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Version 2_1
Church of Buxomology Presents Mjerna Follower A character by LordBBW is now a follower for the taking! You may see her adventures from time to time on LordBBW's Mjerna Tumbler. The body is now using Aidposian core model which is based on Cold Steel's New BBW+ body. Mjerna is armed with Reaper of Souls Scythe. Get ready for a lot of jiggly goodness! Details Nord female located in the Temple of Dibella (Markarth) Is essential and levels with you Can be married Default weapon is Reaper of Souls Scythe (in which I tried to get in contact with the author fore re-use purposes, but no response) Default outfit is Scion Plate Height Scale = 1.2 Has the following Perks: Juggernaut Well Fitted Tower of Strength Barbarian Champions Stance Limb Splitter Great Critical Charge Devastating Blow Sweep Warmaster Body meshes using the core body from version 3 of the Adiposian Race mod. Body textures are from the female texture replacer mod by AnTiWoMaAgNoT. As with our big girl creations, there will be clipping, especially in Ms. Vavavooommm's breasts. Tera Scion Plate armor converted with Outfit Studio to fit the body and have HDT compatibility. Requirements Skyrim core game and it's Update Skeleton that supports HDT HDT Physics Extension Upgrading? When upgrading to a new version, disband the Mjerna follower first and make a new save. Then UN-install the other version completely from you mod organizer before you install the new version. Things may not work correctly if newer versions are installed over top residual files and you may have files taking up space. Thanks and Credits LordBBW for all the great ideas and support Cold Steel - New BBW+ body AnTiWoMaAgNoT - CBBE-CHSBHC-UNP-ADEC-Human Argonian Khajiit Texture-4096 LogRaam - The Eyes of Beauty Apachii - ApachiiSkyHair Frigus - TERA Armor Collection - CBBE - standalone Asianboy345 + Bluehole Studio & En masse Entertainment - TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim Ousnius and Caliente - BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio tools Expired6978 - RaceMemu (for FaceGen parts) MajinCry - Bodyslide - Additional Sliders -
Version v1.2
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. DESCRIPTION ================================== This mod adds a generic vampire follower called Isaac to the game, he is located in Sky Haven Temple. He uses his own custom armor (from asianboy345 tera armors) and katana (by anotherrandomperson). May be incompatible with other mods that change vampire appearance as a whole. He is located inside Sky Haven Temple main room near the table. He is a spellsword that specializes on ice damage, he uses frostbite, icy spear and frost cloak, he also has an ice enchanted katana. CHANGELOG ================================== 1.2 Added white hair color option for all hairs, added silver, green and light blue eye colors, increased Isaac armor stats and weapon damage. 1.1 Can improve Isaac armor and weapon now. 1.0 Release. REQUIREMENTS ================================== -Skyrim updated to version INSTALLATION ================================== Simply install with Nexus Mod Manager and pick the desired options. You can install manually if you know what you're doing, the common folder contains the core files, the other folders have the files that should replace the core files. UPDATING ================================== Uninstall the previous version first, if you installed manually make sure to delete all files. NOTES ================================== 1- Sometimes when loading the game the character will simply not spawn, you can check if it spawned by typing in the console "help isaac" without quotes, memorize the first two digits of his id then type in console "prid xx003323" without quotes where xx is the first two digits of his id, finally type in console "moveto player" without quotes. If this doesn't work please exit to desktop and load the game again. As a last resort (not recommended) you can type "player.placeatme xx000D70 1" where again xx is two digits of his id, this will spawn a copy of the character directly on you. 2- This follower is a bit overpowered in the regular game, it is recommended you play on master difficulty or above. 3- If you want him to wear something else other than his default outfit you'll need to either give something that exceeds his current armor rating, that is the base item armor rating combined with his armor skill or just use a follower mod that allows you to manage follower outfits. RECOMMENDED MODS ================================== Amazing Follower Tweaks ShowRaceMenu Alternative Skyrim NPC Editor BVFE - Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes RV Vampire eyes Spectral Shade eyes The Hairstyler PERMISSIONS ================================== The files used in this mod were either free to use or were given permission by their owners. Refer to each specific mod about their permissions. The TERA assets belong to En Masse Entertainment and their original creators. CREDITS AND THANKS ================================== TERA Armors Collection by asianboy345 (original assets owned and copyrighted by En Masse Entertainment) Umbral Katana by anotherrandomperson 4uDIKs Male body by 4uDIK Enhanced Character Edit by ECE team ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii Better Males Textures by Chriss57 Better vampire fangs and eyes by Aipex8 Rosario vampire eyes by Pemamendez Spectral Shade eyes by Krisan Smile in HD by zzjay Fine Face Textures for Men by Urshi Geonox- High Res Face Maps for Men pikkatze- Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents Chris57 and FavoredSoul- Better males yllib - No More Ugly Bronze Shine -
Version 1.0
