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LoversRaperS - Dukky Edition

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Never let them sort automatically.  That's the problem.  In general, non lovers mods MUST load before lovers mods.  And the yellow link in my sig, as I stated before, has a recommended mod order.

At least you didn't say Wyre Bash.  You cannot 'BASH' lovers mods... ever (if you switch over). 


But sorting mods should be no problem if you follow the recommended mod order as stated.

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On 8/13/2022 at 3:32 AM, LongDukDong said:

30% of 12 is 3.6hp ... 4hp damage on rape (actually 3.6, assuming it rounds 'up')...  So if her full health is 12hp and she's got 5hp left... STILL no death because 1hp would still remain.  OR 2hp remaining if it rounds down.

...that was strange! I was doing other stuff and now I sat down to test some other mods (I never actually get to play this game!!!) and I went to walk around in Sutch Village, and raped some Sutch guards, and yes they get raped to death after three or four rapes!

So it was that NPC from my edited CM-partners then who didn't work.

And so now when I used my home made setting instead, the MessageBox popped up with "Sutch guard is getting devoured by rapists!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's something weird going on with the dynamic mode. As soon as my health or fatigue drops below half, no matter how lowly the enemy or what their own health situation is, they pounce on me. I just got pounded by a level 6 goblin that was about one punch away from dying himself, just because my own attacks wore down my fatigue a little bit.


Pretty sure it shouldn't be that lopsided for them.

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It is a mix of features.  Calculated chance of the creature to rape you compared to that of an NPC to rape you of that gender...  Whether they get a bonus from behind or not, and your health and/or fatigue and disposition.  It's not one factor but multiple ones that go into the calculations.


These are the original calculations that have been part of LoversRaperS since the beginning and they are not going to change.  You can alter the settings to suit your tastes however.

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Could you tell me of those calculations in a little bit more mechanical detail? It feels really weird that they're all, seemingly, by default geared up so outrageously high that as soon as my fatigue - the final threshold - falls to 49%, I'm free game to everybody. The promised dynamic granularity doesn't exactly come across.

Edited by TenShadows
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There are multiple scripts that go into determining the validity of the success, this being only one of them.  And again, the calculations have not changed since its inception over a decade ago.  To change the conditions and calculations as something so established would be harmful for other scripts that may be add-one or dependent upon it.  So no change is ever going to be made to these.




scn xLoversRaperSGetSuccess

ref attacker
ref target
short ok
int health
int athealth
float athealthh
float f0
short bl

int aresponsibility
int adisposition
int astrength
int dstrength
int strengthdiff
int apersonality
int dpersonality
int afatigue
int dfatigue
int armorhealth

short dynchance
string_var svChanceDetail
short iLen

ref rTmp

Begin Function { attacker target }
	set ok to 0	;NG

	;preveri pogoje v check enabled, mora biti 1 da nadaljuje
	if 0 == Call xLoversRaperSCheckEnabled attacker target
		SetFunctionValue 0

	;player automatic success vs undetected, sleeping, and the dead
	if attacker == Player && xLoversRaperSQuest.ok2 >= 3
		SetFunctionValue 1

	; Automatic success against Perpeturape victim
	if ( target.GetItemCount xLoversRaperSFlgPerpeturape )
		SetFunctionValue 1
	; Automatic success against player slaves
	if attacker == Player
		if target.GetItemCount xLoversPkrFlagSlave
			SetFunctionValue 1

	;Raper Responsibility
	set aresponsibility to attacker.GetAV Responsibility

	; Rape prevent death check, all success except responsibility and 0% gender
	if ( target.GetItemCount xLoversRaperSDeathDeferred )
		set svChanceDetail to sv_Construct "%n-%n (Dying): " attacker target
		set iLen	to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		if ( aresponsibility > xLoversRaperSQuest.raperMaxResponsibility )
			sv_Insert "Responsibility: FAIL" svChanceDetail iLen
			SetFunctionValue 0
		elseif eval ( 0 == call xLoversRaperSGetGenderMatch attacker target )
			sv_Insert "Gender: FAIL" svChanceDetail iLen
			SetFunctionValue 0
			sv_Insert "Success" svChanceDetail iLen
			SetFunctionValue 1
		if ( xLoversRaperSQuest.iVerbosity >= 2 )
			printc $svChanceDetail

