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23 minutes ago, Collum said:

My PC is crippled after being caught.  The crippled status will not heal.  I have tried stimpacks, doctor's bags, and waited for days.  One other thought  I have is that AAF posts a note that it is at 60%.  Could this be cause of the problem?

Try going to sleep. Sleep is the ultimate cure-all......If sleeping doesn't cure it, then you got a BIG problem.



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This mod is working great. Thank you! ... but I have two problems:
1) In some animations, players merge without doing anything
2) Men (humans) do not have an erection.

Would someone be so kind as to clarify for me what could be the mistakes that I have made? ...
Thanks in advance


my mistake ... I already found the solution, I was missing install ZAZ skeleton and BodyTalk ..



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On 10/21/2020 at 10:42 AM, lucifersdarkangel88 said:

Huh, I did clean my save file after I uninstalled some mods. I guess I messed up.

I tried reinstalling MCM but that didn't help. I'm starting to think I should just reinstall the game and all the mods at this point. ?


Thanks for your help, at least now I have an answer...

Ok, no, that wasn't it. I reinstalled the game and all mods from scratch, still can't change settings in MCM for this mod. Or other mods that use the MCM/settings folder, apparently (not 100% sure).

I think the only thing left is to get a full list of settings so I can manually edit them in my ini?


Edit: FINALLY! I figured it out. The problem is with Kerber100's PrivateProfileRedirector mod. Once I disabled it this mod worked as it should.

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53 minutes ago, lucifersdarkangel88 said:

Ok, no, that wasn't it. I reinstalled the game and all mods from scratch, still can't change settings in MCM for this mod. Or other mods that use the MCM/settings folder, apparently (not 100% sure).

I think the only thing left is to get a full list of settings so I can manually edit them in my ini?

Have you ran fallout4.exe as Admin at least once. And did AFF_Violate.ini happen to get marked as Read Only?

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19 minutes ago, izzyknows said:

Have you ran fallout4.exe as Admin at least once. And did AFF_Violate.ini happen to get marked as Read Only?

I always run it as Admin, and no, the ini is not read-only. The problem is definitely the Private Profile Redirector mod.


I opened xSE PluginPreloader XML and changed the load method from 'OnProcessAttach' to 'OnThreadAttach'. I don't know how or why, but it seems to have fixed the problem.

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4 hours ago, D_ManXX2 said:

I have a weird bug with violate everytime a sex acts starts all i get is AAF onHitScene status [4] ? but nothing happens this is all the message i get when i try to violate an enemy.


31 minutes ago, Doctor Fate said:

I keep getting "Violation Aborted". With a message saying something similar to "OnScreenInIt Status [4].


Any idea what could be causing this, or how to fix?



From the Troubleshooting section of the OP.

The most common error is Error 4, meaning  that AAF was unable to find any animations matching the combination of actors and tags.  In the above example, I disabled the AAF Creature Pack mod, then surrendered to some Mirelurks, so AAF returned an error indicating no suitable animations were found.  To avoid this error,

  • Make sure your AAF Violate MCM options match the animation packs you have installed
  • Make sure you enabled all of the required options when installing AAF Themes: enable Sex - Kinky Animation Support as well as all of the Race/Creature animations you will need.
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56 minutes ago, Doctor Fate said:

Having the same problem. You find a fix?

The most common explanation I've seen is people are missing aggressive tagged animations. One way to test is adjust the MCM setting for Violate which allows use of non-aggressive animations and see if the problem stops.

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On 10/30/2020 at 1:05 AM, izzyknows said:

Troubleshooting section

My idea that you need the anim packages first and then the theme pack.

The recommendation here writes it the other way around.

Repairs should also be made after and not before.





01 Bodyslide (SZÜKSÉGES)
02 LooksMenu (SZÜKSÉGES)

04 CBBE v2.6.3 VAGY Fusion Girl v1.75(KÖTELEZŐ)
03 BodyTalk v3.15 VAGY Atomic Musclev1.5.2(szükséges)

05 ZaZ-Extended-Skeleton (ZeX) 3.5(SZÜKSÉGES)
06 Advanced Animation Framework v147b(SZÜKSÉGES)

----------------07 Vanilla / Kinky / Creature Theme v200831.0 ( KÖTELEZŐ )

