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Posted tweak v1.6

If I have one more thing I might maybe like to add it's belting and plugging you after fucking you while trying to get you pregnant. And obviously unbelting you before fucking you again. (Basically, fill you up with his cum- FHU).

38 minutes ago, zalduras said:

Looks god, thank you Monoman1


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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

Posted tweak v1.6

If I have one more thing I might maybe like to add it's belting and plugging you after fucking you while trying to get you pregnant. And obviously unbelting you before fucking you again. (Basically, fill you up with his cum- FHU).


Doing gods work, thank you!

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Does anybody know how difficult it would be to switch the Beeing Female requirement to Fertility Mode?



It seems like you only need edit the pchsWartimesPlayerScript to fetch the relevant FM storage util values instead of the BF values.

Sadly my scripting skill is below zero....


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1 hour ago, excidium93 said:

It seems like you only need edit the pchsWartimesPlayerScript to fetch the relevant FM storage util values

If someone can provide the FM variables to check if when: 

1. The PC is pregnant.

2. The Pc has given birth 


Then I can look further. I don't think FM uses storageutil variables which requires more effort to retrieve script properties. Likely involve creating a soft interface.


I'm trying to take it easy on modding today. 

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7 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

If someone can provide the FM variables to check if when: 

1. The PC is pregnant.

2. The Pc has given birth 


Then I can look further. I don't think FM uses storageutil variables which requires more effort to retrieve script properties. Likely involve creating a soft interface.


I'm trying to take it easy on modding today. 


Thank for your reply!!


I guess (remember papyrus newbee) these are the relevant variables:



Scriptname _JSW_BB_Storage extends Quest

GlobalVariable Property CycleDuration  Auto     ; Full duration of the menstrual cycle, eg. 28 days
GlobalVariable Property BirthRace  Auto         ; The race inheritance of the baby (mother = 0, father = 1, random = 2, specific = 3)
GlobalVariable Property BirthRaceSpecific  Auto ; The specific unconditional race of the child

Form[] Property TrackedActors  Auto          ; Currently tracked female actors
Form[] Property TrackedFathers  Auto         ; Currently tracked male actors
Form[] Property ActorBlackList  Auto         ; Actors that should not be tracked
string[] Property CurrentFather  Auto        ; The father name of the current insemination or pregnancy
string[] Property LastFather  Auto           ; The father name of the previous completed pregnancy
int[] Property FatherRaceId  Auto			 ; The current father's Race form ID from the last completed pregnancy

int[] Property LastGameHoursDelta  Auto      ; Random adjustment to the game hours so actors don't all have synchronized cycles

string[] Property LastMotherLocation  Auto   ; The last location where the female actor was encountered
string[] Property LastFatherLocation  Auto   ; The last location where the male actor was encountered

float[] Property LastGameHours  Auto         ; Game time when the actor was last updated
float[] Property LastInsemination  Auto      ; Game time when the actor was last inseminated (0.0 when no sperm is present)
float[] Property LastOvulation  Auto         ; Game time when the actor released an egg
float[] Property LastConception  Auto        ; Game time when the actor conceived (0.0 when not pregnant)
float[] Property LastBirth  Auto             ; Game time when the actor last gave birth
float[] Property SpermCount  Auto            ; The total amount of sperm currently active in any given female
float[] Property BabyAdded  Auto             ; Game time when the actor was given a baby item

string[] Property PlayerChildName  Auto      ; The given name of the child
int[] Property PlayerChildActorIndex  Auto   ; Adult actor base index for identifying which NPC to spawn
int[] Property PlayerChildGender  Auto       ; The gender of the child
string[] Property PlayerChildRace  Auto      ; The race of the child
string[] Property PlayerChildClass  Auto     ; The randomly selected training class for the child (Mage, Warrior)

Race[] Property RaceBlackList  Auto          ; Races excluded from tracking
Race[] Property BirthMotherRace  Auto        ; Supported mother races
Race[] Property BirthChildRace  Auto         ; Supported child races (matches BirthMotherRace)
Armor[] Property BirthBabyRace  Auto         ; Supported baby races (matches BirthMotherRace)
ActorBase[] Property Children  Auto          ; Supported child actor NPC bases
ActorBase[] Property AdultChildren  Auto     ; Supported adult actor NPC bases

int[] Property EventLock  Auto               ; Lock codes to avoid double-firing actor events such as labor and child spawns
bool[] Property FatherInseminationLock  Auto ; Lock flag to avoid multiple inseminations per father per poll

