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On 10/2/2022 at 5:20 AM, vaultbait said:


I'm really enjoying the added traits, thanks for the new features!


One cool thing about the similar sorts of traits TSEX has is that, while you can choose them at character creation, you can also acquire or lose them through choices in-game too. I know coming up with the right conditions for adding and removing such traits (for example, have sex in bondage gear often enough and you'll start to prefer it) is a lot of work, but it's a way to add even more gamification to these mechanics.


I thought about it, which is what dom/sub orientation is like at the moment. But for me, I usually always end up becoming a sub eventually, and I didnt want traits to end up like that as well. 

I might consider it, like having "Bondage fetish" (permanent) and "neutral" (also permanent), and "neutral with bondage fetish tendancies" (temporary & variable), and allow users to choose. But of course it is much more work. We'll see how this plays out first.

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So something I'm a bit confused about something, In the Psychological tab I think the default setting is you lose 20 Self-Esteem from being raped and in the Arousal tab there is a Additional Self-Esteem lost from forced orgasm with the default setting of 8 and it seems like together even getting raped once would do a far bit to tank your self esteem since it kinda slow to build up.


Also I had like a idea to do with traits and Perversions if you a Attraction trait and a perversion your will power will drain faster but if you have a Aversion trait and perversion your will power is drained more slowly.

Another idea I had to do with traits was with the idea of how your character feels about people watching them while they're having sex, So a sexually conservative character wouldn't like there being observers watching them while they're having sex unless they were drunk or a slut while maybe a sexually liberal character wouldn't mind or perhaps they would enjoy observers watching them? with the not really caring one way or the other being watched being with sexually neutral. Maybe a people pleaser also wouldn't enjoy there observers since they would be worried about there reputation.

Thinking about maybe a people pleaser is also easier to blackmail? though maybe that one should be just left up to the player to roleplay.


I think maybe things like self-esteem, spirit and being dominant are a bit too easy to lose and rather hard to get that might be just the way it ends up because of how I play.

Like maybe being intoxicated will give the player a boost to how much self-esteem they get or with your sexual harassment mod, if they get a good outcome from the fan approach they also get a self-esteem boost maybe also a counsel flirt approuch?

Maybe with dominant if the player has mods that let them enslave npcs they get a boost to being dominant from enslaving npcs or having dominating sex with them and if you have a mod like violate if you rape a npc after the surrender you also get a dom boost. Though maybe I should be asking the people who make these mods since it might be something that's more on there end.


And to finish I wanted to say Thank you again for all on work on your mods Twisted and I hope I'm not being annoying with my posts, I'd rather the mods makers enjoy themselves with making mods and using instead of burning out because of me.



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In regards to the latest update - 2.7...where do I find the following as they don't show up in the Sex Attributes MCM as far as I can see.  The Attraction/Aversion part is what I really want to look at. 


New mechanic: permanent player traits. When loading the mod or during character creation, you can customize 9 different traits that give your character a bit of a personality. These traits don't give any buffs/debuffs but instead affect how attributes gains/loss are calculated. Each trait is supposed to have its benefits and penalties:

  • Bondage fetish vs neutral
    • Fetish: Having sex wearing restraints gives you greater stimulation (faster arousal gain). But you lose less self esteem when being raped.
    • neutral: no changes
  • People pleaser vs indifferent
    • Pleaser: You gain a bonus to self esteem gained from expererience if your sex reputation is good. But if it's bad, then you gain self esteem slower.
    • indifferent: no changes
  • Sexually conservative vs sexually liberal vs neutral
    • Convervative: You are more reserved about expressing sexual desires. Gain less stimulation from sex and more self esteem lost from being raped. But if you are a slut and have sex while being drunk or drugged, you let go and release all the pent up desires, and gain a massive increase to stimulation gained. In other words, alcohol/drug brings down your guard and unleashes your pent up desires.
    • Liberal: You have no problem with casual sex. Sex is merely for pleasure. Gain more stimulation from sex and less self esteem lost from being raped.
    • neutral: no changes
  • Attraction to or aversion to men/women/feral/mutant/animal/giant
    • Attraction: More stimulation when having sex with one, and less self esteem lost from rape
    • neutal: no changes
    • Aversion: less timulation when having sex with one, but more self esteem lost from rape
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11 hours ago, Celedhring said:

In regards to the latest update - 2.7...where do I find the following as they don't show up in the Sex Attributes MCM as far as I can see.  The Attraction/Aversion part is what I really want to look at. 


