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2 hours ago, Sulphur.4724 said:

It appears that if you summon a body double by playing an animation the bug is introduced. It is being a persistent pain in Dagobaking's ass. We hope that Expired will help since the solution comes within f4se and looksmenu, but he's his own guy, with his own plans and agenda. Unfortunately that agenda doesn't seem to include this fix in any kind of hurry. Trust me, Dagobaking is hard at work trying to figure it out, and he has an idea what to do, but the fix that has been proposed is in a language he doesn't know.  So, if you know any badass c++ programmers send 'em his way. Maybe we can get this show on the road. I mean really, who wouldn't want to be part of this?

Until one materializes we depend on the good grace of someone like Expired who, as near as I can tell, is busy as hell most of the time and has his own shit to do. Looksmenu isn't exactly a face preset. Hopefully he's looking at it. Hopefully he'll help out. But if he don't, well, he can do that if he wants. No one's paying him. [shrug]

The other option, for now, is to go back to fourplay or be prepared to restart the game. And listen, I ain't no kind of official spokesman or nothing, you are reading what I've gotten over lurking and helping troubleshoot stuff for Dagobaking. Trust me, he wants to fix this asap. 

I was not criticizing, I have read it is out of Dago's hands and I am still using AAF most of the time, just acknowledging the issue. You will never read a complaint from me about any of the hard work people share out of generosity and if it sounds like a complaint, you have misunderstood my meaning.

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34 minutes ago, Vuulgar said:

I was not criticizing, I have read it is out of Dago's hands and I am still using AAF most of the time, just acknowledging the issue. You will never read a complaint from me about any of the hard work people share out of generosity and if it sounds like a complaint, you have misunderstood my meaning.

No no. Nothing like that. My bad if you took it that way, just trying to clarify what's happening and try to lessen some of the anticipation of Expired coming to the rescue. He's got his own stuff and isn't showing a lot of interest I guess. And I'm talking around the issue anyway. Dago has been talking to Expired, not me. Just ain't hearing a lot of encouraging noises.

I knew I should of took up programming instead of drinking!


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1 hour ago, Sulphur.4724 said:

No no. Nothing like that. My bad if you took it that way, just trying to clarify what's happening and try to lessen some of the anticipation of Expired coming to the rescue. He's got his own stuff and isn't showing a lot of interest I guess. And I'm talking around the issue anyway. Dago has been talking to Expired, not me. Just ain't hearing a lot of encouraging noises.

I knew I should of took up programming instead of drinking!


Not a thing wrong with doing both. Programming pays for the drinking.

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8 hours ago, chubjub said:

I noticed the bug where Preston wouldn't open the door in concord though I new something was wrong when the museum audio did start and the 2 raiders where not trying to get into the office where Preston was in. So saving the game and shutting down Fallout 4 and then restarting the game and loading that save fixed the issue. Is this the work around for the other reported issues with Nick Valentine quest and Piper at the Diamond City main door. I'm sorry if its been mentioned before i just wanted to make sure i understood apart from that its not a game stopper at all and its a really great mod.

Thank you. Yes. That does sound like the solution others are using.

3 hours ago, Sulphur.4724 said:

This automatically makes other level triggered quests suspect too. Vault 88 and Nukaworld should be watched out for also.

I think it makes quite a lot of things suspect. Quests being triggered are obvious signals. But, I have to believe that it is also breaking more subtle things in the game too.

3 hours ago, Sulphur.4724 said:

It appears that if you summon a body double by playing an animation the bug is introduced.

Yes. I did a lot of testing to isolate the issue. I didn't want to waste anyone's time asking for help if I didn't know the precise steps to recreate it.


Running this line of code causes the game to break in obvious (vanilla quests not starting) and likely subtle ways:

targetActor = PlayerRef.PlaceActorAtMe(PlayerRef.GetLeveledActorBase())

An important and confusing note about the above: The "breaking" in my testing (Quests failing to start) only happened after I re-loaded a game saved after this line was run. If I ran this code (played an animation) and then proceeded to the Quest without doing a save and re-load, the Quest appeared to still work.

3 hours ago, Sulphur.4724 said:

Until one materializes we depend on the good grace of someone like Expired who, as near as I can tell, is busy as hell most of the time and has his own shit to do. Looksmenu isn't exactly a face preset. Hopefully he's looking at it. Hopefully he'll help out. But if he don't, well, he can do that if he wants. No one's paying him. [shrug]

That's the deal. He said that he could make some functions that would allow copying a characters appearance. Then I wouldn't have to use the above line of code to make a convincing body double for animations.


But, "could" isn't "I have time to do this." So, I'm not sure if it's in the works or not. And, to be clear, I'm not complaining. When modding is based on warm fuzzy feelings instead of payments, we get what we get.

