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  1. Radiant Prostitution RUS v7.0.4

    Я сделала перевод на данный мод для Skyrim SE-AE 1.6.353

    В большей степени я переводила его вручную, но все-таки около 500-600 сточек диалога или описаний квестов я оставила такими, какими их перевел API. Также было тяжело перевести фразы так, чтобы их можно было отнести и к женщине и к мужчине, поэтому я оставила большинство строк без разделения пола в мужском роде. Пожалуйста, напишите мне, если найдете что-то, что может сильно мешать вашей игре и не дает вам понять что нужно сделать. myssssorka@yandex.ru
    Оригинал мода НЕ требуется!!!
    Рекомендую устанавливать через менеджеры модов.
    SexLab Framework  JContainers  Fuz Ro D-oh Sexlab Aroused V29 (as of Version 7)

    Оригинал: Вкратце

    Версия мода 3.2.2, которую я впервые начал использовать, работает хорошо, но через некоторое время становится какой-то безвкусной, и она не очень хорошо подходит для ПК мужского пола. Затем Кейден подхватил его. Он добавил довольно много цвета и узнаваемости для разных типов ПК. Однако он так и не смог довести свое видение до конца и перешел к другим вещам. Поскольку он объявил, что прекращает поддержку этой игры, я решил подхватить мяч и немного поработать с ним. Насколько сложным может быть этот моддинг, верно? (знаменитые последние слова).
    Итак... Что такое Radiant Prostitution?
    В Скайриме сейчас время войны. Люди сломлены, испытывают стресс и лишены собственности. Рабочих мест не хватает. Можно вступить в армию или отправиться на поиски приключений, но такая жизнь опасна, а обучение и снаряжение стоят дорого. Что же делать парню или девушке, только что сошедшим с повозки? Что ж, местный трактирщик всегда рад помочь. Хотя вы можете заработать немного денег, обслуживая столы, всегда есть еще один вариант, который доступен..... Если вы готовы... потому что есть люди, готовые купить....
    Radiant Prostitution and Gigolo предлагает иной путь карьеры для Драконорожденных. Работа официантом - это просто дверь в совершенно другую часть Скайрима. Здесь можно узнать, чем занимаются люди в одинокие ночи, когда не знают, что принесет утро. Здесь вы узнаете, за что люди готовы платить за закрытыми дверями. Там, где вы узнаете, что проблемы можно решать не только мечом и заклинаниями.
    Многоуровневый набор лучезарных квестов, доступных из любого трактира в Скайриме
    Полностью настраиваемый MCM, позволяющий регулировать сложность и выплаты в соответствии с вашим личным стилем игры
    Работа в трактире
    Вы можете начать с простого обслуживания столов. Деньги невелики, но по крайней мере у вас есть чувство собственного достоинства, верно? Но соблазн всегда рядом, а некоторые клиенты не могут держать себя в руках.
    Если вы решитесь на это, вам придется решить, что именно вы готовы делать, потому что у клиентов есть идеи, и некоторые из них не примут отказа...

    Теперь с интеграцией SLSO!!!
    Итак, как работает интеграция SLSO? В принципе, чтобы преуспеть в своей работе, вам нужно убедиться, что ваш клиент испытывает оргазм. Если вы этого не сделаете, ваш клиент будет все меньше и меньше доволен вами. Как это произойдет, зависит от квеста. Сейчас существует система удовлетворения клиента, которая оценивает эффективность вашего взаимодействия с ним. Если сцена включает оргазм, вы получаете балл. Если оргазма нет, это засчитывается. Удовлетворенность клиента будет зависеть от специфики квеста, но набранные баллы приведут к уровню удовлетворенности клиента: 3 - полностью удовлетворен, 0 - полностью неудовлетворен. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Несколько оргазмов для одного клиента в одной сцене все равно считаются только как один в этой системе.
    Ваше исполнение также оценивается по времени. Если у вас установлен аванс SLSO после мужского оргазма, вы должны достаточно долго удерживать их, чтобы получить полную оплату, но при этом гарантировать, что они все еще кончают. В настоящее время не во всех квестах эта функция включена по разным причинам. ... Подробности см. в спойлере ниже.



