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On 4/1/2022 at 5:16 PM, dagobaking said:


It was explained in this thread a long time ago when the change was first made. And then again a couple more times as the issue came up.


[There are additional explanations before and after this post. But, this one explains the need for registration specifically: 





I sort of get this. But I am still having a problem understanding.


It sounds like convenience is the problem that you are trying to solve.  And, that's fine, I guess. But that does not match with the reasoning for pulling the mod from Nexus -- there, it was "Nexus claiming ownership of the mod".


The idea that I am getting is that there were "abusive nexus modders" who were claiming that the mod was theirs, and that this shindig was about avoiding them. Is that close to correct?

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On 4/3/2022 at 8:15 PM, sen4mi said:

The idea that I am getting is that there were "abusive nexus modders" who were claiming that the mod was theirs, and that this shindig was about avoiding them. Is that close to correct?


Roughly a year ago, Nexus Mods announced a policy change that, in order to better support monetization efforts like their new modpacks/collections feature, mod authors would no longer be allowed to delete their mods from the site. This rubbed a lot of mod authors the wrong way, and understandably so. Many moved their mods to other sites, some to LL, some to other general mod sites, some to their own sites, some to the download channels on their Discord servers, etc.

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23 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Roughly a year ago, Nexus Mods announced a policy change that, in order to better support monetization efforts like their new modpacks/collections feature, mod authors would no longer be allowed to delete their mods from the site. This rubbed a lot of mod authors the wrong way, and understandably so. Many moved their mods to other sites, some to LL, some to other general mod sites, some to their own sites, some to the download channels on their Discord servers, etc.


How odd... (that seems counter-intuitive, given that mod authors have never seemed to have a problem getting their mods banned from the site).


Anyways, currently, I see: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/71-how-do-i-edit-or-remove-content-that-ive-submitted


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1 hour ago, sen4mi said:


Yes, the result of their policy change is that you can now only "archive" your mods but not actually delete them, so paying Nexus users/modpack consumers can still download your mods from Nexus for as long as Nexus wants to keep them around. See the A change to file deletions section here: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14538

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On 4/3/2022 at 1:15 PM, sen4mi said:

The idea that I am getting is that there were "abusive nexus modders" who were claiming that the mod was theirs, and that this shindig was about avoiding them. Is that close to correct?


That wasn't really the reason to leave Nexus. As vaultbait points out, it was due to Nexus removing important rights for mod authors. They did this out of convenience. Because the alternative would be for mod-list makers to A) gain permission from each mod author to be included in a list and B) check from time to time that the mod hasn't been deleted. Apparently, in their zeal to make their mod-list program successful and popular, these are activities that they did not want to burden mod-list creators with.


So, that is the reason to leave Nexus. Essentially to recapture important rights. If you host your own mod you can author your own usage terms. In this case, I didn't want to leave Nexus only to have my mod used in lists without my permission anyway. In order to have enforceable usage terms to prevent that it's necessary to have user registration.


Additionally, AAF has had non-adult uses from the beginning. Pose packs were among the first mods made to work with AAF. So, it's important to me that it not be on a site that is exclusively for adult modding.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good news!


andrelo1 put together an FBX to HKX importer for Fallout 4: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/59849?tab=description


Send them your votes and endorsements!


This means that an animation workflow is possible without needing 3DSMax at all. So, making FO4 animations should be a lot easier.


Right now, the last thing needed are character rigs in Blender that have proper animation controls. If/when we can get those in place I will put together a new workflow tutorial that outlines everything that is needed to make animations for AAF, etc.

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On 3/30/2022 at 8:16 PM, dagobaking said:


It's like they have a Jerks Anonymous discord server and are organizing to send someone over here on a scheduled basis lately.



The instructions for that are kind of buried here: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/API/AAF_settings.md#!aaf_settingsini


You basically make your own ini file with a unique file name. Then add a higher priority number and just the settings you want to enforce.