1.0 is most recent. ___ Calypso 1.0 requires v1.61b. Use Calypso .95 if you're still on an older version of Sexlab ___ Disclaimer: Calypso isn't supposed to be pretty. Complaining about how ugly she is will just lead to me copy/pasting this disclaimer. Caveats: Rape and sex with a Draugr are present in this mod. If this offends you, be logical and don't download this. The bandit that guards her cell has a fairly high damage output. If you are playing a low level character on a higher difficulty setting, he may be challenging. There are multiple 'jail' cells in the Embershard mine, so keep that in mind before pming about not being able to find her. __ Upgrading to .95: After installing .95 (if you previously had .9 installed.) Ditch the summon amulet on your character. Ditch the one on Calypso. Now get the next one she spawns off her. This will ensure that she no longer summons on top of your head when you equip the amulet. (Instead she will pop up behind you.) Upgrading to 1.0 from an earlier version: I would make a clean save or just wait until you start a new game. Thanks/Credits Requirements Description Installation / Uninstallation Version History / Bug Fixes Incompatibilities / Known Issues Legal Screenshot below shows her general location on the map. -
Version 1.0
No fancy description here actually. This adds 2 versions of the Soul Cairn Keeper monster as recruitable followers into the halls of the dead in windhelm. One being the vanilla keeper monster, the second version wears ancient nord armor instead of dragonplate. These two fine gentlemen have identical stats to the vanilla keepers, you can however equip them with whatever weapon or armor you wish, armor however doesn't affect their appearance. How hard they kick ass solely depends on the weapon you give them. They work without problems with UFO so far, havn't tested other follower interface overhauls though, but there shouldn't be any problems as no changes to the actualy follower topics were made. Requires Dawnguard Credits Bethesda for creating Skyrim including its addons. The ideal masters for having keepers. The soul cairn for being the soul cairn. I like trains. -
Version 1
Church of Buxomology Presents Rihanna Rockets Follower This is another one of my characters in Skyrim - Rihanna Rockets. I don't use her much but wanted to share her as she uses one of the very first bodies I messed around with in BS. She is a straight up fire mage, ready to burninate your enimies and is handy during family cook-outs! I have also included the slider preset in this as well. Details High Elf female LOCATED in the Temple of Dibella (Markarth) Is essential and levels with you Can be married Default outfit is Tera Nightwinder Elegant Armor Height Scale = 1.2 (The woes of the large bodies) There will be slight clipping in some areas of the armor. I did the best I could to edit it but you still may see a little nipple slipping out when she turns and swings her breasts quickly. Arms may clip through her hips when they are down by her sides. Longer weapons may clip her ass when sheathed on the back. Has the following Perks: Agile Defender Custom Fit Unhindered Wind Walker Matching Set Deft Movement Destruction Novice + Apprentice + Adept + Expert + Master Destruction Dual Casting Augmented Flames Intense Flames Impact Has the following Spells: Fireball Firebolt Flame Cloak Flames Incinerate Requirements TBBP (can also use HDT) type Skeleton Thanks and Credits LordBBW for all the great ideas and support AnTiWoMaAgNoT - CBBE-CHSBHC-UNP-ADEC-Human Argonian Khajiit Texture-4096 LogRaam - The Eyes of Beauty Apachii - ApachiiSkyHair Asianboy345 + Bluehole Studio & En masse Entertainment - TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim Caliente - BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio tools Expired6978 - RaceMemu (for FaceGen parts) -
Version 3_5
Church of Buxomology Presents Ms. Vavavooommm Follower My main character that I play in Skyrim - Ms. Vavavooommm. You may see her adventures on The Skyrim Adventures of Ms. Vavavooommm. Now you can have her on your team! Armed with daedric warhammer, her "largeness" is ready to assist with smashing your enimies. Details Nord female located in the Silver-Blood Inn (Markarth). Is essential and levels with you. Can be married. Default weapon is a "tweaked" Daedric Warhammer. Default outfit is Tera Skull / Deathshell Armor. Height Scale = 1.2 Has the following Perks: Juggernaut Well Fitted Tower of Strength Barbarian Champions Stance Skullcrusher Great Critical Charge Devastating Blow Sweep Warmaster Body meshes from version 3 of the Ms. Vavavooommm Race mod. Body textures are from the female texture replacer mod by AnTiWoMaAgNoT. As with our big girl creations, there will be clipping, especially in Ms. V's breasts. Tera Deathshell armor converted with Outfit Studio to fit the body and have HDT compatibility. Requirements Skyrim core game and it's Update Skeleton that supports HDT HDT Physics Extension Upgrading? When upgrading to a new version, disband the Ms. Vavavooommm follower first. If performing an update (example: v3_1 to v3_2), there is a possibility you do not need to disband the follower. Then UN-install the other version completely from you mod organizer before installing the new version. Things may not work correctly if newer versions are installed over top residual files and you may have files taking up space. Thanks and Credits LordBBW for all the great ideas and support AnTiWoMaAgNoT - CBBE-CHSBHC-UNP-ADEC-Human Argonian Khajiit Texture-4096 LogRaam - The Eyes of Beauty Apachii - ApachiiSkyHair Frigus - TERA Armor Collection - CBBE - standalone Asianboy345 + Bluehole Studio & En masse Entertainment - TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim Volvaga0 - Angelic Halos and Demonic Horns Ousnius and Caliente - BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio tools Expired6978 - RaceMemu (for FaceGen parts) -
Version 1.1.1
Ser Pounce-a-lot Sabre Cat Companion Ser Pounce-a-lot comes in 4 variations now: The Normal Sabre Cat The Snow Sabre Cat The Vale Sabre Cat *you do not need dawngard for my vale version* Spectral Sabre Cat Not much more to say except that he will level with you, does not affect stealth meter (he's a sabre cat for crying out loud, stealth is there thing XD ). He will be .... well, should be behind the tavern in Riverwood, but it has been known that he likes to wonder and hunt Gerdur's live stock. No one knows why she tolerates a saber cat so near her family, but there are rumors of someone with a voice that sounds just like hers saying "Who's the pretty kitty? Yes you are!" in the middle of the night. Those are just rumors of course. In the sabre cat follower there is a texture addition from Bestiality Extras from Gone (thanks for the awesome mod Gone) It's the penis textures for the sabre cat. I have it installed and have no idea on how to remove it from the mod and what consequences that will have in my game if i do remove it just to pack the mod again, so i will leave it there. It's no biggie actually I would love to add an armored skin to it but my drawing skills do not go beyond stick figures XD-
