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i have a question regarding device underneath (think it was called that and hopefully posted in right tread)


i noticed i cant equip wig because of "item hider slot - device hider + long hair (41)"


it also says only change if you know what youre doing, i dont lol (should i just use the nio option?)

can someone tell me what i sould change it to so wig appears?

(note i put chastity belt/bra and so on under shield)

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7 hours ago, dark vergil said:

i noticed i cant equip wig because of "item hider slot - device hider + long hair (41)"


it also says only change if you know what youre doing, i dont lol (should i just use the nio option?)

There are (I believe) two main things to consider when changing the device hider slot:

  • don't set it to a slot that can be occupied by devious devices (here's the complete list of slots and which are used by DD: https://github.com/DeviousDevices/Docs/wiki/Slot-Usage-Reference)
  • you can pick basically any other slot you want, but know that whichever slot it is in, nothing else can get equipped. So for example, if you pick slot 47 for the hider, you'd never be able to equip a Campfire backpack (same slot). If the default long hair slot 41 doesn't work for you because of conflicts with other mods, I think that slot 60 might be a good (rarely used) alternative.
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12 hours ago, El_Duderino said:

There are (I believe) two main things to consider when changing the device hider slot:

  • don't set it to a slot that can be occupied by devious devices (here's the complete list of slots and which are used by DD: https://github.com/DeviousDevices/Docs/wiki/Slot-Usage-Reference)
  • you can pick basically any other slot you want, but know that whichever slot it is in, nothing else can get equipped. So for example, if you pick slot 47 for the hider, you'd never be able to equip a Campfire backpack (same slot). If the default long hair slot 41 doesn't work for you because of conflicts with other mods, I think that slot 60 might be a good (rarely used) alternative.

ah nice thanks for think link!


i use Estrus Chaurus+ slot 60 might interfere with that? but i dont really use rings, so ill probably change it to that


forgot to say do you know which DD, device hider slot is used for? e.g is it used for blindfolds/hoods etc 

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46 minutes ago, dark vergil said:

ah nice thanks for think link!


i use Estrus Chaurus+ slot 60 might interfere with that? but i dont really use rings, so ill probably change it to that


forgot to say do you know which DD, device hider slot is used for? e.g is it used for blindfolds/hoods etc 

It's the "item" that is used to hide the other DD items when they are supposed to be hidden. Like chastity-belts worn under armor for example.

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Hi! I think, I have some problems with DD mods. I stoped playing skyrim long time ago and now I'm back and trying to create pretty good mod's setup for me. So I have two questions.
1) I remember, when my character equiped something, for example, a belt, after a quest "Escape from belt" started. Maybe these quests was deleted or something broken for me?
2) There is a lot of free space under my character chin untill the strips appear, when she wear a gag. And a lot of free space above gag to upper lip. Well, I can ignore free space under her chin, but how to place gag accurately between her lips? Only lower mouth lever down? I love how gags looks on DDi screenshots, but don't know how to place them right -_-

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1 hour ago, aakiller20 said:

Hi. I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere that the hidden tome quest was removed? If that's the case why is the option still there in the MCM?

It's removed from the MCM also in the beta version.

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6 hours ago, Elenve said:

Hi! I think, I have some problems with DD mods. I stoped playing skyrim long time ago and now I'm back and trying to create pretty good mod's setup for me. So I have two questions.
1) I remember, when my character equiped something, for example, a belt, after a quest "Escape from belt" started. Maybe these quests was deleted or something broken for me?
2) There is a lot of free space under my character chin untill the strips appear, when she wear a gag. And a lot of free space above gag to upper lip. Well, I can ignore free space under her chin, but how to place gag accurately between her lips? Only lower mouth lever down? I love how gags looks on DDi screenshots, but don't know how to place them right -_-

Hi, (welcome back!), the chastity belt quest works as intended, it is no longer firing every time when equipping a belt. It didn't really do anything before other than show the messages in the quest journal (you couldn't *actually* lose your mind, as the quest entry suggested), so now it's doing everything quietly without cluttering up your journal. Wearing a belt still changes your arousal calculations as before, all the fundamental mechanics are unchanged I believe.


