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Tamago / Hiyoko Master Set


by Japanese Modder

Hakumen Oshite Mairu

uploaded and edited by LongDukDong


A reproduction and child raising simulation package. Apart from its link to

the Lovers with PK system to begin the reproductive process, this system

does not contain commands, methods or actions which to control NPCs

in an adult sexual nature.

Now easy to find in the Download section, the latest versions of the minimum required files for the Tamago Hiyoko system, some files now updated to work with LoversCreatures 2.5 and Tamago Fertility Clinic v 2.1 Dukky.





Download the main .zip file.  Within the Master Set zip file, there are four .zip archive files based on their individual mods.



What does the package entail?

v1.2 - LDD Edit version


TamagoClub is a reproduction and fertility cycle simulator, allowing males to produce sperm and females to undergo menstrual cycles and become pregnant.  And thanks to an extensive (and now cleanly rewritten) INI file, you can set options that control character pregnancy cycles, inventory messages and timing.


Objects key to reproduction will be available and seen in your inventory, and the player can control realism settings thanks to a spell  (or Lesser Power).  But unlike the original, you can now decrease realism factors just as much as you can increase them.


As always, female characters are gifted with a womb based on game settings.  And while creatures can be gifted with a womb based on the TamagoClub's INI file, this new revision by LongDukDong recognizes female creatures from LoversCreature 2.5 and applies wombs to them just the same.


Unlike versions earlier to Revision 4.4, Tamagoclub can now block or prevent the reproductive systems of actors that are either dead, undead or have stock 'vanilla' vampirism. This can prevent the production/release of sperm at the end of coitus and the release of eggs during the ovulation phase. Such options are also built within TamagoClub's INI file. Please note that it is solely based on vanilla vampirism as it doesn't account for outside mods.


*As a note, this still doesn't change how TamagoClub handles the differences between Persistent (static) characters and Random (dynamic) characters.  While regular female characters may carry pregnancy to full term while the player is away, the system's cleaning function may 'reap' and reset such content. Of course, this is based on the configured cleaning function which is currently set at the highest level to keep savegame files the smallest.


*     *     *


v1.20 - LDD Edit version


HiyokoClub is a progeny production simulator, allowing females to give birth to children created by the TamagoClub Master.  While TamagoClub controls the mechanics of reproduction in Oblivion, it is this system which supports the creation of actual child characters based on the genetic information from the parents.  However, it does require genetic generator mods for the final product to be borne (supplied in the package).


While the TamagoClub mod handles the mechanics of reproduction, HiyokoClub runs checks when a child is to be borne into the world.  This option is controlled by the HiyokoClub's extensive (and now cleaner) INI file.  However, it is now compatible with the Tamago Fertility Clinic AddOn v 2.5f and TamagoFertilityClinic v 2.0Dukky for induced labor options.


And since the development of Revision 3.7z, the use of the hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp is no longer required for those using hiyokoGeneratorGeneForge.


*A small reminder, it is the HiyokoClub.Ini file that includes the option for female characters to produce sperm which can impregnate other NPCs.  While TamagoClub has options for children with female 'Fathers', it is HiyokoClub which allows so-called 'DadMoms' to exist and makes it possible.


*     *     *




The latest version available, this mod adds a special 'hook' that connects the TamagoClub master system to Lovers with PK.  This special hook adds an ejaculation feature where a receptive sex partner may receive sperm into her womb.  And since v 1.06, may encourage ovulation among certain races depending on settings.


The TamagoClub master may create wombs, ovum and suitable reproductive content.  And the HiyokoClub may handle when a child is to be delivered.  But without this mod, it would have no ability to transfer content between partners.


*     *     *




Not created by Hakumen Oshite Mairu, this simple mod creates simple greetings for any Hiyoko as the new dialog may be triggered by any NPC within the Hiyoko faction.


This mod should work with either version of HiyokoGeneratorm be it the MBP original or No-MBP version, and would be essential for race mods that do not come with their own custom race dialog.


*     *     *


HIYOKOGENETICS v1.01 Rev0.4 and HIYOKOGENERATOR v1.20d/v1.04d


Accompanying HiyokoClub are these two mods which allows the creation of Hiyoko Children based on their parents, and releases them into the world, virtually giving birth (but without the messy stuff and labor pains).