- Companion
- Animal Follower
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.3
Neisas had update to 1.4 But.... The MOD post had stop to update. I will take it with a friend to update. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neisas had update to 1.3 Well, I think she is perfect so I make her become a follower. She is a tank. There is a strong defensive ability. Then, you can marry her. Do some interesting things with her...... Maybe...... In fact I did not give her to write some scripts. What do you think of her as though to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay....I am an Chinese. My English is not very good...... Don't laugh at me..... -
Version Alphaish
Requires: Lovers with Pk.esm Simple Breton Sex compatible follower. I got real motivated and worked on this hard a few days, and then I realized I could run New Vegas on this computer so... Use at your own risk. What does this do? Well, it should add a follower in Bruma that a quest will guide you to. There is a simple item you need to acquire for her to follow you. Figure it out; come on it ain't that hard (This item will be deplenished somewhat each night at midnight.) If she runs out of it, she leaves. You need Lovers with Pk to use this. Her sex topics are somewhat (very) undeveloped. You can, however, select the show other topics dialogue ( if she's following you) and use sex topics from other mods. Normally I'd give as many non-spoiler hints as possible, but there is a quest that starts up and shows you right where to go. If you are lost or pissed feel free to post, but (keep in mind Im not actively developing this at the moment); and if you call me obscene names I'll probably not answer That being said, this sucker seems to work fine for me, but the mod specific sex has not yet been randomised. I was starting to set up mod specific anim groups and then got bored and installed New Vegas. This is a resource like just about anything I make. If you do post or remake or whatever parts or components of this mod, I only ask one thing. If you use the same id's or whatnot and there will be conflicts just let the end user know so that we both have less headaches. Good luck with this pile of mess. I am not sober at the time of writing this readme, but I was sober when I created and used this mod for several days. If it totally fails to work, it's be cause I'm failing to list a requirement or I'm a retard, or you are. Feel free to publicly shame me and/or insult my mother. (Actually I wouldn't insult my mother, she's scary mean.) (Currently only one follower, and don't hold your breath about me getting back into working on this or finishing it up.) -
Version v3.2
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. ----10/20/15 Update---- Replaced CBBE body with HDT version (XPMSE skeleton and HDT physics extension is mandatory now). Added white hair color option for all hairs. Added silver, green and light blue eye colors. Redid Elizabeth ear smaller (it shoudn't stick like airplane wings anymore). Increased Elizabeth armor stats and reanimate spell level range. Used TES Edit to force Serana race back to nord race (this should fix any problems with her cure script). DESCRIPTION ================================== This mod will change Serana, Valerica and Harkon's appearance, Harkon stays mostly the same though (just changed his textures and hair). It may be incompatible with any mods that change Serana, Valerica or Harkon in any way and other mods that change vampire appearance as a whole. I can not guarantee it will work with other Serana mods (although some users reported Serana Dialogue Edit and Marriable Serana to work). You can use the installer to choose between 10 hairstyles, 4 hair colors, 8 eye colors, 4 makeup colors, 4 body types (CBBE, UNP, UNPB, 7B Bombshell) Also added an optional file with non glowing eyes and without fangs to simulate a cured version of Serana (only 2 hairs to choose) The Seductress Elizabeth file is just a new NPC with the same appearance, for those that don't want to replace Serana or don't have the Dawnguard DLC. She can be found on Sky Haven Temple, she uses the vampire leather armor by RavenDier. You can choose various options for her too. This version of the mod will put a vampire follower called Elizabeth which can be found on Sky Haven Temple. May be incompatible with other mods that change vampire appearance as a whole. She is located inside Sky Haven Temple main room near the table. ITEMS USED ON THE SCREENS ================================== *ENB* Poupouri ENB - Morning Star v0.236 by Machiimachii *Armors* Succubus Armor by Hentai & CBBE version by Nausicaa // Dark Lilith Armor by Nikitaa // Vampire Leather Armor by RavenDier // Vampire Dark Knight by Newmiller // Lingerie Set by NPR // Divinesight Robe from CBBE TERA Armors by Frigus // Drakul Armor by Zerofrost // Sexy Swimsuit and Bikinis for CBBE by Nikitaa // CBBE Dawnguard Vampire Armors by Echo 1162 // BnS Heijun by Optioq *Accessories* Old Kaw's Claws by Kaw // Equipable Tongues by Morten // TND Equipable Horns by TheDNightshade // Castanic Horns by Saru // Astaroth Horns by NPR // Animated Dragon Wings by Anton *Weapons* Dread Knight Weapon Set by Jojjo // Liliths Sickle by Wiikki CHANGELOG ================================== 3.2 Replaced CBBE body with HDT version (XPMSE skeleton and HDT physics extension is mandatory now), added white hair color option for all hairs, added silver, green and light blue eye colors, redid Elizabeth ear smaller (it shoudn't stick like airplane wings anymore), increased Elizabeth armor stats and reanimate spell level range, used TES Edit to force Serana race back to nord race (this should fix any problems with her cure script). 3.0 Reverted back peggygift hair mesh so that it clips less with the breast. 2.9 Hotfix for the Navre hair colors. 