	; Rapist in refractory period
	if attacker.hasspell xLoversRaperSSatisfiedSpell
		setFunctionValue ok

	set athealthh to attacker.GetAV Health
	if athealthh > attacker.GetMaxAV Health
		set athealthh to attacker.GetMaxAV Health
	set f0 to target.GetAV Health
	if f0 > target.GetMaxAV Health
		set f0 to target.GetMaxAV Health
	;Raper HP %
	set athealth to athealthh * 100 / attacker.GetMaxAV Health
	;Victim HP %
	set health to f0 * 100 / target.GetMaxAV Health
	;Raper Disposition
	if attacker == Player
		set adisposition to 0
		set rTmp to xLoversRaperSQuest.rIchSlaveQuest
		if ( IsFormValid rTmp )
			set f0 to GetVariable "PlayerEnslaved" rTmp
			if ( f0 > 0 )
				set adisposition to 0
				set adisposition to attacker.GetDisposition target
			set adisposition to attacker.GetDisposition target
	;Raper Strength
	set astrength to attacker.GetAV Strength
	;Victim strength
	set dstrength to target.GetAV Strength
	set strengthdiff to astrength - dstrength
	;Attacker personality
	set apersonality to attacker.GetAV Personality
	;victim personality
	set dpersonality to target.GetAV Personality
	set athealthh to attacker.GetAV Fatigue
	if athealthh > attacker.GetMaxAV Fatigue
		set athealthh to attacker.GetMaxAV Fatigue
	set f0 to target.GetAV Fatigue
	if f0 > target.GetMaxAV Fatigue
		set f0 to target.GetMaxAV Fatigue
	;attacker fatigue %
	set afatigue to athealthh * 100 / attacker.GetMaxAV Fatigue
	;victim fatigue %
	set dfatigue to f0 * 100 / target.GetMaxAV Fatigue

	; Threshold checks
	set bl to 0
	if athealth >= xLoversRaperSQuest.raperMinHP
		if aresponsibility <= xLoversRaperSQuest.raperMaxResponsibility
			if apersonality <= xLoversRaperSQuest.raperMaxPersonality
				if dpersonality >= xLoversRaperSQuest.victimMinPersonality
					if afatigue >= xLoversRaperSQuest.raperMinFatigue
						if adisposition <= xLoversRaperSQuest.raperMaxDisposition
							set bl to 1
	if bl == 0
		SetFunctionValue 0

	; Initialize success rate
	if attacker == Player
		set dynchance to xLoversRaperSQuest.PlayerSuccessRate
		set svChanceDetail to sv_Construct "Base chance %n-%n: %.0f" attacker target xLoversRaperSQuest.PlayerSuccessRate
		set dynchance to xLoversRaperSQuest.OtherSuccessRate
		set svChanceDetail to sv_Construct "Base chance %n-%n: %.0f" attacker target xLoversRaperSQuest.OtherSuccessRate

	if ( health > xLoversRaperSQuest.borderHealthRate || dfatigue > xLoversRaperSQuest.victimMaxFatigue ) && xLoversRaperSQuest.dynamicMode == 0
		set dynchance to -1000
		set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		sv_Insert " HP|Fat threshold fail:-1000" svChanceDetail iLen

	; Adjust for dynamic health/fatigue
	if xLoversRaperSQuest.dynamicMode
		set f0 to ( xLoversRaperSQuest.borderHealthRate - health ) * xLoversRaperSQuest.healthdynrate
		set dynchance to dynchance + f0
		if xLoversRaperSQuest.healthdynrate > 0
			set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
			sv_Insert " Dyn HP:%.0f" dynchance svChanceDetail iLen
		set f0 to ( xLoversRaperSQuest.victimMaxFatigue - dfatigue ) * xLoversRaperSQuest.fatiguedynrate
		set dynchance to dynchance + f0
		if xLoversRaperSQuest.fatiguedynrate > 0
			set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
			sv_Insert " Dyn Fat:%.0f" dynchance svChanceDetail iLen
	; Strength difference bonus/penalty
	set f0 to strengthdiff * xLoversRaperSQuest.overpower
	set dynchance to dynchance + f0
	if xLoversRaperSQuest.overpower > 0
		set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		sv_Insert " Str Diff:%.0f" dynchance svChanceDetail iLen

	; Check upper/lower armor slots
	set armorhealth to Call xLoversRaperSGetArmorDurability target
	set f0 to -1 * armorhealth * xLoversRaperSQuest.armorprotect
	set dynchance to dynchance + f0
	if xLoversRaperSQuest.armorprotect > 0
		set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		sv_Insert " Armor:%.0f" dynchance svChanceDetail iLen

