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What are you doing right now in Skyrim (Screenshot required)

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Since we are all curious, the question is What are you doing right now in Skyrim?


Or if you are not playing in another window exactly right now: what was the last thing you did?

Nothing else, nothing from your archives, nothing from your folders, nothing from the day before, nothing old and rotten.

Only fresh stuff counts!


A screenshot is mandatory! :classic_biggrin: There's no fun without it!

And because we are all keen on gossip: we want the facts: Where when what.


The must:

  • your screenshot

  • What quest is shown in your picture

  • Who is in this picture

  • What are you doing


And if you like:

  • What date is it

  • Any rumors, gossip, you have a tale?

  • name a mod if it matters


Since we are here on LL, 18+ is allowedĀ  if it is related to the quest you are currently playing. But it is not necessary, we have already a thread for that.

I'll show you an example in my next post


Added rule for modders: A screenshot from your CK counts too. Do not feel segregated from the players. But be aware that you have to spoil what you are doing :classic_angel:

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Riften, Turdas 25th of Hearthfire 201

Balimund is about to get his firesalts for the quest "Stoking the flames"

I finally found the time to gather them and decided to collect his gratitude.




Gossip: maybe I take bit more advantage of his "friendship" :classic_wink:


PS: yes, I know. It's not the most exciting picture. But rules apply! Only the stuff you do right now! :classic_biggrin:... or the very last thing you did.

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Nothin' exciting or interestin', derpin' around Solitude wi' Erik the slayer was on me way to the museum but ended up stopping to fiddle wi' ENBs. Gave that Caffine a try out but ehhhh, not impressed, it ain't knocking snappy off my list yet :3




'pparently Erik is now a lover because SLEN said so, this mostly means he tries climb into my bed erry morning. I don't think he understands the hell a friendzone is.

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9 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

That's neither a quest from Skyrim nor the CK.


"What are you doing right now in Skyrim?"

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Two Elves (lvl 9 on entry -> lvl 18 now) just made it out of Bleak Falls Barrow after 2 1/2 Days (or more, everthing has respawned already).

Now they just stare traumatized into Riverwood, after their first adventure... an adventure that was realy messed up.

Close to all equipment lost, all gold lost, one still wearing a petcollar... and both realy need a bath, but even the soap is lost :open_mouth:

Fighting started realy easy and at the beginning they felt like their paragon Legolas!

But than shit hit the fan pretty quick and everything escalated into a mess the creator of "Sexist Guards" can only dream off :neutral:

And me the user had to watch it all, how do i get those pictures out of my head :confounded:

Turns out they underestimated the effect of YASH2 + Hateful Wenches + Rubber Ninjas

A fairly routine Load Order test became a struggle for survival (i guess for papyrus too).

(and its true Draugr realy... *stare*)


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Just finished Kolbjorn Barrow and waiting for the shops to open. Killed a bit of time by picking the lock on the strongbox and lifting the pendant. Clock on the right shows real-time so I've come out of game for food. Couple of job interviews to conduct here in RR then it's back to the mainland.


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1 hour ago, donttouchmethere said:

Two Elves (lvl 9 on entry -> lvl 18 now) just made it out of Bleak Falls Barrow after 2 1/2 Days (or more, everthing has respawned already).

Now they just stare traumatized into Riverwood, after their first adventure... an adventure that was realy messed up.

Close to all equipment lost, all gold lost, one still wearing a petcollar... and both realy need a bath, but even the soap is lost :open_mouth:

Fighting started realy easy and at the beginning they felt like their paragon Legolas!

But than shit hit the fan pretty quick and everything escalated into a mess the creator of "Sexist Guards" can only dream off :neutral:

And me the user had to watch it all, how do i get those pictures out of my head :confounded:

Turns out they underestimated the effect of YASH2 + Hateful Wenches + Rubber Ninjas

A fairly routine Load Order test became a struggle for survival (i guess for papyrus too).

(and its true Draugr realy... *stare*)


A time for quiet reflection. I notice they are not sitting down.


