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10 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I could. I mean I don't think it'd be a big deal for me but I'll just say that having a lot of followers hits performance a fair bit in my experience.

Yeah, more followers definitely does wreck performance. Doesn't stop me from taking a lot sometimes, and I have a habit of parking active followers in places for various things, so I do generally hit a higher count. I would definitely appreciate it if you could get it to 10. ?


Looking forward to testing the beta in a little bit!

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10 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

You've probably got something else modifying carry weight?

Try disabling the carry weight function in SLS misogyny menu. 

speedmult is 50.  Does that mean the minimum speed setting is working?  It's weird, goes straight from not being able to walk to running.


Given the weird bugginess in the circle i'm wondering if there's something more broken in the game... or maybe it's because I've added a few mods like slaverun

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Any chance you can make a SFW version of the city game toll system?

I tried this mod called Immersive City Gates, which adds taxes before entrance, but it's kinda buggy and the execution is rather poor compared to how it works in this mod.

Ideally just strip the mod of sex related stuff and keep the taxation + guard lookout framework.

Somebody in that mod's thread also suggested racial discrimination which could fit both a SFW and NSFW version.

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5 hours ago, 7osisg4d said:

speedmult is 50.  Does that mean the minimum speed setting is working?  It's weird, goes straight from not being able to walk to running.


Given the weird bugginess in the circle i'm wondering if there's something more broken in the game... or maybe it's because I've added a few mods like slaverun

It probably means it is working SLS doesn't recheck the characters stats all that often, so the sudden change is probably just that. The issue with reduced speedmult and being encumbered is a longstanding issue with mods that play with speedmult, and the idea that you should be able to move (albeit slowly) while encumbered, if we were in Morrowind that wouldn't be a discussion since encumbered in Morrowind meant no movement whatsoever, in return you had spells and enchantments to increase carrying capacity, reduce the weight of what you were carrying, or even to teleport to shrines/temples/a marked location; and the ability to make custom enchantments and spells using any spell effects that you knew, but I am going to leave that there, don't want to start a fight about versions of Elder Scrolls, things I prefered about Morrowind have just been on my mind recently.



However, I have had some some issues with the min speedmult setting itself, particularly if paired with another mod that tries to force a specific speed mult on the player that is lower than the MinAV from SLS (Devious Body Alteration for example).

Say DBA is trying to force you to 25 while SLS is trying to force you to at least 50 when they check your status they will alter their magnitude to force you to their value,

what would happen is

  • DBA reduces speed mult by 75 dropping you to 25
  • SLS adds 25 boosting you to 50
  • DBA scans and sees you are at 50 but wants you at 25 so it drops you by another 25 for a total drop of 100 points
  • SLS checks again and sees you at 25 again so boosts you another 25 for a total boost of 50 points
  • this cycle repeats endlessly unless DBA stops trying to change your speedmult, then SLS gets its full unaltered speedmult boost to apply, potentially changing your speed mult by several thousand points, making you move so quickly that you could break the game, at least until it realises it can reset to a normal value
  • I turned off min AV in SLS and altered the DBA script so it no longer forces you to the desired speed but rather just reduces you by the desired amount assuming you were at 100 when it started, and havent had the either unable to move or running issue since, instead i just occasionally get slowed down so much I can't move, I could probably enable minAV in SLS again, but I can generally deal with the slowdown in other ways.



I don't think this is even related to the problem with the Circle NPCs though, I doubt minAV apples to them at all. And it may be something else screwing with scenes.

Do other scenes in Whiterun work properly in your game? such as Adrianne's scene at the entrance to Whiterun. I don't know if I have done the companions quests with Slaverun installed specifically, so I can't say if it is the culprit with any certainty, and I think I am still a ways from the scene in question, having only just finished the scene after returning with the first Fragment of Wuuthrad in my most recently playthrough, though it seemed to work without any issues.


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12 hours ago, 7osisg4d said:

speedmult is 50.  Does that mean the minimum speed setting is working?  It's weird, goes straight from not being able to walk to running.

Probably. But this is because minav doesn't update constantly. I didn't want to run constant updates and capturing when your AVs change via events doesn't always work. 

MinAv will run a refresh when:

1. you equip something. I just hotkey a torch and equip it and put it away quickly. 