	; Front success until changed
	set ok to 1

	; Apply bonusses/penalties
	; Back attack bonus
	if Call xLoversRaperSGetBackAttack attacker target
		set ok to 2
		set f0 to xLoversRaperSQuest.BackAttackSuccessRate / 100
		set dynchance to dynchance * f0
		set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		if xLoversRaperSQuest.BackAttackMin > dynchance
			set dynchance to xLoversRaperSQuest.BackAttackMin
			sv_Insert " Back MIN:%.0f" xLoversRaperSQuest.BackAttackMin svChanceDetail iLen
			sv_Insert " Back:x%.2f" f0 svChanceDetail iLen

	; Incapacitated bonus 
	if target.GetKnockedState || ( attacker == Player && target.IsStaggered ) || target.AnimPathIncludes "getupface"
		set f0 to xLoversRaperSQuest.knocked / 100
		set dynchance to dynchance * f0
		set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		if xLoversRaperSQuest.knockedmin > dynchance
			set dynchance to xLoversRaperSQuest.knockedmin
			sv_Insert " Incap MIN:%.0f" xLoversRaperSQuest.knockedMin svChanceDetail iLen
			sv_Insert " Incap:x%.2f" f0 svChanceDetail iLen

	; Blocking penalty
	if target.IsBlocking && ok != 2
		set f0 to xLoversRaperSQuest.rBlock / 100
		set dynchance to dynchance * f0
		set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
		sv_Insert " Block:x%.0f" f0 svChanceDetail iLen

	; Roll vs final chance
	set f0 to GetRandomPercent + 1
	set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
	sv_Insert " Final:%.0f Roll:%.0f" dynchance f0 svChanceDetail iLen
	if f0 > dynchance
		set ok to 0

	; Check for gender match
	if ok
		if 0 == call xLoversRaperSGetGenderMatch attacker target
			set ok to 0
			set iLen to sv_Length svChanceDetail
			sv_Insert " Gender:FAIL" svChanceDetail iLen

	if ( ok && xLoversRaperSQuest.iVerbosity >= 2 ) || xLoversRaperSQuest.iVerbosity >= 3
		printc $svChanceDetail

	SetFunctionValue ok
	sv_Destruct svChanceDetail



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Entertaining idea.  But there was a valid reason why it was never implemented in that fashion.


The ability to join in the gangbang, whether it by you or an NPC, appears only after the act of sex had completed... after orgasm stage 4.  And the reason is because the system in general first runs a test to see what possible 'damage' the victim had suffered and if death was itself a result.  Dependent upon the situation, how low a victim's health was at the time that rape had begun, the percentage of damage based on settings and so on, the victim may die before the next rapist's turn.


It'd be a shame for you to say "MY TURN!" and she's as lifeless as a rag doll.  I do know necrophilia can be performed with LoversRaperS, but that runs a completely different way and no gangbang is possible with that... dead ensures no gangbang.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi LongDukDong, I recently downloaded and installed LoversRaperS  Dukky Edition, I updated my mod sorting by following the yellow link and made sure I was using the latest version of LAPF, but I found out that whether using the rape spell or the rapeme spell, Victims only get pushed away, knocked down, then undressed,  be stolen gold(no other items), however further process won't play, I thought it might be a load order issue, but after repeated attempts to sort and move the LAPF plugins to the end of the list. The animation still cannot be played normally, Attacker just continues moving as if nothing happened. The upper right corner will display the relevant information about the successful execution of the action normally (clothes being taken away, pushed down on face. etc). Other animation execution plug-ins, such as Tachicat2, will play the animation and message correctly. My native language is not English so I hope you can understand my message. How can I fix this problem, please? Tried fixing LAPF and switching chaos mode, trying to press N to execute animation, all failed. (I have used another version of RaperS be4, and that works correctly, after installation, this issue occurs

UPDATE: When I start a new game, this problem doesn't exist, all good now

Edited by Holiday Hentai gamer
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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, 01515151 said:

How would i do that? im kind of code illiterate so forgive me for being slow on this one

Ah.  Well, I use Oblivion Mod Manager when I play Oblivion.


To obtain the mod order (beside screencapping the sucker), OMM has a button at the bottom saying [Import/Export].  The first option that comes up is Load Order, which brings up your load order in a window you can save as a text file.  Beats screencapping it.