  2. Tatsumaki CBBE 3BA Follower Reupload

    TeraElinRace Remastered - Regular Mods - LoversLab RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) And probably CBBE and some type of body type and all of those requirements which I'm assuming you have. If you have a different body type, just read below and switch out the body type for whichever you are using.  
    Located in Dragon Reach Kitchen, Whiterun 
    I made the bodyslide specifically for her in bodyslide studio. The one you see in the pic is not actually the one she will be using but one I created. 
    I did not create this, but I only edited the bodyslide to work with CBBE 3BA Physics and still can be edited. I don't know who created this originally or why it was taken down but I'm just reuploading it incase if it gets lost to the void again. Feel free to edit the bodyslide files by following this dudes guide. Doesn't take very long. Texture changing doesn't work unless if they're teraElinRace compatible. Skyrim LE - SE Body Mesh - Texture Replacement Tutorial at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) If this ever gets taken down, then so be it. I didn't make it anyway and I'm unsure why it would be taken down but who knows.  There seems to be an issue with her hair sometimes or most of the time and it goes uncolored. Doesn't bother me but whatever. Might be my ENB. If you ever figure it out, I might give it an update. Her neck also might have a seam, but it didn't have one for me and if it did, it wasn't noticeable. Don't ask for any big updates because well, I have literally no idea how to mod at all. Just uploading this so it doesn't disappear into the void.   
    The Bodyslide Used: 
    Reds Tatsumaki 3BA CBBE Bodyslide at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)



  3. COtR Hayley Atwell for fun

    COtR Hayley Atwell for Fun
    want support me?: https://www.patreon.com/daxosscontent
    Last update of Skyrim special edition (1.5.97) not AE edition
    Latest SKSE64 for Skyrim SE (version 2.0.20) higher than this version is for skyrim AE
    RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
    COtR - HQ Characters creation addon for RM
    Improved Eyes Skyrim
    CotR x Improved Eyes Skyrim - Updated Patch
    Eye Normal Map Fix SSE
    COtR x Hvergelmir's Brows (choose the esl version)
    KS Hairdos
    All my celebrities presets here



  4. [Jmel']DRvalentine

    This it port from mobile game Dragon Raja for Skyrim SE.
    I really love outfits from that games and planning to make more of them in future. ?
    If u are interesting on my works - i have twi ?
    SMP for hair, dress

    Pls enjoy and have good screens! 
    The outfit  gotten via additemmenu or QUI

    -Bodyslide and Outfit Studio (v5.6.0+)
    -CBBE 3BA (use 2.31 or beyond)
    -CBBE (use v1.6.2 or beyond)
    -CBPC (must use latest version 1.5.2 or beyond)
    -Use a Mod Manager like MO2.
    -Use Bodyslide and make sure to build



  5. [Jmel']DR_val

    This it port from mobile game for Skyrim SE.
    I really love outfits from that games and planning to make more of them in future. ?
    If u are interesting on my works - i have twi ?
    ?3ba, smp dress ?2 colors dress, accs ?Dress, shoes, head accs, hand  
    Screens by: me, @runa92133675, @magmelmel, @Takaya_Nikaidou

    Pls enjoy and have good screens! 
    The outfit  gotten via additemmenu or QUI

    -Bodyslide and Outfit Studio 
    -CBBE 3BA 
    -Use a Mod Manager like MO2.
    -Use Bodyslide and make sure to build



  6. Enchanted Bestial Urination

    This is a bestiality piss fetish mod, basically it's a mod that introduces the concept of a beast's urine and a mage's urine, plus their combinations as a source of magical energy which provides powerful magical potions, I won't go into detail because I've provided lore about this mod in the files section called "Dorilla's Journal". The potions have custom models. Everything about the mod, how to use it and how it works can be found in the journal. The book for a certain main spell can be found at Belethor's general goods, you can buy it from him.
    This mod should work with Skyrim LE, it's nothing but some custom models and a very basic script.
    Install using some mod manager or do it manually, your choice.
    Edit: The files are loose so you have freedom to customize however you like using CK. Also please download the journal from the files section and read it, it will tell you how the mod works, don't comment saying it doesn't work. I have to probably say this if it wasn't already obvious, the urine for the beasts can be found in alchemy shops as well as when you loot different creatures.
    I might not be working more on this mod because I'm gonna start working on my new mod, it's pretty big and will require a lot of time.
    P.S. You can use this mod inside your own mod if you want to, or if you want to create a better version of this, this is not the peak of this mod, I just had an idea and quickly made something out of it, so I'm pretty sure someone can make a better version, just please credit me for it, other than that it's fine.



  7. COtR Kate Upton for Fun

    COtR Kate Upton for Fun
    want support me?: https://www.patreon.com/daxosscontent
    Last update of Skyrim special edition (1.5.97) not AE edition
    Latest SKSE64 for Skyrim SE (version 2.0.20) higher than this version is for skyrim AE
    RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
    COtR - HQ Characters creation addon for RM
    KS Hairdos
    COtR x Hvergelmir's Brows
    The Eyes Of Beauty SSE
    COtR x The Eyes of Beauty - Updated Patch
    Skin Feature Overlays SE

    All my celebrities presets here



  8. Cursed Skyrim - Goofy Ahh Music

    Just in case gets deleted, mod page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94551



