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These Skyrim mods are of a non-adult nature.

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  1. Better faces for Reguard females

    This is a submod for "Better Hair -Redguard NPCs" from Lynnaria on Nexus. Changes the faces of most female Redguard NPCs to look more African. They will also have slightly different skin tones.
    Lynnaria for the original mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/103047)
    Roggvir for Rayya headmesh and help in making this mod. Tlam99 for SE port.
    Earlier version without head meshes (vanilla sliders only) can be downloaded in this topic:
    Link to SE version:



  2. Skimpy Outfit Replacer for Beyond Reach CBBE HDT

    Female Outfit Replacer for Beyond Reach. Loose Version for Underwear Remodel AIO Mod.
    "Beyond Reach - Some Better Meshes" also Available 
    See Screenshot for Simple Description.
    Note: if you installed "Underwear for Female" in the middle playthrough. you should "Resetinventory" in console to female NPC.



  3. Eternal Rat Prism Thing

    "Print and glue together the rat prism and have a friend for eternity! It's OK because the rat likes it."
    basically a meme rat pyramid thing that does nothing and may get lost in the floorboards if your not careful with it.
    it can be found in the Winking Skeever.



  4. YPS Thought Framework with Voiceovers (YTF)

    YPS Thought Framework with Voiceovers (YTF)

    YTF is a framework mod featuring "thoughts" that appear as notifications and (optionally) as voice-overs.
    Works for both LE and SE.
    The following conditions may trigger "player thoughts":
    LocationTypes Certain player conditions: flying, incombat, onmount, running, sneaking, sprinting, tresspassing, weapondrawn, swimming, sitting, hasnogold, hasfollower, etc... (worn) armor keywords Papyrus (StorageUtil) variables set by modders any combination of the above conditions, linked with the operator & ("and"), | ("or"), or negated with the operator !  
    Fully customizable by the user simply by editing some text files.
    Voice-overs can be added/changed/removed simply by dropping the wav files into a folder and editing one text file.
    This is a modders' resource.
    Players don't have to download anything here. They may read the FAQ and install one of the mods that include YTF (see list below).
    Instructions for Modders
    First read the FAQ for players below to understand how it works.
    The easy way:
    Set some storageutil values in your mod. The script command is:
    StorageUtil.SetIntValue(None, "<papyrusvaluename>", 1) and the same command with 0 to turn it off.
    Then add the corresponding thoughts to the thought database (and optionally add sounds). Done!
    (You will need to install another mod that includes YTF to make this work, e.g. YPS.)
    You can name the storageutil variables just as you like (its recommended to have them start with an acronym of your mod).
    You can also temporarily disable thoughts with the script command StorageUtil.SetIntValue(None, "ytfThoughtsDisabled",1)
    This is meant for cut-scenes etc.; don’t forget to reset the variable to 0 once the cut-scene has finished.
    The complex way:
    To use more advanced features of the thoughts system for your mod, download the script ypsThoughts.psc, rename it and attach it to a quest of your mod. Make any necessary changes (you might want to change the json file path names in the first lines). Autofill all properties. Then make a script in your main mod call the function Playthought() at the desired frequency. It is advised to add an MCM option to turn the thought system on/off, and to set the frequency.
    Another feature is to directly call the function playthoughtchoice(), to play a specific thought. This can for example be used to add voiceovers to quest journal entries.
    It is recommended each mod has its own thought conditions file (e.g. ypsThought_conditions.json) and thought database (e.g. ypsThought_male_database.json)
    To use sounds: If you want to use a reasonable number of sounds for your mod (up to a few thousand), it is recommended to channel them through the existing ypssounds.esp.
    I can reserve a sound range in the file for you.
    If you need an extremely high number of thought sounds (>10000), please send me a PM, and we will work something out.
    FAQ for Players
    Q: What is the YPS Thought Framework (YTF)?
    A: The Player Thought System will from time to time show certain “thoughts” depending on conditions defined in a configuration file. The purpose is to add more immersion to the game. It can also be used to simulate aspects of mind control.
    Q: Do I need to install the YTF framework?
    No. It is sufficient to install one single mod that includes YTF (see list below). This will allow you to configure "thoughts" for any mod you have installed (not just the mod that has YTF included).
    You can install multiple mods supporting YTF - modders will take care that they won't conflict each other.
    The files in the download section here are for modders only.
    Q: Which conditions are available?
    A: The system may react to general player conditions (running, swimming, fighting…), location types (city, dungeon, wilderness…), keywords (of items currently worn), and StorageUtil variables set by a mod.
    Q: The system is a nice idea, but the thoughts do not match my playing style.
    A: You may configure your own thoughts. Open the file \SKSE\Plugins\ypsThoughts\ypsThought_(fe)male_database.json, where you can change, add or remove thoughts just as you like. There are two files, one for male and one for female characters. You are encouraged to share your “thoughts” with the community. Every small contribution helps.
    But when editing the json files, remember to make backups of your modifications, as they might get overwritten when updating the mod.
    Q: How is determined, which thought is played?
    A: The thought system mod will go through all conditions defined in the file \SKSE\Plugins\ypsThoughts\ypsThought_conditions.json, then pick a random condition that is currently true, and finally play a random thought from the thought database.
    Q: Can I change the frequency of a single thought?
    A: The mods you use should have a slider in MCM affecting the frequency of thoughts in general. To change the frequency of a single specific thought, you can repeat the same thought string several times and/or add empty thoughts “” to the thought database.
    Q: How to use the StorageUtil variables?
    A: They are found in the section “papyrusvalues”. These variables can be set by modders. There are over 100 papyrus values predefined by YPS, matching certain YPS conditions. You can also add papyrus values from other mods.
    Q: What are the location conditions?
    A: These conditions begin with “LocType” and match any location type in vanilla Skyrim. Here is a full list:
    Furthermore, the thoughts system accepts the “LocTypeWilderness”, which does not have to appear in the list.
    Q: What general player conditions are available?
    A: These conditions begin with a $ sign. Currently available are:

    These are hard-coded.
    Q: What about item keywords?
    A: These keywords begin with the # sign and will be valid, if the player is currently wearing an item with the keyword. You may add as many additional item keywords to the list as you like. You can use item keywords from any mod you have installed, not just vanilla Skyrim and YPS.
    Q: What about the “thoughtconditions”?
    A: This is a powerful advanced feature. You may take any number of conditions (StorageUtil, Location, Player conditions, Item keywords) and combine them with the operators “&” (“and”) as well as “|” (“or”); each condition may also be prefixed with the operator “!” (“not”). Brackets are not allowed. The thought will then only be played if the logical combination is met.
    For example: Thoughts with the condition "loctypedungeon&$isoverencumbered&!$isincombat" may be played if (1) the player is in a dungeon and (2) is overencumbered and (3) is currently not in battle.
    The conditions used here do not have to appear in the above conditions list. Note that you have to define corresponding thoughts for the whole combination in the thought database.

    Q: What is the hierarchy of these logical operators?
    A: The "!" operator is linked directly to the following single condition. The “|” operator has higher priority than the “&” operator. For example, the condition items: !A&B|!C&D are evaluated as (NOT A) AND ( B OR NOT C ) AND D.
    Q: Player characters have totally different things in mind when in battle. How is this reflected?
    A: During combat only thoughts with the condition "$isincombat" will be shown (including complex "thought conditions" beginning with "$isincombat&...")
    Q: Now I added a lot of my own thoughts to the thought database, but the thoughts aren't showing up at all.
    A: Be aware of the json syntax. It is very easy to miss a bracket or to add an unneeded comma. I recommend using a json syntax checker like https://jsonlint.com/ . Furthermore, all conditions listed in the thought database must be written in lower case characters.
    Q: Can I add more voice-overs?
    A: Definitely! Adding your own voice overs is as easy as follows:
    Record the voice to a wav file, give it a 5 digit name with leading zeroes (e.g. 01737.wav). (If you care: Sound quality should be PCM516 LE 48 kHz, 16 Bit, Mono. Other sound qualities might also work, just try.) Place it into the folder data\Sound\fx\ypsSounds (use new numbers for new sounds) Add the number in square brackets (e.g. "[01737]") to the corresponding thought in the thought database json. Done! Currently the limit is at 32767 voices. Sounds number 00001-05999 may be used freely for female thoughts. 06000-08999 should be used for male thoughts; 09000-10000 are reserved for YPS internal use. 10001-32767 are reserved for future uses.
    The order of the numbers does not matter, but better avoid making it too messy.
    You are very much encouraged to share your "thoughts" and/or voice-overs with the community.

