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8 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

That is very strange. I've been sort of sick for a week and half now, but I'm pretty sure it's not covid 19 since even a mild case will put you down for a good week or so. Still, I'm staying home, away from others. I found this vid that explains it pretty well.



I've been wondering when/if they'll ever change the recommendation for masks for people who are well enough to go to Brookshire's for cat food,

or who are sick but don't know it, 


Who are well and live in the same community as the sick.

If they ever do a survey of fashion these days, I think you'll find that most white americans think masks are useless (for their own reasons that I don't want to go into)

but minorities (here) think it's important enough to ignore fashion and wear masks.

Because if you're well, or if you're sick, the headlines from around the world say "They're better than nothing."

But apparently (from what I've read) people are too stupid to know how to put them on/take them off (and could not watch a video or a PSA)

and Eyes are totally unprotected (ever heard of sunglasses or goggles?)

Masks are useless they say (and they're desperately needed by the healthcare community), so don't wear masks, they say.

Except maybe the healthcare community would've needed them a little less if the community they serve were wearing them, weeks ago.

But no,

the official advice is to let the wind stop-short of touching you from 5.99 feet away.


Plus they're too expensive now and no one is offering to distribute them to the sick, the homeless, shut-ins (who have to go out to get cat food)

They only speak of these masssssive stockpiles they need, the millllllions of masks being made, the suspension of liability for masks that prove defective, and the possible use of bandannas.

We're in the minority of countries not pushing masks on everyone.

But I write badly, and this is unclear, so don't attack it like conservative-lawyers, just read what I'm trying to say and Opine the idea, not my text.


The germ or whatever is microscopic, too small to be detected by human eyes, but it travels in "droplets" (snot) 


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1 hour ago, 27X said:



I had watched this video previously, and it is really good. The man (established epidemiologist) knows what he is talking about, is concise and has no interest in drama or sensationalism.

There is clip version of I think 15 minutes for people who only want to know the corona information. (which is literally the first 15 minutes of the video above) They speak more about it in sprinkles in the rest and then at the end of course, but the most important information and clarification is right there.

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23 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

They say that because of this: 


27X posted a pic (which I could not find) that it was like a mosquito going through a metal fence, this is why you see most health workers with face shields and a mask, some even put a surgical mask on top of their N95 with a face shield. (probably the best option) As well as using safety glasses. The PPE gowns will be harder to come by, but a jumpsuit/worksuit should work. so you don't have to strip your clothes off. :P

If you go there, there would be no way a condom or latex gloves could block the HIV from getting from one partner to another.


The thing is the virus does not spread directly, but though an intermediary, which is mainly saliva droplets in covid19's case. And those are between 12 and 0.5 microns, so that's why FFP2 masks supposedly are efficient enough for the task. :classic_smile:


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there will always better, now pets are in danger too!
Cat tested positive for novel coronavirus.
In Brussels became a cat, the symptoms had shown tested positive for the corona virus.



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What fuckin geniuses decided that our medicine and medical gear should be made in another country? Those assholes should hang for treason. 


I used to work offshore drilling in my 20's. You stay out for 2 weeks or a month at a time and really can stay working as long as you want- just don't get on the chopper home. Kinda wish I was still out there now.

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3 hours ago, winny257 said:

there will always better, now pets are in danger too!
Cat tested positive for novel coronavirus.
In Brussels became a cat, the symptoms had shown tested positive for the corona virus.



Cats have nine lives so their odds of survival are better.

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39 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Cats have nine lives so their odds of survival are better.

Yeah right, but what about dogs? :classic_wink:


and what if the corona virus a second time in the animal *Cat, Dog* mutated and even more dangerous for people becones, with 100% death rate?

this is how it currently looks, many protect their dogs.






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2 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

What fuckin geniuses decided that our medicine and medical gear should be made in another country? Those assholes should hang for treason.

And China knows this and uses it as a threat too: https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/03/13/hayward-china-threatens-to-cut-off-medicine-throw-america-into-mighty-sea-of-coronavirus/


Gotta love the irony though. The US, being famously criticized for their overspending in military and negligence in public health, has themselves beaten by said public health first, because even their military -in the end- relies on these supplies and good treatment. (all explained in that Michael Osterholm video)


18 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Funny, because there were so many calls for faith healers to visit the hospitals, but they wouldn't show up.