1 hour ago, Vuulgar said:

I was not criticizing, I have read it is out of Dago's hands and I am still using AAF most of the time, just acknowledging the issue.

No worries. I didn't take your comment that way.

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This is all good we know how the bug happens and to work around it .The work these guys are doing is amazing and reporting work around's and what to watch out for will help people like myself who have no programming skills to  continue to use great mods like this and in turn help the Devs like dagobaking , Expired etc carry on with their magic.


1 thing I noticed this only happens to me if the player is involved in the animation and so far if that happens i try to do a save and reload and the quests fire off as normal, but if it's only between actors that are not the player say from the mod Autonomy Enhanced the the 'breaking doesn't occur . 


Anyway once again great mod thankyou.

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15 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

I can see how creating another instance of the Player Actor base would cause problems with scripts.  I suspect what Expired is planning to do is add a function to LooksMenu to copy one Actor's appearance to another.  That would allow you to create a generic NPC and transfer the player's appearance to them, instead of calling PlaceActorAtMe on the player Actor base.  So instead of the above call you would have something like this:


bodyDoubleRef = placeActorAtMe(pSomeGenericActorBase)

transferAppearance(bodyDoubleRef, playerRef.GetLeveledActorBase())


Yes. That is exactly the idea. The convo should still be there on the F4SE discord channel if you wanted to read more details.


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so what happens if you keep your earlier version of .exe rather than let Beth do those silly updates.So you don't need to update F04SE all the time.Some of the mods associated  with this, those that people say make this work, say they require more recent .exe and F04SE.So I presume that means if we try this stuff it won't work.

I tried it actually using that video from that guy in utah, sorry no offense intended I don't recall his name and I am in a hurry.

It didn't work./Some of those mods also will override each other making it a pain to decide which way to go with them.

This was and again no offense intended towards anyone but I had hopes this would fix the problem  for Fallout 4 that we didn't have a proper framework like Skyrim does.

I did tell Vilfame sorry if I misspelled his name that I was giving this up  several months ago and I did but I decided to take a shot with this and of course it didn't work.

So I feel the need to just drop it and focus on finishing the game.



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Just now, ANGRYWOLVERINE said:

so what happens if you keep your earlier verwsion of .exe rather than let Beth do those silly updates.So you don't need to update F04SE all the time.Some of the mods assocaited with this, those that people say make this work, say they require mre recent .exe and F04

Yes. About 2-3 updates ago f4se made a fairly significant function change and it is not backwards compatible. In order for AAF to work with the current fo4, the way it interacts with f4se had to change. Most of the animations will still work on older versions of AAF tho. Other AAF dependent mods may have a different story.

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Hey guys amazing job with this new project... I love it 

but I have a suggestion, ok so I love lesbian scenes and back then with FP there was no lesbian scenes in the game so I just had to use the

male-female animations and some of them worked perfectly as tribbing animations for example the misionary from leito´s animation works perfectly as a lesbian animation... my point is that maybe we should be able to decide freely wich animations we want to use... since some of the male-female animations just work perfectly as female on female.... 


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39 minutes ago, DARKFra said:

Hey guys amazing job with this new project... I love it 

but I have a suggestion, ok so I love lesbian scenes and back then with FP there was no lesbian scenes in the game so I just had to use the

male-female animations and some of them worked perfectly as tribbing animations for example the misionary from leito´s animation works perfectly as a lesbian animation... my point is that maybe we should be able to decide freely wich animations we want to use... since some of the male-female animations just work perfectly as female on female.... 


You mean, like this?


Multiple Female - SC_FFM.7z


This switches Savage's animations from M/M/M/f to F/F/F/M.


(I forget the author's name ATM).


I asked Savage on his page to incorporate these into his mod so that they don't overwrite his current ones.






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10 hours ago, dagobaking said:


Yes. That is exactly the idea. The convo should still be there on the F4SE discord channel if you wanted to read more details.


Thanks.  Yeah I looked at doing that myself (transferring appearance) via scripting.  I got as far as using the BodyGen stuff for shapes, but didn't get into transferring tints.  A dedicated F4SE function would be a lot better performance wise than doing it in Papyrus anyway.

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2 hours ago, DARKFra said:

Hey guys amazing job with this new project... I love it 

but I have a suggestion, ok so I love lesbian scenes and back then with FP there was no lesbian scenes in the game so I just had to use the

male-female animations and some of them worked perfectly as tribbing animations for example the misionary from leito´s animation works perfectly as a lesbian animation... my point is that maybe we should be able to decide freely wich animations we want to use... since some of the male-female animations just work perfectly as female on female.... 


Or you can go into settings.xml and turn off gender checks.

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21 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

Thanks.  Yeah I looked at doing that myself (transferring appearance) via scripting.  I got as far as using the BodyGen stuff for shapes, but didn't get into transferring tints.  A dedicated F4SE function would be a lot better performance wise than doing it in Papyrus anyway.