    Mods that include YTF:
    YPS Immersive Fashion Full version (needs SL and DD) Yps Immersive Fashion LITE version (SL and DD not needed); same link as the full version.  
    - may only be used in conjunction with other mods if they are all legal in your region or country
    - may not be posted or reposted without permission on a website other than LL (or a dedicated successor site)
    - may only be distributed free of charge
    - you may modify and use the contents of this mod for your own mod, as long as you give proper credit, and distribute your mod for free



  5. Super Paario

    (MNC compatible)



  6. Zoey's Skyrim Content Compendium (SSE and SLE)

    About This File
    In this compendium, there are 15 armor sets and about 32 weapons. Not all of these are showcased in the screenshots. There is also a unique follower based off of one of my own personal characters. I will be adding more as time goes on.
    This mod uses 7zip's split archives. You need to download both the 001 and 002 of your respective Skyrim version. Only the first file labelled 001 needs to be extracted on your PC.

    Black Fox Armor: Worn by TG members and the random encounter thieves
    Heavy Vampire Armor: Worn by high level vamps
    Elven Eagle Armor: Worn by high ranking High Elves and Thalmor
    Light Daedric Armor: Worn by dremora warlocks encountered throughout the game such as Mehrunes' Shrine
    Light Dwarven: Found in the Hall of Rumination in Blackreach, also worn by Breya during the quest Unfathomable Depths
    Light Iron Armor: Worn by Arvel the Swift and can be crafted.
    Lord Tristrum’s Armor: Located in White Ridge Barrow during the final encounter.
    Royal Bonemold: Found on the body of Gratian Cairellius and Captain Veleth in Raven Rock.
    Thalmor Armor: Worn by most of the named Thalmor (Ancano, Ondolemar, etc)
    Lapis Lazuli Armor: Worn by Kharjo
    Fine Steel: Worn by Hired Thugs and can be crafted
    Elite Daedric Armor: Worn by high ranking Dremora throughout the game (College questline and Velehk Sain)
    Demonsbane Armor: Can be found on a body in the Soul Cairn at the entrance to the Ideal Masters’ Maze.
    Miraak Cultist Standalone: Worn by high level Miraak Cultists
    Dragonguard Armor: Can be found on a body in the lake near Fort Dawnguard

    Steel Soul Sword: Hall of Rumination
    Aetherium Sword: In the Aetherial Forge
    Silver Arrows: Crafted
    Dwarven Proto Saber: Hall of Rumination
    Ebony Katana: Crafted
    Dwarven and Orcish Falchions: Can be found on NPCs and crafted
    Elite Daedric: Crafted
    Demonsbane: Can be found on the same NPC that wears the armor
    Elven Eagle: Crafted
    Fine Steel: Crafted
    Tristrum’s Weapons: White Ridge Barrow
    Daedric Bow Stormsong: Can be found somewhere in Sovngarde
    Tombstone: Can be found south-ish of Durnhevir’s word wall
    Permissions: All assets in this file belong to me. This file has closed permissions. You may not redistribute, modify, or otherwise change this file in any way. (c) Zoey K Lavender, 2023 and all years after.



  7. HD 4K Nordic Carved Armor

    I wasn't happy with the existing Nordic Carved Armor texture replacers, so I made my own.
    Extract meshes to \Data\meshes\dlc02\armor. Extract textures to \Data\textures\dlc02\armor. BodySlide is not compatible yet.
    Body pieces are 4K, while the feet, hands, and helmet are all 2K.
    I have no idea if this is SE compatible or not, but if you end up converting it let me know and I will upload it here.
    The secret phrase to the main archive is "loverslab". This is to prevent mod crawling.
    For crawling scripts looking for the PW, the password is "fuckoffwithyourcrawlingyoubastard".

    All permissions for this file are closed. If you want to upload personal modifications of this mod, notify me and I will put them here.

    (C) Zoey K Lavender, 2023 and all years after.



  8. Skyrim Save File Sorter

    This is a simple Python script that will sort the contents of your saves folder so you can easily pick out saves/characters you want to keep or get rid of. Simply run the script, paste in the path to your saves folder, paste in the path to where you want your saves to be sorted, and let it do its thing. Made and tested with Python 3.11, but there's no reason it wouldn't work on earlier versions too. The only external library it uses is tqdm to show progress bars, but if you don't feel like installing that then it'll run just fine without.
    I've also included an exe version, but it was made with auto-py-to-exe so your antivirus will probably throw a hissy fit about it (which is a good thing. You really shouldn't be running random executable files you find on the internet). Probably not worth the trouble.



  9. World of Rudra - NPC Overhaul


    World of Rudra by Bee9999
    English Grammar Fix by sa547
    New Animals for the World of Rudra Full Version by gg77

    If you have already installed the mod, make sure you have used the
    Grammar Fix from sa547. I used this esp for my mod. There are several versions of
    World of Rudra out there, such as: v.1.8.4. or v.1.75. As far as I know, it doesn't matter which
    one of both you install. The only important thing is that in this case you use the esp from sa547.