2.8 Can improve Elizabeth armor now, added colors to vanilla hair. 2.7c Various esp edits, Elizabeth should reanimate properly now. 2.7b Added Harkon nude body (not that you would care, mainly for testing for upcoming follower), minor edits to Elizabeth armor (changed boots, added fingernails, added skirt to sevenbase version). 2.7a Updated peggygift, peggyelf and peggyvamp hair meshes. 2.6b Added Elizabeth new version. 2.6a Added several appeal options, fixed teeth position, changed Harkon head. 2.5 Redid the character with ECE. 1.4 Organized all the options neatly in the installer. 1.2 Fixed an issue on Elizabeth armor disappearing with follower inventory management mods. 1.1 Added optional tints and vanilla hair. 1.0 Release. REQUIREMENTS ================================== -XPMSE Skeleton -HDT Physics Extensions INSTALLATION ================================== Simply install with Nexus Mod Manager and pick the desired options. You can install manually if you know what you're doing, the common folder contains the core files, the other folders have the files that should replace the core files. UPDATING ================================== Uninstall the previous version first, if you installed manually make sure to delete all files. NOTES ================================== 1- This mod modifies both Serana and Valerica weight to 100 but in the vanilla game their weight are set to 20 so you will encounter a small gap/clipping in the neck area because of this weight difference, if you wish to fix this please do the following: 1-Open the console and click Serana/Valerica so that their id appears. 2-Type "setnpcweight 100" without quotes and press enter. 3-Type "disable" without quotes and press enter. 4-Type "enable" without quotes and press enter. 2- You can get a discolored face or headless character if the face data on the esp doesn't match the one on the head mesh, this happens when you try to load a save that had a previous Serana appearance mod installed without proper uninstalling all the files first. This can also be caused by messing with the character appearance in some way then saving, like for example changing her race with console commands or trying to use the creation kit to change something. If you experience this please load the game without any mods that affect Serana and see if the game loads her default appearance without problems then save the game and install my mod. If you still have problems try a new game without any mods, if the problem persists try deleting the scripts folder and your INI file in the my documents folder 3- If you use the "manage with AFT" option from Amazing Follower Tweaks" she will revert to whatever default vampire eye texture you're using on the next cell load. If you want to fix this you'll have to replace the default vampire eye texture for all vampires, copy the texture you want from the eye folder of this mod and put it on Data/Textures/actors/character/eyes. Now make a copy of on the same folder and rename to 4- If you want Serana or Elizabeth to wear something else other than her default outfit you'll need to either give something that exceeds her current armor rating, that is the base item armor rating combined with her armor skill or just use a follower mod that allows you to manage follower outfits. 5- Sometimes when loading the game Elizabeth will simply not spawn, you can check if it spawned by typing in the console "help elizabeth" without quotes, memorize the first two digits of her id then type in console "prid xx003323" without quotes where xx is the first two digits of her id, finally type in console "moveto player" without quotes. If this doesn't work please exit to desktop and load the game again. As a last resort (not recommended) you can type "player.placeatme xx000D70 1" where again xx is two digits of her id, this will spawn a copy of the character directly on you. 6- Elizabeth is a bit overpowered in the regular game, it is recommended you play on master difficulty or above. RECOMMENDED MODS ================================== Amazing Follower Tweaks ShowRaceMenu Alternative Skyrim NPC Editor Female Facial Animation BVFE - Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes RV Vampire eyes Spectral Shade eyes The Hairstyler Serana hood with hair replacer PERMISSIONS ================================== The files used in this mod were either free to use or were given permission by their owners. Refer to each specific mod about their permissions. The TERA assets belong to En Masse Entertainment and their original creators. CREDITS AND THANKS ================================== TERA Armors Collection by asianboy345 (original assets owned and copyrighted by En Masse Entertainment) Vampire Leather Armor by RavenDier & Sevenbase version by furiousreason Kaw Claws by kaw Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition by Caliente UNP body by Dimon UNPB body by xp32 SevenBase body by Crosscrusade, DeMoNhUnTeR1986, Sevennity 4uDIKs Male body by 4uDIK Enhanced Character Edit by ECE team Female Facial Animation by nao4288 ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii CCC Hairs by zzjay SG Hair Pack by Hellosanta SG Female Eyebrows by Hellosanta SG Female Textures Renewal by Hellosanta Better Males Textures by Chriss57 BVFE Serana by Aipex8 Better vampire fangs and eyes by Aipex8 Rosario vampire eyes by Pemamendez Spectral Shade eyes by Krisan The Eyes Of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot Smile in HD by zzjay Fine Face Textures for Men by Urshi Geonox- High Res Face Maps for Men pikkatze- Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents Chris57 and FavoredSoul- Better males yllib - No More Ugly Bronze Shine -
Version 1.5