  9. PC Head Tracking 2B (Nier Automata) Mixed Voice

    Hello, everyone!
    There is excellent 2B voice pack for DBVO and two mediocre voice packs for PC Head Tracking on Nexus. Packs for PC Head Tracking completely breaks immersion with inapropriate for medieval fantasy voicelines and exactly same voice for default and fatigued combat for example.
    I've got voice resources of 2B, Claire Redfield and Lara Croft on SFMLab forum (everything under CC 4.0 License, so it's legal) and mix them using logic, i explain above:
    Avoid words completly (with only one exception for bleedout) Completely avoid any repeating sounds in different folders so Attack always differs form Power Attack and Attack Fatigued etc. Many folders have 6 voicelines, others up to 10. Only first 5 used ingame, so you can pick 5 that suits your taste, delete others and rename rest 01.wav to 05.wav. If you don't know what you're doing just keep it and don't touch, it's okay. If you want to learn read B.Y.O. section of the PC Head Tracking mod. Location, Greeting and Magic (Heal is only one exception) is unvoiced. 2B voice is main and used in moans, screams and grunts. Full list is: Jump, Sneak, Attack, Attack Fatigued, Power Attack, Power Attack Fatigued, Shield Chrage, Killmove, Death, Bleedout, Bash, Bash Fatigued, Hit, Trap Hit, Health Low, Health Very Low, Friendly Hit, Block, Sprint, Horse Riding, Dragon Riding, Attack Ranged Full Draw, Book Reading. Claire Redfield voice covers quiet moans and breaths. Full list is: Chair, Attack Ranged, Friendly Heal (and copy to Heal in Magic), Ready Weapon, Lock Picking, Lock Picking Success, Sneak. Lara Croft voice covers only heavy exhaustion and surfacing.  
    PC Head Tracking



  10. Porny Nordic Murals

    Hello there ?
    Of course as any brave veteran adventurer, while you were exploring the dungeons you were wondering "But... where the hell are the titties??" 
    ..wait you didn't ? AH. Here I go anyway
    To continue this wicked endavour, I offer you kinky nordic murals (the stuff you find in some dungeons, mostly near the circle claw door thingy) 
    As always, made those for myself and thought about sharing them eventho i'm aware they're not perfect.

    Textures are in 4k, all in preview (sorry about the messy screenshots, also keep in mind lightning may vary depending on your skyrim obviously)
    Nothing needed, just a replacer !
    ⚠️I consider those as Work In Progress so far, I didn't finish them but that's definitely planned ; I hope to make them cleaner, more fitting and hopefully better in general !
    I will update the file here eventually 




  11. Demoiselle en detresse SE - La Cage Rose retexturer Traduction Française

    Version totallement en français
    avec des nouvelle tête re-texturer
    Lien du mod re texturer



  12. KS Hairdos for Troubles of Heroine

    About This File
    This mod edits most of the NPC's in the mod "Troubles of Heroine"  so they will no longer have vanilla hair. 
    About this mod:
    This mod changes the hair styles of 145 NPCs to give them KS Hairdos. This mod does not change the hairstyles of Argonians or Khajiits. This mod is meant to be used with the current version of Troubles of Heroine and shouldn't be used with future updates until I update it. 
    Troubles of Heroine 2.7.3
    KS Hairdos SSE TEXTURES ONLY! You probably already have these textures if you use other mods that add KS Hairdos to NPCs. If you see purple hair then download.
    DSHV for creating this mod on SE and LE
    And last but not least the team behind KS Hairdos for their beautiful hairstyles and open permissions.
    KSHair FaceGen Export Rig for making my job easy!  ?
    Q: It cause CTD on start up
    A: Restart your PC.
    Q: Can you make this mod into a BSA archive? 
    A: Possibly in the next release.
    Recommended mods: 
    KSHair For All Vanilla NPCs, It's compatible with everything.



  13. COtR Tea Leoni for fun

    COtR Tea Leoni for Fun
    want support me?: https://www.patreon.com/daxosscontent
    Last update of Skyrim special edition (1.5.97) not AE edition
    Latest SKSE64 for Skyrim SE (version 2.0.20) higher than this version is for skyrim AE
    RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
    COtR - HQ Characters creation addon for RM
    KS Hairdos
    Koralina's Makeup for COtR
    COtR x Hvergelmir's Brows
    Improved Eyes Skyrim
    CotR x Improved Eyes Skyrim - Updated Patch

