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I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. on DD 4.x the mods would show up on the MCM. After I updated to DD 5.0, DD doesn't show up in the MCM at all. Using mod organizer and low priority. When I try to build the assets in body slide, the textures are black. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks. 

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2 hours ago, SarangAnna said:

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. on DD 4.x the mods would show up on the MCM. After I updated to DD 5.0, DD doesn't show up in the MCM at all. Using mod organizer and low priority. When I try to build the assets in body slide, the textures are black. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks. 

Save, go back to main menu and try loading game again. Repeat if not working yet and wait about 20-30 seconds before saving.


You can also try add a step after saving, that you'd start a new game, then load the previous game.

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22 hours ago, chaimhewast said:

It's been a feature of the framework from day one. You want a custom device, you create the records with the appropriate properties in a new plugin with the framework ESMs that you're using as masters. Adding it to the random drops would be a matter of adding it to the appropriate leveled lists, either by overriding them or via a script that you set up to run ingame.

Ah ok gotcha.  I don't know a thing about writing scripts so ill just have to use dd as is but thank you for the reply and info.  Take care.

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6 hours ago, SarangAnna said:

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. on DD 4.x the mods would show up on the MCM. After I updated to DD 5.0, DD doesn't show up in the MCM at all. Using mod organizer and low priority. When I try to build the assets in body slide, the textures are black. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks. 

Try some method:

-Start a new game, wait 5 minutes or more if your pc slow, then quit to menu, then start a new game again. This time mcm should appear.


-Start a new game, wait few minutes, save then quit to Desktop. Disable DD in MO. Load the save, save again, quit. Enable DD, load the new save. This time mcm should appear.

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On 12/3/2020 at 3:35 AM, alex77r4 said:

The issues in the DD filter related to actors stucked, staked, overlapping, not animating... or not playing the correct animation are caused by the order and timing of the SexLab commands.

I did a little change in the DD filter to fix this. Anyone can try this version, just copy this PEX file to Data\Scripts.

zadBQ00.pex 68.57 kB · 22 downloads

Of course, @Kimy is free to include the changes in the next version and @VirginMarie will surely do some special tests.

Details with source code:

  Reveal hidden contents


With all the drama going on right now, I almost overlooked this. This is great! Thank you! :)

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26 minutes ago, Kimy said:

With all the drama going on right now, I almost overlooked this. This is great! Thank you! :)


There's always drama every time you update the framework, isn't there?


Due to that drama you've probably missed bug reports, I posted way back here about the "Use Bound Animation" option in the MCM. When unchecked it seems to be completely broken and only play solo/masturbation animations.


I'm not the only one to report this issue but I think I'm the only one that bothered to provide a log.

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1 hour ago, 7osisg4d said:

I'm having a bug where arms don't stay bound when walking.  Standing or running is fine, but when walking they go back to the sides (missing hands). Behavior is intermittent. This is on an upgraded save.  Any ideas ?

You probably had some lag at one point. Does saving and reloading fix it? I assume thing like that doesn't happen in any way that is reproducible.

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5 minutes ago, Zaflis said:

You probably had some lag at one point. Does saving and reloading fix it? I assume thing like that doesn't happen in any way that is reproducible.

When I reload, it's momentarily fixed for a few seconds.  Then it goes back to a different walking anim.  Running, combat anims all look fine.

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13 hours ago, UnEvenSteven said:


There's always drama every time you update the framework, isn't there?


Yes. Which is why I am really wondering why I am still doing this. I honestly don't know right now.


13 hours ago, UnEvenSteven said:

Due to that drama you've probably missed bug reports, I posted way back here about the "Use Bound Animation" option in the MCM. When unchecked it seems to be completely broken and only play solo/masturbation animations.


I'm not the only one to report this issue but I think I'm the only one that bothered to provide a log.


I am feeling pretty devastated right now, tbh. I will try to go through the bug reports eventually. Thank you for reporting it. :)

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I see I should have jumped in here sooner. Oh well.


@Kimy There was a bug report on the SE side about the elbow shackles, and I noticed another bug when checking it out. This is for all three versions of the elbow shackles.

  • they aren't using the kicking combat options in third person.
  • Even though I've manipulated the locks when putting the elbow shackles on, the only option I have when trying to remove them is "Carry On". I have to add keys or use another mod to get them off.


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41 minutes ago, zarantha said:

There was a bug report on the SE side about the elbow shackles, and I noticed another bug when checking it out. This is for all three versions of the elbow shackles.

  • Even though I've manipulated the locks when putting the elbow shackles on, the only option I have when trying to remove them is "Carry On". I have to add keys or use another mod to get them off.

I don't think that it's a bug. Have you ever tried tying your elbows? Yes, you might manage to get in, but there's no way to reach the locks. In RL I use a 20cm extension on a handcuff key to get the shackles off. Ooops, I mean, a friend does that... yes, a friend!

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3 hours ago, Kimy said:

I am feeling pretty devastated right now, tbh. I will try to go through the bug reports eventually. Thank you for reporting it. :)

Sorry to hear that, although i haven't seen any drama here... i'm not sure what you would mean. Reporting bugs is far from drama in itself, in a mod this size they are almost expected. And everyone makes mistakes, it's human.

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2 hours ago, Kimy said:


Yes. Which is why I am really wondering why I am still doing this. I honestly don't know right now.