2. you 'sheathe' your weapons.


Minav also turns itself off if you're wearing a hobbleskirt as it fights DDs for control. Just got a hobbleskirt thrown on my PC myself way out at the wreck of the brinehammer. Would have taken about 3.5 real years to reach the nearest town at the speed I was given. Went straight to the DFC menu and removed that bastard. 

MinAv is far from perfect but it's better than the alternative. 


12 hours ago, 7osisg4d said:

Given the weird bugginess in the circle i'm wondering if there's something more broken in the game... or maybe it's because I've added a few mods like slaverun

Stuck scenes aren't anything new to skyrim. Generally I find when they bug out you either need to reload a save before they started or even worse try to use console commands to forward things on.

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19 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Added an out of breath animation when the bikini curse is active. Needs Devious Devices.

This feature is really buggy in many ways, it interferes with combat by locking the character in the neutral out-of-combat position stance and remains like that until you re-equip a weapon slot, out of combat you can stop it by simply jumping, and it also triggers on sexlab animations where the pc start the out of breath animation and then just stand idle for the rest of the scene.

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18 minutes ago, icecreamgod said:

This feature is really buggy in many ways, it interferes with combat by locking the character in the neutral out-of-combat position stance and remains like that until you re-equip a weapon slot, out of combat you can stop it by simply jumping, and it also triggers on sexlab animations where the pc start the out of breath animation and then just stand idle for the rest of the scene.

I didn't imagine anyone would continue while the effect is active. It's intended as a general annoyance so you'd comply with the bikini curse - either put on something slutty or go naked. 


There are a good few checks before animating.

If akTarget.IsInFaction(SexLabAnimatingFaction) || akTarget.GetSitState() != 0 || akTarget.IsInFaction(Init.zbfFactionAnimating) || akTarget.IsOnMount() || akTarget.IsSwimming() || akTarget.GetCurrentScene() != None


During sex shouldn't happen. But I'll see about adding a check for in combat or weapons drawn. 

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Since your mod is Slaverun aware and maybe also aware if the character is a slave....

and you are working on the kennels.... 



if the character is a slave (slaverun), and the place is under slave rules, the character can't own property (in the town), and can't marry (she is property), ..... so the kennels become forcibly the player "home" ?  Devious arrangement with the kennel keeper


btw, I too like the idea of the light circles appearing when the bikini curse is triggered but even more when you are under the no magic curse (haven't bought the license yet) and that would mark you as one of "those mages", subjecting you to even more harassement (even worse merchant prices, guards not lifting a finger if you are raped or mugged ect.)


meanwhile I have bikinized the whole skyrim, all the most common default armors are bikini, so "normal armors" are for males only. Is it possible to make the full armor license completely unavaiable like you can deselect the bikini one (currently i can place it only at an outrageous price, but I would like the effect... "women in full armor? Inconceavable!") ?   

btw I look forward if and when you or Lupine00 (DFC) make the the mods YPS aware, so you have to look pretty.




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32 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Ugh. Guess I need another slider :P

How is being naked dangerous for you? I might be interested in adding it to my game. 


Apart from the usual (massive increase in local arousals, more persistent approaches in SL Approach, triple value condition on Proximity rape, massive bartering debuff, loss of concentration due to covering up (and general nervousness) causing tripping, dropped weapons, and stumbles via SL disparity) 


My game also has a steep scale for armor value mitigation. NPCs and I all cap damage mitigation at 200 armor value (90% melee damage mitigation, don't worry armor doesn't last very long ?). All base AF has been removed but each article of clothing does add a small amount of protection (until it is destroyed which for clothes is pretty fast) even items without any armor factor. At 0% mitigation melee damage is pretty harsh. But you have to be wearing something to have any Armor value at all. So even some rags is something, not much but something.


The other thing is that I have no natural magicka regen, some form of boost is needed to regen magicka at all. This comes in the form of potions, and magically enchanted items. Often as a primary caster it is better to have a tunic on that sucks my stamina, but regens my mana.  

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9 hours ago, Corsayr said:

Often as a primary caster it is better to have a tunic on that sucks my stamina, but regens my mana. 

As an aside, that "unnecessary" mod, SLD can be used to make DDs into items like this.