Too much space (or the opposite, clipping) with gags and any other tight fitting head gear such as the new rubber hoods is sadly unavoidable. Skyrim only has one head model (femalehead.tri) and the gag/hood/whatever models are all made to conform to it without leaving too much silly looking space. That in turn means that faces/heads which are manipulated in Racemenu to look quite different from the average vanilla head/face (stuff like having a very small mouth and chin, huge inflated lips, or portions of the face moved up- or downwards a lot) will cause the gags/hoods to not fit properly. There's nothing that can be done I'm afraid -- either play with a face/head that has somewhat average proportions (basically like any of the premade Nord/Breton/Redguard/... heads/faces you can select when starting a new character), or live with the clipping/bad positioning of gags and hoods.

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29 minutes ago, viewlurk said:

Is there a way to make my character use the alternate animations without putting the arm/elbowbinder on her? Sometimes I want to have her pose / walk using the binder animations, but with the cuff sets equipped instead.

I think you'll have to make your own version of the cuffs for that.

Just copying an armbinder/elbowbinder, and switching it to use the cuff armor addon and slots, should work I think.

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7 hours ago, LazyBoot said:

I think you'll have to make your own version of the cuffs for that.

Just copying an armbinder/elbowbinder, and switching it to use the cuff armor addon and slots, should work I think.

What about console commands? Are there any idles I can use the "sae" command with?

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Is there any way to resolve conflicts with other mods that seem to be a tad overzealous in toggling alternate animations? "Female Cover Self Animations - Line of Sight" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89259) seems to override and break bound animations (both the behind-the-back animation and the front handcuff animation, and both when starting and ending its LoS effects), which just breaks my heart.

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On 5/5/2018 at 11:54 AM, twsnider1138 said:

Oh and does anybody know why I can’t complete the going shopping quest for Leah? I finished it but there’s no option to turn it in apparently.

Since that's a character added by the Deviously Cursed Loot (DCL) mod, try asking that question on the support thread for that mod instead of here which is the support thread for a mod DCL requires.

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Lurker here with some critical feedback about the escape system in Integration 4.0 (used in conjunction with CL), which I'm trying for the first time since its release a few months ago, with all default MCM options. Sorry in advance for anything I say that's already been brought up.


About the interface:


- I need to select "Try to escape" twice. The actual clicking twice part isn't a problem (though it does seem strange), it's when I click too quickly because I confused one choice window for another because they both have "Try to escape" as one of their options. On a relate note, for some devices, like for example the striptease collar, I'm first asked if I want to force it open or carry on. I don't have the option to examine it at all, until I click Force it open. Although it's not hard to figure out that I need to do so.
- When wearing the prisoner chains, at least one the descriptions says "lock" (not locks). I was surprised to then be told, when I tried to unlock it, that the device has multiple locks. I wasn't sure what meant either--though I assumed it meant I needed multiple copies of the same standard restraints key, it didn't say that, and it didn't say how many of them I needed either. This feels confusing--like the goalposts are being moved, and moved into a foggy area at that. On a side note, I noticed that the striptease collar (which is a CL item) does at least say how many keys are needed ("You need 3 Head Restraints Key [sic] to unlock this restraint!").
- When selecting one of the escape options and subsequently failing, the game says, "You are also tired enough that you have to give up for the time being and accept being restrained." Since it implies I'm tired and gave up on escaping for now, I assumed that I wouldn't be able to choose a different escape option, but that wasn't the case--this sentence is shown for each option.
- I find the autogenerated descriptions dense and hard to read. For example, the striptease collar's is, "You carefully examine the Striptease Collar. This is a high security restraint. Struggling out from this device will be completely impossible! It has a tamper proof lock. Unlocking it without the proper key will be absolutely impossible! Its [sic] made of material impossible to cut with any tool!" I'm being bombarded with pieces of info that I have to individually evaluate and memorize before I attempt to use one of the escape options. It's also not clear to me how I should read these sentences. For example, I'm assuming that "It has a tamper proof lock." and "This is a high security restraint." are both just explanatory prefaces to their subsequent sentences about how a particular escape option doesn't work. A semicolon or something would be nice to help clarify that, because "high security" is a vague phrase that I don't necessarily associate with tightness (for example, the slave chastity belt has a "high security custom lock"). And I did a double-take when I saw it say "Unlocking it without the proper key" is "impossible" because that seems like a self-evident statement, until I realized a moment later that it was probably connected to the previous sentence and implying that lockpocking was impossible.
- I noticed that some devices don't display the option to unlock them unless I have the key, while others display it and if I don't have the key they say, "You do not have the proper key to unlock this device." (in the case of the iron chastity belt)
- I apologize again if this is something that's more about CL than DD, but I couldn't help but notice that with some devices (like The Veil) the keys are removed upon unlock them, and others they aren't. In the former case, I didn't see flavor text explaining it in advance. Yeah, probably more about CL, but I just wanted to mention it because it feels connected to the rest of this, and I know that Kimy works on both Integration and CL.


