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1 hour ago, Tentacus said:

Okay here's what I've decided:


In the interest of keeping Hardship functioning and viable in the face of UAP and potentially Savage Cabbage becoming incompatible with the way Hardship works I'm going to update Staged Leito Plus in a day or 2 to include Gay and M-Dog and M-Mutant poses. This will give me the opportunity to add a feature I want anyway, (The choice of whether the receiver is flaccid or erect.)


I will pre-emptively block Savage Cabbage anims from being selected, by Hardship 1.6... however I will include a selection of the best SC positions with my own Hardship compatible XMLs as an install option in at least gay and straight versions. I MAY... since I have to do this anyway make a couple of them work on ground cause why the fuck not. Note these XMLs won't block or interfere with the XMLs that come with Savage Cabbage so other mods can still get at them.

I feel for you. My biggest gripe is that there is too many animations for AAF.  I like Indarello's mod because it cuts out 50% of the clutter and pastes the rest together to make hands off animation XMLs.. Leitos have about 1/2 of his animations doing that with cum, before anyone else thought it was possible.. I think I told you way back when to do your own thing and not be reliant on what is in vogue now or offers the latest, shiny new tech toy. You talked back then of having your own infrastructure free from AAF. If you can find a way to get a reasonable amount of animations to work without AAF, go do it..Sitting around waiting on every AAF update to see if the latest framework add on will even work with our load orders has become a pain and there are too many booster boys for AAF that will always demand more from you. Limit the sex animation choices, give us a great adventure, have everything work without issues and that would be enough for most...

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Got a question for the gay guys.


Ulfbearth just leaves all the Leito animations in his XML set including the anatomically impossible ones and the ones with obvious dick clipping like Cowgirl 1 and 4 and Missionary 1. Does anybody care if I take those out of my own MM set? I'm on the fence about Carry 1 and 2 as it's quite anatomically possible, and though the dick of the reciever clips badly you can't really see that so I'd be inclined to leave those in myself... but I can get a little obsessive about such things.

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Frameworks are a great idea.... if they were maintained, reliable and had open development - like a normal project. I.e we would have open "scoping" to see what what is desired, then what is deliverable, and then the budget and other restrictions. The meeting point of these three is basically what happens on a project (+the personality of the Project leader). Frameworks do not do this here. They also fail on the rule of 2 of 3 - money, time or people, pick 2 and you can have a successful project. Here, we have barely any people, trading on time and no money. So... 1 of 3. 


Please continue with your mod, and don't be too reliant on frameworks built on such rickerty foundations. 

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46 minutes ago, blahblahblah98 said:

Frameworks are a great idea.... if they were maintained, reliable and had open development - like a normal project. I.e we would have open "scoping" to see what what is desired, then what is deliverable, and then the budget and other restrictions. The meeting point of these three is basically what happens on a project (+the personality of the Project leader). Frameworks do not do this here. They also fail on the rule of 2 of 3 - money, time or people, pick 2 and you can have a successful project. Here, we have barely any people, trading on time and no money. So... 1 of 3. 


Please continue with your mod, and don't be too reliant on frameworks built on such rickerty foundations. 

There's nothing wrong with the framework per se, AAF itself is a very solid foundation, it's the layer of the animation packs where all the trouble comes in, everybody goes off and cowboys it, leaving the end modders to deal with the fallout. There's a reason why when I started designing this mod I made it only need Leito (mostly) Even that was a bumpy road and I ended up needing to release my own Leito XMLs.


The fact is most modders don't attempt anything too fancy so it generally doesn't affect em that much. It's my own fault for doing things my own way, but at the same time people seem to like it, and I like it so I'll move forward for now.



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I seem to have come up with a curious issue. After temporarily disabling the mod to test another and upgrading to the latest version. I'm unable to change the values in the configuration menu (and the item to change it does not appear in the item list). Other mods can be changed in the MCM without any issues. And yes, I've tried to go back to the previous version of the mod, reinstall the mod (but not all the others), but the issue still persists.


Is there a way to manually set the values in a text editor? If yes, which file to change, and what values to set? Or are there better ways to solve the issue?

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4 hours ago, Smertj said:

I seem to have come up with a curious issue. After temporarily disabling the mod to test another and upgrading to the latest version. I'm unable to change the values in the configuration menu (and the item to change it does not appear in the item list). Other mods can be changed in the MCM without any issues. And yes, I've tried to go back to the previous version of the mod, reinstall the mod (but not all the others), but the issue still persists.