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This is where I left off (it would make a lousy pic for Guess this Location). The girl is named Gessica (she was named by Paradise Halls, not me and her looks are a result of Prettier Bandits). She had the temerity to attack me as I was making my way back to Whiterun and since I didn't have a Black Soul Gem to fill I opted to enslave her (training comes next).


My quest was the second Companions Radiant Quest. In this case given by Aela and to whom I am returning from Bonechill Passage.Ā The next one after this shouldĀ Gallows Rock.


Finally that guard on the right? His name is Fuznet (no I could not make this up it really is his name). Anyway, he has a thingĀ for Captain Caius. The other guards think he's just a suck up because he follows Caius around. The Whiterun guards are "Manly men" (that's why there are no women guards) and can't imagine any other reason why Fuznet would follow Caius around singing "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay...



Worik, I wasn't sure what you were looking for. Hope I got it right.



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4 hours ago, donttouchmethere said:

Close to all equipment lost, all gold lost, one still wearing a petcollar... and both realy need a bath, but even the soap is lost :open_mouth:

:thumbsup: Absolutely great screenshot. Right the perfect moment :smiley:

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17 minutes ago, worik said:

:thumbsup: Absolutely great screenshot. Right the perfect moment :smiley:

"How did such a good plan go so horribly wrong?". Speaking of which . . .

I'm just back on the mainland and decided to do the tower right up in the far RH corner of the map before going to Solitude.


My compass bar looks like there is a snooker game going on.


Closely followed by . . .


Turns out they were all mages (at least 12 of). How my game coped with all the magic effects is anyone's guess. I could see fuck all. I just kept running upĀ the road slashing and spining round and running down the road slashing. There is a small section of wall just out of shot which I ran behind to get a break from the shock to let my magicka get up enough to loose a fireball. It was mental. My magicka got tanned by the shock and my stamina by the frost but my health never really got threatened.

I think it was a combination of OBIS and Warzones which provided the numbers.

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Last from me for the next days:


Riften Club, 25th of Hearthfire

... trying to earn some money to pay my bed in the Bee and Barb, while I wait for the night.Ā 



The club is part of Maria Eden but works out of the box with Radiant Prostitution.


Probably near the weekend I have time to continue my game after dawn.

I need vampire dust for a potion and the best way to get it is to go and hunt me myself a few vampires.

Nice thing about hunting vampires is that my prey comes voluntarily into the city. I just have to wait :smiley:




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3 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

A time for quiet reflection. I notice they are not sitting down.


1 hour ago, worik said:

:thumbsup: Absolutely great screenshot. Right the perfect moment :smiley:



thx for the motivating comments,

actually i was sitting on the other side of the screen and had the same stare, thats why both elves ended there after they arrived in Riverwood.

I just didnt know how to go on from there now o.o


Could not beliefe what just happend. All those genius LL/Nexus Mods worked together and gave me a hell of a time, only breather was the SD+ enslavement (thats why most stuff was lost, guess its somewhere in dreamworld now, just grabbed what the hateful wenches dropped. I realy thought my equipment was overpowerd than i entered the dungeon).


What you cant see: all those piercings that i could not remove, left elf got a DCL Tentacle Parasite on her, right elf will be soon mother of some spiders^^

Its great that you can hide this pervy details in a picture.

No CTDs during that madness (only the usual orphs in save from DEFEAT).

So it was like a Horror movie (awesome xD).


Good idea to start this topic =D



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Okay, I was about to wrap for the night when an interesting photo presented itself.

As I mentioned in my last post I was preparing to go to Gallows Rock. I talked to Aela and Skjor, they turned me into a werewolf, blah, blah, blah. We killed a lot of Silver Hand, blah, blah, blah.Ā So as I'm approaching the exciting denoument with Krev the Skinner I decide that this time I'm going to use my Nord special ability - Battle Cry - to divide my foes. It worked quite well. But after I chased down the last of the cowardly villains (who had to go down the exit corridor) I returned to find the scene pictured below.

I know there have always been rumors about Skjor and Aela but ... damn. Just DAMN!



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The text in that pic is saying "Talk to Aela's arse".


