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On 1/30/2021 at 7:54 AM, lcewolf said:

While waiting for @pchs to return, if you want to do the quest with less bug, download the previous version and continue the quest until your father asks to be served naked.

Following this, change to the latest version. I also hope that @pchs will come back and find the desire to play and mod Skyrim again.

I still hope that he makes improvements to the story to improve the immersion of course if he wishes.


My idea and suggestion was that the cost per day to take care of our mother be greater than the amount done in a day.

Our PC could ask our father for help afterwards and our father could tell us to try to convince

the "neighborhood" to be more generous conditional on the "more advanced option". For the well-being of our

mother the PC would accept. Once depravity is higher, "our neighborhood" would refuse to offer the less advanced options

by reminding us that it is no longer enough for them.


It would also be funny if the costs increased a second time for the care of our mother forcing us to offer even more extensive services.

Gangbang at the guard tower. Added more dogs (From other neighborhood) to be looked after. Anal options for other quests.

Following this our father would force us to remain naked permanently and no longer just at home.


Since the furniture in the PC bedroom will disappear, our father should ask us to leave all our clothes inside just before it

disappear and after that tell us that our clothes are no longer necessary.


Since our father's fixation is to have offspring. It might be better if once our father made known to us his desire to have children that we only offered the anal sex option to be sure that the child was from our father. I really like the previous post on ideas of what to do if you pay for mother's return.


I am aware that all of its improvements and proposals may take time to be make. I sincerely hope that @pchs will return soon.


I hope seriously that the maker will come back but even if he do not come back, this mod is great.

But everything i write is suggestion.


Thank you for making this mod.

It's one in my top five.

liked the idea, i also thinks incorperating Submissive Lola to this mod is a good option to extend the story, after player marrys father and becomes his slave wife or father selling player off to someone of her preference

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On 1/6/2021 at 1:59 AM, Lupine00 said:

I love the idea of this mod!


There is quite a lot of content in the current release, and many cool ideas.



However, I hope to see it continued and enhanced, as there are also problems big and small.




Most troublesome is the way that tasks and favor are updated:


You often get father saying he is unhappy with you and you lose some points, but he doesn't say WHY!

You think you have done everything, but somehow you are still losing points, and there is no way to tell what caused it.


All of the events fire at once, so instead of father becoming hungry/thirsty at different times, it's always together.

And the house gets dirty  at that exact same moment.

This forces you to rush around for a moment and try do everything, but it is impossible to do it all in time I think...


You also get no warning that something is due.

Instead of messages that are warnings like:


"Father is GETTING thirsty."  ... or ...

"The house is BECOMING dirty."


You are only told after it happened. If you are off doing a task it will be TOO LATE to do remedy by the time you can run back.



There should be warning messages, so you have sufficient time to act.



There are also issues with the story and available outcomes being very limited.


You cannot choose to be a "good daughter" but say no to lewd things in a polite way.

You cannot ask to go visit your mother.

You cannot check into any of your father's claims.

You cannot say no to wearing the tavern outfit (though you can simply not do it).

You cannot say no to serving naked (though you can simply not do it).

When performing tasks, it depends on the PC wanting to be lewd ... wanting to service the guards, or help the horse.


Given the other dialog you have, this seems ... pretty unlikely ... and it feels like a scenario where you gradually end up being forced would be better.

In any case, it should take more account of your stats, in SexLab, or the mod, or both (or maybe in SLS) before your innocent young girl PC suddenly wants to give handjobs to horses! That's ... quite a leap in behavior!!!


The party scene happens too soon, and Father moves too fast.

He should get you used to serving his friends as a wench before asking you to do it naked.

The immersive feel would be much more effective. 

The mod does not need to rush headlong towards slavery in two days!



After Father returns your mother as a fuckable torso in a cage (nice body horror) you cannot really refuse him, but you should have that option.


Also, no options to "play along" but not trust him.



At the small scale, some little quality of life issues exist.


The dialog for serving food or drink should be directly in the Father... menu, not hidden inside "About your meal..." or "About your drink..."

It's just irritating extra clicking, in a mechanic that is already made of click-grind.



The bottle butt-plug gets left in your ass after the party and can never be removed. Not very immersive.