    You can move everything into a folder if you want, make sure my mod comes last and overwrites everything else.

    Or load my mod after World of Rudra / English Grammar Fix / New Animals for World of Rudra.


    - changes the face of ~60 NPCs
    - changed some voices, outfits and packages
    - fixed rainy weather in Lavender Villa
    - added over 60 new soundtracks to the mod


    Install these mods with your mod mananger.

    World of Rudra + English Grammar Fix + New Animals for the World of Rudra   Install both parts of my Overhaul afterwards with your mod manager.  


    Some characters' beards float a little above their faces if you look very closely from the side. I only fixed this for Akbar and Iben now. I'll patch this later, will be safe to update midgame.
    This isn't game-breaking and does not lead to crashes.


    To get the same result as in the pictures, install these mods.

    Vitruvia Skin
    Leyenda Skin with Alternative Face Option
    Rudy ENB 3.5 (315)
    Kwanon ENB

    Link to Nexus Version
    Link to all my other mods
    Link to my old mods


    World of Rudra - by Bee9999
    New Animals for the World of Rudra - by gg77
    (English Grammar) More Coherent Fix for The World of Rudra - by sa547

    Apachii Sky Hair - by Apachii
    KS Hairdo's - by Kalilies
    Cherry Eyes - by CherryMods
    Eyes of Beauty - by LogRaam
    Brows - by Hvergelmer
    World of Rudra NPC Overhaul - by ZckeZckT

    A big thank you to all the composers of the beautiful soundtracks, which enrich the mod so much.  



  10. Objects Make Noise

    This is a personal mod I use that makes all doors, activatables and containers make noise when you interact with them that is unless you have the Quick Hands perk. It does this by an invisible explosion that gives off a detection event on par with a sword swing every time you interact with something. Don't worry. You can still flip off Nazeem and the guards won't notice.
    It only effects the player(As far as I can tell). I never tested it with followers and I never plan to as NPCs are finicky as is.
    Should be SE compatible but I never tested it.



  11. NEO Selene Boots (Nioverride High Heels version) for NEO Selene Outfit UNP (LE) CBBE 3BA (SE)

    Hi all, I had a request to make this for another forum member and figured I should release it on here in case others might like it too.
    The problem: The original boots have high heels but are made with no "Nioverride" adjustment, so they make the character's legs look stubby since the bottom of the heels are where the foot heel should be.
    This mod fixes that by moving the boots down, re-weighting them to a high heel foot shape, and adding a Nioverride adjustment node.
    Skyrim LE (UNP) and Skyrim SE/AE (CBBE 3BA) versions, make sure and pick the right one for your game version.
    NEO Selene Outfit
    Nioverride/Racemenu (depending on which game version).
    Merge this mod into your NEO Selene outfit mod (it shouldn't overwrite anything).
    Build with bodyslide.
    If you want to adjust the "highheel offset", open the CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData nif file in nifscope.
    LE: edit the NiStringExtraData node in the boots shape, changing the 4.0 to a different value.
    SE: edit the NiFloatExtraData HH_OFFSET "Float Data" in the boots shape, changing the 4 to a different value.
    Build in bodyslide.
    Enjoy, and thanks to @Mookeylama for requesting it, otherwise it wouldn't exist!
    Credit to NEO for making the outfit in the first place.



  12. Tombstone - Unique two-handed melee weapon

    I am disabling comments because I do not have the emotional maturity to handle the average LoversLab user without saying something I might regret.
    If you encounter bugs, please file a bug report, but do not PM me if you cannot find the weapon or have criticism or suggestions. I don't really care.
    This mod took me six days of constant work and it's not done. Half of the scripts aren't working (which is good because there are only two).
    This mod adds a custom modeled, custom textured two hand melee weapon to Skyrim.
    4K diffuse, 2k-1k normals and speculars.
    Most weapons don't make use of specular maps.
    Unique enchantment effects - deals normal frost damage, 40 points over 4 seconds (10/s) to Health and Stamina to normal enemies, and an additional 80 points over 8 seconds (10/s) to undead, with special visuals.
    It does 64 base damage, much higher than Daedric Warhammer base of 27. It has a stagger magnitude of 3.5, and should stagger most enemies that can be staggered.
    However, due to being a massive lump of stone, it swings very, very slowly no matter how skilled you are at using both your hands.
    It has 2000 enchant power, at 10 power per attack, so it has 200 attacks before it runs out of enchantment power and needs to be recharged.
    What is?
    The weapon is simply called Tombstone. It's a decorative gravestone, quite literally.
    The Daedric script on the blade reads as follows:
    Here lies the mighty warrior
    Whose valor knew no bounds
    In battle they were unmatched
    A legend in their time
    Rest now noble spirit
    In the embrace of eternal peace
    Let your name echo through the ages
    As a symbol of courage and honor
    May the winds whisper your deeds
    And the stars guide your journey
    To the realm of tranquil slumber
    Where heroes rest for eternity
    Where can I find this weapon?
    You can find it in a new small building south-ish of Durnehviir's word wall. Be warned, it's protected by quite a difficult guardian.
    If you like my work you can throw me a bone and subscribe to my Patreon.
    All permissions for this file are completely closed. You may not do anything with this file other than download and use it. No reuploading, no modification, no translation, NO. I said no. Nope. NO. Bad kitty. I said no.