About the system itself:


- It kinds of feels like I'm playing a gacha game, where I have to remember to spin a roulette every few hours or re-farm a dungeon after my BP meter charges back up, with all the separate 2-hour delays that I have to keep track of. I love the lockshield system, so before I tried 4.0 I thought I might appreciate these kinds of delays, but it seems not... On top of that, like I said in the paragraph about how the descriptions seem dense, to avoid wasting time, I have to try to keep in mind which escape options are viable among struggling, lockpicking, and cutting. Or I have to dumbly try all of them each time. It could make some sense to see an adjective next to the escape option choice indicating how likely you are to succeed, or something like that.
- I've noticed that it's a drain on my supply of lockpicks. This is very possibly outside the scope of what the Integration team wants to consider, but I just want to point out that it can be a significant resource drain if someone's attempting to seriously play Skyrim alongside DD. Especially considering that I just talked about how it's complicated to keep track of the properties of all the devices I have on, if I'm not cautious about how to utilize the escape system and I'm wearing 5 devices, in a worst case scenario I'll be breaking 5 picks every 2 hours, and I typically only have around a dozen picks at a time early on.
- There are also times when I'm in a safe area and tempted to just constantly wait 2 hours -> try to escape -> repeat until I succeed in doing so. I usually resist doing that because it breaks my sense of realism. (The transparent suit is so sexy, why does it have to be one of the easiest devices to escape from... *cough*)
- I know this is Just My Opinion (tm) but the idea that for each individual device the player is wearing, they need to make separate and repeated attempts to struggle out of it, cut it, and lockpick it... is unsexy to me. To an extent I do fetishize the act of struggling, usually in vain, to escape from bondage, and I also really love the new idle and struggle animations. But the actual experience feels like it's more about reading text and micromanagement. It's not something that difficulty sliders resolve, either.


Actually, now that I've thought about all this carefully in the process of typing up this post, I feel like I have a broader sense of my problem with the system, if you don't mind my sharing it.


I think, at the core, it's probably more "natural" for escape options like struggling and lockpicking to be left as vehicles for flavor text and sexy flavor animations, with a minor role that's not expect to notably impact the balance of anything. Because Integration's functionality largely centers around two things: devices, and keys that remove those devices. Every DD mod that attempts to be "balanced" either provides keys, or has scripted events that cause the devices to be removed at particular times. So you could say that from a philosophical perspective, to be balanced, a mod that utilizes DDs should envision from the get-go the full experience that extends from equipping the device, to what it's like to move around with the device on, all the way up to the approximate point in the player's narrative at which either the associated key is found or an event un-equips the device. But 4.0's escape system is effectively like someone thinking, "But what if a mod lets the player equip one of these devices without envisioning anything in particular beyond that? Can we at least give the player a somewhat sexy experience that will let them escape in a reasonable amount of time without needing a key or an event-based removal?" It's a nice thought, and I still think it's one which can be done in theory, but... it's probably hard to get right. It's simpler when the only part of the narrative DD tries to influence is making the experience of being bound as sexy as possible via straightforward animations and debilitating effects which can be toggled on and off.