I love the potential that is here, but it needs more polish, and the process of corrupting the innocent PC needs to go at a more reasonable pace.

Also, the mod takes no account of time of day at all. Father will eat his meals and drink at 2am, or send you on a task at 3am.


The daytime requires a little more structure. That would increase immersion more because you'd have to be present when father wants more consistently, not when it suits you or "just when some timer fires". Having proper meal times and a schedule would solve issues with the lack of warning for tasks and needs too.


If you have SLS, the curfew limits the times you can do tasks. You can't go running off to cook for soldiers in the middle of the night because you aren't allowed out.


Another little issue is that there's no provision for the PC's needs. You can't get food or drink for yourself. This is another way you could be controlled by father, but the mod makes no use of it.


More integration and support of SLS and needs generally could really lift the experience and make it more immersive. SLS has so much in common with this mod, and is overall a great fit for it. With SLS, you can't just go on an adventure ... not without running away from the city entirely ... and you can't have weapons or do magic ... all the men treat you very poorly. It fits so well, but the mod isn't recommending, integrating, or acknowledging that possible synergy. A pity, because I think it should almost be a requirement!


I had to turn off tolls and the follower requirement to get in and out of Whiterun, but I don't see that as a big problem.


Though most of it is pretty good, some of the dialogue is ... a bit strange ... not really English ... I could make a modified ESP if anyone wants?


Are the relationships and factions set correctly? It would be helpful if dialog/reputation mods could detect that your father and mother are related.



But complaints aside. A great mod. Please do more!

A lot of good points here. I would also add that the player shouldn't be able to simply leave the house and go explore skyrim. The mod should try to limit the player's ability to leave the house at least initially.


In Alternate Start for example, you start in a dungeon and you'd have to fight your way out. Would be great if the player's house could be expanded so that the player has to stay in the house and do tasks before being able to leave.


In a similar way, I think the NPCs that give "tasks" to the player should come to the player instead of having the player visit them. The point of a "game start" mod like this is to give the player a starting quest, not just some side quest that the player can ignore at will.

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17 minutes ago, AWHA said:

The point of a "game start" mod like this is to give the player a starting quest, not just some side quest that the player can ignore at will.

It doesn't have to be one way or another. There's no hard rules that say a LAL mod should be a certain way. But...


Given the scope of the existing mod, the most logical outcome is that you graduate from whore-slave to adventurer somehow, possibly still in service to the father, and have to keep on bringing him money for the long term.


Eventually you could reach a level and point in the game where you can do some sort of mini-quest to rescue and cure your mother. The father would be dealt with (maybe a choice as to how?), and from then on you would help provide for your mother by giving her money instead of the father - out of generosity, not due to threats.


That's one ending at least - and one that fits with the mod as a start, that continues to impact your game, but not too much.

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2 hours ago, AWHA said:

The mod should try to limit the player's ability to leave the house at least initially.

Should it though? Skyrim is a role-playing game. When the player chooses a start scenario, he chooses what role to play initially. So when a player chooses this scenario as a starting one, the player chooses to roleplay as this daughter. The player has some freedom in how to play her, he is given reasons why his character would stay at home (either unhealthy kind of affection for father or love for mother). Player character has no reason to just up and leave from the very start. Same goes for the player, since he opted into playing this start himself from the very beginning and presumably chose this start in order to experience what this mod has to offer, not to just go and explore, I don't know, Solstheim immediately. The player can leave the house without any story reason, but that just means he's bored with the content, not that he's roleplaying.


Note by the way, that theoretically daughter can adventure without leaving house behind - I mean, she can explore regions in Whiterun vicinity, do bounties on bandits, explore Bleak Falls Barrow, etc. as a way to earn money for Mother's rescue. She will lose favor points with Father, yes, but I think she could keep the favour from falling too low. And if she can't keep it above -10, well, there you go, you get prevented from venturing far from Father.


What I wanted to say by this post is that limits probably are already in place - in player's mind. Is making some other hard, in-game barrier worth the effort and making this mod more rigidly about enslavement? That's for the mod author to decide.