Is there a way to manually set the values in a text editor? If yes, which file to change, and what values to set? Or are there better ways to solve the issue?

You most likely disabled or moved real handcuffs. That will cause the main script not to run... Though... if it was an existing save I dunno why this would make the item go away. If it was a new save the script not running will not give you the item. If not real Handcuffs I'd re-download and reinstall Hardship.

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17 hours ago, Tentacus said:

You most likely disabled or moved real handcuffs. That will cause the main script not to run... Though... if it was an existing save I dunno why this would make the item go away. If it was a new save the script not running will not give you the item. If not real Handcuffs I'd re-download and reinstall Hardship.

Yes, my apologies for wasting your time with such a trivial issue. Thanks.

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Tentacus, I just wanted to write you a message to say how much we all appreciate the massive mountain of work you have done and are doing on Hardship. I really think it will go down in history as one of the most impressive mods of all time. I can well imagine people will be playing fallout 4 in many years to come just because of your mod.  I feel like on the many many pages of this thread there are loads of tech support posts but frankly not enough just saying a) wow, man and b) thank you. When 1.6 comes out it will potentially be the greatest fallout 4 mod of all time. And that's if 1.5 isn't already, which it may in fact be. 


Your work is very appreciated and you're a flippin' genius. 

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4 hours ago, FalloutFallen said:

Tentacus, I just wanted to write you a message to say how much we all appreciate the massive mountain of work you have done and are doing on Hardship. I really think it will go down in history as one of the most impressive mods of all time. I can well imagine people will be playing fallout 4 in many years to come just because of your mod.  I feel like on the many many pages of this thread there are loads of tech support posts but frankly not enough just saying a) wow, man and b) thank you. When 1.6 comes out it will potentially be the greatest fallout 4 mod of all time. And that's if 1.5 isn't already, which it may in fact be. 


Your work is very appreciated and you're a flippin' genius. 

Don't go givin' me a big head. ?  Thanks :)

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On 8/4/2020 at 3:06 PM, Tentacus said:

It's also busted and doesn't work right. At least last I checked. It doesn't show the players dialogue. Also the last thing I need is another requirement. 

Trust me, I'd love to not have to process thousands of lines of silent voice dialogue which is a chore even with the great silent voice app. Anyway I used to play without subs too, now I don't notice that shit at all, Then again when I play 90% of it is Hardship and solitary survival.


Edit: Just looked at mod page in bug section bug still exists so yeah... sorry.



In an idle moment I had another poke at this (as you do). This is probably totally useless information but from doing some empirical testing without F4z it appears that NPC dialogue is delivered by the Dialogue Subtitles whereas the pc appears to be displayed via the General Subtitles.


This I suspect is the problem with F4z in that it only picks up the Dialogue output so the pc speech isn't seen (though FDI does correctly show the pc dialogue responses). So for example the when approaching a client if F4z is used the pc speech about being embarrassed etc is missing, but the FDI (and I would assume that XDI) dialogue options are shown.


Hope that makes sense, it's academic of course but I suspect that's why F4z doesn't work correctly

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I updated the installation guide with important information:


13. OPTIONAL -- For Gay (MM) Sex and Creature support: (UAP) Ulfberth's AAF Patch 2.5.30 Fix1 or higher  or  For Creature support without gay sex: AAF Creature Resources 1.1.3 or higher -- VERSION IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Unfortunately as of his latest version UAP is no longer compatible with Hardship. Because of this, Staged Leito Plus now supports gay animations... for Leito... Yeah it super sucks. I am going to attempt to update Hardship 1.5.9 so you can at least have UAP installed (Minus the Leito XMLs) With Hardship, and still have support for animation packs other than Leito, but until I can do that UAP will BREAK Hardship. 


14. Staged Leito Plus Erection Fix 1.0.4 or above (Now supports Gay positions)


The next thing I will do is work on a 1.5.9 update to block non-Leito animations and use my own XMLs to play them. This is a pre-emptive measure since Ulfbearth said Savage Cabbage is gonna do the same tree crap and also break his anims for Hardship. (Cuz the tech is neat I guess) This should mean that Gay users can at least have UAP installed for the other packs in other mods as long as they don't install the Leito XMLs, and use SLP for Leito... But until then, the latest UAP is INCOMPATIBLE with Hardship.