HiyokoGenetics has gone through some cleaning, its 'OnLive' system still containing Japanese text that needed translating into English.  And the Examine Child Spell (Lesser Power) needed a cosmetic rewrite which now presents the data more legibly.


There are two versions of HiyokoGenerator, the original design that uses the x117Race package, their collection of lop-eared elves, argonoids, and a large collection of supported race mods, and the edited version that solely uses vanilla race NPCs.  In this, it is your choice which version to use.


Be aware that while the original version which uses the MBP and x117 races generates male/female children based on both the parent's race and genetic content, the edited No-MBP children's body/race has a fixed system. If the genetics within the No-MBP version suggest the child is female, the body mesh will be based on the female parent while male genetics pull the body mesh from the father parent. For those using KorumaroMilk which allows females to impregnate others, said children will always be female.



*     *     *     *     *     *     *




For those who wish insight into the system while it is running, the Tamago/Hiyoko guidebook is available for purchase in a number of book stores in Cyrodiil. Written by Hasathil, the Bosmer Beauty of Anvil, it details many aspects of the main systems and contains a number of full-color illustrations to aid the reader, as well as some to entertain.


*     *     *     *     *     *     *




This is NOT an actual requirement, but merely a simple patch for those who are also playing the LoversCrowningIsles Quest/Campaign mod.  Within CrowningIsles, there is a point where the player is tasked to become pregnant using a non-Tamago set of conditions. As there could be issues between the two mods, this simple patch attaches new dialog and dialog conditions to LoversCrowningIsles which would temporarily prevent this CrowningIsles quest from proceeding unless the player is not pregnant or no longer pregnant.


*     *     *     *     *     *     *




For safekeeping and archival purposes, the 'classic' versions of TamagoClub, HiyokoClub and the rest are available for download. It is this original set that was used as a stepping point for the continuation and further development of this package.  Still functional of course.


*     *     *     *     *     *     *


This does not cover all available mods in the Tamago/Hiyoko line, but only the base mods required to have a functional system.  You will still find other mods available in which to enjoy and increase the ambience of your gaming environment.


*     *     *     *     *     *     *





--- Informative Content ---

TamagoTopic - The Dukky Edition
    Now you can ask an NPC about her menstrual cycle. But they may get annoyed.

TamagoConfide - The Dukky Version
    Watch out.  NPCs that find out that they're pregnant will confront the father.

TamagoNews - A Dukky Upgrade
    Get news and rumors of NPCs that have become pregnant or entered labor throughout Nirn.

LoversEncounter - The Dukky Version
    Find out who in Tamriel are having secret rendezvous.

TamagoPlayerHud + Icons
    Dress up your game and have a display showing your character's menstrual cycle

--- Purchasable Content ---

TamagoShop - The Dukky Edition
    Adds a few clinical devices to Calandil's store.

TamagoFertilityClinic - The Dukky Edition  (-or-) TamagoFertilityClinic - The JSmith20142 Edition
    Including a spellbook with child controlling spells, this adds special potions and more to a couple shops.

--- Physical Changes ---

    Now pregnant NPCs will 'show' they are pregnant. Requires Setbody Blockhead.

Maternity Wear
    When your body starts showing with TamagoSetbody, you'll need something to wear to hide that belly.

Tamago Discharge
    Menstrual periods, creampies, you get to see them with this.  Got soap?

--- Children Options ---

LoversHiyokoShooter Dukky
    Children can now be seen borne into this world.  And this version lets the player control his children.

    An add-on to HiyokoGenerator that uses blockhead to create new child combinations

    With this, a woman's dalliance with a creature may now give her a 'creature' baby.

    Allows children to grow until adulthood (not for use with GeneForge/BroodMother or ChildDatabase

HiyokoGenetics - The Supierce Edition
    This is an older replacement for the one in this package.

    Alters the class/combat of your child and lets them advance and even learn spells.

    An MBP expansion of HiyokoGenerator, adding more children (I think?)

--- Books ---

Books of Brooding Mothers
    (for uses of  BroodMother above) Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask.