Are you asking how to select what you're attracted or averted to? As the changelog entry states, you do that at character creation or when first adding  this mod. If you're upgrading on an existing save, the only solution (for now) is to directly poke values into the relevant variables from the console. Look a page or so back for a more detailed discussion of doing that.

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I was looking through the posts and didn't see anything, so please forgive me if I missed something.

I really like this mod, and I've been enjoying using it with a female PC.

Yesterday I thought I'd try to make a male PC to try out some of the slavery mods (RRS, HR, etc). As far as I can tell, this mod still treats him as female (including vaginal wear) and treats him as the victim in any aggressive animation. This may just be a weird interaction with other mods, but I can't find any option to make his stats react the way I think they should. What settings should I use for a male dom character? Or would you suggest I don't use this with that set up?

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8 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Are you asking how to select what you're attracted or averted to? As the changelog entry states, you do that at character creation or when first adding  this mod. If you're upgrading on an existing save, the only solution (for now) is to directly poke values into the relevant variables from the console. Look a page or so back for a more detailed discussion of doing that.


That does answer my question as it was an upgrade.  So I guess I'll have to start a brand new game to see that.


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I had only downloaded the mod a few days ago and had not yet dealt with all of its consequences in more detail.

As I am currently restructuring my whole mod setup for a new game run - when I first tested the character I had the

Settings (the query menu) didn't pay much attention.

When I was able to crack the master lock on the container in Vault 111 with the cryo weapon with "willpower" - I noticed that

there was something new - oops.

So once again made the mod description and read more intensively.

Seriously now - how crazy is this mod!! Great work!

No - it doesn't mess up my character setup - quite the opposite - it makes it even more complex.

oki - i play an escaped institute synth that carries the memories of a pre war person - she was by profession -> dominatrix

and yes - she also shares this passion on a private level

First of all, my character naturally has some advantages as a result

but since the "roll-play" also requires wearing a special combat suit (Angeli's Explorer Suit and Power Armor) - which in fact is one

Combining fetish and bondage equipment, excessive use will erode their bonuses to e.g. charisma or intelligence

Although the suit is not currently a DD-like device - but a user (@jlieferung) has already worked in this direction

(my idea would be that after putting on and activating a 7-day time lock before taking off is possible)

so using that rather powerful suit (the jetpack alone is a real blast to explore) would be a very double-edged sword

yes - my thoughts on using this mod may differ from the author's original intentions

only why should such gifts not be used for "side paths".



Ich hatte mir den Mod vor ein paar Tagen erst herunter geladen und mich noch nicht tiefer mit seinen ganzen Konsequenzen beschäftigt.

Da ich derzeit mein ganzes Mod-Setup für einen neuen Spiel-Durchlauf umstrukturiere - hatte ich beim ersten Testen des Charakters den

Einstellungen (das Abfrage-Menü) nicht viel Aufmerksamnekt geschenkt.

Als ich dann im Vault 111 das Meister-Schloss vom Container mit der Kryo-Waffe mit "Willenskraft" knacken konnte - merkte ich das

da wa sneues war - upps.


Also noch ein mal die Mod-Beschreibung vorgenommen und intensiver gelesen.

Echt jetzt - wie verrückt ist denn dieser Mod!! Grossartige Arbeit!


Nein - es wirft mein Charakter-Setup nicht über den Haufen - ehr das Gegenteil - es wird dadurch noch komplexer.


oki - ich spiele einen entflohenen Instituts-Synth der die Erinnerungen einer Vorkriegs-Person trägt - die war von Beruf -> Domina

und ja - sie teilt durch aus auch auf privater Ebene diese Leidenschaft


zunächst hat mein Charakter dadurch natürlich einige Vorteile

da das "Roll-Play" aber auch das tragen eines speziellen Kampfanzuges (Angeli's Explorer Suit und Power Armor) vorsieht - der faktisch eine

Kombination von Fetisch- und Bondage-Gerät ist lässt ein übermässiger Gebrauch ihre Boni z.B. auf Charisma oder Intelligenz schwinden


zwar ist der Anzug derzeit noch kein DD-ähnliches Gerät - aber ein User (@jLieferung) hat bereits in diese Richtung gearbeitet

(meine Idee wäre das nach dem Anlegen und Aktivieren eine 7-Tage-Zeitsperre einsetzt bevor das Ausziehen möglich ist)


also wäre die Nutzung dieses recht starken Anzuges (alleine das Jetpack ist ein wahrer Hammer fürs Erkunden) ein sehr zweischneidiges Schwert


ja - meine Gedanken zur Nutzung dieses Mods weichen vielleicht von den ursprünglichen Intensionen des Autors ab

nur warum soll man solche Geschenke nicht auf für "Nebenpfade" nutzen


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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, teddy.heretic said:

Voice when cum to loud, how to low volume of voice?