If you have a working Hardship install with UAP, I suggest you just don't upgrade to the new UAP until I can update Hardship, which may be a while as I gotta make several XMLs even if I am only going to do a curated version of SC and BP70.


And then... if I don't jump off a cliff... MAYBE I can work on 1.6 again.

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15 hours ago, Tentacus said:



I updated the installation guide with important information:


13. OPTIONAL -- For Gay (MM) Sex and Creature support: (UAP) Ulfberth's AAF Patch 2.5.30 Fix1 or higher  or  For Creature support without gay sex: AAF Creature Resources 1.1.3 or higher -- VERSION IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Unfortunately as of his latest version UAP is no longer compatible with Hardship. Because of this, Staged Leito Plus now supports gay animations... for Leito... Yeah it super sucks. I am going to attempt to update Hardship 1.5.9 so you can at least have UAP installed (Minus the Leito XMLs) With Hardship, and still have support for animation packs other than Leito, but until I can do that UAP will BREAK Hardship. 


14. Staged Leito Plus Erection Fix 1.0.4 or above (Now supports Gay positions)


The next thing I will do is work on a 1.5.9 update to block non-Leito animations and use my own XMLs to play them. This is a pre-emptive measure since Ulfbearth said Savage Cabbage is gonna do the same tree crap and also break his anims for Hardship. (Cuz the tech is neat I guess) This should mean that Gay users can at least have UAP installed for the other packs in other mods as long as they don't install the Leito XMLs, and use SLP for Leito... But until then, the latest UAP is INCOMPATIBLE with Hardship.


If you have a working Hardship install with UAP, I suggest you just don't upgrade to the new UAP until I can update Hardship, which may be a while as I gotta make several XMLs even if I am only going to do a curated version of SC and BP70.


And then... if I don't jump off a cliff... MAYBE I can work on 1.6 again.

Hello Tentacus.


Do you mean Ulfbearths UAP from Loverslab (Ulfberth's_AAF_Patch_v2.5.30_Fix1.7z) or the "expanded" Github version? I use UAP v2.5.30_Fix1.7 since a while with hardship without any problems. Sometimes are the cocks flaccid in the animations, specially in SavageCabbages, but nothing serious.

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1 hour ago, juste95 said:

Hello Tentacus.


Do you mean Ulfbearths UAP from Loverslab (Ulfberth's_AAF_Patch_v2.5.30_Fix1.7z) or the "expanded" Github version? I use UAP v2.5.30_Fix1.7 since a while with hardship without any problems. Sometimes are the cocks flaccid in the animations, specially in SavageCabbages, but nothing serious.

It's the Github version that's the problem, v2.50_Fix1 is fine, I'm using it myself.


EDIT - v1.04 of the Staged Leito Erection Fix will not work with UAP, v1.03 does though

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Just starting this mod with some general questions.

I am guessing this works best for a new game?

I am using Start Me Up..Can I use alternate start option or should I go through the normal Vault 111 scenario?

I want the cum effect for sex..Is there a compatible mod for that?

Is there a Staged Leitos mod setting that skips any of his aggressive animations. I prefer the staged ones only..

Vortex has suggested load order. I want to clear its decisions with you?

     Hardship loaded before Staged Leitos?

     Leito before AAF Creature Resources?

     Staged Leitos after AAF Creature Resources?

I imagine this mod is best if we ignore settlement building, questing, taking faction sides?

Thanks, so far, everything works.....Just want to make sure I maximize the experience..


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1 hour ago, juste95 said:

Hello Tentacus.


Do you mean Ulfbearths UAP from Loverslab (Ulfberth's_AAF_Patch_v2.5.30_Fix1.7z) or the "expanded" Github version? I use UAP v2.5.30_Fix1.7 since a while with hardship without any problems. Sometimes are the cocks flaccid in the animations, specially in SavageCabbages, but nothing serious.

I am not sure which version he added the branching stuff and MF XMLs to. That's why I said "next" version in my post to hedge my bets. If it works without problems and the timing of mid scene events doesn't get broken you are fine just don't update.

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1 hour ago, maddadicusrex said:

Just starting this mod with some general questions.

Uh... Haven't you been around since the pre-release thread?



I am guessing this works best for a new game?



I am using Start Me Up..Can I use alternate start option or should I go through the normal Vault 111 scenario?