While commenting on the other post, read that little bit in yours, Lupine. (and since I don't know how this here post editor works, I had to make a separate post for that and insert it here, sorrry...)

On 1/6/2021 at 9:59 AM, Lupine00 said:

Another little issue is that there's no provision for the PC's needs. You can't get food or drink for yourself. This is another way you could be controlled by father, but the mod makes no use of it.

But there is a provision for the PC's needs. At least when I played the mod, there were options to get food and drink from Father for 50 gold (and you can get gold in exchange for favor from Father, in case you gave everything to care for Mother). He even gave you different amount and types of food and drinks depending on your disposition. Can't check now, since I deleted LE (I mostly play SE), but I think it was in the "I need something from you" dialogue tree.

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1 hour ago, Kharadin said:

But there is a provision for the PC's needs. At least when I played the mod, there were options to get food and drink from Father for 50 gold (and you can get gold in exchange for favor from Father, in case you gave everything to care for Mother). He even gave you different amount and types of food and drinks depending on your disposition. Can't check now, since I deleted LE (I mostly play SE), but I think it was in the "I need something from you" dialogue tree.

That is probably correct. I might not have seen it due to the odd topic name you hint at. It's not natural English to ask for food that way; it has connotations when you use that phrase that I think the author might not have appreciated.


But in any case, 50 gold is a lot of money for food and drink. Usually water can be had for nothing from a well - depends on your needs mod - and food from vendors is cheaper than that unless you purposely increase the price.


But as a diligent daughter, you should be cooking meals from ingredients that father provides, to feed him, yourself, and possibly your amputee mother - unless you want her to starve to death, which would be awful. Most of those ingredients could be things that you harvest and process on the farm. Some - like herbs - might require a little adventure to obtain, or a chunk of cash.


I don't think the mod really thought about how effective a deeper approach to that could be. But it could be updated.



Something I find with DF, and I think it's true for all mods. Polishing takes longer than core functionality.


The basic functions of a mod are soon implemented, but to polish even a small feature so it's properly usable, reliable, and doesn't cause confusion to half the players takes much, much longer. That is why some modders produce masses of huge mods that don't really work in any genuine sense, while others might produce only a small number of good mods - and of course some modders break these patterns, but most are one or the other.


It takes ten times as long to polish a mod as it does to make a proof-of-concept. The mod as it stands is a proof of concept, but not a polished mod. It would be a great mod if properly developed and finished off.


I'm in agreement about the choices though. I don't see any need to lock the player indoors or even stop her leaving the Whiterun area. If you run off to the College of Winterhold, it's going to be a bad end for your mother. You will have to live with that decision later! Father might complain and reduce favor, but it shouldn't be an absolute.

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22 hours ago, Kharadin said:

Player character has no reason to just up and leave from the very start. Same goes for the player, since he opted into playing this start himself from the very beginning and presumably chose this start in order to experience what this mod has to offer, not to just go and explore, I don't know, Solstheim immediately. The player can leave the house without any story reason, but that just means he's bored with the content, not that he's roleplaying.

A counter point to yours: if the player can just decide to leave the house, join the Mages College, become Archmage, and ignore the story leaving mother and father to their own fates, then what's the point of installing this mod at all?


I think this mod should give the player a set of challenges that the player must react to, such as task NPCs coming to the house or father making demands, and in fact the "party" quest already does this. This way the story feels like it will progress no matter what, and the player has to make choices. It would tie in nicely with the existing mechanic of having to serve father.


22 hours ago, Kharadin said:

What I wanted to say by this post is that limits probably are already in place - in player's mind. Is making some other hard, in-game barrier worth the effort and making this mod more rigidly about enslavement? That's for the mod author to decide.

Perhaps I shouldn't have said "limit", but the mod and the story has to drive itself forward, not rely on the player's own imagination to fill in the blanks. Vanilla Skyrim quests do this all the time, so I don't think it's that far-fetched for a story based quest like this. The player should gradually unlock new areas as the story progresses, until one of the endings gives the player the freedom to explore all of skyrim.


20 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

If you run off to the College of Winterhold, it's going to be a bad end for your mother. You will have to live with that decision later!