Use at your own peril, there has been reports of lots of things breaking that I have absolutely no idea how, since this isn't my complete work. I only took Fake Plastic Trees ESP and changed the looks of ED-E everything is on the work on the original author. Anyways have fun if you want to try this out. Well I was thinking about making a replacer for ED-E for myself using the popular Daughters of Ares custom race that is absolutely gorgous. I simply took Fake Plastic Trees ED-E esp and change quite a bit. Now includes several other custom races that I think are amazing as well! Now also includes Veronica and Cass Replacers! NOTICE IF YOU USE ED-E REPLACER PLEASE READ THIS I don't know why exactly but you'll have to fire her before you enter the Weather Monitoring Station at the Fort. I never had the problem so dunno. But some users are reporting this issue. Some people have been reporting firing issues, where even after she's automatically fired she'll still follow you. Please save before these points, like DLC's just to be safe. The companion quest-line ED-E My Love sometimes and probably will trigger extremely prematurely, but you can still do the quest just fine with no issues. Changes to ED-E Now uses (Insert Custom Race Here), so when you fix her up she's a nice and sexy android. Removed all the items from inventory (for all three variants of Ed-E) You gotta gear her up. Changed Initial class to Vault Dweller, original was prostitute.... Changes to Cass Now uses (insert custom race here) Removed her hat since it would cause to be bald. And no one wants that. Changes to Veronica Now uses (insert custom race here) Removed her hood since it would cause her to be bald... Requirements: The Custom Race Stated If using Daughters of Ares Replacer, lings is required as well. Optional Plugins: Daughters of Ares - (Requires Lings) Lightning Race - Jill Valentine Race - ME3 Miranda Lawson Race - ME3 Female Shepard Race - ME3 Liara T'soni Race - Willow - A Better Companion Experience - ED-E Replacer Sexout Options (Remove if you want) Requires Daughters of Ares.esp in your load order. See change-log for more details. Notes: She's in the Mojave Express Office AKA Nash Residence in Primm. You'll need quite a high repair/science to fix her up. Her appearance will vary on what type of body you have installed. Some of these custom race replacers WILL have a neck-gap/seam unless you have a type 6 body installed. Recommended Mods: JIP Companions Command and Controlol, Gives much more versatility and controbility to ED-E. Fake Plastic Trees ED-E Original Mod (Don't need but it's nice to see documentation for questions) AlpenGlow ENB NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash (need I say more?) T6M Equipment Replacer NV (Daughters of Ares only works with type6 armors) Credits: Thanks to for the creator of LIngs. Thanks to Singlar for his esp file which I based it off on. Thanks for all those amazing people to whom I merely linked my ED-E's race to! Mainly to you Shepard! Your custom races are absolutely gorgeous! Permissions: By no means is my work to be replicated, reproduced, or redistrubuted to other sources without my explicit permission. You are free to modify my work to however you see fit for personal use. Change-log-
- ED-E
- Daughters of Ares
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Version .82
Massive changes, use the file at, now. This file still works but it's mucho mejor to use the new one. Some of these mods contain rape and/or beastiality themes. All contain sexual themes and imagery. Don't download if you aren't of legal age where you live, or are offended by the content. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SexOutMDJJFollowerBase v0.82 This does nothing by itself, but IS A REQUIREMENT FOR ALL THE FOLLOWERS IN THIS POST. All current follower versions require v0.82 and will not function correctly (probably not at all) with v0.81, so make sure to upgrade! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SexOutBrutildaTheButcher v0.961 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SexOutCheyenneReplacer v0.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SexOutMarisol v0.96R2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Version .9Beta
Readme download is not up to date. This is an unfinished beta. As of this point in time, you can whore yourself within the gang to earn gang rep and caps. If you get enough reputation you get discounts from the gang merchants. Gaining reputation will also let you access 2 creatures and 2 humanoid actors that are set up to be followers. They're not companion wheel enabled, but you can heal the humanoid ones during combat. You can also use their doctor's services, but she's not trustworthy and may 'do things to you'. I'm now currently working on this again. It uses NX calls so don't have to have the very most recent version of Sexout, however I don't know which version you need exactly for NX. The Scorpions Gang is located at the Monte Carlo Suites: You don't strictly need Tryout's Data pack you could place another strapon in Data/Meshes/Armor/Strapon and then name the .nif, Dildo. Alternatively, you could download Tryout's data pack and just use that mesh from it. -
Version .5
Liania Child Follower for SkyKids mod By Interfer0 Adds a Female Nord Child follower to The Bannered Mare in Whiterun. There is no quest for getting her to follow you. For quest based followers, keep an eye out for my future mods. *mod is in beta, and will remain so until such time that SkyKids is no longer in beta. Based off of: SkyKids races & other technical goodies by en_hawk Requirements: -SkyKids races & other technical goodies - follower is a Nord Child -dependencies for SkyKids Installation: Extract archive to you skyrim Data folder UnInstallation: Delete Lialia.esp from Data folder Delete \textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Lialia.esp folder from Data folder Delete meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Lialia.esp from Data Folder -
Version 1.1
Replace with my files (By I.Z. aka IDzeroNo) Rate up! THESE MAKES ALL ARMORS BBP+TBBP I made these in 10-20 mins Note that due to some kind of bug in skyrim you will have to save/load before you can actually hear follower speak. Location: Dragonsreach 2F Last Boss: You must kill it by your hand, otherwise it cannot die... JackGa's Youtube Channel JackGa's Skyrim Group *** NO need ask permission for everything you want *** Credit: frankc4 for Head mesh team ninja -
Version 1