I do think it's admirable to try to let Integration try to provide its own complete narrative / provide features that help complete other narratives, but if so, I would expect less of a focus on the escape system and more of a focus on the full process that starts with how the device is discovered. It certainly wouldn't be easy to come up with--I'm a little tempted to come up with my own idea... Honestly, if the devs were serious about making this work, I wonder if Integration couldn't ditch the current concept of keys--provide functionality to let mods create their own types of keys, but don't imply that by default devices should be opened with keys. The way that keys are classified now feels weird to me (for example, "body restraints key" sounds like it should be a type of "restraint key" not a "rare key"), and it feels non-intuitive with how there are objects that require 5 of the same key, or there's a need to destroy keys so that one key doesn't open up several devices at once--you wouldn't expect one key to open up multiple diversely obtained devices in BDSM. The way I see it, there are 2 types of devices, "BDSM" [intelligently applied] devices typically used between people where the owner holds the uniquely associated keys, and "cursed" [unintelligently applied/self-applied without key] devices where typically a special event results in a spontaneously attached device that can't be opened by straightforward means. If could make sense for Integration's default lore to claim that its devices are "cursed", and so rather than "unlock" it, you'd need to achieve some simple, MCM-adjustable condition to destroy or "uncurse" it. For a lore basis, maybe say it's dwemer-based like CD does, and have dwemer-derived "safe" devices (keyed) versus dwemer-cursed devices (non-keyed). ...Just thinking aloud, no need to pay me any mind.


On a side note, I absolutely love how bug free 4.0 is compared to the old Integration, with so many awesome new animations and very intuitive behavior and appearance.

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1 hour ago, Mathrue said:

- I find the autogenerated descriptions dense and hard to read. For example, the striptease collar's is, "You carefully examine the Striptease Collar. This is a high security restraint. Struggling out from this device will be completely impossible! It has a tamper proof lock. Unlocking it without the proper key will be absolutely impossible! Its [sic] made of material impossible to cut with any tool!" I'm being bombarded with pieces of info that I have to individually evaluate and memorize before I attempt to use one of the escape options. It's also not clear to me how I should read these sentences. For example, I'm assuming that "It has a tamper proof lock." and "This is a high security restraint." are both just explanatory prefaces to their subsequent sentences about how a particular escape option doesn't work. A semicolon or something would be nice to help clarify that, because "high security" is a vague phrase that I don't necessarily associate with tightness (for example, the slave chastity belt has a "high security custom lock"). And I did a double-take when I saw it say "Unlocking it without the proper key" is "impossible" because that seems like a self-evident statement, until I realized a moment later that it was probably connected to the previous sentence and implying that lockpocking was impossible.


Looking at the scripts, it seems the information you get when examining a device is broken up into 3 parts.

1. The chance of struggling out.

2. The lockpick chance.

3. Chance of cutting the device.


Struggle chances:
More than 75%:  "This restraint is fairly weak and will not offer much resistance against struggling."
75% to 50%:     "This is not a very secure restraint. Struggling out should be easy."
49% to 25%:     "This restraint is somewhat secure, but not overly much so. Struggling out will be moderately difficult."
24% to 15%:     "This restraint is designed to be secure, but with enough patience could probably be struggled out from."
14% to 10%:     "This restraint is fairly secure and will be hard to struggle out from, but not impossible."
9% to 5%:       "This restraint is secure and will be extremely difficult to struggle out from."
4% to 1%:       "This restraint is very secure and will withstand most escape attempts. Struggling out of this device will be almost impossible."
0%(impossible): "This is a high security restraint. Struggling out from this device will be completely impossible!"

