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I was not able to change speedmult to 100 in the console. (The setav command worked, but getav continued to report it being 50. Dropping things from my inventory or picking things up also had no effect on either my character's speed nor the displayed value.)


I have dropped a few mods from my configuration which might have been related to this issue and am starting a new character.


I wish I had some way of listing all active SPEL effects.

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7 minutes ago, sen4mi said:

I was not able to change speedmult to 100 in the console. (The setav command worked, but getav continued to report it being 50. Dropping things from my inventory or picking things up also had no effect on either my character's speed nor the displayed value.)


I have dropped a few mods from my configuration which might have been related to this issue and am starting a new character.


I wish I had some way of listing all active SPEL effects.


ActorValues can be "damaged" and you'll have to heal that damage to get them back to their potential maximum. Think about how the Health AV works as an example. Your maximum health increases when you level up, but your current health is often not the same as your maximum health.


The problem which arises is that some mods choose to increase/decreate your SpeedMult while others choose to damage/heal it, which can lead to different mods not restoring the original values they expect when trying to undo things later. When it's done with a vanilla game magic effect you may be able to find it in the effects list, but some mods alter SpeedMult directly from Papyrus scripts so there is no accompanying "effect" tracking that.

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9 hours ago, vaultbait said:


ActorValues can be "damaged" and you'll have to heal that damage to get them back to their potential maximum. Think about how the Health AV works as an example. Your maximum health increases when you level up, but your current health is often not the same as your maximum health.


The problem which arises is that some mods choose to increase/decreate your SpeedMult while others choose to damage/heal it, which can lead to different mods not restoring the original values they expect when trying to undo things later. When it's done with a vanilla game magic effect you may be able to find it in the effects list, but some mods alter SpeedMult directly from Papyrus scripts so there is no accompanying "effect" tracking that.




But it seems to me tha,t since player.setav 100 followed by player.getav was showing me a value of >>50, something probably was repeatedly setting speedmult, to 50 (like every video frame).

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39 minutes ago, sen4mi said:

But it seems to me tha,t since player.setav 100 followed by player.getav was showing me a value of >>50, something probably was repeatedly setting speedmult, to 50 (like every video frame).


The setav command (as well as modav) sets the base value but getav returns the value with damage taken into consideration. You're probably confusing getav with getbaseav, which should reflect what you set via setav. Also setav doesn't heal any "damage" that's been applied to the value, for that you need to use the restoreav command.


More generally, I highly recommend the Active Effects on HUD mod which, contrary to its name, also includes a view of active effects and the status of all actorvalues in additional Pip-Boy status pages. With that you can easily check the SpeedMult base value, temporary and permanent adjustments as well as damage (not all of those are necessarily relevant for all ActorValues though).

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2 hours ago, vaultbait said:


The setav command (as well as modav) sets the base value but getav returns the value with damage taken into consideration. You're probably confusing getav with getbaseav, which should reflect what you set via setav. Also setav doesn't heal any "damage" that's been applied to the value, for that you need to use the restoreav command.


More generally, I highly recommend the Active Effects on HUD mod which, contrary to its name, also includes a view of active effects and the status of all actorvalues in additional Pip-Boy status pages. With that you can easily check the SpeedMult base value, temporary and permanent adjustments as well as damage (not all of those are necessarily relevant for all ActorValues though).


That makes sense.


Thank you.

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I went to Neura and she wanted more caps than I had, and I'm like full cheating over here ha ha, so I handed them over after using the additem console cheat (seriously 12k was waaaaaaaay too much ha ha) but she only changed my dom/sub attributes after all that :(. I was hoping to see the same menu I got when creating my character. Is there a way I can reset all those things and choose new options? :D

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1 hour ago, Dont Tell My Parents said:

I went to Neura and she wanted more caps than I had, and I'm like full cheating over here ha ha, so I handed them over after using the additem console cheat (seriously 12k was waaaaaaaay too much ha ha) but she only changed my dom/sub attributes after all that :(. I was hoping to see the same menu I got when creating my character. Is there a way I can reset all those things and choose new options? :D


Not officially supported I don't think, but you can use the console to call into the FPA:FPA_TraitHelper.showCustimizationMenu function:


cqf fpa_main showcustomizationmenu


I don't know what the consequences of doing that after the mod has been in use might be, though for the most part those "traits" are just sets of opposing perks, so you can also use the addperk and removeperk console commands to similar effect.