If/when. Of course, that's where we're sitting now. Heh

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So I think I have found a workaround to the doppelganger problem.


Instead of using the player's base actor, use MQ101KelloggScene_PlayerDuplicate.  This actor uses the Player actor as a template, so it has the same appearance as the player, but is not actually the same Actor.  I modified aaf_mainquestscript thusly:


;in Properties section at the top:
ActorBase Property pMQ101KelloggScene_PlayerDuplicate Auto Const Mandatory

;around line 688:
;targetActor = PlayerRef.PlaceActorAtMe(PlayerRef.GetLeveledActorBase())
targetActor = PlayerRef.PlaceActorAtMe(pMQ101KelloggScene_PlayerDuplicate)

and added MQ101KelloggScene_PlayerDuplicate as an ActorBase const property to the script.


This seems to work OK.  Animations work, the doppelganger appearance is correct, and quests don't break.  I loaded a save where I had just met Dogmeat, ran to Concord and boffed a couple of the raiders, then did the When Freedom Calls quest and had no issues.  I made a save just before entering the Museum and the quest still worked when I restarted the game and loaded that save.


I think the proper way to do this is to make a new Actor base that uses Player as a template, rather than reusing this one.  But this worked as a proof of concept.

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14 minutes ago, EgoBallistic said:

Tested with a new NPC templated off Player, rather than reusing the MQ101 one.  Works just as well, and it's cleaner not to reuse anything.  PM with patch sent  to Dagobaking.

On Dago's issues page we had a system for getting to Piper at DC to see if she'd open the gate. Any chance you could try it out there? The Museum of Freedom quest is sketchy in that it can go through even after animations, in my experience. (Or break without.) Piper breaks every damn time. I'd offer, but it's your code and I'm not sure I'd know how to implement it. Will be this afternoon (4+ hours) before I could give it a look anyway. (I'm screwing off at work, don't tell!)

Just an idea. Pretty sure that's what Dago's gonna do as soon as he sees your message anyway.

If you do, there's a mine right by where you land. Don't step on it!

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4 minutes ago, fred200 said:

So it looks like Flashy took the nuclear option. RSE is - gone. All downloads are - gone. All discussion is - gone.

Way to maximize the effect personal problems have on everyone else.

Some people just like to watch the world burn.

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3 minutes ago, fred200 said:

So it looks like Flashy took the nuclear option. RSE is - gone. All downloads are - gone. All discussion is - gone.

Way to maximize the effect personal problems have on everyone else.

The download page is still there, I found it by searching on Google. I feel sympathy for his situation but this was an over exaggerated, silly reaction but it is his file I suppose. If he wants to penalize everyone for the everyday occurrence of a love gone wrong it is his right.

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On Dago's issues page we had a system for getting to Piper at DC to see if she'd open the gate. Any chance you could try it out there? The Museum of Freedom quest is sketchy in that it can go through even after animations, in my experience. (Or break without.) Piper breaks every damn time. I'd offer, but it's your code and I'm not sure I'd know how to implement it. Will be this afternoon (4+ hours) before I could give it a look anyway. (I'm screwing off at work, don't tell!)

Just an idea. Pretty sure that's what Dago's gonna do as soon as he sees your message anyway.

If you do, there's a mine right by where you land. Don't step on it!

I just tried with a save where I had crossed the bridge before getting to Diamond City for the first time.  I went into the combat zone with the guards vs super mutants and played some animations, killed the mutants, then saved my game.  Then I walked into the DC gate area.  Piper did her thing with Danny, the gate opened, we talked to McDonough, then I got the message that Story of the Century started.  I reloaded the save and it worked again, then quit and restarted the game, loaded the save, and it worked that time too.


I think the reason all these quests break is that copying the Player confuses the Story Manager.  There is only supposed to be one instance of the Player, but when AAF creates a doppelganger there are now two instances.  Most likely, this causes the SM to fill Quest Aliases with the wrong reference, so quests don't trigger.


My workaround prevents this by using a completely different Actor base, so the doppelganger is not an instance of the Player but an instance of another Actor that looks just like the Player.

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10 minutes ago, fred200 said:

So it looks like Flashy took the nuclear option. RSE is - gone. All downloads are - gone. All discussion is - gone.

Way to maximize the effect personal problems have on everyone else.

6 minutes ago, TheAfterLife said:

Some people just like to watch the world burn.

3 minutes ago, Vuulgar said:

The download page is still there, I found it by searching on Google. I feel sympathy for his situation but this was an over exaggerated, silly reaction but it is his file I suppose. If he wants to penalize everyone for the everyday occurrence of a love gone wrong it is his right.

He did what he thought is right or best for him and it's not for us to judge his decission nor do we have any right to his work.
For now accept his decission and move on, while keeping this thread focused on AAF.

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