Actor Property CurrentFollower = none  Auto  ; The currently summoned adult follower
int Property CurrentFollowerIndex = -1  Auto ; The index of the currently summoned adult follower
int Property BabyHealth = 100  Auto          ; Scalar health percentage for the player's baby
float Property LastSleep = 0.0  Auto         ; The time of the last sleep for the player to assist in managing the baby's health



I think it should be possible to track pregnate state and birth with the LastConception and the LastBirth variable.

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On 4/19/2021 at 6:16 PM, Monoman1 said:

So I did a little tweaking. Hope you don't mind pchs. Wouldn't have bothered if I didn't like the mod. 


By downloading this file you accept that you may have to start a new game to remove any changes I made if/when (hopefully) pchs returns and posts an update! 


Unfortunately I don't remember which files I changed so I include them all here. 


Wartimes Tweak v1.7 (26-Apr-2021).7z 1.04 MB · 5 downloads



v1.7 (26-Apr-2021)

- Fixed a small dialogue issue in v1.6.


v1.6 (26-Apr-2021)

- Father will have another job for you now after he gets you pregnant and you have MME installed. Guess what that might be...? Needs the MME addon that converts zaz milking machines to proper MME milkers. Should go without saying but you'll need to disable MMEs skooma effect otherwise the baby will be dead on your first milking. Spoilers: Father will force you into a milking machine and demand that you bring him milk every day. Milk required is Milk Quota (default 3) * Maid level. Bringing at least half the quota means no favor gain or loss.
- Seeded father's arousal whenever he's tense to a minimum of 35 - 70 points. Can't be tense if he's not even the slightest aroused. Makes SLSO orgasms a little more achievable. If not then there's always skooma. 

- Drinking father's cum via SLS during a blowjob will additionally increase favor by 1. 

- Cumming while bouncing on father's cock will increase favor by 1. 

- Increased favor loss on all task failures to -3 to make things a bit more difficult. 

- Father's favor will decrease if he has to resort to raping you.

- Being naked should be an acceptable alternative to wearing your maid outfit should you lose it.

- Added menu options 'Base Favor Loss', 'Arousal Min', 'Arousal Max', 'Milk Quota Per Level'.


v1.5 (20-Apr-2021)

- Extended previous SLSO conditions to cover topic 'Do whatever you want father' as well.


v1.4 (20-Apr-2021)

- Applied AI packages on the alias stack instead of on the default package stack. Reduced quest priority to 70. Should stop Npcs going walkies. 

- Gave the home cell some music. 

- Increased favor loss for failing to give father an SLSO orgasm to 2.

- Every subsequent time you fail to give father an orgasm will increase the amount of favor lost. 

- The first time you fail to give father an orgasm twice in a row he'll drug you with skooma to give you the stamina you need. This unlocks access to skooma from father in exchange for favor points (Skooma Whore tie-in).


v1.3 (19-Apr-2021)

- Removed SD cages as a master. 
- Sorted masters. 

- If using SLSO, you'll have to make father have an orgasm to successfully 'ease his tension'. The timer will not reset otherwise and you will still lose favor if he goes too long without being satisfied.  (Includes all 'jobs' except massage)
- If using SLSO, father's favor will only increase if you make him cum (includes all 'jobs' except massage.
- If using SLSO, failing to make father cum during sex will decrease favor by 1. 
- If using SLSO, every orgasm the player has while having sex with father will further increase depravity and submission by 1. 
- Fixed father expecting you to be naked without asking you first.
- Father will only ask you to be naked after fucking you. 

- Rejigged timer startup a little. 



- Removed Display Model as a hard dependency. Poses and idles from DM should still play (soft dependency) but none of the furniture will spawn now. I don't think the furniture was ever used (except for flavor visuals). 

- Fixed all TesEdit errors. 