Nobody asked. Just the opposite, I've made it very clear above that I think the attitude you describe is shitty, won't ever affect my decisions in any way and I am not interested in hearing about it.



How much more clear can I be? I already stated that I officially fire users with this attitude. I WANT to alienate you. Stop using my mod.












Heard of it? Read it and think about it.



Wait. What? You have to register for a file?! Will the struggles never end?!


How do you think that effort measures up against the level of effort that went into me making "the file"?



Earth to ProDerp: The site is different from a supermarket in extremely relevant and substantial ways. To begin with, you PAY MONEY for everything in the supermarket. They make it convenient for you because they want your money.


Given that you PAY ME NOTHING, I OWE YOU NOTHING in return. I don't owe you a convenient download experience, a handshake, a smilie. I owe you nothing.


If you want to pay me for the time I've spent building AAF, I will go ahead and give you a way to do that. Then after I make sure the payment didn't bounce I will give you your own personal download link where you don't even have to register! Deal?



Moddingham.com is friendly to people who aren't entitled meat-heads.



What makes you think that the reason for the change hasn't been conveyed? It, in fact, has been conveyed many times. But, if people are just being thinking, decent beings it shouldn't need to be explained.



"When you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME."


As someone who both authors a mod and runs a business I can assure you that the two are not really similar at all. The motivations and expectations for different parties are completely different for the reason I pointed out above: users are not customers and therefore are not entitled to anything that customers interacting with businesses are entitled to.


Does that prevent people like you from getting confused and thinking that mod authors have a Walmart Customer Service desk for you to bitch to? Apparently not.



For free senior.


For free.


Notice the key act that you omit: the "others" contribute nothing in this relationship. In a business, "the others" contribute the income.



Just stop and think about how ridiculous this makes you look.


I spent hundreds if not thousands of hours making a mod that people can use for free. And then you decided after years of using free mods that the moment when you need to come down from your royal perch to complain is when you were asked to register on a website. Something that takes 5 minutes at most.



One can only hope!





Trust. That is the last activity you should be engaging in.



It appears I've painted you in a very different light than I had originally thought. I see now that, in my opinion, you're just rude. I'm not going to counter argue your marks as I know all I'll get in return are insults, passive aggressive remarks, and attacks on my character. You've made a fantastic mod that is a literal framework that other mod authors and users can utilize, so thank you for that. However, I was actually blown away that you'd rather have people not use your mod simply because they complain about how you choose to distribute your mod, definitely was not expecting that which just further shows that I did not fully understand the type of person you actually are, my bad. I also think it's a bit silly to even imply I'm atop a royal perch, I'm just a dude who uses an adult modding website as little as possible because I'm ashamed of my degeneracy and feel even more weird interacting within the community. When it comes to modding I've ALWAYS tried to figure stuff out myself, learning how to use all the various programs, learning how mods interact with each other and how to remedy conflicts and errors on my own, providing my own content by spending days making edits to mods for my own personal use simply because I never wanted to be a burden on other people who most likely were way too busy working or explaining to a new user how to find their Papyrus logs for the 7,000th time. Even years later I struggle with trying to get two certain mods working together but I'm too nervous to ask for help because I don't want to bother people on here. I am not on a royal perch; I simply made a complaint that turned into a rant, and for that I apologize. And that's as far as I'll go for defending my character.


So, if you truly don't want people like me to use your mod, then I won't. I will not go to your website to download any new versions you release. I will give you that luxury.


On 3/31/2022 at 10:20 PM, RitualClarity said:

He did.  Many times.


Short story,


Nexus is an ass. Tried to take ownership of mods and restrict authors ability to manage their works. You might have heard of that. Nexus lost many mods due to this.  To make it as simple and blunt as possible he moved it to a location where he would be able to make sure that never happen again.


And.. yes, there were great discussions about various alternate sites. He didn't want it on those sites for various reasons. I am a moderator on a site as well. He was welcome but he had his reasons for it not being there either. In the end, the only option that would work for him was his own site.


