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I'm going to add a further update on (possibly) using SexLabUtil for buffing/debuffing males or NPCs after sex events. It may be true that this utilities own built in "effect" functions are extremely limited, however at first glance I overlooked the fact that it can also link directly to Skyrim's own spells, or link to any to other mods spells or effects as well. So I do think that I will be able to accomplish most of what I wanted to do here. It's just going to take some work. Namely, simply being able to give all characters who have had sex - but most importantly my male PC and his 2 followers - a few well chosen buffs afterwards. And without them necessarily being married (as with 'Lover's Comfort'). As far as giving debuffs, though, say for letting arousal  get too high without it being satisfied, I'm not immediately seeing any way to do that with SLU. And I likely won't have the programming skills needed to write my own custom triggers. But we'll see...


Anyone who's interested in this should definitely check out the readme file included with the SLU download, and not just go by the mods description page. And good luck Lupine with 'Disparity'. I do think it would be great if you could eventually expand it to work with males and NPCs. I really did think that your mod was going to do exactly what I was hoping for until I ran into the females only problem. And in fact, I bet it would be a lot easier work adding this extra functionality than what you have accomplished already. Because you could forget about all that fancy body morphing stuff that females can do, and just work with the base games effects and perhaps relationship values for male PCs and for NPC followers.

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8 minutes ago, Pynda said:

And in fact, I bet it would be a lot easier work adding this extra functionality than what you have accomplished already. Because you could forget about all that fancy body morphing stuff that females can do, and just work with the base games effects and perhaps relationship values for male PCs and for NPC followers.

What base game effects are you interested in?

Other than arousal and time since last orgasm? (Technically not base game effects)


In terms of buffs from sex, would the existing time since last orgasm suffice?

Presumably, sex without orgasms is more frustrating than satisfying?



SLU does quite a few things. There's no reason not to combine it with SLD, unless of course your character is male :) 


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I've just been a little frustrated that I wasn't able to find a mod that featured the mechanics to add a few simple positive buffs to character(s) after having sex. I did on the other hand find a couple that implemented motivations for not having sex through doling out debuffs - from possibly acquiring diseases, and through soreness and injury resulting from having sex, for instance - but what the heck fun is that?


Anyway, I'm just going to try and write a simple bit of code in SexLabUtil that will give my PC and his partners something like Lesser Ward (+40 armor), and the base games most minor buffs to Stamina, Health, and Magicka for a day. Plus perhaps give my PC a weakened form of Lover's Comfort (because I actually think that the default LC is a little on the overpowered side). But on the on the hand, I do think someone with better skills than me could take this further. Say by giving debuffs for picking the wrong partner, or giving better buffs for having better sex skills/success etc.. However that's all beyond me. And I''m actually just looking forward to finally getting on with playing Skyrim again - although vastly modded this time - after spending all these years away.


Edit: And I am going to be playing the game with Frostfall installed this time. So maybe my characters should get warmed up a little by humping in their tent at night. That might be possible, hehe.

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4 hours ago, Pynda said:

I've just been a little frustrated that I wasn't able to find a mod that featured the mechanics to add a few simple positive buffs to character(s) after having sex. I did on the other hand find a couple that implemented motivations for not having sex through doling out debuffs - from possibly acquiring diseases, and through soreness and injury resulting from having sex, for instance - but what the heck fun is that?

Chastity belts are the most amusing mechanic in Skyrim.


You spend hours installing a stack of mods to add sex to your game, add hundreds of animations for it, then prohibit it from actually occurring :) 

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4 hours ago, Pynda said:

Edit: And I am going to be playing the game with Frostfall installed this time. So maybe my characters should get warmed up a little by humping in their tent at night. That might be possible, hehe.

Sexlab Survival allows you to gain warmth from sex. Probably doesn't work for males though...

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On 4/6/2019 at 5:50 PM, Lupine00 said:

SexLabUtil1 does a lot of things, but it doesn't have that much overlap with SLD.