  13. Simply Hide

    Have you ever wanted to hide in barrels like a sneaky bastard? Of course you do. You're here ain't ya?
    Well this mod doesn't do that. But it does do the next best thing. Whenever you activate a large container while sneaking you have the option to hide thus turning you invisible at least until you move again... or murder someone or steal all their belongings.
    The mod isn't perfect. This is merely a proof of concept. People will still know it is you if they bump into you so try to stay out of the way. The reason for making this mod is because all the other mods doing similar things have furniture animations which breaks you out of stealth mode which is bad when you are trying to sneak.
    Should be SE compatible in theory but I haven't tested it out.
    Let me know if there is a way to make it more efficient.



  14. Pet The Freaking Dog Already

    a small animation mod that lets you pet canines (activated by dialogue)
    2 dog/wolf animations
    1 fox animaton



  15. Deadly Infinium

    you get to keep the Oghma Infinium, but the higher your skills the more it will harm you to increase them.
    (note: this mod is just a simple script edit with no esp, also it's most likely not compatible with other Oghma Infinium mods)



  16. Better Boss Loot (SSE and SLE)

    Dear Bethesda,
    Fuck you and your leveled lists.
    Sincerely, everyone.
    Archive contains files for both SSE and SLE. Pleas only use the version that corresponds with your own game version. Built with an old ass initial release version of the SSE CK so should be version backwards compatible.

    Here's a list of what was modified. Dawnguard and Dragonborn required.

    (C) 2023 Zoey K Lavender and all years after.



  17. Argonian to Anthro Dragon TF Pack

    New Features
    Fixed female horn clipping problems?
    Overwrite where prompted
    This mod adds several custom made meshes and textures to Skyrim to make YOUR argonian look almost as badass as mine.
    Custom Alduin style horns
    Custom Alduin style back spines
    Custom Alduin style tail
    Custom Alduin style wings
    Custom Alduin style feet
    Custom version of Dragonic Textures for Argonain

    Primary body texture for males is 8K resolution. People with anything older than the 9xx series of nVidia cards WILL have trouble with this.
    Body texture for females is 4K.
    If you need a smaller resolution, download GIMP and resize it yourself. I will not cater to the needs of people who do not help themselves.
    If you have purple body, install KJ's Tattoos.
    Manual only. DO NOT USE NMM OR VORTEX.
    Overwrite absolutely everything.
    The horns can be added via the race menu. RaceMenu the Mod is not required but it is recommended.
    The tail and back spines can be added via AddItemMenu or using the console to add them manually.
    The wings can be toggled with a spell added to the game called "Mutagen: Toggle Dragon Wings". You may need to cast it more than once to get it working. You have to use the console to add it.
    The back spikes, wings, wing membrane, horns, and tail all follow the skin and hair tints. See "bugs" for more info.
    I've included reworked SOS penis textures to fit the new body textures.
    This mod is incompatible with any other mods that change the Argonian feet and textures.