I shouldn't matter but it is best to add this mod after the vault/Alternate start.


I want the cum effect for sex..Is there a compatible mod for that?

Yes there is an option in the installer to add the tags for the scripted cum mod. Sorry I don't remember what it's called.


Is there a Staged Leitos mod setting that skips any of his aggressive animations. I prefer the staged ones only..

Nope, though they only really play for rape for the most part.


Vortex has suggested load order. I want to clear its decisions with you?

     Hardship loaded before Staged Leitos?

     Leito before AAF Creature Resources?

     Staged Leitos after AAF Creature Resources?

Follow the Hardship installation guide order


I imagine this mod is best if we ignore settlement building, questing, taking faction sides?

Thanks, so far, everything works.....Just want to make sure I maximize the experience..

It's pretty agnostic to that stuff and supports many different kinds of playthroughs you can do the whole game as a virgin panhandler if you want.  That said I do think it's kinda best if you play it as it's own game. It also works really well along side my mod: DLYH -- light alternate start --

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2 hours ago, Slorm said:

It's the Github version that's the problem, v2.50_Fix1 is fine, I'm using it myself.


EDIT - v1.04 of the Staged Leito Erection Fix will not work with UAP, v1.03 does though

Yes don't update SLP if you still have the working UAP. That's why I left 1.0.3 up.  Though technically it should work if you just don't install my M-M XMLsNo I was wrong.


If you want to try my M-M XMLs though and still use UAP v2.50_Fix1, you can simply not install Ulf's Leito XMLs. Then they can both be installed and work with Hardship. There are some advantages to them, like the fact that I took out "pussy rubbing" stages where possible. (Had to leave it in for the Canine missionary, but it didn't look too bad anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Tentacus said:

Uh... Haven't you been around since the pre-release thread?



I shouldn't matter but it is best to add this mod after the vault/Alternate start.

Yes there is an option in the installer to add the tags for the scripted cum mod. Sorry I don't remember what it's called.

Nope, though they only really play for rape for the most part.

Follow the Hardship installation guide order

It's pretty agnostic to that stuff and supports many different kinds of playthroughs you can do the whole game as a virgin panhandler if you want.  That said I do think it's kinda best if you play it as it's own game. It also works really well along side my mod: DLYH -- light alternate start --

Yeah, I was around at the beginning, but had a short attention span then. ..............What were we just talking about?:wink:

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5 hours ago, Tentacus said:

It's pretty agnostic to that stuff and supports many different kinds of playthroughs you can do the whole game as a virgin panhandler if you want.  That said I do think it's kinda best if you play it as it's own game. It also works really well along side my mod: DLYH -- light alternate start --

Warning - Roleplay OCD (or overthinking) attack :classic_smile:


I've been kicking this one around in my head for a while now from a roleplay point of view.


Outside of using DLYH so that you need to earn caps to equip at the beginning of the game, it begs the question as to why would anyone sell themselves into the sex trade for no real reason if you're in the later stages of a game. As much as I like the lovely Isabel, in RP terms I would be more interested in finding my son (yeah it's a crap but integral storyline compared to Skyrim) rather than deliberately becoming a whore if I didn't need the caps.


I did experiment using Violate to deliberately lose my stuff to a couple of Raider Scavvers and it was a real git getting it back but not impossible as there's plenty of stuff lying around to get a basic set of equipment (even though one of the bastards kept using my own Stimpaks which made it harder). I was hoping it would force a way to have to earn caps and it would have worked in my first play through I suspect, when it was all seemed much harder.


So it leaves either some form of blackmail or obligation. In Skyrim I roleplay this as having to earn the cost of my rescue to an Innkeeper (500 Septims+ for each occurrence) if I lose a fight and DCL teleports me out, but Radiant Prostitution is nowhere near as advanced as Hardship having no pimps. In Hardship there is a lengthy relationship formed even using the buyout option so the pc would need to be pretty desperate to sell themselves.


One obvious way would need some extra hooks into the story so that it might seem the pimps know some information about the missing kid which they'll only divulge in return for "services" the other is some sort of debt repayment.


Dunno, I'll kick it around some more. I've done some basic mods for Skyrim but this may be well beyond me, but I'll see if I can figure something out that's simple


\end OCD attack LOL


EDIT: Hmm, simplest way might be an NPC in Diamond City (like Maul in Riften) to point the way. That would only need the NPC and some extra dialogue



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