Continued development and access to a framework mod that many authors have worked hard to develop mods around ... instead of closing shop and saying FUCK IT. That is what is making the users go to a separate site worth it. If you can't do that... don't use the mod. Move on.


And I appreciate that you didn't insult me or treat me as condescendingly, which is something I expected in the first place. I'll argue that explanations in various forum posts that need to be tracked down is not a CLEAR and EASY way to find the reasoning, a paragraph on the mod's description page (either behind a spoiler or not) would be more than sufficient. You also get the added benefit that you wouldn't have to re-explain over and over as it would be in a place that a user is already looking at. Now you've explained to me the reason why... this is just another random post that would need to be tracked down to find context.


It was never a question whether I could or could not; I just didn't see how it made any sense to relocate to Moddingham, and made a little rant. In the middle of that rant I genuinely became more curious along with being critical. And as I mentioned above, I won't be using the mod anymore and will be moving on.

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4 hours ago, ProDerp said:

I was actually blown away that you'd rather have people not use your mod simply because they complain about how you choose to distribute your mod, definitely was not expecting that which just further shows that I did not fully understand the type of person you actually are, my bad.


Yes. You did make a huge blunder in thinking that I'm someone who owes you something. You mistake generosity with wanting/needing approval.


Since your new comment is nothing but passive aggressive nonsense I do not forgive you.


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Getting a bit tired of reading all those complaints about AAF on Moddingham


You know that No AAF = No fun for players


Let's just be grateful that @dagobaking took a LOT of time to make this fantastic framework and then continue to update it and support it FREE for the benefits of all of us users...


The only thing he ask of us if we want to use his mod is to protect his creation by registering to his website 


That's is all, don't be pissy about that instead DO TRY to make your own framework and you will see that Dagoba ain't asking for much


Maybe you will even give thanks on patreon ;)







Edited by tuxagent7
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So Im a complete beginner when it comes to animations. @kziitd was kind enough to create hkx files for me to use in my mod, but I have no idea so far how to use them. Would appreciate some pointers from folks who are more knowledgeable. 


1. Is AAF the best way if I want to play a specific animation file? Or am I better off calling .playIdle on actor?

2. If AAF, how do I call "startScene" function with that specific animation I want to play? Also, is it possible to have AAF not strip the character for this specific animation?


Thanks in advance!

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7 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

So Im a complete beginner when it comes to animations. @kziitd was kind enough to create hkx files for me to use in my mod, but I have no idea so far how to use them. Would appreciate some pointers from folks who are more knowledgeable. 


1. Is AAF the best way if I want to play a specific animation file? Or am I better off calling .playIdle on actor?

2. If AAF, how do I call "startScene" function with that specific animation I want to play? Also, is it possible to have AAF not strip the character for this specific animation?


Thanks in advance!


It really depends on how you want to use the animations. AAF gives a lot of tools/functions for organizing and using animations in ways that are commonly needed. But, there could be some contexts where it's better to make your own animation handling in code.


There is a wiki for AAF that covers how to configure/use it.


The page for starting a scene is here: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/API/StartScene.md#!function-startscene


You can configure different clothes settings for each animation by defining what you want with "EquipmentSet" files: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/XML/equipmentSet.md#!equipmentset


And then configuring the animation XML to use those different EquipmentSets: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/XML/animation.md#!animation


There is also another way to control clothes with "EquipmentRules": https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/XML/equipmentRules.md#!equipmentrules


That allows you to define what type of equipment should be removed when an action with a specific tag is run. Then you identify which animations contain that action. For example, you could have a "back rub" animation that includes the "rubbing back" action and tag. Then say in the EquipmentRules that any time "rubbing back" happens, remove equipment from the BODY slot. This method is probably better for larger packs of animations and/or if you want equipment control to be a bit more context-driven (the character doesn't remove their helmet to get a back massage, etc.).


This all probably sounds more complex than it is. It's easier to understand when looking at all the config XML files.