    Dragonic Textures for Argonian is not required.
    Wearable Dragon Tails and Horns is not required.
    The back spine tint is reset on loading a save. Opening the race menu and manually setting it fixes this until the next load.
    The wing tint is reset on loading a save. Opening the race menu and manually setting it fixes this until the next load.
    The wing membrane tint is reset on loading a save. Opening the race menu and manually setting it fixes this until the next load.
    The tail tint is reset on loading a save. Opening the race menu and manually setting it fixes this until the next load.
    Users of Magic Duel: Reborn will have their wings removed during a duel. 
    The foot lighting is a little off. Anyone skilled in generating model-space normalmaps contact me please.
    I cannot fix any of these bugs. I don't know the cause nor the solution.
    The female low weight foot model is bigger than it's supposed to be if you are using a custom CBBE/BodySlide preset. I modeled the feet after the default CBBE meshes - you will need to manually adjust them to fit your custom preset. To fix this for the low weight meshes, set the ankle size to 100%. High weight meshes don't seem to be a problem for me.
    Permissions and Credits
    Permission for usage of the dragon wings have been obtained from Anton. All credit for the mesh, animations, and ESP data go to Anton. Link to original file: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53271
    Permission for usage of the body textures have been obtained from ChaserTech. All credit for the creation of the original textures go to ChaserTech. Link to original file: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76127
    Permission for usage of the wearable tail mesh has been obtained from Faelrin. All credit for the creation of the tail mesh goes to Faelrin. Link to original file: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53746
    Under no circumstances should this download and the files contained within be redistributed without the explicitly written permission of myself and the other named authors. Doing so without said permission will result in legal action.
    I am the creator of the back spine mesh, the foot mesh, and the Alduin horns hair style mesh. Do not upload ANYWHERE without my permission.
    Additional Help Information
    If you are having difficulty with any part of this mod, USE GOOGLE BEFORE PESTERING ME WITH YOUR IDIOTIC QUESTIONS. I will not help anyone who doesn't help themselves first.
    Usually a 5 second Google search will get you the solution to any given problem not listed here.

    (C) 2023 Zoey K Lavender and all years after.



  18. ESO Bloodshadow Wraithsteed Replacer for Shadowmere (SLE)

    Thanks to a quick fix by @Bad Dog the SLE version of this mod is BACK! Many thanks and kudos to this dude.
    Simple mod that replaces Shadowmere, nothing else to it.
    Don't post this anywhere else. All permissions are closed as this uses others' assets with their permission.

    (C) 2023 Zoey K Lavender and all years after.



  19. Heavy Vampire Armor

    A small mod that adds heavy vampire armor based off of a mix of normal vampire armor and ebony armor.
    Male and female compatible. Male model is slightly different from female model.
    This will (eventually) be integrated into my Content Compendium.
    You cannot craft it (like regular vampire armor) but you can find it on high level vampire bosses. It is not enchanted and does not contain a head piece. It's counted as Ebony armor by the game.
    I will eventually add an Ebony Circlet so you can get the Matching Set bonus with headgear.
    Suggestions are welcome as long as they aren't stupid.

    Feel free to port this to Special Edition on the condition that A) it's not posted to the Nexus and B) it's not Discord-exclusive, C) you give me all credit and D) you notify me.

    (C) Zoey K Lavender, 2023 and all years after.



  20. (the old non-CBG/FNIS) Dragon Vore KillMove Replacer

    this mod replaces the Dragon's bite&throw animation (and sound effects) with a swallowing animation:
    there are no mod requirements for this animation mod (not even FNIS)
    Warning: conflicts with the CBG/FNIS version, don't use both.



  21. Skimpy Armor and Clothing for Here There Be Monster - Loose Version CBBE HDT For Remodel Armor AIO

    Simple Despription: See Screenshot.

    There is Include all 4 "Here There Be Monster" Mod by Araanim. Original Mod Needed and Replace "Female Outfit" from here.

    Fit for Underwear from my outfit modification "Remodel AIO"
    Several Texture and Model Modification to make better Skimpy looks.

    Just let me know if encounter with issues. sicnce I'm not test the mod well.
    Original Mod Link:
    Here There Be Monsters
    Here There Be Monsters - The Call Of Cthulhu
    Here There Be Monsters - Sign of Cipactli
    Here There Be Monsters - Trollhunter
    Here There Be Monsters - The Fog Horn



  22. Skimpy Outfit Replacer for The Evil Mansion CBBE HDT

    Replace all woman outfit for The Evil Mansion Final and Remaster. Simply See Screenshot.
    Loose Version for Underwear and Devious mod Remodel AIO.
    Note: Should be Works both Complete Edition and Remaster one.