1 hour ago, donttouchmethere said:

i was sitting on the other side of the screen and had the same stare

They are the golden moments, when mods come together or Skyrim just decides to be Skyrim. A few days ago I was travelling from Ivarstead to Helgen and I could see something through the trees moving in the sky. It was too big for a hawk/eagle and too small for a dragon.Ā Turned out to be a horse. I don't have any horse mods and never use horses.


Incidentally, I wouldn't let the blonde elf near a mirror. It might just tip her over the edge.

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The text in that pic is saying "Talk to Aela's arse".


1 hour ago, donttouchmethere said:

i was sitting on the other side of the screen and had the same stare

They are the golden moments, when mods come together or Skyrim just decides to be Skyrim.

A few days ago I was travelling from Ivarstead to Helgen and I could see something through the trees moving in the sky. It was too big for a hawk/eagle and too small for a dragon.Ā Turned out to be a horse. I don't have any horse mods and never use horses.



donttouchmethereĀ  I wouldn't let the blonde elf near a mirror. It might just tip her over the edge.

enb 2018_05_01 22_34_24_33.jpg


Sorry for the fuck-up/double post. Skyrim ate my brain.

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last thing i did in Skyrim (it actually caused me to make a search request in Non-Adult section for a tavern expansion mod)


Location:Ā  Whiterun, Drunken Hunstman

NPCs : Ā Areylle, Aubrey, Claire, Amar Belas, Rowan, Anja, Alcianne inside.Ā  Janessa and Erlindir areĀ not visible (they are hiding in their corners).

; you can actually see 13 obviousĀ NPCs in the pic and there are at least 5 more not visible in this screenshot. (sorry but i do not remember all the names offhand).

Quest : between placing the horn for Elisif and wanted to sell down junk as i am starting Sisterhood of Dibella questline.

Date: Morndas, 15th Hearthfire, 11pm (which is why i went there to sell junk)





the problem is all these people heard the Bannered Mare was overrun so they came here instead.....rofl....making this my mostĀ overloaded location in my Skyrim.

the actual total of NPCs in here at the most vacant time of day is 22, and it can run as high as 29 (that i have actually seen) if everybody else is in there too.


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16 hours ago, The First Lady of Hats said:

Nothin' exciting or interestin', derpin' around Solitude wi' Erik the slayer was on me way to the museum but ended up stopping to fiddle wi' ENBs. Gave that Caffine a try out but ehhhh, not impressed, it ain't knocking snappy off my list yet :3


'pparently Erik is now a lover because SLEN said so, this mostly means he tries climb into my bed erry morning. I don't think he understands the hell a friendzone is.

With the post romp benefits I have my game setup for, the more the merrier, but every now and then an extra gets pulled into the fun and I get an extra friend.Ā  Because Skyrim AI is horrible for small group tactics, I have it set not to damage friendlies but occasionally that means who should be dying at the end of a sword or fireball... doesn't, I have to resort to SLEN's MCM and de-friend someone. There's also an option to block or lock increases I don't use but if Erik doesn't get a clue, well....



Last thing I did, after finally making Arch mage (and testing out Immersive College of Winterhold) was deciding I'd better make nice with the local jarl and maybe get a thaneship. Due to a bug in the More Bandit Camps mod I had to travel to the bandit camp near Rannvieg's Fast (which technically would put it in Whiterun hold... I guess those bandits were really afraid after they stole it).


Returning with the helm, I thought the jarl's request to help 3 people in his hold a little silly and showed him what it means to fuck with the new arch mage...





and then I showed him how nice it can be to fuck the new arch mage.






I have a few more of these I was going to post on my blog but since I wandered into this thread first I'll just put them here.


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My current character, who is not Dragonborn, has had a hell of a life since the ship she was traveling on wreaked on the Skyrim coast. After being kidnapped and abused by some local farmers she hired a mercenary to help her get revenge. Unfortunately her new companion turned out to be a total sleazeball that promptly locked her into an inescapable debt, of which she found it almost easier to make payments on through prostituting herself than adventuring. It wasn't much longer before she stumbled upon the Captured Dreams Shop and made the mistake of letting the Master get into her head, further plunging her into a lifestyle of depraved sexualization. By the time she was hauling cargo forĀ S.L.U.T.S.Ā she had already come to accept she was little more than a bondage sexĀ slave servant to her devious adventurer companion and the Master.