I think the motivation to install it is often because you want one particular thing it can do.


If people want to list what they use SLU1 for, I'm curious to hear about it, as some of those things might work well as SLD events.

I personally just use it for either equipping gear either before or after sex, and post sex actions. Like having my pc consume a 'semen' potion after oral sex, or enabling buffs. I even use SLU1 for a light weight prostitution mod, having it 'pay' my pc after certain types of sex. Not sure where you're going with SLD events, but some of that could/would work well with SLD in my opinion. Certainly the buffs part, and I think that's a pretty common use of SLU1.

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7 hours ago, Xiaron said:

I personally just use it for either equipping gear either before or after sex, and post sex actions. Like having my pc consume a 'semen' potion after oral sex, or enabling buffs. I even use SLU1 for a light weight prostitution mod, having it 'pay' my pc after certain types of sex. Not sure where you're going with SLD events, but some of that could/would work well with SLD in my opinion. Certainly the buffs part, and I think that's a pretty common use of SLU1.

Totally OT, but SL survival does a great job on "cum after oral". If it's consensual you can chose to spit or swallow, for rape you're always forced to swallow and with RND you can become glutted on come. On the other hand you can offer blowjobs if you're really hungry...

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12 hours ago, Nazzzgul666 said:

SL survival does a great job on "cum after oral".

It does a job, but it's not great. Hit and miss would better describe it.

As Monoman himself attests, a lot of animations do not open the mouth, and thus no swallowing can occur.

I feel he shouldn't have imposed that restriction, or at least let the Oral tag override it for MF animations.

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4 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

It does a job, but it's not great. Hit and miss would better describe it.

As Monoman himself attests, a lot of animations do not open the mouth, and thus no swallowing can occur.

I feel he shouldn't have imposed that restriction, or at least let the Oral tag override it for MF animations.

True, allowing oral would have been good but i've added blowjob tag on many animations via SLATE (starting with all that have "oral" except FF and adding all that have >1 male, with few exceptions) and now it seems fine. Using SLSO the point where NPCs cum is more or less random anyways, so it fits quite often.

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Random Request:

Is it possible for specific sexlab tags to be used to trigger debuffs? Like, anal, vaginal, oral?

Like, since you already have "x hours since was raped" ("was a victim") perhaps something similar? Maybe the player character REALLY hates anal or something, or hates sucking, but likes fucking. Etcetera. Just a random idea.


Edit: WOW my use of quotation marks, etc., was bad. I was tired.

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11 hours ago, Yuni said:

Is it possible for specific sexlab tags to be used to trigger debuffs? Like, anal, vaginal, oral?

That is a great idea!


I'm super slack at getting this stuff done, but it's exactly the sort of thing that could be done - and has no performance cost around it because it's tested once per animation setup.

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5 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

That is a great idea!


I'm super slack at getting this stuff done, but it's exactly the sort of thing that could be done - and has no performance cost around it because it's tested once per animation setup.


I came up with something good for once! Even a stopped clock is right twice a day~
But on a more serious note, good tags to offer could include:
Anal, vaginal, oral, cunnilingus, blowjob, spanking, bondage ... and probably more I can't think of. Anything a person might "react to" strongly. Foot stuff? Who knows.

Either way, I still really love this mod. :3

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18 hours ago, Yuni said:

Anal, vaginal, oral, cunnilingus, blowjob, spanking, bondage

Yes. And sure, feet. Somebody must like the foot stuff...


But, you should be warned that many animations that demonstrate these acts lack the proper keywords, so you might need to edit your animations to add them in some cases.


I really wish that animations were more richly tagged in general. Some creators are very sparing with them, and it makes selecting them by tag, rather tricky.

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

But, you should be warned that many animations that demonstrate these acts lack the proper keywords, so you might need to edit your animations to add them in some cases.