Church of Buxomology Presents Lana di Latte Follower I am a fan of Hey Chloe's body slide presets so I decided to share a follower I made based off one of the presets - Lana di Latte. Trying to base Lana as an assassin type fighter. If you are also a fan of the BBW, I hope you enjoy. Details Imperial female located in the Silver-Blood Inn (Markarth) Tweaked assassin-type Combat Class and Combat Style Is essential Can be married Default weapons are 2 tweaked Ebony Daggers Default outfit is a tweaked Tera Elenium set Height Scale = 1.1 Merged Tit Kit texture "speckled Blamm" into body texture from AnTiWoMaAgNoT' texture mod for the big nipples; painted nails on the hand texture too. Tweaked the original body slide 2 preset for Lana di Latte just a little. Has the following Perks: Armsman Dual Flurry Dual Savagery Agile Defender Custom Fit Matching Set Unhindered Wind Walker Requirements TBBP or HDT type Skeleton Thanks and Credits LordBBW for all the great ideas AnTiWoMaAgNoT - CBBE-CHSBHC-UNP-ADEC-Human Argonian Khajiit Texture-4096 LogRaam - The Eyes of Beauty Apachii - ApachiiSkyHair Asianboy345 + Bluehole Studio & En Masse Entertainment - TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim Caliente - BodySlide 2 and Outfit Studio tools Expired6978 - RaceMemu (tool for Exporting parts) Monsto Brukes - Tit Kit texture Hey Chloe - Lana di Latte Body Slide 2 Preset -
Version 1.2
Kinky Karen (Standalone Follower) Hey Guys! I decided to share xD, hopefully this mod gonna be downloaded alot cuz she's damn fetish and horny. Simple Nord Follower inside Breezehome (Whiterun) Custom Skin, Appearance and look Custom KK Body derived from UUNP with conformed gear (Armors included in file) Vampiric spells which make her prolly Dhampir Uses Mehrunes Daggers with higher chance to stagger things Wanted Requirments for more realistic outcome XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE HDT Physics Extensions HDT Breast And Butt Physics - TBBP BBP Supported * MUST HAVE DAWNGUARD DLC Though Skyrim is getting old now, with many other new games arround still credits to all guys that did the content that i used in this little mod for conforming to fit KK body, might have been real hotfile if i published her year ago xD BIG Thanks to Authors of Zaz Devious Devices Gatti Yumiko Outfit Aradia kato Outfit SGHairs pack Aradia Naughty Lingerie Nails UNP Culort leggings from Osare Culort Outfit UUNP and related SGskin version Bodyslide 2 great deal if u dont have SGHairs mod, this mod will install only relevant files from SGHairs mod Version 1.1 changes eye glow fix different more colored skin and seamless with head changed custom body normal map to smooth version Added bikini and pants ( Top bikini and NaughtyTop has same body slot so u can use only one at time) she can go to max lvl 100 Edited face a bit from previous version GET HER GEAR in SPERMILF CHEST in BREEZEHOME UPPER FLOOR !!! Version 1.2 changes new edited (vagina shaved) skin new customized femalebody_msn (normal map) no undereyes black makeup old texture files are still there with [optional] in their filenames the boob cuffs gonna be in next version ******** Probably for more options i will add much more fetish style clothes in next updates. Have fun! TBA.. -
Version .9
This adds 3 sexable female followers and 1 male sexable dog follower. __________________________________________________ Do not use this at the same time as the file at http://www.loverslab...xout-followers/ __________________________________________________ Requires: SexoutNG, Tryout's Data Pack (You don't need this if you have Sexout Tryout installed already.), Spectrum's ToyPack SexoutNg Tryout's DataPack or Tryout Spectrums ToyPack __________________________________________________ Before upgrading (if you are indeed upgrading) otherwise ignore this, get all items off any companions and/or storage containers from this mod so you don't lose them. Sell all mod-related items as you will lose them. __________________________________________________ You will have to reacquire all companions from this mod if you are upgrading from an earlier version as everything has different IDs. __________________________________________________ For now, see the old incompatible file at for descriptions of how to acquire each companion, etc. Expect many discrepancies in the old readmes. This mod contains rape and/or beastiality roleplay themes. All contain sexual themes and imagery. Don't download if you aren't of legal age where you live, or are offended by the content. Version 9 1. Merged all the esp plugins into the master and converted it to .esp 2. Flipped flag to .esm in FNVEdit but left the plugin an .esp (to stop body head color mismatch issues without using an .esm) 3. Added a "receive anal sex topic from Cheyenne" topic her to consensual female on female dialogue (yes player will equip strapon for this.) 4. Fixed all errors showing in FONVEDIT (There were some related to Cheyenne's old .esp) 5. Removed body slot 2 from dog collar w/tail in order to prevent it from accidentally unequipping the strapon on Cheyenne (or anyone else wearing that dog collar during sex as the dog collar shared a slot with the strapon and things got messed up if use dress list was selected in SexoutNG. 6. The mod specific vendor is now added to banned for sex formlist 7. Mod vendor now will reset any glitched AI problems relating to Brutilda, Cheyenne or Marisol through her dialogue. (Still haven't added Mac.) 8. Lots of stuff I'm forgetting most likely. -
Version 0.1
Tera Elinrace 2 companions =================================== Hello, This is my first mod. I'm sorry if I made any mistakes while making this mod. This mod will add two essentials Tera Elin companions to Skyrim. They are a custom unplayable race, So you will not be able to play as them. But Tera Elinrace 2.esm is still a requirement. 1. The Elin with the silver hair is Delin, you will find her in Morthal at the Moorside Inn. She is a weapons expert, And can be taught low level magic she will sometimes use as ranged attacks. 