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Also, to take a step back to a higher level explanation:


If you want your animation to be started by specific game events, you will need to code. Either to trigger AAF to show your animation or using your own idle code.


If you want your animation to be more like a pack that can be included and played along with other AAF animations installed, then you just need to configure a few XML files to go along with your HKX in a mod package.

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2 hours ago, dagobaking said:


It really depends on how you want to use the animations. AAF gives a lot of tools/functions for organizing and using animations in ways that are commonly needed. But, there could be some contexts where it's better to make your own animation handling in code.


There is a wiki for AAF that covers how to configure/use it.


The page for starting a scene is here: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/API/StartScene.md#!function-startscene


You can configure different clothes settings for each animation by defining what you want with "EquipmentSet" files: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/XML/equipmentSet.md#!equipmentset


And then configuring the animation XML to use those different EquipmentSets: https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/XML/animation.md#!animation


There is also another way to control clothes with "EquipmentRules": https://bitbucket.org/dagobaking/aaf-framework/wiki/XML/equipmentRules.md#!equipmentrules


That allows you to define what type of equipment should be removed when an action with a specific tag is run. Then you identify which animations contain that action. For example, you could have a "back rub" animation that includes the "rubbing back" action and tag. Then say in the EquipmentRules that any time "rubbing back" happens, remove equipment from the BODY slot. This method is probably better for larger packs of animations and/or if you want equipment control to be a bit more context-driven (the character doesn't remove their helmet to get a back massage, etc.).


This all probably sounds more complex than it is. It's easier to understand when looking at all the config XML files.

Thanks for the response!


Im somewhat familiar with calling AAF StartScene to start a random sex scene based on include/exclude tags. But I've never used to play one specific animation. After taking a look, it looks like I need to create an animation XML file where it references the idle in my .esp, create position XML file that references the animation, then in my script when I call StartScene I pass in the name of the position declared in the position XML (under SceneSettings), is that about right?


Also, wondering since I am calling StartScene to play a specific position, would the scene start faster than if I were to call it without a position? In my setup theres about 2-3 sec delay after calling StartScene before AAF actually starts animating. Wondering if theres a way to speed it up


In what context would you say my own animation handling code would be better? Im wanting to play a 2-actor animation where one actor is groping the the other actor from the back. I'll be calling this from my mod which already has some scripts, some of which already call AAF StartScene. I just want 3 things, something that:

- Executes/starts quickly
- Can be aborted just as quickly

- Has correct positioning (not like old FourPlay where another actor bumping into you would displace you)

I dont need it to handle extra equipment (leave the clothes as is), or morphs, or overlays. I dont need other mods to be able to use this animation, and also dont need event hooks - other mods dont need to know this animation happened.

Edited by twistedtrebla
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11 minutes ago, twistedtrebla said:

After taking a look, it looks like I need to create an animation XML file where it references the idle in my .esp, create position XML file that references the animation, then in my script when I call StartScene I pass in the name of the position declared in the position XML (under SceneSettings), is that about right?


Yep. That's it.


11 minutes ago, twistedtrebla said:

Also, wondering since I am calling StartScene to play a specific position, would the scene start faster than if I were to call it without a position? In my setup theres about 2-3 sec delay after calling StartScene before AAF actually starts animating. Wondering if theres a way to speed it up


The positions are all pre-loaded in memory. So, picking one probably wouldn't speed things up too much. The biggest delays in starting come from scanning for locations or potential participants (to be listed in the wizard). So, if you configure the call to skip those routines (specify a location up front as well as all participants) it should be a bit faster.


11 minutes ago, twistedtrebla said:

In what context would you say my own animation handling code would be better? Im wanting to play a 2-actor animation where one actor is groping the the other actor from the back. I'll be calling this from my mod which already has some scripts, some of which already call AAF StartScene. I just want 3 things, something that:

- Executes/starts quickly
- Can be aborted just as quickly

- Has correct positioning (not like old FourPlay where another actor bumping into you would displace you)

I dont need it to handle extra equipment (leave the clothes as is), or morphs, or overlays. I dont need other mods to be able to use this animation, and also dont need event hooks - other mods dont need to know this animation happened.