I am feeling pretty devastated right now, tbh. I will try to go through the bug reports eventually. Thank you for reporting it. :)

I for my part really appreciate what you and a lot of others are doing. When I first got into the modding scene in Skyrim I was utterly impressed and I still am. Modding makes an old game like Skyrim still interesting; in other words: change and progress are making Skyrim interesting. Therefore, it is inevitable. Changing Frameworks are normal. Deal with it.

Since I only played SE the last few years I haven’t tried out the new versions and changes of DD and DCL, but I am really looking forward to it.

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@Kimy I’m sorry about any drama going on right now and we all appreciate your hard work. Thank you very much.


An interesting bug I just discovered, which can wait until you feel up to it honestly, is that attempting to wear a rubber collar while wearing Queen Sarah’s collar will reliably cause a crash to desktop. I’ll try and post my log when I get home.

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11 hours ago, Kimy said:


Yes. Which is why I am really wondering why I am still doing this. I honestly don't know right now.


I am feeling pretty devastated right now, tbh. I will try to go through the bug reports eventually. Thank you for reporting it. :)


Sorry you feel that way, I appreciate the work you do and have done here. Don't let a particular mod author and a few users who jumped on the hate train get under your Ebonite-strength skin. ?


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13 hours ago, Kimy said:


Yes. Which is why I am really wondering why I am still doing this. I honestly don't know right now.



I am feeling pretty devastated right now, tbh. I will try to go through the bug reports eventually. Thank you for reporting it. :)

@Kimy you are one of the best around here, if not THE best. ?


I completely agree with @UnEvenSteven.

2 hours ago, UnEvenSteven said:


Sorry you feel that way, I appreciate the work you do and have done here. Don't let a particular mod author and a few users who jumped on the hate train get under your Ebonite-strength skin. ?



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@Kimy You're probably the top modder on this platform, since I started tracking all the DD mods for LE I have received many messages from new modders messaging me on how to get DD up and running (even though I asked them not to). It is not a stretch to say that your framework is why many people play skyrim these days; certainly that is the case for me. Best of luck!

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8 hours ago, qawsedrftg765 said:

@Kimy You're probably the top modder on this platform, since I started tracking all the DD mods for LE I have received many messages from new modders messaging me on how to get DD up and running (even though I asked them not to). It is not a stretch to say that your framework is why many people play skyrim these days; certainly that is the case for me. Best of luck!



But a Framework is only as good as it provides for the production of mods that support the kind of gameplay that people like


ZAP has been great at producing assets, but being basically 'non functional', they're probably best (and I don't mean to be rude here, rather just make the point clear by exaggerating it) for people who want to prance around in a story world where the 'restraint' etc is primarily in their heads' imaginations, not in the functionality of the game


I like DD because it has the functionality, but it's at its best for players for whom the game is primarily about being restrained, subjugated or enslaved as if , given the 'authentic' mechanic, for real.  It's not nearly so good / been developed as well for players who primarily are interested in being dominant characters (Oddly, cliftonjd & musje & pamatronic have made a fairly decent fist of using ZAP to do that, albeit some aspects are still being developed and may be even better in ZAP9)


So if someone wants to make another framework that supports a further type of gameplay, we should probably all really be pleased, insofar as it may include other parts of the community not best served by those that exist already


None of that, of course, takes away one iota from what Kimy has achieved here, and I'm sure no-one has any doubts about the quality of her work, or the effort she, and those she works with and contribute here, have expended on our behalves


But there are wider horizons, in which there is a place for everyone. 


And sure, sometimes progress isn't a pretty process.  But us users need to stop all the niggling, let the mod developers get on with it, and say a big thank you to all of them


\preaching OFF

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On 12/11/2020 at 7:34 AM, Kimy said:

Yes. Which is why I am really wondering why I am still doing this. I honestly don't know right now.


I am feeling pretty devastated right now, tbh.

I admit to being one of those criticising your mod, ? namely the quests in DCL 8.5 but

- I only bother criticising mods I care about

- without DCL and the DD framework I wouldn't be playing Skyrim anymore.


So a big Thank You for your work and dedication!

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@Kimy I just drop by to say thanks to your great work. I have followed mostly all the thread in DD5 beta and DCL9.0 right now but i am not sure which one is the drama you tanking about (except SLAV and some random accusing DD5 break BDSM non DD mod ?).

Just to remind you that you have me and many Patreon supporter behind you, incase you need a debate team ?

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3 hours ago, CaptainJ03 said:

I admit to being one of those criticising your mod, ? namely the quests in DCL 8.5 but

- I only bother criticising mods I care about

- without DCL and the DD framework I wouldn't be playing Skyrim anymore.


So a big Thank You for your work and dedication!

I never had any problem with -constructive- criticism. I saw that you don't like the quests in DCL. It's ok not to like them, and that's not why I am currently a bit deflated. I had planned to change these and make the slow walk less slow, for that seems not to be what people like, for from what I heard. In case that was the problem.

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29 minutes ago, hungvipbcsok said:

@Kimy I just drop by to say thanks to your great work. I have followed mostly all the thread in DD5 beta and DCL9.0 right now but i am not sure which one is the drama you tanking about (except SLAV and some random accusing DD5 break BDSM non DD mod ?).


I can confirm the author of SLaV being the source of the drama I am talking about. And just to clarify, it's NOT about her starting a framework project to compete with DD. That's her right to do. I guess it's safe to say that her framework project is a direct outcome of the drama, though.



Just to remind you that you have me and many Patreon supporter behind you, incase you need a debate team ?


Thank you for your support, both here and on Patreon. I have to admit that if not for you guys, there would be a very good chance I wouldn't be here anymore.

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