  23. Aki Collection

    For work related reasons I am taking an extended break from modding skyrim. I have to redo the setup and I don't have the time to actually do that anytime soon. But my guide is available and you can try to make tattoos yourself in the meantime. If you have patience its possible to do without mudbox but i don't have a guide on that.
    Added Venom tats. Textures are courtesy of my friend Wakahisa. They weren't created with the intention to be tats, but he had me make slave tats of them to test the textures in game and he gave me permission to upload. For best results use the STMM mod by GenioMaestro, and set the black skin textures to have transparency 70%. That way it can have a sort of glossy look. Otherwise it will be solid black and not look super great. A link to STMM can be found in the description further below.
    Wakahisa is giving permission to anyone who wants to try to improve on the Venom textures. Just can't charge for them. (All of my tats still require permission before anyone modifies them).  
    Introducing "Aki Clothes." These are tattoos that look like clothes. The set comes with: Jeans, a White T shirt, White Panties, Black Lace Panties, a Black Lace Bra, an attempt at Yoga pants, and a wet version of both the T shirt and white panties. There are 2 versions with only minor differences. Version 2 uses a lighter color for the jeans and attempts a slight cleanup of the white panties and wet white panties. You should only install one version. Each version has all the pieces, just a matter of the minor edits I made.
    You guys have no idea how long and how frustrating the bra was to make. I was going to include a white bra but couldn't find a good sample image to use as model, and the difficulties of the black bra made me not even want to try doing another lol. The Yoga pants, IMO, are a bit too dark. I might try to adjust them in the future.
    I am hoping this will inspire other tat makers to create clothes tattoos. Part of my reason was that I was sick of not every pair of clothing fitting my characters or skirts that occupied the same slot as panties forcing my character to either have a skirt or panties but not both. These tats allow a pair of clothes with no clipping because it is their skin, and it takes up no armor slots.  I might make more in the future.
    LL being very slow today and I think only one image uploaded. I will try to upload the others.
    5/28/2023: I have once again gained access to Mudbox. I tried other programs and found they were too confusing, less efficient, or some other issue. In the end I decided to shell out and pay for the subscription. Now I still won't be around often, but I am going to start making some new tats here and there. At this time the only requests I will consider are text based tats, rather than more detailed images. Text based ones require a lot less time, and my time is super limited for the time being. But I will consider suggestions. Once I have time, and remember how to do this, my next planned set of non-text tats will be the markings on Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen.
    9/11/2022: For those coming here from the link to Melodic's Raven outfit who are looking for Raven's forehead gem tattoo, you should be able to find it in the "Aki Fandom Set." And for those who are reading this and going "Someone made a Raven outfit from Teen Titans Holy Shit!" here is a link to Melodic's Patreon, although there are other options to obtain it. I'm not going to do every link melodic has, just the patreon one. (https://www.patreon.com/posts/melodic-raven-71823452). Check Melodic's discord if you want to find the other sources.
    As of 3/12/2021 my Mudbox free trial expired early (it was supposed to last 3 years, it did not). Student free trials require verification now and since I was already "verified" in the past I can't redo it. I tried to learn how to do this in Blender but it is so much more confusing and no matter what I try, nothing works. Until I find a user friendly 3d modeling program, I am unable to make new slavetats. This also means my instruction set on how to make your own slavetats is a bit broken since it requires mudbox and that's no longer availible without buying a subscription more or less. As much as I would like to, I cannot afford a subscription and it was a little too glitchy for me to justify spending money on anyway. (If Aki-chan spends money, the product better be close to flawless).
           Not that I condone it, but as far as I can tell piracy and cracking of mudbox isn't an option. For one, my tech skills are so low I don't know how to pirate. I certainty don't know how to do it without risk of infecting my computer. And my random googling suggests it is just generally unavailable anyway. So my Hiatus is now permanent until further notice and I have no say in the matter.
    As of 8/15/2020 I am on full hiatus in tat making and requests until further notice.  I am back to school and with rare exception, I usually try to give my tats the best quality I am capable of.  With someone lacking a steady hand or artistic talent, that takes much more time than I will have.
    A collection of Slavetats created by me (Aki).  There are multiple packs.  Details for each pack will be in the update section at the bottom, sorted by date.
    SUPER IMPORTANT UPDATE!  If you have installed any of my tats prior to 3/2/2020 please read the update with the same date!  It is related to game stability!