If you made your own, you probably could speed it up a little by not addressing the morphs, etc. and also just keeping it all in Papyrus instead of communicating back and forth with Flash.


But, making the positioning correct is not a simple process. It took me months of experimenting to find a process that was reliable enough and didn't have bad side-effect bugs. And that process includes some set-up time on its own (switching to freecam mode, making a duplicate of the PC body, etc).


On balance, I don't think the amount of speedup would be worth the amount of additional work figuring it out. But, it's kind of a subjective decision.

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35 minutes ago, dagobaking said:

But, making the positioning correct is not a simple process. It took me months of experimenting to find a process that was reliable enough and didn't have bad side-effect bugs. And that process includes some set-up time on its own (switching to freecam mode, making a duplicate of the PC body, etc).


On balance, I don't think the amount of speedup would be worth the amount of additional work figuring it out. But, it's kind of a subjective decision.


Oh, yea that is definitely not worth it. I dont doubt that figuring that out was a real pain in the ass. Theres a reason why FourPlay never got it right, and no one else managed to make a successful animation framework besides you.


35 minutes ago, dagobaking said:

The positions are all pre-loaded in memory. So, picking one probably wouldn't speed things up too much. The biggest delays in starting come from scanning for locations or potential participants (to be listed in the wizard). So, if you configure the call to skip those routines (specify a location up front as well as all participants) it should be a bit faster.


The participant I'll already be passing cus I want the animation to play with a specific NPC. But how do I pass a location? 

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So I was able to get the animation to work. But it was on a fresh AAF install, so it was taking like 30sec before the scene could fire. Then I remembered the 30sec default walk_timout in AAF_settings.


Im calling StartScene with the following settings:

AAF:AAF_API:SceneSettings settings = AAF_API.GetSceneSettings()
settings.duration = 10
settings.preventFurniture = true
settings.usePackages = false
settings.isNPCControlled = true
settings.position = "FPSH_Molest_01"
settings.locationObject = PlayerRef
settings.skipWalk = true

but AAF was still waiting up to 30 sec. Is there a way to override the walk_timeout? I thought "settings.skipWalk = true" was supposed to do that, but that doesnt seem to be the case for me.

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5 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Oh, yea that is definitely not worth it. I dont doubt that figuring that out was a real pain in the ass. Theres a reason why FourPlay never got it right, and no one else managed to make a successful animation framework besides you.


You can save a lot of coding time by looking at the AAF code and learning from that. And of course, there might be a different process that you could work out. Using furniture animations (the official ones instead of the AAF created ones) showed some promise. But, then were fussy to make on the animation creation side and wouldn't allow switching between animations like AAF does.


5 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

The participant I'll already be passing cus I want the animation to play with a specific NPC. But how do I pass a location? 


Using the player location like below should work.


2 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

So I was able to get the animation to work. But it was on a fresh AAF install, so it was taking like 30sec before the scene could fire. Then I remembered the 30sec default walk_timout in AAF_settings.


Im calling StartScene with the following settings:

AAF:AAF_API:SceneSettings settings = AAF_API.GetSceneSettings()
settings.duration = 10
settings.preventFurniture = true
settings.usePackages = false
settings.isNPCControlled = true
settings.position = "FPSH_Molest_01"
settings.locationObject = PlayerRef
settings.skipWalk = true

but AAF was still waiting up to 30 sec. Is there a way to override the walk_timeout? I thought "settings.skipWalk = true" was supposed to do that, but that doesnt seem to be the case for me.


That should work to skip walking. But, I'm not sure why the walking would need to be skipped in most cases? Is the other actor far away on another building or something?


Some more information and testing is needed to figure out what is causing this bottleneck. Do you have a bunch of other mods installed? If so, try disabling them in related groups (ie, all animation packs, all textures) and test each time to see if/when a change speeds things up.