08 Torture Devices v1.9(szükséges a Savage Cabbage animációs csomagjához)
09 Vioxsis Strap-on v5.0.0 (SZÜKSÉGES a leszbikus animációkhoz)
10 Bad End v1.05
11 50 árnyalat v1.05
12 Farelle Animations v0.1.2(Csak a Straight / Creature Animations & Male + Male. Lesbian esetében Nem működik)
12 Multiple Female - SC_FFM.7z
13 Leito Animations v2.0alpha
14 Vadermania Animations v1.1
15 Crazy v1.3 4J animációi (UAP nélkül nem fog semmit csinálni és csak M + M animációk lesznek)
16 Creature Pack 1 v3.01
17 Creature Pack 2 v0.1beta
18 Atomic Lust v2.6.1beta
19 Mutated Lust v1.3
20 SavageCabbages Animations v1.2.4
21 BP70 animációk v2.4


07 Vanilla / Kinky / Creature Theme v200831.0 ( KÖTELEZŐ )


22 (UAP) Ulfberth AAF javítása v2.5.30_Fix_1 (KÖTELEZŐ)
23 Staged Leito Plus 1.0.5  (NAGYON SZÓRÓ FONTOS: OPCIONÁLIS, ha a nehézségek telepítve vannak. Ha ezt a javítást tervezel használni, feltétlenül tiltsd le / törölje a Leito Animation Pack jelölését az UAP telepítéséből . Ez a javítás néhány F + -hoz is hozzáadható. F kombinációk animációkhoz. )
25 - Custom Moans v1.2.7z


Aggressive Animations:


Mutated Lust


Passive Animations:


Atomic Lust
Savage Cabbage


*    i think first the body needs to be installed and then the changing options

**   then the animations

*** finally the assembly

...... then the programs you play with.



*vagy a fordító alkalmazás hibás és minden korrekt...

Habár... nekem mindegy. Sehogy nem akar dolgozni. A mutáns fagyizik... az animációk meg egy sötét szobában játszanak wb.gif.f53b49b9ade60b096efab4644f594138.gif végtelen betöltés mellett. Hogyha a szintetikus a vad vagy a kutya a hunyó, akkor csak megáll a játék egy értesítéssel. "Vonulj vissza!" De én nem azért adom meg magam... hogy visszavonuljak vagy nem azért nem ölöm meg őket! Akartam a szintetikus szondavizsgálatát látni... de semmi. Sötét szoba... Ez borzasztó. Emberek dolgoznak a feladaton és az eredményből semmit nem lehet élvezni. Szörnyű!

Bármennyire erőltetem az AAF_CreaturePack01.esp csomag telepítése halhatatlan lényeket generál. A "végtelen háború" játékhoz ez egyáltalán nem előnyös.

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Some little bugs I have founded:


1) The animation not end's... this fixed only with loading previous game. The end key from AFF not worked

2) The theft from the PC still occurring with the chance in 0. Theft everything, from junk to weapons.


Uninstalled for while. The bug from not ending animations its ok, but the theft are the worst.



Thanks a lot

Moacir Jr.


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1 hour ago, Moacir Jr said:

Some little bugs I have founded:


1) The animation not end's... this fixed only with loading previous game. The end key from AFF not worked

2) The theft from the PC still occurring with the chance in 0. Theft everything, from junk to weapons.


Uninstalled for while. The bug from not ending animations its ok, but the theft are the worst.



Thanks a lot

Moacir Jr.


If you can't stop animations through AAF, it's an AAF issue not Violate. But the never ending animations is a known AAF issue, rolling back to 147 "seems" to fix it... from what I understand.

Couple things on your theft issue, make sure no other mod is stealing your stuff. You can manually set fSteal=0.000000 in the AAF_Violate.ini and if it still happens and you have no other mods that steal stuff.. try reinstalling Violate.

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1 hour ago, izzyknows said:

If you can't stop animations through AAF, it's an AAF issue not Violate. But the never ending animations is a known AAF issue, rolling back to 147 "seems" to fix it... from what I understand.

Couple things on your theft issue, make sure no other mod is stealing your stuff. You can manually set fSteal=0.000000 in the AAF_Violate.ini and if it still happens and you have no other mods that steal stuff.. try reinstalling Violate.

Thank you... i will see the tip about aaf, and the tip about .ini file... thanks so much

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On 11/3/2020 at 7:28 AM, perver199 said:

AAF error

...en español todo escrito lo que hay que hacer ... ¿por qué no lo haces tú?

Solo ejecutan el juego 163. No trabajan con la anterior!  

* Como los fabricantes estimados y los creadores solo se preocupan por su propio proyecto, casi todo tipo de concursos y carreras diferentes están excluidos del gran trabajo debido a la falta de apoyo y todo tipo de ayudas. ¡Solo se admite la línea de carrera principal! ¡NINGUNA OTRA!