This is where I left off, right outside of Whiterun. A courier from Captured Dreams had recently approached my character, requesting her to return for a special assignment. She can only hope it won't be as rough as being used as an apology gift to the Thalmor Embassy:



But at least Skyrim is a tropical/desert landscape in this twisted version, so being naked so often hasn't been as much of a concern for her :tongue:

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I have just finished Bleak Falls Barrow. Picture is of Lake Illinalta at 2:39 AM. I have no story to compare with Dnttouchmethere (see above) but I was curious to see how long Bleak Falls Barrow "should" have taken and I timed it (6 hours and 37 minutes (game time) from where I "discovered" the Barrow until I took the picture below. Those poor elves were in there for about 10Ā times longer than usual. Poor things.


I have loved this thread and appreciated the mod references. I believe this thread has a secondary goal of introducing people to new and different mods. With that in mind, please, PLEASE, talk about the mods you use. Also, please use the "long" names so that newbies will know to what mods you're referring.


And speaking of newbies and this thread. The spoiler below contains instructions on getting YOUR screenshot onto this thread (or any other for that matter). The more people who participate (and show pictures) the more fun this will be.


Take a screenshot. In Windows10 (all further instructions will assume Windows10-other operating systems will likely function in a similar manner). Your screenshot will be a BMP file found in your Skyrim directory (probably something like C:/program files(x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common/Skyrim). Open Paint (or similar app) and load your screenshot into it (the default is likely to be Screenshot1). Next simply save the screenshot BUT SAVE IT IN JPEG FORMAT. This is a dropdown option in Windows10 when you do "save as".

While it is not entirely necessary I recommend that you put a unique name to the screenshot so that when you come back to LoversLab it will be easier to identify it (as opposed to the original BMP).

Next, come here to LoversLab. At the bottom of the thread there is a box that says "Reply to topic" (or something like that). Type in whatever text you want to accompany your shot. Then, Open File Explorer (which will be in the bar below the screen with Windows10) and find your JPEG file. Click on it and drag it to the area below the box in which you typed your text (It has a convenient paperclip icon and a note to "Drag files here to attach"). This area will become highlighted when you rag your picture to it. When that happens simply let it go. There will be a message saying uploading image - it takes about 5 seconds. If it fails to load you probably tried to upload the BMP instead of the JPEG file. (On another thread LazyBoot explained why that doesn't work - something about bandwidth). Try again with the right file. When it's done hit Submit Reply on the bottom right of your screen and you will have posted your first screenshot on LoversLab.



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Just fired up the game. I'd done what I needed to do in Solitude last night and was ready to catch the bus to Markarth. I exited the Blue Palace and was walking to the gate on a gloriously sunny morning. What could go wrong?


Evette San is what could go wrong. Somehow she managed to walk under the grill thing.

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33 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Just fired up the game. I'd done what I needed to do in Solitude last night and was ready to catch the bus to Markarth. I exited the Blue Palace and was walking to the gate on a gloriously sunny morning. What could go wrong?


Evette San is what could go wrong. Somehow she managed to walk under the grill thing.

Really neat but what mod is the grate thing from (or from what mod does the grate thing come)? It's not vanilla.

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31 minutes ago, nemocdt said:

(sorry i dint know how t display picture in window)

The pic needs to be in PNG or JPG format for it to show up on the post, BMP is not supported for that functionality. You don't need any special software for that, you can simply use Windows' Paint to save it as any of the other two formats.

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1 hour ago, nemocdt said:

Hanging out in Falkreath with FaendalĀ enb 2018_04_28 15_27_33_91.bmp

(sorry i dint know how t display picture in window)

Nice pic. If you look 3-4 pics before yours you'll see my last post. Open the spoiler and you will have DETAILED directions on how to load a pic in this thread (or any other). Welcome and hope you'll keep coming back.

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