In such a scenario the player wouldn't have to live with that decision. If the player runs off to become archmage, he obviously doesn't care about the story with mother/father, I doubt that such a player would even bother going back to the house ever. Consequences that don't mean anything aren't real consequences.


One of the things DF does better than most is that the player isn't just given a quest marker and told to "talk to this person", instead the player has to decide whether to resist/fight back, pay gold, or to submit every time the player gets a task. I would like to see more mods take this approach.


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1 hour ago, AWHA said:

then what's the point of installing this mod at all?

Then why waste a lot of development time trying to stop something the player could do, but probably won't?


It's like the issue of the Skyrim main quest. If you do nothing, Alduin never progresses his plan, doesn't raise all the dragons, and never eats the world.

Should the Skyrim devs have put you "on the clock?"

The could possibly have done that, or made completing other quests tick the clock.


They didn't, because it wasn't important. They took for granted you'll play the main quest ... or you won't.


While the player has to take some special action to install the mod, they might not even select it from the Mara statue if they're not feeling "daughterish" that day.

Even though they did go to the trouble to install the mod.



The gameplay you suggest would probably be helpful, but if you have to serve father, then you don't have a choice.

Maybe some people get a buzz out of just refusing and walking away. They wasted most of the mod, but that's their preference.

It might be that their fantasy is all about the running away. In that case some kind of pursuit would certainly excite them, but the running away should still be allowed.


Because the potential space that could be addressed is large, I think that you need to say how exactly the challenges would work, and what sort of choices there are. If you do that, then somebody can pick holes in it, but while it's still vague, it's imaginary and perfect, and invulnerable to criticism.


There are obvious approaches to punish the player for abandonment too.

Maybe the ghost of your amputated dead mother haunts you for the rest of the game, asking why you deserted her?

Maybe the father becomes a continuing and growing nemesis in the game if you desert him? Sending more and more stronger thugs to pursue you?



I think the mod will still work if those holes are never addressed, because the people that exploit them were never interested in the core of the mod, and the people that try to get the most out of it will not even realize those issues exist.


In contrast, the core gameplay of it needs to be a bit more finished, so that the basic drudgery of daughtering is interesting enough to continue with it, rather than the player saying, "This mod had got boring now. I don't think I want to start my game like this."

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Because the potential space that could be addressed is large, I think that you need to say how exactly the challenges would work, and what sort of choices there are. If you do that, then somebody can pick holes in it, but while it's still vague, it's imaginary and perfect, and invulnerable to criticism.

Agreed. I don't have concrete ideas in mind but I think the party quest is a step in the right direction. One of the reasons I uninstalled Slaverun is because of the aforementioned quest-marker driven storyline. I liked the overall theme but the quests are all identical in a way: go someplace, talking to someone, maybe a scene will play, and repeat. Most of the quest givers don't even move, they just stand in one spot for the whole game. It became too boring and predictable. I wouldn't want to see this mod to go in that direction.


One example idea: player could be approached by a guest who offers to get the player out of the house and to freedom, if the player chooses to go with the person, maybe something bad will happen, or maybe not. The idea is that the player has to decide what to do instead of merely clicking though a few lines of dialogue to get to the next scene/task. Of course, this would work only if the player can't simply just walk out of the house whenever.

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15 hours ago, AWHA said:

I liked the overall theme but the quests are all identical in a way: go someplace, talking to someone, maybe a scene will play, and repeat.

That's understatement if anything.

Slaverun quests are pure "fetcher". You go across the map, have a dialog, sex happens, then go back across the map, have a dialog, sex happens, then go back across the map... (and repeat).


Pike: "I'm taking over Skyrim with slavery. I'll stand here and do absolutely nothing while you raise money for me, then negotiate for me, bring me slaves, spread slavery to other towns, sell slaves, find all my lost stuff (and slaves), organize the device business, build an arena, and fight in it ... and in return ..." (SPOILER)


"... and in return ... I'll probably enslave you and try to cook you."


Thanks Pike! That is exactly how to treat the person that built your empire for you.


As a character encountering Pike, the first thought should be to kill him and take his business ... if you're really a cruel slaver.

And if you're going to be a slave, you could just get cooked without all that hard work leading up to it.


