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16 hours ago, Talesien said:

With the new version (1.3.8) of Slavetats on 1.597 the MCM does not show anymore (on a new game). Papyrus logs throws some related errors:

[09/06/2022 - 08:13:19PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "_acquire_follower" in state "" on object "slavetatsonload".
[09/06/2022 - 08:13:19PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "_release_follower" in state "" on object "slavetatsonload".
[09/06/2022 - 08:13:19PM] Error: Unable to link type of variable "::st_extra_var" on object "SlaveTatsMCMMenu"
[09/06/2022 - 08:13:19PM] Error: Unable to link type of property "st_extra" on object "SlaveTatsMCMMenu"
[09/06/2022 - 08:13:19PM] Error: Unable to bind script SlaveTatsMCMMenu to SlaveTatsMenu (FE317800) because their base types do not match

Going back to 1.3.7 has the MCM show up. Is 1.3.8 only for game versions 1.6x perhaps?


It was not meant to be 1.6 only, but I might have messed something up there. It was compiled on 1.6. I'll use your error messages and try to get out a point release fixing them.


16 hours ago, Talesien said:

I also note that the 1.3.8 is esl flagged, while that is great, you should warn people. Since slavetats is an early loader and 1.3.7 was still a regular esp, upgrading is pretty much guaranteed to trash existing saves as it means replacing a regular esp with a "light" one, hence shifting almost your entire load order.


According to my log, I switched it to ESL-flagged around a year ago. Sorry I forgot to note that for you.

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1 hour ago, murfk said:

According to my log, I switched it to ESL-flagged around a year ago. Sorry I forgot to note that for you.

No harm done, after a few disasters even I managed to finally learn. So nowadays I clone my LO, perform any upgrades in the clone, check for surprises and if all seems in order switch over to the clone. If anything broke from updating I still have my original LO to go back to. (I also take regular disk images from my main drive, so even if the above process would still leave me in a broken state (never trust a Mod Manager ^^) I would lose only a week or so at max.)

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5 hours ago, Talesien said:

No harm done, after a few disasters even I managed to finally learn. So nowadays I clone my LO, perform any upgrades in the clone, check for surprises and if all seems in order switch over to the clone. If anything broke from updating I still have my original LO to go back to. (I also take regular disk images from my main drive, so even if the above process would still leave me in a broken state (never trust a Mod Manager ^^) I would lose only a week or so at max.)


Would you mind trying these files overtop of SlaveTats (any version) and let me know how it works out?


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Hey I had been having a issue with slavetats for a couple of patches. For some reason half of the slavetats packs that I own work for only v1.3.5.2 and the rest work fine only for the newer releases. It's a problem with this mod or my PC or the slavetats packs? I already tried to unistall all my mods and only leave slavetats and the tats-packs in there and I still get the same issue.

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9 hours ago, Nova4 said:

Hey I had been having a issue with slavetats for a couple of patches. For some reason half of the slavetats packs that I own work for only v1.3.5.2 and the rest work fine only for the newer releases. It's a problem with this mod or my PC or the slavetats packs? I already tried to unistall all my mods and only leave slavetats and the tats-packs in there and I still get the same issue.


Some of the older packs have their pack manifests written in *.js files instead of *.json files, which means that in newer SlaveTats versions the files need to be renamed before they will work. That's the only change in tat pack format that there has ever been.

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4 hours ago, murfk said:


Some of the older packs have their pack manifests written in *.js files instead of *.json files, which means that in newer SlaveTats versions the files need to be renamed before they will work. That's the only change in tat pack format that there has ever been.

I cheched, all my packs have the .json extension at the end, even the ones that don't work on the lastest version.

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ill wait till new game to try  the newest update since its esl  lfaged and compacted it wont like a existing game for normal play. tried it on a exixting game for a quick test and it was like slavetats was constaly trying to process every person that had ever been had a tatoo applied due to  rape tattos

Edited by sidfu1
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19 hours ago, ck2modfan said:

Using the new version in SE. Getting more messages "Please wait while SlaveTats works on ...." during each load of game. Had not seen this before upgrading. Just want to make this is intended and correct.


If so, maybe future release can suppress notification message?


The primary change in this version is to do a tat synchronization on load, as a fix for a problem some people were having using SlaveTats on AE.


Silencing the notification would be simple, but I'm not sure it's the right choice. Anyone else have an opinion?


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On 9/8/2022 at 2:32 AM, Nova4 said:

Hey I had been having a issue with slavetats for a couple of patches. For some reason half of the slavetats packs that I own work for only v1.3.5.2 and the rest work fine only for the newer releases. It's a problem with this mod or my PC or the slavetats packs? I already tried to unistall all my mods and only leave slavetats and the tats-packs in there and I still get the same issue.

I’m having this issue as well with yps immersive fashion. Thought it was because of yps, but I checked the json and the path and everything seems to be in order. Don’t really know what’s going on, but it just won’t show up in the slavetats mcm and tattoos will not be applied. 


Edit: Okay so I verified that it's a problem with newer Slavetats versions. Using the oldest SE version of Slavetats available for download ( fixed slavetats not finding some packages. For the record: these packages were all .json's not js's

I've done further testing and the two oldest SlaveTats SE Versions work, SlaveTatsSE-1.3.7 and SlaveTatsSE-1.3.9 don't work with YPS. I don't know why and what changed, but that's the way it is, at least in my setup.

Edited by Gwentag
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3 minutes ago, sikamikanico78 said:

hi there! i wanted to ask if thre is a way to have more tats in body ..i curently can have 7 at a time and 3 for hands and/or feet

If you go to the first post for this mod (the description) it tells you exactly what to do. It is listed in green and is the last bullet point under Features.

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Are there any Slavetats based overlay mods on SSE? In my modlist there's only SL survival which has dependency on this mod, and quite a minor one at that. AFAIK fadetats and rapetats are not converted yet, so are there any alternatives?

Edited by MarsDDD
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42 minutes ago, MarsDDD said:

Are there any Slavetats based overlay mods on SSE? In my modlist there's only SL survival which has dependency on this mod, and quite a minor one at that. AFAIK fadetats and rapetats are not converted yet, so are there any alternatives?

There are version of FadeTattoos and RapeTattoos linked in the first post of this thread that work for me on SE. And by SE I don't mean AE.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/3/2022 at 2:04 PM, DeathbyBubbles said:

I have a problem wear most of my tat slots are taken up with "exterior" and cannot be changed please help 

Pretty sure that means you've got tattoos in each slot because of other mods. For example Racemenu's tattoos. Could potentially expand the amount of layers in skee64.ini or try and remove some tattoos trough whatever mod is causing them.

In case of racemenu, set the texture back to default.

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Hey so was wondering if anyone here might be able to tell me the name of a slavetats addon that a friend i talked to use to use never me or him can remember the name of it but we know it added a symbol for each Daedric prince the reason i am trying to find it. is so that i can roleplay that when my character becomes a champion of a Daedric prince, they leave their symbol tattooed onto the skin so, i was hoping someone here might know the name of it since i can't seem to find it.

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59 minutes ago, xmakina said:

Follower tattoos don't load on save startup, but they do load for the player. For tattoos to load on followers, I need to change either a tattoo or a color in the MCM for every single follower.


Make sure you have the most recent version, which was released to address that specific problem.

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