Maybe the brazen way with which Trump just denies his own words and actions the next day and gets away with it has made them realize that they don't actually need to be believable in this country. Even when caught openly lying, people still want to believe, so the show can go on.

Not sure it would work though, but seems reasonable to try I guess.

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Megachurches have worked on that principle for years; according to this



the rapture (not a real thing in any bible ever) is already supposed to have happened a couple years ago. (this guy has like 7 million followers worldwide)


People crave validation and people that agree with them, which ironically enough leads to get togethers so they can virus each other real good while they get their self esteem about magical thinking boosted.


Nature loves a slave to the recursive feedback pattern, and humans are literally built for it.

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15 minutes ago, 27X said:

Megachurches have worked on that principle for years; according to this




the rapture (not a real thing in any bible ever) is already supposed to have happened a couple years ago. (this guy has like 7 million followers worldwide)


People crave validation and people that agree with them, which ironically enough leads to get togethers so they can virus each other real good while they get their self esteem about magical thinking boosted.


Nature loves a slave to the recursive feedback pattern, and humans are literally built for it.

every sect has power and persuasiveness to manipulate other weak people!
who these preachers hangs on the lips that can no longer be helped.
i only believe that, what I see. :classic_wink:

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23 hours ago, s.kirmish said:

For everyone that doesn't speak German: This doctor claims that there are no real indications that covid-19 is anything different than the regular flu. Yes.

If I can believe the summary and his last words, all these corona cases simply exist because there are now tests for this, and before they had just been grouped together with all other flu cases.

No argument about how this hypothesis explains things like the death wave and coffin trains in northern Italy, or the fact that so many people suddenly need life saving breathing support machines (after only getting "the flu" ostensibly).

People in the comments are like - "finally someone says the truth." "we have been blinded by fearmongering media." "wake up sheeple" essentially.



This is... pretty unwise. So, these kinds of videos have been around since it all became known in January. Deniers that is. There are always people that would rather wish reality away than to accept it. ...Eventually reality gets to you however. Comforting lies will not help when this knocks on your door. In fact, such people always find it harder to cope, since on top of whatever unpretty reality they must face, they also have to fight themselves out of the mental trench they dug themselves into. E.g. people who truly believe themselves to be chosen of some sort (by religion, narcissism, or whatever), have to fight serious shock when they are forced to face that they are nothing special.

I get it. It seems like things are getting easier this way. Until recently, my own grandmother tried to rationalize and soft talk this for two weeks with mantras like "many cases in italy are just misdiagnosed, and they died of something else". It calms the nerves to seemingly get good news. However, you also miss out on the opportunity to steel yourself for when the hard times actually arrive.

In short, even though it seems like soothing balm, you would in reality only make it harder on yourself in the long run. There is this famous quote like "Every lie you tell yourself incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later the debt is paid.".





when did you translate why didn't you translate everything? How, by the recommendation of the World Health Organization, are people treated with an aggressive method? that they are dying of such treatment, that the tests are unreliable.

in Italy, the health system collapsed thanks to testing, they received so many patients that they could no longer treat almost anyone, not to mention other patients suffering from serious illnesses who with this collapse were denied therapies. human panic and fear are a virus, the doctor says. it is a vicious circle of death.

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1 hour ago, s.kirmish said:

Not sure it would work though, but seems reasonable to try I guess.

I admired his balls. 'Demanding' of the god of the OT not the smartest move IMO. He should of just called on Jesus to turn the water into hand sanitiser and the bread into facemasks or whatever it is he does.

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On 3/29/2020 at 7:55 PM, FauxFurry said:

Shutting down the economy and giving things away for free to the people is what an Arch Capitalist always wanted to do? That theory might need a little bit of a re-work.

And you know that's true how exactly?? Do you work for POTUS? The Treasury? Have you distributed goods or aided those so-called sick? If you just watched it all on the news, you should probably catch Picard or MacGyver instead. At least with tv shows, no one expects you to believe what you see is actually happening.


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5 hours ago, jackcee said:

And you know that's true how exactly?? Do you work for POTUS? The Treasury? Have you distributed goods or aided those so-called sick? If you just watched it all on the news, you should probably catch Picard or MacGyver instead. At least with tv shows, no one expects you to believe what you see is actually happening.