Oh I know. I'm used to poking around in the json files for my SLAL packs when I need to. I learned to do that when I started installing Funnybizness' packs. :) Also while working with CPU on Scent of Sex.

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On 3/20/2019 at 9:35 AM, Lupine00 said:

It didn't occur to me that SE would have different NiOverride to LE. If the files are different names it's not going to work, because they're globals, and the script name needs to match.

Ok, very silly question incoming, but is there a chance your mod could work on SE anyway if the version check was removed?


I know next to nothing about these things, and I certainly don't know the inner workings of your mod. But a couple of other LE mods that I've tried with an nioverride dependency (Monoman1's Cum Overlays tweak, for example) are basically compatible with SE straight out of the box, using the newest version of racemenu. I'd really love to try it - with ABBA, SGO 4, Fertility Mode and Bodybuilders, your mod would be just perfect.


No stress if what I'm saying is as dumb as it sounds. But if there's any quick-fix solution that might put SL Disparity on SE, I'd be very pleased to beta test it.

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The papyrus scripts for NiOverride SE are the same as the ones for NiOverride LE, the issue is that the .dll plugin is named differently (skee.dll instead of NiOverride.dll - it's a combination of both NiOverride and CharGen Extension, hence the different name). To get SLD working with SE, all you should need to do is change the following line in _fwb_modifiers.psc

Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION


Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION

and recompile.

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2 hours ago, Lugubrious0ne said:

No stress if what I'm saying is as dumb as it sounds. But if there's any quick-fix solution that might put SL Disparity on SE, I'd be very pleased to beta test it.

Well... I thought it would be compatible, as you say.


But apparently, it's not. Somebody tried and had problems with variant ESP names and script file names... Apparently...


I haven't looked at it at all, so I can't say one way or the other. I can't develop for SE right now, so even if I wanted, I can't investigate it.

I own a copy of SE, but it's not installed on any of my computers at the moment. My development computer is so short of disc it's crazy, so I cannot install or run SE on it.

Setting it up on my main gaming computer might be feasible, but still a lot of work to get a functional development environment that I'd never use for play.

If you want to fix it and make an SE version, that's fine. I'll even post it here.


But I can't even look into it right now.

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14 hours ago, Fish0 said:

The papyrus scripts for NiOverride SE are the same as the ones for NiOverride LE, the issue is that the .dll plugin is named differently (skee.dll instead of NiOverride.dll - it's a combination of both NiOverride and CharGen Extension, hence the different name). To get SLD working with SE, all you should need to do is change the following line in _fwb_modifiers.psc

Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION


Return SKSE.GetPluginVersion("skee") >= NIOVERRIDE_VERSION

and recompile.

Had a crack at it, can't recompile the script - creation kit throws me this warning "BSString::Set(): Could not allocate full amount of memory asked for with aiMaxLen.", and then a bunch of errors in the log. Bear in mind I know absolutely nothing of these things, so there may be an extremely easy workaround.


But so many hundreds of hours have taught me that it's worth enjoying the fun and stable load order that I have instead of stressing out trying to reinvent the wheel over one single mod. 2300 hours played, never got past the Thalmor Embassy btw. ?


Ah well.




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On 4/14/2019 at 5:42 AM, Lugubrious0ne said:

Had a crack at it, can't recompile the script - creation kit throws me this warning "BSString::Set(): Could not allocate full amount of memory asked for with aiMaxLen.", and then a bunch of errors in the log. Bear in mind I know absolutely nothing of these things, so there may be an extremely easy workaround.

Sounds like you're missing something like the correct version of Papyrus util, or something like that.

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On 11/22/2018 at 2:28 PM, Lupine00 said:

Note for MO users: if updating an existing game, make sure you don't change the position of SLD (or any other mods) in your load order. The easy way to ensure this is to install the new SLD version as a new mod, and only after that is enabled and positioned in your left pane, disable and remove the old mod. That way, MO will retain the load order without modification. Do not disable the old mod, then install the new one, as this will put the SLD ESP at the end of the load order, which is probably not what you want ... unless that's where it was to begin with.