    All my celebrities presets here



  14. KSO Mage Robes (Vanilla Replacer) - BHUNP Conversion+

    The ultimate guide to start a kinky adventure as mage!
    We're offer you to get rid of old and dusty robes in favor of new and fashinoble ones. And from now skirt doesn't stick to the legs and have its own movement provided by HDT-SMP.
    As we all know, there is two types of robes in Skyrim: Apprentice and Journeyman types. Another type, Vagrant, added by the fishing addon. And this conversion covers all these robes types well.
    And at this point you have a choice of two variants for each type!
    Apprentice robes:
    Type 1
    Type 2
    Journeyman Robes:
    Type 1
    Type 2
    Vagrant Robes:
    Type 1
    Type 2
    You have made your choice? Excellent! But there is one more thing to say: as you may notice, journeyman robe type 1 comes without nipple cover and it can cause problems for ladies with certain and delicate skin types, for example BnP Skin:
    But don't worry! You can try to use this variant with altered nipple area.
    Okay, before you can put this on your characters you must meet all of requirements listed below:
    BodySlide and Outfit Studio BHUNP (UUNP Next Generation) SSE BHUNP Custom Tweaked Body v.1.0.3 (You have no need to use or build it, just install, with overwrite) KSO Mage Robes for Females - CBBE 3BA (Vanilla Replacer) Soft:
    Fishing addon for Skyrim (For vagrant robes) Rustic Clothing (Better textures) AND EVERY OF THEIR REQUIREMENTS TOO!
    Known issues you may or may not meet in game:
    As more body of your lady differs from -Zeroed Slider- then there is higher chance to meet minor clippings and oddities Vagrant robes type 2 have odd skirt physics (it feels like liquid, not cloth). I tried to fix it, but it seems that problem is on site of original mod, but i can't say it for sure, of course. You can use and test it in any way you want and after that with couple of clicks switch to type 1 if you want. You may notice, that Vagrant and Apprentice are just retextures for each other, but physics are not same. This problem highly likely persist in original mod, but i didn't tested it In some poses skirt clip through leg (see screenshots). It's may be caused by original .xml physics schema, which is optimized for 3BA. This problem may be persist in original mod, but i didn't tested it, i'm not an expert in physics to make exact conclusion. From behind skirt in every type looks perfect. When you wear master robes metallic parts become black with journeyman robes type 1, while expert robes that use same mesh have no issue. It's likely that wrong texture causing this problem.  
    Few words about etiquette: you can modify, fix or alter these files and publish them without my permission, just pm me that you made something and give a link to your file, so i can credit you here and give that link to all users for better life. Don't forget to credit me too ?.
    Now you are ready for your kinky journey! Good luck!

    Ousnius and Caliente - for BodySlide and Outfit Studio
    @factoryclose and Haeun - for BHUNP Body
     @bnub345 - for Custom BHUNP Tweaked Body
    Imperial2000 - for Conversion of KSO Mage Robes
    Gamwich - for Rustic Clothing



  15. SLavers OF Skyrim (SLOS) WIP - Remake in progress...

    Year: 2023
    Month: 6
    Day: 25
    What this mod do?
    Add Slavers to skyrim to make player life more intresting
    Full version:
    What this mod do: explanation
    The next realsie version might not going to compatible the current version. Reason:
    i going to make ESL flagged esp all script files, might same going to happen the other esp files to.
    Next version come within a month.
    SLOS-OLDPreReamke cotnain all the old pre remake files to make life more easy.
    File list:
    Evry addon and optional file in one pacage to make more easy to use.
    Master file you need it.
    Changes slaver enchantments t original vannila Elemental damage wepon enchantments.
    Adds toys suport to mod, now slavers may carry some toys/keys with them.
    In general adds zaz items to slaves/slavers.
    If you chose:" SLOS-Addon-Zaz-AND-Weapons-to-Slavers.esp"
    Slavers recive zaz weapons to! This weapons enchanted with slaver enchantment of corse.
    Contains 2 slaver base near riverwood, plus slavers and traders going to patrol around from the bases.
    Adds new potential victims to the word that can be hunted down by slavers
    Renegade ex slavers added to bandit leveled lists. This slavers use slaver equipemnt but fight with the bandits as a bandit. If you wish face some intresting enemy as you kill banditst you might intrested with this addon.
    Script master file for all scripted module part. all script used fire make use of it.
    Slavers now capable capture npcs, followers, player.
    Player can use slaver weapons to capture enemys, or player slaves followers can use the weapons to capture for player if marked to able to do so.
    For full functionality requires:
    PAHE ( player or its followers/slaves capture other npcs)
    Simple Slavery ( palyer capture )
    As name states the old pre remake version cotnain 2 zip file. one for the non scripted side of the mod other one the scripted side.
    Not suported, here for those who not finished the old playtrought and need it to complite.
    SLOS-work-Test-R0 - currently unavible
    Used to test the enchantments and varius aspect of slavers here is what you can do with this file:
    Go riverwood defend aginst slaver attack and try go guardian stones from here ( and survive the travel ).
    To test out enemys use this console commands:
    coc SLOStest --preapration room
    coc slosTHunter
    coc slosThunterguard
    coc slosThunterenchanter
    coc slosThunterwizard
    coc slosTWatcher
    coc slosTkillme   ---this enemy has leveled, the strongest good luck aginst them ( under lvl 6 not even worth to attempt). Max level for this one is LVL 55 
    Main mod requiere Skyrim SE 1.5.97 and works.
    Zaz addon require ZAZ 8.0 or higher but not zaz 9.0 i not tested yet dont know work or not.
    Toys Addon require: Toys Framework
    Change log:
    Other things: i going to slowly remove the old download options and iformations to avoid congfusion.
    Below the spoiler you can check out the old description of the mod. This to get removed ower time. This means save this thing to your self.
    At the time of writing this mod is work in progrress.
    For this reason pls dont upload other places, so other not recive new version.
    This mod is my gift for the Loverslab Community so after i finish the main devlopment i grant free use any one who wish do things with it but not before.
    This section get updated as i advance in devlopment.