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11 hours ago, KoolHndLuke said:

Looking through my SS, I found this. Totally an accident btw.



Uncategorized – Page 99 – My site


'K, now it's *my* turn to mumble something about clarity.

Anyway, I've been dying to attach a topical article from Reuter's and this seems like a good spot:


And if this place had captions, mine would read "Real men don't wear masks"


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9 hours ago, Kokan said:

when did you translate why didn't you translate everything? How, by the recommendation of the World Health Organization, are people treated with an aggressive method? that they are dying of such treatment, that the tests are unreliable.

in Italy, the health system collapsed thanks to testing, they received so many patients that they could no longer treat almost anyone, not to mention other patients suffering from serious illnesses who with this collapse were denied therapies. human panic and fear are a virus, the doctor says. it is a vicious circle of death.

i was shocked when i saw your video.
it wasn't the virus that killed people, but rather wrong treatment methods.
but who takes over the responsibility of wrong treatment, it is after all negligent killing!

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Bugs(virus, bacteria, etc) exists since the beggining of time. They have always been here. And they will not go away. Most are harmless. Some are not.


You can't change that. If you'd want to change that, you'd had to kill every living thing on the planet. Total sterialization. But as we count as "living thing", thats a no go. I mean *I* don't want to die. I also like to eat. Most things that I eat are also "living things". Cows, pigs, chicken. Even vegetables counts as "living thing".


"I predicting this" is also bull shit. Bugs are always here. Its like predicting sun rise.


What we can do is have enough hospitals to handle hard cases and enough doctors, scientists to develop drugs/medicine.


But we don't. Coz "reasons".



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1 hour ago, Fotogen said:

Bugs(virus, bacteria, etc) exists since the beggining of time. They have always been here. And they will not go away. Most are harmless. Some are not.


You can't change that. [...]


"I predicting this" is also bull shit. Bugs are always here. Its like predicting sun rise.


Don't misread me. I didn't say that the prediction was "a pandemic is gonna happen someday". What foolish foresight would that be.

Where did you see that? The prediction was that in about mid-january to up mid-february at the latest, it was obvious to anyone with (objective) information processing and some time for doing it, that this was gonna be a real thing. If you didn't have the data or no time to get it, fine, no good prediction, but not your fault in this case. If you did get the data though, and concluded "hoax", then you are bad at predicting, and bad at reasoning altogether.


One representation of knowledge, skill, wisdom, or even the scientific method is "nobody can predict the future by supernatural means. If one can still predict the future, it must be because he has understood something about the natural world.". True for calculating the movement of the planets as much as judgement of character of others.(there are many types of wisdom obviously) It is literally the only completely objective way to prove someones skill or intelligence, because nature is the sole impartial judge we have.

(this is also why social "sciences" are so corrupted imo)


When you see

A) Influenza virus, hence about the most difficult to isolate and upper tier in spread. (ask common flu)

B) Cloaking ability by being infectious long before symptoms - even having some people without any symptoms

C) Authoritarian regime with great incentive to cover weaknesses like this up due to strong man narrative.


... and you combine those and get anything else than pandemic. Well, it really is only possible if you think A,B, or C data is wrong due to x,y,z conspiracy. Discerning what is a likely conspiracy or just gibberish, is also part of prediction ability.


Again, Covid, - not very difficult to predict. Maybe in January, but not later February, and definitely not now.

How bad exactly it will be is nebulous. It is deadly though, it is spreading, people are not dying of "false treatment" or "misdiagnosed miscellaneous sicknesses" or "media overhype/false data". Well, and your belief to the contrary is not gonna make the river flow backwards when no one is looking, because the water gets into the mountains by rain, no matter how much you really really don't want the water cycle to be real.


1 hour ago, Kokan said:

when Bill Gates becomes interested in viruses and goes out to buy businesses that deal with it, I know immediately that pandemics must happen ?

Well, you got yourself 4-6 weeks countdown for suddenly feeling like a banana, I'd say.

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7 minutes ago, s.kirmish said:



Well, you got yourself 4-6 weeks countdown for suddenly feeling like a banana, I'd say.

let him count who wants, me and Sweden we can calmly watch the show through to the end

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