2. The Elin with orange hair is Citra, You can find her in Dawnstar at the Windpeak Inn. Their levels are based on your character's current level,but they will started at level 80,so good to you for pick them for low level character. Note that they are not Marriable followers. The other meshes and textures (except face) are based on your Tera Elin 2 race folder, so you don't need to panic when you ctd. If you want to were what they are wearing in the screenshots, They are wearing Blade and Souls Armors/Robes pack. YOU NEED : 1.Race compability.esm 2.Tera Elinrace 2.esm download them all from this site! 3.SkyUI 4.SKSE 5.ECE or Racemorph (following Tera Elinrace 2 installation from nexus!) Installation : As I see in mr.Psychomachina's words,you must install this to your skyrim folder (but not in Data folder because this already packed),enable in data files and just play your skyrim.If you having a CTD bug,please let me know I need your help. Uninstall : Delete this Bsa file and delete their facegen at Meshes and textures at Meshes : Data > Meshes > Actor > Character > Facegeom > TeraElincustomfollowers.esp and delete this folder. Textures : Data > Textures > Actor > Character > Facegendata > Facetint > TeraElincustomfollowers.esp and delete this folder. CREDITS 1. OF COURSE GOD first. 2. Bethesda for amazing Skyrim game. 3. Creation Kit,Nifmerge and Nifskope for support. 4. Psychomachina for this original Tera Elinrace. 5. Numenume for Eyebrows. 6. SGhairs for their hairs,The modder allowed me to make these follower's hair :3 7. For the author of "Okrace" that makes brilliant skeleton scaling (but I still can't find who's the creator of Okrace) 8. Neighbour's cat eye! -
Version 1.41
[Version 1.5 up on nexus. May update it here too] [introduction] This mod adds Liz, a standalone follower based on the looks of one of the characters of sanhoshin. [About her] Name : Liz Race : Nord Marriable : Yes Location : Whiterun Temple of Kynareth Combat style : Destruction and conjuration spells, archery Essential : Yes Voice : Young Eager Body types : Custom UNPB based body, UNP, UNP HDT, UNPB BBP, 7B BBP Weight: 30, weight 70/100 available as patches Outfit : SC Witch of the Wilds (*note that the conversion I made only supports weight 30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [install] Install her manually: Just copy everything inside the "Data" folder into your Data folder located in your Skyrim folder. Don't forget to activate "Liz Follower.esp" in NMM/MO. Or Via NMM Install whichever patches you want - weight, body type, AFTER installing the main file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Recommended Mods] Any follower overhaul mods, such as EFF or AFT. Female Facial Animation Face Light [Mods used in Screenshots and not credited mods] Warmer Magic Lights - makes magelight give off a neutral, white light Konan enb with custom LUT Imaginator - lot's of tweaks like saturation, contrast, brightness, sun intensity etc. ELFX - Lighting overhaul Directors Tools - Weather changing tool and different FX Simple Armor SC Witch of the Wilds Eihei skin texture Improved Eyes SG Hairpack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [FAQ] She has a black face? - Select her in the console, disable her, look and walk around, enable her again. She doesn't look like in the screenshots! - Use the recommended mods and the ones used in my screenshots, see above I want another body type. - Drop your body meshes into Data\meshes\JRShared\Liz\ and overwrite when asked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Credits] Jerok and JRCosta for doing the actual work! I only made the character preset. Cara1993 for initial help with follower creation. SC Witch of the Wilds by ShinglesCat DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99 XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS by xp32 Enhanced Character Edit by tktk1 Better Females Eyebrows by Kalilies -
Version 1.00
"Zhuleyah" and "JanaJoy" live in the Whiterun-city´s "BanneredMare". They are stand alone followers in vanilla outfit. They have natural faces without colourful make-up. Their bodies are very curvy and sexy - but not "over"- styled as "sex-toys". Both are marriage-able and together with the gamer a fantastic team. For sure, you can make them to play all the "sexy" stuff, whatever you like. For usually you can change their clothes by using the "follower´s framework" or any other follower-mods. Their bodys come in CBBE (HDT). If you Play with CBBE-Skeleton, I highly recommend the "luxury collection"(CBBE-HDT) for their clothes-replacing and the HDT high-heel-(& Sound) mods, check out the last two pics, please. Made by using: SG-Skin, but remastered without artefacts, and KS-Hairdos/SG-Hairs [works with any Skyrim-Version/updates] Enjoy! t.ara -
Version 1.0
Follower detail : LYDIE She is a fighter in two swords but can fight as well with a single sword. Race: Nord Height 1.00 Weight 1.00 Body Type: UUNP Demon Feet Location: The Bannered Mare - Whiterun. Default Outfit: Tavern Clothes. Combat style: Combat NightBlade and Css Human Melee 7. Marriageable: Absolutely, Lydie and completely marriageable. Credits and Thanks: KS Hairdos by Kaliles, Shocky, Stealthic and Khaos Mikan Eyes by Nerune Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy HDT Physics Extensions by HydrogensaysHDT Xp32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMS by Groovtama Enhanced Character Edit by ECE team BodySlide And Outfit Studio by Ousnius and Caliente Aether Suite and Halo’s Poser by Halofarm Gomapero Pose Mod by Gomapero PeroPeroArmorPack2 by Gomapero -
Version 2.5
Katia Race v2.5 IMPORTANT: ---For the Vanilla, UNP, and CBBE .zips, use ONLY one ---The 'Follower' plugin adds a follower to the Bannered Mare ---The 'Default Skeletons' plugin reverts all racial features to use Skyrim's default skeletons (or whatever you have installed). Don't use this unless you REALLY need it. ---The 'No Birthsign' plugin will remove the Atronach birthsign and the extra spells Mirror: Description: This mod adds a custom race with fully animated headparts. A follower plugin is included. You'll find her in the Bannered Mare. An optional 'Default Skeletons' plugin is included for compatibility purposes. Please keep in mind that using it will disable helmet fitting and ear lagbones. Vampirism is supported, though becoming a vampire will turn your character's fur grey. A default skintone has to be selected for Skyrim's vampirism morphs to work, so I picked grey. You can see an example in the screenshots. Recommended: SKSE: ---Needed for a jump height fix included in this mod Unofficial Skyrim Patch: ---Fixes a Dark