  16. LV Wildlife + MNC Patch + SLAL

    Ever thought that Skyrim is lacking in the creature and animal department? Do you care for new creature types? Is the amount of animations available never too high? If you've found yourself thinking these questions then my mod may be of use!

    This mod comes in 4 parts - a Safe-for-work base mod, a MNC patch and some spiffy new SLAL with new creature types, and some various esps. There's a patch for CACO, and you can also find a Sexlab More Creatures edition I modified to suit this mod.

    If you wish to play with these downloads, a new savegame is required. Upgrading procedures may require a new game too, depending on how creatures are adjusted. If you don't need or want the nsfw aspects, download the base mod "LVWildlifeV1.x", without the MNC in name. Things will be less tricky to upgrade if you only have the sfw base mod.

    New creatures with full MNC support - Quick list
    Striped, Spotted and Brown Hyenas
    Snow Sheep (gender dimorphic too)
    Fallow Deer
    White Tailed Deer
    Painted Wild Dog
    African Lion
    Ringtailed Lemur
    Wolf overhaul - this has many wolf variants and the stronger 'alphas'. Other wolf replacers will not be compatible.

    New creatures with TBA or partial support
    Turkey Vulture and Eagle
    Brown Bat
    Hammerhead Shark
    Alligator Gar
    Saltwater Crocodile
    Swans and Ducks
    Pygmy and regular Hippos
    White Rhinoceros
    No plans on support yet
    Great Blue Heron

    Dynamic Animation Replacer is required in order to see the new bat and bird of prey animations. These are outside of SLAL and are in the base mod. These animations are very heavily work-in-progress.

    Extra base mod info:
    New fish to catch as custom ingredients, a handful of extra ingredients, pelts and meat dropped by some of the new creatures. Leveled list edits to animals will not be compatible without some work. CACO patch is available.
    Some SFX support for select animals.

    Detailed list on creature support, lot of reading:

    Patch info:
    Must override More Nasty Critters, depends on its files. Also relies on ABC but needs to overwrite if necessary. This mod needs to overwrite Sexlab animation loader if you generate animations in SLAnims with this installed.

    SLAL info:

    Animations for new creature types - Giraffes and Waterfowl plus some extras on occasion:

    MxM Waterfowl Duo (anal)
    MxF Waterfowl Duo (vaginal)
    M Humanoid on F Waterfowl (vaginal)
    MxF Giraffe Duo (vaginal)
    M Giraffe on M Humanoid (oral)
    MxF Deer Duo (vaginal)

    Plans and ideas:

    To do list:

    Note: This mod is not tested on AE but these files alone seem to be in the clear for AE. There is currently no backport for LE.

    If you have any questions, bugs to report, and so on let me know. This mod is far from complete and comprehensive and is subject to updates.

    File credits:
    Robobirdie for New Creatures Skyrim Resources, New Foods, Bones
    MihailMods for Giraffes
    Public Domain model ports from ZT2 mods - ZTABC Team, JimmyzHoopz, Aurora Designs, Zerosvalmont, Stewe90, Hendrix, Nessich, Ron, CrookedJaw, Tamara Henson, Zebrasorus, AccrusedSun, Lgcfm, etc
    Animations by me
    Creature junk from More Nasty Critters, ABC, etc.
    Extra creature junk modeled by me
    Bat model and texture by me
    MMG for MNC
    Bakafactory for ABC
    Sketchfab for animal skull models (currently wolf only) https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/lowpoly-animal-skulls-1-2938b8237531482d9750ce2717fbe099



  17. 70'S Celebrities Lynda Carter

    70's Celebrities Lynda Carter
    Last update of Skyrim special edition (1.5.97) not AE edition
    Latest SKSE64 for Skyrim SE (version 2.0.20) higher than this version is for skyrim AE
    RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
    COtR - HQ Characters creation addon for RM
    The Eyes Of Beauty SSE
    COtR x The Eyes of Beauty - Updated Patch KS Hairdos
    Even More Brows - HPH - COtR (choose COtR version)
    Koralina's Makeup for COtR
      Important: When you install COtR mod, Install "COtR" then its "Fair skin package" and AT LEAST "Old face normal map" (it's important)
    Install with your mod manager or put the uncompressed files into data/skse/plugins/chargen/presets.
    In game, open Racemenu, choose "Norddz" race and load the preset (the name of the preset end with "COR")
    edit:  You can choose an another race like imperialdz or bretondz if you want, it also works!