But as they say, "it's the journey", and with a shocking lack of irony, Pike has no journey. He never moves. Then his wife arrives. That's a WTF moment. Then you find out he's a wimp and she started the whole thing out of revenge. And this never goes anywhere! My mind was literally blown. It seemed like an entire plotline of turning Pike and Bellamy into obedient femtoys with giant ever-hard cocks was missing there.

Sorry. I can get a bit triggered by Slaverun. It's content creation Korean MMOG style, with a big cookie cutter and a whole lot of "never mind the quality, feel the sheer PLAY TIME!"

It's what you get when you decide that player fun is exactly equivalent to hours of monotonous grind.


So, I agree, it's not a great template for Daughter's Tale.


15 hours ago, AWHA said:

The idea is that the player has to decide what to do instead of merely clicking though a few lines of dialogue to get to the next scene/task. Of course, this would work only if the player can't simply just walk out of the house whenever.

While I agree with the sense of what you're saying here, this is where you skipped from premise to conclusion without really justifying it. Being able to walk out of the house and just keep on walking doesn't negate choice. That is also a choice, it just needs to have some consequences if it's considered within the scope of the mod - and even if it isn't within that scope then it's still a valid choice: a choice to stop playing the mod because you decided that once you started it, you didn't like it after all.


But I'll make a comparison that's in your favor, because I'm not trying to "win" something here, just trying to understand why you want it a certain way.

Imagine it's SD+, and you get enslaved. If you can just walk away and leave slavery because you are bored of it, then what's the point of the mod?

The core gameplay of SD+ is being enslaved but realizing it sucks and trying to get out of it.


The reason I think restricting the PC in Daughter's Tale is a bit different to SD+ is because of the scope of action it's interesting to allow the player.


Let's say you start in the house, and you can't leave at all. Why? You're locked in? What sort of tasks are you going to have? It's actually inverting the arc of the story. You begin tightly controlled and then it gets looser and there are more things to do.


But it seems the author's thinking was that things start relatively loose and get more controlled, reaching a point where you realize it sucks, and now it's SD+ and you desperately want to escape it because it's bad for the player and bad for the player-character. The story of gradual corruption is interesting. Can you resist? There's no middle ground in the choices though.



Swapping from that, to starting completely controlled, and then working up to your freedom gradually is a very different story arc. That is how a few LAL starts work, though some others are more about being constrained and then suddenly "bam" you're free. In Bandit Honeypot, you're not really stopped from walking off, and in the end you will, because there's nothing else to do... but then you have to deal with being a weak, poorly equipped woman with a substantial bounty on her head.


If you just walk away from Father, you give up a nice comfy home. What if, instead of being a prison, that home were initially quite attractive, and only becomes less so as you get enslaved there? The deterioration of circumstance is your incentive to leave.


In an SLS Skyrim, with harsh disparity, and maybe a few other "weak girl" mods, you really cannot walk away from that house. You will die! In my game it was simply impossible to consider it. The only possible way to leave the house and get food to not starve would be prostitution - so as long as Father is less bad than that, I'm staying. But once your house turns into a brothel, with you as the main attraction, there's a lot less incentive to stay - but again, this depends on other mods you have. If it's all but impossible to survive as a whore without a pimp the big question is whether the pimp is better or worse than Father. In all these cases you are a long way from walking off into the wilderness and fighting your way to riches. The first wolf you meet will tear your throat out.


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14 hours ago, Lupine00 said:


There are obvious approaches to punish the player for abandonment too.

Maybe the ghost of your amputated dead mother haunts you for the rest of the game, asking why you deserted her?

Maybe the father becomes a continuing and growing nemesis in the game if you desert him? Sending more and more stronger thugs to pursue you?



I think the mod will still work if those holes are never addressed, because the people that exploit them were never interested in the core of the mod, and the people that try to get the most out of it will not even realize those issues exist.


In contrast, the core gameplay of it needs to be a bit more finished, so that the basic drudgery of daughtering is interesting enough to continue with it, rather than the player saying, "This mod had got boring now. I don't think I want to start my game like this."

Completly Agrea with all you have write but i like this part! It's a nice idea.

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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

That's understatement if anything.

