66,69,70,71,72,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,88,89,95,100,101,106,125,129,191" ;Male --> Male From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffn to sv_construct "1,7,26,31,32,33,34,38,159,-165" ;Female --> Female Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffb to sv_construct "27,29,30,35,36,159,-165" ;Female --> Female From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.mc to sv_construct "57,60,65,67,81,127,145,161"    ; Male --> Corpse
set xLoversRaperSQuest.fc to sv_construct "1,7,28,34,37,38"    ; Female --> Corpse
; Uncomment following two lines for non-futa female->female. Also set gender->Female reverse to Always.
;set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffn to sv_construct "159,-165" ;Female --> Female Normal
;set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffb to sv_construct "159,-165" ;Female --> Female From Back




You can delete the "3 ani part" in the Dukky Edition iniini



Delete the yellow parts, also the ;

And with non-futa females also the orange part ( and the ; at the beginning of the line. And block the female-female line above with an :


;************ Uncomment these lines if using LAPF pack ************
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mfn to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "3,4,5,9,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,117,119,120,121,122,123,124,126,127,128,130,143,144,145,146,165,169,174,176" ;Male --> Female Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mfb to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "2,8,10,50,51,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65,66,67,69,70,71,72,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,88,89,92,94,95,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,106,107,125,129,191" ;Male --> Female From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.fmn to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "1,7,26,31,32,33,34,37,38,159" ;Female --> Male Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.fmb to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "27,29,30,35,36,39,40" ;Female --> Male From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.mmn to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "3,4,5,109,115,117,119,121,122,124,126,127,128,130,145,146,174" ;Male --> Male Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mmb to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "2,8,10,50,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,65,66,69,70,71,72,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,88,89,95,100,101,106,125,129,191" ;Male --> Male From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffn to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "1,7,26,31,32,33,34,38,159,-165" ;Female --> Female Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffb to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "27,29,30,35,36,159,-165" ;Female --> Female From Back


set xLoversRaperSQuest.mc to sv_construct "57,60,65,67,81,127,145,161"    ; Male --> Corpse
set xLoversRaperSQuest.fc to sv_construct "1,7,28,34,37,38"    ; Female --> Corpse
; Uncomment following two lines for non-futa female->female. Also set gender->Female reverse to Always.
;set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffn to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "159,-165" ;Female --> Female Normal
;set xLoversRaperSQuest.ffb to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "159,-165" ;Female --> Female From Back
;************ Uncomment above lines if using LAPF pack ************



Or create your own set of ani.

In the LAPF download file you have  jpg file with a list of all animations.  Animations in LAPF "date".jpg

Or you open the console when you have normal sex and you like the ani. You see the used ani number. Then add that ani number in the LoversRaperS_Motion.ini


With the LAPF system you can change almost everything and adapt it to your own wishes. Either with in game spells or the ini


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Actually, a simpler way.....


Note the following in the LoversRaperS_Motion.ini


;************ Uncomment these lines if using LAPF pack ************
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mfn to sv_construct "126,127,128" "3,4,5,9,109,...,174,176" ;Male --> Female Normal
set xLoversRaperSQuest.mfb to sv_construct "126,127,128" ; "2,8,10,50,51,...,129,191" ;Male --> Female From Back



Just delete the  126,127,128" ;  phrases from the start of the sv_construct and let the original "3,4,5,9... and so on continue.  Those are the original motions.




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