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15 hours ago, vaultbait said:


Not officially supported I don't think, but you can use the console to call into the FPA:FPA_TraitHelper.showCustimizationMenu function:


cqf fpa_main showcustomizationmenu


I don't know what the consequences of doing that after the mod has been in use might be, though for the most part those "traits" are just sets of opposing perks, so you can also use the addperk and removeperk console commands to similar effect.


THANK YOU!! I would have been happy to pay it to assign all that stuff over again but only to do dominance/submissive wasn't great....and my character may have lost her other traits? They're not showing or activating like they used to but maybe I'm wrong I'm not sure. I'll let you know how that console command works!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/1/2023 at 11:56 AM, ChandraArgentis said:

I’m having an issue with my attributes.  Accord to the HUD, they never change and seem locked in place.  My wear hasn’t changed in a long time, even when wearing/not wearing devices.


There's so much you could do to help isolate this kind of problem...


Like, there's debug logs you could look at. There's posting your mod list, for example (a likely cause would be a missing or conflicting mod). You could also try updating an attribute from the console to verify that the HUD is working right. 


There's many things which could go wrong, which usually means that when something went wrong, there's many other things which did not go wrong... And, for better or worse, you're going to need some way of eliminating the irrelevant possibilities.

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11 minutes ago, sen4mi said:

There's so much you could do to help isolate this kind of problem...


Like, there's debug logs you could look at. There's posting your mod list, for example (a likely cause would be a missing or conflicting mod). You could also try updating an attribute from the console to verify that the HUD is working right. 


There's many things which could go wrong, which usually means that when something went wrong, there's many other things which did not go wrong... And, for better or worse, you're going to need some way of eliminating the irrelevant possibilities.


Also, basically all of those numbers are backed by GlobalValues in the plugin, which you can get the current amounts for with help fpa_value 3 in the console.

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On 3/24/2023 at 3:04 AM, vaultbait said:


Not officially supported I don't think, but you can use the console to call into the FPA:FPA_TraitHelper.showCustimizationMenu function:


cqf fpa_main showcustomizationmenu


I don't know what the consequences of doing that after the mod has been in use might be, though for the most part those "traits" are just sets of opposing perks, so you can also use the addperk and removeperk console commands to similar effect.


This seems to have worked perfectly!! Thank you so much :D.

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On 4/8/2023 at 6:04 PM, rook29707 said:

after narrowing it down, this mod seems to be crashing my game at the main menu. never asked around and semi new to modding, so i'm having trouble figuring it out myself. any chance there's a known fix somewhere? 


On 4/8/2023 at 10:54 PM, sen4mi said:

You might find that there's another problem here.


If you can get https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56255 working, that might help you track down fixable cause (or causes) for your problem (or problems).




22 hours ago, UsernameTaken666 said:

I am almost 100% certain that this mod will not cause your CTD. Without you posting more info, like your load order, it's impossible to say.

unsure if these were directed towards me or not, but after installing the crash log scanner i went to replicate the crash and... it all works now? i haven't changed anything, but it works now so... thanks i think?

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There are some problems with the function CalculateEsteemPenaltyFromWearingDD in FPA_FormulaHelper.psc. As currently written, if the player does not have a bondage fetish and the self esteem penalty for wearing restraints is any nonzero value, the player will lose 1 self esteem per hour and will always see the restraint penalty notification, regardless of the values of the two relevant settings.


Specifically, line 739 needs to multiply the penalty by hoursPassed instead of using hoursPassed directly, and the notification in line 738 needs an if check on the previously calculated notif value.