There is basically no standard leveling between sound clips from different animators, so some are too quiet to hear without cranking up the volume while others are so loud the entire neighborhood knows.


@dosfox was working on addressing that with QUAAF (by using audio manipulation tools to rebalance the amplitude of sound files from lots of different mods) but seems to have disappeared/moved on to other things roughly a year ago, before SA gained orgasm noises. It would probably be a boon to the community if someone had time to continue that effort.

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I wonder is there a way to change the key mapping of a mod? I really like the feature that uses willpower to unlock or hack, but I have a follower mod that also assigns key [R] to command this follower to unlock ad hack for my PC. Therefore, the willpower unlock option disappeared after I recruit this follower. Is there a way I can map one of those functions to another key like [space]?
Edited by ItsZi
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18 hours ago, Gamaramdi said:

Just updated this mod and Harassment, i don't get the perversion even with twice of orgasms required in a rape from Harship.


You have to experience enough consecutive orgasms that you lose coherency and get messages about your mind being broken. Once you're in that state, if you don't regain composure first, then aggressive sex has a chance (not a guarantee) of giving you a perversion for the class of rapist in that scene, at least until you reach the max perversion level for them.


For me, the default composure regain duration is far too fast. With dialogues from some sex mods, pathing delays in AAF, and so on, it's nearly impossible to achieve mind break. Maxing out the slider for composure in MCM helps a lot with that.

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1 hour ago, vaultbait said:


You have to experience enough consecutive orgasms that you lose coherency and get messages about your mind being broken. Once you're in that state, if you don't regain composure first, then aggressive sex has a chance (not a guarantee) of giving you a perversion for the class of rapist in that scene, at least until you reach the max perversion level for them.


For me, the default composure regain duration is far too fast. With dialogues from some sex mods, pathing delays in AAF, and so on, it's nearly impossible to achieve mind break. Maxing out the slider for composure in MCM helps a lot with that.

How long are your animations?  20-30 sec recovery during a scene will help with that is set at max 120 seconds, and give enough time between assaulters to keep it going for the duration of the scene. I have mine set at 30, max scene duration put my perversion chances are at 10%, after all it is an assault.. but it has happened a few times with with those settings. Also... with the new choices if you have any set as repulsed it takes longer to gain orgasm as well, so you either want to keep them at neutral or the other setting that is OK with it... cant think of the name of the setting right now.

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5 minutes ago, Boceifus said:

How long are your animations?  20-30 sec recovery during a scene will help with that is set at max 120 seconds, and give enough time between assaulters to keep it going for the duration of the scene. I have mine set at 30, max scene duration put my perversion chances are at 10%, after all it is an assault.. but it has happened a few times with with those settings. Also... with the new choices if you have any set as repulsed it takes longer to gain orgasm as well, so you either want to keep them at neutral or the other setting that is OK with it... cant think of the name of the setting right now.


For violate, my scene duration is set to the default of 30 seconds. Early game where the player still has trouble achieving orgasm while being raped, and with enough low-arousal scenes (e.g. giving fellatio) thrown in, you can easily recover from orgasm because SA doesn't pause the recovery counter during scenes. If you're in a location with mediocre navmeshes (hi Bethesda!) and lots of obstacles/actors, and you play with AAF's default 30 second walk timeout, that can make it even harder to hit the needed frequency.


But you're clearly talking about some crowd of attackers running a train on the player with Violate. The original question mentioned Hardship, which spaces parts of its encounters out with pop-up dialogue boxes, and changes positions frequently. For mods like that or Harassment where there is a fair amount of setup and player interaction before or between scenes, there's really just no way with SA's and AAF's default settings.

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On 10/31/2022 at 8:51 AM, vaultbait said:


You have to experience enough consecutive orgasms that you lose coherency and get messages about your mind being broken. Once you're in that state, if you don't regain composure first, then aggressive sex has a chance (not a guarantee) of giving you a perversion for the class of rapist in that scene, at least until you reach the max perversion level for them.


For me, the default composure regain duration is far too fast. With dialogues from some sex mods, pathing delays in AAF, and so on, it's nearly impossible to achieve mind break. Maxing out the slider for composure in MCM helps a lot with that.