    Slavetats is required of course (Put link in spoiler tag to be less intrusive.  It didn't want to just stay as a text link.)
    If I knew how to make them for Racemenu as regular warpaints and tats, I would.  But I don't understand the end part of the process for that.
    As long as I am credited people may turn my tats into racemenu mods, adapt them for another bodytype better, etc.
    You may not charge money for my tats, and ideally do not ask for donations in regards to my tat mods (you can do so for your own mods, just not mine.  it just seems inappropriate since I am not charging for my own tats.)
    If you want to use any of my tats as a part of your mod, please ask first.  I'll probably say yes, I just prefer prior knowledge.
    I do take requests, and the chief determinator of whether or not I take requests is if I have the skill to do it or not.  However the following tat categories are things I will not take requests for, nor do on my own:
    1. I don't do modern politics from any country. (Obvious reasons).
    2. I don't do Christmas stuff, or anything from the season. (Plenty of other people have done it.  I don't need to do it too)
    3. Nothing that can get me banned (of course).
    4. And nothing illegal (not sure how that could come up, but if it does I don't want people saying it wasn't in the list), specifically nothing illegal in my home country.
    For the most part I'm happy to do anything else by request.  I don't mind certain political symbols as long as they don't relate to current political issues.  If you ask nicely for a party symbol, sure.  But no political figures from the past 20 years.  I also won't do symbols for obviously negative things.
    In general though, you can ask me for anything if you can make a good case for it.  The above list is just a heads up that these specific ones will most likely be turned down unless you do a really good job arguing your point.
    (Put original pics into a spoiler tag to be less intrusive.)
    I recently discovered SlaveTats Magic Manager/STMM.  Though it had a bit of a learning curve for me, this tool as since become a favorite of mine and I highly recommend it.  It isn't a requirement, just very useful and allows for greater customization of Slavetats.  It also allows you to save configurations of tats to quick load later onto your character, or rapidly look through tats before applying them via a spell using hotkeys.  It can even copy and paste specific color/glow choices from one tat to another.  Definitely check it out.



  24. Flufy Fox Poser Update 20/12/2023

                                                                                                                                  FlufyFox Poser LE SE
    Dont forget to join discord and get verified to see eveyrthing, all the new animations previews and my content ^^

    Dont forget to check out my Discord and patreon, Thank You 

    You can support me on my new page  https://subscribestar.adult/flufyfox  this will help me keep going and improve even more.
    Ahri Invites You (trailer).mov    

    The Sad Cat Dance meme


    2022-06-29 03-17-26.mp4  
    Idle Replacer
    I made it pretty simple with 32 sec duration and not too much running out of the vanilla one,i was wanting something that the character look more cool but at same time looking similar to the normal one will let the preview here

    2021-10-15 20-54-27.mp4  
    Please do not reupload my mod i will let all updates here on LL for you guys too ^^

    Hello its Flufy now i going to share my posees and animations with you guys, i still a begginer so they are pretty simple :3 i will keep doing my best to improve.
    You will need PoserHotkeys Plus, the data gen for it i already made it, but if you want to use again to make sure its fine, dont forget to enable
    FootIK off on poserhotkeys plus MCM menu, otherwise some poses will not look right.

    Thats it is pretty simple theres no secret on make them work, will let some links here now and a short vid showing some of them ^^ Thanks hope you enjoy

    I have improved some old idles Motions too ^^
    -NEW- 1.3 Alright guys i made some Male poses too now theres not some stuff for Male chars so i made those hope you guys enjoy
    I want to thank Goma PeroPero taht give me permission to use his obj assets and Daymar for helping me to talk with Goma :3

    68 Normal - including my Specials of 300 followers celebration and my 6 girls thogeter, i changed for the value of the solo poses statics, is 77 couting the group ones if used in each one
    2 pair - with the throne - the pair will be in sequence, the first with second, 3-4, 5-6 etc
    43 Animations - you can see on my discord with the previews and anims names ^^
    11 Male poses and more 6 with objs verion
    2 Futa added
    38 with Objects all animated idles  freaturing Ahri's Throne from More song clip i made S2
    6 obj static
    Poser Hotkeys Plus, Poser Hotkeys DataGen, FNIS - Fore New Idles for Skyrim for users

    Support me here so you can get more stuff and follow works on my discord :3
    VIdeo Showing some of them:
    ON Youtube:
    PS: Sorry guys i trolled the first post have to remade..
    PS: Please guys dont use the obj i made in others mods or stuff without my permission, thanks s2

    millepon for poserhotkeys plus - which make posing really easy
    Poser Hotkeys by Mz1n
    Anubis for helping me when i was doing the set up to animate
    Goma PeroPero
    And everything that make this possible



  25. Hakuryuu Race Queen Outfit (CoCo Body v6)

    This outfit is based off of some fanart. I did the best I could as a beginner modder, but don't expect any miracle work or fancy features here.  Gloves and Boots not Included.

    UNP body textures
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE
    COCO Body (3BBB) v6 or something similar (No promises, but BHUNP will probably work)
    BodySlide and Outfit Studio
    NetImmerse Override or RaceMenu

    The outfit can be crafted at any forge (Needs Elven Smithing Perk) or with console commands. You could also use something like Automated Leveled List Addition to distribute it in the world.




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