HiyokoGenetics_TweakedChildInventory and Follow Control
    An unofficial tweak that adds its own child control - Rewrites to settings and control menus no longer compatible




*     *     *     *     *     *     *



OBME (Oblivion Magic Extender) is used to permit the use and visibility of custom icons. However it may interfere with older OBSE commands. The accompanying OBME.dll included rewrites some of the older OBME v18 commands, and some just won't work. Of these v18 commands, they are handled better by OBSE v19 while others were depreciated.  If Issues still arise, the OBME dll files can be removed, losing only the custom spell icons which will return to the default 'Script Effect' icons. Reapplying the OBME dlls will restore the icons afterwards if desired.  STILL...  TamagoClub requires OBSE v20 or higher, so that should not be a problem.


  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    Oblivion, OBSE v20 (,OBME Optional but recommended)


Edited by LongDukDong
Updated HiyokoGenerator MBP edition

Well, this is nice. Thanks for the hard work.


I do think the versioning is a bit messy, though. How about just... 1.16 instead? With the GetVersion function appropriately modified, of course.


HAH... blame the versioning it had from the beginning.  I didn't call them revision 3.7z or whatnot.   :D :D :D And it took a while to find the name of the guy who made the originals.





There was a minor fault with the updated version of TamagoClub whereby the Settings Display said the Player was capable of giving sperm on setting Player setting #1.  However, seeing #1 allows the player to receive sperm instead.  It took no effort to correct.


HiyokoClub's Settings Display now includes the KokumaroMilk setting.  It is this setting where female characters may be opted to give sperm as well as receive it.  This required editing LoversTamagoClub which controls this feature.  True, the HiyokoClub.INI is where the value is configured, but it is LoversTamagoClub that uses it, and both mods required slight alterations.


And while it is designed to make a child follow its parent by way of an AI package, HiyokoClub now has a new function that eliminates and replaces this package with one that halts the child.  This is useful for anyone wanting to make a custom follow/stay package that works with Hiyoko children.


The Files now say Tamago Hiyoko Master Set.

19 minutes ago, LongDukDong said:

HAH... blame the versioning it had from the beginning.  I didn't call them revision 3.7z or whatnot.   :D :D :D And it took a while to find the name of the guy who made the originals.

Ok update just after I donwnload it I see, you hate me. Well then... enough about the face value of the versioning... but I guess you still need to do something about the internal version. If this thing's a different one, then GetVersion should return something other than 15.004. I hate it when they give me a float version number as floating point arithmetic is very fragile but I guess you can't change that at this point.


All's fair.  After I got LC 2.5.5, you updated to 2.5.6.  ;)  Aaaand...  I was stuck in traffic a good couple hours so my intent to update at the time was stalled.


As towards versioning, I didn't want to touch the internal versions in the case of other mods out there checking these values.


Hey.  I told ya it would be no problem reversing the 'Realism Level' switches, right? 

10 hours ago, LongDukDong said:

As towards versioning, I didn't want to touch the internal versions in the case of other mods out there checking these values.

You need to change version because of other mods out there that check the value. If you don't touch the version, there's simply no way for them to know yours is a different one other than very hackish and fragile ways.


Just imagine how you would write a mod, right now, you need to know whether Tamago womb is in sync with Lovers Creature or not. Your mod must change behavior depending on this. What would you do? GetVersion doesn't get you any meaningful information. Getting desperate, you might try some hacks and check if a4tc.LC25b or a4tc.LC25Test vars exist, which are not documented anywhere and should not be documented officially. Getting their values itself is a problem, it's very hard to know if their values are really 0 or they just don't exist. Even if you can get their values reliably, your mod will immediately break as soon as TamagoClub ('you') decides to implement its Lovers Creatures detection in a different way.


Hey, they never check if version is exactly 15.004. They only see if the version is 15.004 or greater, or less than xxx if something is known to not function after a certain version. If incrementing Tamago's version will break some mod's functionality, that mod's author is probably stupid and the mod is probably not worth your single second.


So i'm getting the constant popup of the HiyokoGenerator name list being made. I think its my load order, because in another thread I found the answer. you have to make the .ini file from the generator into ANSI or something like that. Load Order. Thanks.