Yep, i forgot to mention that i tripled it, and i only need 2 orgasms, still, i got nothing when i had 6 or more within the time limit. Im i frigid? ?

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On 10/31/2022 at 10:50 AM, Boceifus said:

How long are your animations?  20-30 sec recovery during a scene will help with that is set at max 120 seconds, and give enough time between assaulters to keep it going for the duration of the scene. I have mine set at 30, max scene duration put my perversion chances are at 10%, after all it is an assault.. but it has happened a few times with with those settings. Also... with the new choices if you have any set as repulsed it takes longer to gain orgasm as well, so you either want to keep them at neutral or the other setting that is OK with it... cant think of the name of the setting right now.

My scenes time is 30 sometimes with Harship takes longer with all the notiications and in the final stage i have to end it manually or goes on forever, but thing is i can have 3 or 4 orgasms in 30 secs sometimes... Lucky me! like the pigs!!! and still not going into pervertion... wich... i may add i think is a very underused status, i cant hink of a lot of things to do with a perverted young lady other than debuffs...

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2 hours ago, Gamaramdi said:

My scenes time is 30 sometimes with Harship takes longer with all the notiications and in the final stage i have to end it manually or goes on forever, but thing is i can have 3 or 4 orgasms in 30 secs sometimes... Lucky me! like the pigs!!! and still not going into pervertion... wich... i may add i think is a very underused status, i cant hink of a lot of things to do with a perverted young lady other than debuffs...

Thing is I dont think prevision will ever work with a one on one or even a 3 some, I think its geared for surrender scenes with multiple assaulters after combat, you could also try though to set your orgasm recovery time (how long it take IRL seconds) to max and see if that helps.  if you have multiple partners in the max amount of time frame it is allotted for it may trigger a perversion, just a thought..  Perversion even states if you have a perversion, you will have a hard time NOT surrendering in combat from that type of enemy, it drains your will power to fight them. So I really think is is a surrender mechanic and designed for multiple assaulters.

Edited by Boceifus
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9 hours ago, Gamaramdi said:

My scenes time is 30 sometimes with Harship takes longer with all the notiications and in the final stage i have to end it manually or goes on forever, but thing is i can have 3 or 4 orgasms in 30 secs sometimes... Lucky me! like the pigs!!! and still not going into pervertion... wich... i may add i think is a very underused status, i cant hink of a lot of things to do with a perverted young lady other than debuffs...


One other avenue of investigation... I know Hardship uses its own animation definitions, so I wonder if they're tagged appropriately for SA to recognize them as aggressive. You might try alternate means of making them aggressive, like setting the health threshold for aggressive sex in SA's MCM really high or whoring while severely injured. If it really is just missing tags, then that should be easy enough to make an XML patch for.

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11 hours ago, vaultbait said:


One other avenue of investigation... I know Hardship uses its own animation definitions, so I wonder if they're tagged appropriately for SA to recognize them as aggressive. You might try alternate means of making them aggressive, like setting the health threshold for aggressive sex in SA's MCM really high or whoring while severely injured. If it really is just missing tags, then that should be easy enough to make an XML patch for.

Yeah im thinking it was designed for violate. Thanks!!

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@twistedtrebla Small suggestion for a future update.


With the new perks and fetishes I've had to tweak a lot of my settings back to vanilla as I was going into mind break and perversion extremely quickly (I have animations set to 60 seconds which doesn't help).


I've adjusted my own FPAttributes/config.json but suggest maybe setting the step from 0.5 to 0.1 for "text": "Submissiveness Increase During Mind Break", as even in a short encounter with some Raiders (just 3) and one of the multistage animation I lost 5 points from dominance due to the rapid number of orgasms (this was set on 0.5).


Not a biggie but helps with fine tuning and even 0.5 can be a bit fierce if the arousal sliders are increased with the perk having an effect as well.


One other thing which would be great (also for SH) could you add the vanilla values to the descriptive text for each item, it's just useful info to have if you need to reset the value rather than loading a seed game to reinstall the mod and copy the values out by hand.


EDIT: I can see from the MCM config file where this can be added to the text. I'm happy to update it send it to you if it'll save you some work, though it would be useful if you could let me have all the defaults to save having to copy by hand (I can't see any settings file to store them)


Love the new perks/fetishes works really well :classic_smile:

Edited by Slorm
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Cumflation has certainly been a topic before, sorry. I'm just wondering if I have a problem with that. My actress has been level 2 for days, unfortunately nothing changes. Neither on the stomach nor in the Pipboy ad. I use the default setting.
Do I just need more patience now or could there be an error?

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