Slaverun quests are pure "fetcher". You go across the map, have a dialog, sex happens, then go back across the map, have a dialog, sex happens, then go back across the map... (and repeat).


Pike: "I'm taking over Skyrim with slavery. I'll stand here and do absolutely nothing while you raise money for me, then negotiate for me, bring me slaves, spread slavery to other towns, sell slaves, find all my lost stuff (and slaves), organize the device business, build an arena, and fight in it ... and in return I'll probably enslave you and try to cook you."


As a character encountering Pike, the first thought should be to kill him and take his business ... if you're really a cruel slaver.

And if you're going to be a slave, you could just get cooked without all that hard work leading up to it.


But as they say, "it's the journey", and with a shocking lack of irony, Pike has no journey. He never moves. Then his wife arrives. That's a WTF moment. Then you find out he's a wimp and she started the whole thing out of revenge. And this never goes anywhere! My mind was literally blown. It seemed like an entire plotline of turning Pike and Bellamy into obedient femtoys with giant ever-hard cocks was missing there.


Sorry. I can get a bit triggered by Slaverun. It's content creation Korean MMOG style, with a big cookie cutter and a whole lot of "never mind the quality, feel the sheer PLAY TIME!"

It's what you get when you decide that player fun is exactly equivalent to hours of monotonous grind.


So, I agree, it's not a great template for Daughter's Tale.


While I agree with the sense of what you're saying here, this is where you skipped from premise to conclusion without really justifying it. Being able to walk out of the house and just keep on walking doesn't negate choice. That is also a choice, it just needs to have some consequences if it's considered within the scope of the mod - and even if it isn't within that scope then it's still a valid choice: a choice to stop playing the mod because you decided that once you started it, you didn't like it after all.


But I'll make a comparison that's in your favor, because I'm not trying to "win" something here, just trying to understand why you want it a certain way.

Imagine it's SD+, and you get enslaved. If you can just walk away and leave slavery because you are bored of it, then what's the point of the mod?

The core gameplay of SD+ is being enslaved but realizing it sucks and trying to get out of it.


The reason I think restricting the PC in Daughter's Tale is a bit different to SD+ is because of the scope of action it's interesting to allow the player.


Let's say you start in the house, and you can't leave at all. Why? You're locked in? What sort of tasks are you going to have? It's actually inverting the arc of the story. You begin tightly controlled and then it gets looser and there are more things to do.


But it seems the author's thinking was that things start relatively loose and get more controlled, reaching a point where you realize it sucks, and now it's SD+ and you desperately want to escape it because it's bad for the player and bad for the player-character. The story of gradual corruption is interesting. Can you resist? There's no middle ground in the choices though.



Swapping from that, to starting completely controlled, and then working up to your freedom gradually is a very different story arc. That is how a few LAL starts work, though some others are more about being constrained and then suddenly "bam" you're free. In Bandit Honeypot, you're not really stopped from walking off, and in the end you will, because there's nothing else to do... but then you have to deal with being a weak, poorly equipped woman with a substantial bounty on her head.


If you just walk away from Father, you give up a nice comfy home. What if, instead of being a prison, that home were initially quite attractive, and only becomes less so as you get enslaved there? The deterioration of circumstance is your incentive to leave.


In an SLS Skyrim, with harsh disparity, and maybe a few other "weak girl" mods, you really cannot walk away from that house. You will die! In my game it was simply impossible to consider it. The only possible way to leave the house and get food to not starve would be prostitution - so as long as Father is less bad than that, I'm staying. But once your house turns into a brothel, with you as the main attraction, there's a lot less incentive to stay - but again, this depends on other mods you have. If it's all but impossible to survive as a whore without a pimp the big question is whether the pimp is better or worse than Father. In all these cases you are a long way from walking off into the wilderness and fighting your way to riches. The first wolf you meet will tear your throat out.


 Please put a Spoiler Alert about Slaverun. I never been that far... It's kind of big Spoiler. I never made behond the Painslut training.

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1 hour ago, lcewolf said:

Please put a Spoiler Alert about Slaverun. I never been that far...

I spoilered it, though it breaks the flow. To be fair though, the Slaverun MCM does kind of give away a lot of things, and the mod main page gives away far, far more.