I changed/updated the version numbers of four out of the five mods in the package, those being TamagoClub, HiyokoClub, LoversTamagoClub and HiyokoGenetics.  I have not touched HiyokoGenerator one bit, and it is still the most current version available.  Yes, there are still revision numbers, but I dropped those alphabetic z's from the mix.


In HiyokoClub, I had added a feature allowing a modder to nullify a Hiyoko Child's AI movement package.  But I hadn't considered that there was an ongoing system performing routine checks on their AI.  Changes to the Child's AI would revert, and this wasn't desired.  So now changes to this routine were made and the nullification stays in place.


And HiyokoGenetics has now been altered whereby some scripts have been made cleaner, one still containing incorrectly translated Japanese.  Now translations have been made and the scripts more clean.  But on top of that, the Child Examine spell (lesser power) has been reworked so the statistics are easier to read.   In fact, one character stat was being rendered without an actual description, an "Inbreeding" gauge.


And now, the files once again say Tamago Hiyoko Masters.




10 hours ago, Sylic3 said:

So i'm getting the constant popup of the HiyokoGenerator name list being made. I think its my load order, because in another thread I found the answer. you have to make the .ini file from the generator into ANSI or something like that. Load Order. Thanks. 

Just glancing at the masters, I already know you need to visit Fejeena's link on esp/esm cleaning and mod order.


First off, the Lovers with PK.esm, TamagoClub.esm and HiyokoClub.esm must be after your beautiful People and related race esms.


Insofar as the esp files, your bodies,  housing and land effect mods should be before the TamagoHiyoko mods, followed by Lovers with PK.   Oh, yeah... it's really a major mix.  And the Lovers Animation Priorities .esp files must be the last esps in your order, not counting non-Lovers mods that can be placed after. 

Fejeena's Mod Order is in the first post.   It is in a spoiler that has a bright green and blue header.


When you get that done, you'll probably find the Generator only running once, when you begin a new game.


9 hours ago, LongDukDong said:



I changed/updated the version numbers of four out of the five mods in the package, those being TamagoClub, HiyokoClub, LoversTamagoClub and HiyokoGenetics.  I have not touched HiyokoGenerator one bit, and it is still the most current version available.  Yes, there are still revision numbers, but I dropped those alphabetic z's from the mix.


In HiyokoClub, I had added a feature allowing a modder to nullify a Hiyoko Child's AI movement package.  But I hadn't considered that there was an ongoing system performing routine checks on their AI.  Changes to the Child's AI would revert, and this wasn't desired.  So now changes to this routine were made and the nullification stays in place.


And HiyokoGenetics has now been altered whereby some scripts have been made cleaner, one still containing incorrectly translated Japanese.  Now translations have been made and the scripts more clean.  But on top of that, the Child Examine spell (lesser power) has been reworked so the statistics are easier to read.   In fact, one character stat was being rendered without an actual description, an "Inbreeding" gauge.


 And now, the files once again say Tamago Hiyoko Masters.




 Just glancing at the masters, I already know you need to visit Fejeena's link on esp/esm cleaning and mod order.


 First off, the Lovers with PK.esm, TamagoClub.esm and HiyokoClub.esm must be after your beautiful People and related race esms.


Insofar as the esp files, your bodies,  housing and land effect mods should be before the TamagoHiyoko mods, followed by Lovers with PK.   Oh, yeah... it's really a major mix.  And the Lovers Animation Priorities .esp files must be the last esps in your order, not counting non-Lovers mods that can be placed after. 

Fejeena's Mod Order is in the first post.   It is in a spoiler that has a bright green and blue header.


 When you get that done, you'll probably find the Generator only running once, when you begin a new game.


So I followed Fejeena's load order guide and I still get the Generator Name List popping up constantly. Fat Edit: Fixed it, dunno what I did, but I fixed it. Thanks mate


You did not follow my load order!!!

The dlc are is wromg order

The TamagoSetBody.esp is to high  and LoversTamagoClub.esp  should not be the last tamago esp.

MBP esp after Lovers but not after  the last 3 Lovers esp.


Seem you only sorted the esm.

2 hours ago, fejeena said:

You did not follow my load order!!!