  18. Lucifer Celebrities for COtR

    Lucifer Celebrities for COtR

    3 presets based on the Lucifer serie:
    Lauren German V2  Tricia Helfer   Lesley-Ann Brandt

    COtR - HQ Characters creation addon for RM
    RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
    The Eyes Of Beauty SSE
    COtR x The Eyes of Beauty - Updated Patch Eye Normal Map Fix SSE KS Hairdos for Lauren German
    KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) not really required but i save the presets with one of them.

    Install with your mod manager or put the uncompressed files into data/skse/plugins/chargen/presets.
    In game, open Racemenu, choose "Nord DZ" race and load the preset (the name of the preset end with "COR")
    edit:  You can choose an another race like Imperial DZ if you want, it also works!

    Facelight Plus SE
    Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-




  19. Riza Moongazer - Your Every Need Sexlab Edition

    The Dragonborn has many needs all of which are distractions from their ability to fulfill their duties and training. Riza Moongazer was summoned by the Greybeards to see to all of those distractions so that the Dragonborn may have focus.
    Riza Moongazer is a follower and player home mod that does so much more than follow you on adventures. She by the command of the Greybeards has dedicated herself to the Dragonborn's service and will aid them in many facets of life in Skyrim. The list of features Riza has includes;
    1. Two player houses with beds and safe storage chests. One on the outskirts of Ivarstead and the other outside High Hrothgar.
    2. In-built home location assignment as well as returning to the provided homes listed above.
    3. She cooks! Twice a day you can give her a leek, raw beef, or raw venison and she will give you the appropriate stew in return.
    4. Assist Me! Riza can bless you with a constant beneficial effect. Currently she can double your regeneration and cure diseases, decrease your barter prices, help you gain more experience, increase your smithing strength, increase your enchanting strength, or increase your alchemy strength.
    5. Train her! Papyrus won't allow me to add perks via script so this feature is used to unlock more Assist Blessings and give her new spells. Be mindful what you teach her because if you play melee then don't teach her Fireball!
    6. Sex on Demand! She is sworn to taking care of your every need after all. Keep her endurance in mind tho.
    7. Change her outfit to a handful of choices; Her Monk Robes, Fine Garments, Tavern Wench, and Total Nudity!
    Riza is a female Nord One-Handed and Shield fighter and has a slight preference for Heavy armor. Riza's houses both contain chests safe for player storage. Only store items in the chests, all other containers in her houses will respawn. Riza uses KS Hair's Moonrise hair but comes packaged in this mod so KS Hair is not a requirement. There are two ways to meet Riza; You can be pointed to her after Arngeir sends you to fetch the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller or you can go straight to her in her chamber outside High Hrothgar. Talking to her unlocks the door to her house at the base of the mountain.
    ESL Flagged. Custom dialog. No custom voice work.



  20. TRX Enchantment workbench (beta)

    Beta version of new enchantment bench. Its not a replacer for vanilla benches, its new standalone workbench for enchanting. Character - enslaved dremora enchanter.
    1. Active full functional workbench with vanilla animations and interaction
    2. 4k textures (wip) + mid poly model + vanilla elements and effects
    3. Colissions - partial. For now only in vanilla parts. Working on it. Have some troubles with implementing collisions for the statue part, searching for solution.
    Places with new workbench:
    Evergreen Grove (Falkreath)
    Whiterun palace
    Windhelm palace
    Dawnstar White hall
    Anis cabin
    If you like my works you always can support me on Patreon or with PayPal donation (gunstb@gmail.com)



  21. Naked Dungeons SE - Equal Opportunity Patch

    This is an add-on to the Naked Dungeons SE mod which modifies various dialogue tree conditions and other triggers to change the way the mod interacts with gender.
    The original mod has all NPCs be (potentially) attracted to a female PC while only female NPCs (and only some of them, and only in some situations) can be attracted to a male PC, and furthermore male PCs have fewer options to offer sexy times to the NPCs. This patch makes it so all choices available to female PCs are available to male PCs and vice-versa, and checks for SLA-based attraction when determining NPC behaviour. It also has some other minor changes to NPC reactions (so that, for example, it is not exclusively female NPCs who call guards for help when the PC threatens them) and a handful of typo corrections.
    This mod is ESL-flagged and its plugin should be after the original in your load order.