Edited by dagobaking
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6 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

So I was able to get the animation to work. But it was on a fresh AAF install, so it was taking like 30sec before the scene could fire. Then I remembered the 30sec default walk_timout in AAF_settings.


Im calling StartScene with the following settings:

AAF:AAF_API:SceneSettings settings = AAF_API.GetSceneSettings()
settings.duration = 10
settings.preventFurniture = true
settings.usePackages = false
settings.isNPCControlled = true
settings.position = "FPSH_Molest_01"
settings.locationObject = PlayerRef
settings.skipWalk = true

but AAF was still waiting up to 30 sec. Is there a way to override the walk_timeout? I thought "settings.skipWalk = true" was supposed to do that, but that doesnt seem to be the case for me.

If what I think you want to do is the ass slap event, you should consider using PlayIdleWithTarget.


AssSlaperActor.PlayIdleWithTarget(AssSlapIdle, PlayerREF)


Can you share the animation? I am interested in trying it /experimenting with it and implementing it in my mod too. 

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4 hours ago, JB. said:

If what I think you want to do is the ass slap event, you should consider using PlayIdleWithTarget.


AssSlaperActor.PlayIdleWithTarget(AssSlapIdle, PlayerREF)


Can you share the animation? I am interested in trying it /experimenting with it and implementing it in my mod too. 

The animation is actually a grope one where one actor is fondling the other actor's breast and groin.


Anyway it has 2 hkx files, one for each actor. Any idea how I would play that with PlayIdleWithTarget when that function only takes in 1 idle?

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8 hours ago, dagobaking said:


You can save a lot of coding time by looking at the AAF code and learning from that. And of course, there might be a different process that you could work out. Using furniture animations (the official ones instead of the AAF created ones) showed some promise. But, then were fussy to make on the animation creation side and wouldn't allow switching between animations like AAF does.



Using the player location like below should work.



That should work to skip walking. But, I'm not sure why the walking would need to be skipped in most cases? Is the other actor far away on another building or something?


Some more information and testing is needed to figure out what is causing this bottleneck. Do you have a bunch of other mods installed? If so, try disabling them in related groups (ie, all animation packs, all textures) and test each time to see if/when a change speeds things up.


I'm on a test setup which barely has any mods. Anyway I'll have to try different combinations of things and see if I can find anything. Thanks again for the help.

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3 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Anyway it has 2 hkx files, one for each actor. Any idea how I would play that with PlayIdleWithTarget when that function only takes in 1 idle?


You have to run code that forces both actors to stick to the same coordinates and then run the idle function on both actors.


You can check out the code in AAF to see how I do it. It's multiple lines to prevent moving around, etc.


The problem is, moving the PC, in my experience, often causes the "eternal loading screen" bug. So, AAF makes a copy of the PC that can be moved instead of the actual PC.


Also, if you want to go into free-cam mode during animation... that is another process.

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1 hour ago, dagobaking said:


You have to run code that forces both actors to stick to the same coordinates and then run the idle function on both actors.


You can check out the code in AAF to see how I do it. It's multiple lines to prevent moving around, etc.


The problem is, moving the PC, in my experience, often causes the "eternal loading screen" bug. So, AAF makes a copy of the PC that can be moved instead of the actual PC.


Also, if you want to go into free-cam mode during animation... that is another process.

I took a look at AAF source code. It seems you call PlayIdle on each actor, but I don't see anywhere PlayIdleWithTarget being used. Is there a specific reason for that? Still trying to grasp how idles with 2 actors really work.

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8 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

I took a look at AAF source code. It seems you call PlayIdle on each actor, but I don't see anywhere PlayIdleWithTarget being used. Is there a specific reason for that? Still trying to grasp how idles with 2 actors really work.


I don't recall. It was years ago now. IIRC, PlayIdleWithTarget doesn't work the way it sounds. I think that in order to have and use a target it has to be a specially made paired animation which triggers combat alerts.

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