The dlc are is wromg order

 The TamagoSetBody.esp is to high  and LoversTamagoClub.esp  should not be the last tamago esp.

MBP esp after Lovers but not after  the last 3 Lovers esp.


 Seem you only sorted the esm.

Oh I deleted the improved load order because of the edit. LO


And what Load order is that ?  It als odo not follow my load order.


In the post above it looks like the old load order.

And in  post 8 the load order is now totally wrong.


If you have installed your game the same way as you sort your Mod with a example load order . . . then maybe you have installed some Mods not right.



On 7/20/2019 at 2:19 AM, Sylic3 said:

So i'm getting the constant popup of the HiyokoGenerator name list being made. I think its my load order, because in another thread I found the answer. you have to make the .ini file from the generator into ANSI or something like that. Load Order. Thanks.


Let me clarify something about this issue here.


After HiyokoGenerator has built the name list, it checks if the storage array contains at least one name when you load the game next time. If not, you get the "have to generate name list" message again.

In short, you get that message when your name list is empty.


The name list is built by reading a config file named "HiyokoNameList.ini". The default ini has some 2000 random fantasy names. And why could it be empty?


On Windows notepad, you have 4 options as to what character encoding to use when you save a text file.

They are: ANSI, Unicode (UTF-16 LE), Unicode big endian (UTF-16 BE), UTF-8* (with BOM).

* UTF-8 could be only on Windows 10, I don't remember


The thing people talking about ANSI is that, if the ini file is saved in Unicode, it is saved as double-byte encoding - "UTF-16 LE". Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, has been persistently refering UTF-16 as "unicode" which led to many confusions. But there are other unicode codecs like utf-8 or utf-32.

And what is this ANSI? It's supposed to mean some sort of standard codec, but again on Windows, it means whatever current encoding your system is using.


Oblivion expects a specific encoding namely "cp1252" aka Windows-1252 aka Latin 1 aka Western European. If your system encoding is cp1252, this is the ANSI codec... on your computer. And it's an ASCII-compatible single-byte encoding. This is why people tell you to save ini file in ANSI. You save it in UTF-16 which is double-byte, Oblivion cannot read it. You save it in UTF-8 with BOM, Oblivion cannot read it because of the Byte Order Mark. (UTF-8 without BOM is fine though, because utf-8 is ascii-compatible too, in fact ascii is utf-8.) If the file cannot be read, your name list won't be filled obviously. The next time you load the game it's empty, so the mod attempts to read the file again, to no avail.


Whether saving it in ANSI codec will work or not depends on your system encoding. The HiyokoNameList.ini file is totally written only in ASCII characters (but originally written by Japanese people). And all english codecs and many non-english codecs are ascii-compatible, so most of the time it will work. If your system codec is either shift-jis (It's an utterly stupid but very popular Japanese codec that is not ascii-compatible), some Cyrillic or Hebrew however, it will not work.





On to the problem at hand, you can try the following:


  1. Grab a programmer's text editor that is better than notepad. Notepad++, Geany, PSPad, things like that.
  2. Open your HiyokoNameList.ini file and check its encoding.
  3. Convert all line endings (EOL) to Windows/DOS CRLF. A proper programming editor must support this operation.
  4. Save the file as ASCII. If your editor does not list ASCII, choose UTF-8, but not UTF-8 BOM. If your editor lets you choose a specific character sets, choose Windows-1252, OEM 437 or ISO-8859-1.


LongDukDong has already encoded the ini file in ASCII, but you are just double-checking here in case you had a residual file from your previous installation. (or maybe just extract the ini file from the archive again, it's already ASCII unless you've done something on it)


That also means I'm not very hopeful to fix your current issue with this.

I can't really tell if this is load order issue or something else. It could be corrupt OBSE issue. Just to be sure, try replacing your OBSE files (obse_something dlls and exe) with the new ones fresh out of the distribution package. If it still doesn't work, keep following Fejeena's instructions. Or maybe do a fresh reinstall of HiyokoGenerator.

5 hours ago, movomo said:


Let me clarify something about this issue here.


After HiyokoGenerator has built the name list, it checks if the storage array contains at least one name when you load the game next time. If not, you get the "have to generate name list" message again.