  22. Lost Ark Beatrice

    For a short preview video, click here

    To download everything I make, public or exclusive in one place,
    Visit here


    Discord Invite



  23. SOS Mannequin

    IMPORTANT: Don't start a new game with this mod on, first load and make sure SOS is installed and working and then enable this mod. If you install any new mods that use or interact with SOS, disable this mod, load the game, save, and then reenable this mod. I think there's something about how SOS works that makes this mod make Smurf Average not work sometimes, but if you follow these instructions you should be gucci. There's no problem just enabling or disabling this mod, as far as I know even if you save your game while surrounded by mannequins nothing bad happens, but if you want to be extra safe maybe go to a location that has no mannequins when doing it.
    This mod gives the mannequin models a Schlongs of Skyrim dick, so any pieces of schlongified armour will be appropriately equipped. It uses the Smurf Average model, and modifies the Smurf Average plugin to add special behaviour for mannequins so they can use the schlong. The mannequin's schlong has its own textures, aesthetically similar to the rest of the vanilla mannequin textures, and the mannequin textures were modified to accommodate that.
    Requires the original Schlongs of Skyrim and the Smurf Average add-on; all credit for the plugins and 3D models goes to the original creators VectorPlexus, Smurf, and b3lisario. You should overwrite your existing SOS files with these if you're installing mods manually but please don't do that, LOOT will figure it all out for you.
    Occasionally the mannequins are erect; I do not know what causes this, it seems to just happen randomly. I do not know whether this mod works with the LE or pre-AE versions of Skyrim, I've only tested it with version 1.6.640.
    This link has compatibility tracking for SSE and has the necessary links to make SOS work with the game. The Schlongs of Skyrim SE mod plus the patch to remove DLLs are what I'm using in my game to make this mod work.



  24. BaraBlodughalla

    If you ever played this quest mod, you know what it is.
    A top notch quest mod, played it, love it.
    I always wanted some of the daughters as followers
    THIS mod needs Maelstrom as master !
    What I did, made out of the two different looking daughters 2 followers.
    They use a 3BA body and the textures of MAELSTROM.
    Female sultry voice.
    I hope, this is ok, as I do not change anything on the original and use the original as master for the resources.
    The 2 daughters can be followers, marriable.
    One can find the at Aventus Aretino's home. Some kind of a trial and error effect, when he tried to perform the ritual.
    To the moderators
    If this is not ok, let me know, I delete it. However, as I use the resoureces via master and do not chnage the original, I assume it's ok ?



  25. SE Demonic Creatures v1.6 - Safe for Work edition

    WARNING: WORK UNDER DEVELOPMENT...  No development on this one
    This is the "SAFE FOR WORK" edition of Demonic Creatures -> For the NSFW version go here:
    DO NOT RE UPLOAD ON ANY OTHER MOD SITES. If I want to, I'll do it myself.
    Possible Quest breaking Bugs: Read first:
    (List of creatures is hosted inside the download "Patches, Textures & Documents V1.X")
    Picture Galleries:
    Undead: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198054319@N08/albums/72177720307074184 Monster: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198054319@N08/albums/72177720307075123 Goblin-Ken: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198054319@N08/albums/72177720307058262 Falmer&Dwemer: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198054319@N08/albums/72177720307073929 Daedra: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198054319@N08/albums/72177720307073749 Animals: https://www.flickr.com/photos/198054319@N08/albums/72177720307074708  
    This is a creature mod that brings 335 new monsters, animals, ambient small ones and fish types to Skyrim&Solstheim. Inside and outside. In addition to the vanilla spawns there is also many extra spawns with patrol markers (both inside and outside). My goal is to have enemies behave more dynamically to the world. Instead of always patrolling short distances between A and B, some enemies will now patrol further.
    "See that ruin up there? Bleak Falls Barrow. When I was a boy, that place always used to give me nightmares.
    Draugr creeping down the mountain to climb through my window at night, that kind of thing. I admit, I still don't much like the look of it." Hadvar
    I also aim to get the main enemies you encounter more up to date according to the lore. Both Falmers and Draugrs are supposed to venture outside their cave systems for either gathering supplies, hunt or just spread terror to the outside world.
    "The road to Whiterun's not safe these days. Lots of travelers just... disappear, south of Dragon Bridge. Can't find a trace of them." Solitude guard
    Now these words actually holds some truth in them. Added actors from this mod, be it Draugrs or Falmers will now leave their caves and go on raids together in groups lead by leader. Usually they will go out after dusk on patrols and they will go back in again before dawn (unless they are aggroed). They won't go near settlements (not 99% certain, u know, rabbits and deers), but will in some cases attack forts, guard holds that will be an easy prey for them. Group size is everything from 2-7 actors.
    Maybe sleeping outside that nordic ruin isn't that safe anymore. Maybe you shouldn't go through the swamps of morthal as low level since you now a group of grummites protects the area aggressively from outsiders.
    Mod features:
    - 335 new creatures (including leveled variants)
    - 26 new scripted WEQuests which includes demonic creatures (similar to the quest that spawns three patrolling stormcloaks)
    - Daedra may spawn in all type of caves (Goblins are being worked on)
    - Human actors (bandits, vigilants, mages, adventurers, hunters etc) have a slight spawn chance in all type of caves. Fighting with you or against you.
    - Demi Gods that are way harder to defeat than others may spawn in all type of caves, can be hostile, (Sanguine Mistress, Female Daedroth, Silver Demon and Servant of Malacath)
    - Small swarms of skeletons and other creatures inside tombs here and there.
    - Many new patrols (and group patrols) with wolf packs, draugrs, falmers, grummites, zombie hound packs, skavens, ancient tree guardians. Some has large patrols covering many cells. Some patrol at night and some at day. None of these uses extra scripts, only AI packages.
    - Small curious "things" here and there. Be it prisoned NPCs, small letters containing clues about powerful ingredients or stories about NPCs.
    Modding philosophy:
    - BE AWARE: Some few of these creatures are godlike and will not go down easily. This includes all DemiGods and the Ancient Tree Guardians (protectors of the forests). They have a greater amount of health (1200 pluss) and do huge damage to you. They can also spawn from level 1 and might put an end to your cave mission. I play the game with a follower framework (EFF) which makes me able to toggle aggressivness on/off for followers so they won't get stuck in certain death situations. Sometimes it's best to just run.
    - Besides the above, most creatures are close too vanilla when it comes to health, magic and stamina, but they do slightly more damage.