This recommendation has any technical support?

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20 hours ago, GenioMaestro said:

This recommendation has any technical support?

Not sure what you mean.


It's a basic rule that will save you a lot of trouble.


If you think you understand the ramifications of swapping items in your LO, which may (just as a single example) cause a property in a VMAD to be left unchanged, while a state in underlying ESP appears to change due to an overwrite change - feel free to mess around - it's your game.

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3 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

Not sure what you mean.


It's a basic rule that will save you a lot of trouble.


If you think you understand the ramifications of swapping items in your LO, which may (just as a single example) cause a property in a VMAD to be left unchanged, while a state in underlying ESP appears to change due to an overwrite change - feel free to mess around - it's your game.

I mean that your mod SexLab Disparity can NOT be broken when move it in the load order in any way.

None mod is broken when the load order is changed. The game not show any warning when the load order is changed because the game can change the load order in any moment whitout any problem.



That rule has nothing basic. Is an invention from people that not know what are saying. Is not supported by any technical data and none web page say nothing similar. Everyday a lot of persons run LOOT for change the load order and that not break the mods or the game or the savegame.



Another diferent things are the VMAD records and seems that you do not know what they do and how the game process it. You must read the documentation and make your own test for learn WHY we need a clean save.



Changing Masterfile Value

If you have an existing property and change its value in the masterfile, the script will only receive the new value if it doesn't exist in the save. In other words - changing the value will not overwrite the value it has in the save game.

That mean that if the savegame have stored the value of the property the game read it from the savegame.

Only the new instances of the scripts get the new value from the ESP. If the script is already instantiated the value of the properties come from the savegame. That is by desing and have very good motives.

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4 hours ago, GenioMaestro said:

The game not show any warning when the load order is changed because the game can change the load order in any moment whitout any problem.

I would hesitate to use this argument. It's like saying that unless the game gives you a warning, it can do no harm. That would assume the game has warning system for all possible things that could negatively impact it's functionality and I seriously doubt that.


But so that I'm not completely off topic...

@Lupine00, I was reading through the description and this line got me curious - "Masturbation, rapes and orgies as events".


Does that mean that your mod can use these events or that it provides them?

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23 hours ago, GenioMaestro said:

That rule has nothing basic. Is an invention from people that not know what are saying. Is not supported by any technical data and none web page say nothing similar. Everyday a lot of persons run LOOT for change the load order and that not break the mods or the game or the savegame.


I'm not responding to any more of your posts. This is simply wrong. Has zero foundation. You just made it up.

It's trolling, basically. Please stop. I won't feed the trolls any further.

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

I'm not responding to any more of your posts. This is simply wrong. Has zero foundation. You just made it up.

It's trolling, basically. Please stop. I won't feed the trolls any further.

Oh, come on, he's fun. He's willfully, almost militantly, about six miles away from the point, presenting supposition and out-of-context information as evidence of his baseless, overwhemingly disproven hypothesis. A lone, brave voice of deliberate ignorance railing against a sea of sanity, reason, and concrete, endlessly reproduceable results based on established fact, information, and controlled experimentation.


It's like watching one of those Flat-Earth YouTube videos: you chuckle, shake your head, and quietly hope they're not on the same commuter route as you.


But I get it; it's a fruitless argument pulling the thread wildly off-topic for no reason.


@GenioMaestro: if you truly have evidence, documentation, and information that contradicts the established, accepted "don't change load order mid-playthrough" dictum, I'd strongly recommend you start your own thread.  The impact of such a discovery would spread far beyond just the users of SLD; since this is the normal recommended practice throughout the entire Skyrim/Fallout modding community, and has been for years. If you've truly found a way to swap script-heavy mods (or any mods, really) in and out mid-playthrough with no adverse effects to mod or vanilla functionality, literally EVERYONE needs to hear it, not just the handful in here.

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