In short, you get that message when your name list is empty.


The name list is built by reading a config file named "HiyokoNameList.ini". The default ini has some 2000 random fantasy names. And why could it be empty?


On Windows notepad, you have 4 options as to what character encoding to use when you save a text file.

They are: ANSI, Unicode (UTF-16 LE), Unicode big endian (UTF-16 BE), UTF-8* (with BOM).

* UTF-8 could be only on Windows 10, I don't remember


The thing people talking about ANSI is that, if the ini file is saved in Unicode, it is saved as double-byte encoding - "UTF-16 LE". Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, has been persistently refering UTF-16 as "unicode" which led to many confusions. But there are other unicode codecs like utf-8 or utf-32.

And what is this ANSI? It's supposed to mean some sort of standard codec, but again on Windows, it means whatever current encoding your system is using.


Oblivion expects a specific encoding namely "cp1252" aka Windows-1252 aka Latin 1 aka Western European. If your system encoding is cp1252, this is the ANSI codec... on your computer. And it's an ASCII-compatible single-byte encoding. This is why people tell you to save ini file in ANSI. You save it in UTF-16 which is double-byte, Oblivion cannot read it. You save it in UTF-8 with BOM, Oblivion cannot read it because of the Byte Order Mark. (UTF-8 without BOM is fine though, because utf-8 is ascii-compatible too, in fact ascii is utf-8.) If the file cannot be read, your name list won't be filled obviously. The next time you load the game it's empty, so the mod attempts to read the file again, to no avail.


Whether saving it in ANSI codec will work or not depends on your system encoding. The HiyokoNameList.ini file is totally written only in ASCII characters (but originally written by Japanese people). And all english codecs and many non-english codecs are ascii-compatible, so most of the time it will work. If your system codec is either shift-jis (It's an utterly stupid but very popular Japanese codec that is not ascii-compatible), some Cyrillic or Hebrew however, it will not work.





On to the problem at hand, you can try the following:


  1. Grab a programmer's text editor that is better than notepad. Notepad++, Geany, PSPad, things like that.
  2. Open your HiyokoNameList.ini file and check its encoding.
  3. Convert all line endings (EOL) to Windows/DOS CRLF. A proper programming editor must support this operation.
  4. Save the file as ASCII. If your editor does not list ASCII, choose UTF-8, but not UTF-8 BOM. If your editor lets you choose a specific character sets, choose Windows-1252, OEM 437 or ISO-8859-1.


LongDukDong has already encoded the ini file in ASCII, but you are just double-checking here in case you had a residual file from your previous installation. (or maybe just extract the ini file from the archive again, it's already ASCII unless you've done something on it)


That also means I'm not very hopeful to fix your current issue with this.

I can't really tell if this is load order issue or something else. It could be corrupt OBSE issue. Just to be sure, try replacing your OBSE files (obse_something dlls and exe) with the new ones fresh out of the distribution package. If it still doesn't work, keep following Fejeena's instructions. Or maybe do a fresh reinstall of HiyokoGenerator.

Don't worry everything is fixed now. I reinstalled everything via OBMM ( I know I know I learnt my lesson ) fixed the load order and now it stopped popping up. Thanks for the help everyone




6 hours ago, movomo said:

LongDukDong has already encoded the ini file in ASCII, but you are just double-checking here in case you had a residual file from your previous installation. (or maybe just extract the ini file from the archive again, it's already ASCII unless you've done something on it) 

Um, for the record..... I never touched HiyokoGenerator nor the INI file and Name list. ;)





I found that there was a minor translation and cleanup glitch in HiyokoClub in the last rendition uploaded last Saturday.  By accident, the father's name was not correctly generated when looking at the child's data via its 'Umbilical Cord' feature.  This wasn't an error that would have caused problems with gameplay, only something vaguely annoying.  But now it's fixed, and HiyokoClub is now Version 1.10 Rev 3.9.


And because the built-in 'debug' method for HiyokoGenetics needs more space-per-line, a minor change was just implemented in the 'Examine Child' spell effect.  So now, HiyokoGenetics is now Version 1.01 Rev 0.1.


Gotta love version numbers.


Barf. ?