Edited by LongDukDong
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26 minutes ago, LongDukDong said:

Ah.  Well, I use Oblivion Mod Manager when I play Oblivion.


To obtain the mod order (beside screencapping the sucker), OMM has a button at the bottom saying [Import/Export].  The first option that comes up is Load Order, which brings up your load order in a window you can save as a text file.  Beats screencapping it.




Ahhh,right,thank you for the explanation. Here

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First, I was hoping it would be a text file.  I was able to download the olod and open it with NOTEPAD and just remove the excess to get your list in the order you have it in your Mod Manager.  The problem is...  I see the order you have it in your mod manager.




Some mods do not play well with others.  VToy.esp is the mod known as "Claudia's Little Secret"  Lord knows I know this.  Hehehe... I wrote a Prima/Help book for it entitled "Claudia's Little Diary" (you can find it in my spoilers).   Claudia is definitely NOT LAPF compliant  It has its own sex mechanics that will conflict with LAPF's mechanics.  You can play Claudia, or you can play using LAPF... but not both.


Second, I see you have a file "beautiful people.esp"  That certainly isn't "Modular Beautiful People", because you would be missing the .esm file that goes with it.  Both would be required if that is the case.


Another file you have is "move-in on her or him mod cobl patch.esp".  That is a patch.  It assumes you have COBL, and it assumes you have Move-in on her or him".  Since you have neither... you would have a problem.


After that, you got problems with the order of your mods.  And incidentally, I do not see LoversRaperS among them.  Incidentally, LoversRaperS actually loads 'before' Lovers with PK.esp... when you actually look at an example mod order.


Of the masters (those with .esm), I think you're good.  But the ESP files... disaster.


The very general order for esp files is













 Bashed Patch, 0.esp



And of these, the DLCs must be in a specific order. 


AND the 'harvest flora' esps should load right after their respective DLC mods themselves.  As in...


harvest [flora] - DLCFrostCrag.esp


 Bashed Patch, 0.esp


ALWAYS last... and in that order.


For suggestions, look at the yellow link in my signature and scroll down for the example Mod Order and examine the contents of the spoiler.  It is the mod order that I use.  And it has placeholders suggesting where things like enhanced water or capesandcloaks would belong (the former with natural waters the latter as an ITEMS mod).



Edited by LongDukDong
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offtopic2.gif TECHNICALLY... OFF TOPIC.  But I'll answer.    Content like this would be better in the FIND/REQUEST board folks.


As to the location of the Break Armor Framework, it is found (>HERE<) within the Downloads - Oblivion Adult Mods board.

And then diebedkin1993 made the Linen Tunic, the Dark Green Vest and Leather Pants, and Loincloth addons found in the Non-Adult Downloads section for some reason.  How you break a loincloth is anyone's guess.  OTHER BreakArmor addons exist, but I'm not listing em here.




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  • 1 month later...

So I have been using this mod and "Oblivion Combat extender" for a while now... and they were both working well... together...


But in the last few days they both stopped working as a death replacer... when I hit 0 health... I am actually dieing now... the death reload screen comes up no matter what I do I can't be unconscious and I can't  get raped at 0 health... I just die now...


Update: After doing a bunch of tests both mods are working if I die to a trap (I have a mod called deadly traps that effectively one shot kills me), OBCE is working fine in that regard,  LoversRapers if I die to a trap will teleport the nearest NPC to rape me which is kind of weird if they are 2 rooms away from me, but the fact it's weird doesn't change the fact it's technically working in this respect... but neither mod is working if I am defeated by NPC I just get the load screen.


Update: so by tweaking the ini file I was able to get OBCE to partially work with NPCs agian... but LoversRapers still won't stop the load screen on death... the funny thing is earlier today before I first posted my problem I Totally Uninstalled the game deleted everything in steamapps/common/Oblivion as well as the Oblivion save game files in my documents... and rebuilt the game with only safe working mods (I can Uninstall and rebuild with safe mods in less than an hour)... LoversRapers is still not stopping the death load screen... the rest of the app is working but not this feature... the other funny thing is when I try to use the LoversRapers death replacer (on settings:rape prevents death of player and companions) this will both not work... but also screw up OBCE and make it not work either.... and Like I said both mods were working fine together... for along time... so I'm not sure what happened.

Edited by Burensc
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