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Honestly? I'd just be happy if the author fixed at least the nudity bug regarding Father.  In the previous version he would eventually ask you to be naked.  Even since the party update he defaults to demanding it without telling the character, which is kinda lame and removes some of the tense buildup of your debauchery.  I don't begrudge mod makers for taking breaks after major content drops, but fixing new bugs so that the content is at peak performance is kinda important before taking a break.  I've been holding off reinstalling this mod specifically because of it.

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Any plans of making Wartimes independent of SD+?


I would really like to use it as an extensive RP start, but I do not want SD+ in my game later on... it sooner or later always broke my game and I had to scrap that playthrough. It is fair that DeepBlueFrog wants to finish his mods 1st, before solving updating his compatibilities, but it honestly have been years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was wondering if you or someone could make it so when mother amputated and in the cage, maybe as punishment for bad behavior or just not pleasing him, he ties the player/daughter up and takes mother out of her cage to rape and or beat her in front of player.


or can someone point me to a mod when npc rape eachother?

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I am stuck with the stable as the only active task.  Is there anyway to get the other ones started?  the whole tasks area of the MCM is greyed out, not sure if thats how its supposed to be or not.  I walked the dogs once, had sex with guard a couple of times and bathed the old man twice but it has been nothing but the stable for a week now.

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On 2/10/2021 at 2:53 AM, hexenhaus said:

Any plans of making Wartimes independent of SD+?


I would really like to use it as an extensive RP start, but I do not want SD+ in my game later on... it sooner or later always broke my game and I had to scrap that playthrough. It is fair that DeepBlueFrog wants to finish his mods 1st, before solving updating his compatibilities, but it honestly have been years.

Pretty sure SD+ is 'optional', there are a few paths that result in SD+ slavery but I am fairly sure all the integration with SD+ is done through modevents and should just do nothing if you don't install it.

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Hey all,


So i got an issue with the mode. The last version, the 08.19 version works well but when i move to 09.20, the game crashes somewhere after new game and character setup.

Same with loading. Can't figure out what it is. I even put them in the same place on the load order. nothing. Please tell me what information i can provide?

I use MO2, no Master errors reported. all LE mods.


Any and all ideas are welcome.

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5 hours ago, savuman said:

Hey all,


So i got an issue with the mode. The last version, the 08.19 version works well but when i move to 09.20, the game crashes somewhere after new game and character setup.

Same with loading. Can't figure out what it is. I even put them in the same place on the load order. nothing. Please tell me what information i can provide?

I use MO2, no Master errors reported. all LE mods.


Any and all ideas are welcome.

Most of the time it's because of a missing required mod. The version 9.20 is quite bugged. I strongly suggest you to start a game with the previous version and wait until father ask you to serve him naked. Then swith to the last

version and you will be able to do the party event.


I am not sure @pchs will come back for any kind of fixing. Sad but true.


I hope i am wrong.


@savuman My game was really unstable with MO2. I reinstall Skyrim many time. If you want Skyrim with less bug and more stability try vortex. It's more friendly user.

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9 hours ago, lcewolf said:

Most of the time it's because of a missing required mod. The version 9.20 is quite bugged. I strongly suggest you to start a game with the previous version and wait until father ask you to serve him naked. Then swith to the last

version and you will be able to do the party event.


I am not sure @pchs will come back for any kind of fixing. Sad but true.


I hope i am wrong.


@savuman My game was really unstable with MO2. I reinstall Skyrim many time. If you want Skyrim with less bug and more stability try vortex. It's more friendly user.

My game is not showing signs of instability as of yet but i am still working on creating a mod list for a playthrough. I fear that whan i make the transition you sugested, it will crash on load. I am sure something is missing... as in a required mod, but the thing is that it shows as all the required masters are loaded... 


Hope he returns.... this is a great storyline

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On 3/1/2021 at 4:03 AM, treedweller1971 said:

Not sure how to get the anal carrot out that was inserted during party.  Can't serve drinks from her rear now.

For me it worked when I went into the inventory and dropped it. And the newest version of this mod has a MCM configurable hotkey to open a small sub menu where you caninsert or remove the carrot.

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