Um.. For Genetics Version 1.01  rev 0.1, you'd have Version 1.01010

And for HiyokoClubs Version 1.101  rev 3.9, you'd have Version 1.10390


I might make a fourth file...  A guide to Pregnancy.  ;) For those wanting to know what's what.  BUT for end users mind you.


Uhm... How am I supposed to use the loverstamagoclub.esp when the required master load order says that tamagoclub.esm has to be loaded before oblivion.esm?

Why is oblivion.esm listed as master for loverstamagoclub.esp at all? This pretty much seems like a mistake, please revise and fix.

2 minutes ago, tr43 said:

Uhm... How am I supposed to use the loverstamagoclub.esp when the required master load order says that tamagoclub.esm has to be loaded before oblivion.esm?

Why is oblivion.esm listed as master for loverstamagoclub.esp at all? This pretty much seems like a mistake, please revise and fix.

Yeah? Whatever load order guide you've read it must have been a mistake. Oblivion.esm is listed as LoversTamagoClub's master because LTC is a child to both Lovers (which requires Oblivion) and Tamago. You load Oblivion.esm, then Lovers esm, then Tamago esm, then Hiyoko esm. This is the canonical load order. Other load orders might work, but I'm sure you don't want to try it.

30 minutes ago, movomo said:

Yeah? Whatever load order guide you've read it must have been a mistake. Oblivion.esm is listed as LoversTamagoClub's master because LTC is a child to both Lovers (which requires Oblivion) and Tamago. You load Oblivion.esm, then Lovers esm, then Tamago esm, then Hiyoko esm. This is the canonical load order. Other load orders might work, but I'm sure you don't want to try it.

No load order guide, just looked into Wrye Bash. TamagoClub.esm is listed here as master that's required to be loaded before oblivion.esm, just as I said before.

Also I'm well aware of that oblivion.esm has to be loaded before anything else like I said before as well. It's just when I violate the master file load order that's listed as required for a file, regardless if it makes sense or not, it'll be marked as an issue in Wrye Bash.


Here's what I mean, to clarify it:


left and middle column show how the master files are supposed to be loaded for the loverstamagoclub.esp because of reasons and the very right column shows that oblivion.esm is indeed loaded first, then LPK and tamagoclub.esm last which gives us orange flags because the load order is not as the master file tagging says.





I have never seen that load order, and when I have performed a load order in that fashion (accidentally and on purpose), Oblivion does not function.


Let me also point out that the dependencies for these files have never been changed from the original ones I have received, those from 2006, 2015 and so on.  Cleaning up was performed, translations performed, some additional features added.  However,  LoversTamagoClub has always depended upon Oblivion, TamagoClub and Lovers with PK from the start.


You can look at either Fejeena's load order, or have a look at Ashal's order right here:


In any case, Oblivion is first on the list.  Your races (Beautiful Bodies, etc) would follow,  Lovers with PK's master is next, and then TamagoClub and HiyokoClun right after.  And then there's placement of the TamagoClub and Hiyokoclub esps/mods to be before Lovers with PK itself.  LoversTamagoClub is before (well... my HiyokoShooter) as well as HiyokoGenetics and Generator in that order.  And Setbody if you have it (recommends the Blockhead version).

1 hour ago, LongDukDong said:

Let me also point out that the dependencies for these files have never been changed from the original ones I have received, those from 2006, 2015 and so on.  Cleaning up was performed, translations performed, some additional features added.  However,  LoversTamagoClub has always depended upon Oblivion, TamagoClub and Lovers with PK from the start.

The previous set of hiyoko/tamago didn't have this error I mentioned above and I never encountered this issue on any other master file dependant mod. Again, my problem here is not that I have no clue about the load order as you guys assume, it's that this shouldn't happen. Try it out Wrye Bash and see the results.

6 hours ago, tr43 said:

The previous set of hiyoko/tamago didn't have this error I mentioned above and I never encountered this issue on any other master file dependant mod. Again, my problem here is not that I have no clue about the load order as you guys assume, it's that this shouldn't happen. Try it out Wrye Bash and see the results.

Yep you're right, the LTC esp masterlist is borked. Previous version was ok though. Nice find.

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