14 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

But I'll see about adding a check for in combat or weapons drawn. 

I would have expected any 'idle' that involves standing still to check for combat.

OTOH, idles that are active - a trip, fall, collapse choking, or curl-up-into a ball and whimper - can be ok in combat as long as they are used appropriately.


I don't think DD will make you suddenly stop combat and start groping your boobs, but it can (of course) do it just as combat is about to begin, which has the same effect.


I guess a smart thing to do would be to make this sort of idle into a spell effect that runs its own (high frequency) update to check if combat has started, and if so, terminate the idle. At least, it's an option.

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10 minutes ago, Lupine00 said:

As an aside, that "unnecessary" mod, SLD can be used to make DDs into items like this

You need to get busy makin more triggers. ?


I now need hunger, sleepy, and thirsty (not that kind of thirsty, that kind is already available in SLD ?) as triggers


Cadillac feature for SLD, a script to scan active effects to make a drop down to select and add SLD events to the selected effect. ? If we could get that rolled out by next week, that'd great. (LE and SE rolled out btw)



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25 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

Cadillac feature for SLD, a script to scan active effects to make a drop down to select and add SLD events to the selected effect. ? If we could get that rolled out by next week, that'd great. (LE and SE rolled out btw)

This one, I don't even know how to do it!


If anyone can tell me how to iterate over all active effects, I'd be very excited about that.

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3 hours ago, Corsayr said:
4 hours ago, Lupine00 said:

This one, I don't even know how to do it!


If anyone can tell me how to iterate over all active effects, I'd be very excited about that.

@Blackbird Wanderer is the smartest person I know about that stuff, if they don't know, I wouldn't even begin to know who else to even ask. 

Need more info / better problem description.  What active effects are we talking about and on whom?

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1 hour ago, Blackbird Wanderer said:

Need more info / better problem description.  What active effects are we talking about and on whom?

hi ?


sexlab disparity allows you to apply various buffs or debuffs based on if the player has or is under certain conditions. right now the mod mostly works with a handful of predefined conditions like various levels of inflation, or is worn type condition. (eg high heels, or bare feet that sort of thing).


what i was asking was would it be possible to scan the pc to make a list of effects so one might be selected to be tracked without having to prebuild it into SLD.


like hunger, say you are using a needs mod, have it scan the PC, then the player identifies the condition from the list and  have SLD pull out some form id (or whatever the game uses to track it) so that SLD can then ALSO track it and assign buffs/debuffs when said condition is active.


that make sense?

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36 minutes ago, Corsayr said:

what i was asking was would it be possible to scan the pc to make a list of effects so one might be selected to be tracked without having to prebuild it into SLD.

I understood this.


The problem, as I understand it, and why I didn't do some of this already, is that I couldn't find any way to scan the list of effects on the player.


If anyone knows how to iterate over the player effects list, I'd love to know.

I suspect it's possible in a C++ plugin ... well technically it must be possible ... but how? I have no idea where to look for that data, or whether the necessary types were ever reverse-engineered into SKSE.


Maybe it's even possible in Papyrus, but I don't know how.


As @Monoman1 notes (and this came up before) MFG Console does it, in C++, but how?

There is no source for MFG Console, so the only benefit it offers is that reverse-engineering a small DLL is easier than trying to figure out all of Skyrim.

With the symbols from SKSE, it probably wouldn't be insurmountable, but it might be possible to find a way with just a little digging in SKSE.

I did look at this problem before, but I time-boxed it, and it ran out of time without generating any results.


It needs someone smarter! Or with more time. Or the MFG Console source.


In terms of getting a result in SLD, maybe it doesn't have to be so clever, if the player is a little smart ... but some players do already find SLD a little daunting.

I could use a JSON config to let the player specify known spells to look for. If I know the ID, I can try and obtain it specifically, which is possible in Papyrus.

Players could submit spells they want to detect, and I could add them into the JSON that ships out, and then adding limited support for all kinds of new mods would be much easier, and for players that want to mess about, they could add their own.

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A couple of small things I've noticed with ver. 602. One sometimes the gates lock from outside the towns, unless you choose the option to leave the gates unlocked. Also clothing license .. they do not always take your clothes if you don't have a license. I love this mod and really i can work around those things but thought I'd bring it to your attention.

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