Lockpick chances:
More than 75%:  "Its lock is weak and will not offer much resistance to pick attempts."
75% to 50%:     "Its lock is not very secure. Picking it should be easy."
49% to 25%:     "Its lock is somewhat secure, but not overly much so. Picking it will be moderately difficult."
24% to 15%:     "Its lock is designed to be secure, but might not withstand serious picking attempts."
14% to 10%:     "Its lock is fairly secure and will be hard to pick, but not impossible."
 9% to  5%:     "Its lock is secure and will be extremely difficult to pick."
 4% to  1%:     "Its lock is very secure and will withstand most attempts to pick it."
0%(impossible): "It has a tamper proof lock. Unlocking it without the proper key will be absolutely impossible!"

Cutting chances:
More than 75%:  "Its material is weak and will not offer much resistance to cutting."
75% to 50%:     "Its material is not very tough. Cutting it should be easy."
49% to 25%:     "Its material is somewhat tough, but not overly much so. Cutting it will be moderately difficult."
24% to 15%:     "Its material is tough, but could probably be cut with the right tool and enough effort."
14% to 10%:     "Its material is fairly tough and will be hard to cut, but not impossible."
 9% to  5%:     "Its material is hard and will be extremely difficult to cut."
 4% to  1%:     "Its material is very hard and will withstand most attempts to cut it."
0%(impossible): "Its made of material impossible to cut with any tool!"


As you can see, some are just a single sentence, while others are split into more. Though I'm guessing they are intended to be somewhat vague on exactly how easy or hard it will actually be.

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Hi, not sure if this is Devices or Cursed loot but I have a question about the Wrist Ropes bindings? Are they supposed to lock me out of the various menus until I get untied because I can’t fight or use spells, obviously, but I can’t open up the main menu to access skills, map, etc, nor can I access the favourites menu either. Only way I can get out of the restraints is to use the Safeword function in the debug menu.

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7 hours ago, VERsingthegamez said:

None of the animations are playing and the cuffs arent appearing either. Am I missing a step?

In order to know if you're missing a step, you'll need to post the steps you've taken. Cuffs not appearing is likely because you haven't successfully built them in bodyslide, which is the number one reason for people reporting invisible devices. If you think that might be the case, have a look at this tutorial. Animations not playing could be a few things. I'd suggest re-running FNIS and making sure it gives no warnings or errors.


16 minutes ago, twsnider1138 said:

Hi, not sure if this is Devices or Cursed loot but I have a question about the Wrist Ropes bindings? Are they supposed to lock me out of the various menus until I get untied because I can’t fight or use spells, obviously, but I can’t open up the main menu to access skills, map, etc, nor can I access the favourites menu either. Only way I can get out of the restraints is to use the Safeword function in the debug menu.

As far as I can remember the "Wrist Ropes" are from Deviously Helpless, and it sounds like they're working as intended there. They're meant to prevent you from doing anything except running away, and should fall off by themselves after a couple of minutes. That said, Helpless hasn't been updated to work fully with DD 4.0+ as yet I don't think, neither Srende's original nor Slorm's patched version. I remember seeing in the SSE conversion thread a report that it has a couple of script references to things that were removed from DD with version 4.0, so that might be causing an issue.

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14 hours ago, SleepyJim said:

In order to know if you're missing a step, you'll need to post the steps you've taken. Cuffs not appearing is likely because you haven't successfully built them in bodyslide, which is the number one reason for people reporting invisible devices. If you think that might be the case, have a look at this tutorial. Animations not playing could be a few things. I'd suggest re-running FNIS and making sure it gives no warnings or errors.