Brotherhood Quest for custom races Unofficial Dawnguard Patch: ---Fixes Vampire Lord Transformation Mfg Console: ---Fixes player blinking Notes for Character creation: ---Face tint sliders available: lips, cheeks, nose, eyeliner, and eyelids ---Chin sliders will control the ears Animation Swap: Inside your spell/powers menu you will find two lesser powers: Animation Swap (RGA) and (PCEA). RGA stands for 'Reversed Gender Animations', which will swap your animations between male and female. PCEA stands for 'Player Character Exclusive Animations' which are animations exclusive to the player. Proper use of PCEA involves installing both the actual PCEA mod and FNIS (links below). If you don't have PCEA and FNIS installed, this mod will swtich you to a set of vanilla animations included in this mod's BSA (this is to prevent crashes). To swap back to your default set of animations, simply use the Animation Swap power again. FNIS: PCEA: Load Order: Katia Race.esp (Required) Katia Race - Follower.esp (Optional) (For the next three USE ONLY ONE) Katia Race - No Birthsign.esp (Optional, USE ONLY ONE IF NEEDED) Katia Race - Default Skeletons.esp (Optional, USE ONLY ONE IF NEEDED) Katia Race - Default Skeletons and No Birthsign.esp (Optional, USE ONLY ONE IF NEEDED) Credits: Character based on 'Prequel' - by Kazerad Head mesh is modified from LittleDragon's Starfox models Khajiit feet mesh is modified from Phygit's FemFeet Other meshes/textures - Bethesda -
Version 1.2
Sharkmer v1.2 IMPORTANT: ---For the Vanilla, UNP, and CBBE .zips, use ONLY one ---The 'Followers' plugin adds two followers to the Bannered Mare ---The 'Default Skeletons' plugin reverts all racial features to use Skyrim's default skeletons (or whatever you have installed). Don't use this unless you REALLY need it. Mirror: Description: This mod adds a custom race with fully animated headparts. A follower plugin is included. You'll find two of them in the Bannered Mare. An optional 'Default Skeletons' plugin is included for compatibility purposes. Please keep in mind that using it will disable hair/helmet fitting and ear lagbones. Vampirism is supported, though becoming a vampire will turn your character's skin grey. A default skintone has to be selected for Skyrim's vampirism morphs to work, so I picked grey. Recommended: SKSE: ---Needed for a jump height fix included in this mod Unofficial Skyrim Patch: ---Fixes a Dark Brotherhood Quest for custom races Unofficial Dawnguard Patch: ---Fixes Vampire Lord Transformation Mfg Console: ---Fixes player blinking Notes for Character creation: ---Face tint sliders available: lips, cheeks, nose, eyeliner, and eyelids ---Brow type slider will add and remove earrings ---Eye Shape slider will switch between round and vertical slit pupils ---Chin sliders will control the ears Animation Swap: Inside your spell/powers menu you will find two lesser powers: Animation Swap (RGA) and (PCEA). RGA stands for 'Reversed Gender Animations', which will swap your animations between male and female. PCEA stands for 'Player Character Exclusive Animations' which are animations exclusive to the player. Proper use of PCEA involves installing both the actual PCEA mod and FNIS (links below). If you don't have PCEA and FNIS installed, this mod will swtich you to a set of vanilla animations included in this mod's BSA (this is to prevent crashes). To swap back to your default set of animations, simply use the Animation Swap power again. FNIS: PCEA: Load Order: Shark Race.esp (Required) Shark Race - Followers.esp (Optional) Shark Race - Default Skeletons.esp (Optional, should only be used if needed) Credits: Head and tail meshes have been modified from originals created/provided by thesholintiger and Force2013 Feet mesh is modified from Phygit's FemFeet Other meshes/textures - Bethesda -
Version 1.3
Cerinian Race v1.3 IMPORTANT: ---For the Vanilla, UNP, and CBBE .zips, use ONLY one ---The 'Follower' plugin adds a follower to the Bannered Mare ---The 'Default Skeletons' plugin reverts all racial features to use Skyrim's default skeletons (or whatever you have installed). Don't use this unless you REALLY need it. Mirror: Description: This mod adds a custom race with fully animated headparts. The outfit and weapon in the screenshots will be added upon starting/loading your game. Additional outfits and weapons can be crafted at any smithing forge. A follower plugin is included. She can be found in the Bannered Mare. An optional 'Default Skeletons' plugin is included for compatibility purposes. Please keep in mind that using it will disable helmet fitting and hair/ear lagbones. Vampirism is supported, though becoming a vampire will turn your character's fur grey. A default skintone has to be selected for Skyrim's vampirism morphs to work, so I picked grey. You can see an example in the screenshots. Recommended: SKSE: ---Needed for a jump height fix included in this mod Unofficial Skyrim Patch: ---Fixes a Dark Brotherhood Quest for custom races Unofficial Dawnguard Patch: ---Fixes Vampire Lord Transformation Mfg Console: ---Fixes player blinking Notes for Character creation: ---Face tint sliders available: lips, cheeks, nose, eyeliner, eyelids, and ears ---Brow type slider will add and remove earrings ---Chin sliders will control the ears Animation Swap: Inside your spell/powers menu you will find two lesser powers: Animation Swap (RGA) and (PCEA). RGA stands for 'Reversed Gender Animations', which will swap your animations between male and female. PCEA stands for 'Player Character Exclusive Animations' which are animations exclusive to the player. Proper use of PCEA involves installing both the actual PCEA mod and FNIS (links below). If you don't have PCEA and FNIS installed, this mod will swtich you to a set of vanilla animations included in this mod's BSA (this is to prevent crashes). To swap back to your default set of animations, simply use the Animation Swap power again. FNIS: PCEA: Load Order: Cerinian Race.esp (Required) Cerinian Race - Follower.esp (Optional) Cerinian Race - Default Skeletons.esp (Optional, should only be used if needed) Credits: Meshes/textures are modified from LittleDragon's Starfox models Feet mesh is modified from Phygit's FemFeet Other meshes/textures - Bethesda