- Fixed staring contests around Whiterun. Needs new game unfortunately (won't fix in ongoing games)
- Cleaned the mod in TesEdit - Removed ITMs.
- Restarted the dog job.
- Father will accept devious collars/boots as ok replacements of his own collar/boots. 
- When failing to satisfy father's demands the timer would reset for about a week of game time. Not sure if this was intentional or not but timer is now changed to regular duration. 
- Fixed Npcs not being able to navigate into/out of the home cell. 
- Navmeshed around dancing pole. 
- Fixed one room in the house was inaccessible to Npcs - disconnected navmesh. 
- Hotkeys won't respond while in console, inventory, barter or crafting menu. 

Thank you @Monoman1,


You just fix nearly all the bug an even add something new.

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@Monoman1I try the new version of wartimes v1.7, i did find something unusual. Whatever i do i cannot get father less tense with all kind of sex except blowjob.

I use SLS beta 0.660. I didn't skip any animation but father seem to be always unsatify with my service. I did 3 time in a row with different animation but without any success.

Only blowjob satisfy him.


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2 hours ago, lcewolf said:

@Monoman1I try the new version of wartimes v1.7, i did find something unusual. Whatever i do i cannot get father less tense with all kind of sex except blowjob.

I use SLS beta 0.660. I didn't skip any animation but father seem to be always unsatify with my service. I did 3 time in a row with different animation but without any success.

Only blowjob satisfy him.


Are you using slso? Is use separate orgasm enabled? Do you get favor increase notifications on orgasm?

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On 4/19/2021 at 7:16 PM, Monoman1 said:


Monoman1, tested the mod, but there's a problem, i cant give to the guests (father's party) food or drinks (yes i used the wartimes idles), i'm not sure if it's an incompatibility with some of my mods, some idea of what could be ? PS: i can give foods and drinks to the father.

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37 minutes ago, thmask said:

Monoman1, tested the mod, but there's a problem, i cant give to the guests (father's party) food or drinks (yes i used the wartimes idles), i'm not sure if it's an incompatibility with some of my mods, some idea of what could be ? PS: i can give foods and drinks to the father.

Can't seem to find any issue. And the party isn't something I've modified to my knowledge. 

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Posted 1.8. I'll leave 1.7 there for the moment in case. 


If anyone knows about LAL mod setup could you take a look and see if you can figure out why there are duplicate starting topics for the LAL dialogue ("I'm a young daughter in a family trying to survive a war"). I think it has something to do with how the mod is injecting the dialogue into LAL but can't figure it out. 

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Yeah thanks for making the mod requirements more friendly and for slso support Mono. I have that duplicate LAL problem as well in 1.5 and 1.7 but so far no issues with start up. Usually all the LAL mods need to be above the LAL esp but this one requires it above Warcrimes esp is about the only difference I though strange.


As far other problems with your updates I am on 1.7 and my PC got a father favor from a follower no where near the area (Riverwood) swallowing cum from a BJ. Anyway no familiar with the mod but so far things are working for me with Survival as well.

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On 4/27/2021 at 2:26 AM, Monoman1 said:

Are you using slso? Is use separate orgasm enabled? Do you get favor increase notifications on orgasm?

I try with the new version 1.9 and reinstall SLSO and it's working like a charm all of them. Thank you!

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Hello, I already installed the mod, but it won't let me enter the game, the home screen bounces back to the pc, I have all its requirements installed, I uninstall it and I can enter the game normally, I activate it and it returns me to the screen of the pc, I can not enter in any way that I have already spent days trying to solve it

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Can you give me some advice and tips on how I can modify the outfit 'maid clothes' (barkeeper clothes) into a set of items from 'Skyrim Loves Maids' (Osare CBBE colored outfits that replace the barkeeper outfits for tavern workers)?
Do you think it would be difficult to get the ODB at Chillfurrow to gift the outfit and then require it be worn while caretaking there and at the Father's dinner parties?


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39 minutes ago, Pyreliter said:

Do you think it would be difficult to get the ODB at Chillfurrow to gift the outfit and then require it be worn while caretaking there and at the Father's dinner parties?

I do think that father/the mod controlling what you wear is sort of an underdeveloped (and uncustomizable) side of the mod that could be pursued further. Maybe I'll get around to it eventually. Right now focusing on adding yps fashion requirements for father. 

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