AAF error :034: - animations are missing.  // As esteemed creators and creators are only preoccupied with their own project, almost all kinds of different competitions and or races are excluded from the great work due to a lack of support and all kinds of aids. Only the main race line is supported! NO OTHER! //


Novice of mysteries to fallout 4...? Huh... not compatible.


in Spanish all written what needs to be done ... why don't you do it?


* install and turn it on! ye.gif.c303e99c4020b516441eb1e4fcd9cf4e.gif


[AAF] Advanced Animation Framework Beta 154

[AAF] Themes - VanillaSexAnimations, Kinky/Aggressive and CreatureSexAnimations 200831.0


Aggressive Animations:

Mutated Lust


Passive Animations:

Atomic Lust
Savage Cabbage

UCF - is not installed. Install and turn it on!

Leito_voicefix.esp   *it's not turned on.  Turn it on!

Staged Leito Plus Erection Fix 1.0.5-Fixed *install and turn it on!

and.. UAP ulfberths aaf patch


Your Stuff validated or not?







Mivel a nagybecsű készítők és alkotók csak a saját projektjükkel vannak elfoglalva ezért szinte mindenféle eltérő verseny és vagy faj kizáródik a nagy műből a támogatás és mindenféle segédletek hiánya miatt. Csak a fő faji vonal támogatott! MÁS NEM!

Az alkotók által létrehozott pedig csak játszható design... Sajnálatos, hogy a vonalhoz egyedi neveket társítanak és letehetetlenné teszik a közös műhöz való csatlakozást kizárva evvel az önmaguk munkáját és ingerelve a nagyközönséget.  Hogy ez mire jó (mivel tényleges megoldás nincs) a...  fórumokon történő ezer meg ezer fölösleges és lényegtelen bejegyzésen kívül? Talán sohasem fogom ténylegesen megérteni...  wb.gif.c1f67f30e9315683969e10af1c0fb060.gif

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20 hours ago, kukoricamorzsa said:

...en español todo escrito lo que hay que hacer ... ¿por qué no lo haces tú?

Solo ejecutan el juego 163. No trabajan con la anterior!  

* Como los fabricantes estimados y los creadores solo se preocupan por su propio proyecto, casi todo tipo de concursos y carreras diferentes están excluidos del gran trabajo debido a la falta de apoyo y todo tipo de ayudas. ¡Solo se admite la línea de carrera principal! ¡NINGUNA OTRA!




AAF error :034: - animations are missing.  // As esteemed creators and creators are only preoccupied with their own project, almost all kinds of different competitions and or races are excluded from the great work due to a lack of support and all kinds of aids. Only the main race line is supported! NO OTHER! //


Novice of mysteries to fallout 4...? Huh... not compatible.


in Spanish all written what needs to be done ... why don't you do it?


* install and turn it on! ye.gif.c303e99c4020b516441eb1e4fcd9cf4e.gif


[AAF] Advanced Animation Framework Beta 154

[AAF] Themes - VanillaSexAnimations, Kinky/Aggressive and CreatureSexAnimations 200831.0


Aggressive Animations:

Mutated Lust


Passive Animations:

Atomic Lust
Savage Cabbage

UCF - is not installed. Install and turn it on!

Leito_voicefix.esp   *it's not turned on.  Turn it on!

Staged Leito Plus Erection Fix 1.0.5-Fixed *install and turn it on!

and.. UAP ulfberths aaf patch


Your Stuff validated or not?


  Reveal hidden contents





Mivel a nagybecsű készítők és alkotók csak a saját projektjükkel vannak elfoglalva ezért szinte mindenféle eltérő verseny és vagy faj kizáródik a nagy műből a támogatás és mindenféle segédletek hiánya miatt. Csak a fő faji vonal támogatott! MÁS NEM!

Az alkotók által létrehozott pedig csak játszható design... Sajnálatos, hogy a vonalhoz egyedi neveket társítanak és letehetetlenné teszik a közös műhöz való csatlakozást kizárva evvel az önmaguk munkáját és ingerelve a nagyközönséget.  Hogy ez mire jó (mivel tényleges megoldás nincs) a...  fórumokon történő ezer meg ezer fölösleges és lényegtelen bejegyzésen kívül? Talán sohasem fogom ténylegesen megérteni...  wb.gif.c1f67f30e9315683969e10af1c0fb060.gif

lo escribiré en español, al final me rendi en intentar con las animaciones, tuve problemas con la versión de leito 1.05 incluso desinstalando y poniendo desde 0, así que puse la 1.03, por alguna razón cuando instalo UAP aaf patch todas las animaciones dejan de funcionar, ya tenia todas las animaciones instaladas que pasaste, aprecio tu ayuda de verdad. será que soy nuevo pero espero algún día poder entender todo esto bien 

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