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On 4/10/2023 at 9:16 AM, rook29707 said:

unsure if these were directed towards me or not, but after installing the crash log scanner i went to replicate the crash and... it all works now? i haven't changed anything, but it works now so... thanks i think?


If you installed Buffout 4 at the same time, it provides fixes for a variety of common game engine crash bugs as well as a much improved memory manager which makes crashes from overloading the UI far less likely.

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On 3/14/2023 at 9:43 PM, sen4mi said:

I know this has been asked about, over the years, but the HUD plugin distributed here needs work.


In MCM it says "Simple HUD for Four-Play Attributes" (so it's like it was never updated for the current Sex Attributes design).


And, of course, this mod's attributes include a variety which are not displayed by the HUD:

  • Arousal
  • Alcohol intoxication level
  • Sex addiction
  • Trauma
  • Reputation

So I guess maybe the mod needs to be re-built from scratch?


I suppose I should try taking this on (if I could figure out how to get creation kit to build something like this mod... I don't think I can build the .swf files so even if I could figure out how to connect the dots, I would probably need to take an entirely different approach).


So... tonight I went through the motions of updating this thing to display these five attributes. But I ran into some problems (of course):


First, the SexAttributes mod does not send an event when Sex addiction gets updated. So a HUD like this is not going to display sex addiction until after the base mod gets updated.


But, also, there's another strange aspect to the mod.  In MCM, the "Scale" attributes say:  0 Hides the widget, But for some reason, we are not allowed to set that scale slider to 0. Does anyone know if 0 scale causes memory leaks or something like that which would be highly time consuming to test for?


(Anyways... I still have to test this thing, and there's a bit of work I need to do before I can start testing, and it might turn out to be a complete failure. So don't get your hopes up. But... maybe, just maybe, I can get this thing updated...)




I think I have this working now. But of course, so far I am the only person who has tested it.






Edited by sen4mi
removing the attachment so I can put it in a fresh post so that if someone was interested they would know to look here...
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3 hours ago, sen4mi said:


I gave up on the HUD plugin because:

  • I no longer have a software that can modify flash files, and I find it quite annoying to deal with them
  • HUDFramework is finicky and often doesnt work when another mod is present that also uses it, e.g. sim settlements
  • A hotkey to show all attributes has been a decent substitute

If this works, I appreciate the contribution and will add it to the download section

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4 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:


I gave up on the HUD plugin because:

  • I no longer have a software that can modify flash files, and I find it quite annoying to deal with them
  • HUDFramework is finicky and often doesnt work when another mod is present that also uses it, e.g. sim settlements
  • A hotkey to show all attributes has been a decent substitute

If this works, I appreciate the contribution and will add it to the download section




I stumbled over https://github.com/jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler/wiki/Installation which let me derive new flash files from the existing flash files.


I do not know enough about HUDFramework's flaws to talk about issues involving sim settlements (which I currently avoid, for other reasons).


There is an issue with the hotkey approach which has to do with the distinction between notified updates for arousal and unnotified updates. (SA will change arousal based on what it should be in the future and hope that no one notices too early.)


Moving on...


I'm slightly tempted to try a few other things here:


It might make sense to remove the quest script and rebuild it in creation kit. I had to do a dance between Creation Kit and FO4Edit to update it because Creation Kit was throwing errors when I tried to inspect properties for the script.


But, also, it might make sense to abandon this approach entirely and switch to a "messages" based approach. In other words, I think I would like to periodically notify the user with messages about the status of attributes. The design decisions here would be (of course) deciding which messages to send ("you are horny" vs "you need to be fucked" or whatever) deciding on the conditions for when the messages show up and deciding on how often to show them. In other words, I think of constructing a representation of what the player character would likely be obsessing over which changes depending on attributes (and on surrounding conditions -- combat vs exploring vs approach vs aaf scene). (I think it makes sense to have near constant notifications during "desperate for orgasm" situations, unless it's a combat situation, and then I would work backwards from there to try to introduce other concepts. Or... in theory, I think I can make this make sense. But when I try to sketch out my plans, I keep jumping off into dimly relevant tangents...

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