As far as I can remember the "Wrist Ropes" are from Deviously Helpless, and it sounds like they're working as intended there. They're meant to prevent you from doing anything except running away, and should fall off by themselves after a couple of minutes. That said, Helpless hasn't been updated to work fully with DD 4.0+ as yet I don't think, neither Srende's original nor Slorm's patched version. I remember seeing in the SSE conversion thread a report that it has a couple of script references to things that were removed from DD with version 4.0, so that might be causing an issue.

I've ran FNIS multiple times. No  errors. I've ran bodyslide so maybe it i didnt configure it right?

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On 5/8/2018 at 1:30 AM, SleepyJim said:

In order to know if you're missing a step, you'll need to post the steps you've taken. Cuffs not appearing is likely because you haven't successfully built them in bodyslide, which is the number one reason for people reporting invisible devices. If you think that might be the case, have a look at this tutorial. Animations not playing could be a few things. I'd suggest re-running FNIS and making sure it gives no warnings or errors.


As far as I can remember the "Wrist Ropes" are from Deviously Helpless, and it sounds like they're working as intended there. They're meant to prevent you from doing anything except running away, and should fall off by themselves after a couple of minutes. That said, Helpless hasn't been updated to work fully with DD 4.0+ as yet I don't think, neither Srende's original nor Slorm's patched version. I remember seeing in the SSE conversion thread a report that it has a couple of script references to things that were removed from DD with version 4.0, so that might be causing an issue.


I tried reorganizing my mods. Here's the order


  0  0     Skyrim.esm
  1  1     Update.esm
  2  2     Dawnguard.esm
  3  3     HearthFires.esm
  4  4     Dragonborn.esm
  5  5     Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
           Havok Breast Physic.esm
  6  6     ApachiiHair.esm
  7  7     SexLab.esm
  8  8     SexLabAroused.esm
  9  9     Devious Devices - Assets.esm
 10  a     Devious Devices - Integration.esm
 11  b     Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
 12  c     HighResTexturePack01.esp
 13  d     HighResTexturePack02.esp
 14  e     HighResTexturePack03.esp
 15  f     Extended UI.esp
 16 10     dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
 17 11     XPMSE.esp
 18 12     SkyUI.esp
 19 13     FNIS.esp
 20 14     UIExtensions.esp
 21 15     AddItemMenu2.esp
           beautiful glaciers.esp
           datgrass .esp
           grass and grass.esp
           ultra grass.esp
           4k dark gritty mountains.esp
           distant detail.esp
           sos - the wilds.esp
           rcrn legacy - hybrid shaders.esp
           sos - civilization.esp
           altair`s sword.esp
           better embers.esp
           sos - the dungeons.esp
           detailed cities.esp
           Day Night City Lights.esp
           Run For Your Lives.esp
           new morthal.esp
           lanterns of skyrim - bridges x2 - onoff_bright.esp
           lanterns of skyrim - villages.esp
           remove interior fog v2 - skyrim.esp
           surreal lighting.esp
           rwb - realistic wolf behavior.esp
           detailed outskirts.esp
           craftable musket.esp
 22 16     Neo's Slave Leia Renewal.esp
           dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
           deeper snow.esp
           hectrol caves deluxe highres retex 2k version.esp
           osmodius solitude texture pack.esp
           real glaciers v2.esp
           real glaciers.esp
           realistic lighting.esp
           realistic piercing arrows.esp
           rocks 2048 special edition.esp
           torches for realistic lighting.esp
           Havok Breast Physic.esp
           Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp
           Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp


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Hey guys, I have a small question regarding creating custom devices with DD integration. I'm attempting to create a new type of device which will have alternate animations. It is those animations that my question pertains to, specifically the OFA (armature offset) animation. I've looked through the .esm and I can't find a property that specifically handles the OFA animation that is applied while a restraint is worn (Armbinder, wrist cuffs, yoke, etc.). Is it a part of zadlibs? If so, what is the best course of action to add my OFA animation to it? If not, well, same question I guess.



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