    Patrols more explained:
    DemiGods - Servants of the Daedra:
    Servants of Daedric Princes and Daedra like creatures can be encountered in nordic ruins. These are creatures or humans who made a pact, either willingly or forced, with the Daedra. Some of them are hostile and some are not. Unless provoked of course. I was tired of being the only superior being in Skyrim. The gods in Skyrim are weak. You would expect they sent something more than a lousy two handed dremora against you. I want the feeling that there is always something stronger than you.These creatures have higher health than usual and are well skilled. They are possible to beat, but best option for a low level (below 35) might be to flee or sneak through. They can spawn no matter what level you are. So expect trouble.
    Some friendly ones will pop up in your game already from level 1, but the larger part of them starts to show from level 10 and up. I might change that in future versions when there is more creatures to distribute. However, I aim to keep DC creatures at 30% of the spawns you meet (keep in mind that if you play with SIC or other large creature mods this spawnrate is heavily reduced).
    Spawning ways - Details for those who have time:
    Skyrim DLCs (Dragonborn and Dawnguard).
    Soft requirement: Sexlab (can be opted out with patch)
    INSTALLATION (after Hard requirements are installed):
    (This mod shouldn't overwrite anything cruical, to avoid even getting the question, check this out:
    - Case 1, you already have mihail mods installed. This mod includes several of mihails mods and will overwrite already installed mods. Mihails original mods places creatures is handplaced. The creatures in this mod is randomly choosen through leveled lists. Y ou can keep mihails ESPs active or not. Your choice. Side effect will be more creatures.
    - Case 2, you already have Skaven creatures from previously installed. Let this mod overwrite assets in other mods that uses Skavens. There is many mesh and node fixes I've done on the Skavens.)
    1 Download text file in download section.
    2 copy link in txt file  and download from mediafire.
    3 extract rar file and copy paste content into your Skyrim data folder (mod managers also works).
    Important: If you are NOT using sexlab, you must go to section 07 in "SSE SFW V1.6 Options&Docs" and copy the ESP there and overwrite with the one in your Skyrim\data folder.

    If you have creature mods installed that modifies Skyrim vanilla LCHARs (leveled character lists) you must make a bashed patch using Wrye Bash (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1840). If you don't do it, the creature mod ESP located lowest in your load order will overwrite the mods higher. Many mods alter these LCHARs (Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Monstermod, rogue-like encounters, and many more).

    Find Uninstallation instructions in the "SSE SFW V1.X" Options&Docs" download.
    KNOWN BUGS v1.6
    - SE ONLY: Sanguine Mistress hand textures that are "off". Don't have a clue whats causing it. The tail is also slightly miscolored.
    - Confirmed: If a non draugr creature spawns in coffins or other ambush furniture the coffin might not open. Not a serious issue unless it does it in a quest critical area (read Possible Quest breaking Bugs at the top.
    - Drowner ambushes can be buggy. Sometimes they are not hiding properly in ambush state. Sometimes they do.



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